Biophysical Sentence Examples
Vibroacoustic stimulation-In the biophysical profile, use of an artificial larynx to produce a loud noise to "awaken" the fetus.
Any sign that the baby may not be doing well will trigger additional testing, such as a Biophysical Profile or a Fetal Non-Stress Test.
In general, monitoring biophysical properties of forests requires multispectral information and finely calibrated data.
If the practitioner feels that a baby may be at risk for problems during pregnancy, non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, or even contraction stress tests are performed twice a week to monitor fetal well-being.
The biophysical profile (BPP) is performed by an ultrasound exam over a 30-minute period.
There are no significant risks to the mother or the fetus from the nonstress test (NST), modified biophysical profile (MBPP), or the biophysical profile (BPP).