Bigwigs Sentence Examples
While a trade show doesn't exactly sound like a roaring party, the New York International Beauty Show (IBS New York) reads like a who's who of beauty industry bigwigs.
Because the only activity you'll be taking part in is canoeing when the university bigwigs sell you down the river.
Fourteen glasses A British diplomat once described how he went to the Caucasus to met some local bigwigs.
Texprint offers a carefully selected group of graduates from all over the UK their first opportunity to meet press and industry bigwigs.
They beat off competition from media bigwigs led by Ginger's Chris Evans.
Since a power surge would potentially affect every station, this was cause for ambulance bigwigs to declare a major incident.
The bigwigs here think so too, but they daren't say so.
The bigwigs, the most respected members of the club, beset the new arrivals.
But after a while, just as a jury comes out of its room, the bigwigs who guided the club's opinion reappeared, and everybody began speaking clearly and definitely.