Beneficial Sentence Examples
Rolling the land is beneficial to young crops.
The ladybugs were beneficial insects, eating the pesky aphids.
These results would prove to be beneficial to the community.
The doctor said it was beneficial bacteria.
They were beneficial organisms and were allowing pathogens to thrive.
The beneficial effects of red wine can be extended to sherry wines.
It can be beneficial in the treatment of some conditions.
The changes provided beneficial ownership for its staff.
Their role in nature is therefore beneficial to the cultivator.
He framed a code which introduced several beneficial changes into the laws of his kingdom.
AdvertisementReciprocity with the United States was in force from 1891 to 1894 and was extremely beneficial to Cuba.
But for the same reason its policy was always narrow, so that it never exercised any beneficial influence on the world at large.
Anyone who will have a leadership role in a project will find this course beneficial.
She became the beneficial owner of all the shares in the Talyllyn Railroad Company.
But these reforms were of necessity slow in their beneficial operation.
AdvertisementYet there is no doubt that the rule of Peisistratus was most beneficial to Athens both in her foreign and in her internal relations.
In chronic disease and in health the use of alcohol as an aid to digestion is without the support of clinical or laboratory experience, the beneficial action being at least neutralized by undesirable effects produced elsewhere.
It is also beneficial, especially in the case of partially exhausted beds, to water with a dilute solution of nitre.
Such modifications of the hours of work have not only been beneficial to the men, but have improved the discipline of the staff and the punctuality and regularity of the train service, particularly in respect of the goods trains.
The carbon compounds of the latter are of no direct nutritive value to the succeeding crop, but the decaying vegetable tissues very greatly assist in retaining moisture in light sandy soils, and in clay soils also have a beneficial effect in rendering them more open and allowing of better drainage of superfluous water and good circulation of fresh air within them.
AdvertisementHence the immediately beneficial effect produced in the cases of "fainting" or syncope.
This defeated the object of the conference, and deprived the South of terms which would have been more beneficial than those imposed by the conqueror when the end came a few weeks later.
His care for the common people was sincere and constant, but his beneficial efforts in this direction were thwarted by the curious interaction of two totally dissimilar social factors, feudalism and Hussitism.
Moreover the beneficial effects are seen in the first crop and last for many years.
Their influence upon the young tsar was profoundly beneficial, and the period of their administration coincides with the most glorious period of Ivan's reign - the period of the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan.
AdvertisementHe had no sooner left the Transvaal than the -old Lydenburg party, headed by Cornelis Potgieter, landdrost of Lydenburg, protested that the union would be much more beneficial to the Free State than to the people of Lydenburg, and followed this up with the contention lions' that it was illegal for any one to be president of the South African Republic and the Free State at the same time.
The surroundings of Elberfeld are attractive, and public grounds and walks have been recently opened on the hills around with results eminently beneficial to the health of the population.
The annual flooding now appears to be actually beneficial to the stonework, by removing the disintegrating salts and incrustations.
The beneficial effects of marls may also be partially due to the presence in them of available potash.
The climate has a beneficial effect on pulmonary diseases, especially in their earlier stages, and is remarkable in arresting the decay of vital power consequent upon old age.
The statoblasts require a period of rest before germination, and Braem has shown that their property of floating at the surface may be beneficial to them by exposing them to the action of frost, which in some cases improves the germinating power.
It's beneficial to give your cat a box to have her kittens.
Many companies use soy and other plant based proteins that are not beneficial for cats.
Official corruption and speculation have led to some unsound ventures, but in the great majority of cases the lines constructed have been beneficial and productive.
If, on the other hand, the company is of opinion that the suggestions of the inspecting officer are not likely to prove beneficial, or are for any reason unadvisable, it is at liberty to reject them, the responsibility of doing so resting entirely upon itself.
For dry situations almond stocks are preferable, but they are not long-lived, while for damp or clayey foams it is better to use certain kinds of plums. Double-working is sometimes beneficial; thus an almond budded on a plum stock may be rebudded with a tender peach, greatly to the advantage of the latter.
As an exegete he exercised a powerful, and on the whole a beneficial, influence on theological investigation.
It put a period to a question which had long embittered the relations between England and France, and locally it caused the cessation of the systematic opposition of the French agents in Cairo to everything tending to strengthen the British positionhowever beneficial to Egypt the particular scheme opposed might be.
It has been said by a trustworthy authority,' "We are convinced also that severe labour on public works is most beneficial in teaching criminals habits of industry and training them to such employments as digging, road-making and brick-making - work of a kind which cannot be carried on in separate confinement."
The first interference of Narses with the plans of Belisarius was beneficial.
But each craft at the same time formed a society for social, beneficial and religious purposes, and, as these were entirely in accordance with the wishes of the clerical authorities, the other powers could not in the long run be withheld, including that of forcing all followers of any craft to join the gild (Zunftzwang).
Sclater, these when used as blankets are said to be beneficial in cases of rheumatism; an ointment prepared from the fat of the animal being employed for the same purpose.
Thus in 1846, after the resignation of his seat for Dorset, he explored the slums of the metropolis, and not only gave a new impulse to the movement for the establishment of ragged schools, but was able to make it more widely beneficial.
Similarly the recent experience of zoological gardens, particularly in the case of parrots and monkeys, shows that, excluding draughts, exposure to changes of temperature without artificial heat is markedly beneficial as compared with the older method of strict protection from cold.
A conversion fund was also created, and, although the government afterwards authorized two more large issues, the beneficial effects of this law were so pronounced that the customs regulations were modified in 1907 to permit the payment of import duties in paper.
In itself this policy was not unreasonable, and in many ways extremely beneficial for the country.
This is supposed to be beneficial to the eyes, and almost every woman uses it.
Whether the following shopping crimes happen to you or around you, it's still beneficial to pay attention and take precautions.
Others continue to be studied worldwide for their beneficial properties.
The personal character of Malherbe was far from amiable, but he exercised, or at least indicated the exercise of, a great and enduring effect upon French literature, though by no means a wholly beneficial one.
Shortly afterwards he handed over the provinces east of the Euphrates to his son Antiochus, who, in the following years, till 282, exercised in the East a very energetic and beneficial activity, which continued the work of his father and gave the new empire and the Oriental Hellenistic civilization their form.
Similarly the beneficial effects of purgation may be due not only to the elimination which takes place through the bowel, but also to the internal secretion from the intestinal glands.
In chronic rheumatism the chief remedies are salicylate of soda, and its allies iodide of potassium, guaiacum and sulphur, while massage, liniments and baths are beneficial as local applications.
Strong testimony to the beneficial result of their labours was borne by a thoroughly impartial commission, presided over by Sir Godfrey Lagden, which in1903-1905investigated the status and condition of the natives of South Africa.
When exercised from patriotic and disinterested motives, its effects were beneficial; but the moment the principle of reward was introduced, this was no longer the case.
Hellebore was likewise considered beneficial in cases of gout and epilepsy.
The long period of depression seems not to have been without a beneficial influence on the persecuted Buddhist church, for these teachers are reported to have placed the Tantra system more in the background, and to have adhered more strongly to the purer forms of the Mahayana development of the ancient faith.
It seems probable that violent physical exercise may counteract in great measure the deleterious effect of opium and prevent it from retarding the respiration, and that in such cases the beneficial effects are obtained without the noxious results which would accrue from its use to those engaged in sedentary pursuits.
Belgium undertook at her own charges and at an estimated cost of £2,000,000 to complete" the works of embellishment "begun in Belgium with funds derived from the Fondation and to create a debt of £2,000,000 chargeable on the funds of the colony, which sum was to be paid to the king in fifteen annual instalments - the money, however, to be expended on objects" connected with and beneficial to the Congo."The annuities to members of the royal family were to be continued, and other subsidies were promised.
It certainly obliges us to make a large deduction from our estimate of his character and of the beneficial influence which he has exerted.
But his internal government was on the whole beneficial to the country.
The name Weissenburg occurs in three other places; the town of Weissenburg-am-Sand in Bavaria; a Swiss invalid resort in the Niedersimmental, above Lake Thun, with sulphate of lime springs, beneficial for bronchial affections; also a Hungarian comitat (Magyar Fejervar), with Stuhlweissenburg as capital.
In this last aspect, however, habitual temperance will generally be found to be much more beneficial than occasional fasting.
The dryness of the air proves very beneficial to persons suffering from pulmonary complaints.
There are many equally beneficial societies, framed on different lines, existing in Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland, but they are mainly co-operative bodies instituted for the general benefit of members, who are without exception either bee-keepers on a more or less extensive scale, or scientists interested in the study of insect life.
Their use is beneficial for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and_ for diseases of the skin and rheumatism.
Protestant refugees from France and the Netherlands were encouraged to settle in Brandenburg, and a period of peace was beneficial to a land, the condition of which was still much inferior to that of other parts of Germany.
I wracked my brains in an attempt to formulate some way we could safely utilize Howie's unique abilities and produce beneficial results without exposing ourselves to God knows what.
It is beneficial to plant your bulbs about 4 inches apart, so try not to buy so many that your space will be crowded.
Over its lifetime, the battery may lose some of the gumption to keep a full charge, so picking up an extra battery might be beneficial.
As you read this plasma TV buying guide, do you wonder if going to an independent retailer would be beneficial?
You will probably not have any luck going to the local mom and pop grocery stores because keeping quantities on hand may not be beneficial or profitable.
Some windows come with lifetime warranties, so a long-lasting company is beneficial to find.
Think about gluing the saucer to the tea cup because if you are in the habit of moving the planter for cleaning or for better light, it might be beneficial to do that.
For the casual user who needs a quick answer or two, an online dictionary is beneficial.
Building a windmill for use at your home or office is inexpensive and beneficial to both the environment and your personal finances.
Using biomass as a source of energy is environmentally beneficial in more than one way.
While it's true that humans may be responsible for many of the causes of the greenhouse effect, you might be surprised to learn that it's can be beneficial to the earth to some degree.
Since the greenhouse effect is a natural and beneficial phenomenon, some people don't believe that human actions have contributed to global warming and climate change.
Planting vegetative covers, strict erosion management and implementing beneficial farming methods are just a few of the many possible approaches to soil conservation.
In most cases ginger is a gentle and beneficial addition to your medicine cabinet.
Herbal tinctures infuse the beneficial oils from the herb into a solvent base.
Additionally, there have been hundreds of studies that confirm the general healing and beneficial properties of antioxidants for overall good health.
While their popularity may be but a fad, their beneficial properties are undisputed.
Furthermore, studies have shown that acai retains its beneficial properties when harnessed in pill form.
It also contains significant amounts of potassium and folate, which are also beneficial to heart health.
Recent research also shows that stevia may be beneficial in the treatment of obesity.
This herb may be beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels.
Some herbalists think measures similar to those enacted in the EU would be beneficial, while others are leery of even more government intervention into what is seen as the last stronghold of independent health and wellness products.
When choosing window treatments for a theater room, keep in mind that light blocking blinds and fabrics will be beneficial during daytime movie screenings.
In addition to the sunscreen function, mineral makeup is particularly beneficial for sensitive skins with scars, acne, rosacea, wrinkles, discolorations or allergies.
The makeup shades most beneficial for these colors are shades with red and blue undertones.
Although any type of lighted mirror can be helpful, surround lighted makeup mirrors are particularly beneficial for a number of reasons.
The couple's success began with their discovery of a European hair-coloring method that was more beneficial and provided beautiful results for the hair.
The eyes deserve the gentlest treatment of any area of the face, and the most beneficial gel removers are those that work quickly.
The benefit of mineral products is that they are lightweight and contain minerals considered beneficial to the skin.
Even though most cameras come equipped with a built-in flash, when shooting images underwater it's beneficial to have a separate flash or strobe.
While you don't have to purchase all the equipment at the same time, it's beneficial to see which items complement each other.
While it is beneficial to have external lighting, backdrops, and filters, it is not necessary to drop a bundle of money on these photo extras to capture cute shots of kids.
One of the most beneficial ways to use light is to combine natural and artificial light.
Garlic has also been shown to prevent heart disease and eating a clove of it a day is very beneficial.
While online photography courses can be very beneficial, you may also wish to investigate the offerings available from your local community college.
Many crafters think of heritage albums as traditional paper scrapbooks, but creating digital layouts can be very beneficial for this type of project.
However, some advanced skiers believe that this position is beneficial for powder skiers.
While the physical effects of exercise are certainly beneficial, the psychological effects that come from focusing your mind on your body provides a feeling of being "centered" that will last far after your workout is over.
As stress can often be caused through workplace situations, a stress reducing device that can be carried discretely can be very beneficial.
This is especially true in work situations, when this is particularly beneficial in working with clients, customers, patients or coworkers.
Learning to calm yourself and redirecting your anger to a constructive outlet are two other methods of managing anger in a beneficial way.
Your vet may have already recommended this, but switching your dog to a bland diet of cooked rice and lamb might be beneficial right now.
Today, the reasons people meditate differ from one person to another, but no matter the reason, the tranquil effects are beneficial to mind and body.
This is beneficial in more than one way.
Even though the charm may not have any "super powers", as long as it's something you really believe in, it may help to calm you down, feel protected, and safe, and that can have a beneficial psychological effects.
Most stress reduction activities require very little money and time to be beneficial.
If you enjoy spending time with your friends and socializing, this might be a more beneficial avenue for you.
This can be an extremely beneficial course if you are a parent trying to find a better way to control your temper.
The right cushion can provide the comfort you need to help you delve further into your meditations, and that can ultimately translate into tangible and beneficial results.
That stress can be beneficial when it encourages employees to work harder and try their best, or when it sparks enthusiasm and improvements on the job.
Meditation, while beneficial, is a contrary practice to what activities in which you may normally engage.
While it may be difficult for people with mental illness to employ anger management techniques when stressed, it is still possible and beneficial for them to know the techniques and attempt to use them when needed.
Many people don't realize that the steps to meditate are easy to follow and that a meditation practice is extremely beneficial.
Whether you choose one of the stress reduction techniques described or an alternate method of stress reduction, it is beneficial to your physical and mental health to master the skill of ten minutes to relaxation.
Both options are beneficial to you personally and professionally.
Study groups can sometimes end up being a distraction, however if you and your chosen classmates are able to stay focused and on task, then they can be extremely beneficial.
Even more painful, yet extremely beneficial, is the idea of purchasing supplementary workbooks to complete after school or during the summer.
In short, maintaining one's physical health is beneficial on almost every level.
With the help of the MHSAA, sports in Mississippi should remain positive and beneficial for high school and junior high school students.
While reading about how to babysit won't replace a certification you may receive in a babysitting course, it can still provide you with beneficial information to make your experience much easier and fun.
These schools typically provide a variety of programs and therapies that could be very beneficial to teens in trouble.
The American Heart Association also published papers linking soybean product consumption, such as eating tofu and soy burgers, as beneficial to cardiovascular health.
By eating natural foods, the body is able to absorb the beneficial nutrients and reap their rich rewards.
These particular nutrients are touted for their various health benefits, so eating the foods raw may not be as beneficial.
Almost everyone is aware yogurt is one of these beneficial foods, but there are several more.
Probiotic foods are any foods that contain a beneficial, live bacteria.
Besides Lactobacillus acidophilus there are other bacteria that are beneficial to the human digestive system and contribute to good health.
Buttermilk is another food that contains large amounts of beneficial bacteria.
A type of beneficial mold forms which binds the soy together.
By eating prebiotics, you can ensure the beneficial bacteria continue to grow and thrive in your digestive system.
Probiotics can be a beneficial addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
It's safe to say that, if you've been existing on a diet of fast food or other unhealthy options, and you switch to a healthy plan that includes an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, you will notice many beneficial changes.
The body contains millions of microorganisms and bacterial strains, some of which are beneficial and some of which are harmful.
It's important not to confuse probiotics with prebiotics, which are indigestible substances that stimulate the activity and effectiveness of beneficial bacteria already found in the body.
Probiotic foods encapsulate foods that has been fermented by beneficial microorganisms.
Many beneficial bacteria strains that reside in your intestines are extremely sensitive to pH changes in the body.
Beneficial bacteria L. acidophilus derive their name from their "acid-loving" tendencies.
Beneficial bacteria feed on your food and create byproducts during digestion.
Salt can kill off beneficial bacteria, and heating the product will do this as well.
In these instances, it may be beneficial to find some ready-made centerpieces that require very little work once they've been purchased.
For more motivated individuals out-patient therapy without detox can prove beneficial.
Even if the alcoholic is out of the person's life, getting support and attending meetings can still be beneficial.
If you answered yes to any of the questions, then a support group like Al-Anon or Alateen may be beneficial.
Behavioral treatments, like learning to avoid relapse situations, are beneficial to people because of the cravings.
In others, a combination of treatments will be most beneficial.
Although there is no requirement to speak or even interact with others when attending meetings, it is considered to be a very beneficial form of therapy for speakers and listeners alike.
Various studies show that one hour spent outside daily is beneficial for treating SAD symptoms.
One of the most beneficial treatments for liars is counseling, but this needs to happen voluntarily.
Insulting your loved one or using tough love is not beneficial at this time because it will only make him or her defensive and resist your requests.
Exercise can be a beneficial component of a medically supervised treatment plan to help people overcome an addiction to drugs or alcohol, as long as the activity is approved by the physician overseeing an individual's treatment.
Satin is a luxurious fabric that looks beautiful and it can even be beneficial to your health.
For some, it's been beneficial to have new, slender selves.
Though the application process is intensive, it's designed to showcase projects that will be truly beneficial and helpful to the mission of cultural exchange and knowledge that the Fulbright program represents.
When selecting an online university from which to obtain your Master of Business Administration, it is very important that you select a school that has certain criteria in order to make earning your degree most beneficial for you.
Distance learning does not automatically translate to "online learning", as the two have developed a distinct, yet mutually beneficial relationship in academic terms.
Blended learning has become most popular with individuals who find it beneficial to participate in a classroom setting as well as learning online.
Orthopedic dog beds can also be beneficial to dogs recovering from accidental injury or surgery.
In fact, letting your dog fast for a day can be beneficial for clearing the digestive tract, increasing it's efficiency.
With VPI, you can go to any licensed veterinarian worldwide, which can be extremely beneficial if you travel with your pet.
Again, I advise you to check with your vet, but I think adding fresh cod liver oil to your dog's diet could be beneficial for her dry skin, as long as it is not an item to which she tests allergic.
This could be especially beneficial for owners who like to travel with their pets.
No activity is as beneficial for her as a good run to burn off some of that energy, but mental stimulation counts for a lot.
The zinc pyrithione in the formula is beneficial and will help stop any itching.
I haven't tackled the problem outside yet, but I think a basic obedience course could be beneficial, because the beginning lessons are all about teaching your dog to watch you wherever you go.
You can also get dog beds designed for special pet needs, such as orthopedic versions that are beneficial for canines with hip problems, arthritis, and other medical conditions.
Donating blood is mutually beneficial for both donors and the dogs that eventually receive the blood.
Fruits supply many beneficial vitamins ranging from vitamin C to potassium.
The experience is more beneficial and less stressful on the joints and muscles of the dog, just as it is for humans.
These types of beds are beneficial to a dog at any life stage or health condition.
Treatments can be beneficial to help dogs prepare for the show ring, agility trials and other physical activities.
These smocks are beneficial for professionals and amateurs alike.
Golden Poos are highly intelligent, so early training and socialization are very beneficial to make sure you, as the owner, remain in control of your dog.
Worms and beneficial fungi help plant material to decompose.
Beneficial insects help pollinate your plants, aid in breaking down organic material in the soil, and prey on the harmful insects in your garden.
The drainage is good and it contains an ample supply of organic matter including healthy earthworms and other beneficial organisms.
If you don't want to plant vegetables to trail up your trellis, think about plants and flowers that would look nice in your garden, do well in the sun, and perhaps also attract beneficial insects.
Speaking of attracting beneficial creatures to your garden, one structure you might want to consider in or near your vegetable garden is a bird bath and/or a bird house.
Compost is a wonderful addition to your beds, making the soil and the plants healthier while promoting beneficial insects.
This should give you a good idea of whether the club is going to be beneficial to you.
When treating your yard for insects, it is best to wait until dusk when mosquitoes come out and many beneficial insets go into hiding for the night.
For example, if you spray an area with a vinegar solution, the composition of the soil will be changed, beneficial bacteria will die and you won't be able to plant in that area for several months or longer.
However, do be aware that solarizing the soil with black plastic will kill most beneficial bacteria in addition to killing the weeds, and it will take some time for the soil to become fertile again.
However, do be aware that solarizing the soil with black plastic may kill most beneficial bacteria and organisms as well.
Vinegar may also kill beneficial insects and organisms in the soil.
While they may make some people uncomfortable, most common garden spiders are beneficial garden residents.
Sometimes a combination of both can be the most beneficial.
Guitar chords prove more beneficial for songs that rely on strumming chords rather than picking at notes.
Traditionally, it is considered more beneficial for players to learn to read the standard musical notation provided in classical guitar sheet music before moving on to tablature in order to develop good playing technique.
With many different garage doors and openers on the market, it is beneficial for you to go to a store that carries more than one brand.
Before you start, it may be beneficial to do a bit of research to find out not only what you like, but what works best for the layout of your kitchen.
This is where having a good understanding of the basics of color design is beneficial.
It is completely odorless, which is beneficial if you find the scent of tea tree oil unpleasant.
This is particularly beneficial for those who are storing items that would be ruined by being placed on the ground.
This is beneficial, since it will cut down on your countertop maintenance over time.
This can be beneficial since it allows the fabricator to control for humidity, drying time and pigmentation.
While all demand hot water heaters can claim they are green friendly, some are more beneficial to the environment than others.
There are several reasons why track lights, including track lights which use halogen bulbs, can be beneficial to homeowners.
This means lighting just above the kitchen sink or other areas where a small light disconnected from the rest of the room's lighting might be beneficial.
If your home renovation promises to be a complete DIY project from beginning to end, drawing up your own plans can still be beneficial.
Another type of meaning is metaphysical that ascribes certain healing or beneficial properties to the stone.
The metaphysical properties are believed to be very beneficial and offer healing and protection.
With so many beneficial properties, it's no wonder that the gift of a ruby was considered the ultimate demonstration of love.
It sounds as if LivingXL and ShoesXL are not only successful for you, but also very beneficial to your consumers.
Alfalfa meal has carbohydrates and protein, making it a soil conditioner that also encourages the growth of beneficial microbes.
Organic teas like the Majestic organic tea product line are quite beneficial to the person and to the planet.
Phosphorus is beneficial for the early growth of plants, and it aids root growth.
It is also beneficial for healing and renewing aged skin.
Many times you are seeing a beneficial insect that just did away with the guilty culprit.If you are able to actually see a specific pest damaging your plants, the best treatment is usually the simplest.
They are particularly beneficial for individuals who have sensitive skin or who have problems with skin allergies.
Many people find that it's very beneficial to section off the area they want to compost with picket fencing or lattice.
While companion plantings help, attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs (which you can even buy online if you want), which eat aphids.
This is particularly beneficial for people who perhaps do not use a lot of milk or families with different needs.
Aloe Vera contains over 200 compounds that are beneficial to the body, including enzymes, minerals, and amino acids.
Most women know what a challenge this can be, so arming yourself with a few tricks of the trade may just prove beneficial to you and your closet!
You hear it over and over, but the right senior nutrition and regular exercise are beneficial to your overall health, as well as your pocketbook.
Before contacting Guardian First Funding or another financial services company, consider if a reverse mortgage is something that may be beneficial to you.
This type of coating can be very beneficial for people who spend a lot of time in bright-light conditions.
Despite the Wii's 512MB of internal memory, getting an SD memory card or two can be beneficial, especially if you're a save freak.
Initially, this air contact is beneficial for aged wine or wine high in tannins.
According to researchers at the University of Rochester, there are beneficial flavenoids present in red wine.
If you aren't sure whether or not you should choose an internal or external backpack frame, you might find the Gear Trends Backpack Buying Guide to be beneficial.
Further research is needed to determine the beneficial effects of marijuana-derived substances on neuromuscular symptoms associated with movement disorders.
In general, eating a balanced diet is beneficial.
Avoiding stressful situations may also be beneficial.
A diet low in sodium and protein may be beneficial to those individuals who have some kidney complications.
If parents have one child with a lipidoses disorder and are considering having other children, genetic counseling or in utero testing of the fetus may be beneficial.
However, placing the child into a structured setting or treatment program such as a psychiatric hospital may be just as beneficial for easing aggression as medication.
Contrast hydrotherapy can also be very beneficial for pain relief.
When you need to find financing options for a manufactured home it can be beneficial to utilize one of the online mortgage quote services or search engines.
Taking larger doses of vitamin B12 may be beneficial in certain circumstances, such as when you're suffering from nocturnal leg cramps that affect your ability to get a good night's sleep.
According to nutrition expert Katherine Zeratsky, dietician at the Mayo Clinic, there are no peer-reviewed studies pointing beneficial effects of kombucha.
Whey protein is even quite beneficial to most and can help you gain muscle and lose fat.
This also allows the bee pollen to retain more of its natural, beneficial properties.
Bee pollen granules are also highly beneficial and can be found in most health food stores and vitamin retailers.
While the effectiveness of such pills is still being studied, there is no denying that a diet rich in antioxidants is a beneficial one.
So, if you have a problem sleeping, you may be able to take tryptophan for a few months and then enjoy the beneficial functions of tryptophan several months after you've stopped the course of therapy.
New research indicates that higher amounts if vitamin D may be beneficial.
Although many people are concerned about sun exposure and skin cancer, slathering on sun block also screens out the beneficial sunlight that enhances natural vitamin D production.
The supplement is said to restore and replenish natural strains of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.
It has been touted as the essential bodybuilding supplement.Creatine is most beneficial for short, high intensity workouts.
The colon, for example, contains approximately 85 percent beneficial bacteria that prevent bad bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella from taking over and causing illness.
Once in the intestines the probiotics are useful in supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the lower digestive tract.
It may even be beneficial to keep a record of what you eat in a food journal.
Niacin side effects are usually beneficial to a healthy body.
From a simple lemonade stand in the front yard to an elaborate home business, jobs for kids can be extremely beneficial.
While coloring is a safe and effective way to keep your child entertained while you prepare dinner or catch up on email, sitting down with your child and coloring with him is beneficial to you both.
Although the thought of any bugs at all in the garden may make you cringe, some bugs can be beneficial.
Lady beetles and praying mantis are both beneficial to your organic garden.
The article also lists additional insects that are beneficial to your organic garden.
This un-pasteurized product comes from organically grown apples and keeps a good number of the fruits' beneficial components.
Enough time has passed that people now realize chemical insecticides lose their effectiveness and not only kill the pests but also get rid of a number of beneficial insects.
Argan oil has many beneficial uses and seems to excel as a moisturizer.
Today, the term organic tea can refer to any of a number of hot, plant-based infusions designed to be relaxing or medically beneficial.
We believe it is possible for all businesses to adopt these practices, and to actually compete with one another for how beneficial their products, services and business practices are.
This is beneficial to most gardens, as a sudden influx of nutrients can actually be harmful to your plants.
In the absence of good compost, animal manure can be a beneficial source of nutrients, microorganisms, and organic matter to build up the soil structure and ecosystem.
Farmers may use a variety of other methods including buffer strips, no-till farming, or release of beneficial organisms.
A small amount of spandex can be beneficial for form-fittnig styles, but don't go overboard.
It is also beneficial to have parents sign the contract so they are aware of the types of situations their child may be involved in and what is expected of them while working in the lab.
Some ethnic groups looked upon arranged marriages as beneficial matches for the family as a whole, so often a family employed the services of a matchmaker for offspring to ensure solid liaisons.
Shoes that have special slip-resistant soles can be beneficial to seniors who are afraid of falling or who have conditions that increase their risk of experiencing falls.
These age restrictions are beneficial for many reasons.
Computer training courses are beneficial for seniors of all ages.
Cross training is beneficial for senior men to minimize injury.
Help and resources are beneficial tools for managing the effects of the disease.
Again, the Internet is a beneficial tool when searching for life insurance companies that have policies you need at a low rate.
Being physically disabled is a significant consideration for when nursing home care would be beneficial.
It may be beneficial to take a look at one facility in order to get an idea of the facility's amenities and features.
So while regular exercise is beneficial, be careful to not overdo it.
Considering a wide range of the best CPAP machines is beneficial, especially when you have an option.
Longer warranties are always beneficial when available.
They are less invasive than surgery and they can be beneficial in some circumstances.
This approach is beneficial because you have an opportunity to search for a Florida sleep specialist in the process.
This information is then used to precisely fit the oral appliance for the most beneficial effects.
Using a humidifier at night and wearing adhesive nasal strips may also be beneficial.
Chamomile is a beneficial sleep aid that is safe for both children and adults.
Chamomile is also beneficial to digestion and may alleviate nausea, making it an excellent sleep aid for insomnia caused or worsened by gastrointestinal disorders.
Sometimes having someone help you adjust your mask can be very beneficial in getting the optimal fit.
Tracking sleep patterns can be beneficial, even if the data shows nothing but improved sleep.
Polarized lenses filter out scattered light, leaving only the focused, beneficial light for you to see by as you cycle.
They also come with a beneficial blue light filter that is equally essential for protecting the delicate eye area.
Everyone is familiar with the fact that ultraviolet light is harmful -- but many people are not conversant with the fact that UV is also beneficial.
It is also considered beneficial for tinted lenses to be polarized.
If you are starting a video game company, then you may not have lots of capital to throw around, so getting as much free stuff for your company is beneficial.
Waiting a week or two could prove beneficial by $5 or even $10.
Upgrading the Xbox 360 Arcade is easy, but it may be beneficial to just go with another Xbox 360 bundle.
Even if the precise content of the game isn't inherently educational, the actions that you take in playing the games can be very beneficial.
In 2009, the Dana Foundation reported on a number of ways in which video games were very beneficial to a child's brain.
It is taller and is beneficial in situations in which the boat has standing water.
Many people select oblong grills for use in outdoor cooking, but it can often be beneficial to choose a round campfire grill.
It's up to you to decide if available optional features will be beneficial to you and your family and if they are worth the added expense.
Whether you own an Airstream and want to network with other Airstream owners or if you are simply interested in learning more about this type of RV, visiting and participating in forum discussions can be very beneficial.
By interacting with other Airstream owners in a forum environment, you can find resources for parts, get repair and maintenance advice, find out about rallies or caravans, and discover many other beneficial tips.
If you are planning to cook something in a cast iron frying pan, however, a tripod will not be beneficial.
Although some practices are beneficial, others may be harmful to certain patients.
Parents should discuss these techniques and treatments with the child's doctor to determine the remedies that may be beneficial for the child.
Parents should discuss these nutrition supplements with the child's doctor to determine the remedies that may be beneficial for the child.
Parents should discuss these alternative treatments with the child's doctor to determine the techniques and remedies that may be beneficial for the child.
Although the treatment takes one to two weeks to reach its full effectiveness, the beneficial effects last three to four months.
Similarly, there is no scientific evidence as of 2004 that any specific supplemental nutritional therapy is beneficial.
Some people have found Benzhexol beneficial, but others have suffered reactions to it.
Those who carried a single "beneficial" mutation in the MEFV gene were more likely to survive and reproduce, which may explain the high carrier frequency (up to one in five) in some populations.
The diagnosis may be confirmed when a person with unexplained fever and pain responds to treatment with colchicine, since colchicine is not known to have a beneficial effect on any other condition similar to FMF.
Several specific diet options have been shown to be beneficial for reducing cholesterol.
Since a large number of people with high cholesterol are overweight, a healthy diet and regular exercise are probably the most beneficial ways to control cholesterol levels.
For those who are bottle feeding, a switch in the formula may be beneficial.
Systemic steroids may help children with chronic ear infections, but the evidence that these drugs are beneficial is not clear, and there are risks associated with steroid use.
Though sunlight is usually beneficial to most patients, for a few children, too much sun can cause a flare up or worsen the condition.
Children and adolescents in stepfamilies often have difficulties adjusting, and participating in family therapy can be beneficial.
Anesthetic ointments, antihistamine creams, and steroid lotions applied to the skin are sometimes beneficial.
Numerous alternative therapies have been touted to provide relief and help for individuals with scoliosis, but none has been proven beneficial in clinical trials.
As a result, the security object was often taken away from the child, sometimes forcibly, just when it could have been beneficial.
Attachment to a security object can be beneficial to a child.
Counseling can also be beneficial, especially with a mental health professional experienced in dealing with parental grief.
Dietary supplements, including garlic, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), L-arginine, soy, coenzyme Q10, phytosterols, and chelation therapy may be beneficial, but the exact nature of their effects on blood pressure is unknown.
Therapy may also be beneficial to these children in recovering from the emotional trauma of MSBP.
Because fluoride is most beneficial on the smooth surfaces of teeth, sealants were developed to protect the irregular surfaces of teeth.
Drinking water is also beneficial for rinsing food particles from the mouth.
Helping the child develop good sleep habits in childhood takes time and parental attention, but it will have beneficial results throughout life.
Assisting the child to the toilet prior to bedtime and even during the course of a night-terror might be beneficial in reducing reoccurrence.
Lactobacillus acidophilus-Commonly known as acidophilus, a bacteria found in yogurt that changes the balance of the bacteria in the intestine in a beneficial way.
Parents should discuss the alternative treatments with the child's doctor to determine the techniques and remedies that may be beneficial for the child.
Probiotics, bacteria that are beneficial to a person's health, are recommended during the recovery phase of gastroenteritis.
Although some remedies are beneficial, others may be harmful to certain patients.
Probiotics-Bacteria that are beneficial to a person's health, either through protecting the body against pathogenic bacteria or assisting in recovery from an illness.
Through physical therapy, an individual learns beneficial exercises for reducing stress, strengthening muscles, and staying fit.
Family therapy to help resolve whatever family problems may have driven the child away from home initially can also be beneficial in preventing a repeat running away incident.
Supplementation with free-form lysine has shown to be beneficial in controlling herpes along with a diet high in lysine and low in arginine.
Ironically, this action of the botulinum toxin has given it a beneficial niche in the world of medicine.
Manipulation-Moving muscles or connective tissue to enhance function, ease tension, and reduce pain in those tissues as well as other beneficial effects.
Supplementing the diet with vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc also is beneficial for wound healing.
Parents should discuss these alternative treatments with the child's doctor to determine the techniques and remedies that may be beneficial.
Nutritional supplements that may be beneficial include large amounts of antioxidants (vitamins C, A, E, zinc, selenium, and flavenoids), as well as B vitamins and a full complement of minerals (including boron, copper, and manganese).
Several studies, some of which were controlled, have found beneficial effects from a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Talking with children or teenagers and obtaining their input about treatment may be beneficial in increasing compliance.
Athletic activities can be beneficial, since exercise makes use of surplus blood glucose.
The electrical stimulation can be adjusted as the patient's condition progresses over time, and the stimulator can be turned off in the event that other beneficial therapies, such as brain cell transplantation, are performed.
Coenzyme Q10 supplements may be beneficial, as some people with movement disorders may have low levels of this substance.
Medical opinions changed as it was realized that this tissue is beneficial to the development of immunity.
Specific dosages depend upon the patient and that is determined by trial and error in conjunction with close monitoring by a physician in order to find the most beneficial strength.
Family therapy may also be beneficial in helping family members develop coping skills and in working through feelings of guilt or anger parents may be experiencing.
Autogenic training-A form of self-hypnosis developed in Germany that appears to be beneficial to migraine sufferers.
The difference between the amount of fluoride that is beneficial and the amount that can cause mottling is only two to four-fold.
This can be beneficial for students of all ages, and can also show the progress the class is making to the parents of younger students.
Free basic dance moves are beneficial for a variety of reasons.
The color pink is considered one of the most beneficial marital colors for enduring love and is ideal as a remedy for king beds.
You can use feng shui to ensure that your bedroom is arranged to take advantage of beneficial chi energy within this important room.
Dust and dirt also create clutter and block beneficial chi energy.
The bagua tool is most beneficial when you apply it to your entire surroundings, but you can still use it to identify and focus on a specific life area that seems to be troubling you.
There are many auspicious elements natural and manmade that attract positive and beneficial chi.
In fact, one of the latest and most beneficial marketing tools in real estate is to advertise a home as having been feng shui designed.
A pair of Mandarin ducks is very beneficial to a marriage or love affair.
Inviting birds into your outdoor space with the addition of a bird bath is a great way to add a water feature and increase beneficial chi.
This clarification will ensure your reading is as beneficial as possible.
Stagnant chi robs you of beneficial chi and can create all kinds of problems in your home and even in your life.
Give it away and clear the space for beneficial chi energy.
If the beneficial chi energy can't move easily through your home then it can impact your life in very negative ways.
Ingots are often used as a symbol of good luck since they are believed to draw financially beneficial chi energies.
If you're piecing together your family tree, you may find the services of a family tree researcher beneficial.
Even if the product doesn't increase hair growth or improve the hair's appearance, it may not be harmful and can include beneficial vitamins for overall health.
Hot wax can also cause the skin to peel or become wrinkled, so it is beneficial to use a hair removal method that does not involve the application of any sort of heated substance or chemical near the brows.
The company's philosophy is the collaboration of nature, Earth, and science to create superior products that are beneficial to both the environment and hair.
Additionally, this product is created with hemp, which is naturally beneficial to African American hair.
Although a little tougher to find than the actual hair appliance, hair videos that cover the process of straightening hair are available and are also very beneficial for first time users or educators in the art of straightening hair.
Layers are particularly beneficial for damaged hair.
If you're ready to have your most feminine of areas waxed, you may find yourself wondering what is a Brazilian wax and how is it more beneficial (if at all) than a standard bikini wax?
A headband might be particularly beneficial because it looks beautiful snuggled against height at the crown.
Nisim has a shampoo for dry hair that is particularly beneficial on African American locks.
Leave-in and deep conditioners can also be beneficial for women with black hair as these conditioners protect and hydrate black hair, preventing unnecessary hair loss from breakage.
There are many conditioners designed specifically for damaged hair, such as Nisim's conditioner line, that are beneficial in preventing unnecessary hair loss due to damage.
Reading out loud to your child is immensely beneficial and is essential to developing good vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Simply memorizing the material, without understanding it, is not beneficial to the student.
These are all things you can work around to make homeschooling more beneficial.
The statistics on homeschooling in the United States may help to convince some people that this method of teaching is beneficial for some students.
This is beneficial to homeschooling parents that prefer a curriculum similar to that taught in public schools.
This type of bartering of knowledge is quite beneficial to homeschooled students, particularly high school aged students who often need more specialized topics.
You may also find it beneficial to meet with a career counselor.
This sort of setup is beneficial since so many languages are spoken in Switzerland.
While it's important to choose a career path that closely matches your interests and talents, it's certainly beneficial to think about the types of salaries available for different types of occupations.
The site also includes the forms you will need to complete to apply for federal employment, along with additional information beneficial to individuals interested in working for the U.S. government.
This site is an online magazine for work at home moms, and is packed with information beneficial to anyone who is seeking opportunities for home based work.
It's also beneficial to look at the forum on this website, as it is an active community with tips and advice about companies that hire telecommuters and home based business opportunities, as well as warnings.
The site also provides the forms you will need to apply for federal employment, along with additional information beneficial to individuals interested in working for the U.S. government.
Visiting the following sites is beneficial because of the sheer volume of jobs they have.
This can be very beneficial when refinancing a California mortgage, because many home values have almost doubled in the last decade.
Changing payments can be inconvenient and confusing, but it can also be beneficial if rates are changing frequently.
The majority of lender programs are beneficial, but some less scrupulous lenders disguise sub-prime mortgage loans as special programs for first time home buyers.
If you aren't able to get referrals in this manner it can be beneficial to look up mortgage providers and banks in your local Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau directories.You can also research approved lenders online.
There is a help icon on each screen, which is beneficial for guiding users throughout the intricacies of the different modules.
Debt consolidation can be one of the most beneficial ways to use this company, mainly because they are able to get help for those who may not be able to get ahead on debts otherwise.
An origami club is beneficial because it not only brings people together, but can help you learn more origami facts or introduce you to branches of the paper folding art, like kirigami.
Colostrum is the 'first milk' a nursing baby will get, and it is full of beneficial antibodies to help the baby ward off illness.
Breastfeeding should always be a mutually beneficial relationship.
But, others claim that the process of pasteurization kills the beneficial nature of the vitamins because cooking changes the molecular structure in such a way that the body no longer can absorb them.
These kits can be a useful aid, however, over a prolonged period of time they can be expensive, which is why the methods above can be far more beneficial.
Massage--massage therapy is beneficial for muscle tension as well as emotional strain.
A beneficial tool for women practicing natural family planning methods of contraception are cycle beads.
This contraceptive method is more beneficial for certain women though.
Women with menstrual disorders may find the device beneficial for relieving heavy bleeding.
Most of the methods that women use to self induce labor are not harmful and will actually be beneficial in helping her relax and get ready for labor.
Taking a yoga class or doing stretches at home are very beneficial in alleviating sciatic pain.
The shopping guides are very beneficial in that they provide directions so that you can navigate the districts of San Francisco and they provide information on attractions, entertainment and restaurants in each area.
It's especially beneficial for new moms who haven't had a chance to tone up completely yet, but still want to feel good on the beach or by the pool.
This can be extremely beneficial if you are involved in team sports.
In sports such as surfing, they can prove especially beneficial.
This is extremely beneficial to anyone who likes, and takes pleasure in, creating her own unique style.
It can be an incredibly beneficial experience, but where do you begin your search for just the right camp?
For these reasons, swim racers find it beneficial to spend part of their training time wearing flippers in order to improve both strength and flexibility.
Swim fins aren't just fun to wear, they can actually be beneficial to your body in many ways.
He also might not have envisioned the way his flippers would evolve and how beneficial they would prove to humans swimming underwater, but then again, he was truly a man ahead of his time.
For those wishing to avoid artificial supplements, most forms of seafood (clams, mussels, crab and fish) are naturally rich in vitamin B12 and often come with a lot of other very beneficial nutrients.
When taken properly, most people experience only beneficial niacin side effects.
Occasional supplementation for short periods of time, such as when treating a cold, may be beneficial.
Calcium rich foods are healthy for all individuals, but may be especially beneficial for aging women and growing children, who often require more calcium in their diet.
Although nothing indicates micellized vitamins are harmful, nothing indicates they're particularly beneficial, either.
The human digestive tract contains about 400 beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and reduce signs of aging, but you can maintain a healthy balance of them by taking probiotic supplements.
Probiotics, also referred to as microflora, are a type of beneficial bacteria that help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the body's gastrointestinal system, urinary tract and reproductive organs.
Antioxidants are believed to be beneficial to health for many reasons.
At least one scientific study has suggested EGCG may be beneficial for memory and brain function.
Antioxidant supplements can be a beneficial part of a healthy lifestyle.
The mineral content of kelp and other seaweeds is very similar to that of the human body, so it is considered to be a very beneficial food.
However, this and other whole food supplements can be beneficial if used in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise and plenty of fluids.
Some vitamins play a role in the formation of hair and nails, and including them in your health care regimen may be beneficial for the appearance and growth of hair and nails.
All fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which are thought to be beneficial for hair and for overall good health.
Many people tend to think of individual vitamins as being beneficial for just one or two things when it comes to good health.
While the use of sunscreen can be extremely beneficial when spending long hours outdoors, it is not necessary for quick trips to the park.
The recommended daily allowance focuses on preventing deficiency as opposed to generating optimum health, and additional vitamin C may be beneficial.
Taking vitamin C as a powder may be beneficial to your health, if you are unable to get adequate vitamin C from food sources.
The recommended daily allowance suggests a minimal level that prevents scurvy; however, higher doses may be beneficial for optimal health.
While using the proper shampoo, conditioner and styling products can help maintain the health and strength of black hair, there are a few key vitamins that are particularly beneficial for this fragile hair type.
There are several different vitamin complexes that are beneficial for black hair.
Shampoos and conditioners often include B vitamins to reinforce hair's strength and prevent breakage, but many experts agree that these vitamins are most beneficial when taken orally.
Many people seeking better health through probiotics have found Dr. Ohhira's product, Probiotic 12 Plus to be particularly beneficial.
Beneficial intestinal flora plays a key role in metabolic, immunological, elimination, and other functions.
Other lifestyle factors that may affect the level of beneficial bacteria include poor diet, use of hormonal medications such as steroids or oral contraceptives, and consumption of sugar and chlorinated water.
Microbiologist Iichiro Ohhira, Ph.D. created his probiotic supplement by incorporating 12 different strains of beneficial flora derived from lactic acid.
In most cases, probiotics serve as a beneficial adjunct to a comprehensive health care regimen.
Your body contains both potentially beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria.
When you have adequate beneficial gut flora in your colon, then you are more likely to retain bowel health.
However, when levels of beneficial bacteria drop, they make room for harmful flora, which can lead to multiple health problems including infection, irregularity, yeast overgrowth, parasites, gas, and food allergies.
Probiotic supplements and foods (such as yogurt, kefir, and kombucha) reintroduce the beneficial flora to your intestines, simulating colonization of helpful gut flora.
As the beneficial bacteria colonizes, it chases out the harmful organisms, which your body excretes.
The Phillips Colon Health Probiotic Capsules contain three strains of beneficial bacteria, which balance the digestive system, promote regularity, and hamper the overgrowth of harmful organisms.
While probiotic supplements are beneficial, some people should not take them.
This particular supplement contains such a wide range of bacteria that it is probably beneficial for many common problems.
A Salton Electric Yogurt Maker uses gentle heat to incubate the yogurt you make, allowing the beneficial bacteria present in the yogurt to flourish.
The incubation process is the most important step of making yogurt, as incubation allows the beneficial cultures to thrive and improves the flavor of the yogurt as it sits.
The serial number, wattage, size, and other relevant facts may also beneficial.
The HealthMaster also has the ability to make soymilk from soybeans, which is beneficial for anyone with lactose intolerance.
Some of the less beneficial types masquerade as the effective ones.
Air purifiers are especially beneficial to anyone who suffers from a respiratory illness.
Individuals that are interested in repairing their Cuisinart kitchen appliance on their own may find product manuals to be beneficial.
If you are you looking for a way to keep your heating bills under control this winter, you may find it beneficial to use a few electric space heaters to supplement your central heating system.
There are some on the market that are beneficial to those with breathing conditions.
When used according to the manufacturer's recommendations, a dehumidifier can be one of the most beneficial appliances in the home and one that will make a valuable impact that you'll feel almost immediately.
Find out the results of my independent product review and decide for yourself if this cooking tool is one that might be beneficial to you.
In a time where everyone is escaping everybody else through the use of iPods and Blackberries, board games cause us to break free from that shell and spend some quality time together which is beneficial for everybody.
Also present is the scent of geraniums, which are less traditionally used in relaxing aromatherapy, but beneficial just the same.
Used as an anti-depressant scent, it is beneficial for calming tension.
Aromatherapy is beneficial to many as fragrant candles are lit and relaxation takes place in homes, spas, doctor's offices, by pool sides, and at social gatherings.
Fundraisers that result in an ongoing revenue stream can be very beneficial, and they are also often quite simple.
No matter how much experience you have in grant writing, it's always beneficial to try to learn new tips and techniques that can be used to enhance the skills you already have.
Those with pictures are especially beneficial to younger children.
The Federal Government has a beneficial website with a searchable database for grants.
Of course, you should offer to reciprocate by sharing what you are working on or providing access to other types of information that may be beneficial to the people who you are asking to help.
Its ability to summarize recent transactions is particularly beneficial to nonprofits with a continuous influx of donations.
The donation of a used vehicle to a non profit can be beneficial to both the donor and to the recipient.
Not only is role playing beneficial for young growing minds, it can also reignite the passion in a stagnant romantic relationship.
This is especially beneficial for seniors re-entering the dating scene after a long hiatus.
While they are beneficial for super busy people, they are not charities.
Many jewelers have their own websites and browsing these from the comfort of your own home is certainly beneficial.
Many people find that it is beneficial to share a plan amongst all the interested parties.
Many people who work as technical writers or who are seeking employment in the field find memberships in the Society for Technical Communications to be very beneficial.
Earning a degree in journalism, communications or English will prove beneficial if you want to pursue a career as a journalist, though some writers do find work without a degree.
The Writers Weekly forum is an active online writing community that contains quite a bit of information that may be beneficial to new and experienced freelance writers.
Even if your dog isn't allergic to grains or gluten, removing these ingredients from your pet's food may be a beneficial move for their overall health.
The brand's bags are especially beneficial for those ladies who carry a houseful of belongings on each daily adventure.
Being born on a cusp can actually be quite beneficial to your personality, and to how others perceive you.
This can be extremely beneficial in both your professional life and your personal life.
It may sound scary, but these episodes are actually beneficial.
If you're aware of your numbers, you can position yourself to receive beneficial experiences.
Although Scorpio's dominance will only serve to highlight the beneficial characteristics of this sign, Scorpio's flaws can become overwhelming when a person's sun, moon, and ascendant are all located in this portion of the zodiac.
This is a powerful sign, and when Scorpio's energies are channeled in a positive direction, he can be a highly influential and beneficial individual within a community.
In addition, sports like tennis can also be beneficial and lucrative for this quick-footed sign.
Engaging with members of a different generation should prove beneficial.
If your Venus falls in your seventh house, partnerships of all kinds will prove particularly beneficial.
The year's element can be either destructive or beneficial to the element of your sign.
What the onlooker doesn't see is all the hard work these two do behind the scenes that generate positive and beneficial results.
Introducing kids' learning games to children as young as a few months old can be beneficial in the long run.
Yahooligans has a specific Teacher's Guide which guides teachers to differentiate which games may be the most beneficial in challenging students in their classroom.
Since the parent virtually never leaves the child and this involves frequent contact, holding, and hugging, some believe that this parenting style helps children create a strong connection with parents that can be very beneficial.
There is actually a "Love and Logic" seminar that many parents find highly beneficial.
The laws differ from one state to the next, and it may be beneficial to find information about licensing requirement in your state.