Betray Sentence Examples
You didn't betray my trust.
I wouldn't be here if I thought you would betray me.
No one will ever betray me again.
How could he betray her trust so utterly - for the sole purpose of proving a point to Claudette?
I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want to betray Morino.
He won't betray his brothers.
The volatile truth of our words should continually betray the inadequacy of the residual statement.
Not only am I a rerun, but I'll betray you.
The first to betray the Council and serve the Dark One?
But I'm sure she was pleased he abided by her wishes and didn't betray her life to her family.
AdvertisementSasha had chosen to serve the Dark One and betray the Council and their father.
They're setting you up to betray you.
Born to betray any master he served.
Despite being brutally tortured, he didn't betray anyone.
Of all the Somali the Rahanwin betray the largest infusion of negroid blood.
AdvertisementHe said that the decision to remake the 2003 TV drama did not betray a poverty of imagination.
He'll break things off with you before he would ever betray you.
Rubi and Alejandro fall in love, but Rubi's ambitions betray her when she learns that Alejandro is not wealthy.
It is men's opinions or unwarranted judgments about things, say the sceptics, which betray them into desire, and painful effort and disappointment.
They held the "Lord's Prayer" in high respect as the most 1 These betray their Gnostic (Marcianite) spirit by the antiJewish tone of the oldest MSS.
AdvertisementWinning the confidence of Charles of Lorraine and of Arnulf, archbishop of Reims, he was restored to his see; but he soon took the opportunity to betray Laon, together with Charles and Arnulf, into the hands of Hugh Capet.
Her correspondence in cipher from thence with her English agents abroad, intercepted by Walsingham and deciphered by his secretary, gave eager encouragement to the design for a Spanish invasion of England Under the prince of Parma, - an enterprise in which she would do her utmost to make her son take part, and in case of his refusal would induce the Catholic nobles of Scotland to betray him into the hands of Philip, from whose tutelage he should be released only on her demand, or if after her death he should wish to return, nor then unless he had become a Catholic. But even these patriotic and maternal schemes to consign her child and re-consign the kingdom to the keeping of the Inquisition, incarnate in the widower of Mary Tudor, were superseded by the attraction of a conspiracy against the throne and life of Elizabeth.
A pension he had defined as pay given to a state hireling to betray his country; a pensioner as a slave of state hired by a stipend to obey a master.
At Freeport, on the Wisconsin boundary, on the 27th of August, Lincoln answered questions put to him by Douglas, and by his questions forced Douglas to "betray the South" by his enunciation of the "Freeport heresy," that, no matter what the character of Congressional legislation or the Supreme Court's decision "slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations."
At the very outset the two sources betray their divergent origin and point of view.
AdvertisementNo longer needing Catholic assistance, James threw over his mother, with whom he had been intriguing, and sent the beautiful Master of Gray to betray Mary's secrets to Elizabeth.
The perfect man thus described will not be angry with the wrongdoer; he will only pity his erring brother; for anger in such a case would only betray that he too thought the wrong-doer gained a substantial blessing by his wrongful act, instead of being, as he is, utterly ruined.
That the tenets and practices of so characteristic a faith as Buddhism, so long prevalent in India, cannot but have left their marks on Hindu life and belief may readily be assumed, though it is not so easy to lay one's finger on the precise features that might seem to betray such an influence.
He continued the policy of double-dealing and treachery, deceiving his ministers as at the treaty of Dover, by pretending to support Holland and Spain while he was secretly engaged to Louis to betray them.
But it is characteristic of his strong nature that, where he does betray any sign of human sympathy or tenderness, it is for those who by their weakness and position are dependent on others for their protection - as for " the peasant boy with the little dog, his playfellow," 1 or for " the home-sick lad from the Sabine highlands, who sighs for his mother whom he has not seen for a long time, and for the little hut and the familiar kids."2 If Juvenal is to be ranked as a great moralist, it is not for his greatness and consistency as a thinker on moral questions.
It contains imitations of Theocritus, but the tone and the language betray a later writer.
Sarpi told Dohna that he greatly disliked saying mass, and celebrated it as seldom as possible, but that he was compelled to do so, as he would otherwise seem to admit the validity of the papal prohibition, and thus betray the cause of Venice.
According to the common story, she offered to betray the citadel, if the Sabines would give her what they wore on their left arms, meaning their bracelets; instead of this, keeping to the letter of their promise, they threw their shields upon her and crushed her to death.
Simylus, a Greek elegiac poet, makes Tarpeia betray the Capitol to a king of the Gauls.
The peasantry, however, are far from dull, and betray much shrewdness where their interests are concerned.
Did not Sir William Stanley, the best paid of those who betrayed Richard III., afterwards lose his head for a deliberate plot to betray Henry VII.?
But the biblical materials worked up in the doctrine betray little sign of any except a religious interest.
The forms that betray African affinities are naturally to be found chiefly in the south.
The alternative – that her own body was about to betray her to the devil – wasn't something she could handle.
His hands on her arms made her body betray her again.
Body language announced that he was emotionally reacting – something his facial expression didn't betray.
As an observer, I can tell you there's a great deal of motivation for someone in his position to betray you.
He would betray her, and he would kill her, but she suspected even he was not brave enough to cross the king of Landis, whose cruelty was known far and wide.
Taran, whose golden eyes made her blood heat and whose touch brought a warm tingle of anticipation to her body…it was ironic that the two men she loved in her life would betray her.
Ready the army to accompany me to Tiyan, in case Taran seeks to betray me.
And all the more furious at anyone who would betray Tiyan and its queen.
Or trust me – I won't betray you.
Rommel therefore did not betray conspirators who suggested to him that he should become head of state once Hitler was overthrown.
Jesus convinces Judas to betray him and his own crucifixion swiftly follows.
To maintain that they must intervene is to betray ignorance of the elementary principles of prophetic interpretation.
And adults who read Harry Potter books betray the fact that they are emotionally retarded.
And thus they are traitors enough to betray even their own treachery.
Stalin was totally unscrupulous, whereas Trotsky was loyal to certain ideals which he would not betray Trotsky was considered ambitious and arrogant.
Why betray the incognito of this modest country-side without historical association or picturesque sites to commend it to the antiquary or the tourist?
It needs little reflection to perceive that the position of Jerusalem and Judah was now hardly one of independence, and the conflicting chronological notices betray the attempt to maintain intact the thread of Judaean history.
Here we enter upon one of the most interesting chapters of disorders and modes of disorder of this and of other systems. It has come out more and more clearly of late years that poisons do not betray even an approximately indifferent affinity for all tissues, which indeed a little reflection would tell us to be a priori improbable, but that each tends to fix itself to this cell group or to that, picking out parts for which they severally have affinities.
The range is cut by numerous fault lines, some of which betray evidence of recent activity; it is probable that movements along these faults cause the earthquake tremors to which the region is subject, all of which seem to be tectonic. The altitudes of the Coast Range vary from about 2000 to 8000 ft.; in the neighbourhood of San Francisco Bay the culminating peaks are about 4000 ft.
Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!
More than anything she feared lest the confusion she felt might overwhelm her and betray her as soon as she saw him.
The lands then became dark and corrupted by the Emperor's six advisors who had influenced him to betray his loyal servants.
Honesty and communication are the staples of any good couple, and the idea that someone could betray their trust to that degree is usually beyond imagination.
Stefan and Elena betray Damon who retaliates by feeding Elena his blood and threatening to snap her neck if Stefan doesn't give him Emily's spellbook.
Edmund is tempted by the White Witch to betray his siblings by promises of sweet treats and becoming king.
Don't betray that trust by selling their info, even if it's just email addresses.
Before you walked off to betray me to Darkyn.
She willed her mind not to betray her, aware he could read her too easily now that she was human.
Body language announced that he was emotionally reacting – something his facial expression didn't betray.
Kris knew his brother too well to know he'd not betray the trust of anyone, even a man who wanted to kill him.
You seek to betray me as your predecessor did.
The only to betray the council and serve the Dark One!
Darkyn was too cruel a master to betray.
I know you will, and I'll never betray you.
She wasn't about to let him use her to betray any of them, especially Darian, who had gone through too much already.
Tell me Claire was right to betray me.
Maybe he wants me to trust him so he can betray me, too.
He knew all her secrets; it was leverage, in case she ever did anything stupid, like betray him.
He wasn't able to read her mind, but she didn't look like someone there to betray him.
But it wasn't in her to hurt someone or betray someone else.
If I betray you, you track me down and kill me.
Especially if she was about to betray him to Jonny.
Isn't that what you do to people who betray you?
He'd realize she was about to betray him, then come to kill her.
Xander had been nothing but tender, even knowing she was probably going to betray him.
Or trust me – I won't betray you.
For some months he found amusement in the preparation of the delightful Memoirs (1789) from which most of our knowledge of his personal history is derived; but his letters to friends in England, written between 1788 and 1793 occasionally betray a slight but unmistakable tone of ennui.
A recollection of the manifold forms which religious life and thought have taken in Christendom or in Islam, and the passions which are so easily engendered among opposing sects, will prevent a one-sided estimate of the religious standpoints which the writings betray; and to the recognition that they represent lofty ideals it must be added that the great prophets, like all great thinkers, were in advance of their age.
The last and the worst of the Cid ballads are those which betray by their frigid conceits and feeble mimicry of the antique the false taste and essentially unheroic spirit of the age of Philip II.
All are Sunnites, and, although still speaking their Somali national tongue, betray a large infusion of Arab blood in their oval face, somewhat light skin, and remarkably regular features.
To this element prob ably belongs the story of the schoolmaster who, when Camillus was attacking Falerii, attempted to betray the town by bringing into his camp the sons of some of the principal inhabitants of the place.
They formerly traded with Arabia and Malaysia, and many Arabs settled amongst them, so that they betray a strong strain of Semitic blood in their features.
In March 1716 he declared his final abandonment of the Pretender and promised to use his influence to secure the withdrawal of his friends; but he refused to betray any secrets or any individuals.
And certainly Manning does betray in these autobiographical fragments an unheroic sensitiveness to the verdict of posterity on his career.
Others, like the Ascension of Isaiah, betray the handiwork of successive editors, and are accordingly to be explained on the "redaction hypothesis."
The closing episode of the war as far as New York was concerned was the discovery of Benedict Arnold's attempt in 1780 to betray West Point and other colonial posts on the Hudson to the British.
In all these works the imperfection of his musical education is painfully apparent, and his compositions betray an equal lack of knowledge, though his refined taste is as clearly displayed there as is his literary power in the Letters and Dictionary.
His letters betray discontent with Elizabeth's reluctance to assist the States; he could not understand her antipathy to rebellious subjects, and he returned in October, having accomplished little.
The parish church stands near the spire of the ancient church where, according to tradition, the treaty was made in 1297 with Edward I., by which Sir John Menteith undertook to betray Wallace to the English.
Sent by his father in 1439 to direct the defence of Languedoc against the English, and to put down the brigandage in Poitou, he was induced by the rebellious nobles to betray his trust and place himself at the head of the Praguerie.
But why, after displaying so much cunning, did he invariably betray himself the moment he came up by that loud laugh?
To tell them that she felt ashamed for herself and for them would be to betray her agitation, while to decline their offers to dress her would prolong their banter and insistence.
But the more he tried to hide it the more clearly--clearer than any words could have done--did he betray to himself, to her, and to Princess Mary that he loved her.
Despite being brutally tortured, he did n't betray anyone.
I didn't betray Gabriel to be stuck in the human world, Harmony said.
Gabe drew a breath, expecting Andre wouldn't betray the confidence of his mate.
That I let them die fast is not something I'll do for you if you betray me again.
Remember, you.ll be the first I come for if you betray me.
But don't you think you betray him by not giving him a chance?
I'd never betray you, Darian, no matter what ghosts are in my closet.
A word to the wise, don't betray someone like Xander.
You intend to betray me anyway.
Risings broke out at Urbino and in Romagna, and the papal troops were defeated; Cesare could find no allies, and it seemed as though all Italy was about to turn against the hated family, when the French king promised help, and this was enough to frighten the confederates into coming to terms. Most of them had shown very little political or military skill, and several were ready to betray each other.
But in the Syrian mythology foreign influences frequently betray themselves.
He can't be allowed to betray us again.
White or grey spots may be due to Peronospora, Erysiphe, Cystopus, Entyloma and other Fungi, the mycelium of which will be detected in the discoloured area; or they may be scale insects, or the results of punctures by Red-spider, &c. Yellow spots, and especially bright orange spots, commonly indicate Rust Fungi or other Uredineae; but Phyllosticta, Exoascus, Clasterosporium, Synchytrium, &c., also induce similar symptoms. Certain Aphides, Red-spider, Phylloxera and other insects also betray their presence by such spots.