Black-widow Sentence Examples
The female black widow spider often eats the male after mating.
Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders are the most notorious poisonous spiders.
Disturbing a female black widow or its web may provoke a bite.
As a rule, children rarely see a black widow bite them, nor do they feel the bite when it happens.
Even without treatment, most children recover from black widow bites after two to three days.
The female in this couples costume dresses up as a black widow spider and the male dresses up as a fly.
Have you ever seen the web of a black widow?
In truth, destiny is like the web of a black widow.
The Black Widow The horror that he'll bring The horror of his sting The unholiest of kings.
Non-book excitement first…I'm just now finishing up a television movie called The Black Widow for a major cable network…which is why it has taken me a day to respond to you!
AdvertisementAs the alliance between the three ladies grew stronger, apparent leader of the pack Parvati gave the group the moniker "The Black Widow Alliance."
Free black widows 21/07/05 No A group of 5 young black widow tetras.