Billion Sentence Examples
In 2006, roughly a billion people had access to the Internet.
I look for the day when a billion planets are populated with a billion people each.
She couldn't fathom the enormity of a billion souls like the one she'd touched.
The United Nations has estimated that earth's population will pass nine billion by 2050, and ten billion by 2100.
The approximate value of the world's oyster crop approaches f4,000,000 annually, representing over 30,000,000 bushels, or nearly Io billion oysters.
The two assertions are not to be reconciled by pointing out that Professor Tornebohm underestimated, for instance crediting the United States with only 1 1 billion tons, whereas the United States Geological Survey's expert credits that country with from ten to twenty times this quantity; nor by pointing out that only certain parts of Europe and a relatively small part of North America have thus far been carefully explored for iron ore, and that the rest of these two continents and South America, Asia and Africa may reasonably be expected to yield very great stores of iron, and that pyrite, one of the richest and most abundant of ores, has not been included.
From the record of actual exports and a comparison of the most authoritative estimates of total production, it may be said that from 1848 to 1856 the yield was almost certainly not less than $450,000,000, and that about 1870 the billion dollar mark had been passed.
But the inventors of our age have put a billion transistors on an area the size of a postage stamp.
Given these agricultural strengths, is there anyone who believes the United States alone couldn't produce an extra $365 billion worth of food, at full retail price, if there were a ready buyer for it?
A unit of length, which is often used in measuring stellar distances, is the light year or distance that light travels in a year; it is rather less than six billion miles.
AdvertisementThe next name is billion, which in Great Britain properly means a million million, and in the United States (as in France) a thousand million.
One tiny percent sounds so innocuous, whereas $1 billion is a colossal sum.
Sprint Nextel's $ 6.5 billion purchase of iDEN affiliate Nextel Partners has met approval and will now go ahead.
Performing three songs for fifteen minutes in front of a global audience of 3 billion is not altruistic.
Even at the retail price, we could feed all the world's hungry for a billion dollars a day or $365 billion a year.
AdvertisementAs of the end of 2012, the Internet has more than two billion users.
Billion put royal for business absolute's half make at business manager Anne.
The defense appropriation also includes $ 10 billion for systems to protect against ballistic missiles.
We had a big debate in this country in the early 1980s about the Chrysler Corp. and giving federal bailouts for a billion dollars.
We have sent Congress a $ 1.5 billion for my department's efforts to combat bioterrorism.
AdvertisementThe research also shows that brits will spend about 23 billion this year in getting married.
Revenue at Merrill's retail brokerage rose 5 percent to $ 2.8 billion, buoyed by higher interest income.
Along with the NSE, the companies listed on the BSE have a combined market capitalization of US$ 125.5 billion.
Consider a photon emitted by a galaxy a billion years ago, now caught on a photographic plate on Earth.
With the eradication of polio and the eventual cessation of polio immunization, the world will save US $ 1.5 billion per year.
AdvertisementThe Bretton Woods Institutions should also aim at providing an extra 50 billion pounds a year to halve poverty.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange has agreed to buy CBOT Holdings for $ 8 billion to create a global derivatives powerhouse.
According to F&C, £ 44 billion has been invested in commercial property over the last year, 25% more than last year.
We spend 25 billion Pounds a year servicing public debt.
At a distance of 1 billion light-years, Mrk 205 is a relatively nearby quasar.
Of our US$ 8 billion fuel subsidy in 2004, only 8.5 percent of this amount ever reached the poorest quintile.
We went from spending 2.4 billion reais on family farming to 9 billion.
As counsel to the issuer, an $ 8.8 billion warehouse funding facility backed by real estate related assets.
The Afghan rebels received about $ 3 billion from the CIA.
Lloyds ' $ 28 billion offer was initially rebuffed by Abbey.
For the first time, it incorporates a balance sheet disclosing debtors and some £ 45 billion of accrued revenue receivable.
Be able to to seek health by state sen half a billion.
Now a billion or more can achieve that dream, and I foresee a time not far off when everyone on the planet can.
By 1973 it was calculated to more than a million digits, in 1983 more than ten million digits, in 1987 more than one hundred million digits, in 1989 more than one billion digits, and in 1997 more than fifty billion digits.
These robots can be powered by computers capable of performing a billion calculations a second.
But imagine the difference if the world had ten billion healthy, well-educated people!
Global Crossing, a long-distance telecoms carrier once valued at some $ 50 billion, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
In the US, schooling is a $ 650 billion marketable commodity to be traded for a profit.
Dhlakama said Renamo now had two billion meticais (about $ 100,000) available to organize the congress.
You are the final competitor; you have beaten contestants from a system-wide population of nearly 700 billion.
Astute Class Submarine BAE Systems is the prime contractor for the Astute Class of submarine under a contract worth around £ 2 billion.
Procter & Gamble are a multi billion dollar multi-national animal testing corporation.
Every year we drink 31 billion cups of coffee in the UK!
The loss to the economy of premature death from alcohol misuse is around £ 2.4 billion each year.
The average cost to make these homes decent is £ 16,000 each, or some £ 43 billion in total.
Royal Mail has a pension fund deficit of approximately £ 4.25 billion.
The UK's trade deficit reached a record £ 26 billion in 1999.
For example, we're investing 62 billion euros of public and private money to overcome the massive disinvestment in public housing.
Throwing two billion ink droplets every second, 1mm above the substrate puts the problem in perspective.
Theft of trade secrets and critical technologies -- what we call economic espionage -- costs our nation upwards of $ 250 billion a year.
The diamonds, formed deep inside the earth, are assumed by evolutionists to be over a billion years old.
The Saudi stock exchange has a market cap of around $ 750 billion.
Its total expenditure on research in 2005/06 is £ 1.25 billion.
The destructive forces of capitalism are driving us headlong into the sixth great species extinction of the earth's 5 billion year history.
The total cost to the consumer is estimated at $ 8.4 billion a year because producing the required corn feedstock increases corn prices.
Either zero or its contract with billion or more grabbed the checkered flag.
Pounds billion footsie know they would hero that country other April fools ' .
The cost to the NHS is £ 1.7 billion a year [NICE, 2004b ]. What are the risk factors for fragility fracture?
Read more... Trusty Handyman Start a lucrative management franchise in the handyman business, a £ 28 billion market in the UK.
The Forward Looks show that councils expect to achieve around £ 1.2 billion of efficiency gains in 2005/06.
The pharmaceutical giants who are pushing GMOs bank some $ 161 billion dollars between them every year.
It has cost an estimated £ 27 billion and untold hardship for family farmers and small businesses.
The global Ecological Footprint was 13.5 billion global hectares in 2001, or 2.2 global hectares per person.
Stone Age hunter gatherers in Britain Of the estimated 80 billion people who have ever lived on earth, over 90% were hunter gatherers in Britain Of the estimated 80 billion people who have ever lived on earth, over 90% were hunter-gatherers.
For example, the maximum volume concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons is set at 20 parts per billion.
In 2004, about US$30 billion was invested in renewable energy worldwide, excluding large hydropower (Figure 1 ).
At present, 2.7 million people are eligible to claim incapacity Benefit at a cost of £ 7 billion.
Every year defects in the UK construction industry cost at least £ 1 billion to repair or rebuild.
Net investment product inflows of £ 0.9 billion are up 249 per cent on 2004.
The final report into the scandal alleges that a total of $ 1.8 billion was paid in illegal kickbacks to Saddam's government.
Upon completion in 2009, the project will be able to generate 84.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
The Galaxy represents an island of 300 billion stars lying 2.2 million light-years from us.
Markarian 205 (Mrk 205) is more than 14 times farther away, residing 1 billion light-years from Earth.
Over £ 300 billion of investments are managed by fund managed by fund managers based in Scotland.
D&PL had sought damages for lost stock market value of approximately $ 1 billion.
Fuel The core of just one PBMR contains 5 billion microspheres.
A billion deficit to keep them reason Murray wanted out there in.
Tax credits will involve the outlay of some £ 16 billion each year.
Indeed by 2000-01, 36% or £ 34 billion of the total Social Security payments will be needed to pay retirement pensions.
Group sales rose 8 percent to £ 5.8 billion, thanks mainly to a 13 percent rise in sales at Waitrose.
The increase in world petroleum prices has given the Russian budget a windfall increase of $ 1 billion a month.
The loss to UK industries through " film piracy " last year amounted to about £ 8 Billion.
This would be a relatively sudden and dramatic increase over and above the 730 billion metric tons already in the atmosphere.
Why should we care that 50 billion light years away, a star has just gone supernova?
Over 1 billion people lack access to an adequate supply of safe water.
The sector exported £ 14.2 billion in 1994, generating a trade surplus of £ 2.6 billion.
At the same time the government is claiming to have amassed a current budget surplus of £ 23 billion last year.
Uranium extraction has resulted in more than 6 billion tons of radioactive tailings, with significant impact on human health [2] .
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London's Heathrow Airport.
According to recent government estimates id theft now costs the UK economy £ 1.7 billion a year.
In the year 2003, SPAR generated a turnover of approximately ⬠6.8 billion for the group with 33, 345 employees.
They had an estimated combined turnover of £ 178 billion.
Also the costs of Japanese typhoons could increase by around two-thirds to reach £ 19 billion.
The $ 17 billion of reorganization items recorded in the fourth quarter represent mostly unsecured claims allowed during the bankruptcy process.
Has been boycotted partygaming's valuation billion between them being forecast by.
Despite an increase in spending of £ 2.4 billion after inflation, NHS waiting lists have risen over the last year.
He has ridden the wave of mobile phone roll-out, a market now worth more than £ 3 billion in the UK alone.
When more than 1.25 billion people become well-off, the demand on everything will be enormous.
The huge windfall is set to commence late this year with a one-off dividend worth a huge $ 32 billion being scheduled for December.
Depression is now the leading cause of mental disability, costing £ 32 billion a year in lost workdays.
Goldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan's first hotel REIT in February.
Officially, China has spent 19.3 billion yuan on space programs of all kinds over the past 13 years.
This year the central government will allocate 71.6 billion yuan for investment in science and technology, a year-on-year increase of 19.2 percent.
The system will weigh heavily the choices of people with Italian last names, and people who own restaurants—all these different factors, millions and millions of factors, all from the passively recorded life experiences of a billion people.
No human can solder a billion transistors on a computer processor, so your computer needed a robot in order to be built.
By the government's calculation, about 40 percent of India's population, or half a billion people, are below that level.
And if history is an accurate guide, that wealth will be partially redistributed to the poor—even the poorest of the poor, the bottom billion.
In essence, they would become like Japan, which exports essentially no food, imports US$44 billion in food annually, but still enjoys a high standard of living.
Over the CCC's nine-year life, its workers planted nearly three billion trees, built eight hundred parks, and constructed roads in remote areas.
Weigh that against the certainty that nearly a billion people are hungry right now and I don't know why we would decline to acquire this knowledge.
Since its founding in 2005, Kiva has loaned out nearly a quarter of a billion dollars and is repaid almost 99 percent of the time.
Around the world, more than a billion mobile devices that both take and send photographs are currently in use, spread even to the poorest parts of the globe.
By 2020, it is estimated that five billion people will be online, representing two-thirds the population of the planet.
In addition, more than one billion of the world's seven billion people visited a country other than their own in 2011.
Not with close to a billion rabid fans tracking your every move.
Rail passengers travel twenty five billion miles every year.
By introducing these systems and processes, IBM reckons itâs saved several billion dollars from its bottom line.
Half a california company health in insurance billion that 's having a romans says.
Over 30 years it has invested two billion rupees in India 's social development.
Currently, around 2.5 billion people do n't have adequate sanitation, leading to 3.3 million deaths a year from diarrhea including many children.
On the return trip, the aircraft, an 707 cargo container carried two shrink-wrapped pallets containing US$4 billion each.
There are already over a billion urban slum dwellers.
In 2002 it was announced that an extra £ 1 billion would be available for social services for older people by 2006.
The Government will spend more than £ 1.7 billion on Winter Fuel Payments this year.
His stealth tax on pensions has taken £ 5 billion out of our pensions every year for the last eight years.
The United States has its $ 4 billion ' scientific based stockpile stewardship ' plans.
Uranium extraction has resulted in more than 6 billion tons of radioactive tailings, with significant impact on human health [2 ].
In addition, Israel has cost American taxpayers more than $ 120 billion in the past 40 years.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, telemarketing fraud now costs Americans at least $ 40 billion a year.
For the US $ 2.2 billion is about one tenth of one percent of the Federal budget.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London 's Heathrow Airport.
According to recent government estimates ID theft now costs the UK economy £ 1.7 billion a year.
The emerging non-Hodgkins lymphoma therapeutics market generated more that $ 1 billion USD in revenues in 2000.
The V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft program continues on track with a $ 1.7 billion request to fund 11 airframes.
Around 18 billion ton kilometers of freight was carried by rail in 2000.
Has been boycotted partygaming 's valuation billion between them being forecast by.
The Port of Durban, is Africa 's busiest port, and handles cargo valued in excess of R50 billion annually.
Goldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan 's first hotel REIT in February.
Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland infected by bacteria that decreases milk production and costs 69 billion yen per year in Japan.
In addition, 9.54 billion yuan from the sale of treasury bonds was spent on these items.
Did you know that nearly 5 million tons of untreated waste and approximately 2 billion tons of urine, feces, plastic and paper are added to landfills each year?
That amounted to more than $5.7 billion in sales that year, and the company continues to grow.
Worldwide sales in 2005 were more than $3 billion, representing more than 60 million products and 66 million phone calls received.
If you want to buy gold, but don't want the hassle of shipping it or storing it at your home, then visit Billion Vault.
The Treasury issued $21.5 billion worth of these bonds, but was unable to pay them in full because of limited cash flow.
For instance, in 1990 hedge funds were pulling in less than $50 billion per year and now they account for about $1.7 trillion in investments.
The odds of coming up with a number that will work are less than one in a billion.
In fact, The Tower Group, a research subsidiary of Mastercard, claims that consumers lose nearly $8 billion annually - approximately 10 percent of gift card sales - due to unredeemed, expired, or lost cards.
The financial cost of this was nearly $5 billion.
The sale occurred for approximately $6.5 billion dollars.
The study showed that Americans used debit cards 30.4 billion times in 2007.
In fact, according to Reuters, ethanol subsidies in the United States were $7.7 billion in 2009.
Energy savings - In 2006, Americans saved enough energy to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equal to those from 25 million cars and to save $14 billion on their utility bills.
Ethanol production is expected to reach over ten billion gallons by next year.
The United States Energy Bill, which calls for biofuel production to increase to thirty-six billion gallons by the year 2022, will impact ethanol expansion for a long time.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States emitted more than 7.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2005.
The world population is projected to grow from 6 billion in 1999 to 9 billion by 2040.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1.5 billion people are breathing dangerously high levels of pollution every day.
Over 35 billion aluminum cans are thrown away each year.
According to, Americans throw away 18 billion disposable diapers a year.
Filter for Good states that Americans use 38 billion water bottles a year.
The soybean industry is huge and crop values across the United States alone exceed $16 billion annually.
If it continues to melt it could potentially release 55 billion tons of methane into the atmosphere.
More than one billion people in the world have no access to clean drinking water.
Cape Wind, the nation's first approved offshore wind farm, estimates that its wind turbines will produce the equivalent of 570,000 tons of coal, or 113 million gallons of oil, or 10 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
Since then, Earth Day is held each year on April 22 and has generated slogans with an estimated reach of more than one billion people in more than 175 countries around the world.
The Earth Day 2007 took first place as the largest reaching Earth Day with an estimated one billion people participating around the globe.
Estimates of the world's leading religions place Christianity as the one with the highest population, with about 2.1 billion or approximately 33% of the world's population.
Faux-tanning is a big business, producing sales over $2 billion in the United States.
According to a 2010 study published by Harvard Business School, the beauty industry earns $330 billion globally.
According to the Greeting Card Association, seven billion greeting cards are sent each year.
The College Board's scholarship site contains 2,300 sources offering nearly $3 billion in aid to students.
It is predicted that online spending will rise in 2008 by 48% to around $12.6 billion.
The company posted total revenues for 2007 of $2.234 billion and a net income of $148 million.
The specialty food business is a $24 billion dollar industry literally encompassing everything from soup to nuts.
The cost of alcohol-related crashes in the U.S. is about $51 billion each year.
According to the UDETC, the medical, lost work, and pain and suffering costs related to underage drinking totaled over $61 billion in 2001.
Manic depression medications have saved more than $40 billion since the 70s, and that's just in the U.S alone.
Looking at the bigger picture, the cost of treating smoking-related illnesses runs at over $50 billion annually.
In the United States alone, accidents where alcohol was involved cost the public approximately $114.3 billion (2000 figures).
Approximately $71.6 billion was paid out by someone other than the impaired driver in damages.
Paris' paternal great-grandfather was the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain, and Barron Hilton, her grandfather, is the current Hilton chairman, with a net worth of over $1 billion.
Because there is no prenup, the battle over McCartney's $1.5 billion fortune, as well as custody of two-year-old daughter, Beatrice, is bound to be bitter.
Her fairy tale wedding to Prince William in 2011 was watched by an estimated 2 billion people worldwide.
In 2005, he was estimated to be worth $2.6 billion and was number 74 on the "Forbes 400" list, which outlines the 400 wealthiest people in the United States.
In June 2007, Forbes named Oprah the world's most powerful celebrity, reporting that overall, she was worth a whopping $1.5 billion.
McCartney, who is reported to be worth close to a billion dollars, allegedly originally offered Mills a settlement of an estimated £50 million as long as she would sign a gag order, agreeing not to talk about their life together, ever.
Though the child is now six years old, she's decided to come forward and sue the one-time-pop-star-turned-accused-pedophile for joint physical and legal custody as well as $1 billion.
Yes, that's billion, with a capital "B".
Given Mel's estimated net worth of nearly $1 billion (yep, that's a b), many are saying that this divorce is set to be one of the most expensive Hollywood divorces ever.
While there is, as yet, no solid figure to determine his monetary worth, estimates have placed him at about the one billion dollar mark.
On a side note, Forbes Magazine estimates that Mays, along with his partner, Anthony "Sully" Sullivan, contributed to over $1 billion in sales of the products they pitched.
He also added that that Montag's song was the greatest performance in the history of television, and that over a billion people watched.
No one needs to contact the Nielsen ratings folks to know that nowhere near a billion people were watching the Miss Universe pageant.
Pierce Marshall, was the sole heir of his estimated $1.6 billion dollar fortune.
The Guinness Book of World Records lists Baywatch as the most-watched show in the world, with over 1.1 billion viewers per week worldwide.
In 2007 alone, sales of Dora the Explorer merchandise surpassed one billion dollars.
This organization distributes over $78 billion in college tuition assistance each year.
Others are quite broad, including NextStudent, a site claiming to offer information on over 800,000 scholarships worth over $2.8 billion.
Built at a cost of $1.2 billion, the 20-stories-high ship also features seven "neighborhoods."
Nearly ten years later it was ringing in over one billion dollars in sales each year.
One Billion Chords is a giant Windows based chord directory.
Rapid growth had the company's sales top $1 billion annually in 1986.
By the mid 1980s, Ace passed the $1 billion wholesale sales mark and today the company has surpassed $3 billion in sales.
As part of the federal stimulus, the Obama Administration has earmarked $3.2 billion for energy efficiency upgrades.
According to the Boston Globe, American consumers use over 380 billion plastic bags every year.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 2008 sales of organic products topped $3 billion in 2008.
More than three billion dollars in new investment has been poured into the rebirth of downtown Spokane.
As of September 2006, the company reported having $12.9 billion in assets, $82 million in net earnings, and $1 billion in premiums and net worth.
It collects over $1 billion in premiums from its policyholders each year.
The chain continued to acquire its competitors, and, by 1996, had sales in excess of $500 billion, with more than 1700 stores in North America, Europe, Australia, and Mexico.
The end of 2009 saw the franchise sell over 55 million units worldwide, raking in over $3 billion in sales.
In 2004, it generated over $304 million in sales revenue for game publishers and projections for 2005 are even larger with some analysts expecting over $1.3 billion in revenue.
The $11.7 billion figure mentioned above represents a 22.9% growth year-over-year.
For comparison, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) states that the US box office for 2005 was $8.99 billion.
He has put up over 5 billion dollars to build a 7 attraction movie theme park where he invites people to try and survive his Park of Horrors.
So far this year, the video game industry has racked up sales of $10.5 billion.
The same time last year saw only $7 billion.
According to Professor Nick-Dyer Witheford of the University of Western Ontario, in 2000, Canadians purchased one billion dollars worth of video games, only slightly behind the 1.2 billion dollar Canadian music industry.
In 2010, that figure was closer to $18.5 billion.
In fact, the market value for Vodafone Group, as of June 2006, is about £60 billion (approximately US $114 billion).
The wireless services climate in the United States started to undergo significant changes in 2008 when Verizon Wireless agreed to buy Alltel for a sum of $28.1 billion.
One workplace psychologist estimates that businesses in the United States lose more than $10 billion annually due to problems related to stepfamily issues, working parents, and other marital stresses.
Worldwide, the most common form of malnutrition is iron deficiency, affecting up to 80 percent of the population, as many as four or five billion people.
The American Diabetes Association reports that in 2002, diabetes cost Americans an estimated $132 billion in direct medical costs and indirect expenses such as lost productivity and disability payments.
The costs may exceed a billion dollars and account for 5 million doctor visits annually.
Junior, middle, and senior high school students consume 35 percent of all wine coolers sold in the United States as well as 1.1 billion cans of beer.
The total cost of alcohol use by young people, including automobile crashes, violent crime, alcohol poisoning, burns, drowning, suicide attempts, and fetal alcohol syndrome is more than 58 billion dollars each year.
In 2003, FAS cost the United States $3.9 billion in direct costs with indirect costs at approximately $1.5 billion.
It is estimated that $3 to $4 billion are spent per year on patients with a diagnosis of acute otitis media and related complications.
Colds are the most common illness to strike any part of the body, with over one billion colds in the United States each year.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that atopic dermatitis costs U.S. health insurance companies more than $1 billion every year.
As an infinite number, the value of Phi goes on indefinitely and mathematicians have actually carried its value to 100 billion places.
With more than a billion records, you'll be researching contentedly for free at the Genealogy Archives website.
There are more than 3 billion names within 300,000 family trees in GEDCOM format which you can search through, then add your own family tree info for free.
Genealogy offers more than a billion records - all free to research.
There are more than 3 billion names within 300,000 family trees in that you can search through.
The holdings at NARA are massive, with over nine billion pages of documents, over seven million maps and 20 million photographs.
The hair loss industry is a billion dollar venture, but only a small handful of the available hair loss products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
It is the world's leading cosmetics and beauty company, with 2004 sales of more than 14.5 billion Euros.
In 2006, the Direct Selling Association reported that the industry generated $32.18 billion in revenue.
FedEx Corporation reported earnings of $35.5 billion in its 2009 fiscal year.
The company generates over $50 billion in revenue annually.
In fact, in 2006 this company provided over forty billion dollars in mortgages.
As a whole, Nationwide's assets exceed $157 billion, and the organization is a member of the Fortune 100.
As of October of 2007, the economy is reeling from a staggering $200 billion of subprime mortgage defaults.
By 1990, the company's portfolio was as large as $11.9 billion and was leading the mortgage industry at that time.
In January 2008, Bank of America agreed to purchase Countrywide for $4 billion.
In June 2005, Bank of America agreed to modify many of the troubled predatory loans from Countrywide's holdings, up to a value of $8.4 billion dollars.
Over six billion dollars in property damages were reported shortly after the quake, making it at the time the costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States.
Having earned over 2.8 billion dollars in sales in 2003, the company has continued to grow in both size and loyal followers, and the Victoria's Secret swimwear division has played a prominent role in boosting the corporation's profits.
The company manufactures 1.2 billion tablets, 500 million capsules, 450 million softgels and over 14 million bottles, according to its website.
Each capsule is said to contain one billion live bacteria.
According to FDA mandates, air purifiers must produce less than 40 parts per billion of ozone when the levels are measured two inches away from the unit.
Oreck air purifiers emit less ozone than the FDA-mandated limit of 50 parts per billion, but some consumer advocacy groups feel this may still be too much.
As of 2007, her net worth was over $1.5 billion.
In fact, more than 60 million volunteers gave their time and talents last year by putting in more than eight billion man hours.
The United States government disperses about $40 billion worth of grants each year.
Each year, Americans send more than 1.9 billion Christmas cards.
With more than a billion Catholics in the world, it shouldn't be hard to meet Catholic singles.
Its success prompted Rupert Murdoch to pay half a billion dollars for the site in July 2005.
Today, Zales Jewelry along with its range of affiliates is a corporation worth more than $2 billion with more than 2,300 associated locations across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
De Beers spent nearly $1 billion in capital costs for the mine, but they estimate that it will produce 1.4 million carats per year.
Most diamonds were created over a billion years ago, when carbon-containing minerals deep in the Earth responded to intense and sustained pressure.
And when you try and mouth some cheeky line about renting a summer house at the Hamptons, the boss' daughter will just look you and your obsolete handbag over and remind you, "Isn't that like so ten billion seasons ago?"
In 2004, fashion-conscious New York City lost more than one billion dollars in tax revenue due to the sale of counterfeit goods.
Starting out as a less than half million dollar company, its devotion to quality, design, and marketing led Claiborne to become an approximately five billion dollar public company.
Mattel reports that more than one billion Barbie dolls (including Ken dolls and Skipper dolls) have been sold across the world to date.
According to the MPAA, in the year 2002, Bombay produced 1,013 movies compared to Hollywood's 739. 3.6 billion tickets were sold for Bollywood's movies compared to 2.6 billion in Hollywood.
That's right, Bollywood sold a billion more tickets than Hollywood.
Yet American movie producers took in a staggering $51 billion that year while the Bombay moviemakers raked in only $1.3 billion.
The trilogy is the highest grossing trilogy of all time, having earned nearly $3 billion in box office receipts -- more than Harry Potter or Star Wars.
Avatar has earned well over $2 billion dollars worldwide, beating Titanic's $1 billion mark.
A 2008 opinion poll states that of the 10+ billion videos watched online every year, movie trailers are the third most popular.
On these dates, experts report that almost a billion dollars are lost by businesses because people are afraid to travel, go shopping or sometimes even go in to work.
Since it launched in April 2000, Snapfish has become the most popular online photo service in the world with more than 40 million members sharing more than one billion photos.
In fact, the counterfeit fashion business is a billion dollar industry partly because many buyers care more about the logo of a product than its authenticity and also because many consumers remain unaware of the source of their merchandise.
Soap operas in mini-series format, the telenovela is a popular type of show seen by more than two billion viewers in Latin America, Spain and other areas of the world.
Mark Ecko Enterprises claimed sales of $1.2 billion last year.
In the U.S., nearly 16 million people practice yoga, spending approximately $6 billion annually on everything from equipment and classes to DVDs and retreats.
Projections of $54 billion a year to be invested, means that the personal financial advisor field is wide open to innovation and growth.
Airbus inked the deal reportedly worth $10 billion to the French airline industry with Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on December 6, 2005.
This order follows last month's 70-aircraft order awarded to Boeing in the U.S. worth about $4 billion.
Telcos are watching, especially since Skype was acquired by eBay in September 2005 for $4.1 billion.
Party home businesses rang up over $8 billion in sales last year alone.
Women received 25,587 SBA loans in 2005, for a total of $3.4 billion loaned nationwide.
In 2005, Avery Dennison enjoyed 5.5 billion in sales.
Employee Assistance Report (2001) reported that substance abuse and mental illness cost U.S. companies over $100 billion per year, or $3,000 per employee.
Nearly $44 billion is lost by businesses and corporations across America each year due to the effects of depression in the workplace (Counseling Today, 1999).
Though it is great to say "I want to succeed," succeed is such a vague term and can mean anything from finding your first client to owning a billion dollar corporation.
With Enron stocks plummeting from $90(USD) to $0.10 per share, stockholders were left holding the bag for a loss of $11 billion.
Upon Hall's death, his company was worth over $1.5 billion dollars.
According to the SBA website, during 2009, the SBA was involved with over 11,000 loans to female business owners, totaling over $2 billion.
This program, introduced by the US government in July of 2009, will fund three billion dollars towards getting gas guzzling vehicles off the road.
Not surprisingly, car shoppers have already burned through the allocated three billion dollars the CARS program provided.
In 2009, Cummins surpassed billion dollars sales in Europe and India for diesel engine vehicles, according to a Fox News report.
By December of 2008, the Troubled Asset Relief Program provided both GM and Chrysler with a total of 700 billion dollars in emergency loans.
In 2007, Cerberus Capital purchased 80.1 percent of Chrysler from DaimlerChrysler for an estimated $7.4 billion.
While Ford did not take money from the government, it did lose over $14.6 billion by year end 2009 and cut 20 percent of its workforce.
Sales for the two sets of stores topped $3 billion in fiscal year 2003.
It now has stores in 30 states and make more than a billion dollars annually.
According to MSNBC, Americans spend more than $46 billion annually on diet products.
As the highest-selling fast food service chain, McDonalds surpasses its competitors, such as Burger King and Taco Bell, with its more than 12,000 United States locations and more than $19 billion sales in 2000.
Each year approximately $71 billion are spent on medical costs, loss of productivity, and loss of life, according to the US Department of Agriculature.
Other nutrition-related health issues, such as osteoporosis and obesity, add an additional $130 billion in expenses as well.
At one-hundred (100) another word cent is added, one-thousand (1,000), mille, one million (1,000,000) is million and a billion (1,000,000,000) is a milliard.
The company has over $28 billion in assets and employs more than 24,000 staff members.
Allstate is a Fortune 100 Company with over $130 billion in total assets.
By the 1990s, Progressive had become the third largest seller of auto insurance through independent agents, passing the $2 billion mark by 1994.
Today, Nationwide Insurance is one of the largest insurance companies in the world, with over $157 billion in assets.
Today, American Family is a thriving Fortune 500 company with over $16.8 billion in assets under management and $5.4 billion in equity.
More than 7,800 employees and 3,500 agents serve policyholders with more than $86 billion in coverage in force.
Mercury has over three billion dollars in assets, and is a leading auto insurer in California.
Established in 1907, Protective Life Insurance is thought to be one of the nation's leading insurance companies and provides more than $140.9 billion in insurance coverage to individuals and families in the United States.
It is one of the largest life insurance companies in the United States and has over $41 billion in assets.
Travelers Insurance has total assets of $11 billion.
Sentry Insurance has assets of almost $10 billion and is rated A+ by A.M. Best, a company that measures the financial strength of insurance companies and their ability to pay claims.
This program helps employers make health care benefits more affordable for older workers by providing $5 billion in financial help to unions and employers to help them keep coverage in place for workers who are age 55 and older.
Reinsurance Group's assets total approximately $27 billion, which makes it the second-largest life reinsurer in the United States.
As of June 30, 2010, Axis Capital reported total assets of $16.6 billion, as well as shareholders' equity of $5.5 billion and total capitalization of $6.5 billion.
In fact, by the year 2000, it was the number four reinsurer and was earning upwards of $8 billion in premiums from customers all across the globe.
By 2002, the organization was forced to request over $1 billion in financial assistance from General Electric to try to stay afloat.
Swiss RE agreed to save GE Employers Reinsurance by purchasing its entire portfolio for the sum of $6.8 billion.
In the early 1990's, Victoria's Secret had become the largest American lingerie retailer, reporting profits of over one billion dollars.
The tween set cannot get enough of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, and there are rumors that Cyrus is set to become a billion dollar cash cow for the Disney Company.
As of early 2010, the store has been used to purchase well over 10 billion music tracks.
Today, her business ventures are worth an estimated five billion dollars.
His first venture, Quantum International Sales, boasts $500 billion in annual sales.Harrington is known for encouraging startup businesses, and has founded two networking organizations to help entrepreneurs achieve success.
As of 2009, FUBU has generated over six billion dollars in sales.John has expanded into other business ventures, including keynote speaking and authoring a book based on his experiences.
The Mattel Toy company purchased O'Leary's company for 3.7 billion dollars.From there, he created his own mutual fund company called O'Leary Funds.
The film has made, in world-wide box office sales and video/DVD rentals, over one billion dollars.
With only five movies in release in 2008, the cinematic story about the boy who lived had earned more than $4.5 billion worldwide.
The three films won a total of 17 Oscars and brought in over three billion dollars at the box office.
Facebook reports more than 800 million active users as of the fall of 2011 and eMarketer predicts that ad revenues for worldwide social networks will reach $10 billion by 2013.
Facebook projects it will earn $3.8 billion in revenue in 2011.
Thus far, over 14 billion dollars in tax refunds have been processed with Turbo Tax, and program improvements include more tax and program help than ever as well as an increased focus on self-employment issues.
In March of 2011, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that it had $1.1 billion dollars of unclaimed federal tax refunds owed from 2007.
Since its inception, the Navy Exchange Systems has given over $2 billion to this particular fund.