Biologists Sentence Examples
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about biologists and paleontologists.
Inasmuch as Lamarck attempted to frame a theory of evolution in which the principle of natural selection had no part, the interpretation placed on their work by many bionomical investigators recalls the theories of Lamarck, and the name Neo-Lamarckism has been used of such a school of biologists, particularly active in America.
Another stimulus came from the biologists, Pacific. On the 1st of November 1876 a cyclone acting in this who began to realize the importance of a more detailed investigaway submerged a great area of the level plain of the Ganges tion of the life conditions of organisms at great depths in the delta to a depth of 46 ft.; here the influence of the difference sea.
Weismann, all the leading biologists had either subscribed to the telegony doctrine or admitted that "infection of the germ" was well within the bounds of possibilities.
So a group of biologists in Cambridge wanted to figure out what imprinted genes there were.
Code breakers and linguists were consulted, chemists and biologists patched up their differences and worked together, and scientific groups were formed to share information and theories.
After some research, fellow biologists identified the fish as a northern snakehead.
Biologists, however, can demonstrate that these behaviors are only apparently altruistic.
Amazing how often one finds non-trained biologists giving their point of view about the strictly biological side of things.
Then twentieth-century biologists explained heredity and adaptation as a result of genes and mutations.
AdvertisementNew Scientist More rare hummingbirds spotted in Texas The recent sighting of a rare hummingbird has bird biologists in Texas almost giddy.
The electron microscope made this possible by playing the role of a " laboratory totem " for a growing tribe of molecular biologists.
The lead in this direction was taken by British biologists, of pressure within and without the cyclone acted in the same beginning with Edward Forbes in 1839, and in 1868 a party on direction as the wind.
But investigations carried out in connexion with the "Challenger" expedition indicated that it was an artificial product, composed of a flocculent precipitate of gypsum thrown down from seawater by alcohol, and the hypothesis of its organic character was abandoned by most biologists, Huxley included.
The biologists would like to do more research on the wildlife thriving in the depths of the ocean's abysses.
AdvertisementThe fish's bright, phosphorescent stripes were a mystery even to the biologists.
In 1963, they joined forced with UCLA scientists to form the Hubbs-SeaWorld Institute, named in honor of marine biologists Laura and Carl Hubbs.
His family lineage is one of greatness within the science world - many of his relatives were writers and biologists, and his grandfather was a personal friend of Darwin.
For state biologists and environmental scientists, that is enough to prove that El Chupacabra is some sort of mutated dog, coyote or possibly even a fox that has mange.
Just as biologists patiently wait for shy animals to emerge from the forest to be captured on camera, Sasquatch hunters must also remain patient since it's believed that the elusive creature shies away from human habitation.
AdvertisementSwimmers, divers, surfers, fishermen and marine biologists may experience a jellyfish sting if they swim or wade too close to the animal, or practice improper handling techniques.
In 1975, Peter Morck and a team of biochemists, herbalists and biologists founded Arbonne.
It has been the habit of biologists to use the terms variation, selection, elimination, correlation and so forth, vaguely; the new school, which has been strongly reinforced from the side of physical science, insists on quantitative measurements of the terms. When the anatomist says that one race is characterized by long heads, another by round heads, the biometricist demands numbers and percentages.
Moreover, the very fact itself of the possibility of inheriting acquired moral characteristics is still hotly debated by those biologists with whom should rest the ultimate verdict.
The accurate investigation of the lowest forms of animal life, commenced by Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam, and continued by the remarkable labours of Reaumur, Abraham Trembley, Bonnet, and a host of other observers in the latter part of the 17th and the first half of the 18th centuries, drew the attention of biologists to the gradation in the complexity of organization which is presented by living beings, and culminated in the doctrine of the echelle des titres, so powerfully and clearly stated by Bonnet, and, before him, adumbrated by Locke and by Leibnitz.
AdvertisementIt is maintained by Brandt and others belonging to the Kiel school of marine biologists that the process of denitrification is, on the whole, more significant in the sea than that of nitrogen-fixation.
Today scientists and biologists are working together to perfect robobees for cross pollination and to help find survivors after disasters.
Arbonne was founded in 1975 by Petter Morck, who collaborated with a group of biochemists, biologists and herbalists to create a line of high-quality, effective skin care products.
In recent years the science of vegetable palaeontology has been given the distinct name of Palaeobotany, so that " palaeontology e' among biologists mainly refers to zoology; but historically the two cannot be disconnected.
Mendel's observations constitute an ingenious attempt to throw light on the matter, and in the opinion of some biologists have led to the discovery of an important principle.