Bittern Sentence Examples
Herons, the brown pelican, bittern, and mud hen frequent the marshes.
This form Nitzsch was only able to find in the bittern (Ardea stellaris).
Formerly it was common in Britain, but extensive drainage and persecution Bittern.
Actually I've yet to see a live bittern.
The common bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is nearly as large as the heron, and is widely distributed over the eastern hemisphere.
The bittern in the days of falconry was strictly preserved, and afforded excellent sport.
The American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) is somewhat smaller than the European species, and is found throughout the central and southern portions of North America.
The larger birds are the bittern, great and small bustard, eagle, francolin, goose; giant, grey and redlegged partridge, sand grouse, pelican, pheasant, stork and swan.
It is manufactured from the magnesium bromide contained in "bittern" (the mother liquor of the salt industry), by two processes, the continuous and the periodic. The continuous process depends upon the decomposition of the bromide by chlorine, which is generated in special stills.
The substitution of potassium chlorate for pyrolusite is recommended when calcium chloride is present in the bittern.
AdvertisementAmong these are the large white crane and small crane, the blue heron, the snowy-white egret, the roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), stork, bittern and many species of ducks.
June may bring elegant visitors such as spoonbill, whilst the breeding birds include avocet, bittern and bearded tit.
The significance of Fen Drayton Nature Reserve for its wintering bittern is not recognized in the Environmental Statement.
Robin has promised a drink of your choice for the first bittern sighting, so I'll be watching.
Try your hand at fishing or birdwatching and look out for the Bittern or rare swallowtail butterfly.
AdvertisementOthers are spotted crake, Osprey, Bittern, and ferruginous duck.
Around the screens an American Bittern was found, standing out in the open and apparently unconcerned by its admirers.
The gunboats Beacon, Bittern, Condor, Cygnet and Decoy were to keep out of fire at first and seek opportunities of engaging the Meks batteries.
The Condor, followed by the Beacon, Bittern and Decoy, engaged Fort Marabout soon after 8 A.M.
It is the mother-liquor or " bittern " frozen.
AdvertisementWe took heart from a nearby booming bittern whilst we slept in the car for a couple of hours.
The call of the male bittern is known in Modern English as a boom.