Blatant Sentence Examples
He lifted his head in blatant rejection.
She turned her back on him in blatant disregard he wasn't likely to misinterpret.
The blatant defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn't know how to respond.
Kiera felt her ire rise at the blatant appraisal.
The cool toss of his head-- a blatant dismissal-- changed her mind again.
Her mouth dropped open at the blatant threat.
Sorry. That was a pretty blatant case of prying, wasn't it?
Sofia watched, astonished at the blatant display, and almost didn't prep herself for her first encounter.
He gets so finicky over such irrelevant things, he tells yet more blatant lies and refuses to accept what he has done.
His blatant disregard for the laws regarding his imprisonment and assumed kidnapping of a dhjan guest would see him ordered before the Council, if not hurl him into a war he could ill afford.
AdvertisementI don't think I was ever so blatant.
In addition, there are no blatant symptoms of the disease, so doctors cannot properly diagnose the illness until it's significantly advanced.
Only racist violence and aggression (as were the skinhead attacks on minorities in Germany) or blatant forms of discrimination are criticized.
The one thing my parents cannot abide blatant disobedience.
Most couples assume that a theme must be bold and blatant, but butterfly favors can be a delicate accent to many different themes.
AdvertisementWhile playing Raving Rabbids, you'll come across several elements that are blatant spoofs or references to popular culture.
Now, if someone keeps continually breaking dates over and over those are then blatant lies correct?
The safest bet, even though it requires a bit more creativity, is to use words that can be suggestive without being blatant.
Choosing a ring design with a religious symbol is a bold statement of personal spirituality, and some individuals may not be comfortable with such a blatant symbol, instead preferring a more subtle, private devotion.
It takes blatant self-promotion to earn any money writing poetry.
AdvertisementYou can use tribal designs to suggest the image of a fairy without being blatant or too cutesy about it if that isn't your style, or you could place a fairy in the center of a standard tribal motif.
There are many cases of watches with the brand name spelled incorrectly or with other blatant errors.
Giving loved ones a blatant reminder of their physical deficiencies is alike to gift-wrapping an insult.
The two exchanged pleasantries and blatant flirtations as they walked to Chapman's, an upscale men's clothier.
Given her blatant ignorance of his rules, he had every probable cause to do so.
AdvertisementThe blatant challenge warmed the fire in his blood, and he approached.
Irrespective of the validity of some of the comments and the subtle innuendo, there was blatant hostility.
It was possibly the most one-sided piece of blatant propaganda that has ever been transmitted in Britain in time of peace.
As Lagerfeld himself observed, you no longer have to be a rock star to attract too much attention and receive such blatant adoration.
So, as stefan rightly points out, blatant advertising is NOT tolerated on this forum.
Such trolls are relatively easy to spot because their attack or provocation is fairly blatant, and the persona is fairly two-dimensional.
A case of blatant political censorship against those who dared question the council line?
I guess I can forgive him the blatant commercialism, I'm sure the money keeps him out there doing what he does best.
Amazingly, this blatant example of theological self contradiction is almost completely ignored.
What this new legislation should do is put an end to the blatant discrimination routinely practiced against trainee-teachers in schools up until now.
Such blatant disregard for the simple principles behind a student union does not bode well for the politics of the future.
You don't want to walk up to a girl or a guy and just ask for a kiss, because that would be too blatant.
While many signs are subtle, others are quite blatant-- if you know what to look for.
It seems to be a rather blatant reason to show a little skin amidst the sci-fi action.
I saw Uncle Charlie at his worst because he was quite blatant in his refusal to have anything to do with Company affairs.
These party-political shenanigans arguably contribute as much to Italy's ongoing political farce as the blatant corruption at the top.
Boba's pose is, in a way, emblematic of Lucas's blatant disrespect for Star Wars fans.
The most blatant falsehoods are in respect of temporal structure.
And he believes if FIFA don't act now EVERY big tournament will be wrecked by blatant gamesmanship.
Knight then missed another blatant handball on 74 minutes, with Arber risking becoming the second Peterboro player to be sent off.
Nor will it from the blatant handball from Drogba prior to putting the ball into the net in the second half.
With the androgyny gone we dive deep into blatant homoeroticism.
Such blatant inconsistency is quite revealing to say the least.
And Vieira has just been fined £ 2,300 for speaking up against the blatant injustice.
This is a blatant lie and misleading as European Regulation once agreed by the Commission MUST be implemented into National compliance.
To the more extreme end you find the blatant misogyny flaunted in Slick Rick's track ' Treat Her Like A Prostitute ' .
In my opinion what we had here was a blatant misuse of his position described as chair of a publicly funded body.
Am I the only person to have noticed Ms. Smith blatant plagiarism.
In perhaps the most blatant rip-off, we have a techno-geek agent who supplies our main hero with the gadgets to complete the mission.
If Mars is attuned to subtle seduction, for example, the most blatant siren call will be ignored.
And of course, all the spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler!
Presumably this change would apply to other acts of blatant stupidity.
The invasion was a blatant attempt to use the flag waving patriotism of war to quell unrest in the working classes.
The attempt by Mrs Cave to suggest that it must be a mistake was in our view a blatant untruth.
Is this not a blatant violation of the resolutions of the Security Council?
And of course, all the spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler !
You will see vendors of tortoiseshell jewelry in blatant violation of Panamanian law.
The one thing my parents cannot abide is blatant disobedience.
Use word-of-mouth to spread the idea of cash as a gift, instead of printing a silly and blatant poem on the wedding shower invitations asking for money.
The fifth Apprentice has barely been hired and already The Donald has signed up for another year of blatant product placement and shameless self promotion.
Had to drink water to cool down" or as blatant as the classic song "When I think about you, I touch myself."
Most viewers take the nudity in context and know when it's being blatant or accidental for the creativity of the show.
Romas could have convinced his brother to leave Kiera be, but now, with a blatant challenge from the prisoner, who had dared Kisolm to claim Kiera before he did … Romas trusted his brother, but Evelyn had seen the look on Kisolm's face when he looked at Kiera.
Despite a pretty blatant title the film isn't constituted entirely by large amounts of violence.
The spiders and I have a truce, but if their webs become too blatant I start wielding my feather duster with a vengeance!
It could be blatant homophobia, or there could have been other reasons.
Glenys Kinnock today blasted the ' blatant hypocrisy ' of the EU in its engagement with regimes guilty of human rights abuses.
I have never, ever in my life been subjected to such blatant liars as we met in that station.
Lingerie that is crafted for blatant sex appeal or simply sexy undertones may include a wide variety of items within a set.
After one of the very blatant episodes we ran her for a long time and played with her, although she did get in trouble and put out for a while first.
She rolled her eyes, uninterested in having such a blatant reminder of Toni's perfect body.