Beneficiary Sentence Examples
You should specifically name a beneficiary that you know and trust.
This may give a disappointed beneficiary a right of action against them.
What happens if the executors of a Will can't trace a beneficiary?
Before going through the process, you might want to consider carefully who you name as a beneficiary.
The reduction amount is 65 percent of the premiums the beneficiary currently pays.
A legal advisor can tell you further about how to pick a beneficiary.
Many people are curious about what a beneficiary does?
Miss Sahili is the rightful beneficiary, and she should remain so.
When you want to name a beneficiary, you will certainly be asked these questions before signing a life insurance policy.
Determinable interest ' determinable interest ' Determinable interest ' applies to a life interest that ends following an action by the beneficiary.
AdvertisementThe surviving spouse is a potential beneficiary as are the children and so on.
In order to avoid paying estate taxes on the proceeds from a life insurance policy, designate someone as the beneficiary.
The annuity pays a death benefit to the plan's beneficiary.
Mrs. Thursday - You Don't Have to Book Buckingham Palace A cockney charlady becomes the main beneficiary to a retired tycoon's estate.
Emiriye is not transmissible by will, but may be transferred by donation, which returns to the donor should he outlive the beneficiary.
AdvertisementIt is always possible to nominate a beneficiary, but this is a purely administrative annotation, and has no effect upon title.
Until then, the personal representatives cannot assent to the residuary beneficiary's title.
John Norman was probably the intended beneficiary of this grant.
True, the ultimate beneficiary in both sorts of trial may be society at large rather than the individual.
In the absence of specific provision, the contents will go to the residuary beneficiary.
AdvertisementCandy Spelling, Tori's estranged mother, is the sole beneficiary.
Annuities are contracts issued by life insurance companies, and many provide a guaranteed death benefit for a spouse or beneficiary.
Divided into four separate parts, each area of Medicare provides specific benefits to the Medicare beneficiary.
In the case of endowment and whole life insurance policies, the beneficiary receives a death benefit if the insured is injured and dies.
If you're a policyholder or beneficiary, or if you are a provider who services Tricare patients, you may want to consider becoming a registered user.
AdvertisementYou will be able to change this name later if you think differently or if the beneficiary you have chosen has passed away or is no longer a part of your life.
Komen Foundation was the main, but not only, beneficiary.
However, the automaker did increase funding to the UAW Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association or VEBA.
Accidental Death Benefits - Pays benefits to a beneficiary if the insured dies due to accidental causes during the trip.
Any Tricare beneficiary who is eligible for Medicare is eligible for Tricare for Life, regardless of age.
A beneficiary can still claim the money from the state if they have the proper identification.
The advantage to the beneficiary was that he or she could enjoy a reduced rate by getting insured through a group policy as opposed to an individual one.
The subsidy terminates when the beneficiary gets a new job or otherwise becomes eligible for a health care plan at a group rate.
There are numerous forms that can be used for everything from dental coverage to changing a life insurance beneficiary.
Also, this type of annuity allows the beneficiary of the investor to receive a death benefit that is guaranteed to be equal to the amount of premiums that the investor paid, up until the time of death.
If the insured person dies during the time when the insurance policy is in effect, the insurance company pays the amount of the death benefit to the beneficiary of the policy.
The person insured is the one whose life the policy covers, while the beneficiary or beneficiaries are the people who receive income when the insured person dies from causes covered under the policy.
The original terms of the universal life insurance policy determine whether the beneficiary of the policy receives a predetermined lump sum or instead receives the lump sum in addition to the cash value of the investment account.
Refund annuities provide yet another alternative and allow the investor's beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the amount that the investor placed into the annuity prior to death.
In other words, just because an off-base provider accepts Tricare, it does not mean that the beneficiary should not first get permission to visit the non-military provider.
The Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines, it as "insurance providing for payment of a sum of money to a named beneficiary upon the death of the policyholder or to the policyholder if still living after reaching a specified age."
If you're a Tricare medical insurance policy holder or an authorized beneficiary of a policy holder, you can use this site to find out just about everything you might want or need to know about your coverage.
Most people choose children, spouses, family members, or most trusted friends to be a life insurance beneficiary, someone who will be able to distribute everything that you own properly.
The state university is under the control of the board of regents, and is maintained by the state and is the beneficiary of 86,000 acres of land grants from the Federal government.