Benefited Sentence Examples
Charges were reduced and efficiency benefited by this movement.
Yet it was not the king who benefited by this blunder.
In particular the suppression of the monasteries benefited the crown in two ways.
Wynn didn't do what was right in this life or the last, unless it benefited him directly.
Troy benefited financially by the War of 1812, during which contracts for army beef were filled here.
In some respects his kingdom benefited by the connexion with France.
Copenhagen especially benefited by Christian IV.'s commercial policy.
The financial administratizrn of Sad was prudent and successful, if somewhat severe, and the revenue benefited considerably under his care.
These advantages, however, scarcely benefited at all the Irish Roman Catholics, who were excluded from political life and from the corporate towns; and Cromwell's union meant little more than the union of the English colony in Ireland with England.
Delfzyl, which was formerly an important fortress for the protection of the ancient sluices on the little river Delf (hence its name), has greatly benefited by the construction of the Ems (Eems) shipcanal connecting it with Groningen, and has a good harbour with a considerable import trade in wood.
AdvertisementHis sieges, the most difficult part of medieval warfare, though won sometimes by stratagem, prove that he and his followers had benefited from their early training in the wars of Edward I.
But the regions not under its administration benefited at least equally by the methods above described.
They are the chief instruments of research, and have themselves much benefited by being so employed.
Experimental pathology has benefited by the use of antiseptic surgery in operations upon animals, and by the adoption of exact methods of recording.
Similarly soils with less than i% of nitrogen are likely to be benefited by applications of nitrogenous manures.
AdvertisementBut even this error benefited science; some well directed excavations at Alaise brought many Roman remains to light, which were subsequently sent to enrich the museum at Besancon.
They cease to be mere likenesses of the body and blood, and are changed into receptacles of divine power and intimacy, by swallowing which we are benefited in soul and body.
It benefited greatly during the 19th century from the care of the archduke John and received extended civic privileges in 1860.
The republican press applauded the murder; the professional politicians benefited by it.
Slaves, heirs, women and children, were benefited, and he made serious attempts to deal with the steady fall in the birth-rate of legitimate children.
AdvertisementIt was a huge shift in public opinion in which no group benefited financially; if anything, financial interests were aligned against this change, just as with tobacco.
They were opposed to James II., though they had benefited by his Declaration of Indulgence, and they were the first to congratulate the Prince of Orange on his arrival in England.
In 1646 he was sent at the head of an extraordinary mission to France, and on his return married the queen's cousin Marie Euphrosyne of Zweibri cken, who, being but a poor princess, benefited greatly by her wedding with the richest of the Swedish magnates.
Our direct sympathy with the agent in the circumstances in which he is placed gives rise, according to this view, to our notion of the propriety of his action, whilst our indirect sympathy with those whom his actions have benefited or injured gives rise to our notions of merit and demerit in the agent himself.
Yet, after all, the prospects of the burgesses depended mainly on economic conditions; and in this respect there was a decided improvement, due to the increasing importance of money and commerce all over Europe, especially as the steady decline of the Hanse towns immediately benefited the trade of Denmark-Norway; Norway by this time being completely merged in the Danish state, and ruled from Copenhagen.
AdvertisementMdbius estimates that for every oyster brought to 1 Connecticut has greatly benefited its oyster industry by giving to oyster-culturists a fee simple title to the lands under control by them.
Accordingly it is more susceptible to exhaustion of surface soil as to its nitrogenous, and especially as to its mineral supplies; and in the common practice of agriculture it is found to be more benefited by direct mineral manures, especially phosphatic manures, than is wheat when sown under equal soil conditions.
Since then Vienna has benefited largely by the enlightened efforts of its citizens and the exceptional opportunities afforded by the removal of the fortifications.
West Looe (known also as Porpighan or Porbuan) benefited by a charter granted by Richard king of the Romans to Odo Treverbyn and ratified in 1325 constituting it a free borough whose burgesses were to be free of all custom throughout Cornwall.
Like other South American states, Bolivia benefited greatly from the introduction of European animals.
Of nitrogen, the cereal crops take up and retain much less than any of the crops alternated with them, notwithstanding the circumstance that the cereals are very characteristically benefited by nitrogenous manures.
The Toleration Act was not the only law of William and Mary which benefited Quakers.
Many regions of Italy and the provinces besides the city itself benefited by the care and munificence which the emperor bestowed on such public improvements.
The Enevaelde, or absolute monarchy, also distinctly benefited the whole Danish state by materially increasing its reserve of native talent.
Nothing was found in the archives, but an old peasant 107 years of age avowed that his father had been similarly benefited a century previously.
Without entirel y break ing with the pseudo-classic method he had adopted in Don Carlos - the two lovers, Max Piccolomini and Thekla, are an obvious concession to the tradition of the French theatre - Wallenstein shows how much Schiller's art had benefited by his study of Greek tragedy; the fatalism of his hero is a masterly application of an antique motive to a modern theme.
The gradual removal of obstacles from the commerce of the island from 1766 to 1818 particularly benefited Havana.
The Marlboroughs had been active in the affair and had benefited by it, the countess (as she then was) receiving a pension of £1000, and their conduct was noticed at court.
Some national feeling may have lingered, but, substantially, every man in the country, of every hue, was benefited when the incubus of the tyranny of the Dutch East India Company was removed.
I have never benefited by one thin dime from Iraq.
Ashley was himself a large landowner, and, moreover, was opposed to Ormonde, who would have benefited by the importation.
The cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize); the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard); the solanaceous crops (potatoes); the chenopodiaceous crops (mangels, sugar-beets), and other non-leguminous crops have, so far as is known, no such power, and are therefore more or less benefited by the direct application of nitrogenous manures.
It is in the realm of decorative art that the world has chiefly benefited by contact with Japan.
The Russian government has benefited by their comparative prosperity, and by the incurable hatred they continue to feel for the classes which were once their oppressors.
It was the monarchy of the bishops of Rome that naturally benefited by these attacks on the aristocratic principle represented by the high prelacies in the Church.
In what way, it may be asked, are two or more distasteful species of insects, occurring in the same locality, benefited by resembling each other?
Lawns may be benefited by a good dressing, in addition to the manure, of some reliable commercial fertilizer.
Whereas Sparta had been least of all the allies interested in the war, and apart from the campaigns of Brasidas had on the whole taken little part in it, her allies benefited least by the terms of the Peace.
Britain but all mankind has been immensely benefited by the labours of the British alkali inspectors, which were, of course, supplemented by the work of technical men in all the countries concerned.
His assumption of the government was greeted with joy in Holland, and in his reign the province enjoyed rest and its fisheries benefited from the commercial treaty concluded with England.
I think that it would be better than this, for the students, or those who desire to be benefited by it, even to lay the foundation themselves.
Boniface endeavoured to nominate his own successor, thus transforming into law, or at least into custom, the proceeding by which he had benefited; but the clergy and the senate of Rome forced him to cancel this arrangement.
The evil rose to alarming proportions during Grant's presidency, partly because of the immense extension of the civil service, partly because of the growing tendency to alliance between spoilsmen and the persons benefited by protective tariffs, and partly because the public attention was still so much absorbed in Southern affairs that little energy was left for curbing rascality in the North.
As a portrayer of Scottish peasant-life in fiction he was the precursor of a large school, which has benefited by his example and surpassed its original leader in popularity.
His foreign policy aimed at the aggrandizement of his family, but his plans were prudent as well as ambitious, and Hungary benefited by them, greatly.
Other Italian scholars, as Leonardo Aretino, benefited by his patronage.
But it is the trade of the lower Danube that has principally benefited.
On the conclusion of this work honours were offered to Cobden by the governments of both the countries which he had so greatly benefited.
St Bernard completed the reformation, combated heresy, and by his immense moral ascendancy gained victories by which Rome benefited.
The efforts of the Hungarian government to establish a great home industry, and the measures taken to that effect, have benefited Budapest to a greater degree than any other Hungarian town, and the progress made is remarkable.
If, on the other hand, "infection of the germ" is impossible, telegony will not count as a factor in variation, and breeders will no longer be either justified in regarding mares and other female animals as liable to be "corrupted" by ill-assorted unions, or benefited by first having offspring to a high-class, or it may be more vigorous, mate.
He could destroy, but he could not create, and other people benefited by his exploits.
It is true that most of these improvements are due to foreign enterprise and serve largely foreign interests; still they have also benefited the city, and added much to the convenience and comfort of local life.
I hold him to be our enemy, because everything that he has hitherto done has benefited himself and hurt us."
Certain skin diseases, as psoriasis, pemphigus and occasionally chronic eczema, are much benefited by its use, though occasionally a too prolonged course will produce the very lesion for which under other circumstances it is a cure.
Through marriages, conquests and inheritance, the dukes of Burgundy had enormously increased their influence; while during the Hundred Years War they had benefited alternately by their criminal alliance with the English and by their self.
Industrial interests alone benefited, and imported more raw materials, chemicals, and coal and coke, which naturally influenced the exchanges adversely.
The fruit orchards and raspberry fields of Kent are also known to be greatly benefited by the numerous colonies of bees owned by more than 3000 bee-keepers in the county.
Chief Executive of learndirect Scotland has himself benefited from lifelong learning.
Whether the public at large benefited is very debatable.
Can the therapist share any examples of how clients have benefited from past life regression sessions?
As Great Salt Lake City grew all landholders benefited, either by the location of their property or because of its size, the smaller lots being closer to the business centre and the larger tracts being in the outlying districts.
In addition, their study on the current cultivation of transgenic corn in Spain shows that Spanish farmers have clearly benefited from the crop.
The out-patient chemotherapy service has benefited from an increase of staff and now has five F grade chemotherapy nurse practitioners.
Students who have benefited from interprofessional education should be spreading the word home schooling Added value?
Despite heroic efforts to keep the biotech bubble inflated [7 ], industry has not benefited on the whole.
Exeter ' s sports facilities are of a high standard and have benefited from multi-million pound investment with further development program under way.
However, the sign would have benefited from the application of a protective lacquer.
Here are some tips that many have benefited from... You don't have to feel loving to be loving.
Tour quot Michael have benefited from who's who of.
No, I have benefited by eating healthily, because I am now rid of my carbohydrate craving.
Our clients have also benefited from our PureFluid technology by bonding multiple ADSL Leased Lines together to deliver significantly increased upload speeds.
In the past 35 years, almost 6,500 people in Scotland have benefited from a trip in a chopper or mountain rescue stretcher.
Both batsman rode their luck and benefited from some sloppy fielding, Hume surviving the drop of the century in the gully.
The American Cancer Society is one of the charities that has benefited from Blinc, and they also support overseas organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Children International.
The auction benefited Furnish a Future, New York City's only free furniture bank, which was established in 1992.
All of the proceeds benefited Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition and its goal to improve care for critically ill children.
Maybe they have even helped you with a special project or benefited your life in some way.
L. Wilsoni is benefited by a lighter soil and by a warmer and more sheltered position.
Others have benefited from relaxation and mind control techniques.
Wigs have also benefited from technological advances.
When it comes to introducing fractions to stressed students, lessons will always be benefited by the supplementation of as much hands-on experience as possible.
Cohen's publicity stunt also benefited swimwear manufacturer Mondo Tees.
By contrast, women with small busts are greatly benefited by pleats because they give your bustline the illusion of a fuller, rounded appearance.
The revolutionary invention of the first commercial corn popper in 1885 has resulted a streaming line of fascinating products that have benefited families and businesses globally.
Although the album is a compilation of numerous artists of the era, arguably no one's career benefited more from its release than the Bee Gees, whose appeal had begun to lag.
The latter benefited the emergent middling tenantry more than they did the rural and urban poor.
The massive Labor victory declared on 26 July 1945 effectively spelled ruin for all parties which had benefited from the electoral truce.
Twenty hitherto unlisted or inadequately listed collections have benefited from detailed cataloging by professional archivists.
Participating GPs found the scheme substantially benefited patients and reduced GP workload.
The humphead wrasse, that can fetch up to $ 130 per kilo in the live reef fish trade, has also benefited.
In 1825 the extinction of the family ruling Saxe-Gotha made a rearrangement of the Saxon duchies necessary, and SaxeMeiningen benefited greatly by the settlement of 1826, its area being more than doubled by the receipt of 530 sq.
Much dissatisfaction was felt because the larger towns where competition had been most keen were unduly benefited to the neglect of smaller towns where the business was comparatively less profitable, but it must be remembered that the telegraph lines followed the railways and that many towns were not served owing to their opposition to the railways.
Very little is thus known about whether weedy relatives have benefited from the acquisition of crop genes.
No one knows the luxurious end of the real estate market like Donald Trump, and few have benefited from that market to the extent he has.
Her run as hostess of The Ricki Lake Show provided her with ample exposure to rowdy individuals who could have benefited from some fine-tuning.
Experimental pathology has benefited by the use of antiseptic surgery in operations upon animals, and by the adoption of exact methods of recording; while the employment of solid culture media in bacteriology - the product of Koch's fertile genius - is responsible for a great part of the extraordinary development which has taken place in this department of pathological research.
Both of them are clearly focused on how the applicant benefited his previous employers, which the right approach to take when applying for a job with a new company.
Vigee-Lebrun, Marie-Anne Elisabeth (1755-1842), French painter, was born in Paris, the daughter of a painter, from whom she received her first instruction, though she benefited more by the advice of Doyen, Greuze, Joseph Vernet and other masters of the period.
The still more highly nitrogenous leguminous crops, although not characteristically benefited by nitrogenous manures, nevertheless contribute much more nitrogen to the total produce of the rotation than any of the other crops comprised in it.
As the New Town expanded, the Heriot Trust - whose revenues were greatly benefited thereby - erected day-schools in different districts, in which thousands of infants and older children received a free education, and, in 1 James Gillespie (1726-1797) was a tobacco and snuff manufacturer, and when he set up his carriage Henry Erskine suggested as a motto the homely couplet " Wha wad hae thocht it, That noses wad bocht it?
Additionally, your relationships may be benefited by this condition.
With Avatar being lauded by many for the stunning visual impact the film creates with lush world's and lifelike humanoids, the 3D aesthetic of the film benefited from the technology advancements it necessitated.
These spots benefited from mild winter climates (except for Fort Collins and for Kalispell), good job prospects, low living costs (except for Laguna Beach and Scottsdale) and splendid outdoor recreation endowments.
The ten-year study questioned whether delaying childhood vaccines benefited children or not.