Bend Sentence Examples
Light and dark seemed to bend to avoid him, leaving a haze around his body.
Nothing could bend that cast iron will.
Every part of his body ached and he could only bend his elbow halfway.
With each bend of the highway they found breathtaking views.
A cannon ball, flying close to him, caused him to duck and bend over his horse.
Nanotechnology will give us metals that don't bend, or bend and yet remember their original shape.
Despite the urgent efforts of Joseph Bonaparte and Talleyrand to bend the First Consul, he refused to listen to these proposals.
But the sultan could not bend his pride to suffer foreign intervention in a matter that touched his honour, and the return of Napoleon from Elba threw the Eastern Question into the background.
She must have hiked down the back way and met up with him down at the bend in the road, below where our Jeep is parked.
I can make them bend the ball like I bend a spoon.
AdvertisementAs they watched, three Indians rode around a bend in the gully and passed below them.
He rose and began pacing the room as Dean stopped by and proceeded to bend Dean's ear how this was the day he and Paulette were to receive a firm offer on the Lucky Pup property.
Marillier sacrifice was, at its origin, essentially a magical rite - the liberation by the effusion of a victim's blood of a magical force which was to bend the gods to the will of man; from this arose, under the influence of cult of the dead, the gift theory of sacrifice.
She can shut her eyes and bend her arms and sit down and stand up straight.
Between the western bend of the Cavalla river and the coast there is a somewhat broken mountain range with altitudes of from 2000 to 5000 ft.
AdvertisementTaran's skin crawled with the charge of magic in the confined chamber, and he watched Memon bend over Rissa.
He was hungry after the stimulation of Jessi's refusal to bend to his will.
The driveway had to be around that next bend.
It is pleasantly situated in the upper valley of the Wye, in a bend of the river on its right bank below the confluence of its tributary the Irfon.
Bend your arms with the right raised slightly higher than the left.
AdvertisementThe road began to widen and after a sharp bend she came into the tiny town indicated on the map.
The bones of the legs and feet are most susceptible to stress fractures, which occur when muscle strains or contractions make bones bend.
At this age, it is normal for children to start challenging their parents, testing the limits and rules to see how far they can bend or break them.
Dean smiled at a pair of climbers rounding a bend in the trail and waited for them to pass before responding.
Her guards watched in surprise as Sirian and his horse disappeared around the bend.
AdvertisementBelow the Siamese Shan town of Chieng Sen the river takes its first great easterly bend to Luang Prabang, being joined by some important tributaries.
With their moderately soft, flexible pellicles, swimming Spirostomum often bend around bits of algae and other obstacles they encounter.
A third style, the Charleston bending brace, is used at night to bend the spine in the opposite direction.
As you bend forward, reach your arms to the ground, or to your legs if the ground is out of reach.
Sit with your knees folded under you, your feet under your buttocks, and bend forward, letting your head come to rest on the ground.
Be sure to sit up straight, then lift your left arm straight up in the air, bend the elbow and bring your hand down between your shoulder blades; extend your right arm and fold it from your waist up towards the shoulder blades.
If the hamstrings are tight, bend the knees to allow the spine to lengthen fully.
Bend the knees and hips, keeping the shins on the floor.
As you bend, twist your left elbow to rest on the outside of your right knee or thigh.
Bend the knees, bringing the soles of the feet parallel to each other on the mat, close to the buttocks.
For instance, if the curve is of S-form, the point of danger is when the train enters the contra-flexure, and it is not an easy matter to assign the best superelevation at all points throughout the double bend.
The town presents a picturesque appearance from the Nile, which at this point makes a sharp bend.
The north wall, leaving the city circuit at a point near the modern Observatory, ran from north-east to south-west near the present road to the Peiraeus, until it reached the Peiraeus walls a little to the east of their northernmost bend.
Marco Polo in the latter part of the 13th century, and Friar John of Montecorvino, afterwards archbishop of Cambaluc, in the beginning of the 14th, speak of the descendants of Prester John as holding territory under the great khan in a locality which can be identified with the plain of KukuKhotan, north of the great bend of the Yellow river and about 280 m.
In the vicinity is the Karolinen canal, which cuts off a bend in the Danube between Lauingen and Dillingen.
Corps (Thielemann), 23,900, in the bend of the river Meuse, headquarters Ciney, and disposed in the area Dinant-Huy-Ciney.
It is picturesquely situated on an eminence, two sides of which are touched by the river Nene, which here makes a deep bend.
In some parts, especially (in Douglas and Grant counties) within the Big Bend of the Columbia, the plain is frequently cut by coulees, or abandoned river channels, some of them 500 to 600 ft.
Nogi and Kaulbars stood fast, facing each other on the west front; after the arrival of the general reserve, Nogi was able to prolong his line to the north and eventually to bend it inwards towards the Russian line of retreat.
Jerome vainly sought to bend his brother's will in an interview at Alexandria.
The sacrifices and offerings were acknowledgments of divine bounty and means used to insure its continuance; the Arab was the " slave " of his god and paid him tribute, as slaves used to do to their masters, or subjects to their lords; and the free Bedouin, trained in the solitude of the desert to habits of absolute self-reliance, knew no master except his god, and acknowledged no other will before which his own should bend.
Darvaz, a small vassal state of Bokhara, is situated on the Panj, where it makes its sharp bend westwards, and is emphatically a mountainous region, agriculture being possible only in the lower parts of the valleys.
The Sierra Madre Oriental consists of a broken chain of ranges extending along the eastern margin of the plateau from the great bend in the Rio Grande south-eastward to about the 19th parallel.
It is served by the Michigan Central and the Pere Marquette railways, by electric interurban railway to South Bend, Indiana, and by a steamboat line to Chicago.
The horns are somewhat erect and spiral, with an outward bend.
In most cases they reach the coast through deep valleys or profound canyons, and the transcontinental railways find their way beside them, the Canadian Pacific following at first tributaries of the Columbia near its great bend, and afterwards Thompson river and the Fraser; while the Grand Trunk Pacific makes use of the valley of the Skeena and its tributaries.
Most commonly it is used in the form of wire, with a small bend or loop at the end.
The only drawback to these good qualities is a certain liability to warp and bend, unless very carefully seasoned; for this purpose it is recommended to be left floating in water for a year after felling, and then allowed some months to dry slowly and completely before sawing up the logs; barking the trunk in winter while the tree is standing, and leaving it in that state till the next year, has been often advised with the larch as with other timber, but the practical inconveniences of the plan have prevented its adoption on any large scale.
When Breasted renders "Great Bend" of the Euphrates he is probably thinking of the great.
From the 7th to the 12th century it was a powerful empire, its dominions extending, apparently, from the Atlantic to the Niger bend.
Soon after our watershed makes a last bend to the south-east and culminates in the Terglou (9400 ft.), the highest point of the Julic Alps, though the Grintovc (8429 ft., the culminating point of the Karawankas Alps) stands more to the east.
The renal tube is doubled on itself, its middle part where the bend occurs being situated more or less anteriorly.
The main streets and principal buildings of the city are situated on a tongue of land formed by a southward bend of the river.
One of the securities devised for the benefit of the bend holders in the abortive scheme of May 1876 was retained in the Goschen-Joubert settlement, and being continued in later settlements grew to be one of the most important institutions in Egypt.
Some Zygnemaceae and Mesocarpaceae form either a short conjugating tube, or none at all, but the filaments approach each other by a knee-like bend, and the zygospore is formed at the point of contact, often being partially contained within the walls of the parent-cell.
The districts within the great bend of the Niger have a large Fula population.
From the point where the rivers of the Great and Little Pamirs join their forces at Kala Panja to Ishkashim, at the elbow of the great bend of the Oxus northwards, the river valley has Surveys.
At Langar Kisht, a little to the east of the Oxus bend, there is a small Russian post of observation.
From Kala Khum, which fort about marks the most northerly point of the great bend of the Oxus round Badakshan, the river follows a south-westerly course for another 50 m.
Another of about equal length, starting from the same, central water-parting of this mountain block, and included within the Oxus bend, follows a transverse direction at almost right angles to the Shiwa, and joins the Oxus valley near its debouchment into the more open Kolab plains, where the course of the Oxus has again assumed a direction parallel to the mountain strike.
The existence of this route, which traverses the Darwaz mountains from east to west, cutting off the northern bend of the Oxus, and connecting those easterly routes which intersect the Pamirs by means of the Ghund and Shakhdara (and which concentrate about Lake Shiwa) with Kolab in eastern Bokhara, is important.
The valley of the Kokcha leads directly from the Oxus to Faizabad, the capital of Badakshan, and its head is close above Ishkashim at the southern elbow of the great Oxus bend, a low pass of only 95 00 ft.
Here, on Wallabout Bay at the bend of the East river to the westward, is the New York navy yard, the principal navy yard of the United States, established in 1801, and commonly but incorrectly called the Brooklyn navy yard.
Its name is variously derived from the Gaelic crom, crooked, and bath, bay, or ard, height, meaning either the "crooked bay," or the "bend between the heights" (the high 'rocks, or Sutors, which guard the entrance to the Firth), and gave the title to the earldom of Cromarty.
The work lost in pulling a given length of rope over a pulley is found by multiplying the length of the rope in feet by its stiffness in pounds, that stiffness being the excess of the tension at the leading side of the rope above that at the following side, which is necessary to bend it into a curve fitting the pulley, and then to straighten it again.
The primordium of the neurochord (neural or medullary plate) referred to above becomes closed in from the surface by the overgrowth of surrounding epiblast, and its edges also bend up, meet, and finally fuse to form a tube, the medullary or neural tube.
Another derivation is from Gaelic words meaning "the island beyond the bend."
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
The Buyids, and especially Adod addaula (Azud-ed-Dowleh, and similar forms), ruled Bagdad wisely and improved the city by great public works such as the great dike, still known as the Bend Amir on the Kur (Cyrus) near Persepolis.
From the bend of the Indus southwards towards the plains of the Punjab to the bend of the Brahmaputra southwards towards the plains of Assam, through a length of 1500 m., is Himachal or Himalaya.
Neither immediately beyond this great bend, nor within it in the Himalayan regions lying north of Assam and east of Bhutan, have scientific investigations yet been systematically carried out; but it is known that the largest of the Himalayan affluents of the Brahmaputra west of the bend derive their sources from the Tibetan plateau, and break down through the containing bands of hills, carrying deposits of gold from their sources to the plains, as do all the rivers of Tibet.
The northern tributaries of the Gilgit river, which joins the Indus near its south-westerly bend towards the Punjab, take their rise from a glacier system which is probably unequalled in the world for its extent and magnificent proportions.
The principal tributaries of the Guapay are the Mizque, Piray or Sara and Yapacani, the last rising on the east slopes of the Cordillera Real, flowing east by Cochabamba to the sierras of that name where it breaks through with a great bend to the north.
Army of interposing between Ivanov and Bulgaria led to a regrouping of the Serbian forces for the benefit of this army, which, pursuing its advantage, drove back its opponents towards the line of mountains in the upper Bregalnitsa bend (Obozna-1340-Grlena).
Finally, however, the Bulgarians were repulsed here also, and retired to the line of frontier mountains (Golemi Vrh-Bozderitsa-Rujan-Sivakobila), more or less in touch with the right of the forces in the mountains of the Bregalnitsa bend.
His front was covered by the marshy bed of the stream, his left flank by its northerly bend towards the Forth, his right by a group of woods, behind which, until the English army appeared, the Scots concealed themselves.
The southern chain bears the names of Karaadzirga and Burkhan-ola, and terminates in about 99 0; but the northern range, the principal names of which are Artsi-bogdo and Saikhat, extends probably most of the way to the great northward bend of the Hwang-ho or Yellow River round the desert of Ordos.
Because of his fame as a frontier hero, of the circumstance that a part of his home at North Bend, Ohio, had formerly been a log cabin, and of the story that cider, not wine, was served on his table, Harrison was derisively called by his opponents the " log cabin and hard cider " candidate; the term was eagerly accepted by the Whigs, in whose processions miniature log cabins were carried and at whose meetings hard cider was served, and the campaign itself has become known in history as the "log cabin and hard cider campaign."
After temporary interment at Washington, his body was removed to the tomb at North Bend, Ohio, where it now lies.
The stream then makes a sharp bend southward and empties into Newark Bay.'
The orographic features of the Pacific Mountain system trend parallel to the coast-line of the Gulf of Alaska, changing with this at the great bend beyond the N., and of the Panhandle from S.E.
Living north of the Luba-Lunda tribes, and occupying the country enclosed by the great bend of the Congo and bounded west by the Kasai, are a large number of tribes, the chief groups being the Bakuba, Basongo Mino, Balolo, Bakete, Bambala, Bayaka, Bahuana, &c. Of these the Basongo Mino are spread over the country between the Kasai and Lomami.
But we may follow Godwin-Austen in accepting the main chain of the Murtagh as merging into the central mountain system of the Tibetan Chang, its axis being defined and divided by the transverse stream of the Shyok at its westward bend, whilst the Karakoram range, in which the Shyok rises, is a subsidiary northern branch.
The long awn, which is bent and closely twisted below the bend, acts as a driving organ; it isvery hygroscopic, the coils untwisting when damp and twisting up when dry.
At the south-east corner the rim of the crater is, as it were, breached by a deep crevasse through which the Abai escapes, and here develops a great semicircular bend like that of the Takazze, but in the reverse direction - east, south and north-west - down to the plains of Sennar, where it takes the name of Bahr-el-Azrak or Blue Nile.
The chief river of Abyssinia flowing east is the Hawash (Awash, Awasi), which rises in the Shoan uplands and makes a semicircular bend first S.E.
The Persian method, introduced by Cyrus, was to bend the knee and fall on the face at the prince's feet, striking the earth with the forehead and kissing the ground.
In October 1861 Stanton, secretary of war, ordered him north to raise troops for the expedition against Vicksburg; and early in January 1864, at Milliken's Bend, McClernand, who had been placed in command of one of the four corps of Grant's army, superseded Sherman as the leader of the force that was to move down the Mississippi.
On the 17th, Grant, after receiving the opinion of Admiral Foote and General Sherman that McClernand was unfit, united a part of his own troops with those of McClernand and assumed command in person, and three days later ordered McClernand back to Milliken's Bend.
The effect of such a change may be to bend FIG.
Thus near Cookhouse railway station it makes an almost circular bend of 20 m., the ends being scarcely 2 m.
In practice the full advantage of this or any other similar combination is not realized, because of the friction of the sheaves against the pin or shaft, and more important still is the stiffness of the rope, which requires work to be done upon it to bend it round the sheave and straighten it again.
The most important manufacturing centres are Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Evansville, South Bend, Fort Wayne, Anderson, Hammond, Richmond, Muncie, Michigan City and Elwood, each having a gross annual product of more than $6,000,000.
Indianapolis (169,164), Evansville (59,007), Fort Wayne (45,115), Terre Haute (36,673), and South Bend (35999) In the same year there were 14 cities with a population of less than 35,000 (all less than 21,000) and more than 10,000; and there were 21 places with a population of less than 10,000 and more than 5000.
In geology, a fold is a bend or curvature in the stratified rocks of the earth's crust, whereby they have been made to take up less horizontal space.
The territory now included in Kansas was first visited by Europeans in 1541, when Francisco de Coronado led his Spaniards from New Mexico across the buffalo plains in search of the wealth of " Quivira," a region located by Bandelier and other authorities in Kansas north-east of the Great Bend of the Arkansas.
At the point where it makes its great bend the river Chinchipe pours into it from southern Ecuador.
Then they bend to the south-west, and, abutting upon the lower Tapajos, merge ' Igapo is thus the name given to the recent alluvial tracts along the margins of rivers, submerged by moderate floods, whereas vargem is the term used for land between the levels of moderate and high floods, while for land above this the people use the term terra firma.
He carried off Marpessa, daughter of Evenus, as his wife and dared to bend his bow against Apollo, who was also her suitor.
For the convenience of the imperial court, there was a small harbour in the bend of the shore to the east of Chatladi Kapu, known as the harbour of the Bucoleon.
His measures were supported by Disraeli, who understood that Protection must bend to the menacing poverty of the time, though unprepared for total abolition of the corn tax and strongly of opinion that it was not for Peel to abolish it.
North of these, in the great bend of the Congo, are the Balolo, &c., the Balolo a nation of iron-workers; and westward, on the Kasai, the Bakuba, and a large number of tribes as yet imperfectly known.
Philip Augustus was not satisfied with the destruction of a turbulent feudalism; he wished to substitute for it such unity and peace as had obtained in the Roman Empire; Adminisand just as he had established his supremacy over the tration of feudal lords, so now he managed to extend it over the Philip clergy, and to bend them to his will.
Chattanooga occupies a picturesque site at a sharp bend of the river.
At Tosaye, just before the bend becomes pronounced, the Baror and Chabar rocks reduce the width of the river to less than Soo ft., and at low water the strength of the current is a serious danger to navigation.
Krause (north from the Gold Coast, 1886-1887) and the French Captain Binger (Senegal to Ivory Coast, 1887-1889) first defined its southern limits by revealing the unexpected northward extension of the basins of the Guinea coast streams, especially the Volta and Komoe, a fact which explained the absence of important tributaries within the Niger bend.
Stockwell, who was a chestnut with black spots, was the sire of Blair Athol (1861), a chestnut, and also of Doncaster (1870), another chestnut, but with the characteristic black spots of his grandsire; and Doncaster was the sire of the chestnut Bend Or (1877).
Birdcatcher was a chestnut, so also were Stockwell and his brother Rataplan, Manganese, Mandragora, Thormanby, Kettledrum, St Albans, Blair Athol, Regalia, Formosa, Hermit, Marie Stuart, Doncaster, George Frederick, Apology, Craig Millar, Prince Charlie, Rayon d'Or and Bend Or.
The state fish-hatchery is on springs at South Bend; at Long Pine springs of large flow supply the town and railway shops with water, and led to the establishment here of Chautauqua grounds.
Cieza is built in a narrow bend of the Segura valley, which is enclosed on the north by mountains, and on the south broadens into a fertile plain, producing grain, wine, olives, raisins, oranges and esparto grass.
Goshen is served by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railways, and is connected by electric railway with Warsaw and South Bend.
Caught in the bend of the river Avon by the converging columns, and surrounded on all sides, the old earl attempted to cut his way out of the town to the northward.
The ability to keep the bend of the horse's body is paramount to keeping the circle accurate.
The inward bend of the upper airstream is accompanied by a substantial drop in air pressure just above the disk, sucking it upward.
Redcliffe is situated on the outside of a meander bend of the River Avon on deep alluvium.
A gold and stone amulet hanging around the neck of one " psychic " begins to bend.
Learn how to cut, bend and solder wire to make a solid silver bangle or ring.
They spin on their heads, bend their legs round their ears, and turn inside out with a dizzying facility which beggars belief.
The Czech Republic ace lifted nastily while negotiating the first bend and was thrown awkwardly into the air fence.
As you enter the woods look out for the gate, just after the first tight right-hand bend, it's usually closed.
January and I made a large bender by a bend in the sleepy, serpentine river that coiled through the site.
Copper pipes are not flexible enough to bend without kinking, without the use of a pipe bending spring or pipe bender.
Then lower buttock and bend the knee to really feel the muscle burn.
The gathering of British supporters on the bottom bend responded with a deafening cheer.
Years ago we used to hear quartets sing the catchy chorus went, " They wouldn't bend.
Slightly larger flagellates and small ciliates prompt the spines to bend and curl so as to entangle the prey more thoroughly.
Clean out the tin, with a soft damp cloth, try not to bend the tin at all.
Start by getting an adult with good muscles to bend the wire coat hangers into the right shape.
The machine turns up the roots and the laborers, in a line, bend down to fill their wicker creels (baskets ).
I can't see how using you're routine can enable you to bend high quality steel cutlery at a moments notice.
Oracle has repeatedly promised to bend over backward to keep PeopleSoft's 12,200 customers happy, but some are already disgruntled.
Bend at the waist holding a dumbbell in you right hand near the floor, directly under your right shoulder.
There was a right hand bend which formed a beautiful eddy over which hangs a very large bush.
The shaping of the horizontally focusing mirror is more extreme as its bend is required to have greater ellipticity for a uniform focus.
Every bend of the road reveals new facets of an ancient landscape which has been inhabited for at least 5,000 years.
Back down at stream level you reach a hairpin bend with an inlet entering on the right from an impenetrable fissure.
The colon then goes downhill via a bend called the splenic flexure.
She had a severe deformity which was causing her left foreleg to bend inwards.
Perhaps you are planning to stroll down to the bend where you caught your best grayling last season.
Continue upwards and round the hairpin bend near the top.
The path bears left at the end of a patch of woodland then makes a hairpin bend to cross a stream.
The entrance is found by taking a path off the last left hand hairpin bend before a clearing.
Stuart has indicated that there may be an issue with the 3-4 bend as 3 dogs had suffered broken hocks on this bend.
Write the magic incantation " DO NOT BEND " on both sides of the envelope in some color that stands out.
Bend your right leg at the hip and knee, and place your right heel on your left thigh just above the left kneecap.
Round the bend in the stairway came a figure carrying a dark lanthorn.
Place the metal on top of the card frame and carefully bend the metal over each of the edges.
Running was fine but anything which required me to bend my legs into any sort of position suddenly became agonizingly painful.
That interpretation does not pervert or bend the words of the decision.
As soon as the confluent petioles protrude from the seed they bend down, as they are strongly geotropic, and penetrate the ground.
The bend radius is set at 24 turns for the cylindrical mirror.
They are located on a bend on the right hand side of the road below some wooden railings.
Upstairs, one frequently had to bend to avoid concussion on a beam or a sloping roofline.
Argent a bend sable with three right hands argent thereon cut off at the wrist.
The dread curve of Michael Corleone's life, which provided a dramatic spine for the family saga, has lost its sinister bend.
The final bend below Linton Lock came sooner than we thought and the large sandbank loomed up on the left hand side.
His soil isn't suitable for carrots and parsnips as the alluvial silt has heavy seams running through it which make them bend.
Close behind, Gafurov comes a cropper on the pits bend, causing a stoppage.
In fact, I have it fairly tight, but still with enough give in it to allow me to bend notes.
Extra light strings are easy to play and you can bend the notes easily but the guitar may sound tinny.
The DIPJ may just bend downwards itself while the rest of the toe remains straight (usually called a mallet toe ).
Bend the right knee to almost a 45 degree angle keeping the upper torso facing forward.
I decided that I would show this young upstart how to attack a good bend.
That is not to say you should bend the rules willy nilly - only do so for a good reason!
For no gallant Son of Britain To a foreign yoke shall bend.
The gaps, are, however, often filled as they are formed by the development of external conjunctive tissue immediately above the points at which the bundles begin to bend out of the stele, so that sharply defined open gaps such as occur in fern-steles are but rarely met with in flowering plants.
True it is that there were not wanting other men in these islands whose common sense refused to accept the metaphorical doctrine and the mystical jargon of the Quinarians, but so strenuously and persistently had the Laster asserted their infallibility, and so vigorously had they assailed any who ventured to doubt it, that most peaceable ornithologists found it best to bend to the furious blast, and in some sort to acquiesce at least in the phraseology of the self-styled interpreters of Creative Will.
It starts from near the point of junction of Haemus and Rhodope, and at first takes an easterly direction, the chief town which lies on its banks in the earlier part of its course being Philippopolis; but when it reaches the still more important city of Hadrianopolis it makes a sharp bend towards the south, and enters the sea nearly opposite the island of Samothrace.
The centre of the city is the royal palace (see Siam), situated in a bend of the river and enclosed by walls.
The Negroid peoples, which inhabit the vast tracts of forest and savanna between the areas held by Bushmen to the south and the Hamites, Semites and Libyans to the north, fall into two groups divided by a line running from the Cameroon (Rio del Rey) crossing the Ubangi river below the bend and passing between the Ituri and the Semliki rivers, to Lake Albert and thence with a slight southerly trend to the coast.
The first group includes the native states of Bondu, Futa Jallon, Masina, Mossi and all the tribes within the great bend of the Niger.
Pass a chain suspended across the road and, after a sharp right-hand bend, go left up some steps.
The dread curve of Michael Corleone 's life, which provided a dramatic spine for the family saga, has lost its sinister bend.
Bend hands up toward the shoulders then straighten arms back down to your sides.
Bend arms slightly when turning in this position and straighten again when stepping on the spot or moving straight.
The DIPJ may just bend downwards itself while the rest of the toe remains straight (usually called a mallet toe).
Any bend angle can be programmed with no additional tooling costs.
The idea of rubbing posts is to take the tow rope round the bend safely.
That is not to say you should bend the rules willy nilly - only do so for a good reason !
Do your child's knees bend comfortably over the edge of the seat when your child is seated against the seat back?
The beauty of owning a motorhome is gaining another community and the new friends that are just around the next bend in the road.
If you've found a pair of hiking boots you like, take the top of one of the boots and bend it over to test for sturdiness.
If you can drastically bend the blade, or easily scratch it with a knife, then the blade has not been heat-treated.
All shafts bend, it's just a matter of how much.
You can exit on Katy Fort Bend Road and turn on Katy Mills Drive or Star Lane, or you can exit on Pin Oak Road and turn on Kingsland Boulevard to find the mall.
This innovative little cat toy has a wand attached to a movable arm that can bend in all directions.
You may find you have to bend down to insert or extract clothes, although some models have doors that are easier to work with.
However, it's good for your knees to squat, and since you often have to bend over to pull out clothes from a top loader, you may be going easier on your back overall with a front loader.
Two pipes are inserted into these holes and connected at the bottom where they form a U bend.
The light weight of the material helps, but you need to be careful not to bend or dent the panels.
The construction of the lamp required the fine hand of the lamp maker to steam bend the support pieces to meet at the top.
Inexpensive rods made of plastic or thin gauge metals will bend or break.
If your window appears to be slightly between sizes, size up to the larger; over extending a telescoping rod may cause it to bend in the center.
To stop while skiing downhill, bend your knees and put your weight forward until you slow down.
Trying to force someone to bend to your will usually leads to greater levels of stress down the road.
Bend over, sit down, dance, whatever, to check the fit and how the clothes move with or without you.
You can buy heavy 18 to 22-gauge wire at any most stores and bend it into a custom bracelet.
After getting the dress on, sit, stand, and bend over the in the outfit.
Watch out for used decorating tips as the ends bend easily.
Bend each leg, and secure all of the limbs together with toothpicks or slim wooden skewers.
Although his name appears in the title of the 2003 hit Bend it Like Beckham, he and his wife were unable to make cameos in the film.
Bend it Like Beckham (2002) - Rhys-Meyers played the character Joe, opposite Parminder Nagra (Neela on T.V.'s E.R.) and Keira Knightly.
Then, have her bend over as far as possible to stretch her hands to the floor.
With girls skirts, be sure to have your daughter sit down in the dressing room, kneel, bend down, and get into any other position that may cause the skirt to ride up or shift around.
Even if a course is not advertised in a catalog as being print-based, the instructor may bend the rules for some students or find a way to work around the existing parameters of the course.
Measure from the top of the legs, as most dogs bend their head down as they go in and out of a pet door.
Then they bend and grow around inside the container.
The height of the bed makes it easier to work, because you don't have to bend or kneel as much.
From transplanting seedlings to harvesting vegetables, you'll need to be able to bend and reach all of the plants.
Other times, the number is between a "b" and an "r" meaning that you bend the string and then return it to its unbent state.
However, when making a corner turn, don't make a tight bend that could damage the monorail.
Wrought iron is more flexible, making it easy to bend thin strips into complicated shapes.
Score and cut the front face of the drywall with the utility knife, then bend the panel to create a mark on the back paper.
Bend the tracks any way you want for a personalized effect that is as easy to install as it is to pick out.
Along with the ability to bend the track, comes the ability to hang lights from it as well.
The rail is thinner, able to bend into complete circles, and it can even be suspended several inches below the ceiling for more contemporary looks.
The best part of flexible track lighting is the ability to uncouple it from the ceiling, bend it into a new configuration and re-mount it.
With a flexible track kit, you'll be able to move and bend your lights around your room until you find the look that works for you.
The siding does not offer any bend and it will not curve well.
Place the clip with the bend in the "L" at the front edge of the gutter and mold the clip around the screen and gutter by pressing down firmly with your fingertips.
The wire needs to be thick enough that it holds its shape, yet thin enough for the wire artist to be able to bend and flex.
This is an ideal way for the elderly or infirm to store their jewelry as tall armoires offer ease of access and also save people from having to bend down to take jewelry out.
In addition, a full range of motion is important, so make sure you can easily move your arms and bend your knees.
The key is for the shirt to move with your body as you stretch, turn, bend and perform basic everyday maneuvers, all while staying comfortably tucked.
China Bend 2004 Marechal Foch Reserve - Cardamom, plum and blackberry flavors in a smooth, full bodied wine.
You may find that you need to go up a size to give you enough room to accommodate bulkier clothes and to let you comfortably reach, bend and move.
To avoid straps digging into your shoulders, they should be wide and tight enough to raise the bust above the bend in your elbow and still be comfortable.
Bend to the side, to the front, squat, twist around - move in a number of ways to see how the piece feels.
If the breeze lifts your skirt or you bend over without thinking, no one will see your underwear.
You definitely don't want a shirt that rides up or exposes skin every time you bend over.
More panels allow for more stretch and give as you bend or crouch.
With the shorts on, bend over in a bike-riding position to make sure they are still comfortable.
When you see someone bend over to pick up the dollar, rip the piece of cloth at the same time.
Finally, a place for soap, which is high enough so the person does not have to bend down low, is a great safety and convenience feature.
For example, some seniors may find it difficult to bend over to tie their shoes due to medications which may make them feel dizzy, or the actual act of tying shoes is more complicated because of arthritis.
The forward bend will gently massage the muscles of your lower back and neck as well as help relieve tension.
Movements are small, and may involve flexing of the big toe or a bend of the knee, hip, or ankle.
Perhaps the most notable quality about this eyewear is that you can actually bend it!
Bendable readers are not quite the same as folding reading glasses, which shrink down for easier storage and portability but do not bend all over.
Don't forget to check for a wide array of reading glasses that bend.
They bend and then snap back into shape, so they are unlikely to suddenly become useless or uncomfortable.
This can be achieved through wider frames that have an angular or rectangular bend.
It could be that the hinge is stretched out or perhaps a screw is loose or missing.If you determine that the hinge is stretched out then use a pair of pliers to carefully bend it back into place.
The genuine article will have a specific, high-quality hinge that you should be able to bend gently without distorting or "popping."
They're dubbed such because of their ability to bend and then return to their normal shape.
They also feature Flex2Fit adjustable temples that allow you to bend the earpieces inward or downward for a secure and comfortable fit.
Flexible frames come in two varieties--spring-hinge legs that bend out to the sides instead of breaking with pressure, and those frames made of flexible material all over; you can literally tie the legs in knots.
These glasses contained convex lenses (lenses that bend outwards) that could correct farsightedness and the worsening of vision often seen as individuals age.
After printing the ticket, do not fold or bend it excessively, and keep the bar code area as clean and neat as possible so there are no reading problems at the park.
Cars bend and crack and leave stuff behind; fences break; anything available to run into is a chance that it will be left on the road.
The testers sometimes have to bend over backwards just to get it to run.
Rosés are bend over flexible with food.
Generally you can bend the plexiglass piece to fit the curved shape.
While that can be dangerous in a fall when the foot needs to bend, it is the safest design for people who are making vertical climbs up icy slopes.
Bend one leg at a 90 degree angle at the thigh, making sure the waistbelt hits at this point.
The doctor simply asks the child to bend forward while the back is examined for changes in the curvature.
Potential benefits of this surgical procedure include pain relief, reduced spasticity to improve walking or aid sitting in a wheelchair, increased ability to bend at the waist, and improved use of the hands.
Flexor muscle-A muscle that serves to flex or bend a part of the body.
As the head is turned, the arm and leg on the same side will extend while the opposite limbs bend, in a pose that mimics a fencer.
Atopic dermatitis-An intensely itchy inflammation often found on the face, in the bend of the elbow, and behind the knees of people prone to allergies.
Contraction of the biceps muscle, located on the top of the upper arm, pulls on the forearm to flex the elbow and bend the arm.
In no other number are the lines straighter or the movements smaller; legs that usually gracefully bend are held stick-straight, and the effect of the whole number is that of an exceptionally well-trained army, but then a more elegant one.
Step forward with the left foot, bend your knees and sway left and then right.
Metal doesn't bend to the will of other elements.
Bend forward and allow your hair to fall.
A small barrel curling iron can add the bend you'll need to create volume and separation.
The classic 70s shag hairstyle is meant to be unkempt, so bend over and mess it up to separate those layers.
Make sure you spray the finished style to maintain the hold and bend of the feathers.
Do a skin allergy test 48 hours before each application by applying a quarter-sized amount of the product in the bend of the elbow, and allow it to dry on the skin for 48 hours.
To pump body into dry hair, bend over at the waist, spray liberally at the scalp, and shake!
The child may worry that he or she will get it dirty or bend the pages.
Stand up between lesson segments, and invite your children to bend, stretch, or march in place.
Men are in charge; women bend to their will.
Rest your baby in your arm so his/her neck rests at or near the bend of your elbows, his/her back along your forearm and his/her bottom in your hand.
Aluminum heats up under quickly and sometimes the framework begins to bend under weight.
You should squat, sit down, and bend over so that there are no surprises when you chase that volleyball at the beach!
You can bend the rules the way you want to make it suitable for any age group to play.
Now, jump up and down, bend over and twist; do whatever you can think of to make sure that suit is not going to budge.
In most cases, though, straps break because they've become weakened from wear or there are plastic or metal pieces that can bend and break.
Bend from side to side, bend forward, even jog in place in the dressing room - you'll be able to see how comfortable the bikini is and whether or not it rides up at the first sign of movement.
There, you will slowly practice the stroke so that you feel confident you understand the pull and bend of the movement.
That is, you pull your arm straight in front of you and bend at the elbow as it comes back, maintaining a steady rhythm.
Made of flexible foam rubber and available in a wide range of vibrant colors, they easily bend and float.
If you drop something, you'll have to bend at your knees while keeping your waist and back straight.
Do you hate it when your tees show a flash of skin when you move and bend?
Another one of the smaller models, the surface area of the West Bend Electric Griddle is 10" x 18".
Use the pliers to bend the wire into a ring formation.
This type of wick is designed to have a slight bend at the tip when it is burning to help reduce carbon buildup.
You can also bend wire into an ear shape and cover it with fabric, or even an old sock.
Cut two equal lengths of the craft wire and bend them into the shape of your wings.
Wrap black fabric or batting over wire and bend the resulting tubes into shape, then sew them to a black shirt.
Simply bend one end of the tube into a cane shape and you have an inexpensive shepherds' crook.
Major cities in the Ohio Valley include Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, Ohio; Lexington, Louisville, Covington, and Bowling Green, Kentucky; and Fort Wayne, South Bend, and Indianapolis, Indiana.
Women will bend their body towards a speaker while a man will move his head to the side when listening.
For the couple seeking unique ring engraving ideas this can present the opportunity to bend tradition.
Antique or vintage inspired wedding rings can also bend the rules when it comes to materials.
For instance, a heavier silver ring will be more durable than a thin band, which could easily bend.
Since pliage means "fold or bend" it is no wonder that this collection boasts an incredible ability to fold or bend, making them ideal for traveling.
Even so, if both partners are willing to bend a little, this can be a wonderful and mutually satisfying relationship.
Everyone should bend over and let the parachute touch the ground.
The first person on each team is to bend over with feet and legs apart and grab his or her ankles.
Some physicists believe that a large mass can actually bend space as well as slow down time.
In 1994, he created a shoe that was made entirely out of elastic to allow the foot to bend and breathe in every step.
I'll never forget coming around the bend of the nature preserve near my home, just after we moved to Wisconsin.
Leather shoes have a structured shape while a fabric shoe may bend and slouch.
Eventually, she got to marry to Jack, but not before she drove his "true love" out of town and later, went all the way around the bend and killed Carly's horse.
Rise Up - Derek wants Sloan to distract Cristina while the residents squabbling drives Owen Hunt around the bend.
Use whichever tool works best for you as long as it won't bend when applying a reasonable amount of pressure.
Nothing clears the mind quite like the Standing Forward Bend, known as Uttanasana.
If you have a back problem, allow for a bend in the knees and just go down as far as you can without strain.
Inhale deeply, and on the exhale, bend forward, chest on the thighs.
Seated Forward Bend - Provides a wonderful stretch for anyone's skill level and helps a yogi calm the mind before moving on.
In our article, Fun Yoga Asanas for Middle School Students, we outline some basic postures such as Mountain Yoga Pose, Child's Pose, Wide-Legged Forward Bend, and Lotus Pose.
Wide-Legged Forward Bend is an energy booster.
Use blocks or stacked books to bend down without causing strain in the lower back.
I can extend and bend my toes for the first time in years!"
Bend forward, trying as much as possible to hinge from the hips and not the middle of your back, while keeping your back as straight as possible.
Repeat the forward bend on the other side as well.
Stand with your feet hip distance apart, or closer if you can manage it once you are in the bend.
Reach your arms up and over your head, and then bend forward, again hinging a the hips.
Bend the elbows and bring the palms of the hands underneath the shoulders with the fingertips pointed towards your feet.
To come out of the pose, bend the right leg and bring it back toward the body.
Bend your knees to your chest, touching your thighs to your abdomen.
A looser pair of pants will allow movement, allow your legs to breath, and will bend and shape into each position comfortably.
Look for a solid-feeling stock that doesn't bend or wobble easily.
In a couple of years, they learned that if they brought the business to South Bend, it would return Mike's wife to her childhood city.
Also, from South Bend you can really serve Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago.
Position the legs like in a side hurdle, but one leg will come up straight and the other will bend.
Generally, the cheerleader will bend his or her weakest leg.
You can allow the leg on the ground to bend slightly at the knee during this deep stretch.
Then, wipe each blind being careful not to bend the slats.
Stick eight pipe cleaners directly into the "body" and bend to create "legs."
Put beads on it too, bend the wire some and then stick it into the soap for your handle.
After you put the jewelry together, you will need to bend up the end of the hoop without the hole and then insert that tip into the hole to close the jewelry.
Carefully bend the wire around the crystal bead.
Wrap one pipe cleaner around the baby food jar and bend the other pipe cleaner in a "U" shape.
Bend and fan the strips out to create a ball-shaped ornament.
In other words, you may have to improvise and bend the rules a little to adjust to your particular situation.
Placing an exercise ball between your splayed legs can help you gradually increase your flexibility for seated forward bend poses.
Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
Bend your lower leg and stretch the top leg.
Bend your elbows to lower your upper body to the floor.
Bend your knees into squat position as if you were about to sit in a low chair (knees bent at 90 degrees) and let the ball roll up your spine as you lower your body.
Use your other hand to bend the fingers of your right hand backwards, making sure to keep your fingers together.
Bend and stretch each finger of the right hand.
Bend your thumb into your palm under the little finger.
Push your hips backward and bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair.
A good rule of thumb when you're just starting out is to bend your joints no further than 90-degrees.
Standing up, bend your knees slightly and have the dumbbells down at your sides.
Bend your elbows just enough to raise the dumbbells out to your sides until your arms are raised to shoulder's length.
Start in a standing position, then bend your lower back and knees to lift weights that are placed on the floor.
Inhale and slowly bend your knees to an almost parallel position and then straighten.
Bend your elbows and lower them toward the bench until they form a 90 degree angle.
Tip your hips backward and bend your knees, lowering your butt toward the floor while keeping your heels flat on the ground.
Keep your body upright as you bend both legs and lower your back knee toward the floor.
Bend the elbow up to bring the weights to your chest, then slowly lower down.
Grip a dumbbell in each hand (at your sides, palms in), bend elbows, and pull the weights up toward your chest.
Another option is to bend at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor, back straight, hands by your knees and gripping a dumbbell in each hand.
Put your arms behind your head as if you were doing crunches and bend at the waist, bringing the torso up.
At home, you can grip a dumbbell in each hand, bend the knees slightly and bend to about 45 degrees at the waist.
At home, keep legs as straight as possible without locking the knees and bend forward at the waist, keeping the back straight.
First grab a machine, door handle or other waist-high immovable item with straight arms (both hands), bend forward and pull back/down for 20-30 seconds.
Don't be afraid to bend your hips and knees -- glance towards the ceiling to keep your upper body reasonably upright.
Bend one knee and bring the opposite elbow up, and then alternate.
Bend your elbow bent to 90 degrees with your hand facing downwards.
Deadlifts, squats and so on are great for building strength, but you have to learn to bend your hips and knees so much you don't round your back in the process.
Bend knees slightly and grasp a light barbell with an overhand grip.
As bar approaches top of feet, bend your waist.
For this exercise use a high step or bench that allows your knees to bend to 90 degrees or less.
Bend knees but don't let the shin of your front leg go beyond your ankle (lower back knee until it almost touches the floor).
To do free-form dips, grab a pair of dip bars or the backs of two sturdy chairs, bend your knees and find a good balance on your hands.
Then slowly bend your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor, at which point you make the turn and push yourself back up to the starting position.
Bend your elbows slightly, then slowly pull the handles until your upper arms are crossing each other.
As you exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades towards each other and bend your elbows.
Bend your hips and knees so that they both form right angles and put your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.
Focusing on decreasing the distance between the pelvis and the ribcage, crunch together as you bend forward.
Bend your hips and knees, not your back -- keeping the abs tense will help keep your back straight.
Bend your knees and jump up on top of the box.
Bend your arms forward at a 90-degree angle away from your body holding the dumbbells parallel to your body.
While sitting or standing, hold your arms out in front of you and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle.
Bend the elbows so that the bar touches your forehead before pushing back up again.
Lie with your back flat, bend your knees and then lift your feet up off the floor, bringing your knees into your chest.
Bend your knees 90 degrees and let your feet hover a few inches off the floor.
Can you bend over and tie your shoes or do you get stuck somewhere along the way?
As you exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bend your elbows.
Seated stretches in which you try to reach your toes with your hands, or in which you bend to one side or another are relaxing and beneficial to the digestive system.
Bend your knees as you perform the crunch.
Slowly bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle and then straighten your arms with control.
As you bend your right knee, rotate your upper torso toward the leg.
Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
For example, loosen your hips by bending from one side to another and follow this with a forward bend that lightly stretches the backs of your legs.
Bend your knee as your chest comes over your foot so that you go into a mild knee-bend.
Finally, swing your chest around each time that you bend to one side.
You want the seat setting high enough so your knees bend slightly when you push the pedal down.
Make sure your elbows bend when you place your hands on the handlebars.
Tuck your elbows next to your body and bend them 90 degrees with your forearms pointing in front of you and your thumbs pointing towards the ceiling.
Bend your knees and squat as low as you can go without experiencing pain.
Next, slowly bend your knees and spring up off the bottom of the pool as high as you can.
Bend your knees and push your tailbone back as if you were going to sit down on an imaginary chair.
Stretch the triceps by lifting one arm above the head, and then bend at the elbow to try to touch between the shoulder blades.
Bend forward at the waist and place your left hand in front of your knee on the bench for support.
Bend the arms at the elbow, lowering the weights slowly towards the middle of the shoulder blades and then lift back up.
Bend your elbows and lower the weights slowly back over your head, and then lift them back up.
Slightly bend your elbows to avoid strain.
When you lift your leg, bend your lifted knee and extend your straight, opposite arm overhead.
Inhale as you bend your elbows, lowering your body so it is almost touching your support.
Bend your knees so you are in a nearly seated position and then lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in the back leg.
Then, bend your left knee until it is nearly parallel with the floor.
Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle with your forearms facing upward and your palms facing forward.
Extend your right arm above your head and then bend at the elbow so that your hand is pointed to the floor and your elbow is above your head and pointed towards the ceiling.
Grasp the ends of the rope behind you and bend forward.
Again, bend your knees if you are having trouble keeping your legs straight.
A take on the typical side bend, this dynamic version is a great way to loosen tight side muscles and hips.
All of your muscle groups work in concert to bend, lift and move through the action of walking, jogging and jumping.
When you bend your knee backward or extend your leg behind your body, you're engaging your hamstrings.
As you start squatting, simultaneously bend your elbows, pulling the band upward as you curl your palms toward your shoulders.
Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the floor until your elbows form a 90-degree angle.
Bend over until your upper body is almost parallel with the floor.
Anytime you engage your abdominals to stand, twist or bend, you're also engaging the muscles of your hips and back.
Then, bend your knees and lift them off of the floor to a 45-degree angle.
To perform the captain's chair exercises, hang by your forearms from the captain's chair and bend your knees towards your chest in a controlled manner.
You want to bend slightly forward from the hips to reach the handlebars so that your back forms a 45 to 60 degree angle.
Press your back into the wall and bend your knees as you slide your torso down the wall.
Bend your left elbow so that your left hand is at your shoulder.
Shift your weight onto your right foot and bend your left knee, drawing your left foot toward your buttocks.
Bend your knees until they form a 90-degree angle, sticking your buttocks out behind you as though you were performing a squat.
Bend your uninjured leg so your foot is flat on the mat.
You should bring one leg forward and bend it slightly at the knee.
Bend one leg behind you, grasping hold of your ankle behind you.
Tighten your abs and bend your knees, pulling them into your chest as your roll your hips up off the bench.
Place your left knee on a bench, and bend over to place your left hand on the bench in front of your knee.
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight, and place the kettlebell on the floor.
Bend the opposite knee, prop yourself up with your other arm, and slowly rise off the floor, balancing the weight carefully above your shoulder.
They also engage during torso rotation and flexion, as you bend, twist and move throughout the day.
Bend your elbows and place your fists next to your ears.
The odds are very good that they'll bend over backwards to give you the lowest possible rate for your teen in order to capture all of the additional business from your other insurance product purchases.
What the cami can do is keep you sexy while preventing too much cleavage from showing when you bend over, which some women find useful in a variety of situations.
Looking for body stockings that flatter hips and curves, or ones with an active bend?
As long as you don't sit or bend over, no one has to know.
Be sure that when you bend and stretch, your bodysuit doesn't bind.
Black models started to become more prevalent in the 1970s, and since then, the world has had the opportunity to experience and discover brand-new talent around every bend.
While many think that silk nightgowns can have a feminine bend, they can be plain and dark for any man.
But Neo learns that he too can bend virtual reality to his own will, and bullets stop in mid-air, people fly over the heads of their opponents... in short, there is no limit to what you can do when you rule the laws of physics.
With the popularity of games like FarmVille, Farm Town and Restaurant City, there is also a drive for programmers to create hacks that can not just bend the rules but actually cheat the way the system works.
Above one's bend - this saying is used when something is out of a person's reach.
The most effective ways tend to be more from finding ways around the rules, or ways to bend them, as opposed to actually breaking them.
These pants must easily bend at the knees and snugly fit the body.
Some designers give in and stick with web safe fonts, while other designers bend over backwards to develop an approach that allows them to utilize any font they wish.
Glancing around to see if Yancey was gone, she spotted him disappearing around the bend, on his way to the house.
It gurgled contentedly as it slowed to round the bend.
Instead of these are cats with more or less abbreviated tails, showing in greater or less degree a decided kink or bend near the tip. In other cases the tail is of the short curling type of that of a bulldog; sometimes it starts quite straight, but divides in a fork-like manner near the tip; and in yet other instances it is altogether wanting, as in the typical Manx cats.
Before that time there was no basin or wet-dock, though the river Medway to some extent answered the same purpose, but a portion of the adjoining salt-marshes was then taken in, and three basins have been constructed, communicating with each other by means of large locks, so that ships can pass from the bend of the Medway at Gillingham to that at Upnor.
The Arno, which has its source in the Monte Falterona, one of the most elevated summits of the main chain of the Tuscan Apennines, flows nearly south till in the neighborhood of Arezzo it turns abruptly north-west, and pursues that course as far as Pontassieve, where it again makes a sudden bend to the west, and pursues a westerly course thence to the sea, passing through Florence and Pisa.
When these are excited by the settling of an insect on the leaf they slowly bend over and imprison the intruder, which is detained there meanwhile by a sticky excretion poured out by the glands.
In his seventieth year, as lieutenant-general of the North, he led the English host on the great day of Flodden, earning a patent of the dukedom of Norfolk, dated 1 February 1513/4, and that strange patent which granted to him and his heirs that they should bear in the midst of the silver bend of their Howard shield a demi-lion stricken in the mouth with an arrow, in the right colours of the arms of the king of Scotland.
Thus charged on the silver bend, it makes bad armory and it is worthy of note that, although the grant of it is clearly to the duke and his heirs in fee simple, Howards of all branches descending from the duke bear it in their shields, even though all right to it has long passed from the house to the duke's heirs general, the Stourtons and Petres.
Where the Oxus river takes its great bend to the north from Ishkashim, the breadth of the Afghan territory intervening between that river and the main water-divide of the Hindu Kush is not more than 10 or 12 m.; and east of the Pamir extension of Afghanistan, where the Beyik Pass crosses the Sarikol range and drops into the Taghdumbash Pamir, there is but the narrow width of the Karachukar valley between the Sarikol and the Murtagh.
The prayers of Queen Louisa of Prussia failed to bend him from his resolve.
Nevertheless, even the combative Wallqvist was appalled when on the 16th of February 1789 the king privately informed him that he meant on the following day soundly to trounce the Estate of Nobles in the presence of the three other estates and bend them to his royal will.
These works, and Forts Chaudanne and Bregille overlooking the Doubs at the bend, were constructed prior to 1870.
The Dorah connects Zebak and Ishkashim at the elbow, or bend, of the Oxus with the Lutku valley leading to Chitral.
Some of its sources are near Zebak, close to the great bend of the Oxus northwards, so that it cuts off all the mountainous area included within that bend from the rest of Badakshan.
From the Oxus (loon ft.) to Faizabad (4000 ft.) and Zebak (850o ft.) the course of the Kokcha offers a high road across Badakshan;, between Zebak and Ishkashim, at the Oxus bend, there is but an insignificant pass of 9500 ft.; and from Ishkashim by the Panja, through the Pamirs, is the continuation of what must once have been a much-traversed trade route connecting Afghan Turkestan with Kashgar and China.
The tombs of the kings were in the land of Gerrhus near the great bend of the Dnieper where the chief tumuli have been excavated.
The finest of the class were opened about the bend of the Dnieper, where we should put the land Gerrhus.
It stands at the centre of the great S-shaped bend of the Nile, and from it the railway to Wadi Halfa strikes straight across the Nubian desert, a little west of the old caravan route to Korosko.
Between those places the river makes a great S-shaped bend, the region west of the Nile within the lower bend being called the Bayuda Desert, and that east of the Nile the Nubian.
The capital of the province is SAN Juan, once called SAN Juan DE LA FRONTERA (pop. 1904, estimate, 11,500), in a great bend of the San Juan river, 95 m.
The great bend of the river affords easy irrigation, and the surrounding country is covered by a network of irrigating canals, even the paved streets of the town having streams of cool water running through them.
Few English writers have known so adroitly as Tennyson how to bend the study of Shakespeare to the enrichment of their personal style.
Towards the Fossa Magna the folds bend northwards.
Towards the Fossa Magna the folds bend sharply round until they are nearly parallel to the Fossa itself.
Preeminently he was a devout ecclesiastic, a "great priest"; and his sermons, both Anglican and Catholic, are marked by fervour and dignity, by a conviction of his own authoritative mission as preacher, and by an eloquent insistence on considerations such as warm the heart and bend the will rather than on such as force the intellect to assent.
In 1841 he removed to South Bend, where for eight years he was deputy auditor (his step-father being auditor) of St Joseph (disambiguation)|Joseph county; in1842-1844he was assistant enrolling clerk of the state senate and senate reporter for the Indiana State Journal.
In the shape and curvature of the horns, which at first incline outwards and forwards, and then bend somewhat upwards and inwards, this breed of cattle resembles the aurochs and the (by comparison) dwarfed park-breeds.
It is served by the Pere Marquette, the Michigan Central, and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis railways, by electric railways to St Joseph and Niles, Mich., and South Bend, Indiana, and for a part of the year by steamboat lines to Chicago and Milwaukee.
Its tributaries are small, and are remarkable chiefly for the fact that they at first flow in a direction almost opposite to that of the main stream, and make a great bend to the N.E.
It is situated on Hobson's Bay, a northern bend of the great harbour of Port Phillip, in Bourke county, about 500 m.
On the paved platform were three-storey tower temples in whose ground-floor stood the stone images and altars, and before that of the war-god the green stone of sacrifice, humped so as to bend upward the body of the victim that the priest might more easily slash open the breast with his obsidian knife, tear out the heart and hold it up before the god, while the captor and his friends were waiting below for the carcase to be tumbled down the steps for them to carry home to be cooked for the feast of victory.
The Sea of the Great Bend would seem to be the sea fed by the north-to-south waters of Naharin, just as the Mediterranean, fed by the south-to-north waters of the Nile, is called the Great Circle (šn wr).
As regards the main divisions, three are generally distinguished; the Western Alps (chiefly French and Italian, with a small bit of the Swiss Valais) being held to extend from the Col de Tenda to the Simplon Pass, the Central Alps (all but wholly Swiss and Italian) thence to the Reschen Scheideck Pass, and the Eastern Alps (wholly Austrian and Italian, save the small Bavarian bit at the north-west angle) thence to the Radstadter Tauern route, with a bend outwards towards the south-east, as explained under (2) in order to include the higher summits of the SouthEastern Alps.
To bring the result nearer to the just standard, a higher measure of popular 1 Malthus himself said, "It is probable that, having found the bow bent too much one way, I was induced to bend it too much the other in order to make it straight."
The sea frontier extends from the Rio del Rey, just where the great bend of the coast-line east to south begins, forming the Bight of Biafra, to the Campo river, a distance of 200 m.
From this point it flows west, and then south-west past Missis, until it makes a bend to discharge its waters south of Ayas Bay.
Along the whole of the Samara bend the Volga is accompanied on its right bank by high cliffs, which it is constantly undermining, while broad lowland areas stretch along the left or eastern bank, and are intersected by several old beds of the Volga.
It is finely situated in a bend of the river, with about 2 m.
Argent a bend gules with three roses argent thereon.
The S bend is quite meaty looking but seems ok.
It has not the vitality and force of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will.
Then the voice said something more, Demyan replied, and the steps in the felt boots approached the unseen bend of the staircase more rapidly.
Many hard working servers put in overtime to accommodate celebrities and their entourages and bend over backwards to ensure everything is perfect.
Also, never bend your hips more than 90 degrees, never cross your legs and do not lock your joints.
If you sleep on an arm or bend your wrist wrong while asleep, you can cut off the nerve sensation and experience 'hand or hands asleep' feeling.
If you've ever sat on your readers, fallen asleep in them, or had a child grab them and bend them, you'll love the fact that there are some frames out there that are meant to withstand such accidents.
They are what allows the temples to bend.