Biographical Sentence Examples
The biographical anecdotes relating to him during the next few years are obscure and mostly apocryphal.
His Historical and Biographical Works were reprinted in 19 vols.
On the other hand, faith has no special interest in claiming that we can compose a biographical study of the development of Jesus.
A biographical sketch will be found in his collected Scientific Papers (2 vols., 1906).
For the other numerous commentaries and for further biographical and literary particulars of Jalal-uddin, see Rieu's Cat.
Biographical information on her and her immediate family, her own medical and employment histories, all forms she'd completed without question.
Lenard and Helmholtz, contain many biographical details, together with statements of the scope and significance of his investigations.
There were biographical forms and consent forms she hadn't really read, all signed in a loopy, angry signature, and a copy of Toby's birth certificate.
The winter found him arranging for the publication in England of the selection from his articles and reviews which appeared in 1845, under the title of Critical and Historical Essays, and was issued almost contemporaneously at New York under the title of Biographical and Critical Miscellanies.
A collected edition of his works, with a biographical preface, was published in 1737.
AdvertisementAulard, preceded by a biographical study.
The materials thus obtained formed the basis of his historical and biographical works, which relate chiefly to the period of the Reformation.
See the Letters of Stevenson to his Family (1899), with the critical and biographical preface by Mr Sidney Colvin; Vailima Letters, to Sidney Colvin (1895), and the Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by Graham Balfour (1901).
The most elaborate history is that of John Thomas Scharf, History of the State of Delaware (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1888); the second volume is entirely biographical.
His biographical and historical works are numerous, and those dealing with contemporary events are valuable, owing to the sources at his disposal.
AdvertisementTodhunter also published keys to the problems in his textbooks on algebra and trigonometry; and a biographical work, William Whewell, account of his writings and correspondence (1876), in addition to many original papers in scientific journals.
Ludwig Geiger published a large number of biographical and literary works and made a special study of German humanism.
Everett also prepared for the Encyclopaedia Britannica a biographical sketch of Washington, which was published separately in 1860.
Artist Direct - Artist Direct has all of the Britney Spears songs you could ever want to download, plus tons of biographical information and photos.
Several non-canon sources give biographical details such as her birthdate (2237) and birthplace (New Orleans, Louisiana, Earth).
AdvertisementOur knowledge of Arnold's life comes from the Chronica and his own biographical notes.
After his death his lectures were written out from his own notes, supplemented by those of some of his pupils, and published with a biographical preface by his friend and colleague, Professor John Robison (1739-1805), in 1803, as Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh.
His miscellaneous works were published in 1737 by Dr Thomas Birch, with a biographical notice of the author.
His plan excluded biographical history, nor is the work, he tells us, to be regarded as one of reference.
His Works in Verse and Prose (Boston, 1812) contains a biographical sketch.
AdvertisementHis most important work, the Athenae Cantabrigienses (1858, 1861), a companion work to the famous Athenae Oxonienses of Anthony a Wood, contains biographical memoirs of the authors and other men of eminence who were educated at the university of Cambridge from 1500 to 1609.
He was a constant contributor to Notes and Queries, the Gentleman's Magazine and other antiquarian publications, and left an immense collection of MS. materials for a biographical history of Great Britain and Ireland.
Elliott, Biographical Story of the Constitution (New York, 1910); Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States (ibid., rev. ed., 1908); and especially important are the decision of the United States Supreme Court, known by the name of the reporter until 1874A.
Biographical notices of him will be found in his Proc. Inst.
Deland's Northern Alabama, Historical and Biographical 1 William Wyatt Bibb died in 1820, and Thomas Bibb, then president of the state senate, filled the unexpired term of one year (1820).
Lebrun (1829), edited, with a biographical notice, by his son AnneCharles Lebrun.
The Journal was originally published in London in 1694; the edition known as the Bicentenary Edition, with notes biographical and historical (reprint of 1901 or later), will be found the most useful in practice.
Idealism; Pragmatism; Relativity Of Knowledge, while separate discussions of ancient and medieval philosophers will be found in biographical articles and articles on the chief philosophical schools, e.g.
It may be traced back to Platina, who, resenting his arrest, avenged himself by a biographical caricature.
The only biographical evidence of his closing years is his signature as a witness to sundry deeds in the "Register of Aberdeen" as late as 1392.
The Lives are not in the true sense biographical, but rather picturesque impressions of leading representatives of an attitude of mind full of curiosity, alert and versatile, but lacking scientific method, preferring the external excellence of style and manner to the solid achievements of serious writing.
See Life in Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, trans.
His CEuvres completes (new edition, 1855) contains a biographical notice by his brother, Germain Delavigne, who is best known as a librettist in opera.
In this piece, which is of great biographical value, he told his own and Wallis's " little stories during the time of the late rebellion " with such effect that Wallis, like a wise man, attempted no further reply.
In this way were gathered the materials out of which was afterwards constructed the most interesting biographical work in the world.
They came to inform him that a new edition of the English poets, from Cowley downwards, was in contemplation, and to ask him to furnish short biographical prefaces.
These are preserved to us in a body of biographical writing, the efficiency of which is unequalled in the whole range of literature.
Tulloch's best-known works are collections of biographical sketches of the leaders of great movements in church history, such as the Reformation and Puritanism.
The principal source for the history of this time is the biographical inscription at El Kab of a namesake of the king, Ahmosi son of Abana, a sailor and warrior whose exploits extend to the reign of TethmOsis I.
The works of many of the authors enumerated are topographical and biographical as well as purely historical.
We can distinguish portions of an historical narrative which speaks of Elisha in connexion with events of public interest, without making him the central figure, and a series of anecdotes of properly biographical character..
While many of the science and health articles are obviously outdated, much of the biographical and historical articles is more complete and in-depth compared to those available elsewhere.
The " biographical " view of history, however, implies the weakness, not only of unqualified approval of all Cromwell's actions, but of omitting any attempt to estimate the Protector's real relation to the social and political development of the time.
See the biographical sketch by Henry P. Goddard, Luther Martin, the Federal Bull-Dog (Baltimore, 1887), No.
Though it is a biographical tradition that he lacked wit, Moliere and Don Quixote seem to have been his favourites; and though the utilitarian wholly crowds romanticism out of his writings, he had enough of that quality in youth to prepare to learn Gaelic in order to translate Ossian, and sent to Macpherson for the originals !
The best biographical sketch of Thorbecke we owe to the late Professor Buys, his principal scholar and devoted friend, whose biography appeared in 1876 at Tiel.
The following account of the earlier period follows the main outlines of the traditional facts, corrected as far as possible by the inscriptional record; and further details will be found in the separate biographical, racial and linguistic articles, and those on the geographical areas into which India is administratively divided.
Besides these, Heeren wrote brief biographical sketches of Johann von Muller (Leipzig, 1809); Ludwig Spittler (Berlin, 1812); and Christian Heyne (Göttingen, 1813).
Brown wrote an appreciative sketch (Boston, 1900) for the "Riverside Biographical Series."
For life of Asma`i, see Ibn Khallik5n, Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by McG.
His books were A Memoir of James Sherman (1863); the Sermons of Thomas Binney, with a biographical and critical sketch (1869); The Vision of God and other sermons (1876); The Indwelling Christ (1892).
His works, with biographical notice by Littre, were published in five volumes (Paris, 1858).
In the Old Testament many laws in the Mosaic legislation are certainly post-Mosaic and the value of not a few narratives lies, not in their historical or biographical information, but in their treatment of law, ritual, custom, belief, &c. Later developments are exemplified in the pseudepigraphical literature, notably in the Book of Jubilees, and when we reach the Mishnah and Talmud, we have only the first of a new series of stages which, it may be said, culminate in the 16th-century Shulhan `Aruk, the great compendium of the then existing written and oral law.
His writings are biographical and critical, devoted mainly to modern German philosophy and literature.
Dr Laing's edition of the Works contains important biographical material.
Essays, Historical and Theological, appeared in 1878 (2 vols.), with a biographical preface by his sister Anne, who also edited some of his Letters (1884).
In 1847 Sara Coleridge published the Biographia Literaria, enriched with annotations and biographical supplement from her own pen.
His History of the Christian Church, already mentioned, resembled Neander's work, though less biographical, and was pictorial rather than philosophical.
Carl Sprengel, cited by Professor Edward Morren in his biographical sketch entitled Charles de l'Escluse, sa vie et ses oeuvres, states that the potato was introduced from Santa Fe into England by John Hawkins in 1563 (Garten Zeitung, 1805, p. 346).
Sibley's Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University (Cambridge, 1873), with an exhaustive list of Mather's works (about 150 titles); there is much valuable matter in Williston Walker's Ten New England Leaders (New York, 1901) and in his Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism (New York, 1893); for literary criticism of the Mathers see ch.
His will, a curious and characteristic document, is printed in Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary.
This stay furnishes some biographical documents of importance in the shape of letters to Geoffroy d'Estissac, of the already-mentioned Supplicatio pro Apostasia, and of the bull of absolution which was the reply to it.
Warburton's works were edited (7 vols., 1788) by Bishop Hurd with a biographical preface, and the correspondence between the two friends-an important contribution to the literary history of the period-was edited by Dr Parr in 1808.
He gives a few biographical details in his Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (1864), a work which throws considerable light upon his somewhat peculiar character.
His own writings contain little biographical material, but we get information from Athanasius, Philostorgius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, Jerome's De vir.
A new biographical collection, the Gallery of Eminent Persons of Scotland (1799), was succeeded after a short interval by a Modern Geography digested on a New Plan (1802; enlarged, 1807).
Allardyce (Edinburgh, 1882); and biographical notices will be found in John Marshall's Royal Naval Biography, i.
In 1836 he became editor of the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, and he projected the New General Biographical Dictionary, a scheme carried through by his brother Henry John Rose (1800-1873).
His published works include French and Italian text-books; Historical Studies (1850); Biographical Studies (1860); Historical View of the American Revolution (1865); Life of Nathanael Greene (3 vols., 1867-1871); The German Element in the War of American Independence (1876); and a Short History of Rhode Island (1877).
Gardiner, with brief biographical sketch and annotations on seven sermons, one of which had not previously been published.
This threw the responsibility of payment on Rumania, and was a severe blow to the prince, 'For biographical details, see Charles, king of Rumania; and Elizabeth, queen of Rumania.
Two years later biographical studies of Theodore Beza and Peter Martyr Vermili (Leben des Theodor de Beza and des Peter Martyr Vermili, Heidelberg, 1809) revealed more genuine scholarship. In 1812 appeared his History of the Iconoclastic Emperors of the East (Geschichte der bilderstiirmenden Kaiser des ostromischen Reichs), in which he controverted some points in Gibbon and sought to avoid painting the past in present-day colours.
No biographical particulars are recorded respecting any of these writers.
But gradually he devoted less of his time to practice and more to lecturing in the Harvard Law School, to editing court reports and to contributions to law journals, especially on historical and biographical lines, in which his erudition was unsurpassed.
More information can be obtained from the bibliographies appended to the volumes in Longmans Political History, or the chapters in the Cambridge Modern History, or to the biographical articles in the D.N.B.
See Life of Szechenyi, by Zsigmond Kemeny (Hung.; Pest, 1870); Aurel Kecskemethy, The Last Years and Death of Count Szechenyi (Hung.; Pest, 1866); Menyhert Lonyai, Count Szechenyi and his Posthumous Writings (Hung.; Budapest, 1875); Max Falk, "Der Graf Stephen Szechenyi and seine Zeit" (in the Oesterreichische Revue, Vienna, 1867); Antal Zichy, Count Szechenyi as a Pedagogue (Hung.; Budapest, 1876); Pal Gyulai, Szechenyi as a Writer (Hung.; Budapest, 1892); Antal Zichy, Biographical Sketch of Count Stephen Szechenyi (Hung.; 2 vols., Budapest, 1896-1897).
He also wrote biographies of Sir Isaac Newton and Edmund Halley for Knight's British Worthies, various notices of scientific men for the [[Gallery]] of Portraits, and for the uncompleted Biographical Dictionary of the Useful Knowledge Society, and at least seven articles in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography.
The E loge of Jean le Clerc (Bibliotheque choisie, 1705) has been the basis of the memoirs of Locke prefixed to the successive editions of his Works, or contained in biographical dictionaries.
All important writers whose names occur in this sketch are treated in special biographical articles, and references are given as often as possible to supplementary articles which illustrate and explain points which cannot be fully treated here.
This is especially the case in connexion with technical terms (whose history and meaning are inevitably taken for granted) and biographical information about minor ethical writers.
His son Aime (1812-1894) became his father's assistant at the Bibliotheque Nationale, and besides a number of works on historical subjects wrote a biographical and bibliographical study of his family in Les Deux Champollion (Grenoble, 1887).
The most vivid account of Hamilton is in Mrs Gertrude Atherton's historical romance, The Conqueror (New York, 1902), for the writing of which the author made new investigations into the biographical details, and elucidated some points previously obscure; see also her A Few of Hamilton's Letters (1903).
A list of the degrees and other honours which he received during the fifty-three years he held his Glasgow chair would occupy as much space as this article; but any biographical sketch would be conspicuously incomplete if it failed to notice the celebration in 1896 of the jubilee of his professorship. Never before had such a gathering of rank and science assembled as that which filled the halls in the university of Glasgow on the 15th, 16th and 17th of June in that year.
He was a voluminous author, and his works included topographical and biographical treatises, commentaries on Helvius Cinna and the poems of Virgil, and disquisitions on agriculture and bee-keeping.
He will be writing articles for the biographical dictionary.
The bio/pic has created an archetype for what a film or television biographical presentation should be.
If you haven't read anything business biographical this is a good introduction without having to buy something bigger that you may not like.
There is also biographical information on the 128 instrument makers.
The documents are not biographical about Mr Smith to a significant extent.
It's mostly biographical, with very little technical detail on the music itself.
It is partly biographical but mostly just Jarrett talking about music, what he feels about it and how it works.
In determining this one should consider whether the information is significantly biographical.
The editor has provided a commentary that historically contextualizes the documents examined, as well as a biographical sketch of the traveler.
Return to top of page emigration and Immigration Some Emigrants from Derbyshire to Australia and New Zealand - brief biographical details of known emigrants.
In addition to images, maps, and diary excerpts, you'll find biographical essays about the intrepid travelers.
Biographical data, treatment patterns, and clinical impressions were analyzed by the generalized linear model and generalized estimating equations method.
There are more than 3,000 black-and-white illustrations and 10,000 biographical and geographical entries.
Also, the biographical information of fellow mages can be read here.
Frances was regarded as a model minister's wife and as such was the subject of biographical memoirs after her death.
The English translation includes biographical notes for each character which provides an invaluable context for the main text.
This resource provides a biographical timeline of one of America's great scientists, charting his life and work using images and essays.
There is an excellent edition of the Poems of Thomas Hood (2 vols., 1897), with a biographical introduction of great interest by Canon Alfred Ainger.
In 1826 he wrote a preface to a translation of the Moral Philosophy of Stewart, demonstrating the possibility of a scientific statement of the laws of consciousness; in 1828 he began a translation of the works of Reid, and in his preface estimated the influence of Scottish criticism upon philosophy, giving a biographical account of the movement from Hutcheson onwards.
There is a biographical sketch of Laonicus and his brother in Greek by Antonius Calosynas, a physician of Toledo, who lived in the latter part of the 16th century (see C. Hopf, Chroniques greco-romanes, 1873).
There is no good life of Lord Hood, but a biographical notice of him by M'Arthur, his secretary during the Mediterranean command, is in the Naval Chronicle, vol.
When he became assistantsecretary of the navy, his work was not so publicly conspicuous, 1 In a volume entitled Roosevelt the Citizen, which, while it is frankly written as the enthusiastic tribute of a personal admirer, may be relied upon for accuracy in its statement of historical or biographical facts.
Besides these, Heeren wrote brief biographical sketches of Johann von Muller (Leipzig, 1809); Ludwig Spittler (Berlin, 1812); and Christian Heyne (Göttingen, 1813).
From this period the history of Ireland naturally becomes intermingled with English politics (see English History), and much of the detail will also be found in the biographical articles on prominent Irishmen and other politicians.
Many sites have biographical information about lawyers who practice with a particular firm, and this can be used to give you an idea of whether you would like to have that person represent you.
He also starred in a biographical mini-series about the making of a Design Star.
The site is clean and colorful and also provides biographical information on the band.
Guitar Masta - Guitar Masta is a site with a nice interface that also includes some biographical information on the band and photos of their albums.
She is also the author of a biographical book entitled Hungry.
Children with savant syndrome may be able to memorize extensive amounts of data in such areas as sports statistics, population figures, and historical or biographical data.
Savion Glover's Official Website includes biographical information, the latest news on the dancer, and tap audio.
There are times when no one living in the immediate family has all the correct dates, children's names, or biographical details of a person who has died.
Obituaries are biographical announcements of a person's death.
Cemetery records can confirm factual dates and may sometimes include additional information such as other relatives or biographical information on family members.
Country music websites often provide artist biographical and album information.
Further, there is often biographical information included in the archives so you can learn about the history of your favorite stars.
On the site, you'll find biographical information about the your favorite actors, background info about various films, film reviews, videos of trailers and movie scenes, promotional posters for movies and press shots for actors.
There's plenty of biographical information for you to peruse at your leisure.
Almost all medical release forms will have a section that requires biographical data.
The site also provides all the biographical information on past winners and hints on future winners.
Among his articles may be mentioned those which he wrote for the ninth edition of this Encyclopaedia on Light, Mechanics, Quaternions, Radiation and Thermodynamics, besides the biographical notices of Hamilton and Clerk Maxwell.
C. Thomas, accompanying the Latin text, with full biographical and bibliographical introductions (1888).
Though never admitted into the inner circle of the king's associates, he found the king the most appreciative of readers and stimulating of companions, and the queen one of the most faithful of his friends; in biographical works and on other occasions he always defended the memory of the unfortunate monarch.
It is unnecessary in this place to recapitulate the many results which had accumulated by the end of the 18th century, or to discuss the labours and theories of individual workers since these receive attention under biographical headings; in this article only the salient features in the history of our science can be treated.
See eulogy by his friend Dr David Hosack (Essays, i., New York, 1824), with biographical details taken from a letter of Rush to President John Adams; also references in the works of Thacker, Gross and Bowditch on the history of medicine in America.
The authorship of the writings ascribed to him in several biographical notices rests on no better authority than the apocryphal statements of Thomas Dempster.
His historical or biographical works were five in number, and included an account of the antiquities of Chios and of E7rL577µiac, recollections of visitors to the island.
The specially antiquarian, biographical and historical features, which make this magazine so valuable a store-house for information for the period it covers, were dropped in 1868, when an " entirely new series," a miscellany of light literature was successively edited by Gowing, Joseph Hatton and Joseph Knight.
A Biographical Memorial, by his widow, was published in 1904.
The Choate Story Book (New York, 1903) contains a few of his addresses and after-dinner speeches, and is prefaced by a brief biographical sketch.
Some of Sybel's numerous historical and political essays have been collected in Kleine historische Schriften (3 vols., 1863, 1869, 1881; new ed., 1897); Vortrage and Aufscitze (Berlin, 1874); and Vortrage and Abhandlungen, published after his death with a biographical introduction by C. Varrentrapp (Munich, 1897).
Whatever may be the biographical value of this work, which has rarely been reprinted with the Essays themselves, and the MS. of which disappeared early, it is almost entirely destitute of literary interest.
See also works quoted in the biographical articles; Brochard, Les Sceptiques grecs (1887); Ed.
See Samuel Chapman Armstrong, a Biographical Study (New York, 1904), by his daughter, Edith Armstrong Talbot.
For biographies, memoirs and general works, see the lists appended to the various biographical articles and to the articles UNITED STATES and CONFEDERATE STATES.
A large part of his book is biographical, describing various incidents of his ministry.
Some of the reports of Jeremiah's pro phecies, and especially the biographical narratives, also probably have Baruch for their author.
The preface to this edition collects all the biographical details and gives full bibliographical references to MSS.
The list of his more noteworthy literary works is completed by the mention of the Histoire des membres de l'Academie frangaise, containing biographical notices of all the members of the Academy who died between 1700 and 1772, the year in which he himself became secretary.
Memoirs of Lord Anglesey were published by Sir P. Pett in 1693, but contain little biographical information and were repudiated as a mere imposture by Sir John Thompson (Lord Haversham), his son-in-law, in his preface to Lord Anglesey's State of the Government in 1694.
She supplied Bishop Heber in 1732 with other biographical data of doubtful authenticity.
He wrote a biographical memoir for an edition of his father's writings, which was published in 187 r.
All these measures were important and were carefully drawn; but their merits cannot be explained in a biographical notice.
One passage will show the conjectural 1 It was of this book that Sir Charles Wetherell said, referring to its author, "and then there is my noble and biographical friend who has added a new terror to death."
The Panorama had a large circulation and influence, and Herculano's biographical sketches of great men and his articles of literary and historical criticism did much to educate the middle class by acquainting them with the story of their nation, and with the progress of knowledge and the state of letters in foreign countries.
There were enough inconsistencies in his creed to enable both sides in the recent controversies to claim him as one who if he were still alive would have supported their case in the altered circumstances; but, from the biographical point of view, these issues are hardly relevant.
Besides this he wrote a number of biographical and historical essays, as well as numerous articles and papers on contemporary politics, of which some are valuable contributions to political thought.
Six of his most famous sermons were edited, with a biographical sketch of their author, by the Oratorian Borde in 1704.
For Avicenna's life, see Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, translated by McG.
As regards the members of the school, the separate articles On Antisthenes, Crates, Diogenes and Demetrius contain all biographical information.
From Miss Sullivan's part of this report I give her most important comments and such biographical matter as does not appear elsewhere in the present volume.
Biographical historians and historians of separate nations understand this force as a power inherent in heroes and rulers.
See the works of Denham, Clapperton, Barth and Nachtigal cited in the biographical notices; Geog.