Benzoic Sentence Examples
However, in 1833, Berzelius reverted to his earlier opinion that oxygenated radicals were incompatible with his electrochemical theory; he regarded benzoyl as an oxide of the radical C 14 H 1Q, which he named " picramyl " (from 7rucp6s, bitter, and &uvyalk, almond), the peroxide being anhydrous benzoic acid; and he dismissed the views of Gay Lussac and Dumas that ethylene was the radical of ether, alcohol and ethyl chloride, setting up in their place the idea that ether was a suboxide of ethyl, (C2H5)20, which was analogous to K 2 0, while alcohol was an oxide of a radical C 2 H 6; thus annihilating any relation between these two compounds.
This compound is readily oxidized to benzoic acid, C 6 H 5 000H, the aromatic residue being unattacked; nitric and sulphuric acids produce nitro-toluenes, C6H4 CH3 N02j and toluene sulphonic acids, C 6 H 4 CH 3 SO 3 H; chlorination may result in the formation of derivatives substituted either in the aromatic nucleus or in the side chain; the former substitution occurs most readily, chlor-toluenes, C 6 H 4 CH 3 Cl, being formed, while the latter, which needs an elevation in temperature or other auxiliary, yields benzyl chloride, C 6 H 5 CH 2 C1, and benzal chloride, C 6 11 5 CHC1 2.
It is well known that di-orthosubstituted benzoic acids are esterified with difficulty.
Benzoic acid is pseudo-tetragonal, the principal axis being remarkably long; there is no cleavage at right angles to this axis.
Japaconitine, obtained from the Japanese aconites, known locally as "kuza-uzu," hydrolyses to japbenzaconine, which further breaks down to benzoic acid and japaconine.
Mitscherlich prepared it in 1834 by distilling benzoic acid with lime; and in 1845 Hofmann discovered it in coal-tar.
Manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid oxidize it to benzoic and o-phthalic acid; potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid breaks the ring; and ozone oxidizes it to the highly explosive white solid named ozo-benzene, C 6 H 6 O 6.
Styrolene is oxidized by nitric or chromic acids to benzoic acid; reduction gives ethylbenzene; hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids yield a-haloid ethylbenzenes, e.g.
An important oxidation synthesis of aromatic acids is from hydrocarbons with aliphatic side chains; thus toluene, or methylbenzene, yields benzoic acid, the xylenes, or dimethyl-benzene, yield methyl-benzoic acids and phthalic acids.
A similar change, in one direction only, characterizes benzoic acid and salicylic acid.
AdvertisementIt is reduced by nascent hydrogen to the secondary alcohol C6H5.CH.OH.CH3 phenyl-methyl-carbinol, and on oxidation forms benzoic acid.
The odour of Siam benzoin is partly due to the presence of vanillin, and the substance contains as much as 38% of benzoic acid but no cinnamic acid.
It contains about 20% of cinnamic acid in addition to 18 or even more of benzoic. (3) Palembang benzoin, an inferior variety, said to be obtained from Styrax benzoin in Sumatra, consists of greyish translucent resinous masses, containing small white opaque tears.
Its medicinal uses depend on the contained benzoic acid.
Dorp (Ber.,1874,7,P.578) obtained orthobenzoyl benzoic acid by heating phthalic anhydride with benzene in the presence of aluminium chloride.
AdvertisementWhen fused with caustic potash, it gives benzoic acid.
To obtain it perfectly pure the crude alcohol is combined with oxalic, benzoic or acetic acid, and the resulting ester separated, purified, and finally decomposed with potash.
Nitric acid oxidizes it to benzoic acid and acetic acid.
Potash fusion decomposes it into benzoic and acetic acids.
Resins when soft are known as oleo-resins, and when containing benzoic or cinnamic acid they are called balsams. Other resinous products are in their natural condition mixed with gum or mucilaginous substances and known as gum-resins.
AdvertisementIt possesses all the characteristic properties of an aldehyde; being readily oxidized to benzoic acid; reducing solutions of silver salts; forming addition products with hydrogen, hydrocyanic acid and sodium bisulphite; and giving an oxime and a hydrazone.
The oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid when exposed to air is not one of ordinary oxidation, for it has been observed in the case of many compounds that during such oxidation, as much oxygen is rendered " active " as is used up by the substance undergoing oxidation; thus if benzaldehyde is left for some time in contact with air, water and indigosulphonic acid, just as much oxygen is used up in oxidizing the indigo compound as in oxidizing the aldehyde.
He investigated the relation of benzene to benzoic acid and to other derivatives.
For this purpose the urine is concentrated and the hippuric acid precipitated by the addition of hydrochloric acid; it is then filtered and boiled for some time with concentrated hydrochloric acid, when it is hydrolysed into benzoic and amido-acetic acid.
The salts of benzoic acid are known as the benzoates and are mostly soluble in water.
AdvertisementThey are readily decomposed by mineral acids with the production of benzoic acid, and on addition of ferric chloride to their neutral solutions give a reddish-brown precipitate of ferric benzoate.
Nitration of benzoic acid gives chiefly meta-nitro-benzoic acid.
It owes its value to the benzoic acid which it contains.
Benzoic acid itself, ammonium benzoate and sodium benzoate are all administered internally in doses of from five to thirty grains.
Potash fusion converts it into benzene and benzoic acid.
Of the thirteen or more other ingredients, there may specially be noticed the salicylic and benzoic acids.
The valerianic;ester of guaiacol is known as geosote, the benzoic as benzosol,' the salicylic as guaiacolsalol, while the glycerin ether appears as guaiamar.
The a-acid on oxidation yields benzoic acid, whilst the 1 3-acid yields benzil in addition.
Hexahydrobenzoic acid, C 6 H 11 CO 2 I-I, is obtained by the reduction of benzoic acid, or by the condensation of 1.5 dibrompentane with disodio-malonic ester.
The 2 acid is formed on the reduction of benzoic acid with sodium amalgam.
Chromic acid oxidizes it to benzoic acid and benzaldehyde.
On reduction it yields hexahydrotoluene; oxidation with dilute nitric acid or chromic acid gives benzoic acid; whilst chromyl chloride and water give benzaldehyde.
The resins when taken internally have much the same action as essential oils, which are closely allied chemically, while the benzoic and cinnamic acids in the balsams modify their actions very slightly.
Journal Articles and References E212 Potassium benzoate The potassium salt of benzoic acid, potassium benzoate fulfills an antibacterial and antifungal role.
Aliphatic any non-aromatic organic compound Aromatic any organic compound containing de-localised electrons in a ring structure - e.g. benzene, benzoic acid.
E211 Sodium benzoate The sodium salt of benzoic acid, sodium benzoate fulfills an antibacterial and antifungal role.
Questions 1. Find out the percentage ionization and pH of a solution containing 0.02 mol dm -3 of benzoic acid in water.
E217 Sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate The sodium salt of propyl para-hydroxybenzoate, E217 is produced from benzoic acid and is an antimicrobial preservative.
E211 sodium benzoate The sodium salt of benzoic acid, sodium benzoate fulfills an antibacterial and antifungal role.
These are also pseudotetragonal; the (1.3.6) acid has nearly the same values of x and l,t as benzoic acid, but w is increased; compared with m-nitrobenzoic acid, x and 1,1.
Gum benzoin, which contains from 12 to 20% of benzoic acid, is used in medicine as the essential constituent of benzoated lard, Adeps benzoatus, which owes its antiseptic properties to benzoic acid; and in friar's balsam, Tinctura benzoini composita, which is an ancient and valuable medicament, still largely used for inhalation in cases of laryngitis, bronchitis and other inflammatory or actually septic conditions of the respiratory tract.
Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) compounds, including PABA, padimate O (octyl dimethyl PABA), and glyceryl PABA, are effective only against UVB light.
It is ideal for even sensitive skin, and is allergy-tested, PABA (para-amino benzoic acid)-free and even provides long lasting hydration.
It is excreted when many aromatic compounds, such as benzoic acid and toluene, are taken internally.
Benzoic acid is also excreted by the bronchi and tends to disinfect and stimulate the bronchial mucous membrane.