Bills Sentence Examples
The money she had saved would have to go toward doctor bills now.
The bills (leges Appuleiae) were finally passed by the aid of the Marian veterans.
I could be a room mate – help you with the bills and pay rent.
And recognize we have a life, even if it's only by necessity; the bills keep coming and I get hungry once in a while.
Connie said you were coming over to get the bills this evening.
Bills may originate in either house, but in about half of the states money bills must originate in the House of Representativesa survival of British custom which has here, where both houses equally represent the people, no functional value.
I don't need help with the bills.
You're paying the bills?
In 1917 he gave his support to the declaration of war against Germany, and also to all the war measures, including the Selective Draft and Espionage bills.
Good bye good times and good wine; bring on the boxed stuff and bills.
AdvertisementThey're getting rid of stuff from people who didn't pay their bills.
The cast skipped town leaving a peck of unpaid bills.
After greeting the group with a hearty wave, he proudly handed a surprised Cynthia Dean a wad of bills.
Truth be known, he felt a small measure of relief, at least until he opened the mail to a flurry of bills.
We'll save the mysteries for Fred to solve while we try to pay the bills.
AdvertisementHe then reached into his pocket for his snap-top purse and extracted five worn twenty-dollar bills.
I pay my own bills.
Only your bicycling magazine, a few circulars and a couple of bills.
I pitched out the junk mail and paid the bills.
Now she was costing him time at the clinic, an ambulance bill and who knew what kind of medical bills?
AdvertisementReports to the Postmaster-General upon proposals for transferring to the Post Of f ice the Telegraphs throughout the United Kingdom (1868); Special Reports from Select Committee on the Electric Telegraphs Bills (1868, 1869); Report by Mr Scudamore on the reorganization of the Telegraph system of the United Kingdom (1871); Journ.
There is a general tendency among these insular birds to vary more or less from their continental representatives, and this is especially shown by the former having always darker plumage and stronger bills and legs.
Opposition on petition could be heard before a select committee or a joint committee as in the case of private bills.
Similar amending bills were introduced in the 1905 and 1906 sessions, but were withdrawn.
He took a prominent part in the dispute in 1671 between the two Houses concerning the right of the Lords to amend money bills, and wrote a learned pamphlet on the question entitled The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons (1702), in which the right of the Lords was asserted.
AdvertisementIt meets in regular session quadrennially, in special sessions in the middle of the interval to pass the appropriation and revenue bills, and in extraordinary session whenever the governor sees fit to call it.
The passing of some 3500 enclosure bills, affecting between 5 and 5z million acres, during the reign of George III., before which the whole number was between 200 and 250, shows how rapidly the break-up of the common-field husbandry and the cultivation of new land now proceeded.
These two bodies nominally formed the legislature, the Tribunate merely discussing the bills sent to it by an important body, the Council of State; while the Corps Legislatif, sitting in silence, heard them defended by councillors of state and criticized by members of the Tribunate; thereupon it passed or rejected such proposals by secret voting.
Independence is further curtailed by other state boards semi-independent of the city - the police commission of three members from 1885 to 1906, and in 1906 a single police commissioner, appointed by the governor, a licensing board of three members, appointed by the governor; the transit commission, &c. There are, further, county offices (Suffolk county comprises only Boston, Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop), generally independent of the city, though the latter pays practically all the bills.
But Bourne and his friends persisted against both Conference and the local super intendent, who issued bills declaring that no camp-meeting would be held at Norton in August 1807.
He also set on foot a postal system between Muscovy, Courland and Poland, and introduced gazettes and bills of exchange into Russia.
The veto power of the governor (since 1876) extends to separate sections of appropriation bills.
Meanwhile, the immediate necessities of the government were provided for by the issue through Messrs Rothschild of £2,000,000 fresh treasury bills.
After the passing of this resolution the cry against the House of Lords rapidly weakened, since it became clear at the by-elections (culminating at Peckham in March 1908) that the "will of the people" was by no means unanimously on the side of the bills which had failed to pass.
He brought bills into parliament to reform Church patronage and Church discipline, and worked unremittingly for years in their behalf.
Further the area of the metropolis for local government purposes was for the first time defined, being the same as that adopted in the Commissioners of Sewers Act, which had been taken from the area of the weekly bills of mortality.
The Bills of Mortality of the 16th and 17th centuries are of more value, and they have been considered and revised by such able statisticians as John Graunt and Sir William Petty.
He estimates the population to have been 180,000 persons, which Dr Creighton affirms to be nearly three times the number that we obtain by a moderate calculation from the bills of mortality in 1532 and 1 535.
To return to the 16th century when the Bills of Mortality came into existence.
The history of the Bills of Mortality which in the early years were intermittent in their publication is of much interest, and Dr Creighton has stated it with great clearness.
The Company of Parish Clerks is named in an ordinance of 1581 (of which there is a copy in the Record Office) as the body responsible for the bills, and their duties were then said to be " according to the Order in that behalf heretofore provided."
There is a set of Annual Bills from 1658 (with the exception of the years 1756 to 1764) in the library of the British Museum.3 These bills were not analysed and general results obtained from them until 1662, when Captain John Graunt first published his valuable Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of 1 In a valuable paper on " The Population of Old London" in Blackwood's Magazine for April 1891.
The bills were killed by the action of the Registration Act for England and Wales, which came into operation July 1, 1837.
This is accounted for by the larger area contained in the bills of mortality compared with that containing only the city and its liberties.
These figures include (1) the City of London within and (2) without the walls, (3) the City and Liberties of Westminster, (4) the outparishes within the bills of mortality and (5) the parishes not within the bills of mortality.
The passage at first runs obliquely upwards in the bank, sometimes to a distance of as much as 50 ft., and expands at its termination into a cavity, the floor of which is lined with dried grass and leaves, and in which, it is said, the eggs are laid' and the young brought up. Their food consists of aquatic insects, small crustaceans and worms, which are caught under water, the sand and small stones at the bottom being turned over with their bills to find them.
Hostility to the bills grew apace.
After Anne's accession he supported the bills in 1702 and 1704 against occasional conformity, and took a leading part in the disputes which arose between the two Houses.
Important innovations in the constitution of 1897 are the office of lieutenantgovernor, and the veto power of the governor which may extend to parts and clauses of appropriation bills, but a bill may be passed over his veto by a three-fifths vote of each house of the legislature, and a bill becomes a law if not returned to the legislature withil l ten days after its reception by the governor, unless the session of the legislature shall have expired in the meantime.
In commercial and banking usage "cash" is sometimes confined to specie; it is also, in opposition to bills, drafts or securities, applied to bank-notes.
For the long period of 19 years, from 1897 to 1916, he was Secretary of State for the Imperial navy, and in this capacity advocated the navy bills of 1898, 1900, 1907 and 1912 for increasing the German fleet and successfully carried them through the Reichstag.
His own experiences in the Reichstag, and the close contact with the political parties which his advocacy of successive naval bills had involved, made him a master of political intrigue.
Bills are introduced by the grand-duke, but the house has also the right of initiative.
In addition to the usual privilege of granting pardons and reprieves, he controls considerable patronage, and possesses a power of veto which extends to separate items in appropriation bills.
Their number, originally ninety-three, is determined by apportionment bills passed after the publication of each Federal census, but under the constitution it can never exceed one hundred and fifty.
Bills for raising revenue may originate only in the House of Representatives, but may be amended or rejected by the Senate.
He served in this body from 1835 until 1843, and here the marked inconsistency which characterized his public life became manifest; for when John Tyler had become president, had been "read out" of the Whig party, and had vetoed Whig measures (including a tariff bill), for which Cushing had voted, Cushing first defended the vetoes and then voted again for the bills.
All bills passed by the legislature were subjected to the governor's laborious personal scrutiny, and the veto power was used without fear or favour.
President Cleveland made large use of the veto power upon bills passed by Congress, vetoing or " pocketing " during his first term 413 bills, more than two-thirds of which were private pension bills.
The "obligatory referendum" exists in the case of all laws, while 8000 citizens have the right of "initiative" in proposing bills or alterations in the cantonal constitution.
The first state constitution gave the veto power to a council of revision composed of the governor, the chancellor and the judges of the supreme court, but since 1821 this power has been exercised by the governor alone; and in 1874 it was extended to separate items in appropriation bills.
Money bills may originate in either house, but at the final vote on such a bill in either house three-fifths of the members elected to that house must be present and the yeas and nays must be recorded; bills entailing appropriations for local or private purposes must receive a two-thirds majority to pass.
No law other than appropriation bills can go into effect until ninety days after the adjournment of the legislature, except in case of an emergency, by a vote in each house of two-thirds of all its members.
In its portfolio were discounted bills to the amount of 768 millions of kronen.
But, besides this, the bank had also afforded credits to the State in other forms. In return for bonds given by the Austrian and Hungarian State they issued Treasury bills, and transferred the proceeds from them to the two finance departments.
The total amount of such Treasury bills in circulation at the end of 1918 was roughly 7,400 millions of kronen.
He has a veto power extending to items in appropriation bills, which may be overcome by a two-thirds' vote in each house.
Bills may originate in either house, and either house may amend the bills of the other house.
Another instance is that of the County Franchise and Redistribution Bills of 1884-85.
He may veto appropriation bills by items, but any of his vetoes may be overruled by a two-thirds vote of each house.
Bills may originate in either house.
Finance and army bills must be introduced first in the Lower House, the Chamber of Deputies.
His settlement of the railway dispute in 1906 was universally applauded; and the bills he introduced and passed for reorganizing the port of London, dealing with Merchant Shipping, and enforcing the working in England of patents granted there, and so increasing the employment of British labour, were greeted with satisfaction by the tariff-reformers, who congratulated themselves that a Radical free-trader should thus throw over the policy of laisser faire.
He may veto any measure, including items in appropriation bills, but the legislature can repass such a measure by a simple majority of the total membership in each house.
A majority of either house constitutes a quorum, but as regards ordinary bills, on the third reading, not only must they receive a majority of the quorum, but that majority must be at least two-fifths of the total membership of the house.
For the enactment of appropriation bills and bills creating a debt a majority of the total membership in each house is required.
He was invited to approve the candidates proposed for state governorships; in all law cases affecting the Government or political matters the judges asked his opinion; he drafted bills, and discussed their text with individual members and committees of congress.
Although money bills may originate only in the House of Representatives the Senate may propose amendments.
The most obvious distinctions between Totaninae and Tringinae may be said to lie in the acute or blunt form of the tip of the bill (with which is associated a less or greater development of the sensitive nerves running almost if not quite to its extremity, and therefore greatly influencing the mode of feeding) and in the style of plumage - the Tringinae, with blunt and flexible bills, mostly assuming a summer-dress in which some tint of chestnut or reddish-brown 1 These are Phalaropus fulicarius and P. (or Lobipes) hyperboreus, and were thought by some of the older writers to be allied to the Coots (q.v.).
Both houses do most of their work by committees, much after the fashion (to be presently described) of the Federal Congress, and it is in these committees that the form of bills is usually settled and their fate decided.
North Carolina, bills passed by the two houses must be submitted to the state governor for his approval.
Matters of a local or special nature, such as bills for chartering and incorporating gas, water, canal, tramway, railway or telephone companies, or for conferring franchises in the nature of monopolies or special privileges upon such companies, or for altering their constitutions, as also for incorporating cities or minor communities and regulating their affairs.
His right of recommending measures to the legislature (which does not formally include that of framing and presenting bills, but practically permits him to have a bill prepared and use all his influence on its behalf) is of greater value according to the extent to which he leads the public opinion of his state.
Each committee has complete control of all bills referred to it, and nmn.eteen-twentieths of the bills introduced meet their death by the failure of the committee to take action on them.
The bills taken up for action are debated and freely amended by the committees, and sometimes public hearings are held.
A bill, as finally agreed on by a committee, is reported to the house, and when taken up for action the fate of most bills is decided by an hours discussion, opened by the member of the committee making the report.
Of the enormous number of bills brought in very few pass.
He appoints the members of nearly all committees, he chooses the chairman of each, and he directs the reference of bills to the various committees.
In legislative matters its powers are identical with those of the House of Representatives, with the single restriction that bills for raising revenue must originate in the popular assembly.
The most important measures are those dealing with the revenues and appropriations; and the procedure on these matters is slightly different from that on other bills.
Revenue bills for imposing or continuing the various customs duties and internal taxes are prepared by the House committee on ways and means, whose chairman is always a leading man in the majority party.
Regular appropriation bills down to 1883 were all passed by the House committee on appropriations, but in that year a new committeeon rivers and harboursreceived a large field of expenditure; and in 1886 certain other supply bills were referretl to sundry standing committees.
The financial bills are discussed, as fully as the pressure of work permits, in committee of the whole House.
Fresh items of appropriations are often added, and changes are made in revenue bills in the interest of particular purposes or localities.
When finally adopted by the House, the bills go to the Senate and are forthwith referred to the committee on finance or to that on appropriations.
The Senate committees amend freely both classes of bills, and further changes may be made by the Senate itself.
Thus it comes that comparatively slight use is made of the experience of the permanent financial officials in the framing of revenue-raising and appropriation bills.
While nearly all important measures are brought into parliament by the ministers of the sovereign, and nominally under his instructions, the American president cannot introduce bills either directly or through his the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of war, the attorneygeneral, the postmaster-general, the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the interiorthis order to apply only to such officers as shall have been appointed by the advice and consent of the Senate.
Most of Johnsons vetoes were promptly overruled by the large majority opposed to him in both houses, but the vetoes of all the other presidents have generally prevented the enactment of the bills of which they disapproved.
The passage of local or special bills by the legislature was prohibited.
The governor's power of veto extends to separate items in appropriation bills, but in every case his veto may be overriden by a two-thirds vote of the legislature.
The legislative session of 1892, during which four changes of ministry took place, was protracted to eight months chiefly by her determination to carry through the opium and lottery bills and to have a pliable cabinet.
He has a right of veto, extending to items in appropriation bills, which may be overridden by a two-thirds vote in each house.
The powers of the two houses are the same except that the senate exercises the usual right of confirming appointments and of sitting as a court of impeachment, while the House of Representatives initiates money bills and impeachment cases.
Acts were passed in 1781, 1792, 1793 and 1794 to facilitate redemption at depreciated rates, and the last bills were called in on the 1st of January 1806.
But in Scotland the ordinary judges of the Inner and Outer Houses are called lords ordinary, the junior lord ordinary of the Outer House acts as lord ordinary of the bills, the second junior as lord ordinary on teinds, the third junior as lord ordinary on Exchequer causes.
He also advocated the Freedmen's Bureau bills and the Tenure of Office Act, and went beyond Congress in favouring the confiscation of the property of the Confederate States and "of the real estate of 70,000 rebels who own above 200 acres each, together with the lands of their several states," for the benefit of the freedmen and loyal whites and to reimburse, it was said, the sufferers from Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, during which Stevens's own ironworks at Chambersburg had been destroyed.
The bills proposed for extending the franchise were all rejected (April 11th and 12th).
Tithe-payers could also file bills in equity to establish a modus against a tithe-owner.
Here he was conspicuous as an ardent free-trader and an uncompromising advocate of "States Rights," opposed the protectionist tariff bills of 1824 and 1828, and consistently upheld the doctrine that slavery was a domestic institution and should be dealt with only by the individual states.
When, therefore, on the 10th of February 1860, the bills necessary for carrying out the reform of the army were introduced into the diet, they met with so strenuous an opposition that they had to be withdrawn.
They opposed all bills which would appear directly or indirectly to injure agricultural interests.
They would only give their support to the Navy Bills of 1897 and 1900 in return for large concessions limiting the importation of margarine and American preserved meat, and the removal of the Indemnitts Na-chweis acted as a kind of bounty on the export of corn.
The yearly contingent of recruits for the army is fixed by the military bills voted by the Austrian and Hungarian parliaments, and is generally determined on the basis of the population, according to the last census returns.
At the same time arrangements were made between Austria and Hungary to pay off about 80 million of exchequer bills which had been issued on the security of the government salt-works, and were therefore called " salinenscheine."
The first settlement occupied two full years, from 1876, when the negotiations began, to June 1878, when at last all the bills were carried successfully through the two parliaments; and it was necessary to prolong the previous arrangements (which expired at the end of 1877) till the middle of 1878.
First the two ministries had to agree on the drafts of all the bills; then the bills had to be laid before the two parliaments.
In the autumn of 1902 the Austrian and the Hungarian governments, at the instance of the crown and in agreement with the joint minister for war and the Austrian and Hungarian ministers for national defence, laid before their respective parliaments bills providing for an increase of 21,000 men in the annual contingents of recruits.
The object of this apparently high-handed step was to avoid the expense and delay of summoning the supernumeraries again to the colours when the bills should have received parliamentary sanction; but it was not unnaturally resented by the Hungarian Chamber, which has ever possessed a lively sense of its prerogatives.
At the end of 1902 the supernumeraries were discharged - too late to calm the ardour of the Opposition, which proceeded to demand that the Army bills should be entirely withdrawn or that, if adopted, they should be counterbalanced by concessions to Magyar nationalist feeling calculated to promote the use of the Magyar language in the Hungarian part of the army and to render the Hungarian regiments, few of which are purely Magyar, more and more Magyar in character.
Before taking office KhuenHedervary negotiated with Kossuth and other Opposition leaders, who undertook that obstruction should cease if the Army bills were withdrawn.
A protocol enumerating the points agreed on was signed by all who had taken part in the conference, and in May bills were laid before the diet incorporating the chief points in the agreement.
Baron Gautsch fell in April over a difference with the Poles, and his successor, Prince Konrad zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfiirst, who had taken over the reform bills, resigned also, Baron six weeks later, as a protest against the action of the crown in consenting to the enactment of a customs tariff in Hungary distinct from, though identical with, the joint Austro-Hungarian tariff comprised hi the Szell-Kdrber compact and enacted as a joint tariff by the Reichsrath.
He introduced and passed bills for the better protection of women and children in brickyards and for the limitation of their labours in factories;.
By 1840 the length of the railway lines for which bills were passed was 1914 m., the capital being £3,122,133.
A parliament (31st of August) demanded the loss of votes (fourteen) by bishops, and freedom of debate on bills formed by the Lords of the Articles, who had practically held all power; while Argyll carried a bill demanding for each estate the right to select its own representatives among these lords.
There was to be, under this plan, an executive chosen by the national legislature, to be ineligible for a second term, to have general authority to execute the national laws and to have the executive rights vested in Congress by the Confederation; and the executive with a convenient number of the national judiciary was to compose a Council of Revision, with a veto power on acts of the national legislature and on the national legislature's vetoes of acts of state legislatures - but the national legislature might pass bills (or vetoes of state legislation) over the action of the Council of Revision.
The years after his brief course at the university were devoted to the practice of law, in which he achieved considerable success, being appointed, about 1623, an attorney in the Court of Wards and Liveries, and also being engaged in the drafting of parliamentary bills.
Since 1875, 1000 citizens can claim a popular vote (facultative Referendum) on all bills, or can exercise the right of initiative whether as to laws or the revision of the cantonal constitution.
In bills of lading and charter parties, when "days" or "running days" are spoken of without qualification, they usually mean consecutive days, and Sundays and holidays are counted, but when there is some qualification, as where a charter party required a cargo "to be discharged in fourteen days," "days" will mean working days.
In the United Kingdom, by the Bills of Exchange Act 1882, three days are allowed as days of grace, but when the last day of grace falls on Sunday, Christmas day, Good Friday or a day appointed by royal proclamation as a public fast or thanksgiving day, the bill is due and payable on the preceding business day.
After the change of government the last years of his life were spent in taking his due share in the vigorous opposition which the Unionists offered to the Liberal Education bills the budget of 190g, the Parliament bill, the Home Rule bill, and the Welsh Disestablishment bill.
He has the power to veto bills, to pardon, to grant reprieves and commutations, and to remit fines and forfeitures, but the Board of Charities and Reform constitutes a Board of Pardons for investigating all applications for executive clemency and advising the governor with respect to them.
All bills for raising a revenue must originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose amendments.
The total number of deaths from plague in that year, according to the bills of mortality, was 68,596, in a population estimated at 460,000, 3 out of whom two-thirds are supposed to have fled to escape the contagion.
But from its past history and local conditions, London might well be deemed capable of producing such an epidemic. In the bills of mortality since 1603 there are only three years when no deaths from plague are recorded.
After 1666 there was no epidemic of plague in London or any part of England, though sporadic cases appear in bills of mortality up to 1679; and a column filled up with " o " was left till 1703, when it finally disappeared.
He appoints numerous officers with the concurrence of the Senate, has the usual power of vetoing legislative bills, and has authority to inspect the records of officers, or to employ accountants to do so, and to suspend, during a recess of the General Assembly, any executive officer at the seat of government except the lieutenant-governor; he must, however, report to the General Assembly at its next session the cause of any suspension and that body determines whether the suspended officer shall be restored or removed.
The governor's veto power extends to items in appropriation bills, and to overcome his veto, whether of a whole bill or an item of an appropriation bill, a two-thirds vote in each house of the members* present is required, and such two-thirds must include in each house a majority of the members elected to that house.
Before bills are discussed they may be prepared by committees, which play an important part in the work of the house.
At the opening of every session, the king submitted to the estates " royal propositions," or bills, upon which each estate proceeded to deliberate in its own separate chamber.
It prepared all bills for the Riksdag, created and deposed all ministries, controlled the foreign policy of the nation, and claimed and often exercised the right of superseding the ordinary courts of justice.
Bills for the improvement of the social conditions of the people and in the interests of the working classes were also passed.
The chief business of the native sarrafs (money-changers, bankers; &c.) is to discount bills at high rates, hardly ever less than 12%, and remit money from place to place in Persia for a commission amounting to from I to 5, or even 6% on each transaction; and in spite of the European banks giving lower rates of discount and remitting money at par, the majority of the people and mercantile classes still deal with the natives.
These societies had their origin in the associations formed in the middle of the 19th century for the purpose of disseminating information regarding bankruptcies, assignments and bills of sale.
In certain cases the governor-general must reserve the royal assent to bills, e.g.
With regard to bills the two houses are not in a position of equality.
Bills appropriating revenue or moneys, or imposing taxation, must originate in the House of Assembly and may not be amended by the Senate.
A series of bills was passed through the Commons between 1668 and 1675,, only to be rejected by the other House.
All parties believed that the ministry would fall, and the rotativos prepared once more to divide the spoils of office, when, on the 2nd of May 1907, Joao Franco reconstructed his cabinet, secured the dissolution of the cortes and announced that certain bills still under discussion would receive the force of law.
In 1905 her internal debt, including 1,998,500 bolivianos of treasury bills, amounted to 6,243,270 bolivianos (LS46,286).
No bill can pass either house except by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members elected to that house, and on its third reading the ayes and noes must be taken and recorded; for appropriation bills a two-thirds majority of all members elected to each house is required.
Under the revised constitution of 1908 any bill passed by the legislature and approved by the governor, except appropriation bills, may be referred by the legislature to the qualified electors; and no bill so referred shall become law unless approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon; no local or special act, passed by the legislature, takes effect until it is approved by a majority vote of the electors in the affected district.
Money bills originate in the lower house, but the Senate may propose amendments.
Bills not returned to the legislature in five days become law, unless the legislature adjourns in the meantime.
Bills were passed in 1909 by the legislative assembly of New South Wales and by the federal parliament, transferring this territory to the federation.
Payment on account of the conveyance of electors to or from the poll; payment for any committee room in excess of a prescribed number; the incurring of expenses in and about the election beyond a certain maximum; employing, for the conveyance of electors to or from the poll, hackney carriages or carriages kept for hire; payments for bands, flags, cockades, &c.; employing for payment persons at the election beyond the prescribed number; printing and publishing bills, placards or posters which do not disclose the name and address of the printer or publisher; using as committee rooms or for meetings any licensed premises, or any premises where food or drink is ordinarily sold for consumption on the premises, or any club premises where intoxicating liquor is supplied to members.
A county council has the same power of opposing bills in parliament and of prosecuting or defending any legal proceedings necessary = for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of a county as are conferred on the council m legal of a municipal borough by the Borough Funds Act 1872, with this difference, that in order to enable them to oppose a bill in parliament at the cost of the county rate, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the owners and ratepayers within the county.
The power thus conferred is limited to opposing bills.
It must not be supposed, however, that the county council have no power to institute or defend legal proceedings or oppose bills save such as is expressly conferred upon them by the Local Government Act.
Under the Borough Funds Act 1872 the urban district council may, if in their judgment it is expedient, promote or oppose any local and personal bill or bills in parliament, or may Bills In prosecute or defend any legal proceedings necessary for the promotion or protection of the interests of the district, Parlla- and may charge the costs incurred in so doing to the w ent and rates under their control.
All revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives, but to such bills the Senate may propose amendments provided they relate solely to raising revenue.
Other bills may originate in either house.
The veto of the governor, which extends to separate items in appropriation bills, can be overcome only by a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature; but if the bill is not returned to the legislature, within five days it becomes a law without the governor's approval.
Children dying within the month were called chrisom-children " or " chrisoms," and up to 1726 such entries occur in bills of mortality.
The central commission was at the same time abolished, and a council of state charged with preparing bills substituted for it.
This expensive practice was abolished; various checks were placed upon legislative extravagance, and upon financial, special and local legislation generally; and among reform provisions, common enough to-day, but uncommon in 1875, were those forbidding the General Assembly to make irrevocable grants of special privileges and immunities; requiring finance officials of the state to clear their accounts precedent to further eligibility to public office; preventing private gain to state officials through the deposit of public moneys in banks, or otherwise; and permitting the governor to veto specific items in general appropriation bills.
Mr Forster and Mr Cardwell, as private members in opposition, brought in Education Bills in 1867 and 1868; and in 1868, when the Liberal party returned to office, Mr Forster was appointed vice-president of the council, with the duty of preparing a government measure for national education.
Mr. Law maintained his stout opposition to the Home Rule and Welsh Church bills on their second and third appearances in the sessions of 1913 and 1914.
Bills for raising revenue must originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may offer amendments.
The constitution forbids the establishment or incorporation by the legislative assembly of any bank or banking company; and it forbids any bank or banking company in the state from issuing bills, checks, certificates, promissory notes or other paper to circulate as money.
On several occasions when he endeavoured to commit parliaments to back his bills and endorse his policy, they refused to help him, and left him to face his debts as best he might.
In spite of the strenuous resistance of the opposition, led by Fox, and of numerous meetings of protest held outside the walls of parliament, both bills passed into law by enormous majorities.
The price of food, already raised by the war, was still further increased by sueCore Laws cessive Corn Laws, and the artificial value thus given and to arable land led to the passing of Enclosure Bills, Enclosure under which the country people were deprived of their Acts, common rights with very inadequate compensations and life in the village communities was made more and more difficult.
Lord Palmerston, however, with some tact postponed the controversy for the time by obtaining the appointment of a committee to search for precedents; and, after the report of the committee, he moved a series of resolutions affirming the right of the Commons to grant aids and supplies as their exclusive privilege, stating that the occasional rejection of financial measures by the Lords had always been regarded with peculiar jealousy, but declaring that the Comnions had the remedy in their own hands by so framing bills of supply as to secure their acceptance.
His electioneering ventures, the friendly backing of bills, and his own expense in keeping up appearances, had loaded him with debt.
Among the bills introduced by him in the Senate was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793.
He is a member of some important administrative boards, his veto power extends to items in appropriation bills, and to pass a bill over his veto a vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house is required.
Besides transferring private bill legislation to Dublin on the Scottish plan, to which no one in Ireland objected, it was proposed to hand over the internal expenditure of Ireland to a financial council consisting half of nominated and half of elected members, and to give an Irish assembly the initiative in public Irish bills.
The governor has a veto power, extending to the separate items in appropriation bills, which may be overcome by a two-thirds majority in each house of the General Assembly; three days (excluding Sunday) are allowed to the governor for vetoing bills or joint resolutions passed by the General Assembly, or only two days if the General Assembly adjourn before three days have elapsed.
Parliamentary institutions annulled by the The concomplication of three assembliesthe Council of State aiftutlon which drafted bills, the Tribunate which discUssed oi the them without voting them, and the Legislative year VIII.
He ardently supported the policy of making Federal appropriations (of land, but not of money) for internal improvements of a national character, being a prominent advocate of the construction, by government aid, of a trans-continental railway, and the chief promoter (1850) of the Illinois Central; in 1854 he suggested that Congress should impose tonnage duties from which towns and cities might themselves pay for harbour improvement, &c. To him as chairman of the committee on territories, at first in the House, and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, it fell to introduce the bills for admitting Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon into the Union, and for organizing the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska.
The new cabinet convoked the Cortes elected under the administration of Canovas in 1884, and the Conservative majorities of both houses, at the request of Canovas, behaved very loyally, voting supplies and other bills necessary to enable the government to be carried on until another parliament could be elected in the following year, 1886.
His veto power extends to items in appropriation bills, but any bill or item may be passed over his veto by three-fifths of the members elected to each house of the legislature.
There were slaves within its borders from the beginning, and anti-slavery ideas were embodied in several legislative bills, until a territorial law of 1861 excluded slavery.
In spite of his multifarious duties at the foreign office Grenville continued to take a lively interest in domestic matters, which he showed by introducing various bills into the House of Lords.
The governor may veto bills passed by the General Assembly, but to override his veto the vote of only a bare majority of the members elected to each house is required.
Bills of whatever character may originate in either house, but no bill can become a law until it has passed both houses by a majority of all the members to which the house is entitled under the constitution, and if the governor vetoes a bill it cannot become a law until it has again passed both houses by such a majority.
I could be a room mate – help you with the bills and pay rent.
It was stuffed with one thousand dollar bills – fifty of them.
While Dean failed to read the correlation, he applauded the act and kept quiet as all four looked up at the high ceiling, nearly covered in thumb-tacked bills.
Dean continued to struggle with paper work throughout the afternoon, almost oblivious to the comings and goings of Bird Song as he shuffled unpaid bills and government forms.
The citizens had concern about the impact of increases in water bills.
The young man laments the fact that he earns too little to pay his bills.
The air of Allonby is highly salubrious and conducive to longevity, as the bills of mortality show.
I believe that the two Bills, taken together can fundamentally alter the landscape of domestic energy for the better " .
Be a priority mental anguish some medical bills what serious health problems.
Few working class women would find the millionaire backers to pay their legal bills.
His day job was simply a way of paying the bills!
Which monthly bills will I need to send in?
What you pay for in electricity bills is ENERGY.
You know, like it says on dollar bills?
Mrs Green's fuel bills are £ 12.50 per week.
All vets ' bills will paid by the league.
Automated and Customized billing AUTOMATION DBA offers a facility for automated billing which allows bills to be submitted on magnetic tapes or diskettes.
These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure.
Although Law Commission Bills do not tend to be politically controversial, that can operate against them at this stage.
Your address for service shall be at the address you ask phone co-op to send bills to.
Council tax would put a serious dent in their weekly shopping bills.
Their character is due to their lineal descent from Graunt's Observations upon the Bills of Mortality of London.
But we need to go further if we are to avoid the double jeopardy of worsening social problems and escalating tax bills.
This could either be in the form of reducing bills or further schemes to improve the environment.
In 2001/2 food bills represented only a sixth of total household expenditure.
In short, the " Budget Rent-a-Car " company was suing Chissano's company expresso tours over unpaid bills.
The mobile greengrocer left a note blaming his death on us, his customers, for not settling our bills quickly enough.
A company is being run for a fraudulent purpose e.g. regularly submitting falsely inflated bills to customers for car repairs.
Jerry parsons the medical bills claim be prepared.
But we think the general approach taken by those Bills provides a sound basis for fresh draft legislation to implement a ban.
The day refused to use medical bills in of murdering Mabel.
If you are careless, you will get stung by potentially massive bills (unless you use pre-pay ).
Offered Wanted Looking for an accommodation ideally flatshare with double bed in double room for non-smoker flatmate max rent 400 per month including bills.
Spokesperson Jerry parsons the medical bills claim be prepared.
Liner bills of lading were duly issued for the consignments, naming the claimants as the shippers and Gold Crown as the notify party.
Bills for year two will be sent out to the levy payers in October 2006.
The results revealed that as infection levels increase, the deposition of carotenoid pigments in male bills decreases.
Two bills passed through the US Senate on Friday in a bid to combat internet piracy.
They are now trying to make old bills presentable by washing them at the Department.
Going through an the number of who opened a. The bills they working the phone lines canada version an post corporation presort.
The reviews said... Cut your bills by harvesting rainwater.
The deposit may also be retained to cover unpaid rent or bills, or cleaning cost specified in the contract.
It might require a thorough rethink of how we approach private Members ' Bills.
Heavy insulation and standing seam aluminum roofing help retain heat to keep heating bills low.
Both sexes have characteristically long droopy crests, and long serrated bills with which they catch their main prey of fish.
Today there were questions about why a long-awaited government shake-up designed to reduce medical negligence bills has still not been put into action.
Unanticipated medical bills for you or a family member that are not covered by your health insurance policy or HMO can become staggering.
More intriguing still, each carried a small stash of $ 100 bills issued in sequence.
In the United States the position of straight bills of lading is governed by statute.
A daily life suffocated by a rash of new rules and regulations, bills and prices.
This father's day to fill revenue shortfalls purchase only treasury bills.
They are being fooled by confidence tricksters for no other reason than to extract a regular stream of dollar bills from them.
The young tykes who wrote it will get tuppence in royalties, which just might go toward paying their Prozac bills.
Ultimately, both provisions were removed from these bills under threat of a presidential veto.
Bills sinking into the cracks, shards of glass, discarded wrappers.
Capacity for work brought him places on important committees - he was chairman successively of the committee on military affairs, the committee on banking and currency, and the committee on appropriations, - and his ability as a speaker enabled him to achieve distinction on the floor of the House and to rise to leadership. Between 1863 and 1873 Garfield delivered speeches of importance on "The Constitutional Amendment to abolish Slavery," "The Freedman's Bureau," "The Reconstruction of Rebel States," "The Public Debt and Specie Payments," "Reconstruction,'" The Currency," Taxation of United States Bonds," Enforcing the 14th Amendment," National Aid to Education,' and "the Right to Originate Revenue Bills."
Bills were introduced to reduce the position of a bishop to well-nigh that of Primus inter pares; to place the power of veto in the congregation; to abolish -the canon law and to establish a presbytery it every parish.
Thus it was with the abolition of the grist tax, the reform of the suffrage, the railway conventions and many other bills.
Bills of any character may originate in either house.
The House passed by an enormous majority a resolution (introduced on June 25) "that in order to give effect to the will of the people, as expressed by their representatives, it is necessary that the power of the other House to alter or reject bills passed by this House should be so restricted by law as to secure that within the limits of a single parliament the final decision of the Commons shall prevail"; but the prime minister's explanation that statutory provision should be made for two or three successive private conferences between the two Houses as to any bill in dispute at intervals of about six months, and that, only after that, the bill in question should be finally sent up by the Commons with the intimation that unless passed in that form it would become law over their heads, was obviously not what was wanted by enthusiastic opponents of the second chamber.
The proposal to abolish the paperduty was revived in the budget of 1861, the chief proposals of which, instead of being divided, as in previous years, into several bills, were included in one.
The general decline in the quality of these bodies, and especially their proneness to pass ill-considered or pernicious bills at the instance of private promotors, has led to the restriction in recent years of their powers by the insertion in the state constitutions of many provisions forbidding the enactment of certain classes of measures, and regulating the procedure to be adopted in the passing, either of statutes generally or of particular kinds of statutes.
Despite the fact that the Austrian Army bill had been voted by the Reichsrath (February 19), the crown consented to withdraw the bills and thus compelled the Austrian parliament to repeal, at the dictation of the Hungarian obstructionists, what it regarded as a patriotic measure.
On the 6th of August 1909 the Payne and Colton bills became law, greatly promoting trade between the Islands and the United States (see Communications and Commerce).
He led a strong fight against the ministerial bills introduced to take advantage of the Parliament Act, and protested vehemently against the relentless closure by which they were driven through the House of Commons.
In several directions, and notably in administration, they carried their policy into effect; but the House of Lords (see PARLIAMENT) was an obvious stumbling-block to some of their more important Bills, and the Unionist control of that House speedily made itself felt, first in wrecking the Education Bill of 1906, then in throwing out the Licensing Bill of 1908, and finally (see LLOYD GEORGE, D.) in forcing a dissolution by the rejection of the budget of 1909, with its novel proposals for the increased taxation of land and licensed houses.
The saving you make on your water heating bills means the cost can be recouped within a year.
Avoiding red tape and solicitors bills, the easy way !
The rental with HSSC has been renegotiated in light of the increased utility bills.
The Government has encouraged the draft scrutiny of bills for the first time to improve the quality of legislation.
If you save on your water bills you are also likely to save on your sewerage bills.
His successor in command of the 3rd ACR is Col. Michael Bills, who comes from the Army 's Human Resources Command.
Bandung challenged BNP 's title to sue in respect of the switched bills and the Batam bills.
Local Threshers round corner. parking spaces available. £ 115 rent excluding bills.
These include a particularly good set of eighteenth century tradesmen 's bills.
This father 's day to fill revenue shortfalls purchase only treasury bills.
We spent almost £ 10,000 on vets bills, which was almost £ 1000 more than last year.
John Penn vetoed two bills which had been passed by the Assembly.
Dan Koretsky posed for a picture with Will Oldham holding a wad of crisp bills fanned out in front of his face.
Wildfire protection bills were introduced in the 107th Congress; however, none was enacted.
Pay their bills begin offering auto insurance york pennsylvania local group which sought united states of.
The new air conditioner heats the home very efficiently, allowing us to spend less money on bills.
Paying bills is my least favorite part of adulthood.
Cora and Don decided that Cora would be the primary remitter of the bills in their home, as she was better with money.
Dealing with a baby born prematurely includes the constant worry about the infant's health status and development, along with the concerns about exploding hospital bills.
Baby swings are often more useful in living rooms or kitchens - the baby is kept occupied while you attend to other tasks, like paying bills or folding laundry.
And the more money you will save on electricity bills.
The strip cut shredders are good for non-confidential papers and other waste like kids' homework assignments, bills and so on. itself as the number one Online wholesaler.
You don't want to overpay, and you also don't want to pass on a great below-market-value price.If you will be traveling to the Houston, Texas area, PPL Motor Homes bills itself as the "largest RV consignment dealer in the USA."
While US Treasury bills have only yielded about 4 percent in value yearly since 2002, gold has yielded an average of more than 25 percent per year over the same period of time.
If a store or retailer is failing in both aspects, concentrating on profit is a good strategy because that's the money that pays your bills and employees.
If one of your friends is having a difficult time financially, you can pay one of their bills.
Because online only stores do not have to pay for rental space, utility bills, and store staff, they often can offer significantly lower prices.
It's the times that it doesn't that can leave pet owners with the blues and the bills.
Purchasing pet insurance for cats is one way to protect yourself against hefty, unexpected veterinary bills.
You can keep pets for yourself without all of the extra work and veterinary bills that breeding entails.
Be prepared to pay a little more for the food, but you'll save money in the long run on veterinary bills and through saving your baseboards and carpets.
Indeed, many an injury will accompany this feet first fall, and so before you take out the garden hose to blast your cat out of a tree, it's important to remember that you may be paying some hefty vet bills before the day is out.
Keeping your cat healthy and strong will typically reduce your costly vet bills that add up to considerable amounts over time.
Additionally, automatic bill payments can be arranged for things like insurance, television bills and gym memberships.
This process can be somewhat difficult, though some lenders are likely to agree if they believe you do not have the ability to continue paying your bills.
Reduce your monthly bills for utilities.
Did you know that most of your bills can be paid online directly out of your checking account?
Pay bills on time or set up an automatic payment.
You can often buy stamps and pay some bills, like local utilities, from an ATM.
Paying your bills by their due date and paying down your debt will help raise your score.
Other secured debt can result in a garnishment of wages, so arrange workable payment plans for debt such as student loans, health bills and child support.
A few clicks here and there, and she's taken care of all the bills for the month.
Of course, the best way to avoid problems with debt collectors is to pay bills on time, and a careful budget can help with that.
Review a consumer's spending habits and make suggestions for reducing expenses and prioritizing bills.
This means that you shouldn't allow yourself to leave bills unopened or avoid staying in contact with the creditors to whom you owe money.
When you mail out bills that have account numbers on them, you may be better off dropping it off at the post office or putting it in a postal drop box rather than letting it sit outside your home unattended.
Fuel and traveling costs can add up fast, so never get in over your head, and pay your bills on time to keep debt problems in the rear view mirror.
Add up all of the required payments and then decide how much extra you can put towards these bills each month.
Pay off as many of your bills as you can.
For some people, this is simply a matter of looking at their paycheck to see what their income is and looking at their bills to see what their expenses are.
To develop a bill paying system, you must first have a clear understanding of what your bills are, when they are due, and the payment options available to you.
To get this information, spend one whole month tracking your bills as they come in.
You can also be confident your bills will always be paid on time.
Another popular option involves paying bills over the Internet.
This will make it much easier to pay your bills in a timely manner.
Most people who pay bills online do it because it is often easier and more convenient than traditional bill paying methods.
Paying bills online allows consumers to save time from writing checks and save money on stamps.
The first type of service allows you to pay bills online through a secure site regardless of whether the creditor accepts electronic payments.
Through you can also see any bill online regardless of whether or not the creditor sends your bills electronically. will scan your bills to allow you to see your bills online each month.
The second type of service allows you to pay bills online through an institution you are familiar with - your bank.
If all your creditors do not allow electronic payments, then you are still going to have to pay some bills the old fashioned way.
The service should allow you to access past bills and payment information online.
Be sure to calculate if you can afford to pay bills online with a particular service.
It may make your life easier if you pay bills online.
Paying bills online does not mean you can ignore your bills.
However, if you aren't sure about your ability to pay your bills on time, this could be a concern.
Similarly, many people assume that the greatest expenditures they have are their monthly bills and living expenses such as housing, groceries, utilities, and transportation.
Paying bills using electronic payments is growing in popularity among consumers.
Every time you type in a password, pay bills online, access your bank account, or key in other personal information into the Internet or your own personal computer documents, you are putting yourself at risk.
Bills may overwhelm individuals, especially after having recently lost a job or experiencing an unforeseen financial emergency.
If you are serious in your quest to reduce your debt, you might want to find ways to bring in some extra money to pay the bills down.
Instead of discharging all the consumer's bills, the debt is renegotiated and eventually paid off.
Don't be surprised if the company asks for income statements or information on your other bills.
Am I carrying more consumer debt than debt for necessities, such as student loans, medical bills, or mortgage payments?
If you already use your card regularly for purchases and recurring bills then you might as well earn points.
Do you hide or throw away bills because you are too scared to deal with them?
The variable rate is fixed against some kind of publicly available figure, such as the prime rate, the rate for US Treasury bills, or some other standard market measurement.
Instead of giving a check or dollar bills as a gift you give a card that looks just like any other Visa card.
For example, using the card to pay recurring bills (such as utility bills) may not work even if their is enough available balance on the card.
The trouble really begins when the collection calls start and the student begins to feel the pressure of not being able to pay their bills.
For example, if you charge $20,000 each month and you regularly pay your bills in full within ten days, your monthly savings would be $400.
American Express Bill Pay - You can use your Plum Card to pay recurring expenses like your insurance payments or wireless phone bills.
The most common approach is to take over the unwieldy stack of bills and notices and compress it all into one, simple monthly payment through a debt management plan (DMP).
Broad services -- The person you talk to should be genuinely interested in your financial situation as a whole, not just rush to jam your bills in a DMP and move on.
Even if you instantaneously bring all your delinquent accounts into current status and pay down your bills, it will take time for this to reflect on your score.
If you have any bills that are delinquent, bring them up to current status and keep them there.
Paying your bills consistently is one of the best ways to raise your FICO score.
Friendly fraud is caused by the use of our sensitive information (checkbooks, bills, social security information and Personal Identification Numbers [PINS]) by family or friends who have immediate access to our information.
Make all your payments on time, even if this means a complete overhaul on your methods for paying your bills.
This includes retailers, online, using it to pay bills, or any other method needed.
Use Charter One Bill Pay, a feature of the debit card, to pay bills using your debit card.
There are certainly a lot of benefits to consolidating bills down to one lender.
Believe it or not, some people need the contact from the collection agencies or the continued flow of bills to motivate them to repay their debts.
They prey on people who are so worried about taking care of their bills that they will jump at the first offer they see.
It can also be used to pay bills and is good at ATMs that accept Visa.
Consolidate your bills - You may want to move all of your high-rate debt to a new creditor if you can get a much lower interest rate.
Capital One also allows account holders to pay other bills they may have through the Capital One online system.
Rush bill pay is a useful service that will allow you to pay bills or send cash to anyone online.
These programs include grants to people who were in an emergency situation, such as a flood or a hurricane, and grant programs for people that have large medical bills they can't pay.
These grants may provide debt relief for the millions of citizens whose unmanageable debt resulted from medical bills not covered by insurance or from other unforeseen bad luck.
When being considered for a grant for medical bills, you must be able to show that you don't have the ability to repay your debts on your own.
As this practice continues, the bills on the cards continue to rise if not paid off promptly each month.
You can deposit the necessary funds you need monthly to the card and then use that card to pay your bills.
You can make a one time payment or set up automatic monthly payments so you are never late with your bills.
Account access is available every hour of every day with their paperless billing system, which utilizes your e-mail to send you bills and statements.
If you pay your bills late, for example, lenders will believe that you will pay back any loans they make to you late, too.
If your lenders see that you pay your bills in a timely manner, they know you are less of a risk to them.
On the "My Accounts" section of Chase's website, simply select the option to pay your bills.
This low monthly payment obligation can be very helpful for people trying to temporarily lower their monthly bills due to an impending job change, move, or other reason.
Be patient, pay your bills on time and borrow responsibly.
If you find yourself buried in bills, the day to start turning your financial life around is today.
Once you've taken care of that, noting that some creditors will say yes while others will say no, it's time to see how much money you have available to put toward your bills each month.
Individuals who are able to make payments on their bills, but are unable to get out of debt, will benefit the most from this type of counseling.
You need to be able to pay the bills in full and on time because carrying a balance will rack up interest charges fast.
Certain cards are more lenient than others, and allow a grace period of ten to twenty days for students to pay their monthly bills before interest is charged.
In some cases, you can even use your MoneyCard to pay utility bills and other debts.
It implies that you are a higher risk since you may not pay your bills on time.
It's important to take the necessary steps to get out of debt before you find yourself struggling to pay your bills.
Using the American Express online bill pay option is a good way for you to keep track of your account and make payments on your bills.
It seems that the days of paying bills with a check are coming to an end.
People want to get their bills paid immediately, and companies would like nothing more than to receive their payments in a timely manner.
American Express offers its users a number of ways to pay their bills online, and the methods offered are both convenient and secure.
American Express also offers its customers the option of using their American Express card to pay other bills, such as for a cell phone or car insurance.
Bell Canada contacted the firm to inquire about the calls, but only after the bills had been racked up.
Use third party secured services to pay bills instead of mailing bills.
A rate that is just a bit over what you're willing to pay may not seem like a big deal now, but it certainly will when the monthly bills arrive, if you don't pay off your balance each month.
Payment History - How a consumer paid his bills in the past makes up 35 percent.
Another distinction is a cardholder's ability to charge utility bills to their Target Visa card.
Target Visa cardholders are able to use their card to pay for their phone, cable or other utility bills.
Cardholders can also use Billco to manage other bills by setting up due date reminders or creating a list of usernames and passwords for online accounts.
Are there any collections accounts or unpaid bills you are not aware of?
Set up a timeframe to pay your bills each month to avoid late payments or over the limit fees, which hurt your score.
Another option is to have bills transferred into the name of the person who will be paying them.
When meeting with an attorney about child-support payments, bring copies of bills, bank statements, pay stubs, and tax returns.
With careers, kids, mortgages and bills, who has time to worry about romance in a relationship?
You will also want to find out how often the lawyer bills clients and what kinds of items are billed hourly.
A payment made to another person or company on behalf of a spouse for housing, medical bills, tuition or taxes may also be considered alimony payments for income tax purposes.
It is also not considerably more expensive than standard construction and your utility bills should be much lower.
Energy can be saved in cooling and heating bills.
Energy savings - In 2006, Americans saved enough energy to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equal to those from 25 million cars and to save $14 billion on their utility bills.
Consumers, both residential and business, can save money on their utility bills if they purchase products with the Energy Star label.
Switching from incandescent to fluorescent lighting is easy to do and can have a positive impact on the environment as well as your energy bills.
Making this simple change will reduce energy consumption, lower the air temperature in your office, and save money on your energy bills.
A solar-heated water heater can reduce your water heating energy bills by 50 to 80 percent.
Reducing your energy usage not only helps to conserve this resource, but also reduces your monthly utility bills.
High heating bills are a major worry for most of the country.
Add low-flow water fixtures and Energy Star appliances and you will pay much less in monthly utility bills.
While these heat pumps can seem costly upon installation, you'll see long-terms savings on energy bills.
Many of these smaller models function as a backup source of electricity or an alternate power source to help reduce power bills.
Not only can you save money on your energy bills, but some generators are also eligible to claim a Renewables Obligation Certificate.
People looking to both save money on their power bills and reduce their carbon footprint are becoming increasingly interested in home wind power kits.
People gathering together to share daily trips to work or running a car within a cooperative will find that their car gas bills are reduced.
Energy bills are commonly reduced to as little as $8-$15 for nine months out of the year, and in northern states with less need for air conditioning, the amounts can be even less.
While wind power typically lowers electricity bills by as much as 50 to 90 percent, it is not an option for every home.
With increasing numbers of people looking for eco-friendly ways to improve their homes and lower their bills, it is no surprise that the use of solar panels is on the rise.
Increasing numbers of people are searching for instructions to build a windmill to make their home more eco-friendly and ease the financial strain caused by skyrocketing power bills.
It is clean energy, and besides lowering bills, helps our communities in the end.
Installing and using a high efficiency water heater will benefit the environment while saving you money on your monthly utility bills.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, water heaters account for about 12 percent of most residential utility bills, making them the third largest energy expense inside the average home (behind clothes dryers and refrigerators).
In addition to reducing carbon emissions, conserving energy, and lowering your monthly utility bills, you may qualify for tax credits, utility discounts, and governmental savings incentives.
Instead of investing money into new hybrid vehicles, more and more people are using their disposable income for household bills and other needed items.
Making your computer more energy-efficient will save money on electric bills.
If your energy bills are minimal, it may take several years to make back the money that you invested.
Additionally, when you install Energy Star appliances, you can also expect to save quite a bit of money on your energy bills.
Another thing to remember is that electric bills continue to increase year after year, whereas an off-the-grid home won't feel the economic impact of higher monthly power bills.
Many energy companies are now offering lease programs to defray the start-up costs and bill you on a monthly basis with a cost similar to your current power bills.
Choose a few simple things to do to save energy each month and by the end of the year your bills will be significantly lower.
In the meantime, residents will start to see a definite impact on their utility bills.
Clean out the clutter - Go through all of your stacks of paperwork, bills, receipts and whatever else is gathering dust in your home office and throw away what you don't need.
Label the folders accordingly, for example, tax-deductible expenses, contracts and bills to be paid.
Stackable letter sorters - Usually sold in sets of 2, buy these sorters for items such as bills and frequently referred to paperwork.
Take out anything that does not belong in your bedroom - Meaning, any kids items like toys, stacks of bills and laundry baskets are out.
Ceiling tiles add insulation, which can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer - and your energy bills down.
Buy these sorters for items such as bills and frequently referred to paperwork.
Take out anything that does not belong in your bedroom - Remove the kids' toys, stacks of bills, and laundry baskets.
Use decorative boxes to store smaller items like remote controls, bills and other pieces of paper, office supplies like pens and paperclips, and anything else small enough to fit.
Purchase a few magazine holders to store back issues, and also use them to store loose papers and bills.
Telling others what you think doesn't pay the bills, though.
Are you still writing checks and buying stamps to pay your bills?
If you've been reluctant to make the transition to paying your bills online, you aren't alone.
Still, there are a number of advantages to using the Internet to pay bills.
You can save time, paper and stamps by learning how to pay your bills online.
In addition to allowing you to pay your bills online, registering with these sites is useful for accessing your statements and otherwise keeping track of your financial information no matter where you are.
This is where you will need your bills, statements and bank account information so that you can enter the appropriate account numbers.
If you're looking for the ultimate in convenience, there are also services available online that will take care of all your bills for a monthly fee.
Is it worth it when you can just visit the individual websites yourself to pay your bills?
You'll have to balance out the cost with your personal needs and the number of bills you pay each month.
You may wish to peruse Consumer Search's list of the best ways to pay your bills online to decide which is the right service for you.
Using a secure site when paying your bills online will help ensure that prying and potentially malicious eyes stay far away from your financial data.
The Internet has made numerous financial transactions easier, from paying bills to opening new accounts.
If you have a lot of bills and a hard time keeping tabs on them, use Bank of America's online bill pay feature to get organized.
Online debt collection is an easy way to collect on old bills without having to deal with an in-person debt collection agency.
Pellys Solicitors is a UK company that sends an e-mail or a letter on your behalf to customers who have not paid their bills.
You've likely tried asking nicely and sending multiple bills and past-due notices to people who haven't paid, and yet they're still not paying up.
These companies know exactly what to say and do to get people to pay their bills, so you don't have to come up with the right wording for your messages.
You can pay bills online and send money to others.
If you want to pay bills online, you'll need a PINsentry reader card, which is a small hand-held device that will generate new eight-digit codes every time you log on to the online banking program.
You can pay your bills with a click of the mouse, so no more writing checks, stuffing and licking envelopes.
You can't afford the vet bills, care and feeding of a real animal.
Players create their Sims, buy a house, get a job and work on keeping their Sims entertained, happy and clean while also paying their bills.
While characters can hire a maid service and a gardener, they still have to work in order to pay their bills.
Pay bills online manually to a list of accounts on your payee list.
View a record of bills paid and dates that payment posted.
Managing finances and paying your bills is easy with online banking at Wells Fargo, because the unique system they have set up streamlines and simplifies the process.
When it comes to paying bills online, online banking from Wells Fargo has a system set up to take away the stress and guesswork.
Chase bank guarantees that by paying electronically, your bills will be paid on time every time.
While you may find that doing the job yourself will cut down on costs, in most cases it leads to higher repair bills.
For paper scrapbooks, don't throw away any papers you come across, whether it's the envelopes that your bills arrive in or construction paper cast-offs that your children only colored on one side.
Managing job-loss stress means figuring out how to pay your bills, face your family, and get another job.
While many of the techniques used to manage money may seem traditional or based on common sense, they can make the difference between ripping hair out over paying the bills and feeling confident that financial issues will be resolved.
In some cases, taking out a petty cash fund from each paycheck and putting that cash in your wallet gives you the freedom to spend that money on what you want without damaging your ability to pay your bills.
Set a specific date, each month, to pay bills.
There are huge stressors, for example, changing jobs, getting divorced, or facing imminent danger, and there are everyday stressors, for example, paying the bills, meeting deadlines and picking up the kids from school.
Commuting in rush hour traffic, pressures of work, family life and mounting bills are common situations for many people today.
Coping with the responsibilities of family and work combined with the pressures of tight schedules and mounting bills just touches the surface of the many stressors in people's lives.
It's up to you to make sure you get to work or school on time, that you study enough to make good grades and have enough money to pay your bills.
Of course you want one that will put some change (or big bills) in your pocket.
You could also make a flower out of the bills or tape them all together.
Another idea is to use origami and fold the bills into interesting shapes.
If you are giving the graduate a large amount of money, it might be better to give it to them in smaller bills such as twenty dollar bills, or even fifty dollar bills, than to give them a large bill such as a hundred.
Whether you have two incomes or one, whether you handle the money jointly or one person takes care of the majority of the bills, it's important to communicate with one another regarding your finances.
To avoid the highest bills, parents of flower girls should understand where and when to shop for the best deal.
Unless you are an immediate family member, it can be awkward and embarrassing for the couple if you offer assistance with bills.
So not only do you enjoy soft, fluffy towels that are durable, but in the long run they can also help save on your energy bills.
Former "America's Sweetheart" Melanie Griffith has come under fire for her presumably large medical bills.
In response, Houston held a sale of her and Bobby's belongings, nearly 400 items, to pay off some bills.
Pitt worked odd jobs, including chauffeuring strippers around in limousines, to pay the bills while he auditioned for roles.
Apparently, in October 2007, the defunct backup dancer petitioned the court for Britney to pay his $160,000 legal bills.
On November 6, the judge granted K-Fed's petition and ordered Britney Spears to shell out $120,000 to Kevin Federline to pay for said bills.
So, the story here is that although Britney pays her ex-husband almost half a million dollars a year in spousal and child support, he still can't afford to foot his legal bills.
Is this really about legal bills or is this a thinly veiled attempt to squeeze every last dime out of Brit before the $20,000 per month in spousal support comes to an end next week?
Asking his ex-wife to pay for legal bills that he can so clearly afford only goes to show that everyone was right.
Oh, wait, Spencer doesn't work and just leeches off his pretend-wife, so Huston couldn't even get his hospital bills paid if he did that.
Now, the Hulk is petitioning the court for some of his money back to pay his bills.
Hulk is claiming that due to the recent surgery on his back, he won't be able to work for awhile, meaning there will be no money to pay his bills that top $300,000.
That sure doesn't leave much left if Hogan can't pay his bills next month.
In the same I-need-more-money-to-pay-my-exorbitant-bills vein, a judge awarded Linda Hogan over $400,000 to pay for her bills, which were mostly legal fees.
Maybe the Hulk could lower his bills to, say, $200,000 and maybe Linda can cut corners to see if she can survive on $30,000 a month.
Drew Carey - The comedian turned game show host is known to leave $100 bills as a tip.
Well obviously, they aren't paying their bills with their money.
The bills - Lamar is to pay all their bills while they're married.
Like the rest of us, she needs money to pay the bills, so, like the rest of us, she needs to work.
With an impressive college record, he went on to play with the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers.
When you live in your own apartment, you'll need to pay rent and utility bills every month.