Better Sentence Examples
Better stop by and get Howard Spencer.
We'd better go down for breakfast.
I feel much better now.
I suppose no place is better than home on Christmas.
He thinks you are better than us.
He seemed in better spirits than usual and awaited his son with great impatience.
No book is worth reading that does not make you better or wiser.
I thought it would be better if I slept here.
She liked to be with him better than with the others, and when alone with him she sometimes laughed.
I'd better get her ready for bed.
AdvertisementHer throat was very sore and the doctor thought she would have to go away to the hospital, but she is better now.
It isn't just that we can communicate better but that we actually relate to each other better.
I'd better go now.
A computer can do some tasks better than a person can.
His words and attitude always suppose a better state of things than other men are acquainted with, and he will be the last man to be disappointed as the ages revolve.
AdvertisementSomething is better than nothing.
But she knows better than any one else what value speech has had for her.
Self-teaching algorithms will get better and better at making suggestions.
If only I were better fitted for the great task!
You simply had to make better use of what was left.
AdvertisementIt probably looked better for him, anyway, as he didn't have a date.
You must be feeling better, Cynthia.
Besides, I knew her far better than her husband.
Then Henry Ford came along, followed by a host of others, and cars got better and better while getting less and less expensive.
We can make better food that uses fewer resources.
AdvertisementAnd because it changed for the better, wondrously better, we can proudly claim our part in its forming.
Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.
Why, you yourselves know everything better than I do.
We'd better get back to the apartment.
He held her without speaking, probably sensing there was little he could say to make her feel better.
I'd better go finish it.
I'd better move my hunt further south when I've cleaned up my business and finished here.
We are building the Internet to connect with each other better, to share information, to collaborate, to offer mutual support, and so on.
What is a house but a sedes, a seat?--better if a country seat.
You'd better put your hat back on.
Howie moved forward for a better view.
I know for a fact my wife turned as white as Casper and Quinn looked no better.
Howie was a total wreck and I'm sure neither Quinn nor I was much better.
Better that we have some contact and hopefully quell any investigation.
When I made a face, she said, "It gets better after you've had a few."
But this guy figured he was better than everyone else in the place.
Maybe it was better he was so prickly.
I think I like that choice better.
We better get Rainy in here before he tears down the hospital looking for her.
Dusty and Jule knew better than to pry what happened when he confronted Claire.
Maybe if you'd all got to know each other better, you'd have become bosom buddies.
I don't think things will get any better for us.
Because young people generally understand and utilize technology better than older people, we will see a shift in power and influence toward the young.
Nay, I often did better than this.
You'd better call one of the girls to pick you up.
He was better off without her anyway.
I can do better than that.
Talking with Fritz was better than nothing, but this young man had an unusual way of thinking.
If you want me to cook them, you'd better clean them up so they don't look like snakes.
Even your horse has better sense than you do.
If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you didn't think your mother was worth the cost.
If he can get us better and timelier information and direct us to the best place to call in our tips, we're miles ahead.
I'll better his total before I die and they'll not know I ever existed... unless someone sees me in their crystal ball.
New Mexico and Arizona are no better.
And he's using that knowledge to his advantage... better disguises, changing his MO, carefully executing his abductions.
We're working on her self-confidence but it's still better than her mother's.
I realize now my venture was doomed to failure from the start as my target was far better protected than I sensed.
He's much better now and it's not just the shrink he's seeing.
It's a relief the monster wasn't responsible for Vermont but I'd feel much better if I knew he didn't break into Julie's place.
Better that she convey the information to Howie in her own words, and not compel me to admit what we'd been holding back information from him.
You see, guys who just hunted down women looked down on the children snatchers and the scum that took on little girls thought they were a rank better than the little boy snatchers.
I'd feel much better if he returned with us but if he insists on staying, it's his choice.
By tomorrow we'll have a better handle on the situations, enough at least to make flight arrangements.
The FBI can fill you in better when they get here but this guy's been off the grid since he was released from prison last summer.
I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes.
We don't have much time; we better go shopping for baby clothes.
It's better if you let me go.
Bianca was warm and sweet, the kind of woman who deserved better than he'd ever have to offer.
I'll try to be better, Darian whispered.
I'm surprised to say the weather was better.
He positioned the earpiece of his communication headphones better.
With a sinking feeling, Dusty understood Sofi's concern better.
She didn't feel any better knowing Talon couldn't kill her here!
No woman would ever be more than second to a man like that, but being the woman who was second in his world sounded better than anything else she'd ever wanted.
If she didn't know better, she'd say whatever the poison was, it felt like what lingered in Jonny's body.
His erratic moods had grown more volatile the past couple of days, and she knew better than to draw his attention.
She knew better than to relax around her father, whose hand was likely to fly at the drop of a hat.
Things will get worse before they get better, but they should get better.
He could keep an eye on both the Other and the Magician better.
She was better off pulling a random diagnosis out of a hat.
You've always thought yourself soooo much better than the rest of us, and I'm sick of your attitude.
She walked up the street to a better vantage point, curious to see what he hit.
Damian knew better than to trust the deceptive appearance of this type of creature.
This better be good.
It's better you learn them from the beginning.
Dusty's suggestion to bring in every station chief for interrogation was sounding better.
It's better you don't remember.
The thought of him without his shirt on, or better yet, naked … "No way in hell," she breathed.
He kneaded her breasts, wanting nothing better than to suckle her until she cried out in ecstasy.
Damian couldn't have chosen a better guard.
That's why I like you better.
Who better to weed out traitors than the one who could see them for what they were?
Do you want me to run away so you feel better?
Maybe it was better she died today, before she became like him!
There was a much better time when she did not know he planned to usurp her, and the memory comforted her.
You are no better than they are, Taran!
You are no better than Sirian.
Better than you or I are.
Most are no better than he is, but Taran was an innocent child when he came to me.
You might say I understand better why you feel as you do about Landis.
Despite feeling better rested than she could remember, she was unable to shake the sense of unease from the catacombs, as if Jame's magic lingered.
She looked better than when he'd last seen her.
He knows the city better than anyone.
At least for the present, the fewer people who knew, the better.
His deep voice was so much better than television.
Alex was better educated and had more business experience.
Maybe it would be better if it crossed his.
She said I thought I was better than her – and my family.
We'd better get up if we're going to scout out that trail before we go to church.
Better he should think it was a sad memory than to think she was afraid of ghosts.
I should take better care of our wildlife.
Actually he was much better than some.
Maybe he'll feel better in the morning.
He had bad days, but Alex always gave him something to make him feel better.
Can't we wait until the morning to see if he's better?
We can wait, but he isn't going to get better.
It also prevented unauthorized entry, but the other sounded better.
Would it make you feel any better to know they can out-maneuver the horses in the forest?
You'll feel better tomorrow.
It couldn't have been better, but entertaining three men on a daily basis was a mental workout.
Yeah, that would probably be a better word.
Oh, I'd better call Felipa and tell her we'll meet them at the barn instead.
Still, he was managing it better every day.
Alex might think that was better than going alone, but she and Felipa knew better.
Are you feeling a little better?
It didn't take long for it to work and she began to feel better.
He was not feeling better.
That makes me feel better about part of it, anyway.
I hope Alex gets in a better mood.
Maybe you should hold off awhile until your shoulder gets better.
I'd feel better if you'd hire someone to help you.
Well, if it makes you feel better, but I like taking care of the horses.
He could have said something to Rob, though at the moment anything he could have said to make the situation better eluded her.
Sometimes spontaneous events worked out better than well-planned ones.
It's getting better all the time.
If she wanted to catch him alone, she'd better get it done now.
The barbeque couldn't have been better.
This is even better than I had imagined.
Possibly, but a man would probably be a better fit.
Yet for some reason she felt better.
Either way, I'm sure Sam would be the better choice.
I picked some yellow flowers to go in her hair, but she said they looked better in a vase.
Good timing, but it would have been better timing if Alex had caught her – more fun too.
You'd better put the sling on so you won't forget and use it too much.
She'd better get breakfast ready.
Maybe he had decided being in control of the estate was better than having no control in his home.
She spoke against better judgment.
You're better off without him, you know.
You deserve to be treated better.
There was little she could do at the moment with only one hand free – and that on the injured side - so she waited for a better opportunity.
He said I deserved better than you and I'd be better off without you.
She would never find a better man than Alex.
Better to let him go now.
Are they better than a horse?
I think you'd know better than that.
Maybe passionate would be a better word.
I trust your judgment better than I do my own.
As she pointed out, Sam would eventually be leaving for a better job anyway.
In the mean time, you'd better calm down.
Even the smoggy Los Angeles air outside had to be better than the stale air in the office.
Thirty minutes to get to her apartment; an hour to get ready - no, better make it thirty minutes, and then another half-hour to get to her parent's house.
I told them they would be better off listing it in an Arkansas paper.
We have a few kinds of prepackaged sandwich meats, but there's a better variety at the counter.
I just wanted to let you know I got here and everything is better than I expected.
I'd better get home while the milk is cool.
She shifted the sack of groceries to get a better look, and froze.
All right, but you'd better watch for snakes.
Well, it's getting late and I'd better get in.
I figured I'd better call my family before they sent out a search team.
I'd better get going if I want to make it back before dark.
It was better having something to do.
Was he actually frightened, or was he trying to make her feel better?
Gee, now I feel a lot better.
I'll stay for a while longer if it will make you feel better.
Well, I'd better get chopping.
If you're serious about wanting to see someone again, you'd better give them a good night kiss they'll remember.
Unless you've got a bigger sleeping bag, we'd better stop now.
Maybe we'd better go.
Still, it worked and she felt better.
This was much better.
Better make the best of it.
She was a different person now – hopefully a better one.
My father would know better than to raise any objections about my choice in a partner for life.
My imagination got the better of me and I took it out on you.
Some things are much better that way.
Don't you think you need to get to know me better?
I know you a little better now.
He smelled like a heady mix of male musk and something so faint and sweet, it made her want to press her face to the skin of his chest for a better smell.
Deidre approached unbidden and stood before him, wishing she understood him and their bond better.
Did he trust her or assume she knew better than to run?
We're getting better at tracking them, but haven't been able to stop them.
I know better than to trust Wynn, she said with a sigh.
A better question is why you don't want me to know.
You better not tell anyone we even came in here.
And you'd better come too or you'll never find your way out of this hole.
I'd better get my campaign manager cracking.
I knew better but the other kids called me chicken.
Then you ought to know better.
Then, thinking better of her quick response, she began to pick at her fingernails.
But if the little bit I've got's not stopping me from trying to multiply it to something better, how can you be worried about this kid of yours?
Soon as this Fitzgerald guy calls with the details, we'll have a better idea of the time frame.
I'd better get cracking on that, knock on doors or something.
Dean moved into the shade and closer to the building for better reception.
Maybe I've learned to hide my anxiety better.
While Cynthia didn't answer, her eyes told him if he did poke around, he'd better not get himself in deep do-do doing it.
Maybe you'd better do that.
You're in better hands than I was being on Billy's team.
If sheriffs have to do that sort of thing, you'd better practice.
You're going to have to do much better than that, Mr. Dean.
Cynthia's allotted tour of duty was finished, so he took his wife's hand and they walked to the corner for a better view of the parade.
The vehicle, older than Fred, sounded better than Dean's Jeep.
I guess I should feel better about Randy.
In spite of all I said, his and Jen's baby has a lot better future than Billy Langstrom's.
I think you'd better limit your use to when Fred's here to give you permission.
Unlike most first-time riders of this spectacular road, she didn't shudder; instead she leaned far over for a better view, rattling a litany of praises.
Dean emerged from behind the cluster of boulders and jogged to the edge of a clearing where he had a better view down the valley.
We'd better tell the old man he needs to get hopping.
Perhaps you'd better speak to him.
Why do you feel you are better equipped to be our next sheriff than your opponent?
All I could think of was Randy and how lucky we are that he's got his act together in spite of this business with Jen—how much better off he is than Billy— and Jen than Melissa.
You can do better than that.
What better way to kick up the ante for the land from the brother.
We'd better watch our step, and not give him any excuse to harass us further.
He can't prove you chased Billy down the mountain any better than you can prove he did.
If we had a better description of them it might pinpoint the age of the victim.
Then he added, Ms. Larkin better watch her pretty butt.
Then he added, You might have better luck learning who's been trying to buy the worthless mine and who at Bird Song swiped the itsy-bitsy bone you found.
I luv her but they do to and they can do better than me.
Later, he and Martha were to visit the library for more digging into the earlier disappearances now that the date of Martha's bones was better known.
And you better believe he backed off—like his life depended on it.
It was the most incredible food in the world, much better than omelets.
Everything would be different – better, perfect – overnight.
When the sun was up, she retreated from the French doors, troubled by the lost souls and what she did to make Gabriel's life worse, when she'd hoped to make it better.
A better person to ask might be Darkyn.
Still, there were some things that would be better left in the past.
She deserved better than that.
Even so, he managed to communicate better than the average person, and when he did say something, it was generally well thought out.
I think he's better equipped than I am.
In fact, getting to know him better had only increased it.
I can turn the heat down and it will cook slower – might even be better.
He leaned closer to get a better look.
You know better than that.
I'd better get supper on the table.
We'd better put him back with his mommy.
Would it have been better if it were me, Lori?
It would probably look better for Lori if she called.
The doctor says he is better.
They shouldn't have talked in front of him, but sending him to his room wouldn't have left him feeling any better.
Jonathan wanted to come see him, but she told him to wait until Alex was better.
What will you do if he never gets better?
He's my husband, for better or for worse.
In any case, the vow was for better or for worse.
He seems so much better today.
He always knew what to say to make people feel better – only now he couldn't talk, and even if he could, he might not be capable of the flowery words.
If he would only put an arm around her when they slept, like he used to, she might feel better.
Katie says I'd better find a way to communicate with you.
You'd better get back into the house.
They had been through better and worse and each time they had come out on the other side with a stronger relationship.
I figured she was better off not being exposed to that situation.
It gets better all the time.
Dr. Wynn knew better.
Better than preying on the free will of humans.
I hope your week was better than mine.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to keep a secret.
In the meantime, he'd learn to use the compass better and decipher the symbols.
He doubted his night – or his next few thousand years – was going to get any better than this.
I like this bucket list better.
Who better to keep a secret?
Isn't that better than one percent?
You're handling this better than I expected.
Or maybe, incomplete is a better word.
If she didn't know better, she would've read more into his words.
Like Gabriel, he was better off without her in his life.
You'd better watch what you call me or you'll be sending them out again!
All the same, you'd better take a good, long look at what you're thinking about giving up.
Would it have looked any better if he had come in a few minutes earlier when Alex had his hand under her shirt?
Should she fight for him, or was she better off without him?
You'd better be careful making that kind of remark.
But tell me, if he's so much better than me, why aren't you asking him to marry you?
We'd better stop, or I'm going to get into trouble again.
Your little Texas stud had better stay out of my life or I'll make him wish he'd never set foot in this state.
A whole lot better than she had imagined.... yet still a blow.
Better hurry, they were getting braver.
First you'd better call a veterinarian.
They worked over Brutus for the better part of an hour and finally Alex leaned back and stretched.
Well, I know I'll feel better knowing he's here.
If she searched for the rest of her life, she might never find a better mate than Alex.
Surely Alex would come up with something better than that.
It's still a mess but better than it was.
That seems like a better deal to me.
The dilapidated, abandoned facility fiercely defended by the soldiers in Western uniforms was not worth their efforts when compared to the buildings in much better shape down the road.
The first gate consisted of a few dozen men better armed than his team atop a thick steel wall with an iron core.
I'd better go, she said.
This better be important, Lana.
And far better well armed, Brady added silently.
After watching the madman named Arnie last night, he knew better than to assume anything about the deceptively quiet Peak.
You better learn fast if you want to survive my world, challenging me isn't the way to go, he warned.
His head hurt from the shock of the baton, and he couldn't help hoping she was a better shot than she was figuring out the baton.
You're smart enough to know better.
He should've known better than not to warn Dan what Lana could do if she got a hold of a micro, even if it was Elise's.
She couldn't help feeling bad she'd never taken much time to get to know her neighbors better.
Her gaze went to him in consideration, and she wondered if it was better to take or leave him.
When Mrs. Watson released the rucksack, it felt better balanced, though no lighter.
Elise knows her better than anyone, Brady said with a glance at the blond woman.
It was better than one night.
He'd meant it as a joke only, something to make her feel better and take her mind off of the chaos around her.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a fed.
But this is so much better than anything I expected.
It's working out better than any of us expected.
Maybe if she'd paid more attention to the information coming in or been a better analyst … part of her knew there were no indicators she missed.
I'll give you a better deal.
I can think of no one better to take care of you.
Gabriel cursed under his breath. He had no way of knowing what kind of test a deity like Death could create, but it wasn't likely to be good. While he had full faith in Rhyn, he also knew better than to trust the petite woman in white standing in his dream.
I'm better off as demon fodder. I was doomed when I was born a half-demon.
Rhyn, you're better than this.
I can't imagine killing an angel is any better than killing a little boy.
It was better than traveling the underworld with Gabriel or fighting with Kris for an ounce of respect.
You're Mama's mate. Do you like Pops better?
Another of Ully's experiments. Hopefully it's better than his demon skunk spray.
I should've done a better job.
There's a saying, better to serve in Hell than get your head split open somewhere else.
I know the Immortal world better than you, mortal.
He'd have a way of keeping my mind off of things. I think the demon side of him makes him a better Immortal than people like Kris.
You got a better explanation? If Death told Rhyn she would give him Katie back, then Katie can't be dead.
You know better, Kiki.
I met Gabe, and he took me to Andre, who raised me for a few years, before my brothers decided I was better off in Hell, he summarized.
I guess he can take better care of himself than Toby, she said.
I know the underworld better than you.
Mama took it a little better. She didn't cry.
I think we have a better chance if we go to Death's fortress.
He deserved better than me.
Rhyn deserves better. I think I got what was coming to me for being as selfish as my bitchy sister.
I'm beyond help, Rhyn. I've always believed you could be all that Kris and Andre and your father were not. Your half-demon nature makes you better prepared than all of them combined.
I can't say your choices have been any better.
You look better than I expected.
I hope she comes out better behaved than Toby.
There were better things to do with his time.
By the time the man had finished, his night vision was better and he could make out the tiny necklace of lights in the distance, the Chesapeake Bridge-Tunnel that ran 17 miles to the Eastern shore.
If you ask me, those Norfolk guys would be better off checking the airports than the bottom of the bay.
When Dean telephoned the office of World Wide Insurance Company, his luck was no better.
Parkside had held up well, faring much better than some of its sister cities in eastern Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Byrne, looking embarrassed at the confusion, suggested that she and Dean might be better off talking on the back deck.
It's better if I have something to take my mind off—other matters.
He was in better shape than half the office, by Mayer's assessment.
The files were better than a sleeping pill.