Bent Sentence Examples
I bent down to pat a dog but it was like he wasn't there.
She bent down and stared at him.
He bent over and kissed the top of her head.
As if bent on assisting her, the weather turned steamy when it entered the second week of June.
The cedar tree was bent over with the weight of a heavy load of wet snow.
He was a very old man, bent nearly double; but the queerest thing about him was his white hair and beard.
Again he stroked her cheek and bent his head.
I was more independent than any farmer in Concord, for I was not anchored to a house or farm, but could follow the bent of my genius, which is a very crooked one, every moment.
Rhyn had bent his cage again.
Again he bent his head and his lips questioned hers gently at first, and then with more emotion when she responded.
AdvertisementJennifer said as she bent on hands and knees to look closer.
He bent his head down and brushed her lips softly with his.
Sirian bent his head to listen.
Prince Vasili approached first, and she kissed the bold forehead that bent over her hand and answered his question by saying that, on the contrary, she remembered him quite well.
All the powers of his soul, as of every soldier there, were unconsciously bent on avoiding the contemplation of the horrors of their situation.
AdvertisementShe bent down, kissed him, and gave him a pat on his behind.
Harmony bent and lifted the dead man in a fireman's carry.
His real bent was towards literature.
In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke the tender limbs.
With his head bent, and his big feet spread apart, he began explaining his reasons for thinking the abbe's plan chimerical.
AdvertisementWhen she dropped it, he bent.
He walked from Oak to Main Street yesterday though he didn't see me as his head was bent against the driving snow and I, a distance away.
He earned the confidence of the Porte by the cruel discipline he maintained in his own sanjak, and the regular flow of tribute and bribes which he directed to Constantinople; while he bent all his energies to extending his territories at the expense of his neighbours.
Still bent on obtaining Parga, he sent a special mission to London, backed by a letter from Sir Robert Liston, the British ambassador at Constantinople, calling the attention of the government to the pasha's supereminent qualities " and his services against the French.
When wood is required to be bent, however, this is often the method that is adopted to soften the material, so as to allow it to be bent easily.
AdvertisementFries is stigmatized as one of the " ringleaders of shallowness " who were bent on substituting a fancied tie of enthusiasm and friendship for the established order of the state.
Sitting with his snuff-box before him, and his head bent down, he looked ill at ease, and kept turning the folios of his notes.
But the powers were bent upon the destruction of the Jesuits, and they had the pope at their mercy.
A sheet of metal set revolving at a high speed in a lathe is bent over into cup-shaped forms, with numerous mouldings, by a blunt hardened tool.
A thin sheet has for all practical purposes no thickness - that is, the geometrical pattern marked on it will develop the object required after it is bent.
All the works in sheet metal that are bent in one plane only are easily made.
The shapes of all polygonal and all cylindrical and conical forms are obtained by simple development - that is, the envelopments of these bodies are marked out on a flat plane, and when cut, are bent or folded to give the required envelopes.
In the former even the Pliocene beds are crumpled and folded, overfolded and overthrust in the most violent fashion; in the latter none but the oldest beds, certainly none so late as the Permian, have been crumpled or crushed - occasionally they are bent and frequently they are faulted, but the faults, though sometimes of considerable magnitude, are simple dislocations, unaccompanied by any serious disturbance of the strata.
The venture confirmed Lowell in his bent towards literature.
For it is easy to understand by the canons above mentioned that the greatest objects may appear exceedingly small, and the contrary, also that the most remote objects may appear just at hand, and the converse; for we can give such figures to transparent bodies, and dispose them in such order with respect to the eye and the objects, that the rays shall be refracted and bent towards any place we please, so that we shall see the object near at hand or at any distance under any angle we please.
Through the eyepiece of the bent 1 telescope E' another hour circle attached to the lower end of the polar axis can be seen; thus an assistant is able to direct the telescope by a handle at H to any desired hour angle.
An excellent feature is the short distance between the eye-piece and the declination axis, so that 1 In the bent telescope refracting prisms are employed at the corners to change the direction of the rays.
It is very hard and but slightly malleable and flexible, although in thin plates it may be bent several times without breaking.
Muller,3 that the Sabaeans had colonized Abyssinia as early as woo B.C. Other inscriptions copied by Bent at Aksum belong to the 4th century A.D.
Stiffness of Ropes.Ropes offer a resistance to being bent, and, when bent, to being straightened again, which arises from the mutual friction of their fibres.
It increases with the sectional area of the rope, and is inversely proportional to the radius of the curve into which it is bent.
The oral hood with its cirri has a special nerve supply and musculature by which the cirri can be either spread out, or bent inwards so that those of one side may interdigitate with those of the other, thus completely closing the entrance to the mouth.
Whiston is a striking example of the association of an entirely paradoxical bent of mind with proficiency in the exact sciences.
The dexterous Greeks humoured him to the top of his bent.
His real bent and choice were towards a pastoral cure in a country parish; but he remained in Oxford, acting first as a public examiner in the schools, then as a tutor in Oriel, till 1823.
Wool at Chihuahua, some of the inhabitants revolted, and in January 1847 assassinated the governor, Charles Bent, and a number of Americans and Mexicans who had taken office under the new regime.
In 860, however, he was at St Germain d'Auxerre, bent upon completing his studies, and in 872 he was back again at St Amand as the successor in the headmastership of the convent school of his uncle, to whom he had been reconciled in the meantime.
After leaving Westminster school, he was apprenticed, in 1802, to his brother, an apothecary, with the view of adopting the profession of medicine, but his bent was towards chemistry, a sound knowledge of which he acquired in his spare time.
On Palm Sunday 1282, in a time of peace, David suddenly attacked and burnt Hawarden Castle, whereupon all Wales was up in arms. Edward, greatly angered and now bent on putting an end for ever to the independence of the Principality, hastened into Wales; but whilst the king was campaigning in Gwynedd, Prince Llewelyn himself was slain in an obscure skirmish on the 11th of December 1282 at Cefn-ybedd, near Builth on the Wye, whither he had gone to rouse the people of Brycheiniog.
The older rocks are like those of Bengal, and the newer beds show no sign of either the Himalayan or the Burmese folding - on the top of the plateau they are nearly horizontal, but along the southern margin they are bent sharply downwards in a simple monoclinal fold.
It was probably at the suggestion of Huygens that he bent his steps towards Spinoza's lodging.
John De Witt had been Spinoza's friend, and had bestowed a small pension upon him; he had Spinoza's full sympathy in his political aims. On receiving the news of the brutal murder of the two brothers, Spinoza burst into tears, and his indignation was so roused that he was bent upon publicly denouncing the crime upon the spot where it had been committed.
Frederick the Great's sister, and the tyranny of the estates, who seemed bent upon driving the meekest of princes into rebellion.
His reputation as an enlightened ruler stood so high that when Justinian, in 529, closed the school of Athens, the last Neoplatonists bent their steps to him in hopes of finding in him the true philosopher-king.
He was a good king, full of moderation and humanity, and bent upon maintaining order and improving the administration of justice.
We see a real man, but a man helpless anywhere save in the study or in the convent - a little fresh-coloured man, with soft brown eyes, who had a habit of stealing away to his cubiculum whenever the conversation became too lively; somewhat bent, for it is on record that he stood upright when the psalms were chanted, and even rose on his tiptoes with his face turned upwards; genial, if shy, and occasionally given to punning, as when he said that he preferred Psalmi to Salmones; a man who perhaps led the most placid uneventful life of all men who ever wrote a book or scribbled letters.
Even here, however, the bent of the system is apparent.
The historical bent thus given to the drama was continued by the versatile Mendes Leal, by Gomes da Amorim and by Pinheiro Chagas, who all however succumbed more or less to the atmosphere and machinery of ultra-Romanticism, while the plays of Antonio Ennes deal with questions of the day in a spirit of combative liberalism.
But it suited also the practical bent of the Roman mind, with its comparative indifference to abstract speculation or purely scientific research.
This diversion from his original bent gave him an inclination to the career of civil and mechanical engineering; and in the spring of 1826 he was elected by the trustees of the Albany Academy to the chair of mathematics and natural philosophy in that institution.
The city has electric car and steam car shops and various manufactures, including stoves and furnaces (the most important), bottles, table glass-ware, cigars, rope halters, machine furniture and bent wood.
He was inaccessible to adventurers bent on plundering Egypt, but at the instance of the British government allowed the construction of a railway from Alexandria to Cairo.
The slates of the Silurian have been bent into folds, and saddle reefs occur along the axis of the folds, as at Hargraves.
The great bent of his energies was ceaselessly directed to the better organization of his diocese and to the furtherance of schemes for increasing the influence and efficiency of the church.
Within these mounds are two-chambered sepulchres, built of huge slabs of limestone, several of which have been opened and examined by Durand, Bent and others, and found to contain relics of undoubted Phoenician design.
The water was contained in about 2000 bent copper tubes, only s in.
Around the western and northern edge of the Old Red Sandstone plain the underlying Silurian rocks (and even the Cambrian and Archaean in places) have been bent up so that their edges form hills of singular abruptness and beauty.
He had passed his thirtieth year when, as he tells us, " he stood firm " in his convictions on all the subjects to the learning of which he had bent his mind fifteen years before.
The two modes of progression overlap in human life, but the child's tendency when learning is to rest on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, unlike the apes, which support themselves on the sides of the feet and the bent knuckles of the hands.
The function of the nodes is to raise again culms which have become bent down; they are composed of highly turgescent tissue, the cells of which elongate on the side next the earth when the culm is placed in a horizontal or oblique position, and thus raise the culm again to an erect position.
The ovary is small, rounded to elliptical, and one-celled, and contains a single slightly bent ovule sessile on the ventral suture (that is, springing from the back of the ovary); the micropyle points downwards.
The long awn, which is bent and closely twisted below the bend, acts as a driving organ; it isvery hygroscopic, the coils untwisting when damp and twisting up when dry.
An inner arm ran nearly east from the island and terminated in a masonry head and fort, and an outer detached arm bent to the north and terminated in a circular fort, a narrow entrance for shipping being left between the two.
But Cangrande was bent on acquiring Padua, and Marsiglio, unable to resist, gave it over to him and was appointed its governor.
Conifers are not infrequently seen in which a lateral branch has bent sharply upwards to take the place of the injured main trunk.
For two years he worked hard in preparing for the army, but, by a singular conjunction of circumstances and at the sacrifice of his own natural bent to his father's wish, he matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford, just two weeks before his commission was put into his hands.
Rocks of pre-Cape age rise from beneath them on the north and west; on the south and east the Lower Karroo and Cape systems are bent up into sharp folds, beneath which, but in quite limited areas, the pre-Cape rocks emerge.
Lord Carnarvon, still bent on confederation, now appointed Sir Bartle Frere governor of Cape Colony and high commissioner of South Africa.
Whittier edited the former, having a bent for politics, but wrote for the latter also.
The strata are thus bent up and continue on the other side of the tilt at a higher level.
It much more frequently happens that the strata have been bent into arches and troughs, so that they can be seen dipping under the surface on one side of the axis of a fold, and rising up again on the other side.
Aske was invited to come to London and hoodwinked by Henry into believing that the king was really bent on restoration and reform.
The insignia of office were the lituus, a staff free from knots and bent at the top, and the trabea, a kind of toga with bright scarlet stripes and a purple border.
The court was frivolous, vacillating, stone deaf and stone blind; the gentry were amiable, but distinctly bent to the very last on holding to their privileges, and they were wholly devoid both of the political experience that only comes of practical responsibility for public affairs, and of the political sagacity that only comes of political experience.
The king was bent on making the champion of the old order of Europe a peer.
At the top it is connected by a capillary tube bent at right angles to a series of absorbing vessels, the connexion being effected by stopcocks.
The French adventurers, bent on finding either a "North-west passage" or some land route to the Pacific (which they believed to be no farther west than the Mississippi), naturally went west by the water routes of Wisconsin; as a fine field for their bartering and trading with water-courses by which they could convey their pelts and skins back to Montreal, the region attracted the coureurs de bois and fur traders; and it seemed promising also to the zealous French Catholic missionaries.
His own strongly perceptive imagination (the gift in which he was to excel every other politician of his time) and the bent of political reading and aspiration from boyhood completed his equipment; and so the wonder that so young a man in Disraeli's social position should write a book like Vivian Grey is accounted for.
No such prepossessions disturbed his vision when it was bent upon the rising problems of the time, or rested on the machinery of government and the kind of men who worked it and their ways of working.
Finally, at the extreme west of the whole district, Cithaeron is bent round at right angles in the direction oft the isthmus, at the northern approach to which it abuts against the mighty mass of Mount Geraneia, which is interposed between the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulf.
His mind had a natural bent towards compromise on unimportant points, and he showed again and again an almost uncanny gift for producing at a moment's notice the form of words that would give body to such compromises.
Each bent round at the upper end, and bore one or two sporangia on the side turned towards the axis.
The king bent to necessity, and on the 10th of April came to the Assembly with the proposal that war should be declared against Austria.
While bent on preserving the civil equality introduced by the Revolution, many of these men were indifferent as between.
But when the councils met at St Cloud on the following day, the majority of the Five Hundred showed themselves bent on resistance, and even the Ancients gave signs of wavering.
In the jointed or spelt wheats the distinctions lie in the presence of awns, the direction of the points of the glumes (straight, bent outwards, or turned inwards), the form of the ear as revealed on a cross-section, and the entire or cleft palea.
It derives its name from its ancient place of judicature, which was in the church of Beata Maria de Arcubus - St Mary-le-Bow or St Mary of the Arches, "by reason of the steeple thereof raised at the top with stone pillars in fashion like a bow bent archwise."
Their chief value to us lies in their having preserved versions of several French poems now lost, and in their evidence as to the feelings and bent of Icelanders in the " Dark Age " of the island's history.
Take a rod LMN bent at right angles at M, such that MN= AB; let the leg LM always pass through a fixed point 0 on AB produced such that OA = CA, where C is the middle point of AB, and cause N to travel along the line perpendicular to AB at C; then the midpoint of MN traces the cissoid.
His attempts to carry out these views brought him into collision both with the authorities and with the populace, - the latter being not unnaturally restive under the restraints imposed upon their liberty by the vigorous system of church discipline, and the former being inclined to retain in their own hands a portion of that power in things spiritual which Calvin was bent on placing exclusively in the hands of the church rulers.
In the preceding spring Serbia had driven back the Austrian armies out of her territory; but now a fresh Austrian invasion was imminent, and Bulgaria was plainly bent on revenging herself for her disasters of 1913 by preparing to attack Serbia in the flank.
Philip was bent on keeping the door of Greece open.
Demosthenes was bent on shutting it against him.
Showing from his earliest years a strong mechanical bent, young Ericsson, at the age of twelve, was employed as a draughtsman by the Swedish Canal Company.
When bent on a dangerous expedition, the men will seek help from this clumsy creature, but in what way his opinions are made known is nowhere recorded."
Relinquishing, if not the stately magnificence, at least the gay and wasteful profusion which had characterized the court of Burgundy under the preceding duke, he had bent all his efforts towards the development of his military and political power.
Thus a bar of glass of sufficient thickness, placed in the diagonal position between a crossed polarizer and analyser and bent in a plane perpendicular to that of vision, exhibits two sets of coloured bands separated by a neutral line, the double refraction being positive on the dilated and negative on the compressed side.
The domestic crisis, and the sharp cleavage between parties at home, had driven the bent of his mind and policy further and further away from the purely municipal and national ideals which he had followed so keenly before he became colonial minister.
The defective formation of the pony, the perpendicular shoulder and the drooping hind quarters, are modified; but neither the latter, nor bent hocks, which place the hind legs under the body as in the zebra, are objected to, as the conformation is favourable to rapid turning.
Mathematical and physical science diverted him a while; but his bent was decided, and not even the notice of such men as Spallanzani and Scarpa could make a savant of him.
The filament is generally continuous from one end to the other, but in some cases it is bent or jointed, becoming geniculate; at other times, as in the pellitory, it is spiral.
Educated in his native town, he went to Madrid in 1845, bent upon finding means to complete his literary and philosophical studies.
In its simplest form an absorption machine consists of two iron vessels connected together by a bent pipe.
A number of hairy linear bracts enclose the whole; internal to these occur 12 to 20 crowded pinnate leaves (sporophylls), with their apical portions bent over towards the axis of the flower, the bases of the petioles being fused laterally into a disk surrounding the base of the conical receptacle.
Their chief bent was in the direction of everything connected with military matters.
His head bent down and warm lips claimed hers in a kiss that questioned her interest.
Her hands protested on his broad chest as he bent his head to claim her lips.
Five minutes later, she bent over a toilet, paying homage to the porcelain gods.
After the trail bent toward the cliff, Dean could see down the gorge, all the way to the roadway bridge where ghost-like spectators continued to mill about in the whirl of falling snow.
What if they're not all rabid animals hell bent on killing vampires?
I'll get Mr. Cole! and ran from the room, leaving Dean holding the unconscious woman, bent at the waist, feet off the floor, like a five-foot Raggedy-Ann doll.
Of course, war itself is a great barbarity, and all Socialists are bent upon its extermination.
A bent but tall blue hat rose amidst the white lava, followed by a brown forehead and grizzled beard.
He loves the thrill of the car at full speed He's hell bent on taking the lead.
Lie on back, knees bent, head off the floor, lower back flat on floor.
Then we sow a mix of fescue and browntop bent, and irrigate immediately afterward to give a quick, even emergence.
Keep the arm close to your side, elbow bent.
The dry heath areas are dominated by ling, bell heather and bristle bent grass.
See how he leans against that tree, with his arms crossed and his brow bent.
His grandfather, the Canadian billionaire Steven Edmond, is bent on revenge.
Despite the dismal surroundings Cy's band drew an enormous following from, initially, art school students with a distinctly Bohemian bent.
Consequently they just believed the bullshit he peddled them about the risks to the public from people bent on ' disrupting electronic networks ' .
Fig 7. The plastic bumper on this car is bent out of shape, this is unacceptable.
Then she could have blatantly bent over straight legged, letting the hem rise up to expose her naked buttocks.
He's known as ' the Butcher of Mayfair ', because he killed a bent cop and got away with it.
They were only coquetting a little with us, or bent on kindling delusive hopes.
The back axle was bent to a 30 degree angle when it hit the curb!
At this spot there is a line of rather decrepit trees, bent at odd angles by the strong prevailing winds.
We shall see similar dishonesty in the following discussion of Bent Scholar's lists of similarities and dissimilarities between Jesus and the Essenes.
They know the slow growing fine fescue and bent grasses, only require gentle refinement to produce high quality putting surfaces.
But the other woman, satisfying her first pangs of hunger, was now bent rather low over her macaroni au gratin.
While the knee is bent, hold the knee and hip at 90 degrees of flexion and internally rotate the hip.
A caravan of loving help inviting people to hear about Jesus or or a cavalcade of crusaders bent on smiting infidels with their swords?
This occurs in-flight as passengers sit in a cramped position with their knees bent.
It bent around in such a curve as to end in a wide angle toward two degrees forty minutes north latitude.
Instead, the story becomes one of fugitives chased across the desert by a lone madman, bent on revenge.
We were sitting by the Union Canal, bent over a copy of our 4- 4 - 2 (our favorite footie mag ).
Unlike ionic solids, metals are very malleable, they can be readily bent, pressed or hammered into shape.
The uniquely designed silencer and large diameter mandrel bent piping reduce all unnecessary back pressure, resulting in unparalleled power gains.
The now ousted Hutu government had been able to portray the RPF as bent on genocide against the Hutus.
Bent on self preservation, she stoutly denied any part in the plot.
There are those who have a more " mystical " bent, there are those who are very prosaic.
Nigel has also performed a quartet of solo projects including Human Being and Hell Bent.
I did not perform the bent over barbell row in order to work my thighs, hips, glutes and lower back.
The only damage being bent rear brake pedal and slight scuff on front mudguard.
We also straighten bent forks and can supply pattern fork stanchions at less than half the price of genuine parts.
Her head met with the ground with a heavy thud - she landed on the top of her spine with her neck bent forward.
Under frequent cutting, common bent produces small tillers close to the ground.
Oh, there's something I forgot to mention - bent back tulips now has its own Search page.
And he could not face watching the cruel tyrant of time breaking her slowly into a bent and withered old woman.
His family, not of Italian origin - as he himself was inclined to believe on the strength of family tradition - but established in Lower Saxony so early as the 16th century, was typical of the German upper middle classes, and this fact, together with the strongly religious atmosphere in which he was brought up and his early enthusiasm for nature, largely determined the bent of his mind.
Bent's account of the Ruined Cities of Mashonaland, but the popularity of that work disseminated a romance concerning their age and origin which was only dispelled when scientific investigations undertaken in 1905 showed it to be wholly without historical warrant.
In the skull there are always vacuities, or unossified spaces in the bones of the palate, while the "angle," or lower hind extremity of each half of the lower jaw is strongly bent inwards so as to form a kind of shelf, and the alisphenoid bone takes a share in the formation of the tympanum, or auditory bladder, or bulla.
Canoes of bent bark, for the inland waters, are hastily prepared at need; but the inlets and straits of the north-eastern sea-coast are navigated by larger canoes and rafts of a better construction.
During the act of biting the labium is bent back, and as the piercing stylets enter the skin of the sufferer this bending becomes more and more acute.
By sublimation in a current of hydrogen it can be crystallized in the form of regular octahedra; it is slightly harder than tin, but is softer than zinc, and like tin, emits a crackling sound when bent.
When writing The Lover's Melancholy, it would seem that Ford had not yet become fully aware of the bent of his own dramatic genius, although he was already master of his powers of poetic expression.
By their number they show how strong was the impulse to literature, and by their character, how determined the bent of his mind in the direction of history; while their variety makes it manifest also that he had then at least no special purpose to serve, no preconceived theory to support, no particular prejudice or belief to overthrow.
In the volume of poems published in 1722 Ramsay had shown his bent to this genre, especially in "Patie and Roger," which supplies two of the dramatis personae to his greater work.
While the papacy thus bent its energies to the destruction of the Crusades in their genuine sense, and preferred to use for its own political objects what was meant for Jerusalem, a layman took up the derelict cause with all the religious zeal which any pope had ever displayed.
The lower end is bent into the shape of a hook, and dips into a pneumatic trough.
Along with Kai and Bedwyr (Bedivere), Peredur (Perceval), Gwalchmai (Gawain), and many others, we have such figures as Sgilti Yscandroed, whose way through the wood lay along the tops of the trees, and whose tread was so light that no blade of grass bent beneath his weight; Sol, who could stand all day upon one leg; Sugyn the son of Sugnedydd, who was "broad-chested" to such a degree that he could suck up the sea on which were three hundred ships and leave nothing but dry land; Gweyyl, the son of Gwestad, who when he was sad would let one of his lips drop beneath his waist and turn up the other like a cap over his head; and Uchtry Varyf Draws, who spread his red untrimmed beard over the eight-and-forty rafters of Arthur's hall.
He adapted both tragedies and comedies from the Greek, but the bent of his genius, the tastes of his audience, and the condition of the language developed through the active intercourse and business of life, gave a greater impulse to comedy than to tragedy.
The conclusions at which Bent arrived as to the Semitic origin of the ruins in Mashonaland have not been accepted by archaeologists, but the value of his pioneer work is undeniable (see Zimbabwe).
In 1750 Dr Gowan Knight found that the needles of merchant-ships were made of two pieces of steel bent in the middle and united in the shape of a rhombus, and proposed to substitute straight steel bars of small breadth, suspended edgewise and hardened throughout.
Innocent's letters, however, not only reveal that superior wisdom which can take into account practical needs and relax severity of principle at the right moment, as well as that spirit of tolerance and equity which is opposed to the excess of zeal and intellectual narrowness of subordinates, but they also prove that, in the internal government of the Church, he was bent on gathering into his hands all the motive threads, and that he stretched the absolutist tradition to its furthest limits, intervening in the most trifling acts in the lives of the clergy, and regarding it as an obligation of his office to act and think for all.
As regards this latter, purely exoteric, doctrine, there can be little doubt of its owing its origin to considerations of theological expediency, as being calculated to supply a sufficiently wide formula of belief for general acceptance; and the very fact of this divine triad including the two principal deities of the later sectarian worship, Vishnu and Siva, goes far to show that these two gods at all events must have been already in those early days favourite objects of popular adoration to an extent sufficient to preclude their being ignored by a diplomatic priesthood bent upon the formulation of a common creed.
His training, the practical bent of his understanding, his strong but morose character, the circumstances of his time, and the materials available for his art, all fitted him to rebuke his own age and all after-times in the tones of a powerful preacher, rather than charm them with the art of an accomplished poet.
Her letters reveal a spirit full of ardour and enthusiasm, and warped by that perverse bent which leads so many women to prefer a tyrant to a companion.
With this speech he bent forward and dragged the buggy up the remaining steps.
And when the sound died quite away, and the hum had ceased, and the most favorable breezes told no tale, I knew that they had got the last drone of them all safely into the Middlesex hive, and that now their minds were bent on the honey with which it was smeared.
Prince Vasili bent his head and spread out his hands.
Dolokhov slowly straightened his bent knee, looking straight with his clear, insolent eyes in the general's face.
A wax candle stood at each side of the minister's bent bald head with its gray temples.
Zherkov and the staff officer bent over their saddles and turned their horses away.
The Emperor, frowning slightly, bent his ear forward as if he had not quite heard.
Denisov bent over her hand and she heard strange sounds she did not understand.
He bent over him and, as his sister had taught him, tried with his lips whether the child was still feverish.
A woman, bent with age, with a wallet on her back, and a short, long-haired, young man in a black garment had rushed back to the gate on seeing the carriage driving up.
He bent down his head and listened, shaking a warning finger at his master.
Nicholas glanced round at Sonya, and bent down to see her face closer.
Anatole was sitting upright in the classic pose of military dandies, the lower part of his face hidden by his beaver collar and his head slightly bent.
Marquis Paulucci was talking to him with particular warmth and the Emperor, with his head bent to the left, was listening with a dissatisfied air.
And so he did not like Zdrzhinski's tale, nor did he like Zdrzhinski himself who, with his mustaches extending over his cheeks, bent low over the face of his hearer, as was his habit, and crowded Rostov in the narrow shanty.
He crossed himself with an accustomed movement, bent till he touched the ground with his hand, and bowed his white head with a deep sigh.
Pierre too bent his head and let his hands fall.
The young officer still sat in the same way, bent double, in a pool of blood at the edge of the earth wall.
As soon as Prince Andrew opened his eyes, the doctor bent over, kissed him silently on the lips, and hurried away.
And the countess bent over her reticule to hide her agitated face.
In fact, however, though now much farther off than before, the Rostovs all saw Pierre--or someone extraordinarily like him--in a coachman's coat, going down the street with head bent and a serious face beside a small, beardless old man who looked like a footman.
This man, bent double, rushed past the tradesman and the officer.
At the moment when Vereshchagin fell and the crowd closed in with savage yells and swayed about him, Rostopchin suddenly turned pale and, instead of going to the back entrance where his carriage awaited him, went with hurried steps and bent head, not knowing where and why, along the passage leading to the rooms on the ground floor.
Pierre bent his head.
Ramballe, with genuine distress and sympathy in his face, went up to Pierre and bent over him.
With a rapid but careful movement Natasha drew nearer to him on her knees and, taking his hand carefully, bent her face over it and began kissing it, just touching it lightly with her lips.
The Cossack bent forward from under the wagon to get a closer look at Petya.
He made a piteous, frightened face and bent down.
She bent over and examined the bushes, finding a quart bottle hidden within the fronds and leaves.
A deep blue/violet light gets refracted through a bigger angle (it gets bent more) than the red light.
Upon examination it was found that the bottom of the rudder blade had been bent.
Darren Bent started their resurgence with a strike from 25 yards in the 20th minute which narrowly sailed over the crossbar.
Complication is self-serving for an industry bent on technical advance, but of no help to the confused purchaser.
Thus the gorilla runs with a sidelong shambling gait, but more commonly progresses by resting on its bent hands.
At Kettlewell Meadows there are some acid areas, with sheep 's fescue dominant with common bent and red fescue.
This is especially noticeable in the quick battle skirmish mode where your computer opponent seems hell bent on using the same tactic every time.
When this happens, more often than not, Truth is simply bent over an authoritative knee and soundly spanked into silence.
It is particularly important to stretch the hip joint to prevent stiffening in a bent position making you lean forward.
The style is bent downward and the stigmatic arms are closed.
She could see the clouds shifting as he bent his head again, watch the long striated patterns of shadow and light.
Oh, there 's something I forgot to mention - bent back tulips now has its own Search page.
On takeoff the fairing which covers the starboard undercarriage leg was bent, probably due to hitting a bump on the runway.
Adjust the waist strap first, then remaining bent over, pull the shoulders just tight enough to take up the slack.
Eggs are laid on various species of grasses but particularly cock's-foot, wavy hair-grass and common bent.
Beside the van a row of withy sticks were being bent to form a curved framework for a tent.
A last use of steam in the woodworking industry, which I never saw, was bent wood furniture.
The man bent down on the floor and lifted up Daniel's foot to wrap the bandage tightly around it.
Equity discussions are often fraught with peril-people can easily get bent out of shape if they feel they're not going to get their fair share.
Car Seat Head Supports-If you are worried about your infant's head becoming bent in an awkward position once he falls asleep, you can buy one of these supports to help him feel more comfortable.
Give them to your friends, keep them as replacements in case a card from your primary deck becomes lost or bent, or play with more than one deck at a time.
He hacks and hacks, and his neck is bent down like he is trying to get something out, but nothing ever comes out.
Wizardology is part of a small series of books with an interactive bent.
Metallic wall accessories are often made from sheet metal that has been bent into a pleasing curved shape such as wall vases and pot racks.
These fibers inclusions give wrought iron a grain similar to wood which is visible when bent to the point of failure.
An angled liner brush like the Sonia Kashuk Bent Eyeliner Brush allows you to get the product right at the base of the lashes.
Just as it's common to see pinks and violets pair with yellow in nature, so too should your makeup have a similar bent.
This is a fairly tall stance that keeps your weight equally balanced over both feet with your ankles, knees, hips, and spine bent forward slightly.
Used tips may be slightly distorted if they have been bent.
Lamar Odom is bent on making sure all of his assets, namely, cash, remains his if the marriage should end in divorce.
Rumor has it that Khloe is close to signing the agreement because she is bent on legally becoming Lamar's wife.
There is little graceful beauty about them, the stems being bent with the burden of a too heavy blossom, hence the greater popularity of the many lovely Cactus varieties.
To protect it against slugs, which are too fond of it, strips of perforated zinc, about 3 inches wide, bent so as to form rings round the plants, are used.
A root that is bent or twisted can grow sideways and backwards until it makes a complete circle around itself or around another root.
Whatever the artistic bent of the player or the genre desired, there are plenty of places to go to find the right music.
This is the reason they can be bent to curve and fit, because the individual fixtures don't need a built-in transformer.
Fixtures can be adjusted and changed out as needed, and often the rail itself can be bent by hand in different directions, such as curves or bends, so you can mount it on the wall, ceiling or both at the same time.
The tracks can be bent and re-bent into curves and angles, allowing you to create modern lighting designs and light up the exact sections of the room required, with fewer feet of track.
The track can be bent to contour any challenging application, like a curved wall or ceiling.
These can be great fun for children as the arms of the trees can be bent into different shapes.
Tiny earrings can get caught with other items of jewelry and large, dangly earrings can get twisted or bent out of shape.
The posts on stud earrings can get bent or twisted out of shape and the butterfly clips on the back can also get lost.
If you prefer not to cross your legs, keep your knees as close together as possible and angle your legs to one side, knees bent.
You may find that it helps to have the legs angled, knees bent, lift yourself up in one movement, and then turn your legs to face forward once you're standing again.
Sunice touts its designs as having a scientific bent.
Let the items air dry, especially bras since the underwire could become twisted or bent in dryer.
While the style can be anything from a pea coat to a trench coat, it's generally tailored and leans toward a more sophisticated bent.
When you are shoveling, keep your back straight, squat down with your legs separated and your knees bent.
Keep your knees slightly bent while shoveling the snow and use them when lifting rather than straining your back.
Your arms should be relaxed, with your elbows slightly bent.
Because readers don't usually stay perched on your nose all day, every day, it's easy to place them somewhere they're likely to be crushed or in the very least, bent out of shape to the point that they don't function when you wear them.
They remember their shape and bounce right back if they're bent.
Repairs can be done to replace those parts as well as to fix minor items such as a bent frame or a loose screw or hinge.
Once metal frames are bent, they are seldom returned to their original form.
Bent on a comeback, this time with an impressive new graphics and physics engine, the story takes place during the events of Pearl Harbor and unfolds with the player fighting through pivotal battles against the forces of Japan.
However, Dr. Wily soon turned to villainy and was bent on destroying the world.
A demonic shapeshifter bent on consuming countless souls, Shang Tsung is the organizer of the annual kombat tournament.
In this new version, Sonic explores the world of Arabian Nights where he encounters an evil genie bent on destroying the classic tales in order to escape and create chaos in the real world.
The best tip to catch the hoop is to make sure you are bent far to one side.
Contemporary decors can be well accessorized with sleek bands of metal bent to encompass the bottle or the LeArc holders - wooden blades that seem to defy gravity while they balance your wine bottle in a horizontal position.
Cards with bent corners, scratches, tears and other damage will command a much more reduced price than a card in pristine condition.
It can be identified by a rounded, spindle back which is bent into a hoop.
Near Mint - If the item is in near mind condition the tags might be slightly worn or bent but the character is totally without defect.
Bentwood - Made in 1860, the Bentwood rocker was made of wooden that was steamed and bent into shape.
The child holds the arm with the palm facing inward and the elbow bent.
Hypermobility-Unusual flexibility of the joints, allowing them to be bent or moved beyond their normal range of motion.
The fingers and toes may be long and slender, with loose joints that can be bent beyond their normal limits.
Flexion-The act of bending or condition of being bent.
Find a comfortable position, such as standing with one foot on a chair, squatting with knees apart, or lying down with legs bent and knees apart.
Skeletal abnormalities may include poorly developed shoulder blades (scapulae), sideways bent fingers (clinodactyly), clubfoot, scoliosis, and unusual neck bones.
The Barlow method is another test performed with the infant's hip brought together with knees in full bent position.
The pelvic tilt is another popular yoga position, in which the woman lies on her back with knees bent and then lifts the pelvis and buttocks.
A lowering takes place when the feet are flat again with slightly bent knees.
There are multiple ways to perform a lunge; lunges are typically characterized by at least one bent leg.
On one leg, the raised leg differs from the arabesque in that the knee is bent and that an attitude can be done to the side or the front, as well as the back, whereas an arabesque can only be done to the back.
One hand is held with a bent arm, while the other is placed on your partner's waist.
For natural, medium waves in longer hair, use some styling gel and work through damp hair with your head bent forward.
Typically, it is recommended that you sleep or rest on your side with your knees and hips bent.
However, one should note that most of the styles featured here have a bent towards what's "hip" and "cool".
Instead, the ankles remain somewhat bent, catching water instead of propelling the body through it.
The 1990 Spiderman action figure had arms and legs that could be bent at the knee and elbow joints.
For instance, if your reversible slice and shred disc blade somehow gets bent or damaged, a replacement can be purchased for less than ten bucks.
You can either play the Hero of the town, or play as a Zombie, bent on destroying everyone who plays on the heroes' side.
During a Christmas service at Cologne Cathedral in 1670, the choirmaster took a white candy stick and bent it to look like a shepherd's staff to keep the children busy during the long service.
Some of them are realistic and others have a humorous bent.
A dark fairy might have wings with a slightly sinister bent.
This coffee joint on Preston Road is a stand-alone shop with a spiritual bent.
You read "confidence" from erect posture; concern, sadness, or some other insecurity from a drooping head and bent back.
Eighteenth century customs in America might include the exchanging of rings or a bent or broken coin to signify the intention to marry.
Many engagement ring designs, particularly diamond solitaire engagement rings, have delicate exposed edges that can easily be chipped or scratched, while prongs can accidentally be warped, bent, or twisted.
This is a very accurate tool as the rings are rigid and there is no opportunity for the rings to get bent out of shape.
This imbues Sagittarius with a natural bent toward higher learning and big picture thinking.
Those who are Men natives have a spiritual bent, a keen eye for details and may have a gift for all things technical.
If you have a creative bent, it can be fun to make up your own scary ghost stories.
This is followed by the jewelry which is then bent or closed to create a secure piercing.
I think this exposure to many cultures and spiritual traditions, along with a natural bent towards a search for an inner meaning in life, gave me the foundation for the many-sided exploration that has been my yoga journey.
It's the healthiest way to get bent into shape."
In order to achieve this, start by sitting up straight with your knees bent close to the floor.
Sitting with your knees bent and your feet under your buttocks, slowly rise up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground.
Extend only as far as is comfortable, elbows bent.
For this reason, many beginners start with keeping their legs slightly bent during the pose.
A wiggly steering wheel can mean uneven tire wear, a bent wheel, a missing tire balance, or a loose wheel.
Bent or loose bodies make the routine look sloppy.
While attempting to perform a split jump in high school (side hurdler), he got a bit off track, bent one leg back and the rest is history.
In the bent leg, the knee should point toward the ground.
This is the arm on the same side as the bent leg.
The other arm is placed on the hip with a bent elbow.
In a Right Herkie, the right leg is straight out to the side in the toe touch position, while the left leg is bent.
In a Left Herkie, the left leg is straight out to the side in the same position, while the right leg is bent.
The spotter stands in an athletic stance, knees slightly bent and shoulder-width apart, legs slightly staggered.
Once you have your balance, push your body forward toward the bent knee.
Kneel on the ground as though you were proposing to someone - one knee on the ground and the other bent at a 90-degree angle in front of your body.
This loom has a bent wire frame with wooden rollers.
Slowly bring your knees to your chest, leaving them bent at 90 degrees.
Bend your knees into squat position as if you were about to sit in a low chair (knees bent at 90 degrees) and let the ball roll up your spine as you lower your body.
Lie on your back with your arms out to the sides, knees bent at a 90 degree angle with calves resting on top of the exercise ball.
Keeping your elbows bent at a ninety degree angle, lower the barbell to behind your head.
Lie back on the bench with your arms out to your sides, palms up and elbows slightly bent.
Bring the dumbbells together over your head, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
Position yourself bent at the waist in front of the bench or flat surface while holding a dumbbell in one hand, arm extended.
Lie flat on the ground with your knees bent, your heels on the ground and your toes angled toward the ceiling.
You can also work your back with a lying bent.
Lower yourself to the ground until the knees are bent at 90 degree angles.
Bring your right foot in front of you and lunge with your leg until your right knee is bent at a 90-degree angle.
With arms bent, hold the dumbbells at waist level, then extend them back, squeezing the triceps at the top.
Standing Barbell Curls - Stand straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and your abs tense.
Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls - Stand with feet shoulder width-apart, knees bent and abs tense.
Turn your back against the loaded barbell and stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent and abs tense.
Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and abs tight.
Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and abs tense, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
To exercise, stand in front of a squat rack with your feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and your back straight.
Sitting Twists - Sit on the floor with your feet firmly on the floor and knees bent.