Blank Sentence Examples
She gave him a blank look.
Jessi poured herself more coffee, eyes going to the blank iPad calendar.
The computer screen before him was blank, but he didn't notice.
Jonny's eyes were open and blank, his face pale.
The box is blank.
He was met with a blank stare but kept going.
For the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. the history of the country is a blank.
The " blank " or unmarked piece of metal was placed on a small anvil (ambos), and the die was held in position with tongs.
At the center of the installation sits a large roll of blank newsprint.
Ermolov, Miloradovich, Platov, and others in proximity to the French near Vyazma could not resist their desire to cut off and break up two French corps, and by way of reporting their intention to Kutuzov they sent him a blank sheet of paper in an envelope.
AdvertisementSorry. When I read about the killing in Canada my mind went blank on everything else.
The century after the death of Hippocrates is a time almost blank in medical annals.
Howie doesn't remember any details of his prior life; family; studying for the priest hood, college... a blank slate and he can't find the chalk.
Suddenly, a blank check – even from Death – didn't seem like enough for what his one kiss might cost her.
He signed a blank treaty of peace with the Mahrattas, who were still in arms, reversed the action of the Madras government towards the nizam, and concentrated all the resources of Bengal against Hyder Ali.
AdvertisementThere were catastrophes detrimental to the preservation of older literary records, and vicissitudes which, if they have not left their mark on contemporary history - which is singularly blank - may be traced on the representations of the past.
Days on which he had not shot anything at the hunt were blank days for him.
Between 1808 and 181 r he travelled much both in England and the south of Europe, and in 1812 published a blank verse translation of the Inferno.
The eastern shores of the Aegean, which the earliest historical records represent to us as the seat of a brilliant civilization, giving way before the advance of the great military empires (Lydia and afterwards Persia), are almost a blank in Homer's map. The line of settlements can be traced in the Catalogue from Crete to Rhodes, and embraces the neighbouring islands of Cos and Calymnos.
We spent a lot of time doing fill in the blank exercises on Simple Present tense conjugation.
AdvertisementPlease do not use indentation, add blank lines or align the right hand side of the text.
Anything shallower than a half-inch bas-relief is a blank to her, so far as it expresses an idea of beauty.
Genealogy Search has blank family group record forms and charts.
The death dealer touched a gloved finger to a blank spot on the construction paper, and an orchid sprung up, ethereal and hovering over the paper.
His face, however, was blank.
AdvertisementEverything west of the river was blank.
She was a talker—told me how she figured the guy was gonna cheat on the sales tax so he pays in cash and gets the title signed over in blank.
The windows were blank.
The calendar was completely blank.
Four out of his five papers on applied mathematics were sent up absolutely blank.
The Rashtrakuta or Ratta clan are supposed to have held power during the historical blank before the 6th century; but they came to the front in A.D.
With great imperfections, this study in Miltonic blank verse displays the genius of a poet, in spite of a curious obscurity both of thought and style.
In 1905 the total value of all factory products was $30,731,332, of which $10,620,255 (or 34.6% of the total) represented paper and wood pulp; $5,019,817, cotton goods; $1,318,409, woollen goods; $1,756,473, book binding and blank books, and $2,022,759, foundry and machine-shop products.
From this time onwards the history of Essex is almost a blank.
One blow was usually insufficient, and the method was similar to that still used in striking medals in high relief, except that the blank is now allowed to cool before being struck.
In striking, the lower die was fixed into a block of wood, and the blank piece of metal laid upon it by hand.
If the weight of the blank is slightly below the standard weight, a somewhat larger cutter is used, so that the blanks may be of correct weight.
If the blank is too heavy the fillet may of course be passed through the rolls again.
In the case of very large silver coins only one blank is cut in the width of the fillet, but bronze fillets are made wider so that three penny blanks are cut out at each stroke of the machine.
The distance between the block and the plate is adjusted so as to be slightly less than the diameter of the blank, and the result is that the edge of the blank is thickened and its diameter reduced before it escapes from the machine.
The removal of part of the copper from the blank raises the percentage of silver contained in them and this is allowed for by adding an equivalent amount of copper to the metal when it is melted.
Each blank is placed on the lower of two dies and the upper die is brought down forcibly upon it.
The pressure causes the soft metal to flow like a viscous solid, but its lateral escape is prevented by a collar which surrounds the blank while it is being struck.
The collar A' is then raised by the lever G so as to encircle the blank, and the upper die which is held at A is brought down.
The blank is then again passed through the automatic balance and is sent forward to the coining press if the correctness of the weight is confirmed.
Some metal from the surface of each blank then passes into solution, and the blanks are reduced in weight with remarkable uniformity.
If this date is left blank, practice has limited the arbiter's power of deciding to a year and a day, unless, having express or clearly implied power in the submission, he exercises this power, or the parties expressly or tacitly agree to its prorogation.
And so the prophet was compelled to teach that the immediate future of Israel was a blank, that the state as a state was doomed.
The 13th century, from the point of view of Biblical renderings into the vernacular, is an absolute blank.
For the next decade his history was almost a blank, his time being occupied for the most part on The Consulate and the Empire.
In the 18th century it is certain that the letters were often issued blank, i.e.
This monastery, like the oriental monasteries generally, is surrounded by a strong and lofty blank stone wall, enclosing an area of between 3 and 4 acres.
In medieval and modern times album denotes a book of blank pages in which verses, autographs, sketches, photographs and the like are collected.
The present was a blank, in which religious duty was summed up in patient obedience to the law and penitent submission to the Divine chastisements.
It is opposed to all forms of intuitionalism, and holds that the mind is originally an absolute blank (tabula rasa), on which, as it were, sense-given impressions are mechanically recorded, without any action on the part of the mind.
These men were specially Service trained at Dehra Dun in the work of surveying, and entered Tibet with a strong wooden box with a specially concealed secret drawer for holding observing instruments, .a prayer wheel with rolls of blank paper instead of prayers in the barrel on which observations might be noted, and lamaic rosaries by the beads of which each hundred paces might be counted.
In the earlier stages of the inquiry, when it was important to meet the doubts which had been expressed as to the presence of the new gas in the atmosphere, blank experiments were executed in which air was replaced by nitrogen from ammonium nitrite.
This view is opposed to the various systems which regard the mind as a tabula rasa (blank tablet) in which the outside world as it were imprints itself through the senses.
The object is to fill up the blank space as quickly and as evenly as possible.
The play, which is written in blank verse, is too obviously a continuation of Lessing's theological controversy to rank high as poetry, but the representatives of the three religions - the Mahommedan Saladin, the Jew Nathan and the Christian Knight Templar - are finely conceived, and show that Lessing's dramatic instinct had, in spite of other interests, not deserted him.
Under the pretext of seeking a passport, Gerard penetrated into the Prinsenhof at Delft, and firing point blank at William as he left the dining hall, mortally wounded him (loth of July 1584).
In other respects they must have resembled those of Oriental cities - the living apartments all opening towards the interior, and showing only blank walls towards ' It consisted of two parallel stone walls with buttresses, about 55 ft.
The history of these Greek dynasties is for us almost a blank, and for estimating the amount and quality of Hellenism in Bactria during the 180 years or so of Macedonian and Greek rule, we are reduced to building hypotheses upon the scantiest data.
In other parts of England staghound packs are devoted to the capture of the carted deer, a business which is more or less of a parody on the genuine sport, but is popular for the reason that whereas with foxhounds men may have a blank day, they are practically sure of a gallop when a deer is taken out in a cart to be enlarged before the hounds are laid on.
The history of the next five centuries is a blank.
Although Schiller failed to win an established position in Mannheim, he added to his literary reputation by his address on Die Schaubiihne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet (1784), and by the publication of the beginning of Don Carlos (in blank verse) in his journal, Die rheinische Thalia (1785).
The history of Sussex now becomes a blank until 607, in which year Ceolwulf of Wessex is found fighting against the South Saxons.
Meagre as were the results which the earlier thinkers had obtained, the extinction of philosophy just at the time when the liberal arts became more technical and consequently less available as employments of leisure, threatened to leave a blank in Hellenic life.
They introduced the sonnet and blank verse.
A copy of it, in the poet's own Northumbrian dialect, and in a handwriting of the 8th century, appears ona blank page of the Moore MS. of Beeda's History; and five other Latin MSS.
Its history during that period is almost a blank.
It is then brought under the second or left-hand drum, and so on to the other large impression cylinder, with the blank side of the sheet exposed to the type of the outer forme on the table underneath.
The latter half of the 16th century is a blank in Swedish literature.
But Daniel employs rime royal and terza rima, while some modern epistles have been cast in short iambic rhymed measures or in blank verse.
Gargao (q.v.) led the way with the Theatro Novo, a bright little comedy in blank verse, and followed it up with another, Assemblea ou partida; but he did not persevere.
He remained in Europe, spending most of his time at Paris and holding blank commissions which he was authorized to fill in at his discretion in case the presence of a Confederate commissioner should seem desirable at any particular European court.
When Livingstone began his work in Africa the map was virtually a blank from Kuruman to Timbuktu, and nothing but envy or ignorance can throw any doubt on the originality of his discoveries.
This error they realized too late, and endeavoured by fixing the resurrection for another day to gather the clans, but blank despair had taken the place of hope and faith, and it was only as starving suppliants that the Amaxosa sought the British.
The triviality of these rites is ill concealed by the legends of the sa'y of Hagar and of the tawaf being first performed by Adam in imitation of the circuit of the angels about the throne of God; the meaning of their ceremonies seems to have been almost a blank to the Arabs before Islam, whose religion had become a mere formal tradition.
After the Roman period the history of Este is a blank until the Lombard period, in which it was dependent on Monselice.
A modification of the method, corresponding with D of § ioi, is shown in G; the fact that the partial product 08546 is followed by two blank spaces shows that the figure 2 represents a partial quotient 200.
It instructed Colonel Stanton to go immediately to the khedive and put the question point blank.
The inspector then samples and examines the wheat, and enters the grade upon a blank opposite the number and letters of the car.
The end is imperfect, there being a blank of some years before the fragmentary ending to which an editor has affixed a notice of the author's death.
During the four centuries which elapsed between the arrival of St Patrick and the establishment of a central state in Dublin by the Norsemen the history of Ireland is almost a blank as regards outstanding events.
A blank experiment should always be carried out in testing for small quantities of arsenic, to ensure that the materials used are quite free from traces of arsenic. It is to be noted that the presence of nitric acid interferes with the Marsh test; and also that if the arsenic is present as an arsenic compound it must be reduced to the arsenious condition by the action of sulphurous acid.
Its disappearance left a great blank.
During four years the Directory attempted to fill this blank.
He died in 1780, and among other progeny left two famous sons, Woodpecker (1773), whose dam was Miss Ramsden (1760) by Cade, son of the Godolphin Barb, but descended also on the dam's side from the Darley Arabian and the Byerly Turk, and Highflyer (1774), whose dam was Rachel (1763) by Blank, son of the Godolphin Barb from a daughter of Regulus, also son of the Godolphin.
The next twelve years of his life are a blank, but in 169 he reappears as a trusted adviser of the Achaeans at a difficult crisis in the history of the League.
He's got a blank slate for a life time of memory.
Three walls were covered with digital maps, the fourth with a blank projection screen.
What kind of stranger – Immortal or otherwise – gave a blank check to someone who probably screwed him over in a past life?
You don't know what Immortals would do for a blank check from Death.
She wasn't an Immortal, but a blank check from a deity had to be valuable.
Suddenly, a blank check – even from Death – didn't seem like enough for what his one kiss might cost her.
She sat at her desk and started to sketch the visage of Evelyn in her long wedding dress and Romas in his dark tux on a piece of paper, glancing up occasionally at the blank canvas as she thought of proportions.
She was a talker—told me how she figured the guy was gonna cheat on the sales tax so he pays in cash and gets the title signed over in blank.
A slight smile played for a moment on his lips as he observed the blank amazement which his appearance had produced.
Jumping into the water we ran up the beach shouting and yelling and firing blank ammunition at an imaginary enemy.
So we asked around - and drew a blank.
Finished with a deep gray blank with substantial high gloss black whippings.
For months the British government refused point blank to give any clarification to Sinn Fein of the joint declaration.
Each batch included a reagent blank, and reference soy sauces containing approximately 0.005 and 0.1 mg/kg 1,3-DCP.
But as they pushed for the opening goal the Ayr defense held tight to keep the scoreline blank at half time.
This rod has a pleasing through action and when extended, could easily be mistaken for a two piece standard carp blank.
Since the bike arrived - before that even - I've been trying to locate some crash bobbins but came up blank.
During this time Leonard averted the blank by taking a bream of some 6 lb.
Faced with the blank canvas of a new iMac, I asked my pal Chris what widgets I should download.
I inserted what I thought was a blank cassette.
If this is a CD Writer then do you have a good blank CD-R in the drive?
All is vaulted in stone and the nave is tall enough to have had a clerestory, but there is blank wall here instead.
I get them to draw strips onto blank paper the width of their ruler and then make a concertina.
That is the whole point - empty cowsheds and fields, blank faces on people in the rural communities.
Link Blank... treatment options, including spinal injections, percutaneous disk decompression and radiofrequency.. .
This could be due to the general dissatisfaction with access to the blank request form.
Once the installation starts, insert a blank floppy into the floppy into the floppy drive.
Copy all the files needed to run your questions onto one or more blank floppy disks.
The gun was a reactivated blank firing 9mm handgun that was loaded.
Any suggestion of such things would have been received with a stare of blank incomprehension.
A browser ignores any indentations or blank lines in the source text.
Mason Brooks, lettings manager at Hurford Salvi Carr in Limehouse Basin, advises landlords to concentrate on blank spaces.
The card is initially blank and should be charged up in order to operate a payable laser printer.
Mabel's body is available blank.
For each reading, first set the instrument to read zero absorbance with a tube containing acidified methanol alone (the blank ).
Q I used to use the minus sign - to play my blank tile.
If people went around saying we had an electoral oligarchy you would get a blank look from most.
The blank card they are holding becomes the chosen card in the cell phone photo!
The fairies appeared in disturbing form as hooded figures manipulating hand puppets and porcelain dolls with grotesque and menacingly blank faces.
Two partly blocked C14 chancel windows remain with carved quatrefoils in blank frieze on jambs and fragments of tracery.
There has also been a controversial " blank rune " added to the set.
The failure is listed as " blank screen " .
I can only read a book so many times, but there are endless possibilities with a huge sheaf of blank pages.
The idea of identical babies with blank slates for minds had been under attack for some time.
He then presented an 8 " Ash bowl blank to the lathe; first he turned the base with ease which included a spigot.
When contracting collets are used the blank is roughed down to a cylinder between centers and a small spigot turned on each end.
And of course, all the spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler!
They usually give me a blank stare or say it's an interesting question.
The image above shows a blank revision 1 board, which had a completed audio subsystem.
Here, there are many secret doors which may be found in the blank walls which carry torches.
Burial Stone of John Milton John Milton Nevertheless, Milton's use of blank verse was hugely influential for subsequent poets.
The text verso may be in Latin, Dutch, French, Spanish or German; issues were also made with blank backs.
Tape manufacturers sold millions of blank videocassettes in the Beta and VHS formats in the same period.
Five blank black visors looked down at him, masking the wearers ' expressions.
A few weeks later he rang me to say that the blank was ready for me to come and ' have a waggle ' .
Who the "flint-hearted Lycia" may be, to whom the poet seems to allude as his own disdainful mistress, is unknown; indeed, the record of Ford's private life is little better than a blank.
His actions at this time have been ascribed to righteous indignation against Metternich's double-dealing; and in a long interview at the Marcolini palace at Dresden on the 26th of June he asked the chancellor point blank how much money England had given him for his present conduct.
We get only an occasional glimpse of his activity, and the period between 115 and 155 is practically a blank.
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
In 1865 she published a blank verse translation of Aeschylus's Trilogy, and in 1873, a complete edition of Aeschylus, which appeared with Flaxman's illustrations.
All along the aisles is blank arcading with trefoil arches and a blank elongated rounded quatrefoil in the spandrel.
The failure is listed as " blank screen ".
He then presented an 8 Ash bowl blank to the lathe; first he turned the base with ease which included a spigot.
And of course, all the spoiler tags and blank lines are useless if your subject heading is a blatant spoiler !
However in the real world sullen silence or blank looks can be the response to even the most promising of topics.
The blank for the body is drilled with a pilot hole for the screw on the mark made by the tailstock center.
Arrays must be terminated with a semicolon preceded by a blank space '; '.
Above are two small tiers of blank arcading with trefoil heads.
Trigon 190 black fish tank 05/09/06 No I have a blank trigon corner fish tank with stand, just over a year old.
The staff may wear tuxedo shirts with bow ties and blank pants or skirts.
A slim blank with twill weave to the tip and matt finish.
A few weeks later he rang me to say that the blank was ready for me to come and ' have a waggle '.
You may wan to start your video with a blank portion at the start (if you are recording to VHS for example).
These books are full of lovely, blank pages just waiting to be filled with all the details of baby's birth and the world around her.
This company will send you the blank invitations, which you will print on your own computer.
You can choose from custom cards or blank invitations.
Some companies also offer blank invitations for customers to preorder their personalized text or wording.
Ideally you should design your postcard with a picture of the baby on front and a blank back.
A blank card usually has a design, photo or illustration on the front that can be somber, beautiful or humorous.
The fact that there is not a saying or words inside allows you to tailor a blank card to say exactly what you want to say, in your own words.
A source drive is used for your original CD, while the other drives are filled with blank CDs to be copied.
If you use the automatic type, you have a couple sections on the device where massive amounts of blank CDs can be stored and used as needed.
A manual CD duplicator works very similar to the automatic version except it does not have a storage area for blank CDs that can be pulled into the system by itself.
You can also use the company's "Blank Check" feature to know how much of a vehicle you can shop for.
If all you need are the appropriate divorce documents, or blank forms, then purchase a do-it-yourself kit.
They cut birchwood tiles for the floor, painted away the "Sword in the Stone" motif, and created a simple, clean bedroom sure to give the feeling of "blank canvas" to potential buyers.
This company is capable of implementing your design ideas, whatever the style, and they also specialize in giving your house that "blank canvas" look it needs to attract potential buyers (so you can move on to your next canvas!).
If you have just moved into your home and your room is a blank canvas, then the sky is the limit with your decorating ideas.
The virtual room program at iVillage is a complete blank slate that you can design from the floor up.
The door - We've already discussed placing a tasteful wreath on the bathroom door, but you can transform that blank space in other ways, too.
When it comes to interior design, few things are more uninspiring than blank white walls.
At one time, the catalog was only available in print, often in the form of a photocopied sheet filled with blank boxes, prices and one-line product descriptions.
Just as an artist has his blank canvas and his color palette, so too do millions of women all over the world.
Alternatively, if you want to go really pale and create a blank canvas so your eyes and lips really stand out, a white cream foundation is key.
This is useful to help fill in large blank squares in a crossword as you don't have to worry about knowing any of the letters or trying to guess at the meaning.
It also includes a screen capture function and an interesting paper print ability which generates files that you can print if you are in need of paper with lines, graphs or blank musical staffs printed on it.
The selection tools in Pixia don't resemble common drawing tools, so if you want to save yourself some frustration, begin with a blank image and experiment with the tools until you are comfortable before attempting to edit photos or images.
The human body photographs best when it is set on a blank canvas.
Say California cuisine and for many the response is a blank stare of wonder.
Add rub-on phrases to the blank space on your photos before attaching them to the page.
The image may print only on the raised areas, leaving the deeper parts of the paper blank.
These include your camera, extra batteries or charger, extra memory cards or film, and a blank journal or notebook.
Use your journal or a blank book to record your memories at the end of each day.
Any type of exercise can give you a sense of being in a rhythm and let you day dream, find answers to problems, and let your mind go blank just as in different types of meditation.
The stress becomes so overwhelming that it becomes the focus of your test-taking experience. Even though you studied hard for a test and knew all of the material, your mind still goes blank during the test.
Sorry about the "retarded" word, Melissa, it's just that well, in the time that I met him, I don't know why but my mind goes blank when I'm around him, I asked him "Is the wet sponge we're using going to be wet?"
Each game begins with a model, your blank slate to be dressed in your choice of fashions.
Most schools will let you have one if you just go up to the front office and ask for a blank work permit.
Tie a ribbon around sheer bundles of potpourri, the stem of one of the flowers used in the wedding, or a set of blank stationery.
Choosing blank invitations can save a couple both money and time if a stationer requires several weeks to print a proof copy and then fulfill the rest of the invitation order.
Blank invitations have other benefits, however, including letting the couple personalize their invites quickly and easily in terms of style and wedding invitation wording.
When most people think of blank wedding invitations, they picture flat white or ivory cards with a simple border, heart, or flower in the corner.
In addition to these options for wedding invitations, couples interested in blank invitations can also look to nontraditional types of wedding invitations such as party and seasonal designs.
Many retailers offer blank invitations and kits couples can use to create their own wedding invitations.
When buying blank invitations online, check for shipping fees, the cost of coordinating envelopes and other accessories, and quality guarantees before committing to a purchase.
Blank invitations may be less expensive than engraved invitations from a designer stationery firm, but couples should be aware that extra embellishments can add significantly to the final cost.
By choosing blank invitations and other stationary, couples can easily coordinate these different types of wedding correspondence just by changing the wording of the template.
Blank wedding invitations come in an amazing array of designs perfect for nearly any couple to save money on their wedding stationary with the investment of a little time and effort.
Blank wedding programs are a useful alternative to preprinted versions.
In these circumstances it is often more effective to buy blank wedding programs rather than programs that are already printed with a standard layout.
The use of plain or blank programs has many benefits for brides and grooms who are organizing their special day.
Blank wedding programs allow the bride and groom plenty of opportunity to print their programs right up until the last minute.
Blank programs are often suitable for handwriting information as well as printing information from a computer.
Blank programs are also often cheaper than the printed alternative.
Many blank programs are available in different sizes and card weights meaning that there are different types of program to suit different budgets.
Making special DIY wedding programs is also a good alternative to blank programs.
Wedding programs are an important part of the day and the blank alternative provides a flexible and interesting choice for couples to consider.
If this is what you choose, consider adding a stack of small blank note cards and a few pens next to the box so guests can offer their wedding wishes even if they haven't brought a card.
Couples who are ordering programs and not writing their own using blank wedding programs may need to order them two to three months out, depending on how long the printer estimates they will take.
Many couples are now choosing to make their own, using blank wedding programs and printing the information using their home computer and printer.
Once you have your blank canvas prepared, it's time to let your creativity flow.
Applying fondant icing to wedding cakes provides a blank canvas for the remaining decorations.
Apply a crumb coat of frosting, let that thin layer set, and spread on a more generous layer of frosting that will serve as your blank canvas.
With blank fondant, roll a medium-sized ball that will become the base of your graduation cap.
In 1960, 2,500 blank stars encompassed the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Simply purchase blank T's and pick up some puff paint, iron-on transfers, patches, buttons, and anything else you think of.
In fact, even though you can easily find finished charts, most people recommend getting some blank charts and filling them out yourself over and over so that the notes and their positions begin to sink in.
Home Depot was founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1978, by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank after the pair were fired from the positions they held at Handy Dan.
The extra tiles can also be used to fill in a blank area created by a future appliance replacement or kitchen remodeling.
These 5-inch square tiles are complemented by 2.5 x 5-inch borders, and blank tiles can be used to fill in around the decorative ones, lowering the price.
Laser engraved - The blank bracelet is personalized using a laser engraving machine.
Discs can be left blank, so if the recipient only mothers one child, the rest of the discs will act as reflective jewelry enhancers.
Blank Generation Shirts carries a cool selection of vintage and retro tees, as well as funny, rude, political slogans and whatever else you want.
Cool designs are a great way to liven up a traditional casual day outfit, replacing a blank ringer t-shirt or polo with something with a bit of expression.
Whether you choose a classic pearl necklace and earrings or go all-out for stilettos and spiked hair, your knitted dress provides the perfect blank canvas for you to express your fashionable side.
This will make the computer screen look blank on most monitors.
Offer seniors blank cards to decorate using rubber stamps, paint, or gel pens.
They might also appreciate a blank writing pad or sketchpad.
Special effects contact lenses are available with a prescription to give you the look you want, from wide-eyed doll to demon with a blank white stare.
If there is a blank spot on your prescription, leave it blank on the order form too.
You can use the arrows and button in the in-game menus, which is of limited use; fortunately, there's also a blank space in the middle where you can stand between dances to avoid having the game go haywire in the menus.
Games that has you forming words and trying to guess a blank puzzle, kinda like Wheel of Fortune.
You start out with a blank white bar, and it changes color accordingly.
If it's blank, it's probably a break, the beginning, or the ending of the song.
Once the skull is obtained..your whole screen will be blank.
Follow the instructions to burn onto a blank disc.
To make copies, you'll need both a dual-layer DVD burner and blank dual-layer discs.
Click the flashlight then click on the blank part of the wall.
Being a screenwriter by trade, I loved the way the story DID progress, but found the blank spots in the plot annoying near the end.
The point values of Literati letters are also different, ranging from zero points (for the blank "wild" tiles) to a maximum of five points.
A little notebook pops up with any registered friends or it will be blank if you don't have any registered.
Your screen is still frozen, blank, or dysfunctional in some way.
If it doesn't, you'll at least go forth in life harboring the warm comfortable feeling that you aren't alone while you stare despondently into your blank television screen and wait for the repairman.
Some blocks are filled with numbers while others are left blank.
Each blank square has the potential for several different numbers to fill it.
Having these certainties down makes it much easier to narrow the possibilities for other blank spaces.
The Sims 2 for Xbox, the PlayStation 2 console and Nintendo GameCube gives you a completely blank slate and allows you to customize to your heart's content.
Players begin with seven dominos each, going from the double blank to the double six (or the double nine, if players change the settings to double nines -- Players start with nine dominos if they are playing double nines).
Babies were once thought to enter the world with minds that were blank slates that developed through a lifetime of experiences.
To encourage this expression children can be given blank paper and crayons or markers and asked to draw a picture about how they feel.
For example, during a reunion with the primary caregiver, the child may look away or even display a blank stare when being held.
Often it is the case that while watching the teacher and other dancers, you seem to know the steps, but left on your own, you draw a blank.
A printable blank family tree can help you organize and display your genealogy research.
Many websites with a printable blank family tree require you to have a program that opens files in the file format .PDF.
Many websites offer free blank family trees to download.
They will even provide blank family tree forms for you to record information you discover.
If you're looking for a blank family tree to fill in, you're in luck because there are many available on the Internet today - many of which are free.
With a blank diagram, you download it from the Internet to print out on your printer.
Blank family charts are ideal for carrying around with you.
If you locate a new ancestor, fill in a blank chart.
The appeal of blank family charts is that they are neatly arranged in a highly visible format, making it easy to see details at a glance.
Carry blank charts with you wherever you go - to the library, cemeteries, deed rooms or as you search online databases.
There are numerous locations on the Internet to find free blank charts.
By using fill in the blank charts, you can help organize your research or make an heirloom for family members.
A printable blank family tree provides a helpful visual representation of your research.
WikiTree's Blank Family Tree Diagrams have special designs for different ethnic backgrounds.
The Tree Maker provides a five-generation blank diagram of a family tree genealogy chart.
Print out blank forms to take with you to a family gathering such as a party, holiday celebration or reunion.
You may also want to have a blank 1930 census form as a reference when viewing the digitized image.
Blank 1930 census record forms can be obtained as an aid in your research.
A blank pedigree chart is a useful genealogy tool.
A blank pedigree chart can keep your research organized.
Begin by placing your spelling words in the blank boxes.
Fill in the blank worksheets build literacy and pre-reading skills.
It is not likely that you are going to be asked, point blank, "were you fired from your last job?"
When you are looking for work, it's a good idea to practice with blank job application forms before completing a formal application for employment.
Blank job application forms will also have a section for you to fill in describing your previous work experience.
When you are given a blank copy of a job application form, take some time to read it over before filling it out.
When you are given a blank copy of a job application, some employers will allow you to take it with you to fill out and return to the employer later, while others will require that the form be completed at their location.
Take the blank copy of a job application and make a copy that you can fill in as a practice document.
A blank job application form will ask for your full name, address, and telephone number.
You can add a zip code if you'd like, but if you're interested in relocation, you can always leave it blank.
It is also possible to leave this option blank in order to receive the highest number of available properties listed within a certain geographic location. gives you a blank chart with a little something extra.
Turn the entire project over so you are looking at the blank white side.
Purchase this from the website or use blank paper and decorate the design later.
The site then takes you to a page of blank charts, which you'll fill in with your own data.
The kits include the painted porcelain pieces for the doll and complete instructions for assembly, and you can also purchase blank kits to paint yourself.
You can choose eye color and whether you want a blank or pre-painted doll.
A simpler dress almost serves as a blank palette for your accessories, but remember that you shouldn't go over the top if you can help it.
There are a few stores on the Internet that sell retail quality blank boards.
Once you are happy with the layout, you can print it out on sticker paper and affix it to the blank board you have acquired.
Those same companies where you buy blank boards also sell your accessory pieces like dice and pawns.
Scrabble Helper also has a handy feature that lets you enter blank tiles to help you decide their best usage.
One nice feature is you can insert a blank tile so that it will pull more words for you.
That is, of course, if you have a blank tile on your rail.
The word builder at Win Every Game lets you insert up to 12 letters and three wild cards, which means blank tiles if you are using it for Scrabble purposes.
Insert your letters in the search bar (with up to two blank or wildcards letters) and select a dictionary.
You can also include a select prefix or suffix, and include up to three blank tile options.
The search engine can only handle one blank tile at a time, so if you have multiple blanks in your hand, you will have to leave them out of the mix.
Whether you are a teacher, a parent, or someone that simply loves creating your own games, a blank game board gives you the opportunity to make as many different types of games as you can imagine.
Using game boards that are blank gives you the ability to create your own games.
Although you can buy game boards that are blank at teacher supply stores both on and off line, there are also many game boards available online for you to print, create and play.
The Internet offers a number of excellent websites that provide game boards that are blank and easy to print.
The following websites are only a small sampling of those offering blank printable game board templates.
The types of blank game boards include start to finish snake style, racetrack and plain squares.
Another type of blank board for games is a large freestanding or wall mounted game board.
The large freestanding blank boards are made with steel frames and steel support legs for added durability.
If nothing is given in return, this line can be left blank or filled in with "N/A."
Make a scrapbook filled with pet pictures or decorate a blank photo album so the recipient can add his or her own pet photos.
Many of the coloring sheets featured on the site are ready-to-color, or you can create an image on a blank page.
Use a little tinsel to fill in any overtly blank spots.
If you scrapbook, make a few blank pages for a friend who also scraps.
This fundraiser takes place in a number of locations around the U.S. For example, in Des Moines, IA, the Festival of Trees event benefits Blank Children's Hospital.
Your Christmas tree, be it fresh or artificial, is a blank slate for your creativity.
Blank, undecorated wands can be found at a craft store and embellished with ribbons, glitter, flowers and tulle.
Your MySpace profile is a blank slate, ready to present you to the world - friends, work associates, and future loves.
Areas left blank could indicate that a person has something to hide.
The thinking that if one is attractive, educated, independent, nice gal or (you fill in the blank), that in some way makes it harder to "attract" a wonderful person to date or for a relationship is simply is not true!
When I asked him point blank if he would get back together with her if she was willing he said yes.
Find a blank greeting card and write the poem inside.
If you force it, your mind might go blank and you won't be able to think of anything.
The preview is usually the whole animation with a blank message wherever your message would appear.
Buying cards that have an evocative picture and are blank inside is usually a great opportunity to combine the thoughtfulness of going out of your way to purchase something with the personalization of your sincere thoughts.
Blank cards and more generic sentiments can be found in many other general stores as well.
Many independent jewelers will carve a blank from wax and cast the rings.
Craftsmen fire the ring blank in an oxygen-free furnace at 6,200 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you are interested in practice writing greeting cards, buy a set of blank cards and create your own greeting cards for upcoming occasions.
This trait is often reflected in his writings since he is not one to fill a blank page with a lot of useless verbiage; every word is measured, counted and on the page for a reason.
Write the child's name and date on the blank side of the cardboard to help you remember when it was created.
Buy blank craft puzzles at your local craft store and write the invitation on them.
Have a craft table set up with open ended crafts for the kids to do. . .water colors and blank paper, play dough or clay or just about anything else would do fine.