Bimini Sentence Examples
In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon (c. 1 4 60-1521), who had been with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage and had later been governor of Porto Rico, obtained a royal grant authorizing him to discover and settle " Bimini," - a fabulous island believed to contain a marvellous fountain or spring whose waters would restore to old men their youth or at least had wonderful curative powers.
From that date, until after the colonization of New Providence by the British, there is no record of a Spanish visit to the Bahamas, with the exception of the extraordinary cruise of Juan Ponce de Leon, the conqueror of Porto Rico, who passed months searching the islands for Bimini, which was reported to contain the miraculous "Fountain of Youth."
This is in South Bimini, and has still a local reputation for healing powers.
Phase 1 of the development has already taken place, destroying mangroves and large areas of Bimini's pristine habitat and coastline.
That settles matters, tonight we leave the bimini up to protect us from any wayward spewed volcanic rocks.
That hasn't taken place, but the Bimini Road was discovered on September 2, 1969.
The Bimini Road is a rock formation discovered off the coast of North Bimini Island, in the Bahamas.
He also predicted three major archeological discoveries at the start of the new age in Egypt, Bimini, and the Yucatan.
Researchers dubbed one such structure the Bimini Wall.
He returned to Spain in 1514, and obtained from the king a grant to colonize " the island of Bimini and the island of Florida," of which he was appointed adelantado, and in 1521 he made another expedition, this one for colonization as well as for discovery.