Big Sentence Examples
That would be a big help.
What a big family it was!
The snow was coming down in big heavy flakes now.
His big hands came up, grasping her wrists and pulling her forward until her armpits rested on his shoulders.
She greeted them with a big smile, hugging each of them as if they were old friends she hadn't seen in a decade.
In a few minutes the big net was pulled up out of the water.
The big question was how to end it.
One inconvenience I sometimes experienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to a sufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the big thoughts in big words.
This mollified Jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use.
They belong to the rich man who lives in the big white house there among the trees.
AdvertisementThey still have them, or the big box stores.
He improved big time this weekend.
He got down from his horse and very gently took the little ones up in his big warm hands.
Whether or not she tells him is the big question.
Instead of keeping still, so I could eat him comfortably, he trembled so with fear that he fell off the table into a big vase that was standing on the floor.
AdvertisementThe big question was, would her confidence last?
All became silent and turned to look at the pale tear-worn Anna Mikhaylovna as she entered, and at the big stout figure of Pierre who, hanging his head, meekly followed her.
I played dumb but I figured my phone lines were tapped and big brother had his eye on me twenty-four, seven.
For a full week she enjoyed the benefits of being big sister.
It was about a foot in diameter at the big end, and he had expected to get a good saw-log, but it was so rotten as to be fit only for fuel, if for that.
AdvertisementGot nothing to prove, big brother.
Dorothy was too dazed to say much, but she watched one of Jim's big ears turn to violet and the other to rose, and wondered that his tail should be yellow and his body striped with blue and orange like the stripes of a zebra.
They will take time to write a great big forum post just for you, a total stranger they will never meet.
All big companies fall.
The masculine smell of him, the way his big hands caressed her cheek so softly... hands without calluses.
AdvertisementDestiny was big for her age.
Miss Worthington's a big mucky-muck in the historical society, he said, for Edith Shipton's benefit.
It's a big decision, you know.
They're a big help in my business.
The big boy looked at him and blew it again.
Many voices shouted and talked at the same time, so that Count Rostov had not time to signify his approval of them all, and the group increased, dispersed, re-formed, and then moved with a hum of talk into the largest hall and to the big table.
The big deal is the speed limit is fifty.
Shouldn't you tell the child it was all a big joke?
He was big, but he was slow.
He looked like any normal nerdy American with big glasses and a scrawny frame. making a big deal out of this.
My life is one big mistake.
The museum will get a big kick out of it.
How big is it?
Colorado is a big state.
Maybe there was nothing going on, but gut instinct said there was a story here – something big.
The big question remains, who would have access to all that theater paraphernalia?
She turned and gave him a big hug, wet hands held aloft.
Had a heavy wooden door with a big ol' paddle lock.
She said she was near the big one-sided McDonald's—she meant the arch.
They're pretty light on their feet for being so big.
Why couldn't she learn to keep her big mouth shut?
I never said getting married was no big deal.
If Alex was a big question mark right now, Jonathan was an exclamation point.
Roanoke was the town of Big Lick (founded about 1852; incorporated in 1874; pop. in 1880, 669) until 1882, when it received its present name; in 1884 it was chartered as a city.
The big crowd was an auspicious moment for us, it will allow us to go from strength to strength.
He saw its shaggy head and big round eyes.
Dean, the big spender, reached for one ticket, but a look from his wife changed his purchase to seven.
He might think you're a sneak thief and shoot you with that big gun he carries.
Like marriage is a big deal?
There's 'Fitzgerald for Sheriff' signs up and down the highway and I hear tell he bought a big ad in the Plain Dealer.
He grumbled something about getting one of those "take a number" dispensers the big city post offices had, right below their self-serving signs applauding their high level of service.
Lydia walked away from him, down the path to the beginning of the trail that led back to an area known as the Big Blue Wilderness.
He hates your guts big time—your little wife, too.
Sort of 'this town's not big enough for the two of us, hombre?'
Something big plunged away through the brush and Alex swore under his breath.
I think it's a big foal, probably a colt.
It was no big deal for her, and Alex would probably never know.
The leaves of the big oak tree were like silver filigree and the white cross beneath it looked iridescent.
Something big and dark was moving across the field.
It was a big jump for someone so committed to being morally correct.
In about five minutes, the big man there is going to wake up.
Hannah had succeeded in landing a big fish blueblood, a descendant of Italian royalty, whose old money placated the chilly welcome she received into a lifestyle far, far different from her own.
You talk big behind those bars, little girl.
She was tall and willowy, a former model that'd made it big.
There are monsters and big men with funny … At that point her talking became too quick for the translator hooked on Evelyn's ear to keep up.
She'd never seen men that big move so quickly, even when watching professional wrestling.
She suspected both meeting the clan heads and the announcement to be big deals for a people with such rigid traditions, but A'Ran looked as if he were discussing the whereabouts of her translator.
We might not get the gangbangers, car jackings and armed robberies like the big cities but we sure have our share of domestics.
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
I noticed the newspaper always gave a big spread for weddings, so as long as I was there I thought I'd try and find Annie and the Reverend's marriage.
Fred gave him a big gotcha smile.
Nope. The papers would have made a big deal of it.
If it fails, you could be in big trouble.
Why aren't you down there climbing up the icicles with the big boys?
Jeff gave Dean a smile as big as a full moon.
It was an infuriating conversation, resulting in a big, fat zero.
Winter isn't just a big inconvenience, it's really a season.
Both of them are at that level of not worrying about missing any meals but they're not big spenders—maybe five to ten mil bracket, give or take—no real debts.
You used to be a big city detective.
If Dean had given any thought to how that statement sounded before he opened his big fat mouth, he would have practiced a little restraint and kept it shut.
Don't tell the big boys I gave you a heads-up on this.
The big problem would be hoping no one remembered seeing you.
The John Wayne look-alike with the big belly was in charge and held up his hand for attention.
I bet you've seen stuff like that back East, seeing as you were a big city cop and all.
My guess is someone did a bit of planning for Jerome Shipton's big fall, and Edith hasn't demonstrated any real talent for long-range thinking.
Then you ditched your new honey and she's stupid enough to think that's a big loss and goes and hangs herself.
We figure it's her choice if she wants to take the big trip.
He thought it was a big joke, making all these plans and there in the back of the motel is our car.
They don't stock the Parkside Sentinel in all the libraries around the country like they do the big city papers.
I have a really big favor to ask of you.
Parkside was no safer than the worst of the worst—we might as well be living in Philadelphia, or, God forbid, The Big Apple!
He pays big bucks—cash on the spot, no quibbling!
A big blue gun was pointing directly at Dean's mid section, out of sight of the others by the man's position.
She slid it over her daughter's head, giggling when she saw how big it was.
Darian didn't say what he wanted to, that she was as big of a fool as he was.
It's big and ugly.
A bird came and brought a great big worm.
Never again would he come running up to meet her, his big tongue hanging out as he gave her a huge doggie smile.
I never realized they were so big.
You wouldn't think something that big would be agile.
A big clock on the wall behind him indicated it was almost nine.
I'm sure having you close was a big comfort to Alex.
Senor Medena sat beside his desk and a heavy Spanish looking man with a mustache sat in Senor Medena's big chair.
Something big was headed their way.
It was a dangerous situation, but he lifted his arms to make himself look as big as possible and shouted.
Anything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
Marriage is a big step.
She was lowering herself to his methods - and scoring big time.
I'm a big girl now and I can take care of myself.
It was about that big around.
The big question was, why?
Hail. Some of them as big as baseballs, looks like.
I'm a big girl.
Of course he had - like a big brother.
You figure taking care of one more critter is no big deal?
I'll bet it's beautiful in the spring, and I can imagine Christmas here with a big tree over there and a roaring fire in the fireplace...
I'm harmless, especially to someone as big as you.
Those big eyes are the key.
She hadn't realized how big his were; they took up the entire space between her wrists and elbows.
He didn't become the most powerful creature in either realm to let a quick-witted woman with a bright smile and big heart bring him to his knees.
It is bounded on the north-west by Ohio, from which it is separated by the Ohio river, on the north by Pennsylvania and Maryland, the Potomac river dividing it from the latter state; on the east and south-east by Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, the boundary lines in the first two cases being meridians, in the last case a very irregular line following the crest of mountain ridges in places; and on the south-west by Virginia and Kentucky, the Big Sandy river separating it from the latter state.
Natural gas, like petroleum, was first heard of in West Virginia in connexion with a burning spring on the Kanawha, and there were gas springs on the Big Sandy and the Little Kanawha.
His novels, for the most part published first in London, reflect his wild adventurous life, the best known being The Son of the Wolf (1900); The Call of the Wild (1903); Moon Face (1906); Martin Eden (1909); South Sea Tales (1912), and his last, The Little Lady of the Big House (1916).
The population of the nearest big city was growing.
This region abounds in big game and birds are plentiful.
The canton is purely an administrative division, containing on an average, about twelve communes, though some exceptional communes are big enough to contain more than one canton.
The bureaux de bien- Total in 0cc faisance in the larger centres are aided by unpaid workers (commissaires or dames de charit), and in the big towns by paid inquiry officers.
For instance, he asserts the number of the Sabine virgins to have been exactly 527; again, in a certain year when no Greek or Latin writers mention any important campaign, Antias speaks of a big battle with enormous casualties.
This primitive condition occurs only in the Odontornithes, Ratitae and Tinami; in all others this notch becomes converted into a foramen ischiadicum, through which pass the big stems of the ischiadic nerves and most of the bloodvessels of the hind-limb.
New Zealand has also yielded many flightless birds, notably the numerous species and genera of Dinornithidae, some of which survived into the 19th century; Pseudapteryx allied to the Kiwi; Cnemiornis, a big, flightless goose; Aptornis and Notornis, flightless rails; and Harpagornis, a truly gigantic bird of prey with tremendous wings and talons.
At his death in 1786 he was succeeded by his son Charles, the notorious "Jockey of Norfolk," the big, coarse, generous, slovenly, hard-drinking Whig of whom all the memoirwriters of his age have their anecdotes.
The mountains are covered with one of the noblest redwood forests of the state - the only one south of San Francisco; two groves, the Sempervirens Park (4000 acres) and the Fremont Grove of Big Trees, 5 m.
Fauna.-Among wild animals the tiger or ounce-called in the Guarani language the ja-gud or "big dog"-and the puma are found on the frontier of Brazil and on the wooded islets and banks of the larger rivers.
The turnstone is about as big as an ordinary snipe; but, compared with most of its allies of the group Limicolae, to which it belongs, its form is somewhat heavy, and its legs are short.
Russia are fine animals, and those of the Kirghiz, though not big, are famous for their endurance.
His grandfather had obtained from Venice an " artist " who undertook " to build churches and palaces, to cast big bells and cannons, to fire off the said cannons and to make every sort of castings very cunningly "; and with the aid of that clever Venetian he had become the proud possessor of a " cannon-house," subsequently dignified with the name of " arsenal."
The Quezal is hardly so big as a Turtle-Dove.
This was a candle of very large dimensions, set in a candlestick big enough to hold it, which was usually placed on the north side, just below the first ascent to the high altar.
The Pontotoc ridge separates the drainage system of the Mississippi from that of the Tombigbee; extending from the northeastern part of the state southward, this ridge divides in Choctaw county, the eastern branch separating the drainage basin in the Pascagoula from that of the Pearl, and the western branch separating the drainage basin of the Pearl from that of the Big Black and the Mississippi.
The Yazoo, Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Sunflower, Big Black, Pascagoula and Pearl rivers are also navigable to a limited extent.
A settlement was made on the Big Black, 17 m.
He would have liked to organize a big move against the Bolsheviks from the west, but such a move could not be made while the Entente Powers were resolved to keep Germany out, and while they sympathized with all the new organizations hostile to RussiaEsthonia, Latvia and Poland.
They are famous, too, as hunters of big game, attacking even elephants with sword and spear.
On farms of moderate size it is usual to hire steam tackle as required, the outlay involved in the purchase of a set being justifiable only in the case of estates or of very big farms where, when not engaged in ploughing, or in cultivating, or in other work upon the land, the steam-engine may be employed in threshing, chaff-cutting, sawing and many similar operations which require power.
The invaginated cells (derived from the division of the four big cells) form the endoderm or arch-enteron; the outer cells are the ectoderm.
Big Rapids, named from the falls of the Muskegon here, was settled in 18J4.
He was opposed to the Covenant of the League of Nations, holding that " either the Covenant involves a surrender of national sovereignty and submits our future destiny to the League, or it is an empty thing, big in name, and will ultimately disappoint all of humanity that hinge its hopes upon it."
It is served by the Chesapeake & Ohio (being a terminal of the Lexington and Big Sandy Divisions) and the Norfolk & Western railways, and is connected with Huntington, West Virginia, by an electric line.
No notable rivers flow into Lake Michigan, the largest being the Big Manistee and Muskegon on the east shore, and on the west shore the Menominee and the Fox, both of which empty into Green Bay, the most important arm of the lake.
Of course, generally speaking, less advance was made than in many previous decades, owing to the interregnum caused by the World War, when all British, French, German, and Austrian work was held up, and only the Americans and to a lesser degree the so-called " Egyptian " Service of Antiquities (manned by French and English) did any digging at all; while in all the European countries the energies of all the archaeologists who were not superannuated were transferred to the field of war, and there was no time left to write little papers, still less big books.
Another big success was scored, and the National Dog Show Society was established for the purpose of holding a show of sporting dogs in Birmingham every winter.
Papa Stour (272), properly spelt Stoor, "the big [Norse stor] island of the priests," lies in the south-west of the great bay of St Magnus.
A little north of the centre the state is traversed from northwest to south-east by the extensive forest known as the " Big Woods," in which also oak occurs most frequently.
Several large lakes such as Pepin, Traverse and Big Stone are river expansions.
Given, then, that the variations in tide-generating force are big enough, the periods when the maxima occur will be critical with regard to oceanographical and meteorological phenomena.
Owing to the amount spent on railways, the Fiume harbour works and other causes, the Hungarian budgets after 1867 showed big annual deficits, until in 1888 great reforms were introduced and the finances of the country were established on a more solid basis.
Albert left behind him two infant daughters only, but his consort was big with child, and, in the event of that child proving to be an heir male, his father's will bequeathed to him the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia, under the regency of his mother.
When first entered by white men the Transvaal abounded in big game, the lion, leopard, elephant, giraffe, zebra and rhinoceros being very numerous, while the hippopotamus and crocodile were found in all the rivers.
Another peculiarity is a separation of the big toe from the rest, greater than is found in any other people, and sufficiently general and well marked to serve as an ethnographic test.
The principal external features are the huge Victoria Tower at the south, and the clock tower, with its well-known chimes and the hour-bell " Big Ben," on the north.
This salt covering gives them at a distance the appearance of big sheets of water.
The godwits belong to the group Limicolae, and are about as big as a tame pigeon, but possess long legs, and a long bill with a slight upward turn.
And yet in the European Stone age which followed, the age in which the great menhirs and cromlechs were erected, in which the domestication of animals began and the first corn was sown, we find in the strata no image of man or beast, big or little.
So, from the first, France was faced with another war against an affrighted and infuriated Europe, a war in which the big battalions would be on the side of the Seventh Coalition; and to oppose their vast armies, Napoleon only had in March the 150,000 men he had taken over from Louis XVIII when the Bourbon hurriedly quitted the throne.
He himself designates the Animadversationes in Scriptores Graecos as flos ingenii sui, and in truth these thin booklets outweigh his big editions.
In some parts, especially (in Douglas and Grant counties) within the Big Bend of the Columbia, the plain is frequently cut by coulees, or abandoned river channels, some of them 500 to 600 ft.
At a station more than 13 kilometres away a sort of big ear-trumpet, closed by a membrane, was placed with the membrane under water, the tube rising above the surface.
Big game was then abundant.
On the 1st of December there was a heavy bombardment by the big howitzers, which obliged the Russians to take shelter in rear of the ruined works.
Custer was sent up the Rosebud, and on the morning of the 25th passed over the divide of the Little Big Horn, where the Sioux were soon discovered.
Besides being famous as a hunter of big game, he was a skilful horseman and a good tennis player.
Clowes; The Rough Riders (1899); Oliver Cromwell (1901); the following works on hunting and natural history, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (1886), Ranch Life and Hunting Trail (1888), The Wilderness Hunter (1893), Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains (1899; a republication of Hinting Trips of a Ranchman and The Wilderness Hunter), The Deer Family (1902), with other authors, and African Game Trails (1910); and the essays, American Ideals (2 vols., 1897) and The Strenuous Life (1900); and State Papers and Addresses (1905) and African and European Addresses (1910).
Lake Traverse and the Big Stone Lake separate the state in part from Minnesota; the Big Sioux River forms most of the boundary between South Dakota and Iowa; and the Missouri river separates the state in part from Nebraska.
The lowest part of the state is the surface of Big Stone Lake, .bout 970 ft.
The Big Sioux river rises in the Coteau des Prairies in the north-east and flows almost directly south for a distance of 300 m., in the lower part of its course forming the boundary between South Dakota and Iowa.
The Minnesota river has its source in the north-east, and the Big Stone Lake, a body of water about 25 m.
It is usually greatest in the valleys of the James and Big Sioux rivers and least in the extreme north-central and north-western parts of the state.
This included, roughly speaking, all of the land between the Missouri River and the Black Hills and between the White River and the Big Cheyenne and a strip extending north from the Black Hills to the North Dakota line between the 102nd and 103rd meridians.
Few countries are so well stocked with big game as is Siam.
American naturalists regard the big brown bears of Alaska as a distinct group. They range from Sitka to the extremity of the Alaskan Peninsula, over Kodiak Island, and inland.
Aristotle is commonly supposed to be the first author who mentions a parrot; but this is an error, for nearly a century earlier Ctesias in his Indica (cap. 3),2 under the name of fib-Taws (Bittacus), so neatly described a bird which could speak an "Indian" language - naturally, as he seems to have thought - or Greek - if it had been taught so to do - about as big as a sparrow-hawk (Hierax), with a purple face and a black beard, otherwise blue-green (cyaneus) and vermilion in colour, so that there cannot be much risk in declaring that he must have had before him a male example of what is now commonly known as the Blossom-headed parakeet, and to ornithologists as Palaeornis cyanocephalus, an inhabitant of many parts of India.
On the 10th of June a Federal force was defeated at Big Bethel (near Fortress Monroe), and soon afterwards the main Virginian campaign began.
In 1555 Salah Rais, pasha of Algiers, set men to work to pull it down, but the records say that the attempt was given up because big black wasps came from under the stones and stung them to death.
The city has a public library (housed in the city hall) and eight parks (including Riverside on the Big Sioux), with a total area of more than 500 acres.
Kentucky county, practically coterminous with the present state of Kentucky and embracing all the territory claimed by Virginia south of the Ohio river and west of Big Sandy Creek and the ridge of the Cumberland Mountains, was one of three counties which was formed out of Fincastle county in 1776.
It is the MS. of Father Francisco Ximenez, Historia de la Provincia de San Vicente de Chiapa y Guatemala, in three big volumes in folio, which contain the famous Spanish translation of the Quiche myths or the " Popol-Vuh."
Among the rare big trees - found chiefly in the north-east - are baobab and palmyra and certain fruit trees, one bearing a pink plum.
The western slope of the Sierra Nevada hears fine forests similar to those of the Cascade Range and of the Coast Range, but of more open growth, and with the redwood exchanged for groves of big trees (Sequoia gigantea) of which the tallest examples reach 325 ft.
The summits of some of the big mountains, such as the Cascades, appear to be remnants of a peneplain developed in post-Miocene time.
The needle weir has, however, attained its greatest development in the United States across the Big Sandy river at Louisa, where, instead of needles 3 to 4 in.
North of the divide between the St Lawrence system and Hudson Bay there are many large rivers converging on that inland sea, such as Whale river, Big river, East Main, Rupert and Nottaway rivers coming in from Ungava and northern Quebec; Moose and Albany rivers with important tributaries from northern Ontario; and Severn, Nelson and Churchill rivers from the south-west.
The Garton artificial fertilization experiments have shown endless deviations from the ordinary type, ranging from minute seeds with a closely adhering husk to big berries almost as large as sloes and about as worthless.
Hwang Ho = Yellow river, Missouri = Big Muddy, the Red river, &c. It has been estimated that the Mississippi annually carries 4064 million tons of sediment to the sea; the Hwang Ho 796 million tons; the Po 67 million tons.
Blackie was a Radical and Scottish nationalist in politics, but of a fearlessly independent type; he was one of the "characters" of the Edinburgh of the day, and was a well-known figure as he went about in his plaid, worn shepherd-wise, wearing a broadbrimmed hat, and carrying a big stick.
It boasts of being le plus gros village de l'Europe, and certainly has preserved some of the features of a big village.
Sometimes in massive concrete structures large and heavy stones as big as a man can lift are buried in the concrete after it is laid in position but while it is still wet.
But in England it may be said that for massive work such as big walls Cost.
A big shell went through the upper deck and burst just where 56 marines were waiting to charge up the gangways, killing 49 and wounding seven.
He consulted the older and graver Laurentius Andreae, who told him how "Doctor Martinus had clipped the wings of the pope, the cardinals and the big bishops," which could not fail to be pleasing intelligence to a monarch who was never an admirer of episcopacy, while the rich revenues of the church, accumulated in the course of centuries, were a tempting object to the impecunious ruler of an impoverished people.
The disintegrated ground is then brought back in the trucks and fed through perforated cylinders into the washing pans; the hard blue which has resisted disintegration on the floors, and the lumps which are too big to pass the cylindrical sieves, are crushed before going to the pans.
The big reviews, especially the quarterlies, have always been the natural home of Johnsonian study.
It is a breed of mixed blood, and is believed to have originated from the "Big China" pig - a large white hog with sandy spots, taken to Ohio in 1816, and blended with Irish graziers in 1839, and with a breed known as Bayfields, as well as with Berkshires.
The telephone is largely used in the big towns, and there is a trunk telephone line connecting Alexandria and Cairo.
The railway, delayed by the construction of the big bridge over the Atbara, was opened to the Blue Nile opposite Khartum, 187 m.
It was indeed from Italy that the races of the north caught the impulse of intellectual freedom, the spirit of science and curiosity, the eager retrospect towards the classic past; but joined with these in Germany was a moral impulse which was her own, a craving after truth and right, a rebellion against spiritual tyranny and corruption - the Renaissance was big in the north, as it was not in the south, with a Reformation to come.
Big Island, now in the city of Calais, was visited in the winter of 1604-1605 by Pierre du Guast, sieur de Monts.
New and palatial buildings of the various ministries, several high and middle schools, a few big hospitals, and the residences of several Hungarian magnates, are among the principal edifices in this part of the town.
The obscurity of the mist, which had at first allowed the big battalions to approach unobserved, now favoured the weaker side.
In 1679 Hennepin reported deposits of coal near what is now Ottawa on the Illinois; there was some mining in 1810 on the Big Muddy river in Jackson county; and in 1833, 6000 tons were mined.
Sectionalism had a big influence on issues in the Civil War because the northern states didn't agree with the southern states.
The region was once covered, with the exception of the higher summits, by the Laurentian glacier, whose erosion, while perhaps having little effect on the larger features of the country, has greatly modified it in detail, producing lakes and ponds, whose number is said to exceed 1300, and causing many falls and rapids in the streams. Among the larger lakes are the Upper and Lower Saranac, Big and Little Tupper, Schroon, Placid, Long, Raquette and Blue Mountain.
The native fishermen know all about them; how the eggs are fastened to the water plants, how soon after the little larvae swarm about in thousands, how fast they grow, until by the month of June they are all grown into big, fat creatures ready for the market; later in the summer the axolotls are said to take to the rushes, in the autumn they become scarce, but none have ever been known to leave the water or to metamorphose, nor are any perfect Amblystomas found in the vicinity of the two lakes."
The soles are very thick, and are secured with straps; there is generally a loop for the big toe.
The warlike nature of the Assyrians was reflected in their conceptions of the gods, who thus became little Assurs by the side of the great protector of arms, the big Assur.
He believed he had shut the doors fast against any ordinary attack, and he did not think that Conrad could spare troops for an offensive on the grand scale, or that, if he could, he would make his big effort in the Trentino.
The line had been insufficiently prepared, and was being methodically knocked to bits by the very heavy fire of the Austrian big guns.
Cadorna relinquished the idea of a big counter-offensive as soon as he found a resistance which could only be overcome by long preparation and the use of artillery in mass.
As the redwood is limited to the Coast Range, so the big tree is limited wholly to the Sierra Nevada.
Unlike the redwood the big tree occurs in scattered groves (ten in all) among other species.
In this belt and the following one of firs the big tree also grows.
The redwoods are almost wholly unprotected by law, and the big trees very inadequately protected.
Specimens of eight and ten pounds weight have been taken by rod and fly fishermen from the Big Laramie river.
He claims justly that the conditions were very difficult, but he made a big effort.
The point is that Capello would seem to have interpreted Cadorna's instructions as to counter-offensive action in too liberal a fashion, influenced, perhaps unconsciously, by his own wish to attempt a big counter-stroke.
Lignite and coal, some graphite and kaolin, are mined, as also amber, which is often found in big lumps.
Their sons are big, stout men, but when they lead inactive lives are apt to become fat and sluggish.
The most prominent features of this part of the state are the arid Snake river plains and three mountain-like elevations - Big, Middle and East Buttes - that rise from their midst.
Many volcanic cones mark the surface, but by far the most prominent among them are Big Butte, which rises precipitously 2350 ft.
The beautiful varieties of porphyry - green, red, striped - which are obtained, often in big monoliths, near Kolyvan, are cut at the imperial stone-cutting factory into vases and other ornaments, familiar in the art galleries and palaces of Europe.
A big boulder on the shore of the bay marks the place of Hale's capture by the British on the 21st of September 1776.
About as big as a crow, its plumage exhibits the blended tints of chocolate-colour and grey, barred and pencilled with dark-brown or black, and spotted in places with white, that prevail in the two families just named.
He saw the Yosemite Valley, the Big Trees, and botanized in the Sierra Nevada and at Gray's Peak.
At last, in 1369, tired with the bustle of a town so big as Padua, he retired to Arqua, a village in Euganean hills, where he continued his usual train of literary occupations, employing several secretaries, and studying unremittingly.
In the conduct of tactical operations Butler was almost uniformly unsuccessful, and his first action at Big Bethel, Va., was a humiliating defeat for the National arms. Later in 1861 he commanded an expeditionary force, which, in conjunction with the navy, took Forts Hatteras and Clark, N.C. In 1862 he commanded the force which occupied New Orleans.
He was the author of The Peace Negotiations (1921) and The Big Four and Others (1921).
As to progressive taxation based on the assumption that equality requires a larger proportionate charge upon a big income than on one of a smaller amount, the practical application of the principle, if true, would be impossible.
The city is very prettily situated in the valley of the Big Blue river, in the midst of a fine agricultural region.
The manufacture of a big gun, which was able to compete with the Boer " Long Tom," at the De Beers workshops, under Rhodes's orders, and by the ingenuity of an American, Mr. Labram, who was killed a few days after its completion, forms one of the most striking incidents of the period.
They are big, handsome sheep, with finely-arched necks and graceful carriage.
It has a black face and legs, a big head with Roman nose, darkish ears set well back, and a broad level back (especially over the shoulders) nicely filled in with lean meat.
Since the desirable lands of the country have been occupied, the prices of these lands have advanced slowly, with the result that the big farms are being divided up into small holdings.
A farm is not considered a big one unless it contains from 2000 to io,000 acres at least.
One of the big 10,000-acre farms will use up two car-loads of twine in a single harvest, enough to lay a line around the whole coast of England, Ireland and Scotland.
As a creator of aught but romantic incident, indeed, Cooper's claims to renown must rest on the fine figure of the Leatherstocking, and, in a less degree, on that of his friend and companion, the Big Serpent.
Of these the most noted is the Big Salt Plain of the Cimarron river, in Woodward county, which varies in width from a m.
As a rule, however, the Australian AllFather is anthropomorphic, and fairly well described in the native term when they speak English as " the Big Man," powerful, deathless, friendly, " able to go everywhere and do everything," " to see whatever you do."
Ra, the sun, fought the big serpent Apap, as Indra fought Vrittra.
The two principal nationalities are the Poles (45%) and the Ruthenians (42%), the former predominating in the west and in the big towns, and the latter in the east.
Even the rentiers of the Htel-de-Ville, big and little, usually very peaceable folk, were excited by the curtailment of their incomes, and in 1639 and 1642 were roused to fury.
No more far-seeing than the Directory or the men of the year III., he thought that, with energy and execution, he might succeed in the Peninsula as he had succeeded in Italy in 1796 and 1797, in Egypt, and in Hesse, and that he might cut into Spanish granite as into Italian mosaic or that big cake, Germany.
The hackney type of the day is " a powerfully built, short-legged, big horse, with an intelligent head, neat neck, strong, level back, powerful loins, and as perfect shoulders as can be obtained, good feet, flat-boned legs, and a height of from 15 hands 2 in.
In the fork of the North and South Platte are the Wild Cat Mountains with contours rising to 53 00 ft., in which Wild Cat Mountain, long reported as the highest point in the state, attains 5038 ft., Hogback Mountain 5082 ft., and various other hills - Gabe Rock (5006), Big Horn Mountain (4718), Coliseum Rock (5050), Scotts Bluff (4662) &c. - rise to heights of 45 00 to 5000 ft.
There are some cut-offs or oxbow lakes along the Missouri, and many lakelets originally such are scattered along the Platte, Elkhorn, Big Blue and other rivers.
The " Oregon Trail," the " Old California Trail," and the " Old Salt Lake Trail " - all nearly identical in Nebraska - ran along the Platte across the entire state with various terminal branches near the eastern border, to the Missouri river towns; while branches from St Joseph, Missouri and Leavenworth, Kansas, ran up the valleys of the Big Blue and Little Blue rivers and joined the Nebraska roads near Ft.
As a big landowner of the Simbirsk province he took an active part in the Zemstvo life and was elected member of the executive board of the Simbirsk Zemstvo and marshal of the nobility of the Simbirsk province.
Big brown eyes shined on them enthusiastically while dangling earrings sparkled with the movement of her head.
Alfonso assured him that it was no big deal - that Señor Medena would pay for it because he had lots of money.
I was thinking it wouldn't be big enough for all of us after the twins come home.
The doctor said they tried unsuccessfully to stop labor, but the babies are healthy and big enough.
It was no big deal that she had a cell phone, but he would wonder why she was hiding it from him, and that was a question she couldn't answer.
Maybe there was nothing going on, but gut instinct said there was a story here – something big.
He looks awful big.
The big Indian eyed her with appreciation and said something to Bordeaux.
That's not uncommon for Big Apple young people, living on a modest income in a financially immodest city.
When the weekend arrived we once again went through the turmoil of renting and car and leaving the Big Apple in weekend traffic.
What my wife neglected to state was the ongoing need for the big three of food, clothing and shelter and that our New York jobs, even if they felt absurd by comparison, were needed in support of attaining them.
As for Econ Scrutiny, we're doing nothing remotely illegal and have the blessing of your so-called big names.
After good times and hard times and a number of renovations, it is once again a major New England travel hub, second only to Logan Airport where I'd just left my wife Even the iconic clock on the front of the building with its twelve foot face, styled after Big Ben, has been restored and running again.
Han was as big as the man before her, and if he feared him … Damian's gaze swept over her.
We talked about a big debate but seeing as you ain't got an opponent— at least yet—we put that idea on hold.
I can't jam much more in my shopping cart but if they had any interesting costumes, I might be able to dress up and attract more attention— generate a little more cash flow for the balance of the big trip.
But questions remained—the big three unknowns of who, why, and when.
Big deal that Seymour's brochures were four-color to Dean's black and white, and the bastard wore full uniform.
He hates your guts big time—your little wife, too.
She said she was near the big one-sided McDonald's—she meant the arch.
He was a big black guy—that was the only description.
Still, it must have been a big relief for her to know that he had been awake, however briefly.
There are monsters and big men with funny … At that point her talking became too quick for the translator hooked on Evelyn's ear to keep up.
It's a big deal to them, to get stuff from their ancestor and find out where she lived and all.
And a smart big city detective like you didn't guess maybe this was the Edith he was talking about?
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
Both of them are at that level of not worrying about missing any meals but they're not big spenders—maybe five to ten mil bracket, give or take—no real debts.
Well, I figured the drowning of a child ought to make a big city paper and sure enough, after I checked a few of my sources and a couple of papers, I hit pay dirt!
The only mistake was you screwing around with the big boys in the first place.
I don't want to screw around and play against the big leagues in Philadelphia; all your friends with the crazy middle names like, 'The Shiv' and 'The Hunchback' and 'Three Fingers'—really neat nicknames like that.
She put her arms about his neck in a bear hug and gave him an exuberant big sister kiss on the mouth.
Parkside was no safer than the worst of the worst—we might as well be living in Philadelphia, or, God forbid, The Big Apple!
A darlin' lady told me all about the shindig—said the contractor and his boys put out a big spread with lots of drinks.
He pays big bucks—cash on the spot, no quibbling!
The word's out the grand jury is inches away from returning an indictment against Big Daddy Delasandro!
At least if Cynthia Byrne's phone rang Sunday, it wouldn't be Arthur Atherton calling—he was on the menu with the Wassermann twins and tic-face Home Flanders in the big barbecue down below.
The big question—has he already skipped or will he ride tomorrow?
I was all set to have a few more at the motel and a big dinner but he begged off—just dropped me at my place.
That's so the big boys can be 'officially' indignant if the shit hits the fan and we get caught.
It was big enough to belong to Brutus – maybe too big.
Because you're getting married today – or do you still think it's no big deal?
Because you're in uncharted territory with someone you think has a map with a big red X on it, I guess.
The last time I saw the deer up here, I found a track big enough to belong to Brutus – only it didn't look like his tracks.
I don't know – a big track.
In the mud was a deer track, and overlaying it, the paw print of a big cat — too big to be a bobcat.
With a few exceptions, all the animals are in one big enclosure, living together as they would in the wild.
Jonathan was big enough and responsible enough to take care of himself, but he lacked the experience to recognize a potential threat.
Anything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
Don't ever get smitten by some blonde with big boobs.
The big bedroom has an adjacent full bathroom while the second twin bedroom has a shower room.
It is a big honor to bestow on a person.
Big congrats to Tim, who now looks like he will be riding in the expert category next year.
I have a big craving for sweets.
There was a diligent effort in which chance has played a big part.
This was a big inconvenience for air passengers.
Somewhere in this big expansive timeframe the eventual formation of Stan's Cafe became inevitable.
We buy big & make small margins; no "buyers remorse here."
We are so used to being with the big boys.
Also many paupers were not able-bodied and parishes were not big enough to cope with the problems.
Big 5kg disk, faced with fine aluminum oxide abrasive.
Get online today for 50% less than the big guys are charging, without annoying pop-up ads or hassle.
In related Wonder Woman news, a big screen adaptation is in the pipeline penned by Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon.
I now know why people find big Barbel so addictive.
Look for an incident early in every game, and make a big deal about it, by publicly admonishing the perpetrator.
The next big advance in understanding suicide outside the context of it being a sin awaits the Advent of psychoanalysis.
The water was so aerated the bubbles were as big as a size 5 ball!
Buy big Get the largest memory card that you can comfortably afford.
I've always been a big time press release aficionado.
Who's afraid Of The Big Bad wolf Who's afraid of the big bad wolf Big bad wolf, big bad wolf?
He had a nice big Afro of ginger hair and had a habit of wearing luminous yellow and green odd socks.
It was won by Jonny Knight, the senior graphic designer, who did a picture of Kev with a big Afro.
About The Big Boost take the quiz aged between 11 and 16?
Worse, the big corporations really set the agenda.
Although he was very big he was incredibly agile and elegant, thus his nickname.
Suddenly, it seems, agribusiness is taking over'sustainable agriculture ' in a big way.
Then, of course, along came Big Brother to muddy the waters and undermine Castaway ' s already ailing critical success.
The big surprise of course for 2004 is just how much I used the airframe - a test bike which I still have.
Seems if you're a poor worker you still won't have a name when you ride that big airplane.
The first big air raid was carried by the Germans on Coventry on the Thursday night - Good Friday morning 1940.
Holy George was a reformed alcoholic who had taken to the bible in a big way.
My answer was always to get a big pot of coffee and pull an all-nighter.
The police have a tendency to make a big deal over a very minor altercation.
Her big unfulfilled ambition is to get a novel in print.
Next, scout out all the big box retailers that carry ammo and food.
The first could be run at 25mph, while the second at 15mph, another big difference, but both considered anaerobic.
Jayne has expressed anger at Big Brother ' s insistence that she be uncharacteristically subdued.
Tess was quite a big bitch, with a very lovely head, quite dark colored, but failed in hind angulation.
There was one strangely large and empty area which was a big anticlimax, tho.
I was soon to realize Emma had a chronic separation anxiety, thus those big chunks out her previous stable.
I do, however, spoil the big death from the previous book, in case anyone 's somehow remained unaware of it.
To say this aerodynamic appendage is big, ranks as one of life's great understatements.
Oh how a morning at the baths gave ye a big hearty appetite for the bacon n eggs.
If main dishes are too big, choose an appetizer or a side dish instead.
If you fancy doing some musical archeology, this big box is the place to start.
A slump in grain prices combined with big increases in the price of luxury items put pressure on the lifestyle of the feudal aristocracy.
Noah had seven days in which to build an ark big enough to hold two of every type of animal.
They're in this big ashtray by the front door.
Political Editor Simon McGee reports on the little-known unelected regional assembly making increasingly big decisions on our behalf.
We are going to need someone like Leon as we have a big pitch and we are going to need athleticism and energetic legs.
For the first time ever, QuakeCon will host a big money tournament open to 128 lucky attendees at the event.
A reproduction poster for the Big Show of 1962 surrounded by the original autographs of 8 artists on the bill.
In contrast, I would love to see The aviator on the big screen again some time.
Alex has a big problem on his hands when she suddenly awakens eight months later.
Her sessions have attracted all the big names in this newly awakened field.
Shade here is provided under a big canvas awning.
Cubby, who was a big gambler, decided he would play baccarat every evening.
Such a law is anathema to Arnold's neo-liberal big business backers, the very ones that Blair is inviting into the British NHS.
The leagues have enabled us to move up and contrary to other's beliefs we have not done it on big money backers.
Shuttle St had just one big backyard with, just a couple of toilets between all the houses.
We had a big debate in this country in the early 1980s about the Chrysler Corp. and giving federal bailouts for a billion dollars.
Oasis turns in a relatively introspective second record, filled with big, gorgeous ballads instead of ripping rockers.
The big male we watched was feeding on the stems of giant bamboos, an amazing feat.
These are the rhythms of life for a big band like Delirious?
Mailbox SDSL is the big brother of ADSL, providing symmetric bandwidth up to speeds of 2Mbps.
The first evidence of the big bang appears at Mount Wilson.
Built in the age of the big bangers, designed to go fast on the enormous banked Brooklands outer circuit.
Then all you need is a big, fluffy towel, a cozy bathrobe to snuggle into ' and the bathroom to yourself.
Patches is a collie terrier cross, around the size of a big beagle and much smaller than a collie.
Its a big beastie which makes photography easy and it is a photogenic aircraft.
Spotted hyaenas, giant beaver, extinct big cats, extinct species of rhino, extinct giant deer and other deer.
The head-line beckets are the first to be explained, as these play a big part in the operation of hauling the trawl.
In an industry bedeviled by litigation, Hamilton knows the big guns could resort to patent infringement suits to try to thwart Provis.
It will make a big impact and suitable entrance which will be so befitting for what is a very special, world-renowned stadium.
The VF1000R is the big behemoth that many consider the " first VFR " .
There's a big pair of double gates here, much beloved by Network Q spectators.
Breakfast was average but room lovely and we could see big ben!
Unfortunately £ 250 grand is just a very small tip of a very big ice berg.
Flying to las great big Bertha a string of like now catch.
Get the latest odds, research the big teams or choose free bets on our site.
Instructors are trained to treat everyone equally whether it's the guy with the big biceps or the person who has never been before.
There are 27 big firms or consortia bidding for this job.
Schedule The schedule is too big to successfully transfer to a text file - sorry.
Indiana Jones is about to make a pretty big comeback.
Now local authorities need to start ' thinking big ' .
When I meant ultra-compact, I'm not kidding -- the L1 makes the Digital ELPH look big.
It's really a big change for an only child to become a big brother or sister.
By watching big brother you too become part of the dehumanizing process (Socialist Worker August 26 2000 ).
I agree big brother is going one step to far another four in the house?
The Republicans give big business 100 per cent cooperation.
Such is the pressure, I suppose, of being a corporate big cheese!
Big Daddyclick on the links to go to the pages about big voodoo daddy.
There is a good chance that we will see some big game.
Speak softly and carry a big stick because your enemy may not speak.
But the moment they started half-heartedly churning out radio-friendly bilge they became pretty big.
Looking to the future growth areas that may have a big impact are nanotechnology, quantum computing and molecular biophysics.
The big island was full of miniature plastic birdhouses up with himthe.
Imagine an attentive class of virus cells, green and gloopy, listening as a big teacher virus demonstrates at a small blackboard.
I turned, and there was this big white blah leaning against a blah.
Microsoft have kept their MSN Music service quite low key to date, tho a big marketing blitz was always likely.
To W magazine on Boy George " Who wants to see that big blob on telly?
The big blockbusters I haven't kind of plugged into at all very much really.
We, the movie going public in the land of big snow have come to expect certain things from our summer movie blockbusters.
Whether it's big screen blockbusters or your favorite TV show, they now fit in your pocket and are perfect for sharing.
Others carrying the bloodlines have had a big influence in the countries to which they were exported.
He had brown eyes, and a yellow nose, and big blue bloomers that he wore.
And I thought I was a big girlie blouse when it comes to arachnids.
I had big muscles and I chose to wear long-sleeved blouses to hide those muscles.
It also gets big n bluesy when the channels Gain control is cranked up.
Sadly for him, it hit a divot, taking a big bobble in the process.
Rounded neckline with 3/4 length sleeves, darted bodice with overlapping shaped seam, decorated with two big pale blue buttons.
Also good last night was Marion and Geoff, with the big bombshell.
Their size makes them far too big to fit into a school bag or into a child's bookcase at home.
Lots of men have found that it's much nicer to cuddle up to a big booty, than a boney bum!
If you like a proper boozer and a chat with friends go there Mother Red Cap - big up yourself " "
The Queen Victoria offers big country boozer style drinking for those who can't bear to be parted with the Central Line.
The white metal is then machined to the correct radius using the big borer.
Dame Judi Dench ' s ample bosom caused big problems at the Oscars.
Even if you've got big bosoms, you don't have to look like a frump.
I combined the two to make ' Gnat ' - a little creature that's very bothersome to big ones ' .
Maybe hurling big boulders - even making them change into steaming chunks of lava on the way - is more your thing.
Blum is merely a conservative middle bourgeois who fatally gravitates to the society of the big bourgeois.
The petty bourgeois intelligentsia, which is in every way dependent on the big bourgeois intelligentsia, which is in every way dependent on the big bourgeoisie, obtained the leadership over the peasantry.
Eddie is trying to milk the cows having first hit the homemade apple brandy in a big way.
Terry Jones Senior had a good day on Thursday catching big bream ending his day with a net well in excess of 200lbs.
It is common for dogs to cost more to ensure than cats, with extra charges for pedigree breeds or big animals.
I also think this stuff would be great for kids, as its just brill for building big things from generally fooling around on.
The smallest amount of voluntary work can make a big difference to people's lives and knowing you helped can make you feel brilliant.
Big cities are long distance business call long distance business call getting into municipal wireless broadband.
But I'm taking a big brolly just in case.
However, Badger have broken the price barrier in a big way with their new oval brolly, so what's the catch?
He remembered the big brouhaha about putting them in, years ago now. What? Jumper suddenly said.
Brown trout, especially big brown trout, especially big brown trout, were thought to be extremely territorial.
Reputed to be the largest lava lamp in the world this big bruiser of a lava lamp stands at over 2ft tall.
The walkers are big, unwieldy brutes and you do get a feeling for the sheer weight and power these machines throw about.
There is nothing they enjoy more than sailing the sea, chasing treasure and being big, bad, bold buccaneers.
Hollywood has no social responsibility, it produces whatever will earn the big bucks.
I would have advocated Shaun Wright-Phillips ahead of Beckham, but he destroyed his career when chasing the big bucks at Chelsea.
Rather than use inexpensive off-the-shelf solutions, the firm has invested big bucks in a bespoke system.
Budgie Volleyball by Vicky Chapman, NSW, Australia Brainy was a big, blue female budgie Volleyball by Vicky Chapman, NSW, Australia Brainy was a big, blue female budgie.
Whether we're film buffs or football junkies, or want to follow Big Brother online, we're in a world of choice.
Here you drive a big bulldozer about, knocking down whatever you can get your bucket thing in contact with.
He looked inside and started through then we heard a big old bullfrog that started a racket.
It went to a tie-break which I lost, big bummer, 5-7.
Some people also have a bunion corrected, or an operation for arthritis of the big toe, at the same time.
Id at least expect him to have some small underground bunker big enough to live in, not some hole in the ground.
Her dream, she continued, was to see Big Ben, and the double decker busses.
It ranges from Japanese horror to big block busters like Die Hard.
Just push the big orange button or pull the string.
The big buzzword is keeping officers on the streets.
In Romania there was a big natural calamity - water floods on 75% of our state territory.
Rating Advisors Rating advisors may be cold calling in your area offering big savings in your business rate bill.
Victory offers a Stage Two, which in this case is a big bore conversion as there are no signs of hot cams yet.
I love the big, dramatic cantilever at the front.
Also big cats who had been fed infected chicken carcasses in a Thai zoo were killed by H5N1.
These big animals don't like it if you just softly caress them.
Some are big carnivores that eat the small ones.
The traditional fairground carousel was a big hit with approximately 5,000 rides being given away during the day.
The big UK banks effectively operate a cartel in most areas of business banking.
An actual stadium was built for the show, which cost big money when combined with the large ensemble cast.
For today we have Big Brother; gentleman Ben and the other castaways are last-year's loves.
The big glaciers had produced vast u-shaped valleys which had formed the lake our comfortable catamaran was on.
How does big Mamma, one of the world's biggest catfish, sound?
Our street canvassing has been great and our car cavalcade made a big stir.
Would fill my specialty coffees coffees at big major cay.
Big Bill, Charlie's former cellmate, is one of the gang and greets Charlie as an old friend.
In London there is a large memorial called the cenotaph in Whitehall, and each Remembrance Sunday a big ceremony is held there.
Yep, big orbs, long cervix, what strangely challenging anatomy I have!
At base is a big square plinth with stopped chamfers at the angles.
Valley at the drehobl found himself ann's big happy wsop championship.
Instead of spring greens you can also use chard, kale or winter greens of any variety that have big, dark leaves.
If Pluto is a big nothing in the natal chart, I would not expect much significant effect.
When the estate was settled the big house was empty and Mr. Gilchrist moved to India Drive and became a chauffeur for India Tires.
Use the following checklist to keep you on track for the big day!
The shortage of doctors means people aren't having routine checkups that prevent small problems from becoming big ones.
Beside the Big Five, elusive cheetah, wild dog and many other bushveld species inhabit the park.
Can be addictive of the big they join chevy 's he thereby concluded.
The small block chevy has 2 big end crank journal sizes, known as small journal and large journal!
Michael Morgan finished a strong 9th but Dennis Ashmore was unfortunate to suffer a BIG spin exiting the chicane on the last lap.
There is a big demand for day-old chicks during April.
The big grill allows you to grill 2 medium sized chicken breasts as well as vegetables and fruits all at the same time.
You must make the big choices of life alone.
The Spanish are famous big game chokers; I'll be on Belgium at 11/5.
There is also what looks like a butcher with a very big chopper!
East Bridgford has the potential to produce some good chub catches and there are some very big individual fish to be had.
Catching big chub on fast-paced rivers is usually the preserve of specimen hunters.
That will do away with the image of the boss with a big cigar clamped between his teeth.
A great achievement for horror cinema at the time as the film was released unrated, a big gamble that paid off.
She draws a big circle around the second item on her list, Paper Towels.
In 2003 with a big cruise pending, I recovered an ELCB and some magnetic mains circuit breakers from a scrapped power distribution box.