Bleaching Sentence Examples
Lunge, who recommends the use of bleaching powder.
The leading industries are ship-building, bleaching and the making of flax and glue.
One of the most important derivatives of hypochlorous acid is bleaching powder.
It carries on bleaching and the manufacture of carriage bodies, awnings, drugs, biscuits, &c.
It is one of the chief manufacturing places in Rhenish Prussia, its principal industries being the spinning and weaving of cotton, the manufacture of silks, velvet, ribbon and damasks, and dyeing and bleaching.
The chief business is in butter, eggs, cattle and pigs, while bleaching, dyeing and shipbuilding are also carried on here.
The weaving and bleaching of cloth, which is of less importance than formerly, the manufacture of vehicles, and tanning are carried on; there is a large trade in the horses of the district, and granite is worked in the neighbourhood.
Its industrial establishments comprise tobacco, yarn, thread, linen and woollen cloth manufactories, bleaching and dyeing works, breweries and oil and flour mills.
A state sugar experiment station is maintained at Audubon Park in New Orleans, its work embracing the development of seedlings, the improvement of cane varieties, the study of fungus diseases of the cane, the improvement of mill methods and the reconciliation of such methods (for example, the use of sulphur as a bleaching and clarifying agent) with the requirements of " pure food " laws.
The principal industries include manufactures of linen and sailcloth, bleaching, rope-making, brewing, distilling, paper-making, in addition to nurseries and freestone quarries.
AdvertisementBleaching, brewing and brass-founding are carried on, as well as a large miscellany of manufactures.
Lead dioxide, Pb0 2, also known as "puce oxide," occurs in nature as the mineral plattnerite, and may be most conveniently prepared by heating mixed solutions of lead acetate and bleaching powder until the original precipitate blackens.
The industrial development of the place started with a colony of bleachers, attracted by the clear waters of the Wupper, who in 1532 were granted the exclusive privilege of bleaching yarn.
The chief industries are cotton spinning, weaving, bleaching, dyeing, printing, machine building and lithography, and there is an active trade in wine, beer and cheese.
Smooth lawns, pure springs and the open sky are necessary for perfecting the bleaching process.
AdvertisementIt is obvious that, with suitable methods and apparatus, the electrolysis of alkaline chlorides may be made to yield chlorine, hypochlorites (bleaching liquors), chlorates or caustic alkali, but that great care must be exercised if any of these products is to be obtained pure and with economy.
Oettel, using a 20% solution of potassium chloride, obtained the best yield of hypochlorite with a high current-density, but as soon as II% of bleaching chlorine (as hypochlorite) was present, the formation of chlorate commenced.
The same inventor has patented the application of electrolysed chlorides to the purification of starch by the oxidation of less stable organic bodies, to the bleaching of oils, and to the purification of coal gas, spirit and other substances.
The ozone so prepared has numerous uses, as, for example, in bleaching oils, waxes, fabrics, &c., sterilizing drinking-water, maturing wines, cleansing foul beer-casks, oxidizing oil, and in the manufacture of vanillin.
There have also been introduced processes in which the chlorine is generated in the chloridizing vat, the reagents used being dilute solutions of bleaching powder and an acid.
AdvertisementElsner recognized, in 1846, the part played by the atmosphere, and in 1879 Dixon showed that bleaching powder, manganese dioxide, and other oxidizing agents, facilitated the solution.
There are three substances which can be relied on more or less to remove this compound, and the gas to be purified may be passed either through acid copper salts, through bleaching powder or through chromic acid.
The more important industries comprise cotton manufactures, iron works, boat-building, dyeing and bleaching, tanning, rope-making and salt-making.
There is also a great seasonal change in appearance and colour in this squirrel, owing to the ears losing their tufts of hair and to the bleaching of the tail.
Cotton manufacture, dyeing, printing, bleaching, brewing, type-founding, and the manufacture of tram and railway carriages are among the more important of its industries.
AdvertisementBleaching, and the manufacture of bottle capsules, patent leather and other articles are carried on at Arcueil; and there are important stone-quarries.
The cotton manufacture is the principal industry; there are also calico printing, dyeing and bleaching works, machinery and iron works, woollen manufactures, and coal mines and quarries in the vicinity.
The cognate trades of bleaching, dyeing and machine-making have been long carried on.
It is a white crystalline solid, easily soluble in water, the solution showing a strongly acid reaction with litmus; the colour, however, is ultimately discharged by the bleaching power of the compound.
Its principal industries are spinning, weaving and bleaching.
Its principal industrial establishments are mechanical works (both in the city and at Lundby), saw-mills, dealing with the timber which is brought down the Gota, flour-mills, margarine factories, breweries and distilleries, tobacco works, cotton mills, dyeing and bleaching works (at Levanten in the vicinity), furniture factories, paper and leather works, and shipbuilding yards.
Linen yarn and cloth are largely manufactured, especially in the south about Osnabruck and Hildesheim, and bleaching is engaged in extensively; woollen cloths are made to a considerable extent in the south about Einbeck, Göttingen and Hameln; cotton-spinning and weaving have their principal seats at Hanover and Linden.
The natural colour of tussur silk is a greyish fawn, and that shade it was found impossible to discharge by any of the ordinary bleaching agents, so as to obtain a basis for light and delicate dyes.
Gentler means of oxidation have since been found for bleaching tussur to a fairly pale ground.
A portion of the eria cocoons are white, while the others are of a lively brown colour, and for the dyeing of light colours the latter require to undergo a bleaching process.
There are extensive hop gardens, bleaching grounds and tanneries in the neighbourhood of the town.
Perth has long been famous for its dyeing and bleaching, the bleach-fields being mostly situated outside of the city, in convenient proximity to the Tay and Almond.
The substances used as tests in these reactions are caustic potash and calcium hypochlorite; the former being the substance dissolved in an equal weight of water and the latter a saturated extract of bleaching powder in water.
Besides the manufacture of sheeting, towelling, ticks, dowlas and sail-cloth, the principal industries include flax-spinning, net-making, bleaching, dyeing, tanning, brewing, brass and iron founding, and there are potteries, flour-mills, engineering works, fisheries, and factories for the making of oil-cloth and linoleum.
In these it stands about eight hours, bleaching in the sun, after which it is ready for storing.
In the preparation of chloroform by the action of bleaching powder on ethyl alcohol it is probable that the alcohol is ..rst oxidized to acetaldehyde, which is subsequently chlorinated and then decomposed.
It has also important plush, silk and hosiery manufactures, as well as extensive bleaching works, and does a very large export trade to all parts of the world in these branches.
In the Carboniferous Limestone series, the purer kinds of limestone are used for the manufacture of lime, bleaching powder and similar products, also as a flux in the smelting of iron; some of the less pure varieties are used in making cement.
Other thriving industries include bleaching, dyeing, calico-printing, weaving (carpets, shawls, tartans), engineering, tanning, iron and brass founding, brewing, distilling, and the making of starch, cornflour, soap, marmalade and other preserves, besides some shipbuilding in the yards on the left bank of the White Cart.
In his researches on the bleaching compounds of chlorine he was the first to advance the view that bleaching-powder is a double compound of calcium chloride and hypochlorite; and he devoted much time to the problem of economically obtaining soda and potash from seawater, though here his efforts were nullified by the discovery of the much richer sources of supply afforded by the Stassfurt deposits.
The chief industries include bleaching, calico-printing, cotton-spinning, weaving, iron and brass founding, engineering and the manufacture of sanitary appliances.
It has also important and growing manufactures of ladies' mantles, boots and shoes, machines, furniture, woollen goods, musical instruments, agricultural machinery and implements, leather, tobacco, chemicals, &c. Brewing, bleaching and dyeing are also carried on on a large scale, and there are extensive railway works and a government rifle factory.
The principal industries include the weaving of linen and damasks, bleaching, distilling and malting.
Sometimes the chlorine is employed directly for bleaching purposes, especially for some kinds of paper.
His services to industry included his improvements in the processes for the manufacture of sulphuric acid (1818) and oxalic acid (1829); methods of estimating the amount of real alkali in potash and soda by the volume of standard acid required for neutralization, and for estimating the available chlorine in bleaching powder by a solution of arsenious acid; directions for the use of the centesimal alcoholometer published in 1824 and specially commended by the Institute; and the elaboration of a method of assaying silver by a standard solution of common salt, a volume on which was published in 1833.
Bleaching and brewing are also carried on, and the neighbourhood is rich in vineyards and fruit-gardens.
Chlorine may also be obtained by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on bleaching powder.
Chlorine is used commercially for the extraction of gold and for the manufacture of "bleaching powder" and of chlorates.
The commercial acid is usually yellow in colour and contains many impurities, such as traces of arsenic, sulphuric acid, chlorine, ferric chloride and sulphurous acid; but these do not interfere with its application to the preparation of bleaching powder, in which it is chiefly consumed.
Without further purification it is also used for "souring" in bleaching, and in tin and lead soldering.
The solution has a pale yellow colour, and is a strong oxidizing and bleaching agent; it is readily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, with evolution of oxygen.
A solution of sodium hypochlorite (Eau de Javel), which can be prepared by passing chlorine into a cold aqueous solution of caustic soda, has been extensively used for bleaching purposes.
The former, being soluble, is left in the water; but the latter, an insoluble body, is in part attached to the fibres, from which it is only separated by changing into soluble metapectic acid under the action of hot alkaline ley in the subsequent process of bleaching.
The fibre bleaches with facility, up to a certain point, sufficient to enable it to take brilliant and delicate shades of dye colour, but it is with great difficulty brought to a pure white by bleaching.
It owes its origin almost entirely to the cotton printing and bleaching works of the vicinity, for which there is an abundant supply of excellent water, and contains one of the largest of the Turkey-red dyeing establishments in the Vale of Leven.
The industries of Bonhill centre in the calico printing, dyeing and bleaching which find their headquarters in the valley.
By the action -of bleaching powder it is converted into chlorpicrin, CC1 3 NO 2.
The meadows south of Alost are often covered with the linen undergoing the process of bleaching, which makes them assume the aspect of a whitish-blue carpet.
Among the substances of which he investigated the composition were ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen and prussic acid, and his experiments on chlorine, which he regarded, not as an element, but as oxygenated muriatic (oxymuriatic) acid, led him to propose it as a bleaching agent in 1785.
The nuts furthermore have been applied to the manufacture of an oil for burning, cosmetic preparations and starch, and in Switzerland, France and Ireland, when rasped on ground, to the bleaching of flax, hemp, silk and wool.
Other industries include bleaching, silk-weaving, fire-clay and enamelling works, and a sanitary appliances factory.
It has extensive dyeworks, bleaching grounds and manufactories for linen and woollen goods.
The aqueous solution is light yellow in colour, and possesses strong bleaching properties.
Bleaching powder oxidizes it to chlorcarbostyril.
The winter whitening of mammals is, therefore, precisely similar to the senile bleaching of human hair, no shift of the coat taking place.
A monopoly of bleaching was granted to the town, and thus a considerable trade in woollen and linen yarns was attracted to Chemnitz; paper was made here, and in the 16th century the manufacture of cloth was very flourishing.
The staple industries are linen and jute manufactures, but brewing, tanning, bleaching, ropemaking and iron-founding are also carried on.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
It is the chief seat of the cotton manufacture in Derbyshire, and it has also woollen and paper mills, dye and print works, and bleaching greens.
The leading industries include the manufacture of sailcloth, canvas and coarse linens, tanning, boot and shoe making, and bleaching, besides engineering works, iron foundries, chemical works, shipbuilding and fisheries.
The industries include bleaching, dyeing and paper-making.
They may also be prepared by oxidizing chromium salts (in alkaline solution) with hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, bleaching powder, potassium permanganate and manganese dioxide.
Therefore all bleaching and refining processes involving other means than those enumerated can only be used for technical oils and fats, such as lubricating oils, burning oils, paint oils, soap-making oils, &c.
Bleaching by the aid of chemicals requires great circumspection.
The general methods of bleaching besides those mentioned already as.
The methods of bleaching by oxygen include all those which aim at the bleaching by exposure to the air and to sunlight (as in the case of artists' linseed-oil), or where oxygen or ozone is introduced in the form of gas or is evolved by chemicals, as manganese dioxide, potassium bichromate or potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid..
In the process of bleaching by means of chlorine either bleaching powder or bichromates and hydrochloric acid are used.
In 1989, activists in England mounted a campaign against chlorine bleaching.
The park was created on land previously used for bleaching, dyeing, calico printing and mining.
In extreme cases, a non-toxic bleaching agent can be employed to restore the whiteness of rug fringes.
Bracken and male fern were gathered from the woods during the 17th and 18th centuries, and burned to make potash for bleaching linen.
The palace had been sold and converted into a bleaching works and calico printing factory after the last Archbishop had left in the 1770s.
Laser or power whitening will be more expensive than professional bleaching.
Chloride of lime or "bleaching powder" is a calcium chlorhypochlorite or an equimolecular mixture of the chloride and hypochlorite (see Alkali Manufacture and Bleaching).
Linen yarn and cloth are largely manufactured, especially in the south about Osnabruck and Hildesheim, and bleaching is engaged in extensively; woollen cloths are made to a considerable extent in the south about Einbeck, Göttingen and Hameln; cotton-spinning and weaving have their principal seats at Hanover and Linden.
Hydrogen peroxide finds application as a bleaching agent, as an antiseptic, for the removal of the last traces of chlorine and sulphur dioxide employed in bleaching, and for various quantitative separations in analytical chemistry (P. Jannasch, Ber., 1893, 26, p. 2908).
Fleitmann, Ann., 1865, 134, p. 64); by the action of a ferrous or manganous salt with a salt of cobalt, nickel or copper on bleaching powder (G.
Chem., 1866, 9 8, p. 340); by the action of chlorine on steam at a bright red heat; by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by bleaching powder, manganese dioxide, potassium ferricyanide in alkaline solution, or potassium permanganate in acid solution; by heating barium peroxide with an aqueous solution of potassium ferricyanide (G.
It is on this property that its bleaching and disinfecting power depends (see Bleaching).
Antimony and its salts may be readily detected by the orange precipitate of antimony sulphide which is produced when sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through their acid solutions, and also by the Marsh test (see Arsenic); in this latter case the black stain produced is not soluble in bleaching powder solution.
The chief industry of Cambrai is the weaving of muslin (batiste) and other fine fabrics (see Cambric); wool-spinning and weaving, bleaching and dyeing, are carried on, as well as the manufacture of chicory, oil, soap, sausages and metal boxes.
Bleaching, if successful, can take longer on tetracycline stained teeth.
But if the bbc needs to yank up its socks with both hands, then the government 's pair need a thorough soapy bleaching.
The bleaching, washing and folding of cloth diapers made from linen or flannel and secured with diaper pins was just one motivating aspect, the other was that cloth diapers came in one size.
Existing fabrics can be given this time-worn appearance by bleaching lightly or using a tea-stain technique.
Also known as power bleaching, laser tooth whitening is an in-office whitening procedure.
Whitening that occurs at your dentist's office is known as in-office teeth bleaching.
In general, bleaching that occurs at your dentist's office is more expensive, but produces a quicker, more noticeable result.
If you have a special event, severe discoloration or little time to invest, this system may be the right choice for your teeth bleaching needs.
With this laser of light, the individual teeth that need to be whitened can be isolated, which protects the gums and cheeks from the bleaching agents.
As one of the more expensive types of teeth bleaching, expect to spend between $300 to a $1000 on laser tooth whitening.
Be sure to also shop around, as many dental offices will offer specials on cosmetic dentistry procedures, particularly teeth bleaching.
During that time, your dentist will apply the bleaching agents and utilize the laser.
If your teeth are yellowed, you may be a good candidate for in-office bleaching.
Those with gray or brown teeth may not benefit from bleaching.
Bonded teeth and those with white or "tooth" colored fillings are also not good candidates for bleaching.
The in-office bleaching process is simple and shouldn't take more than thirty minutes to an hour.
Your gums are coated with a protective gel and teeth with a bleaching agent.
Your dentist may also use a special light in conjunction with the bleaching agent, known as laser tooth whitening.
The cost of in-office bleaching varies, but you can expect to pay anywhere between $300 and $2000.
Bleaching trays are a more awkward to use than white strips.
So, if you're using a bleaching tray system, be sure it's something that you can wear comfortably for at least thirty minutes.
Bleaching in this manner has been known to cause teeth to become more sensitive, especially to hot and cold fluids.
Bleaching may cause tooth sensitivity, but it's usually a temporary side effect.
People with gum and mouth disease, women who are pregnant, and those whose teeth are stained by a medication should not use over-the-counter bleaching products.
This is why tooth bleaching has become one of the most popular beauty makeovers in the United States today.
A dental dam is a device that protects the gums and soft tissue from exposure to the bleaching chemicals.
Explore these with your dentist before selecting any tooth bleaching process.
This is significantly whiter than take home strips or trays that typically create a bleaching effect of four to six shades lighter after multiple weeks.
Individuals with anxiety have occasionally had trouble relaxing during the entire bleaching process.
Teeth bleaching is the process of using a chemical bleaching agent to whiten teeth.
The bleaching agent is placed in a tray which is fitted over the teeth.
This procedure is done in the cosmetic dentistry office and involves spreading a bleaching gel over the teeth and utilizing a laser to activate the bleach.
All standard tooth whitening products contain a bleaching gel with either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.
Applies the bleaching agent to your teeth with flexible strips you wear for 30 minutes a day.
A bleaching gel manufactured by Discus Dental - ask your dentist for retail outlets.
Opalescence was the first American Dental Association accepted, syringe delivered, take-home bleaching gel.
A bleaching gel used in a mouth tray usually employed overnight.
As a form of cosmetic dentistry, teeth bleaching is like makeup for your mouth.
Just as good foundation can clean up your face, bleaching your teeth will clean up your smile.
When individuals resist smiling because of the fear of discolored teeth, then teeth bleaching will become an important social issue.
The teeth bleaching process is a truly cosmetic procedure, with no added health benefit.
Teeth bleaching will erase this accumulation of stains.
Like tossing some extra bleach into your laundry, teeth bleaching products are the same process, only with less toxic chemicals.
Although bleaching can still cause some irritation, it is not a hazardous procedure.
Whether the teeth bleaching procedure is performed at home or the dentist, the same basic process is performed.
The bleaching chemicals are applied to your teeth for a certain length of time and they gradually remove the stain molecules from the tooth surface.
So, if you are interested in teeth bleaching, it is always best to discuss it with your dentist, whichever method you choose.
That was when I knew it was time to get serious about teeth bleaching.
A bleaching solution is placed inside plastic trays and the trays are worn on top of the teeth.
This is a more thorough bleaching solution since it reaches every single tooth, a feat strips can't accomplish and is difficult to achieve with brush-on products you must apply yourself.
Trays may irritate the gums more than other bleaching products because of the way they sit over the teeth.
Then the laser light comes into play, aiming its rays at the gel and helping to activate the bleaching compound.
Bleaching your teeth will provide you with a very immediate result, but costs range anywhere from $300 and up and it will also affect your oral health.
His hair is actually a dark brown, but he's been bleaching it with peroxide since he was a teenager.
A proprietary two-step bleaching and heating process produce chocolate pearls from black Tahitian pearls taken from Black-Lipped oysters.
Once they undergo the bleaching process the result is pearls in stunning shades of chocolate brown with intense luster and undertones.
Organic materials are rarely pure white as this entails bleaching the fabric.
Bamboo fibers created by hydrolysis alkalization using multi-phase bleaching are not environmentally friendly.
Since the bleaching process is chemical, organic flours are unbleached.
The unbleached blend is not organic, but it is made without chemical bleaching.
If you have brown or black hair interspersed with gray tones, bleaching is the best way to change the overall hair color, especially if you want to eventually have blonde hair.
If you try to dye black or brown hair blonde without bleaching it first, it will turn orange.
Start with bleaching small portions of hair (or creating highlights) before bleaching your entire head of hair.
Start the timer as soon as you start bleaching.
Be sure to use deep conditioner afterwards since bleaching will make your hair even more coarse and straw-like.
Bleaching your own hair is a great way to cover up the gray without spending a lot of time and money.
A growing number of commercial products are now available designed specifically to pull the red wine stain out of any type fabric including carpets, without bleaching the color out of the surrounding area.
Also, the bleaching chemicals need to be of a steady consistency.
For example, silvery highlights are accomplished with an initial bleaching and then a silver-tinged color application to the hair.
It is related-to but not in the same culture as hardcore punk, and so excessive spiking, bleaching, and accessorizing is not definitively emo, though moderate amounts are acceptable in the culture.
Use this type of extension to add a wild splash of color like red or blue without committing to bleaching your hair.
Bleaching changes the chemical composition of hair and many charities do not accept it because it interacts with other chemicals used during the wig-making process.
They meet a woman who used so much skin bleaching cream that she was left disfigured.
Skin doctors use bleaching solutions, even laser lights to remove the dark spots.
If they bother you, you can cover them with concealing makeup or try a gentle bleaching agent containing hydroquinone.
Staying out of the sun and using prescription bleaching creams can help to prevent this.
If dark spots do appear, they can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription bleaching creams.
Lemon juice, when squeezed from the actual lemon, has natural bleaching properties.
Lemon juice has long been prized by bathing beauties for its ability to lighten the hair when sunbathing, and lemon juice mixed with white sugar to make a paste is an ancient formula for bleaching skin.
The natural bleaching can help fade scars, while the astringent and power-punch of vitamin C can be of use on pimples.
If you want to hasten the process, use over-the-counter skin creams designed to lighten dark spots; many of these contain hydroquinone, a bleaching ingredient.
Prescriptions - Your physician may be willing to give you a topical prescription for a bleaching cream.
A bleaching cream will fade your spots gradually over time.
In order to get the best results, you should practice safe sun protection during and after using the bleaching cream.
Bleaching agents are the most conventional treatment for freckles, but they usually have limited success.
Fade creams and bleaching creams have also provided some measure of success.
Many users have reported having bleaching issues.
A large number of cotton mills furnish the chief source of industry; printing, dyeing and bleaching of cotton and calico, spinning and weaving machine making, iron and steel works, and collieries in the neighbourhood, are also important.
The cognate industry of bleaching has been carried on since early in the 18th century, and large ironworks grew up in the latter half of the 19th century.
Bleaching and cotton-spinning and the manufacture of fire-bricks and tiles are carried on.
In the presence of water it frequently acts as a bleaching agent, the bleaching process in this case being one of reduction.
Of the vegetable oils, in addition to cotton-seed and coco-nut, olive oil is the basis of soaps for calico printers and silk dyers; castor oil yields transparent soaps (under suitable treatment), whilst crude palm oil, with bone fat, is employed for making brown soap, and after bleaching it yields ordinary pale or mottled.
The solution, containing hypochlorites and chlorates, was then applied to the bleaching of linen, paper-pulp or the like, the solution being used over and over again.