Binging Sentence Examples
Most binge-eaters hide their binging because they are terribly ashamed of their "lack of control."
Like the other eating disorders, binging is not truly about the food.
Do not deny treats; this can lead to binging.
Can help people who are worried about the financial consequences of their binging.
A friend may tell you that binging on food and then purging is a great way to lose some pounds.
Binging, or binge-eating disorder, is one of the three most common eating disorders, but it is often the least understood.
Binging is eating large amounts of food in a relatively short period of time, in quantities beyond what a normal person would eat in the same amount of time.
Limiting your food selections by never having sweets or carbohydrates may encourage binging at a vulnerable time.
Eat lots of soup-If you are hungry, you may end up binging and defeat the purpose of the diet!
All of this Starbucks binging can yellow out your teeth, and many are looking for a solution.