Blasphemous Sentence Examples
Thou dreamest that thou art wise because thou couldst utter those blasphemous words, he went on, with a somber and scornful smile.
In 1619 he was accused of blasphemous and indecent writings, and was banished from Paris.
This declaration disturbs the rabbis, who regard it as a blasphemous usurpation of Divine authority.
Christian, who loved to figure as "the friend of God, the enemy of the priests," is sometimes called "the mad bishop," and was a merciless, coarse, and blasphemous man.
In 1763 he was condemned for blasphemous libel in his paper called the Free Enquirer (nine numbers only).
Plutarch purposely omits as " too blasphemous " the legend of the mangling of Horus.
Bruce Almighty is a light-hearted film that will appeal to all ages and, despite such potentially blasphemous content, it remains entirely inoffensive.
But no religion was quite so blasphemous as to pretend that it was scientifically investigating its god to see what he was made of.
The members of LGCM were investigated for facilitating (in its literal sense of making easier) access to an allegedly blasphemous poem.
In due course the priest was to arrive (Irish of course) muttering something that sounded faintly blasphemous under his breath.
AdvertisementMoreau is a fabulously blasphemous gothic replay of the Garden of Eden and a Swiftian satire on modern man's self-image.
He improved the incomes of poor livings by revenues derived from episcopal estates and the fines of delinquents.An important feature of his church government was the appointment on the 20th of March 1654 of the "Triers," thirty-eight clerical and lay commissioners, who decided upon the qualifications of candidates for livings, and without whose recommendation none could be appointed; while an ordinance of August 1654 provided for the removal of the unfit, the latter class including besides immoral persons those holding "popish" or blasphemous opinions, those publicly using the English Prayer Book, and the disaffected to the government.
Honestly, making alterations to Gregory's Girl is utterly blasphemous to me. what next, the Special Edition?
Suffice to say Pilot comment on arrival was often blasphemous toward those responsible for building in such a location.
Kazantzakis's classic novel, blacklisted by the Vatican, filmed by Scorsese, has been labeled heretical, blasphemous and a masterpiece.
AdvertisementThe most frenzied scrutiny failed to disclose any eldritch tentacles writhing from the graves, nor even a consolatory puddle of blasphemous ichor.
Suffer no wicked mouth to make blasphemous mirth out of my distresses by asking, " Where is thy God?
To them Jeremiah's radical words of the destruction of the temple and the cessation of the Davidic monarchy were blasphemous.
If any one desires to appreciate the intellectual plane and the power - of this Ultramontane habit of thought, he will find ample material in the performances of the notorious swindler Leo Taxil under Leo XIII., and in the acceptance of his blasphemous effusions by the highest ranks of the clergy.
Part of her speech didn't sit well with the Catholic League for Religious and Civil rights, who called her remarks "obscene and blasphemous."
AdvertisementIt is argued that the literal rendering of this passage is inadmissible, because no man has ever seen God; on the other hand, the insertion of the word " angel " before God would be blasphemous.
The attempt to solve the apparent incongruity of a perfect union of two complete and distinct natures in one person produced first Apollinarianism, which substituted the divine Logos for the human y ob's or 7rveuµa of Jesus, thereby detracting from the completeness of his humanity; and then Nestorianism, which destroyed the unity of Christ's person by affirming that the divine Logos dwelt in the man Jesus as in a temple, and that the union of the two was in respect of dignity, and furthermore that, inasmuch as the Logos could not have been born, to call Mary 9eororcos, " Godbearer," was absurd and blasphemous.
A stubborn, secular, and even blasphemous society sometimes will be stopped short only when a tragedy of national proportions takes place.
Opponents to secular speakers sometimes tried to trick them into saying something that would be regarded as blasphemous.
The common law offense of blasphemous libel is still in place in the " free " country of Great Britain!
AdvertisementMoreau is a fabulously blasphemous gothic replay of the Garden of Eden and a Swiftian satire on modern man 's self-image.
The words "blasphemous" and "excommunication" came up, so I'm thinking the Pope did not ask for a rain check just because he could not fit her in his schedule.
His own definition of blasphemous libel was enforced in the 1 Two of his later acts, allowing the defendant in an action for libel to prove veritas, and giving a right of action to the representatives of persons killed through negligence, also deserve mention.
Here the cosmological element is and though naturally this self-assertion seemed blasphemous to those who did not accept him, yet as he had transformed the traditional notion of the kingdom, so did he the current thought of the Messiah.
Amid much that he disapproved, what he specially took exception to as heretical and blasphemous was the doctrine entertained as to the nature of this divine light, the fruition of which was the supposed reward of hesychastic contemplation.
She had become an ardent freethinker, and shortly afterwards she was prosecuted and convicted, together with Charles Bradlaugh, for publishing " blasphemous " literature.
Among those of New Haven are the prohibition of trial by jury, the infliction of the death penalty for adultery, and of the same penalty for conspiracy against the jurisdiction, the strict observance of the Sabbath enjoined, and heavy fines for " concealing or entertaining Quaker or other blasphemous hereticks."
In 1841 Edward Moxon was found guilty of the publication of a blasphemous libel (Shelley's Queen Mab), the prosecution having been instituted by Henry Hetherington, who had previously been condemned to four months' imprisonment for a similar offence, and wished to test the law under which he was punished.
Though Nachmanides was assured that perfect freedom of speech was conceded to him, his defence was pronounced blasphemous and he was banished for life.