Bittersweet Sentence Examples
A home with bittersweet memories - a home she could no longer have?
No longer filled with magic, the room would be haunted by bittersweet memories.
With high school graduation, this moment will never come again, so the moment is both bittersweet and exciting.
There will come a bittersweet time when all parents have to let go of the training wheels and watch their child explore the rocky road ahead.
Her music often combines chiseled rhythmic pulsation with a bittersweet melodic and harmonic language.
Miami occupies a special, and rather bittersweet place, in the heart of the designer.
The union was bittersweet as the day before, Dog's 23-year-old daughter, Barbara, died in a tragic car accident.
The end of the summer is usually a bittersweet time for both kids and parents.
As they fall in love, she begins to outgrow him emotionally, resulting in a hysterical yet ultimately bittersweet romantic comedy.
It is slightly bittersweet and oil begins to appear on the surface.
AdvertisementA relative newcomer, Shelbie Bruce was thrilled to earn a starring role in Spanglish, a bittersweet drama that explores the culture clash between the rich and the poor, as well as between a Mexican housekeeper and her American employers.
The moment was even more bittersweet by the fact Denny seemed to be out of the woods even if Izzie sacrificed her career.
The bittersweet moments the couple shared left the audience wanting more.
Designing your memorial tattoo may be a bittersweet activity as you think about the happy memories and also realize that you will be going on without your loved one.
She met his bittersweet chocolate gaze.
AdvertisementAny pity we feel, any seeds of identification that Bittersweet waters, get shot straight down in rivulets of blood and gore.
Bright red, glossy, Bittersweet berries have ripened on a straggly plant growing by a broken wall at the roadside.
Familiarizing yourself with the stages of male puberty will better prepare you or your loved one for physical changes during this bittersweet right of passage.
The word bittersweet describes an emotion so often found even in sweet teenage love poems.
What should have been a joyous occasion turned bittersweet for Anna Nicole Smith.
AdvertisementWhile Ashlee is busy promoting her new album, Bittersweet World set for release on April 22, everyone will surely be asking her whether she is pregnant or not.
Are you looking for a deep, rich dark chocolate truffle, a bittersweet chocolate or perhaps a creamy and light milk chocolate truffle?
This recipe calls for a mixture of heavy cream with both bittersweet and white chocolate.
That bittersweet chocolate gaze mesmerized her, filled her with a longing that he would not satisfy.
She met his bittersweet chocolate gaze defiantly, their noses literally inches apart.
AdvertisementEmotional and uplifting, without ever indulging in trite sentimentality, Tim Pare writes bittersweet, confessional love songs.
Ades ' bittersweet score was sung brilliantly by the soprano Mary Carewe.
In this same period, he also charted with two duets - Baby Boy, with Beyonce, which was featured on Dutty Rock and went to number 1 in charts, and Breathe, with Blu Cantrell, from her album Bittersweet.
His bittersweet chocolate gaze wandered over her face in search of something, or maybe he was digesting the information.
Items such as bittersweet chocolate, guacamole, strained carrots, spaghetti sauce, marshmallow fluff, ground up saltines, and the like work well for the harmless "ew" factor.
Her gaze rose to the rider and her pulse bolted as she met that bittersweet chocolate gaze.