Berg Sentence Examples
The northern slopes of Mont aux Sources (11,000 ft.), the highest land in South Africa, are within the province, as are also the Draken's Berg (5682 ft.), the mountain from which the range takes its name, Melanies Kop (7500 ft.) and Platberg (about 8000 ft.), near Harrismith.
Kuropatkin's Stakel- orders to his subordinate were a compromise between berg's his own plan and Alexeiev's.
He became governor of Paris, marshal of France (1804), grand duke of Berg and of Cleves (1806), lieutenant of the emperor in Spain (1808), and early in the summer of that year king of Naples.
Under the Empire, Roederer, whose public influence was very considerable, was Joseph Bonaparte's minister of finance at Naples (1806),(1806), administrator of the grand duchy of Berg (181o), and imperial commissary in the south of France.
Go and flirt with Berg as much as you please, she finished quickly.
The Ursula Berg (5563 ft.) ends the group of the Karawankas, which are continued by the Steiner Alps.
In 1794 it was bombarded by the French under General Vandamme, and in 1806 it was assigned to the grand-duchy of Berg.
In 1685 Simon van, der Stell, then governor of the Cape, led an expedition into Little Namaqualand and discovered the Koper Berg.
It is one of the transverse chains connecting the eastern coast range with the higher terraces and goes under a variety of names, such as Elands Berg and Ingome Mountains.
But the trade over berg largely developed on the dis covery of the Kimberley diamond mines, and the progress of the country was greatly promoted by the substitution of the railway for the ox wagon as a means of transport.
AdvertisementThe fief passed later into the possession of the counts of Berg.
In 1815 Elberfeld was assigned by the congress of Vienna, with the grand-duchy of Berg, to Prussia, and its prosperity rapidly developed under the Prussian Zollverein.
It lies in a valley between the hills of Birkenberg and Heiliger Berg, and in its neighbourhood are the lead and silver mines which belong to the Austrian government and are worked in nine shafts, two of which, the Adalbert shaft (3637 ft.) and the Maria shaft, (3575 ft.) are the deepest in the world.
At the top of the Heiliger Berg (1889 ft.) is a church with a wonder-working image of the Virgin, which is the chief place of pilgrimage in Bohemia.
The shields of arms are for the dukes of f iilich and Berg, counts of Ravensberg, and for the electors of Bavaria.
AdvertisementOur Lady's church, built in the 13th century and restored in1851-1852and again in 1864, contains a carved altarpiece (r6th century) by Claus Berg of Lubeck.
After a separation of four and a half centuries, the Palatinate, to which the duchies of Julich and Berg had been added, was thus reunited with Bavaria.
The present Prussian Rhine province was formed in 1815 out of the duchies of Cleves, Berg, Gelderland and Jiilich, the ecclesiastical principalities of Trier and Cologne, the free cities of Aix-la-Chapelle and Cologne, and nearly a hundred small lordships and abbeys.
Its highest point, the Helpter Berg, is 587 ft.
The total number of breweries in the beer excise district was, in 1905-1906, 5995, which produced I017 millior gallons; in Bavaria nearly 6000 breweries with 392 million gallons in Baden over 700 breweries with 68 million gallons; in WUrttem berg over 5000 breweries with 87 million gallons; and in Alsace Lorraine 95 breweries with about 29 million gallons.
AdvertisementThus, under Maximilian of Bavaria and Christian of Anhalt respectively the two great parties were gaining a better idea of their own needs and of each others aims and were watching vigilantly the position in the duchies of Cleves, Julich and Berg, where a dispute over the succession was impending.
On the establishment of the confederation of the Rhine, his son Prosper Louis (to whom, becoming blind, he had ceded his domains in 180 3) became a member (5806), and showed great devotion to the interests of France; but in 5850 he lost his sovereignty, Napoleon incorporating Meppen with France and Recklinghausen with the grand - duchy of Berg, and indemnifying him by a rent of 240,702 francs.
In August 955 he gained a great victory over the Magyars on the rfh of Baben house - Lechfeld, freed Bavaria from their presence, and re- berg.
Lennep, which was the residence of the counts of Berg from 1226 to 1300, owes the foundation of its prosperity to an influx of Cologne weavers during the 14th century.
The French occupied it in 1806, and in 1808 it was made over by Napoleon to the grand-duke of Berg, and became the chief town of the department of Ruhr.
AdvertisementArnold was recognized as duke in 1424 by the emperor Sigismund, but in the following year the emperor revoked his decision and bestowed the duchy upon Adolf of Berg.
The town has electrical works, but its industries are mainly concerned with the preparation of wine, the best kinds being Rudesheimer Berg, Hinterhaus and Rottland.
It remained a place of little importance until the 17th century, when religious persecution drove to it a number of Calvinists and Separatists from Julich and Berg (followed later by Mennonites), who introduced the manufacture of linen.
It has regular steamboat communication with Rotterdam, Cologne and Arnhem, and steamtramways connect it with the popular resorts of Neerbosch, Beek and Berg - en - Dal in the vicinity.
Napoleon incorporated Siegen in the grand-duchy of Berg in 1806; and in 1815 the congress of Vienna assigned it to Prussia, under whose rule it has nearly quintupled its population.
The town is situated on the west bank of the Berg river, some 400 ft.
West of the town the Paarl Berg rises from the plain.
The berg is crowned by three great granite boulders, known as the Paarl, Britannia and Gordon Rock.
Before passing to Prussia, Opladen belonged to the duchy of Berg.
Proposals were also made to create a port which could be supplied by water from the Berg river, 20 m.
In 1423 the duchy of Jiilich fell to Adolf of Berg, and in 1437 the countship of Ravensberg was united to the duchies.
It was settled in 1614 by a partition, under which Berg, with Jiilich, was assigned to the count palatine of Neuburg, in whose line it remained till 1742, when it passed to the Sultzbach branch of the house of Wittelsbach.
Berg was bestowed by Napoleon, along with the duchy of Cleves and other possessions, on Joachim Murat, who bore the title of grand-duke of Berg; and after Mura.t's elevation to the throne of Naples, it was transferred to Louis, the son of the king of Holland.
In the Sneeuwberg range is Compass Berg, 8500 ft.
They attain their highest point in the Kamies Berg, 5511 f t.
In this range the Great Winter Berg attains a height of 7800 ft.
Zwart Berg, near the Basuto-Natal frontier, rises 7615 ft.
Omitting small streams, the coast rivers running to the Atlantic are the Buffalo, Olifants and Berg.
The Berg river (125 m.) rises in the district of French Hoek and flows through fertile country, in a north-westerly direction, to the sea at St Helena Bay.
The opening on the 25th of March 1609 of the question of the succession of John William the Good, duke of Cleves, of Jiilich and of Berg, led Henry, in spite of his own hesitations and those of his German allies, to declare war on the emperor Rudolph II.
Barmen, although mentioned in chronicles in the 11th century, did not attain civic rights until 1808, when it was formed into a municipality by the grand-duke of Berg.
After a short period he gave up his commercial career, and in 1770 became a member of the council for the duchies of Julich and Berg, in which capacity he distinguished himself by his ability in financial affairs, and his zeal in social reform.
The origin of the name Wurttemberg is uncertain, but the once popular derivation from Wirth am Berg is now universally rejected.
In 1288 it was raised to the rank of a town by Count Adolf of Berg; from his successors it obtained various privileges, and in 1385 was chosen as their residence.
In 1805 it became the capital of the Napoleonic duchy of Berg; and in 1815 it passed with the duchy into Prussian possession.
In 1807 it came into the possession of the grand dukes of Berg, but was transferred to Prussia in 1814.
The Heiliger Berg, in the immediate vicinity, has sixteen chapels, and a church in the Byzantine style.
The new elector, born on the 8th of November 1572, had married in 1594 Anna, daughter of Albert Frederick of Prussia, a union which not only strengthened the pretensions of the electors of Brandenburg to the succession in that duchy, but gave to John Sigismund a claim on the duchies of Cleves, Jiilich and Berg, and other Rhenish lands should the ruling family become extinct.
Moreover, by virtue of an imperial promise made in 1485 and renewed in 1 495, the elector of Saxony claimed the duchies of Julich and Berg, while the proximity of the coveted lands to the Netherlands made their fate a matter of great moment to the Dutch.
By this arrangement Brandenburg obtained Julich and Berg, the rest of the lands falling to the count palatine.
Berg, 1990 Randomized comparison of 100 mg allopurinol plus 20 mg benzbromarone daily compared with 300 mg allopurinol over 24 weeks.
Russ and Koen, watching for whales from the monkey island, had seen the huge berg capsize alongside the ship.
At the same time, Erebus, seeing another part of the large berg turned to starboard.
Unfortunately £ 250 grand is just a very small tip of a very big ice berg.
Now and again a great berg would capsize with a reverberant roar.
Also the steel business is the tip of the ice berg the next enemy of the US is the EU economic power.
The Nicholas Berg murder video was actually titled " Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi slaughters an American infidel with his own hands " .
Dr. C M G van den Berg speciation of trace metals in natural waters.
For in July 1935, Berg was bitten by a mosquito.
There are trails leading past Mount Robson to iceberg laden Berg Lake, these are only for back packers.
Berg (see Petermanns Mitteilungen, 1903).
We don't interfere with you and Berg.
This was Lieutenant Berg, an officer in the Semenov regiment with whom Boris was to travel to join the army, and about whom Natasha had teased her elder sister Vera, speaking of Berg as her "intended."
Berg always spoke quietly, politely, and with great precision.
Berg evidently enjoyed narrating all this, and did not seem to suspect that others, too, might have their own interests.
Berg gave his arm to Vera.
Berg, who had obtained his captaincy during the campaign, had gained the confidence of his superiors by his promptitude and accuracy and had arranged his money matters very satisfactorily.
Berg and Boris, having rested after yesterday's march, were sitting, clean and neatly dressed, at a round table in the clean quarters allotted to them, playing chess.
Berg held a smoking pipe between his knees.
Boris, in the accurate way characteristic of him, was building a little pyramid of chessmen with his delicate white fingers while awaiting Berg's move, and watched his opponent's face, evidently thinking about the game as he always thought only of whatever he was engaged on.
Without answering, Rostov shook the soldier's Cross of St. George fastened to the cording of his uniform and, indicating a bandaged arm, glanced at Berg with a smile.
After reading a few lines, he glanced angrily at Berg, then, meeting his eyes, hid his face behind the letter.
I quite understand, said Berg, getting up and speaking in a muffled and guttural voice.
Berg returned, and over the bottle of wine conversation between the three officers became animated.
That's the way, Count, said Berg, lighting his pipe and emitting rings of smoke.
But Boris noticed that he was preparing to make fun of Berg, and skillfully changed the subject.
Berg took the opportunity to ask, with great politeness, whether, as was rumored, the allowance of forage money to captains of companies would be doubled.
The day after the review, Boris, in his best uniform and with his comrade Berg's best wishes for success, rode to Olmutz to see Bolkonski, wishing to profit by his friendliness and obtain for himself the best post he could--preferably that of adjutant to some important personage, a position in the army which seemed to him most attractive.
Count! shouted Berg who ran up from the other side as eager as Boris.
Berg was mentioned, by those who did not know him, as having, when wounded in the right hand, taken his sword in the left, and gone forward.
Soon after their arrival in Petersburg Berg proposed to Vera and was accepted.
Among the men who very soon became frequent visitors at the Rostovs' house in Petersburg were Boris, Pierre whom the count had met in the street and dragged home with him, and Berg who spent whole days at the Rostovs' and paid the eldest daughter, Countess Vera, the attentions a young man pays when he intends to propose.
Though some skeptics smiled when told of Berg's merits, it could not be denied that he was a painstaking and brave officer, on excellent terms with his superiors, and a moral young man with a brilliant career before him and an assured position in society.
Berg's proposal was at first received with a perplexity that was not flattering to him.
Berg blushed and smiled.
After the first feeling of perplexity aroused in the parents by Berg's proposal, the holiday tone of joyousness usual at such times took possession of the family, but the rejoicing was external and insincere.
And patting Berg on the shoulder he got up, wishing to end the conversation.
But Berg, smiling pleasantly, explained that if he did not know for certain how much Vera would have and did not receive at least part of the dowry in advance, he would have to break matters off.
Berg smiled meekly, kissed the count on the shoulder, and said that he was very grateful, but that it was impossible for him to arrange his new life without receiving thirty thousand in ready money.
Berg and his wife, who were not dancing, came up to them.
One morning Colonel Berg, whom Pierre knew as he knew everybody in Moscow and Petersburg, came to see him.
Berg explained so clearly why he wanted to collect at his house a small but select company, and why this would give him pleasure, and why though he grudged spending money on cards or anything harmful, he was prepared to run into some expense for the sake of good society--that Pierre could not refuse, and promised to come.
In their new, clean, and light study with its small busts and pictures and new furniture sat Berg and his wife.
Berg, closely buttoned up in his new uniform, sat beside his wife explaining to her that one always could and should be acquainted with people above one, because only then does one get satisfaction from acquaintances.
Berg, judging by his wife, thought all women weak and foolish.
Berg rose and embraced his wife carefully, so as not to crush her lace fichu for which he had paid a good price, kissing her straight on the lips.
Pierre disturbed the symmetry by moving a chair for himself, and Berg and Vera immediately began their evening party, interrupting each other in their efforts to entertain their guest.
Before long Boris, Berg's old comrade, arrived.
There was a shade of condescension and patronage in his treatment of Berg and Vera.
Berg and Vera could not repress their smiles of satisfaction at the sight of all this movement in their drawing room, at the sound of the disconnected talk, the rustling of dresses, and the bowing and scraping.
But at that moment Berg came to Pierre and began insisting that he should take part in an argument between the general and the colonel on the affairs in Spain.
Berg was satisfied and happy.
Now the general had begun such a discussion and so Berg drew Pierre to it.
Here's Berg coming to see us, said she, looking out of the window.
Berg, the Rostovs' son-in-law, was already a colonel wearing the orders of Vladimir and Anna, and he still filled the quiet and agreeable post of assistant to the head of the staff of the assistant commander of the first division of the Second Army.
Berg drove up to his father-in-law's house in his spruce little trap with a pair of sleek roans, exactly like those of a certain prince.
From the anteroom Berg ran with smooth though impatient steps into the drawing room, where he embraced the count, kissed the hands of Natasha and Sonya, and hastened to inquire after "Mamma's" health.
I tell you, Papa" (he smote himself on the breast as a general he had heard speaking had done, but Berg did it a trifle late for he should have struck his breast at the words "Russian army"), "I tell you frankly that we, the commanders, far from having to urge the men on or anything of that kind, could hardly restrain those... those... yes, those exploits of antique valor," he went on rapidly.
And Berg related all that he remembered of the various tales he had heard those days.
Berg hurriedly jumped up, kissed her hand, asked about her health, and, swaying his head from side to side to express sympathy, remained standing beside her.
At that moment Berg drew out his handkerchief as if to blow his nose and, seeing the knot in it, pondered, shaking his head sadly and significantly.
Yes, these are very hard times! said Berg.
Berg was sitting beside the countess consoling her with the respectful attention of a relative.
Berg and the countess looked at her, perplexed and frightened.
The designers Hans and Torrey Butzer along with Sven Berg created the memorial that you can visit today.
However, this is just the tip of the ice berg.
Quintessential California girl Jacque Berg could be a sleeper threat in this game.
The track, featuring Yung Berg and propelled by a video featuring Shaquille O'Neal, rose to number three on the charts.
It then passed to the counts of La Marck and was made a duchy in 1417, being united with the neighbouring duchies of Jiilich and Berg in 1521.
He was present at the battle of Weisser Berg (near Prague), where the hopes of the elector palatine were blasted (November 8, 1620), passed the winter with the army in southern Bohemia, and next year served in Hungary under Karl Bonaventura de Longueval, Graf von Buquoy or Boucquoi (1571-1621).
The duchy of Berg, along with the eastern part of Cleves and other annexes, now went to Murat, brother-in-law of Napoleon (March 1806); and that melodramatic soldier at once began to round off his eastern boundary in a way highly offensive to Prussia.
In 1810 it was divided by Napoleon between the grand duchy of Berg and France, but was, in 1815, restored to the duke of Arenberg as a fief under Prussian sovereignty.
Marshal Moncey with a corps occupied Biscay and Navarre; Duhesme with a division entered Catalonia; and a little later Bessieres with another corps had been brought up. There were now about ioo,000 French soldiers in Spain, and Murat, grand duke of Berg, as "lieutenant for the emperor," entered Madrid.
The town is the seat of the Berg Bible Society.
The antiquity of Marlborough is shown by the Castle Mound, a British earthwork, which local legend makes the grave of Merlin; and the name of Marlborough has been regarded as a corrupt form of Merlin's Berg or Rock.
The Westphalian circle which was formed at the same time comprised nearly all the rest of the modern province (including Mark) and the lands north of it between the Weser and the frontier of the Netherlands, also Verden, Schaumburg, Nassau, Wied, Lippe, Berg, Cleves, Julich, Liege, Bouillon and Cambrai.
Several of heinsprinces rallied to his standard and foreign powers berg, promised aid, but although very formidable in appearance the combination had no vestige of popular support.