Benefit Sentence Examples
If you think you'd benefit, you probably will.
I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she made it all the way to the river.
One benefit of carpooling is bypassing the traffic by using the carpool lane.
And then everyone can benefit, equally and perpetually, from everyone else's knowledge.
He agreed with Mr. Anagnos that it was my duty to give others the benefit of my experience.
My little brother, Phillips, is not well, and we think the clear mountain air will benefit him.
Maybe he was making something up for their benefit.
Our aim is to devise tax credits, refunds, and abatements in order to benefit these non-profit organizations.
Once a benefit is established, it creates a constituency fiercely dedicated to defending it.
I have the benefit of historical hindsight.
AdvertisementIt taught men to be wise and good and for their own benefit to follow the example and instruction of the best and wisest men.
The Defensor pacis, as its name implies, is a work intended to restore peace, as the most indispensable benefit of human society.
Most departments have the benefit of European advisers.
In 1858 a subscription was opened for his benefit.
Sandwich, who had taken some prizes, unlawfully seized part of their cargoes for the benefit of himself and the other flag officers.
AdvertisementThe EC's website describes gatS as " first and foremost an instrument for the benefit of business.
His physician recommended a sojourn in Italy, for the benefit of his health, and Weber and Sartorius von Waltershausen obtained from the government leave of absence and means to defray the cost of the journey.
There was no confiscation of lands for the benefit of intrusive Danish settlers.
Peace will benefit the solar system, and your neighbors will be happy.
Could only benefit is the largest dollar double aces.
AdvertisementHow can you benefit from Google's new ranking algorithm?
A key benefit delivered by Revision 8 is the support of Application Packs.
Even younger diabetics who use insulin can benefit from regular exercise.
Benefit pension of the ohio state trailer hitch cover month had less than.
You may use your intellectual talents to benefit humankind some way.
AdvertisementAt present, 2.7 million people are eligible to claim incapacity Benefit at a cost of £ 7 billion.
For the active person, finding health-conscious a restaurant is a great benefit since eating heavy, fatty foods can make it difficult for your body to handle strenuous activity.
To date, nothing Evelyn had done was for anyone else's benefit but Evelyn's, a realization she'd come to when she'd stopped crying a few days ago.
While the persevering policy of the Capets, which aimed at reuniting the great fiefs, duchies, countships, baronies, &c., to the domain of the crown, gradually reconstructed for their benefit a territorial sovereignty over France, the institution of the appanage periodically subtracted large portions from it.
Thus the general taille, raised for the benefit of the king, became more and more frequent, and naturally tended to become permanent.
Elaborate rules are accordingly drawn up to secure the maximum of benefit, and the minimum of inconvenience, from this sacred fire; and in the application of these rules does savage casuistry consist.
The usual coronation gifts he devoted to the benefit of the Honved invalids who had fought in the War of Independence.
The educated man who has acquired new experiences, new knowledge, can place these on the great Record for the benefit of future generations of men, but he cannot bodily transmit his acquirements to his offspring.
In 1810, after the peace of Vienna (Schonbrunn), the grand-duchy of Frankfort was created for his benefit out of his territories, which, in spite of the cession of Regensburg to Bavaria, were greatly augmented.
His favour at court had naturally exasperated his enemies; it had not secured him any real friends, and even a gentlemanship of the chamber was no solid benefit, except from the morey point of view.
Judas is conceived as cherishing the intention of discussing for the benefit of the Christian world (for no mere local church is addressed) the subject of " our common salvation " (the much desiderated authoritative definition of the orthodox faith), but diverted from this purpose by the growth of heresy.
In May 1584 Bowes, the English ambassador to Holyrood, had endeavoured to procure them for Elizabeth, "for the secrecy and benefit of the cause."
Yet it may be thought that the usual instinct of the " diggingwasps " to capture and store up food in an underground burrow for the benefit of offspring which they will never see is even more surprising.
In New York the direct property tax is levied by and for the benefit of localities.
This erroneous estimate was formed when he had seen the Descriptio but had not read it; and his opinion was very different when he became acquainted with the nature of logarithms. The dedication of his Ephemeris for 1620 consists of a letter to Napier dated the 28th of July 1619, and he there congratulates him warmly on his invention and on the benefit he has conferred upon astronomy generally and upon Kepler's own Rudolphine tables.
On the 14th of December 1857, Morrill introduced in the house a bill "donating public lands to the several states and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts."
Like all directors ' powers, granting a service contract must be done bona fide for the benefit of the company.
The principle of minimum passes where ever possible is of major benefit in avoiding compaction.
One benefit is making people appreciate the complexity of interacting systems.
Island residents also benefit from some modest fare concessions.
Shakespeare Bivvy - Double skin construction from 1000mm PU coated nylon taffeta offers total waterproof protection with the added benefit of minimal condensation.
On the whole we see that subscribers in smaller cities benefit more from the new technology than the larger conglomerations.
In addition, visitors to Lundy benefit greatly from the maintenance carried out by these dedicated conservationists.
The real benefit of the scheme was the PAYE and NI saving as employe contributions were deducted from salary before tax.
The local co-op was set up in 1872 for the benefit of workers on the Enfield arms manufacturing site.
Potentially millions of people around the world could benefit from new research by a Lancaster University academic to develop an artificial cornea.
The result is more meaningful upgrades that are of real benefit to the consumer rather than a purely cosmetic change.
Upstairs there are three spacious bedrooms, all benefit from glorious views of the rolling countryside.
Many small businesses will be among the unsecured creditors who will benefit.
A second benefit is that a cross-hair cursor fully extends into the margins.
The consequent decrease in the cost of producing electricity, reduced specific fuel consumption and reduced environmental pollution promises great benefit to the community.
Maximum benefit is 100% of the eligible rent (less any non-dependent deductions ).
The tribunal decided that the fact that the claimant never received the benefit of Monday bank holidays did constitute a detriment.
She was treated with high dose oral steroids, low molecular weight dextran and vasodilators with benefit.
The problem Whilst these systems remain disparate, none can benefit from the take up of the others.
The system had to be compromised for the spectator's benefit in ad hoc ways, for example, to minimize perspective distortion.
The potential clinical benefit of this new doublet in the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma warrants testing in future phase III studies.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
Single garage The property has the benefit of a single garage attached to the adjoining property.
The Dining Area has the benefit of patio doors overlooking the rear garden, dining table with 4 chairs.
Cereals containing gluten are included for the benefit of people with coeliac disease.
Review 2 12 June 1997 Mathew Parker Benefit There have been some rum goings on in the Leopard recently.
Roman citizenship had been of considerable benefit to Paul to enable him better to spread the gospel.
It is my hope that I become more gracious even under the greatest stress for everyone's benefit.
Even with her passenger's walking difficulties this was no reason to desecrate two graves simply for their own benefit.
Both beginners and old hands in the Craft who need strength and comfort will benefit from this practical guidebook.
In which 4 new premises types is a loop induction, or infra-red system, required for the benefit of people with impaired hearing?
Those remanded in custody awaiting trial or required to live in a bail hostel are entitled to housing benefit for up to 52 weeks.
Therefore, the clinical benefit of donepezil hydrochloride should be reassessed on a regular basis.
The Thai government's national ID card will contain biometric identification, as well as insurance, tax and welfare benefit information.
The benefit that hosting the games has is almost immeasurable.
To claim for this benefit you must be totally incapacitated.
Does anyone know the regulations about how many hours you may work if you are receiving incapacity Benefit?
The visions are not for John's personal benefit, but for transmission to the church at large, i.
Thus for the benefit of Madame de Lamballe the queen revived the superfluous and expensive office of superintendent of her household, which led constant disagreements and jealousies among her ladies and offended many important families.
He dwelt upon the illumination of the mind and soul by direct communion with the Creative Spirit; upon the spiritual and poetic monitions of external nature; and upon the benefit to man of a serene mood and a simple way of life.
He settled in Philadelphia as a lawyer, and in February 1780 he published in Philadelphia a series of essays on finance, in which he criticized the issue of legal-tenders, denounced laws passed for the benefit of the debtor class, and urged the people to tax themselves for the common good.
Logic he regarded as a practical art, and his Esercizioni logici has the further title, Art of deriving benefit from ill-constructed books.
He believes the United States to be a unified republic, a sovereign nation; and not a federation of independent states united only for mutual benefit and protection.
In numerous speeches and addresses he expressed his belief in a strong colonial government, but a government administered for the benefit of the people under its control and not for the profit of the people at home.
Upon the death of either husband or wife the exemption may be continued for the benefit of the surviving spouse, and upon the death of both husband and wife the exemption may be continued until the youngest child is of age.
During the last few years of his life Lord Selborne engaged in the composition, for the benefit of his children, of memorials of his own life and of the lives of many members of his family.
Among its chief events may be mentioned the endowment of the university of Constantinople (425), the conciliatory council of Ephesus (434) and the publication of the Codex Theodosianus (438), a collection of imperial constitutions for the benefit of public officials, which is our chief source of information about the government of the empire in the 5th century.
While the rainfall is always below the normal amount for humid regions, by far the greater part of it occurs in the spring and summer, and growing crops receive the full benefit.
Insurance is another important business, for here are the headquarters of the Prudential, the Mutual Benefit Life and the American Fire, the Firemen's and the Newark Fire Insurance companies.
But provinces are not conquered by manifestoes, and Casimir's acceptance of the homage of the Prussian League at once involved him in a war with the desperate Teutonic Knights, which lasted twelve years, but might easily have been concluded in a twelvemonth had he only been loyally supported by his own subjects, for whose benefit he had embarked upon this great enterprise.
The ignorance of the people of the north made it very difficult for Methodism to benefit from these manifestations, until the advent of the Rev. Thomas Charles (1755-1814), who, having spent five years in Somersetshire as curate of several parishes, returned to his native land to marry Sarah Jones of Bala.
In 1829 Mrs Frances Trollope established in Cincinnati, where she lived for a part of two years, a "Bazar," which as the principal means of carrying out her plan to benefit the town was entirely unsuccessful; a vivid but scarcely unbiassed picture of Cincinnati in the early thirties is to be found in her Domestic Manners of the Americans (1831).
In protest, the Georgia House of Representatives, holding that the United States Supreme Court had no constitutional power to try suits against a sovereign state, resolved that any Federal marshal who should attempt to execute the court's decision would be " guilty of felony, and shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy, by being hanged."
The taste for cultivation of the class of plants, of which the foregoing list embraces some of the more prominent members, is on the increase, and gardens will benefit by its extension.
Had the natives of Egypt been asked to choose between the preservation of Ptolemy's famed temple and the benefit to be derived from a considerable additional depth of water storage, there can be no question that they would have preferred the latter; but they were not consulted, and the classical sentiment and artistic beauty of the place, skilfully pleaded by archaeologists and artists, prevailed.
The poet however cleared by his benefit nights, and by the sale of the copyright of his tragedy, about three hundred pounds, then a great sum in his estimation.
In the Senate he was chairman of the committee on Indian affairs, and gave much attention to the enactment of laws for the benefit of the Indians.
Sir Thomas Maitland was not slow to exercise the control thus permitted him, though on the whole he did so for the benefit of the islands.
He welcomed both the bill establishing a Ministry of Health and that establishing a Ministry of Transport; but he warned the House of Commons not to expect cheaper passenger fares and freight charges; the railwaymen would not allow themselves to be sweated for the benefit of the travelling public. But, once again, his real activity was outside.
His personal tastes, apart from his activities as a Maecenas, being economical, he endeavoured also to limit public expenditure, in a way which was not always a benefit to the country.
There is hardly another example in the annals of legislative efforts equal to this, in respect of the real benefit conferred by it both on the general public and on the manufacturers themselves.
The sensation produced by the tragedy of the expedition was profound and a large fund was subscribed for the benefit of the relatives of the dead explorers and for the promotion of polar research.
Another gorgeous girlie who reaps the benefit of David's lengthy ream nozzle pounding away in her spectacular rear end is juicy Janna.
This may mean no long-term incapacity Benefit Age Addition is payable.
Buying this pan for a dollar basically gets you a $2,000 benefit.
So whether you are rich or poor in the future, you will own this pan and get this benefit.
When the ring of St Zanobius and the blood of Cape Verde turtles gave him no relief from his last illness, he showered gifts upon his patron saints, secured for his own benefit the masses of his clergy, and the most potent prayers in Christendom, those of the two most effective saints of his day, Bernardin of Doulins and Francis of Paolo.
At that time the three universities were founded at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay; English-teaching schools were established in every district; the benefit of grants-in-aid was extended to the lower vernacular institutions and to girls' schools; and public instruction was erected into a department of the administration in every province, under a director, with a staff of inspectors.
John Dollond, to whom the Copley medal of the Royal Society had been the first inventor of the achromatic telescope; but it was ruled by Lord Mansfield that" it was not the person who locked his invention in his scrutoire that ought to profit for such invention, but he who brought it forth for the benefit of mankind."3 In 1747 Leonhard Euler communicated to the Berlin Academy of Sciences a memoir in which he endeavoured to prove the possibility of correcting both the chromatic and.
The public was exploited for many years with impunity for the benefit of private interests.
Terminating as it usually does with the feeding and feeing of a greater or less number of Brahmans and the feasting of members of the performers' own caste, the Sraddha, especially its first performance, is often a matter of very considerable expense; and more than ordinary benefit to the deceased is supposed to accrue from it when it takes place at a spot of recognized sanctity, such as one of the great places of pilgrimage like Prayaga (Allahabad, where the three sacred rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati, meet), Mathura, and especially Gaya and Kasi (Benares).
It is not sufficient "that an expenditure should have been made to benefit both cargo owner and shipowner."' Thus expenses incurred after ship and cargo are in safety, say at a port of refuge, are not generally, by English law, to be treated as G.A.; although the putting into port may have refuge ex- been for safety, and therefore a G.A.
Where a quare impedit is pending before any court, the court may compel the patron to take an oath that there is no secret trust for the benefit of a Roman Catholic.
He was also rector of Otmore (or Otmoor), near Oxford, a living which involved him in a trying but successful litigation, whereof later incumbents reaped the benefit.
The North was outstripping the South in population and wealth, and already by the tariff acts was, as he believed, selfishly levying taxes for its sole benefit.
Landgrants amounting in 1907 to 1,343,080 acres had also been made for the benefit of various educational, charitable and correctional institutions, and for irrigation purposes.
To understand the genesis of human morality we must study the ways of sociable animals such as horses and monkeys, which give each other assistance in trouble, feel mutual affection and sympathy, and experience pleasure in doing actions that benefit the society to which they belong.
First came those great powers which benefit mankind (comparing the worship of the Nile), and after these the deified men who have rendered services to humanity.
The weeders, faces to the wind, move slowly on hands and knees, and should remove every vestige of weed in order that the flax plants may receive the full benefit of the land.
The Talmud outlived the reactionary tendencies of the Qaraites (q.v.) and of the Kabbalah, and fortunately, since these movements, important though they undoubtedly were for the evolution of thought, had not within them the power to be of lasting benefit to the rank and file of the community.
Demetrius offered many bribes to the Maccabees to obtain Jewish support against his rival, including the revenues of Ptolemais for the benefit of the Temple, but in vain.
Some seeds were obtained from China; but they proved to be of small importance, as it was clearly ascertained by the members of the Assam deputation that both the black and the green tea plants were indigenous here, and might be multiplied to any extent; another result of the Chinese mission, that of procuring persons skilled in the cultivation and manufacture of black tea, was of more material benefit.
The Spaniards recovered possession in 1732, but found the maintenance of the place a burden rather than a benefit, the neighbouring tribes having ceased to deal with the Christians.
In St Andrews he taught "John's Gospel" and a certain catechism - probably that which Wishart had got from "Helvetia" and translated; but his teaching was supposed to be private and tutorial and for the benefit of his friends' "bairns."
A more questionable benefit was her rapid elevation to the rank of an imperial power, an elevation which imposed the duty of remaining a military monarchy, armed cap-d-pie for every possible emergency.
The council has the duty of deciding the purpose for which the property is to be used "in connexion with and for the benefit of the Church of England."
He tried to supply this by giving raw meat and glycerine extract of meat, but although he seemed to get some benefit from the treatment, it was not sufficiently marked to attract general attention.
While this treament by itself would aid recovery from nervous exhaustion, it would lessen appetite and thus interfere with nervous repair; but the want of exertion is supplied by means of massage, which stimulates the circulation and increases the appetite, so that the patient gets all the benefit of exercise without any exhaustion.
In bringing the matter before the Cape parliament in March 1859 Grey stated that in his opinion it would confer a lasting benefit upon Great Britain and upon the inhabitants of South Africa if it could succeed in devising a form of federal union.
They could not keep back the waves of the new civilization, they feared being swamped, and they sought vainly to maintain intact their old organization while reaping the financial benefit resulting from the working of the gold mines.
Rhodes, who had large interests in the Rand mines, had consistently endeavoured to conciliate the extreme Boer section in the Transvaal and win it over (as had happened in the case of the Cape Dutch) to a policy which should benefit the whole of South Africa.
It would be no selfish demand, as other Uitlanders besides those of British birth would benefit by it.
The island was excluded from the benefit of the Navigation Laws, and in 1666 the importation of cattle and horses into England was forbidden.
All he does is right, all his opinions are true; he alone is free, rich, beautiful, skilled to govern, capable of giving or receiving a benefit.
In addition to its direct foreign commerce Portugal derives much benefit from its share in the trade between South America and Europe.
For an account of the Monte Pio Geral, which is a combined bank, pawnbroking establishment and benefit society, see Pawnbroking; the deposits in the Monte Pio and the State Savings Bank amounted in 1910 to some £5,228,000.
Systematic debasement of the coinage was practised both in India, where the monetary system was extremely complex, 2 and in Portugal; and owing to the bullionist policy adopted by Portuguese financiers little permanent benefit accrued to the mother country from its immense trade.
They state that the colleges were provided to repair the ravages caused by the Black Deaths in the ranks of the clergy, and for the benefit of those whose parents could not without help maintain them at the universities, and the names of the boys appointed by Wykeham and in his time show that "poor and indigent" meant the younger sons of the gentry, and the sons of yeomen, citizens of Winchester or London, and the middle classes generally, who needed the help of exhibitions.
Army of interposing between Ivanov and Bulgaria led to a regrouping of the Serbian forces for the benefit of this army, which, pursuing its advantage, drove back its opponents towards the line of mountains in the upper Bregalnitsa bend (Obozna-1340-Grlena).
The reasons leading to the great undertaking, in which Eusebius had no predecessors, were in part historical, in part apologetic. He believed that he was living at the beginning of a new age, and he felt that it was a fitting time, when the old order of things was passing away, to put on record for the benefit of posterity the great events which had occurred during the generations that were past.
Salts of silver are most useful as an injection in subacute and chronic gonorrhoea, either the nitrate (I to 5% solution) being employed, or protargol, which is a proteid compound containing 8% of silver nitrate, is used in 1% solution; they also benefit in leucorrhoea.
On the other hand, every deliberate action based on an avowedly altruistic principle necessarily has a reference to the agent; if it is right that A should do a certain action for the benefit of B, then it tends to the moral self-realization of A that he should do it.
The exemption inures to the benefit of the widow and family of the householder until the youngest child becomes twenty-one years of age.
Sir George Carteret had bequeathed his province to eight trustees, who were to administer it for the benefit of his creditors, and for the next two years the government was conducted in the name of his widow and executrix, Lady Elizabeth.
In 1809, after his defeat by Sir John Moore, he invadedPortugal and took Oporto, but, busying himself with the political settlement of his conquests in the French interests and, as he hoped, for his own ultimate benefit as a possible candidate for the throne, he neglected to advance upon Lisbon, and was eventually dislodged from Oporto by Sir Arthur Wellesley, making a painful and almost disastrous retreat over the mountains.
One important point of difference is that under the latter act the council may resolve that the expenses shall be apportioned among the owners not merely according to frontage, but according to the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from the works.
With his fierce hatred of what he recognized as injustice, it was impossible that he should not feel exasperated at the gross misgovernment of Ireland for the supposed benefit of England, the systematic exclusion of Irishmen from places of honour and profit, the spoliation of the country by absentee landlords, the deliberate discouragement of Irish trade and manufactures.
His earliest work, entitled Reloj de principes, published at Valladolid in 1529, and, according to its author, the fruit of eleven years' labour, is a didactic novel, designed, after the manner of Xenophon's Cyropaedia, to delineate, in a somewhat ideal way for the benefit of modern sovereigns, the life and character of an ancient prince, Marcus Aurelius, distinguished for wisdom and virtue.
In addition, we have to notice certain taxes which up to 1910 - II were levied by the British government and distributed to the local authorities, just as in France the government levies certain direct taxes, or centimes additionnelles, added to its own direct taxes for the benefit of the local authorities.
The community thereby suffers, but the land and fixed capital remain, and when the high government expenditure ceases individuals at once have the benefit, subject to possible disturbance at the moment of transition, when many persons employed by the state return to private employment.
By the Court of Probate Act 1857 the college was empowered to sell its real and personal estate and to surrender its charter, and it was enacted that on such surrender the college should be dissolved and the property thereof belong to the then existing members as tenants in common for their own use and benefit.
The law of emancipation, although passed with the best of motives, did not to any great extent benefit the peasantry.
A scion of the rival Cantacuzenian family was elected by the pasha's orders, and he, after exhausting the principality for the benefit of the Divan, was in turn deposed and executed in 1716.
In this case, benefit was repayed by benefit, for Athanasius during his episcopate had been a zealous promoter of asceticism and monachism.
He soon proved that he had the ability and the integrity of purpose to use his great opportunity for the benefit of his country.
In 1792 Moravian missions had been established for the benefit of the Hottentots, 2 and in 1799 the London Missionary Society began work among both Hottentots and Kaffirs.
Thus the benefit to the fisheries and to the riparian owners generally is beyond all question; but the cost to the water authority of conferring that benefit is also very great - commonly (according to the proportion of the natural flow intended to be rendered uniform) 20 to 35% of ' The volume of compensation water is usually fixed as a given fraction of the so-called " available supply " (which by a convention that has served its purpose well, is understood to be the average flow of the stream during the three consecutive driest years).
The object of the Samaj is to benefit the world by improving its physical, social, intellectual and moral conditions.
Taking Pomponius Atticus as his political model, he was persuaded that a man, a lawyer and a judge could best serve his country and benefit his countrymen by holding aloof from partisanship and its violent prejudices, which are so apt to distort and confuse the judgment.
The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .
There are other sections for the benefit of the commons in general, such.
Yet there was still a large export of wool to Flanders, and the long pack-trains of the Cotswold flockmastcrs still wound eastward to the sea for the benefit of the merchants of the staple and the continental manufacturer.
The monasteries did not benefit and in T Si 1538-1539 the greater were involved in the fate which Articles.
The resistance of America to the taxation imposed was therefore not without benefit to the people of the mother country.
But the institution which derived most immediate benefit from the new sovereign was the old Whig ministry.
In the same session they were forced against their will to adopt a reform, which had been recommended by Rowland Hill, and to confer on the nation the benefit of a uniform penny postage.
He gave the institutions, which had been thus established, the full benefit of the assistance which the government was prepared to afford to board schools, on their adopting a conscience clause under which the religious susceptibilities of the parents of children were protected.
It was written by the author for the benefit of his son Eustathius (or Eustachius), and contains a great variety of curious historical, mythological, critical and grammatical disquisitions.
For forage purposes it is best to cut early, before the leaves and haulms have been exhausted of their supplies to benefit the grain.
The sparsely populated country afforded a welcome to the fugitive Waldenses, who did something to restore it to prosperity, but this benefit was partly neutralized by the extravagance of the duke, anxious to provide for the expensive tastes of his mistress, Christiana Wilhelmina von Gravenitz.
The very institutions of the Solovets monastery, intended by St Tryphon for the benefit of the poor neglected pagans, turned out the occasion of much injustice towards them.
He was cruel to his enemies no doubt, but he never forgot a benefit.
Finally in the exposition of Christian Justice the Stoic doctrine of the natural union of all human interests is elevated to the full height and intensity of evangelical philanthropy; the brethren are reminded that the earth was made by God a common possession of all, and are bidden to administer their means for the common benefit; Ambrose, we should observe, is thoroughly aware of the fundamental union of these different virtues in Christianity, though he does Cicero's works are unimportant in the history of ancient ethics, as their philosophical matter was entirely borrowed from Greek treatises now lost; but the influence exercised by them (especially by the De officiis) over medieval and even modern readers was very considerable.
Here a more complex phenomenon presents itself for analysis; we have to distinguish in the sense of merit - (1) a direct sympathy with the sentiments of the agent, and (2) an indirect sympathy with the gratitude of those who receive the benefit of his actions.
At an early date, as a foreign town began to spring up, the necessity of having some authority to lay out and pave streets, to build drains, &c., for the common benefit, became evident, and as the Chinese authorities shirked the work and the expense, the foreigners resolved to tax themselves voluntarily, and appointed a committee of works to see the money properly laid out.
This canon was adopted and explained by an English statute of 1276; and bigamy, therefore, became a usual counterplea to the claim of benefit of clergy.
However, by an act of 1547 every person entitled to the benefit of clergy is to be allowed the same, "although he hath been divers times married to any single woman or single women, or to any widow or widows, or to two wives or more."
Under the Marine Works Act 1902, which was intended to benefit and develop industries where the people were suffering from congestion, about £34,000 was expended upon the construction and improvement of fishery harbours in such districts.
A revenue of L30,000 was settled on the king, in consideration of which Ireland was in 166 3 excluded from the benefit of the Navigation Act, and her nascent shipping interest ruined.
The government passed a bill giving leaseholders the benefit of the act of 1881, and prescribing a temporary reduction upon judicial rents already fixed.
Gundulph, his father, was by birth a Lombard, and seems to have been a man of harsh and violent temper; his mother, Ermenberga, was a prudent and virtuous woman, from whose careful religious training the young Anselm derived much benefit.
Thus the Merovirigians had shown themselves incapable of rising above the barbarous notion that royalty is a personal asset to the idea that royalty is of the state, a power belonging to the nation and instituted for the benefit of all.
His subjects remained faithful to him for a good while, as he put an end to the Norman invasions which had desolated the kingdom for two centuries, and cowed those barbarians, much to the benefit of France.
But Philip in his turn nearly allowed himself to be led into an attempt at annexing England, and so reversing for his own benefit the work of the Angevins (1213); but, happily for the future of the dynasty, Pope Innocent UI.
France had not escaped any of these conflicts; but Philip the Fair was the initiator or the instrument (it is difficult to say which) who was to put an end to both imperial and theocratic dreams, and to the international crusades; who was to remove the political axis from the centre of Europe, mueh to the benefit of the western monarchies, now definitely emancipated from the feudal yoke and firmly organized against both the Church and the barons.
The disinterested peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (October 1748) had no effectual result other than that of destroying in Germany, and for the benefit of Prussia, a balance of power that had yet to be secured in Italy, despite the establishment of the Spanish prince Philip at Parma.
A condottiere of the Renaissance living in the I9th century, he used France, and Napoleons all those nations annexed or attracted by the Revolu- political tion, to resuscitate the Roman conception of the idea, Empire for his own benefit.
Sagasta derived much benefit from the divisions which made democracy powerless; and he Was able to cope with Carlism chiefly because the efforts of the pretender himself abroad, and of his partisans in Spain, were first restrained and then decisively paralysed by the influence of foreign courts and governments, above all by the direct interference of the Vatican in favor of the Spanish regency and of the successor of Alphonso XII.
There are many equally beneficial societies, framed on different lines, existing in Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland, but they are mainly co-operative bodies instituted for the general benefit of members, who are without exception either bee-keepers on a more or less extensive scale, or scientists interested in the study of insect life.
It was her aim to benefit the working-classes in ways involving no loss of independence or self-respect.
It is not too much to say that they have often acted unselfishly for the benefit of the mother country and even humanity.
The occupation of Uganda certainly, and of the Nigerian territory and Rhodesia probably, will prove to have been rather for the benefit of posterity than of the companies which effected it.
This was a good example of one of Gordon's marked characteristics, that, though a man of strong personal feelings, he was always prepared to subdue them for the public benefit.
Owen, which name is restricted to the forms for which it was originally intended; Peromela, Urodela, Anura, are changed to Apoda, Caudata, Ecaudata, for the reason that (unless obviously misleading, which is not the case in the present instance) the first proposed name should supersede all others for higher groups as well as for genera and species, and the latter set have the benefit of the law of priority.
The homestead inures for the benefit of the widow and minor children.
This led to an international conference at Brussels in 1853, which produced the greatest benefit to navigation as well as indirectly to meteorology.
If he married her, wouldn't he benefit from any inheritance in the future?
So far, the only possibility benefit is Howie being the world's foremost expert on July, 1932 in West Virginia!
All she wants to do is utilize this present from the gods to the maximum benefit of mankind without interference and assault on her simple life.
After all, Jackson was a member of the law enforcement community and perhaps he would be amenable to letting us retain our anonymity, realizing the greater benefit to goals.
There's no benefit for anyone if Jule is killed.
She seemed like a solitary person, but he wondered if she'd benefit from meeting the Natural women in the organization.
She was too unsettled by the past two days to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Cynthia was sure the culprit was Fitzgerald himself, and while Dean didn't doubt the detested acting sheriff was capable, he couldn't picture anyone taking that much risk and going to that much trouble for the questionable benefit of embarrassing candidate Dean.
We'll all benefit by having things return to normal.
If anything, she owed him at least the benefit of the doubt.
It's for your benefit he did not.
Let's look for the person who would either benefit from Shipton's death or hated him strongly enough to cut his rope.
Jackson felt it poetic justice that their gala should benefit the organization that supplied blood to the masses.
Lori was odd-man-out, so she inherited the benefit of his manners.
Once again, she gave her benefactor the benefit of the doubt.
Yet Darkyn's words made too much sense. Gabe had told Rhyn enough about Death's double-talk for him to know the deity always seemed to shape things to benefit her.
Whatever game Xander played, it wouldn't benefit the Guardians.
Xander refused to say more, aware there was no benefit in opening old wounds, especially the kind that had driven the five Original beings a part – thereby leaving them vulnerable to the Watchers and Others – before the Schism.
Benefit cuts have already had dire consequences for large numbers of people with HIV.
The AA is proud to have the benefit of an active and participatory democracy.
It was an inevitable corollary that what should be a corporate benefit has just become a corporate exposure!
He gave an insightful presentation on how games can benefit business.
The benefit of the directive will be greater following the accession of 10 new Member States in May 2004.
Such contributions will be regarded as " relevant benefit accrual " which would invalidate enhanced protection.
For defined benefit accrual from April 2005 the ceiling is to reduce to 2.5% each year.
Studies have shown that improvements in classroom acoustics can directly benefit children's educational progress.
The authors believe that practicing acupuncture from a firm base in conventional medicine is likely to give the greatest benefit to patients.
As one senior housing administrator noted last week, life is too short to understand housing benefit (HB ).
The scheme was so adulterated that the additional financial benefit to British universities to enable them to compete worldwide will be minimal.
His experience and knowledge of the global aerospace and defense markets will be a major benefit to companies looking to expand their horizons.
The basic premise of a CSC is to develop partnerships with industrial affiliates and other government agencies to benefit human space flight.
You see people who know you well and who benefit from your gifts will repeatedly affirm you in them.
Here was a fine opportunity to ensure that the less affluent should benefit increasingly from its wealth.
Normal weed control measures (see aftercare) must also be used, or the benefit of the granules will be lost.
The research output is strategically aligned to the benefit of the region by stimulating and supporting knowledge and technology transfer.
Pilates will not only benefit muscle tone and strength but will also focus on breathing and postural alignment.
Use garlic tablets, as there is little benefit in taking garlic oil which does not contain allicin.
The payment for the care of adult dependants would then be a separate benefit, a development of the present invalid care allowance " .
The Premier Flute Choir has been fortunate enough to benefit from expanding the range of instruments to include an alto and bass flute.
Attempts to improve the water quality in the smaller ponds may benefit amphibians.
Not a step-by-step guide for beginners, but any intermediate to advanced martial artists would surly benefit from this book.
This benefit is not payable in respect of outpatient attendance, Maternity or Psychiatric Day Care.
Perhaps a slower growth rate and later fledging compared to other auks may benefit Puffin chicks.
You can derive benefit from an elective procedure, but it may be better to wait a while before having it done.
In most cases researchers will not need the added benefit of a stereo recording.
In order to gain the maximum benefit from these improvements, ICRA needs to update its own system.
For people on low incomes, housing benefit continues to cover the rent.
Some households are more likely than others to benefit from switching from a flat rate to a metered water billing.
The directors are subject to the general fiduciary duty to act bona fide for the benefit of the company as a whole.
We just couldn't make any significant headway despite having the benefit of a stiff breeze behind our backs.
All decks will benefit from regular brushing with a good stiff broom on a frequent basis throughout the year.
This makes the unit bulky for no added benefit to the consumer.
A randomized double-blind trial of nasal calcitonin reported no significant clinical benefit from 400iu daily (42 ).
Car Parking at Frenchgate Shoppers also now benefit from an extra 900 car parking at Frenchgate Shoppers also now benefit from an extra 900 car parking spaces in the new multi-storey car park.
Both colors benefit from some time spent in wooden casks, not surprisingly these come from France.
The diagnosis may produce a psychological catharsis which may benefit the afflicted in relation to the real fear of witchcraft.
Offering the benefit of having no upward chain, the property is worthy of an early internal viewing.
Higher efficiencies also cheapen electricity charges and benefit the environment.
This is in place and allows members of the public to provide information that will help benefit officers catch cheats.
A study published a few years ago clearly showed a benefit to dialysis patients who took chitosan.
This product offers the benefit of requiring no maintenance, due to the use of hot-dip galvanized steel cladding that has.. .
This product offers the benefit of requiring no maintenance, due to the use of electro-galvanised steel cladding that has been.. .
The Northern Way Business Plan for instance sets aside £ 12 million for programs focused on getting incapacity benefit claimants back into work.
Normally this is the benefit claimant or the person to whom the benefit is paid.
Also it allows to benefit from recent observations whose time record is too short to derive a climatology.
He also colluded in benefit fraud by allowing employees time to sign on as unemployed.
This clean, nearly colorless, concentrated aqueous solution will benefit all of your plants.
I was always reluctant to do so incase I jeopardized my own benefit.
Both bogs and fens can benefit from carefully targeted and designed agri-environment incentives.
Whether the outcomes of their actions are to the benefit of the majority becomes almost inconsequential.
With a new intake of students each year, such courses benefit from the previous incumbents ' efforts.
The Act also removes limited price indexation from defined contribution benefit rights accrued post April 1997.
Also financial inducements to the personal benefit of the officer are illegal.
It seems inequitable that a losing party should benefit in this way and that the Court Service should be unable to recover the money.
Such incidental benefit seems to be almost inescapable with non-charitable organizations receiving this service.
Patients who have had a myocardial infarct will benefit most from a reduction in coronary heart disease risk factors.
The effect will make disabled people feel more fearful of an increasingly inflexible benefit system.
Danger Areas The ease of communication e-mail offers is its main benefit but this can also be dangerous as it encourages informality.
Discover how far infrared therapy can benefit your health today.
Payment to the Insured by the insurer for an insured by the insurer for an insured benefit shall be a valid discharge of the Insurer's liability.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
A benefit who companies see James j. Source of care incidence and provisions expenditures were partitioned.
However, I feel we might benefit from a rather jaundiced look at them.
Many people with diabetes can benefit from measuring blood ketones as part of their overall diabetes management program.
Guidance is that we should only notify the landlord of the new amount of Housing Benefit and who it is paid to.
A typical parish would benefit from generous endowments, most notably from its wealthiest local landowner, the occupant of the Manor House.
Wet flushes, shallow ditches and small scrapes also benefit lapwing by providing additional sources of invertebrate food.
Bacterial activity Many bacterial species colonize the large intestine and form a symbiotic relationship with man each deriving some benefit from the other.
With the benefit of hindsight, we can indeed debate whether the levels agreed were too strict or too lax.
The benefit is a dramatic reduction in spectral leakage, enabling any measure of zero padding to be used.
The latter two changes counter arrangements to transfer the benefit of unused allowances to a finance lessor.
It is maintained for the benefit of the library community, in particular, acquisitions, collection development and serials librarians.
Back to top Grazing Grazing by domestic livestock can benefit heathland in a number of ways.
Here in Dorset we are extremely lucky to benefit from an annual Capital Grants Program for Village Halls.
It could only be for some totally different purpose, such as spousal maintenance of whoever receives Child Benefit.
The opportunity for Mexican farmers and society to benefit from biotech maize has been unnecessarily delayed.
Some may even have the benefit of an unusual design, or contain some fine inlaid marquetry.
Another key benefit of external verification would be assessing the materiality of the report.
If an employe is ill during her unpaid maternity leave she may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay or state Incapacity Benefit.
If people only memorize or just read texts, they receive no benefit from them.
The question of water meters Would your business benefit from installing a water meter?
Now, we'd decided that the key metric was how much sooner would we be able to capture the benefit.
This also has the benefit of storing performance metrics of different tools separately, without conflict.
Two previous studies, which used metronidazole in short courses later in pregnancy showed no significant benefit from treatment.
Women with chronic migraines often benefit greatly from the help of a skilled feminist therapist.
Is this practice of chelating minerals really to our benefit or a dangerous act of ignorance?
In this way people can be encouraged to think for themselves and benefit from the preaching ministry.
For example, chaotic pregnant misusers may benefit from inpatient assessment, stabilization and detoxification where appropriate.
This is the community associated with high production agricultural grassland and usually forms a short-term monoculture and is of little benefit to wildlife.
Overall benefit is only achieved when perioperative morbidity and mortality is less than 3% .
This is done by applying a standard multiplier to the increased value of the eventual pension benefit.
Like the Hollywood ' do n't muss the make-up dahling ' greeting that celebrities exchange for the benefit of the photographers.
And obviously mutual receptions bring most benefit because then both parties gain from each other's strength.
An additional benefit was that the light weight permitted a higher muzzle velocity, reducing the time of flight.
An example might be an exceptionally severely disabled neonate who would derive no benefit from her continued existence.
The dried nettles may well benefit from being left for a while in a mixture of cream and nettle water.
As far as I know they're considering adding noisemakers to them, for the benefit of pedestrians.
Some benefit may also be found from consulting a nutritionist.
Whether to press a quot benefit spread of a officials tournament organizer.
Any person with a foot problem will benefit from wearing orthotics.
As a ufirst customer your increased overdraft will benefit from preferential rates.
The Strategy Unit in its report Private Action, Public Benefit recommended a substantial overhaul of the old law.
Paying back overpaid housing benefit We may ask either you or the person who received the payments to pay back the overpayment.
Many patients will benefit from being given supplemental oxygen.
The Pyramid DPA tasted like cream-coloured flannel pajamas with the feet in -- and with the added benefit of a fuzzy striped tail.
At best, 'after the event ' redistribution through benefit policy, for example, offers palliatives rather than cures.
The efforts to sequence the papaya genome and deregulate the transgenic papaya will benefit Hawaii in a number of other practical ways.
To change the payee for Child Care Benefit you should ring the Child Benefit Center on 0845 202 1444.
The main payee is the person who is awarded the benefit.
They can develop an inclusion plan and inclusive pedagogy that would benefit all children and the school system on the whole " .
We discuss how this has left consultants as serial fad peddlers, perhaps with more influence but delivering dubious genuine benefit.
For most countries the main benefit for pensioners is the contributory social security pension.
A poor network performance will not allow you to gain the full benefit of your ICT development.
Some cooking herbs even have properties that repel common insect pests and garden diseases, which is an added benefit to your vegetables.
These results confirm the benefit of long-term pharmacotherapy for treating depressive illness "
Eyes of high-risk characterisitics benefit from panretinal laser photocoagulation.
Benefit Ability to quickly pinpoint which customers are ready to buy.
In addition, they will show the employer how to avoid common legal pitfalls where employe benefit schemes are offered.
But children do not benefit from strangers speaking from the depths of a posting box or a molded plastic ' early learning table ' .
The Hazelwood also has the benefit of its own car park - a major plus in the middle of an historic city.
We should not find so many places in this way as we could if we allowed these sectors to employ people on benefit plus.
Likewise, existing policyholders also benefit from an in-house claims handling team who work with your insurer should you need to make a claim.
The Carer premium The carer premium is not a benefit in itself.
Many pupils benefit from the facility at Hammond for supervised prep at the end of each weekday.
Written Opinions (whether principals or copies) but not preparatory personal notes prepared for the solicitorâs benefit.
All models have the benefit of multi-coated optics and phase coated prisms for extra brightness and clarity.
Employees in newly privatized businesses benefit from improved pay, conditions and career opportunities.
In general, a dual-core processor does not benefit the hardcore gamer, as most PC games are not optimized for multi-threaded processing.
The television producer Jack Good was also keen to benefit from the flow of new teenage talent provided by Larry Parnes.
Evidence of identity With every new application for benefit you must also provide documentary proof of your identity.
Some patients with palpitations and tremor may benefit from drugs called beta-blockers, e.g. propranolol.
This package is more suited to desktop publishing, which will benefit us greatly.
Although more popular with money purchase arrangements, employers can turn a defined benefit scheme into a salary sacrifice scheme.
For example, it would be a great social benefit if someone were able to make synthetic quinine in the laboratory.
No benefit other than revolt is gained for inciting rebellion.
Nearly one-fifth of the working age population in Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool are on benefits as lone parents or incapacity benefit recipients.
If you are entitled to either of these, then you can also make a rapid re-claim for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
The main benefit would be to provide more precise input to modeling of the contribution of wave refraction to inshore wave climate.
Housing Costs The most Housing Benefit you can get is the same as your eligible rent.
Europe is now replete with sustainably produced timber from forests which also benefit the environment when the wood is growing.
Rhino conservation helps to conserve other African species which also benefit from the anti-poaching measures put in place to try and protect black rhino conservation helps to conserve other African species which also benefit from the anti-poaching measures put in place to try and protect black rhinos.
The fact of the matter is that earthly riches don't necessarily bring any real benefit to their possessor.
However, the Newcastle research suggests that the benefit derived from the use of the sliding rigger was more significant.
Equally schools must be equipped to deliver students who can benefit from an academically rigorous HE system.
Roosevelt emerald will benefit from river gorge below.
Tribunal procedure will be governed by the same rules (such as they are) as apply to other benefit appeals.
The site rules are there to ensure the smooth running of the site for the benefit of all members.
We did have the benefit of lots of migrating waders, including the white-rumped sandpipers.
Any pension contributions paid by the company to an approved pension scheme for your benefit (but not for anyone else ).
The scheme is an important and valuable staff benefit for... to their employer's occupational pension scheme.
The book was put out by the local historical society to benefit the preservation of an old local one-room schoolhouse.
He was also a great man for interpreting sacred scripture for the benefit of the less learned.
But the converse implication that weak IPRs will produce benefit is by no means self-evident.
These include domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and benefit fraud.
They are also provided with information on managing set-aside for the benefit of wildlife, but this is rarely acted upon.
In a planned shake-up of welfare reforms, Mr Hutton said the name for Incapacity Benefit would also change.
Is the protective shield established for the benefit of the young person themselves?
Reduced melt temperature is another benefit, lowering crystallization and cooling times and thus shortening cycles, and also saving energy costs.
Designed to benefit the woolen industry, all dead were to be buried in woolen shrouds with a fine imposed for non-compliance.
The benefit to the parents and sick siblings is identical in both cases.
Regular practice boosts the immune system and strengthens sinews and tendons, which is of particular benefit to dancers.
Lifetime benefit would mean to the by Steven smith at the interview.
We believe profoundly that a close study of the events of that time would immensely benefit the militant socialists of all countries.
The studios are naturally ventilated and benefit from the mass of the exposed concrete soffits and the generous floor to ceiling heights.
The self catered apartment has the benefit of a sunny south facing balcony with views to the resort and pistes.
Monsanto believes this addition to the collection will benefit plant breeders in their efforts to develop new soybeans for producers.
Shopping facilities remain sparse yet should benefit from the further developments planned.
Such places benefit from a virtuous circle, or upward spiral, whereby talent attracts talent.
Many infants, usually called happy spitters, will benefit greatly from some simple steps that you can start trying right now.
In the long run, good sportsmanship will benefit team performance through better vibes.
Pumpkins and winter squash intended for storage will benefit from maximum exposure to sunlight to help the skin to mature.
A panacea congressional staffers expect create enhanced benefit percent of cshcn.
We believe there is great scope to improve design standards on new build for the benefit of all.
If they can bring new solutions to long- standing problems, that can only be of benefit to patients.
The decision is based on the findings of the Cost Benefit Analysis of animal movement standstills.
States have in internal medicine stein a that benefit packages faced by most.
The main benefit to owning preferred stock is that you have a greater claim on the company's assets than common stockholders.
Such a development would be of very substantial benefit to the general position of the language.
Homes with a basement or slab foundations can benefit from the installation of a soil suction system.
There were many practical suggestions which I am sure many staff will benefit from.
You will be able to benefit from discounts we negotiate with suppliers of helpful herbal supplements - lower prices for members.
There will be no shareholders, and any operating surplus will be used for the benefit of the railroad system.
The primary benefit of the health surveillance provision should be to detect adverse health effects at an early stage.
Salmon believes viewers will also benefit from the overdue realism now sweeping sports TV.
Occasionally, your specialist may feel an operation, called a sympathectomy, may be of benefit.
The dining Area has the benefit of patio doors overlooking the rear garden, dining table with 4 chairs.
This would be of no benefit to small charities who do not reclaim tax.
I'm a higher rate taxpayer will I benefit from putting my savings into a Current Account Mortgage?
Perhaps the main revelation was how, with the benefit of hindsight, the whole Doherty saga seems so damn tedious.
Whether you are joint tenants or have separate tenancies, your benefit may go down.
Benefit has been shown in conditions such as tennis elbow, de Quervain's tenosynovitis and digital flexor tenosynovitis ('trigger finger ' ).
There is also the added benefit of discounted tickets for many theatrical, opera and ballet performances throughout the region.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
Of the remaining third, just under half were on partial housing benefit, and the rest paid all their own rent.
Others want you to fraud could save fact Thomas hogarty the benefit package.
While Wet Fire was developed for military personnel, anyone who needs to start a fire can benefit from this amazing fire starting tinder.
Even tour players benefit from using titanium headed drivers.
Also, as Jackie implies, they definitely benefit from their location directly adjacent to Boro Market, which gets ever more touristy.
Future developments in fireless steam railroad traction would benefit from such efforts.
Coventry would also benefit from the overspill of freight traffic from the South East.
The receiver is required to handle all financial transactions for the benefit of the person.
If you feel so undecided the minister is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.
Jheng's successful conquest of Taiwan afforded him only temporary foothold and limited resources, as Taiwan was too underdeveloped to offer immediate benefit.
If fish is extremely fresh there is none that I can think of that doesn't benefit from being just slightly underdone.
But the biggest worry is that the great benefit of the open-source approach is also its great undoing.
From the 31st day onwards we will pay 1/30th of the monthly benefit for each day you remain continuously unemployed or disabled.
Factories close, workers are left unemployed, and those who could benefit from the goods produced in those factories have to go without.
The benefit of this finance is that it is completely unsecured.
We understand that this involves unwanted upheaval for some people for the benefit of others.
For the benefit of anyone who may be thinking about hiring a van, I shall share my learning points.
Luckily, you don't have to be stung to benefit from bee venom!
Most patients with chronic venous ulceration will benefit from the addition of simple venous ulceration will benefit from the addition of simple venous surgery.
Oxygen therapy may be given at night, and some people may also benefit from assisted ventilation, usually given through a face mask.
The benefit of any such condition, warranty or representation by Careers in Logistics is hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waived by the Client.
They have been encouraged to remain childish to the benefit of hugely wealthy religious institutions.
Join the growing band of UK Owners and benefit from organized technique weekends, lake and river tours, and racing where available.
Many relatively well-off families might think they aren't entitled to credits on top of child benefit.
The employer should treat the benefit as being unavailable on those days which count as non-UK workdays.
This page is updated on a regular basis allowing you to benefit from some of the lowest rates York offers year-round.
You can improve the benefit of using brewer's yeast by eating cultured yogurt or supplement good bacteria capsules between meals.
In 1859 he was appointed professor of organic chemistry at the Ecole Superieure de Pharmacie, and in 1865 he accepted the new chair of organic chemistry, which was specially created for his benefit at the College de France.
The convention which met in 1829 to form a new constitution for Virginia, against the protest of the counties beyond the mountains, required a property qualification for suffrage, and gave the slave-holding counties the benefit of three-fifths of their slave population in apportioning the state's representation in the lower Federal house.
In Lyons their views were publicly known; Roland was elected a member of the municipality, and when the depression of trade in the south demanded representation in Paris he was deputed by the council of Lyons to ask the Constituent Assembly that the municipal debt of Lyons, which had been contracted for the benefit of the state, should be regarded as national debt.
To each radiator should be fitted an air tap, which when opened will permit the escape of any air that has accumulated in the coil; otherwise free circulation is impossible, and the full benefit of the heat is not obtained.
Almost all other countries, moreover, share in the benefit of the minimum tariff, and profit by the modifications it may successively undergo.
In order to provide a similar protection for the artisans employed in the protected industries, an excise duty was imposed on the home-produced articles, which was to be remitted in favour of manufacturers who could show that they paid " fair and reasonable " wages, and complied with certain other conditions for the benefit of their workmen.
The consolidation of interests which resulted, and which has been developed by the addition in 1884 of seven other British directors, chosen from among shipping merchants and business men, has augmented, for the benefit of all concerned, the commercial character of the enterprise.
Financial embarrassments forced him to consent to a foreign control over the Debt, and the decree of December 1881, whereby many of the revenues of the empire were handed over to the Public Debt Administration for the benefit of the bondholders, was a sacrifice of principle to which he could only have consented with the greatest reluctance.
A work, entitled Benefizio di Cristo (" The Benefit of Christ's Death"), has been attributed to Paleario on insufficient grounds.
Cunningham Park is under the control of the trustees of a fund left for the benefit of the township, and contains a gymnasium, skating-pond, tennis courts, &c., open to townspeople only.
The commissioner reported that the service was adequate but not efficient; that the rates were reasonable but that the corporation was responsible for unreasonably withholding facilities, thus rendering the service inefficient; that it was inexpedient to grant the corporation a licence because the funds of a city ought not to be applied for the benefit of a limited class of citizens; that delay and waste would result from two systems in one area and would increase the difficulties of the government in 1911; and that the corporation had not proved it could work the licence without placing a burden on the rates.
A select committee was appointed with Mr Hanbury as chairman to consider " whether the telephone service is calculated to become of such general benefit as to justify its being undertaken by municipal and other local authorities, and if so under what conditions."
The committee reported (9th August) that the telephone service was not likely to become of general benefit " so long as the present practical monopoly in the hands of a private company shall continue."
Provident institutions have considerably developed in Italy under the forms of savings banks, assurance companies Provident and mutual benefit societies.
Mutual benefit societies have increased rapidly, both because their advantages have been appreciated, and because, until recently, the state had taken no steps directly to insure workmen against illness.
The law of 1890 also empowers every citizen to appeal to the tribunals on behalf of the poor, for whose benefit a given charitable institution may have been intended.
He further exploited the Charlemagne tradition for the benefit of the continental system, that great engine of commercial war by which he hoped to assure the ruin of England.
The Italian provinces were the most heavily taxed in the whole empire, and much of the money thus levied was spent either for the benefit of other provinces or to pay for the huge army of occupation and the fortresses in Ausfrian Italy.
In time, " benefit of clergy " became entirely diverted from its original objects.
It is left to the Pharmaceutical Society to take legal action against any infringement of the law, although it is obvious that this should be carried out at the government expense, since it is for the benefit of a section of the public, and obviously to the loss of the members of the Pharmaceutical Society.
In Seville he made acquaintance with Garcia Gutierrez, who is reported to have encouraged his dramatic ambitions and to have given him the benefit of his own experience as a playwright.
Instances of what we may term tolerated parasitism, where the host plant seems to accommodate itself very well to the presence of the Fungus, paying the tax it extorts and nevertheless not succumbing but managing to provide itself with sufficient material to go on with, are not rare; and these seem to lead to those cases where the mutual accommodation between host and guest has been carried so far that each derives some benefit from the associationsymbiosis (see FUNGI).
The degree of dependence of any people upon environ ment varies inversely as the degree of culture or civilization, which for this purpose may perhaps be defined as the power of an individual to exercise control over the individual and over the environment for the benefit of the community.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
In the following year he so stubbornly resisted Ireton's attack on Limerick that he was excepted from the benefit of the capitulation, and, after being condemned to death and reprieved, was sent as a prisoner to the Tower of London.
This diversity of jurisdiction, and subjection of the clergy only to the sentences of judges bribed by their esprit de corps to judge leniently, led to the adoption of a scale of punishments for the offences of clerks avowedly much lighter than that which was inflicted for the same crimes on laymen; and this in turn led to the survival in England, long after the Reformation, of the curious legal fiction of benefit of clergy (see below), used to mitigate the extreme harshness of the criminal law.
He answered these attacks in kind, sometimes perhaps with unnecessary vehemence and rancour, but he never faltered in his work, and, an optimist by nature, a disciple of his friend George Combe, and a believer in the indefinite improvability of mankind, he was sustained throughout by his conviction that nothing could so much benefit the race, morally, intellectually and materially, as education.
Special laws have been passed for the benefit of the coolie immigrants.
His efforts had not succeeded in placing him in a position of independence; and at last, in 1867, the government of the Empire (from which he had perforce stood aloof, though he never considered it necessary to adopt the active protesting attitude of Edgar Quinet and Victor Hugo) came to his assistance, a vote of 20,000 being proposed in April of that year for his benefit by Emile 0111vier.
Roads constructed for the benefit of Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, or to facilitate the cultivation of rice-fields and arable land.
The property of the Army in the United Kingdom is held by the General for the time being, for the benefit of the Army exclusively, he being constituted the sole trustee of the property, in the disposal of which and in the appointment of his successor he is placed under the government of a deed poll, executed by Booth while the body was still known as "The Christian Mission," and enrolled in the Court of Chancery in August 1878.
Jay and Adams disagreed with him on this point, believing that France intended to curtail the territorial aspirations of the Americans for her own benefit and for that of her ally, Spain.
Since Metchnikoff's introduction (see Longevity) of the use of soured milk for dietetic purposes-the lactic acid bacillus destroying pathogenic bacteria in the intestine-a great impetus has been given to the multiplication of laboratory preparations containing 'cultures of the bacillus; and in recent years much benefit to health has, in certain cases, been derived from the discovery.
He was thus affected by two different and incongruous systems of thought - one setting out from an imaginary code of nature intended for the benefit of man, and leading to an optimistic view of the economic constitution founded on enlightened selfinterest; the other following inductive processes, and seeking to explain the several states in which the human societies are found existing, as results of circumstances or institutions which have been in actual operation.
It is probable that one explanation - namely, that of protection - covers all cases of ant-mimicry; and this explanation lies in all probability in the immunity from the attacks of most insectivorous enemies that ants enjoy, and especially from predaceous wasps of the family Pompilidae which annually destroy thousands upon thousands of spiders to feed their larvae; and since more than one observer has testified to the fear and abhorrence these wasps have of ants, it is needless to look farther for the benefit ant-mimicry is to spiders.
The latter had for some years perceived the influence exercised in benefit societies by badges and titular appellations, and he further endeavoured to devise some quaint phraseology which would be attractive to the working classes.
The "Clergy Reserves" were secularized in 1854, and in 1851 began a railway development, the excitement and extravagance caused by which led in 1857 to a financial crisis and the bankruptcy of various municipalities, but which on the whole produced great and lasting benefit.
It was thus an effective compromise between the solar year and the lunar month, and contrasts very favorably with the intricate and clumsy years of other ancient systems. The leap-year of the Julian and Gregorian calendars confers the immense benefit of a fixed correspondence to the seasons which the Egyptian year did not possess, but the uniform length of the Egyptian months is enviable even now.
The reconquest of Dongola and the Sudan provinces during the three years from March 1896 to December 1898, considering the enormous extent and difficulties of the country, was achieved at an unprecedentedly small cost, while the main item of expenditure the railwayremains a permanent benefit to the country.
It might well be implied that payments compulsorily required from the assured by law for contributions to G.A., or as salvage for services by salvors, will be undertaken or repaid by the underwriter, the service being for his benefit.
For the benefit of veteran and invalid public school teachers there is a " retirement fund," which owes its origin to voluntary contributions by teachers in active service.
The Maronites have four members on the provincial council, two of whom are the sole representatives of the two mudirats of Kesrawan; and they have derived benefit from the fact that so far the governor of the privileged province has always been a Catholic (see Lebanon).
But let's adopt the cynic's view for a moment and assume people in these corporations are chiefly concerned about their financial benefit, not about human suffering, when it comes to war.
Second, and more likely, when a term in the contract purports to confer a benefit on the third party.
Assignment The Purchaser shall not assign or transfer or purport to assign or transfer the Contract or the benefit thereof to any other person.
Rural communities, especially women and children usually the main victims, would benefit most through efforts to control rabies in these animals.
You will benefit from all the thrills of racehorse ownership for a single payment of £ 275 per year.
Babies benefit the most from an Antioxidant therapy because brain growth is rapid in the first year.
It is a client and ratepayers forum with members working together for mutual benefit.
Your Benefit will then be recalculated from the date of death or separation.
The key to success is in reconciling what 's possible and what 's practical in order to achieve maximum benefit at minimum cost.
For these services they are remunerated primarily through a management fee but they may benefit from transaction fees.
This exercise provides benefit with no crunches or repetitious movement.
This trade has allowed for suitable wastes to be reprocessed overseas to the benefit of the global economy and also the environment.
With the need to derive maximum benefit from the new building, Council agreed to rescind this ban.
My advice here, is to give the benefit of the doubt to the kicker, and retake the penalty kick.
They will extend the present gift with reservation of benefit rules to revocable life interests.
Rhino conservation helps to conserve other African species which also benefit from the anti-poaching measures put in place to try and protect black rhinos.
The fact of the matter is that earthly riches do n't necessarily bring any real benefit to their possessor.
And he has American rightists accusing him of " Jew-hatred " for the benefit of audiences whom he may never address.
Delivered to our president roosevelt emerald will benefit from river gorge below.
The block is set behind a facade in a cul de sac location, the residents all benefit from use of communal garden.
This was the opening salvo launched by a sculptor at an Unemployment Benefit Tribunal hearing.