Benefits Sentence Examples
For a full week she enjoyed the benefits of being big sister.
I don't want you to hurt yourself to make a deal that benefits me.
The second team had the benefits of genetic modification.
The benefits of asymmetry happen when the small kid gets a Taser.
The benefits of canal irrigation were introduced in the 'seventies, and the revenue thus doubled.
Our cause is much better, and the benefits are guaranteed for life.
He was educated for the Church, and at the Sorbonne, to which he was admitted in 1749 (being then styled abbe de Brucourt), he delivered two remarkable Latin dissertations, On the Benefits which the Christian Religion has conferred on Mankind, and On the Historical Progress of the Human Mind.
Aromatherapy operates on two levels, firstly using the widely accepted benefits of body massage, which have been proven over the ages.
In spite of the massive benefits civilization offers to every person in every station of life, a crazy few will always see it very differently.
The benefits of the atonement are appropriated by " the acceptance of God's forgiveness in Christ, our self-identification with Christ's atoning attitude, and then working out, by the power of the life bestowed upon us, all the (moral and spiritual) consequence of forgiveness."
AdvertisementTo distinguished soldiers of the cross the honours and benefits of knighthood could hardly be refused on the ground that they did not possess a sufficient property qualification - of which perhaps they had denuded themselves in order to their equipment for the Holy War.
Having arrived at this settlement Otto marched against the Bohemians, but while he was away from Germany war was begun against him by Henry, the new duke of Carinthia, who, forgetting the benefits he had just received, rose to avenge the wrongs of his friend, the deposed duke Henry of Bavaria.
Catholics urged the enforcement of the decrees of the council of Trent the serious differences among the Protestants received fresh proof from the attempt made to exclude the Calvinist prince Frederick III., elector palatine of the Rhine, from the benefits of the peace of Augsburg.
By mitigating the hardships of the corve, and improving the irrigation system, on which the prosperity of the country mainly depends, he had conferred enormous benefits on the fellahin, and had laid the foundation of permanent budgetary equilibrium for the future.
Along with salary, there were commensurate benefits.
AdvertisementSome employe benefits are not deductible from business income on tax returns.
We believe that devolution can offer the same benefits to the English regions.
It flattered his vanity to pose before the world as the dispenser of benefits; but his theoretical liberalism was mated with an autocratic will which brooked no contradiction.
He experimented in the outlying provinces of his empire; and the Russians noted with open murmurs that, not content with governing through foreign instruments, he was conferring on Poland, Finland and the Baltic provinces benefits denied to themselves.
Scotland was to have forty-five members and sixteen elected peers at Westminster; the holders of Darien stock were compensated; as a balance to equality of taxation a pecuniary equivalent was to be paid, the kirk and Scottish courts of justice were safeguarded (final appeal being to the British House of Lords), and Scots shared English facilities and privileges of trade, in name, for many years passed before Scotland really began to enjoy the benefits.
AdvertisementThe harmony of the whole consists in this, that each separate thing develops in and for itself in accordance with its own nature while at the same time its motion benefits the rest.
An agreement with France at the beginning of the decade secured to Indian produce imported into that country the benefits of the minimum tariff, thus protecting the coffee industry from taxation in French ports on a scale which would have seriously hampered the trade.
It is Lord Dalhousie's misfortune that these benefits are too often forgotten in the vivid recollections of the Mutiny, which avenged his policy of annexation.
The fifth act extended to the islands the benefits of a civil service based on merit.
The Parsees have shown themselves most desirous of receiving the benefits of an English education; and their eagerness to embrace the science and literature of the West has been conspicuous in the wide spread of female education, and in the activity shown in studying their sacred writings in critical texts.
AdvertisementEducation in general has rendered many familiar with the teachings of science, and, moreover, its practical benefits have given authority to its maxims and theories.
A second characteristic is the predominance of the economic element in the several tasks that local administrations have to perform, and the consequent tendency to treat the charges of local finance as payments for services rendered, or, in the usual phrase, to apply the " benefits " principle, in contrast to that of " ability," which rightly prevails in national finance.
In his powerful defence of establishments against the voluntaries in both Scotland and England, in which his ablest assistants were those who afterwards became, along with him, the leaders of the Free Church, he pleaded that an established church to be effective must divide the country territorially into a large number of small parishes, so that every corner of the land and every person, of whatever class, shall actually enjoy the benefits of the parochial machinery.
She more than once expressed her willingness to confer with the daughter Presbyterian churches, with a view to their sharing with her the benefits of her position.
In 1276 Edward entered Wales from Chester, and after a short campaign brought his obstinate vassal to submit to the ignominious treaty of Conway, whereby Llewelyn lost almost all the benefits conferred on him by the compact of Montgomery ten years before.
For these favours, conferred upon him by his patron with no stinted hand, his thanks were expressed in a most remarkable manner; he published a letter defending the cardinal from the charge of ingratitude which was often brought against him, by enumerating the benefits that he and his family had received from him (April 1655).
The benefits to be derived from the above process, however, cannot be great, for the bundles are usually taken direct to the pools and streams. The period necessary for the completion of the retting process varies according to the temperature and to the properties of the water, and may occupy from two days to a month.
The number of landed proprietors, professional men, merchants, &c., is comparatively small (about one-sixth), and a part of these are of mixed blood; the remaining five-sixths own no property, pay no taxes, and derive no benefits from the social and political institutions about them beyond the protection of the proprietors upon whose estates they live, the nominal protection of the state, and an occasional day's wage.
A police system has been devised for the purpose of preventing evils and providing benefits.
These disagreeable results, however, are not to be compared with the benefits obtained by the injection of anti-toxic serum, and this method of treatment is likely to maintain its place in therapeutics.
In his words it was intended "to insure a more natural union between intellectual and manual labour than now exists; to combine the thinker and the worker, as far as possible, in the same individual; to guarantee the highest mental freedom by providing all with labour adapted to their tastes and talents, and securing to them the fruits of their industry; to do away with the necessity of menial services by opening the benefits of education and the profits of labour to all; and thus to prepare a society of liberal, intelligent and cultivated persons whose relations with each other would permit a more simple and wholesome life than can be led amidst the pressure of our competitive institutions."
At least it made their traditional religion possible for those many French Catholics who clung passionately to the benefits the Revolution had brought them; and had it prevailed, it might have spared France and the world that fatal gulf between Liberalism and Catholicism which Pius IX.'s Syllabus of 1864 sought to make impassable.
She not only supported Edmond Beaufort, duke of Somerset, in his opposition to Richard of York, but concerned herself also in the details of government, seeking not over-wisely pecuniary benefits for herself and her friends.
He has left an odious picture of himself in the historians - a man untouched by benefits or natural affection, delighting in deeds of blood, his body as loathsome in its blown corpulence as his soul.
But, as he refused to limit his ministrations to one sect, the Seceders and he parted company, and without their countenance he made a tour through the principal towns of Scotland, the authorities of which in most instances presented him with the freedom of the burgh, in token of their estimate of the benefits to the community resulting from his preaching.
If it is not so, the government is inclined to proscribe unpopular opinion, and to forget that new opinions by which the greatest benefits arc likely to be conferred are certain at first to be entertained by a very few, and are quite certain to be unpopular as soon as they come into collision with the opinions of the majority.
In the middle ages the benefits of the liberation of thought from state control had been secured by the antagonism between church and state.
Dissenters had, in the main, stood shoulder to shoulder with churchmen in rejecting the suspicious benefits of James, and both gratitude and policy forbade the thought of replacing them under the heavy yoke which had been imposed on them at the Restoration.
Peel, worn out with a protracted struggle, placed his resignation in the dueens hands- Thus fell the great minister, who perhaps had conferred more benefits on his country than any of his predecessors.
He neither derived the benefits nor suffered the drawbacks of systematic intellectual discipline.
With the run of his father's library, and the benefits of that born bookman's guidance, he now set out to educate himself.
Gradually there came to be facing each other a great political Christendom, whose rulers were statesmen, with aims and policy of a worldly type, and a religious Christendom, full of the ideas of separation from the world by self-sacrifice and of participation in the benefits of Christ's work by an ascetic imitation.
It was not necessary either to secure the lasting benefits of the Revolution or to save France from dismemberment; for nine Frenchmen out of ten were agreed on both of these points and were ready to lay down their lives for the national cause.
But until a man is in some way really united to Christ so as to partake of Him, the benefits of Christ's work cannot be attained by him.
With all this, however, there has long existed a kind of idolatry, which in its origin is simply fetishism - the belief in charms - as having power to procure various benefits and protect from certain evils.
In vain did the malcontent princes attempt to set up a new League of Public Weal, the Guerre folle (Mad War), in which the duke of Brittany, Francis II., played the part of Charles the Bold, dragging in the people of Lorraine and the king of Navarre, In vain did Charles VIII., his majority attained, at once abandon in the treaty of Sable the benefits gained by the victory of Saint-Aubin du Cormier (1488).
In addition to these benefits, Langstroth's frame and hive possessed the enormous advantage over Dzierzon's of being manipulated from above, so that any single frame could be raised for inspection without disturbing the others.
It was mainly through him that the opportunity of concluding an honourable peace (in 425) was lost, and in his determination to see Sparta humbled he misled the people as to the extent of the resources of the state, and dazzled them by promises of future benefits.
I might add if this additional person were to join your ranks and proves acceptable in all ways, I'll allot the same financial benefits as you and your present group.
Cecil Kilpatric, presents the fruit of his detailed research for the benefits of those who appreciate brevity in writing.
He showed that assigning meaning to the sign of an otherwise homogenous representation of geometry could provide a multitude of benefits.
We're able to simultaneously show the benefits of the product as well as to improve perception of the brand.
There will be potential tax benefits depending on your individual circumstances.
Regardless of the theory of evolution, we have accrued many benefits.
Benefits are for those who are most financially vulnerable in society and will be assessed and paid within government guidelines and the relevant legislation.
It is their aim to ensure that aboriginal tourism in Canada benefits the aborigines.
Benefits include enhanced customer service, retention of skilled staff, improved morale and less absenteeism.
Their problems were exacerbated by their struggle with the benefits system, which she considered emotionally abusive.
Often, only marginal benefits accrued, depending very much upon the source of inlet air.
I think of the center for rehabilitating drug addicts which was faced with losing its housing benefits.
Tho it tries to attract adherents, it describes its claimed benefits in a rather restrained fashion.
The rotor system, which is fully folding, benefits from some of the most advanced helicopter aerodynamics in the world.
Having had an aftermarket electric boot release in my car for a couple of years now I can vouch for the benefits.
The CAP does little to help small scale farmers but enormously benefits rich agribusinesses.
Where benefits exceed the lifetime allowance an additional tax charge will arise.
Despite the benefits of pre-emptive analgesia, it is not always appropriate to use it.
By June 2001, undertake an appraisal of the options for an assessment of take-up of selected social security benefits.
Under the new rules there will be two options to protect benefits in excess of £ 1.5 million under the transitional arrangements.
Some people miss out on benefits because they wrongly assume they cannot claim anything when they are working.
Services include written information and advice on childhood deafness, including audiology, technology, welfare benefits and education.
It means we get the benefits of being part of a bigger business, while remaining largely autonomous.
I have taught my parents the benefits of growing trees and now we have 50 avocado, orange and shade trees at our farm.
Benefits advice at the patient's bedside Job Center Plus now provide a new service at the Royal Free.
It is now beholden on all of us to reap the benefits of the new order.
Too often companies reap benefits at the expense of poor people overseas.
This will bring great benefits in terms of getting officers back out on the streets in the shortest possible time.
There may also be some potential tax benefits depending on your individual circumstances.
Aside from preserving all means-tested benefits, a personal injury trust can provide clarity in separating the compensation from other assets.
A focus solely on congestion reduction may bring economic benefits to some road users; it will not necessary improve the safety of all.
The taxes go in part to pay the welfare benefits of the workers that you have thrown out of work.
Effective dates of allocation An allocation takes effect on the day on which the person making it becomes entitled to payment of retirement benefits.
The main reason is almost incontrovertible; it is the long duration for which unemployment benefits are payable.
But these benefits are only bequeathed to immigrants who have been legally working in the UK and thus contributing to the state.
The Emir also benefits from 24 hour security and features private, landscaped gardens with many stunning fragrant bushes, shrubs and vibrant bougainvillea.
Often they are afforded some camouflage by having loyalty card type benefits included in their system of operation.
The Hotel also benefits from a summer bar, taverna and some evenings local entertainment can be enjoyed by candlelight.
The benefits include carminative, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic agents.
And if you regularly eat foods that contain this carotenoid, you'll enjoy several healthy benefits.
This delightful cottage benefits from gas central heating throughout and cream carpeting to all upper floors.
Particular benefits for forecourts include eletronic e-top-ups, electronic LED pole signs, an integrated codax carwash ticketing sytem and online customer loyalty schemes.
The property also benefits from gas central he Read More... Advertised by Reeds Rains, Stafford.
However, the benefits of accredited certification extend far beyond bidding for new contracts.
The car benefits from an extremely lightweight chassis, which incorporates an aluminum shell ' stretched ' over a lattice frame.
The benefits that people often cite for CSS are actually down to the HTML.
Andrew Harrison and Kevin Thompson investigate the benefits of sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate.
When cocoa growers produce a better yield of high quality cocoa beans, everyone benefits.
What are the Benefits of taking 100% marine collagen?
The judgment also advised that retained firefighters should be entitled to enjoy the same benefits as their wholetime colleagues.
Adopting flexible benefits can avoid the pressure of a merged company having to take all benefits up to the highest common denominator.
The value of the benefits of this package has more than amply compensated for the increase in National Insurance paid.
Once a lump sum compensation payment has been received, it may affect your client's entitlements to any income-based benefits.
The use of alloy brings thoughts of benefits from being able to run higher compression ratios.
The strategy is based on the latest research that suggests creatine's benefits are proportional to intracellular creatine concentrations [13] .
From this point onward, all of the money contributed toward these benefits is, in essence, an employer contribution.
During 2003, CIS staff benefits included a contributory, defined benefit (' final salary ') pension scheme.
Moreover, for many Russian regions the benefits of cross-border cooperation do not yet outweigh the costs associated with being a border region.
Thus, the economic benefits of using Bt corn are not assured.
You receive some of the benefits of Nevada corporation filing without being hit by the double taxation common in S corporation filing without being hit by the double taxation common in S corporations.
But, running an online business has many benefits over its offline counterpart.
Or to stop smoking, if you add up all the benefits and they are almost countless!
However, these benefits were associated with an altered and better crop rotation.
This effect is much less likely to occur in a system using active crossovers throughout, which is one of their major benefits.
A word of caution - a whirlpool is not a magic cure-all and it won't give the same benefits for everyone.
On the other hand, the social benefits of marriage are pretty cushy.
Without real reform the coming decades will see ever more pensioners drawing means tested benefits.
Even where benefits are paid to the employer, this fact is not necessarily decisive.
Can you reduce the amount deducted from my benefits for council tax arrears?
It is notable (and probably deliberate) that at few radon conferences are the benefits of marginal intervention assessed in a health context.
This has all led to clearly demonstrable Business benefits.
Others are less complimentary of the benefits of classification using dentition.
You should also contact your local social services department to find out what help or benefits you are entitled to.
The benefits of patient support group were also praised in the report, which stressed the need for early detection.
In summary, we do not think that the potential benefits outweigh the detriments we have identified.
The first truly mobile solution to bring you all the benefits of digital dictation, combined with Microsoft's new Pocket PC platform.
Internally the house benefits from brass halogen down lights throughout, and these are matched by brass dimmer switches and all electrical sockets.
This property benefits from neutral lounge and spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a secluded and very well maintained rear garden.
What benefits do we gain from EU membership, which outweigh the disadvantages listed above, which are only the basics?
Only American football seems sure of its continued dominance, one of the benefits of exclusivity.
The property benefits from oil fired central heating and Upvc double-glazing.
Budget drip watering system offering the benefits of drip watering system offering the benefits of drip watering without the need for mains water supply.
Today's lunar eclipse could coincide with benefits coming your way.
For those who suffer premature ejaculation, Condomi Max Love condoms can offer major benefits.
If you continue in pensionable employment past the age of 60, your benefits will be payable when you leave.
To share a only then will retirement medical insurance for senior benefits compared enrollees to be.
Other benefits include security entry phone and electric gated entrance to private car park.
Benefits Used by the body to activate a potent antioxidant enzyme which can help protect the body against cancer.
Restrictive episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies.
Some people find they need to use a very slow speed, yet have experienced very significant benefits from using the exerciser.
Take a look at our exhibitor value package to see the benefits of becoming an IOG SALTEX exhibitor value package to see the benefits of becoming an IOG SALTEX exhibitor.
Wide benefits 7. For road users, there could be many potential advantages in a tolled expressway linking Birmingham and Manchester.
Faraday partnerships Web link Explanation of the benefits of joining a faraday partnerships Web link Explanation of the benefits of joining a Faraday Partnership.
The MP was keen to rehome older cats as she understands the many benefits of rehoming senior felines.
Those of us who do launch ourselves into the bigger gene pool soon reap the benefits and become much better fencers.
Thus, new methods must be found that will enable farmers to manipulate rumen fermentation to obtain benefits with their animals.
You receive some of the benefits of Nevada corporation filing without being hit by the double taxation common in S corporations.
In his opinion the UK Government's means-tested benefits provided an appropriate solution to the inherent flaws in the present system of Council Tax.
The property benefits from an upstairs bathroom, partial double glazing and also boasts fire place and stripped floorboards.
Benefits of green tea Green tea also contains fluoride which is good for the teeth.
The engineering and environmental benefits of using fly ash are investigated for each sector.
Mean concentrations of plasma vitamin C and red cell folate were significantly lower for men and women in receipt of household benefits.
You can get further details and/or a claim form from Benefits Office.
The benefits include reduced friction, cooling, impact resistance at higher chain speeds.
Little is known about the pathways through which fructose exerts these effects, and the benefits and threats of dietary fructose remain debatable.
Project benefits The project is intended to provide guaranteed overtaking opportunities to reduce platoons, driver frustration and accidents.
This means that the rider benefits from an extra 13 liters (almost 3 imp gals) more than the standard GS.
Benefits of regulation for crime fighting are therefore not easy to assess and often expressed in a fairly general language.
To insurance generalizations he'd receive benefits you're expecting all.
Further details of the benefits of becoming a Junior gladiator can be found on the GCCC website.
Benefits include, front and rear gardens, far reaching views and uPVC double glazing.
In the era of new globalism, Finland can provide ideas for a dynamic leadership that will optimize technological and economic benefits.
These benefits include better health, excitement, personal growth, ear-to-ear grins, and a whole lot of fun.
Normally you have to show you will suffer severe hardship without benefits.
We've tried the chain harrow in the past without anything like the same benefits.
Increase due to compare individual Best Life and health insurance Company health insurance quote health insurance benefits.
This method also hearkens back nicely to the way ancient healers would sip the dewdrops of flowers to cull their precious benefits.
Many pubs opt for mobile patio heaters which also offer a number of benefits.
The edible seedcrops it was actively stewarding are among Earth's most valuable heirlooms and their reservoir of possible human benefits is absolutely vast.
Ban on triazine herbicides likely to reduce but not negate relative benefits of GMHT maize cropping.
They'll use £ 200 of benefits for Gary to have a private op while Joanne will get hers free on the NHS.
Word spread about the health benefits of the wild rose hips and Hansen began selling the powder to people all over Denmark.
It offers our customary legendary superb hospitality plus many other extra high profile benefits.
The various other benefits of fasting are that man gets to exercise sacrificing physical comfort and to endure hunger and thirst.
However, the environmental benefits of plug-in hybrids depend somewhat on the source of the electrical power.
The summary below outlines the features, advantages and benefits of hth calcium hypochlorite in comparison to sodium hypochlorite.
And this objection attributes to speeding all the benefits of experience, which seems rather ill-advised.
We are confident that the support groups will give benefits to many people who are affected by this illness & to their carers.
While the benefits of GM crops remain illusory, the success and benefits of ecological, natural farming systems are well documented.
The findings implied benefits for herd immunity from natural infection against herpes zoster in adults.
Consumer groups however expressed some concern that weighing costs and benefits might be used as a pretext to justify inaction.
The benefits for the organization and those making use of information it publishes are potentially incalculable.
A teacher has to be permanently incapable of teaching to qualify for ill-health benefits.
It is driving forward ambitious proposals to reform incapacity Benefits and the delivery of public services for disabled people.
There are perverse benefits incentives -- paying more the longer people claim.
The private benefits to the members were legitimately incidental.
Despite the benefits of informality and flexibility, most incorporators don't want to form close corporations.
Minimum limit Although the benefits to company employees seem indisputable, there is one issue with the whole HCI scheme that remains unresolved.
And over the last decade the evidence of the benefits of learning have become indisputable.
And wage inequality increases in the economy without benefits, whereas it remains practically unchanged in the one with benefits.
We were also very successful in generating a significant cash inflow which benefits the whole Group.
There are also likely to be some benefits, where some species and societies are able to exploit land that was previously inhospitable.
In many parts of the world crops in long-term short rotation patterns still show benefits from using a high quality inoculant.
Please note, loft insulation is free for people on benefits.
Friendly Societies are mutual insurers, offering long-term saving, pensions, healthcare benefits and other forms of personal insurance and investment.
The people who get the most benefits out of the CIPR are the ones who get actively involved and attend events.
Given an explanation mandated benefits that visitsubi j xsubi.
And if you do have problems, consider using gotu kola and pomegranate as they can have many other health benefits.
The extra large lanai, which leads onto the extensive decking area benefits from a summer kitchen with a BBQ and a pool bathroom.
Recycling glass into new containers has four main environmental benefits - energy saving, lower emissions, reduced landfill and a reduction in quarrying.
The area also benefits from various historic landscapes which the Council is keen to safeguard.
Off Balance Sheet This is one of the benefits of operating leasing.
Workers ' comp lien to the courts in benefits more years of.
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Taking flavonoid supplements can help you get all this cardiovascular support and still enjoy the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle.
Food Possible heath benefits being studied The most nutritious way to serve tis food Tomatoes The carotenoid lycopene.
Although there are huge benefits from regular mammography, there is an extremely small radiation risk associated with the examination.
In terms of of ' 1st mover advantage ' such benefits should not be ignored in such an explosive emerging marketplace.
During her period of statutory maternity leave the employe must continue to receive all her contractual benefits except renumeration.
It is believed that the southwest is the powerful Yin sector, which benefits the family matriarch.
In the present context, where there are no expected benefits for the participant, this phrase appears meaningless.
This is a period that the literature research indicated was the minimum time required for the benefits of quality improvement initiatives to become measurable.
Benefits of sitting in the Saddle Seat position - A clear midline assists maintenance of balance and symmetry.
The Elbow Cryo/Cuff combines the therapeutic benefits of controlled compression to minimize hemarthrosis and swelling, and cold to minimize hemarthrosis and swelling, and cold to minimize pain.
Read Stress caused by thermal mismatch, to see the benefits of using compliant joints where possible.
There is an apparent mismatch of students ' initial expectations in studying for a Business Management degree and the longer term benefits.
Shot almost entirely on location, this story benefits from having real woods, instead of a studio mock-up.
Completion of the changeover would have many benefits in addition to resolving the current muddle.
At the moment these statistics appear to show that we devote approximately 5% of our entire national income to benefits for pensioners.
The normal benefits associated with the treatment are not being met and so new dosing strategies should be sought.
We believe the Iranian people should enjoy the benefits of a truly peaceful program to use nuclear reactors to generate electric power.
The health benefits of eating oats are partly to thank for the hot cereal's revival, according to market analysts Mintel.
Are you simply offloading a burden or seeking particular business benefits?
Learn about forming offshore Hong Kong IBC benefits, incorporating IBC offshore advantages.
Extra virgin olive oil is particularly well known and used for its medicinal and therapeutic benefits.
Young children The benefits of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids have also been evidenced in children aged six to twelve.
Key benefits of O2 Airwave Security As an encrypted network, O2 Airwave communications cannot be scanned or monitored by outsiders.
Like these two activities, the benefits massively outweigh any downsides.
However, in general the benefits greatly outweigh the relatively small risks involved.
We avoid training overkill by planning learning with specific benefits for niche groups rather than taking a sheep dip approach.
For people in good health who are not severely overweight 5 the benefits in terms of improved appearance are usually greater than the disadvantages.
In return our client is able to offer an excellent remuneration package with class leading benefits packages.
However in spite of the great benefits these attributes bring, the agreement to take the drug turns into a Faustian pact.
Progress to Date Together with the University of Limerick, the Park has the benefits of a fine, riverside parkland site.
To the quill pen aficionado, the benefits obtained from elegant calligraphy might well outweigh all others.
This has lead to near catastrophic delays in recognizing the harm of smoking to humans or the benefits of certain drugs including penicillin.
If you don't want to transfer your benefits, you can leave them in USS (this is called a deferred pension ).
It includes salaries and bonuses but does not include non-monetary perks such as benefits in kind.
This not only is a unique gift but also entitles the owner to shareholder perks, benefits and even dividends.
Our hope would be that such an ethos would then permeate into wider society, bringing with it huge benefits for public health.
The site benefits from extensive native tree, shrub and wildflower plantings, creating various wildlife habitats.
The benefits of hydrotherapy pools for special needs clients is well documented.
Benefits further include 24 hour porterage, an indoor swimming pool and underground parking.
The Lack of Entitlement to Benefits Like other full-time students, full-time postgraduates are not eligible to claim social security benefits.
However, with a few sensible precautions, people with epilepsy can enjoy all the benefits of swimming quite safely.
You can expect to see prefabs become part of the housing landscape of tomorrow as more people realize the benefits.
They are alleged to have provided more than pounds 17m of benefits to a Saudi prince.
I would also be lying if I didn't say I liked the benefits that came with being a successful tennis pro.
This was added to by the benefits of mass production, which reduced the costs of buying cars.
We bring all the benefits of sheer professionalism that we have gained over the years working within the demanding corporate hospitality industry.
Communication Good communication is key to the internal promotion of benefits.
Aromatherapy offers proven, therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions.
The benefits of concentration to owners appeared greatest where there was common ownership of titles across a number of geographically proximate local newspaper markets.
Non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty so desiring may also obtain such benefits pursuant to bilateral agreements.
The ground also benefits from having some striking floodlight pylons at each corner of the ground.
Cheltenham is also in the top quartile for the accuracy of its benefits work.
Rates for transitional benefits heavily on family structure insurance or individual who cover futon queen size are not.
Benefits include - Reducing VOA resource time on multiple occupiers Reduce business resource and frustration Free more VOA resource to assist other ratepayers.
The area is finally reaping the long awaited benefits of the Objective 1 Program.
SuperStream shares similar features and benefits with FatPipe Xtreme, including web based management tools, auto fail-over, and auto reboot.
Nearly one-fifth of the working age population in Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool are on benefits as lone parents or incapacity benefit recipients.
Adding these herbs to your salad will also have benefits in preventing acid reflux.
On current trends, they, too, would become reliant on means-tested benefits in the future.
The latest EPA figures appear to show much lower calculated risks, thus reducing the benefits from radon remediation.
Subscription to The British Veterans Recognition Card is an annually renewable membership offering a number of benefits.
The barn has been stylishly renovated to an exceptionally high standard, and benefits from glorious views over the rural Devon countryside.
No matter who's the leaders insurance renters storage in receive benefits only high service charges.
Whatâs more, the government is not sufficiently responsive to individual needs to micro-manage incapacity benefits.
In the short term, glacier retreat may have some benefits.
The property which benefits from full central heating and hot water supplied via a oil fired boiler has also been fully rewired.
Nevertheless, reports of the benefits of supplementary ribose for patients with chronic heart disease continued to accrue, supported by animal studies.
And trolleybuses will bring benefits such as higher ridership.
Benefits The system is now sufficiently robust to deal easily with over 21,000 individual entries per year.
One commonly accepted and statistically robust measure is the number of people in receipt of low income related benefits.
It would be wrong, however, to paint too rosy a picture of the benefits derived from these key agricultural products.
How does a pensions only salary sacrifice scheme compare to pensions offered via flexible benefits?
Play quot which and more than automotive salvage and and sell benefits.
Each hospital must gage the benefits of cell salvage in its own setting.
The potential benefits of foods that induce increased satiety are being increasingly noted by nutrition scientists across the world.
The numbers of lives saved in areas using these, clearly show the benefits.
The transition from asylum seeker on NASS support to standard benefits must be made seamless.
Atlantic fringe benefits The famous white beaches of the Uists are made up of crushed seashells.
The cream brings the benefits of vitamin A and jojoba oil, which is the closest oil to our own natural sebum.
But in recent years there's been a dramatic shift in who benefits from trade.
Yet Africa is increasingly sidelined from any benefits from trade.
The retention of the main fascia signage now benefits from deemed advertisement consent.
What are the benefits of becoming a pet sitter?
With paper and tracking benefits limits that portrayed sleazy to force companies.
The level of benefits in the LGPS is such that substantial employer contributions are required to maintain fund solvency.
The value of human spaceflight - costs, risks & benefits, manned vs unmanned missions.
Biogas energy also enables farmers to process their produce for preservation and added value, reducing spoilage and increasing the overall benefits.
The benefits of our policy are evident in the current standoff with Iran.
In the 1980s, she performed stand-up at miners ' strike benefits.
The movie itself is a enormous amount of fun that benefits from the company of an absolutely stellar cast.
Measures which prioritize reductions in psychiatric stigma will have profound and enduring benefits in these key areas.
Are you uncertain about the benefits of graduated compression stockings.
It makes sense to consider the Ecommerce benefits of a web storefront online.
Benefits of involvement for the charity The charity gained a new storeroom for children's toys with beanbags made by some of the refugees.
The card also benefits local student unions by feeding money directly back to them.
From this superb location the property benefits from glorious country and coastal views that can be enjoyed from the large sunroom.
The research into relatively high temperature superconductivity will continue because of the potential commercial benefits, but there are also possible military applications.
I feel that smoking is not worth it anymore and I just would n't swop the benefits of quitting.
Her most recent work, Top 100, explores the benefits of using recycled synthetics.
In most women the benefits of taking tamoxifen outweigh the risks.
The risk is small compared to the benefits of using tamoxifen to treat breast cancer.
Many of these new initiatives are starting to produce some really tangible long-term benefits for local communities.
A regular session with a complementary therapist offers a whole multitude of benefits.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
County or city an employe benefits program lower rates Thomas says.
A testing time Further modeling will be used to analyze the likely benefits of other control methods and their optimal timing.
Using A toastmaster Find out the benefits of booking a professional toastmaster to oversee the smooth running of your wedding reception.
The long term benefits of women's underwear are well okay, there are none.
So even the benefits of the tracking devices may be part of a distinctly unhealthy pattern that negates the benefits.
How often have you seen your recruit's employe benefits folder lying unread on a shelf?
The many benefits of volunteering often go unsung - the good you do for others tends to eclipse the good it does for you.
Inevitably, with all the significant benefits, impulse ventilation systems for car parks are here to stay.
Vera products brings the remarkable benefits of this powerful plant to your entire body.
Additional benefits may arise from parentage verification and correction of errors e.g. misallocation of lamb to ewe.
Needless to say, of the possible benefits involved with group work, this topic invoked the most opposing viewpoints.
Once at the summit, enjoy the vista, then on the descent reap the benefits.
Please note that we cannot pay you, but there are many benefits for enthusiastic volunteers!
Some of the benefits of TURP compared with watchful waiting have been explored by the US RCT.
Printers will also find operational benefits, with improved control ensuring less wastage of paper.
The National Institute for Mental Health in England is explicit about the benefits to the nation of working to enhance mental well-being.
This provided the benefits of a night dive without requiring the superhuman willpower needed to turn down a beer in the hot tub.
Therefore, the £ 5,000 has been added to net salary and benefits before calculating and deducting the amount attributable to overseas workdays.
An astonishing array of benefits The fitness benefits accruing from super-set workouts are astonishing.
That it has become one of the healthiest cities in the world from being one of the unhealthiest is attributable in great measure to his insistence on the necessity of sanitary reform, and it was his unceasing efforts that secured for its inhabitants the drainage system, the sewage farms and the good water-supply, the benefits of which are reflected in the decreased death-rate they now enjoy.
In his latter years Ivan cultivated friendly relations with England, in the hope of securing some share in the benefits of civilization from the friendship of Queen Elizabeth, one of whose ladies, Mary Hastings, he wished to marry, though his fifth wife, Martha Nagaya, was still alive.
He seems to have been much indulged, and to have led a very pleasant life of it; he pleased himself in moderate excursions, frequented the theatre, mingled, though not very often, in society; was sometimes a little extravagant, and sometimes a little dissipated, but never lost the benefits of his Lausanne exile; and easily settled into a sober, discreet, calculating Epicurean philosopher, who sought the summum bonum of man in temperate, regulated and elevated pleasure.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
Forgetting these benefits, the cardinal of Cambrai was one of the most formidable adversaries of John XXIII.
Over and above the great advantage arising from the opportunity which the growth of root-crops affords for the cleaning of the land, the benefits of growing the root-crop in rotation are due (1) to the large amount of manure applied for its growth, (2) to the large residue of the manure left in the soil for future crops, (3) to the large amount of matter at once returned as manure again in the leaves, (4) to the large amount of food produced, and (5) to the small proportion of the most important manurial constituents of the roots which is retained by store or fattening animals consuming them, the rest returning as manure again; though, when the roots are consumed for the production of milk, a much larger proportion of the constituents is lost to the manure.
Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun, though they had both reason to be grateful for the benefits of John XXII., chose this moment to demonstrate, by plausible arguments, the supremacy of the Empire, its independence of the Holy See, and the emptiness of the prerogatives "usurped" by the sovereign pontiffs - a demonstration naturally calculated to give them a claim on the gratitude of the German sovereign.
Though, however, the discomfiture of malignant spirits still plays an important part in the Catholic doctrine of benedictions, this has on the whole tended to become subordinated to other benefits.
The former institution had an ephemeral existence; but amongst the benefits derived from the foundation of the Ecole Polytechnique one of the greatest, it has been observed, 4 was the restoration of Lagrange to mathematics.
Under the arrangement proposed the Boers might easily have secured the benefits of self-government, subject to an acknowledgment of British supremacy, together with the advantage of military protection, for the British government was then extremely reluctant to extend its colonial responsibilities.
Gerbert's policy is to be identified with that of his metropolitan, and was strongly influenced by gratitude for the benefits that he had received from the first two Ottos.
This was the time of Titus Oates and the popish plots, and some of Walker's writings made him suspect; however, no serious steps were taken against him, although Oxford booksellers were forbidden to sell his book, The benefits of our Saviour Jesus Christ to mankind, and he remained a Protestant, in name at least, until the accession of James II.
Similarly he arrives at the great paradox that "private vices are public benefits."
The emperor had to protect the legates from the fury of the nobles; and afterwards issued a manifesto to his subjects declaring that he held the Empire from God alone, to which Adrian replied that he had used the ambiguous word beneficia as meaning benefits, and not in its feudal sense.
If you love "Western medicine" and think all acupuncturists are "quacks," then you are not likely to heed (or even appreciate) your friend's well-meaning efforts to get you to drink your own urine for its health benefits.
Civilization, like technology, also compounds over time, as do its benefits.
When Taliban captured Kabul, mutual benefits and Taliban 's puritanical views brought bin Laden close to the Afghan militia.
Councilor Hussey urged that this be pursued vigorously in view of the benefits of the linkage between Sioux Falls, Strabane and mainland Europe.
Industry was quick to realize the benefits of gas lighting and also found other applications where heat was needed.
August laing w benefits data from he quips i. For health care positive business insurance medical virginia west returns on.
The benefits of nurse-led care in our unit could be further extended to include a range of interventional radiology procedures.
Students should then be able to reap some benefits in their own future essays.
Local businesses also reap the benefits such as car preparation firms, communication companies, publishers, and car and motorcycle part suppliers.
He had no receipts for monies paid from the residents ' benefits, as cashed and paid in for their accommodation fees.
There is nothing like giving to put you into an open, receptive mood, with all the physiological benefits that this brings.
During the 52-week period, you can re-claim benefits at any time.
The opportunity to re-create several hundred hectares of chalk grassland in the coming years offers huge benefits to people and wildlife.
Discover the healing benefits of reflexology with this new pack.
There are clear benefits from Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel and ULSD with a continuously regenerating particle trap over standard diesel.
Benefits of localized provision, regionalized nature of provision is positive.
No matter who 's the leaders insurance renters storage in receive benefits only high service charges.
He questioned whether this would result in a reduction in staff resources or tightening up of benefits.
Dichotomous variables persisted of adverse california health insurance rating selection retiree health benefits.
Retirement benefits must come into payment no later than your 75th birthday.
The OU microscope benefits from an LED retrofitted to replace the tungsten bulb.
The direct benefits revolve mainly around considerations of respiratory health.
For this you will be rewarded with a salary of up to £ 18000 and fantastic benefits.
However there are also secondary benefits to rhino conservation.
Benefits of riboflavin intake include healthy vision and skin, and (as already mentioned) a possible preventive effect against migraines.
They do not obtain regular salaried employment with welfare benefits like workers in the organized sector.
There is less emphasis on the benefits of cereal fiber other than for gastrointestinal health and its satiety value.
We have to persuade the skeptics out there that everyone benefits through a flexible approach to working.
I have been forced to scrounge off my 76-year-old mother who is on state benefits.
However, in contrast to their possible long-term benefits, the presence of segmental duplications renders the human genome susceptible to mistakes in HR.
The benefits of self-cleaning glass Unique coating breaks down and loosens soiling.
There were no significant benefits with osteopathic manipulative treatment, as compared with sham manipulation.
The individual may also submit, if s/he wishes, an assessment of the benefits which would result from career support.
Mellieha Bay has a wonderful sweep of clean, gently shelving sand which benefits from the shelter of a sunny headland.
But in recent years there 's been a dramatic shift in who benefits from trade.
Airlines in Cape Town signatory states wishing to add Boeing aircraft to their fleets are already seeing the benefits.
The first part gives the reader enough information about portfolio building to convince even the most skeptical about its benefits and simplicity of construction.
Try our introduction packs to experience the benefits of SIS products.
Some of the benefits measured WILL relate to faster journey times by train and hardship issues, but som eof the costs are incredible.
The treatment benefits of paraffin wax makes this an excellent treatment for soothing aching backs.
Residual benefits to have their own auto insurance rate comparison whose spiffy site.
As well as bringing employment, raising exports and levels of wealth creation, there are often substantial spillover benefits to local firms.
The civil unions will give same-sex couples the same legal protections as married couples, including spousal health-care benefits.
It is spurious to argue that a new agenda will have short term economic benefits.
Reducing stocking density in summer months is unlikely to offer any welfare benefits.
Benefits of involvement for the charity The charity gained a new storeroom for children 's toys with beanbags made by some of the refugees.
There are also a number of positive subliminal messages embedded in the outer music to maximize the benefits.
Significant benefits stand to be gained from the use of multimedia and superhighway applications in the management and administration of the education service.
They just believe for belief 's own supposed benefits.
Risks to the environment must be outweighed by the benefits of keeping the surfactant on the market.
They will have brought about change in this community and delivered benefits that are sustainable into the future.
No adjustment has been made to include synergy benefits or the costs of the merger.
The growth of air travel has brought tangible benefits to Scotland 's economy.
Car Parking The property benefits from recently laid (March 2006) tarmacadam parking areas affording off road parking for up to five vehicles.
Eating sprouts may be a new concept to you, but the benefits speak for themselves - and they taste delicious.
Incorporating or forming an LLC helps protect personal assets and provides tax-deductible benefits for employees and owners.
Also, thanks to the theory of evolution, we have accrued many social benefits.
County or city an employe benefits program lower rates thomas says.
Preliminary evidence suggests there may be some benefits of thymus therapy on T-cell function, but this needs further investigation.
Minimum tillage techniques have become popular over the recent decades due to the benefits they can bring to farm rotations.
The plan lacks basic privacy and security safeguards, and these costs substantially outweigh the limited timesaving benefits, EPIC said.
However, the benefits of frequent tine aeration far outweigh the side affects.
Using A Toastmaster Find out the benefits of booking a professional toastmaster to oversee the smooth running of your wedding reception.
The benefits of these treatments should be carefully weighed against the risk of transmission of vCJD.
Precautionary action requires assessment of the costs and benefits of action, and transparency in decision-making.
Tickets for the first of the major comedy benefits to aid tsunami victims have gone on sale today.
You will also be rewarded with outstanding benefits & benefit from uncapped bonus.
Psychotherapy produces gradual benefits in academic performance and attitudes, but girls who are underperforming at school would also benefit from special educational support.
The long term benefits of women 's underwear are well okay, there are none.
The last year has seen the number of people claiming unemployment benefits fall to its lowest level for nearly thirty years.
As more benefits then become means tested and discretionary, the universality principle becomes eroded.
How often have you seen your recruit 's employe benefits folder lying unread on a shelf?
Explanatory variable is affected by these characteristics health insurance self employed health insurance in pa benefits.
Avoiding occupational exposure to cold or vibration Stopping any vasoconstrictor drugs (unless the risks of stopping outweigh the benefits).
The Kevin Chin vending machine franchise takes advantage of and benefits from two major UK growth sectors.
Please note that we cannot pay you, but there are many benefits for enthusiastic volunteers !
Benefits are for those who are most financially vulnerable in society and will be assessed and paid within Government guidelines and the relevant legislation.
Now is the time for change by choosing washable diapers you are choosing real benefits !
He exists in Himself and for Himself and therefore has all the benefits of consciousness without weakness of human flesh.
We do not have the right to deny less well-off societies the benefits of biotechnology.
However, as the benefits have increased, card firms have also become cleverer at wheedling money out of customers.
The benefits eg a widow 's pension are often worth preserving.
All service is covered for family benefits, therefore the widower 's pension is equal to half the member 's own pension.
And, unlike Mrs Southall, they have no worries about widowers ' benefits.
Learning how to do something new can have many cognitive benefits.
Now we can extrapolate these benefits to obtain more pleasing results.
The city's human resources were in need of help because many employess were not receiving sufficient benefits.
Increasing intracellular calcium can have many health benefits.
The aerobic benefits of kickboxing helped me lose 20 pounds in six months.
While rice cereal was once the accepted first food, no benefits have been found to using this food over another.
Breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits for both mother and child.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, these are just some of the many benefits that breastfeeding provides nursing mothers.
However, it has evolved into an educational program that offers benefits for every child.
In this case, some mothers pump their milk to ensure their babies get the health benefits of breast milk consumption, even if they won't drink it straight from the breast.
Benefits-What type of benefits will be offered regarding vacation leave, sick leave, medical insurance, transportation, etc?
This contract is often used to state specific details about the duties, responsibilities, behavior, benefits, and salary of the nanny.
Their services may differ regarding their duties and responsibilities, hours and benefits, but they are still referred to as employees.
Flexibility. The flexibility of having someone reside with the family is one of the main benefits of participating in this program.
The National Child Support Enforcement Agency can help you get the financial benefits your child deserves, even if the other parent refuses to be emotionally or physically there for your child.
One of the biggest benefits of a round crib is the style factor.
For some, the benefits of cloth diapers influence the desire to learn how to sew baby diapers.
There are numerous benefits to purchasing natural baby toys over traditionally made toys.
Parents should never randomly decide on which method to use as it is always best to research and take advice from others to clearly weigh the benefits.
Those who attend infant massage training for parents understand the benefits that infant massage holds for babies and their caregivers.
The benefits are numerous for both mommy and baby.
Benefits include "R Us Dollars" for select purchases during promotional programs.
Benefits of this approach include the fact that your child is trained in 3-5 days and the potty training drama is done.
To make sure that you gain all the benefits of the pacifier and none of the drawbacks, make sure that you check into the length of the pacifier lead and the size of the clip used.
What are the benefits of entering the Gerber Baby Contest?
Placing diaper cream on wet skin will lessen the preventative benefits of the cream.
Once you learn to use non-disposables, you'll really start loving the benefits.
Changing cloth diapers is actually a simple process, and you may love the economic and environmental benefits of using cloth diapers as well.
The road to a successful adoption can be long and arduous, but the benefits of loving a child can certainly make the adoption process worth all of the effort.
While owning a motorhome offers many benefits for those who travel frequently, it can turn out to be a costly toy in the wrong circumstances.
There are a number of apps available for Apple iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and other next generation smartphones that provide all of the features and benefits of web-based movie ticket resources all in the palm of your hand.
This is a semi fermented tea that is said to boost metabolism among other health benefits.
There has been much promotion of HDTV technology and much discussion about its benefits.
When talking to reps at insurance companies about disability, be sure to find out the maximum amount of monthly benefits.
One of the benefits of the Amazon site is that customers can leave comments and reviews of their purchasing experience.
There are several benefits when it comes to choosing flowers in season.
If the above tips on buying in bulk are used, there can be long-lasting benefits.
Do you know the benefits of stainless steel versus aluminum pots and pans?
Choose based on the way you think you'll use each piece and which benefits are most important to you.
If this doesn't sway you, you'll reap the benefits of great heat conduction and a low price.
You get the benefits of both materials-the heat conductivity of the copper and the lack of reactivity from the stainless steel.
The benefits of purchasing online before June 12 of after July 4 include a reduced minimum of only $99 and better prices.
Some cordless phone buyer's guides may not mention this type of phone because they operate on similar frequencies and the benefits are not enough to spend additional money.
When you place the memory foam piece atop your existing mattress, you are thus sleeping on memory foam and you get the benefits of the comfort and support without the expense of buying a whole new bed.
Luckily, for either type of mattress, you don't necessarily need to purchase an entire mattress to see the benefits or the problems with Memory foam or Latex.
Despite the benefits of using this shopping method, there are also several risks.
Several features and benefits of memory foam mattresses make them ideal for those who find traditional mattresses uncomfortable or even painful.
Even though metal roofing can run from roughly $100 to $500 per square foot, the benefits and advantages of using metal as roofing material may be worthwhile for some.
One of the benefits of buying Treasury bonds is that you do not have to pay state and local taxes on the interest you earn.
One of the benefits is that you can deliver flowers to anywhere in the country.
There are many people who can't accept reading their books on an electronic device, but for those who can, there is a wealth of benefits.
Either reason benefits consumers because you can usually get a gift card from 5 percent to 25 percent off sometimes.
Pay later catalog purchases offer many benefits in the way of convenience and product selection.
Buying your tickets online has several benefits.
Using this type of payment method has several benefits.
Amazon also offers free shipping on purchases of $25 or more, which helps you reap the benefits of online shopping without incurring shipping costs.
Doing you homework about the benefits and features of different types of mattress will determine how comfortable your sleep will be and whether you will wake up in a good mood or not.
There are multiple benefits to using propane, whether for grilling or other energy needs.
There are many benefits to purchasing this type of flat screen television.
Like LCD flat screen televisions, plasmas also have their benefits and drawbacks that should be considered when making your final purchase decision.
However, once the general public discovered their glare-reducing benefits, polarized shades became very popular among people simply seeking quality sun protection for their eyes.
You probably know that being a smart shopper, no matter what the product, requires comparing prices and product benefits, and making hearing aid comparisons is particularly important because a hearing aid is such an important purchase.
Before you buy, you should know what's available at what prices, and what different features or benefits each one might have, so you can properly select one that fits within your budget and gives you what you need.
Some of the membership benefits for shoppers are online, printable coupons and complimentary coupon books.
There are even special VIP clubs for those who are interested in earning special benefits when they shop at the outlet malls.
The VIP Club is a membership you can join for additional benefits.
It relies on the benefits of ultrasound technology built into the brush, paired with specially formulated Emmi-dent "nano-bubble" toothpaste, to whiten teeth.
Using real human-grade meat is more expensive, as reflected in the price per bag, but the nutritional benefits should be well worth the additional cost.
This will provide nutritional benefits as well as lubrication.
It just might eliminate the unwanted behavior, but there are other benefits to having the procedure performed.
The sifting feature has benefits of its own.
She gets the benefits every time she takes a drink and no harm comes to the other cats.