Berserk Sentence Examples
Now, the fun comes when it's time to activate Berserk Mode.
Imagine the current nuclear standoff with the West caused Iran to shut off their oil supply... The oil price would go BERSERK.
When he heard about this secular development, agnostic tho he purports to be, Riddell went totally berserk.
There was glass from broken bottles everywhere and of course the shower pipe went berserk and writhed all over the place.
Sword of the Berserk is pure hack-n-slash action.
The ants went berserk their tails flicking high, all swarming to the point of contact with the bush.
An immense joy in battle breathes through the earliest Norse literature, which has scarce its like in any other literature; and we know that the language recognized a peculiar battle fury, a veritable madness by which certain were seized and which went by the name of " berserk's way " (berserksgangr).2 The courage of the vikings was proof against anything, even as a rule against superstitious terrors.
The ironic part to the control is that while not in Berserk mode, Guts is a little sluggish and hard to turn on a dime.
But when he entered Berserk Mode, Guts goes all crazy and is easier to control.
And did I mention that entering Berserk Mode will make you go crazy, just like Guts?
AdvertisementBerserk was famed for the reckless fury with which he fought, always going into battle without armour.
As you kill opponents and successfully hit those bad guys, your Berserk meter fills up.
The Barbarian excels at melee attacks, is fast and can berserk, but he cannot wear heavy armor without training.