Ben Sentence Examples
His life was such that no man could ever say, "Ben Franklin has wronged me."
Don't talk dirty, Ben.
Ben can fall asleep in the middle of a conversation.
But picture Ben and Betsy, two city dwellers, neither owning a car.
Don't go prude on me, Ben.
You'll talk to him, won't you Ben?
Can you do it, Ben?
That leaves you, Ben.
Don't get me wrong, Ben.
It's a boy's life that's important, Ben.
AdvertisementHe's going to find us, Ben!
Don't say that, Ben!
Do you want me to say it, Ben?
I don't know, Ben.
We can't let this fall apart on us, Ben.
AdvertisementDrink up, Ben and I'll tell you.
You never did understand, Ben.
It won't mean anything, Ben.
Can he really be that close, Ben?
You want one, Ben?
AdvertisementBen, this entire business has gotten out of hand.
Do you know what I did to Annie, Ben?
My name is Elizabeth Anne Morganthaw Gustefson, called Betsy and I'm writing these horrifying remembrances at the request of my husband Ben.
I just hoped and prayed somehow his contact of Ben or Howie could be used to locate us.
Ben Rinnes (2755 ft.) and several other hills of lesser altitude all lie within a few miles of Dufftown.
AdvertisementBeginning in 1867 with the publication of Jacob ben Chajim's Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible, Hebrew and English, with notices, and the Massoreth HaMassoreth of Elias Levita, in Hebrew, with translation and commentary, Dr Ginsburg took rank as an eminent Hebrew scholar.
The mass widens out once more in the Liverpool Range, where the highest peak, Mount Oxley, reaches 4500 ft., and farther north, in the New England Range, Ben Lomond reaches an elevation of 5000 ft.
Ben Jonson produced a skilful amalgamation of the Aulularia and the Captivi in his early play The Case is Altered (written before 1599).
For the other books, the recognized Targum on the Prophets is that ascribed to Jonathan ben Uzziel (4th century ?), which originated in Palestine, but was edited in Babylonia, so that it has the same history and linguistic character as Onkelos.
In the 10th century Jacob al-Qirqisani wrote his Kitab al-anwar, on law, Solomon ben Yeruham (against Seadiah) and Yefet ben 'Ali wrote exegetical works; in the 11th century Abu'l-faraj Furgan, exegesis, and Yusuf al-Basir against Samuel ben Hophni.
Other writers are Aaron (the elder) ben Joseph, 13th century, who wrote the commentary Sepher ha-mibhhar; Aaron (the younger) of Nicomedia (14th century), author of `E Ilayyim, on philosophy, Gan `Eden, on law, and the commentary Kether Torah; in the 15th century Elijah Bashyazi, on law (Addereth Eliyahu), and Caleb Efendipoulo, poet and theologian; in the 16th century Moses Bashyazi, theologian.
Africa were in close relation with those of Spain, and as early as the beginning of the 9th century Judah ben Quraish of Tahort had composed his Risalah (letter) to the Jews of Fez on grammatical subjects from a comparative point of view, and a dictionary now lost.
His work was used in the 10th century by Menahem ben Saruq, of Cordova, in his Mahbereth (dictionary).
Rashi was a pupil of Jacob ben Yaqar, and studied at Worms and Mainz.
His relative Abraham ben Ezra, generally called simply Ibn Ezra,4 was still more distinguished.
The greatest of all medieval Jewish scholars was Moses ben Maimon (Rambam), called Maimonides by Christians.
A very different person was Moses ben Nahman (Ramban) or Nahmanides, who was born at Gerona in 1194 and died in Palestine about 1270.
He wrote numerous translations, of Galen, Aristotle, Ilariri, IIunain ben Isaac and Maimonides, as well as several original works, a Sepher Anaq in imitation of Moses ben Ezra, and treatises on grammar and medicine (Rephuath geviyyah), but he is best known for his Talzkemoni, a diwan in the style of Ilariri's Magimat.
His son Moses, who died about the end of the 13th century, translated the rest of Maimonides, much of Averroes, the lesser Canon of Avicenna, Euclid's Elements (from the Arabic version), Ibn al-Jazzar's Viaticum, medical works of IIunain ben Isaac (Johannitius) and Razi (Rhazes), besides works of less-known Arabic authors.
Of the same school were Menahem ben Simeon of Posquieres, a commentator, who died about the end of the 12th century, and Moses ben Jacob of Coucy (13th century), author of the Semag (book of precepts, positive and negative) a very popular and valuable halakhic work.
In the East, Tanhum ben Joseph of Jerusalem was the author of commentaries (not to be confounded with the Midrash Tanhuma) on many books of the Bible, and of an extensive lexicon (Kitab al-Murshid) to the Mishnah, all in Arabic.
Asher ben Jehiel, a pupil of Me'ir of Rothenburg, was the author of the popular Talmudic compendium, generally quoted as Rabbenu Asher, on the lines of Alfasi, besides other halakhic works.
In the first half of the 14th century lived the two translators Qalonymos ben David and Qalonymos ben Qalonymos, the latter of whom translated many works of Galen and Averroes, and various scientific treatises, besides writing original works, e.g.
At the end of the century Isaac ben Moses, called Profiat Duran (Efodi), is chiefly known as an antiChristian controversialist (letter to Me'ir Alguadez), but also wrote on grammar (Ma`aseh Efod) and a commentary on the Moreh.
The introduction of printing (first dated Hebrew printed book, Rashi, Reggio, 1475) gave occasion for a number of scholarly compositors and proof-readers, some of whom were also authors, such as Jacob ben Ilayyim of Tunis Later waters.
Another historian living also in Italy was Joseph ben Joshua, whose Dibhre ha-yamim (Venice, 1 534) is a sort of history of the world, and his `Emeq ha-bakhah an account of Jewish troubles to the year 1575.
Ben Lomond (3192 ft.), the ascent of which is made with comparative ease from Rowardennan, dominates the landscape; but there are other majestic hills, particularly on the west and north-west banks.
Craig Royston, a tract lying between Inversnaid and Ben Lomond, was also associated with Rob Roy.
Ben A'an, an adjoining hill, is 384.3 ft.
Zechariah was slain after six months by Shallum ben Jabesh in Ibleam; but the usurper fell a month later to Menahem, who only after much bloodshed established his posi tion.
The wisdom of Jesus ben Sira (Sirach) is contained in the book commonly called Ecclesiasticus.
But Salome Alexandra, his brother's widow, who released him from prison on the death of her husband and married him, was connected with the Pharisees through her brother Simon ben Shetach.
Under Johanan ben Zaccai the Pharisees established themselves at Jamnia.
At the time, Menasseh ben Israel was in London, on a mission to Cromwell.
Its concluding words suggest that its production was due to Khalid ben Yezid (died in 708), who was a pupil of the Syrian monk Marianus, and according to the Kitab-al-Fihrist was the first Mussulman writer on alchemy.
Ravenstein's map of Ben Nevis (1887) first employed the colours of the spectrum, viz.
Marco Polo mentions such charts; Vasco da Gama (1498) found them in the hands of his Indian pilot, and their nature is fully explained in the Mohit or encyclopaedia of the sea compiled from ancient sources by the Turkish admiral Sidi Ali Ben Hosein in 1554.1 These charts are covered with a close network of lines intersecting each other at right angles.
From 1881 till 1904 meteorological observations were taken from the summit of Ben Nevis, the observers at first making the ascent daily for the purpose.
Then it was taken by Timur, from whom the sultan Ahmed Ben Avis fled, and, finding refuge with the Greek emperor, contrived later to repossess himself of the city, whence he was finally expelled by Kara Yusuf of the KaraKuyunli ("Black Sheep") Mongols in 1417.
The caverns in the sides of the precipice are said to have afforded Wallace and other heroes (or outlaws) refuge in time of trouble, but the old house is most memorable as the home of the poet William Drummond, who here welcomed Ben Jonson; the tree beneath which the two poets sat still stands.
The first mention of the word is to be found in the title Ety= of a work by Mahommed ben Musa al-Khwarizmi (Hovarezmi), who flourished about the beginning of the 9th century.
But these translations were regarded as imperfect, and it remained for Tobit ben Korra (836-901) to produce a satisfactory edition.
The first notable Arabian mathematician was Mahommed ben Musa al-Khwarizmi, who flourished in the reign of Mamun.
Tobit ben Korra (836-901), born at Harran in Mesopotamia, an accomplished linguist, mathematician and astronomer, rendered conspicuous service by his translations of various Greek authors.
Gabir ben Aflah of Sevilla, commonly called Geber, was a celebrated astronomer and apparently skilled in algebra, for it has been supposed that the word " algebra " is compounded from his name.
Amongst the public buildings are the Belford hospital, public hall, court house and the low-level meteorological observatory, constructed in 1891, which was in connexion with the observatory on the top of Ben Nevis, until the latter was closed in 1904.
Ben Sira indeed in his list of worthies mentions Zerubbabel, Joshua and Nehemiah; but Zerubbabel and Joshua he must have known from the books of Haggai and Zechariah, and he may well have been acquainted with that document relating to Nehemiah which the Chronicler incorporated with his book.
Ben Sira's omission of the name of Ezra rather militates against the supposition that he had the Chronicler's book before him when he.
In January Bruce Hamilton continued his successful night marches, and late in the month General Ben Viljoen was captured in the Leydenburg district.
The later Rabbis wore most sumptuous apparel, and were crowned until the death of Eliezer ben Azarya.
A different and very interesting piece of evidence is afforded by the Ipomedon of Hue de Rotelande; in relating how his hero appeared at a tournament three days running, in three different suits of armour, red, black and white, the author remarks, Sul ne sai pas de mentir l'art Walter Map reset ben sa part.
The principal external features are the huge Victoria Tower at the south, and the clock tower, with its well-known chimes and the hour-bell " Big Ben," on the north.
The early years of Stuart London may be said to be closely linked with the last years of Elizabethan London, for the greatest men, such as Raleigh, Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, lived on into James's reign.
Ben Jonson places one of the scenes of Every Man in his Humour in Moorfields, which at the time he wrote the play had, as stated above, lately been drained and laid out in walks.
At the Mermaid Ben Jonson had such companions as Shakespeare, Raleigh, Beaumont, Fletcher, Carew, Donne, Cotton and Selden, but at the Devil in Fleet Street, where he started the Apollo Club, he was omnipotent.
Herrick, in his well-known Ode to Ben, mentions several of the inns of the day.
Ben Adret, with the approval of other prominent Spanish rabbis, sent a letter to the community at Montpellier proposing to forbid the study of philosophy to those who were less than thirty years of age, and, in spite of keen opposition from the liberal section, a decree in this sense was issued by ben Adret in 1305.
When Manasseh ben Israel in 1655 petitioned for the return of the Jews who had been expelled by Edward I., Carvajal took part in the agitation and boldly avowed his Judaism.
In Jabneh (Jamnia), where during the siege of Jerusalem the scribes of the school of Hillel had taken refuge by permission of Vespasian, a new centre of Judaism arose under the leadership of the aged Johanan ben Zakkai, a school whose members inherited the authority of the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem.
A footnote (1743) explained away the allusion by making it apply to Richard Brome, the disciple of Ben Jonson.
On a small hill to the north of the town stands the fort, a conspicuous pile of red sandstone, said to have been built by Mahommed ben Tughlak of Delhi in the 1 4 th century.
He mentions a rabbi from Lydda, a rabbi from Tiberias, and above all rabbi Ben Anina, who came to him by night secretly for fear of the Jews.
He sold his share in the property in 1776 for £35,000, and took leave of the stage by playing a round of his favourite characters - Hamlet, Lear, Richard and Benedick, among Shakespearian parts; Lusignan in Zara, Aaron Hill's adaptation of Voltaire's Zaire; and Kitely in his own adaptation of Ben Jonson's Archer in Farquhar's Beaux' Stratagem; Abel Drugger in Ben Jonson's Alchemist; Sir John Brute in Vanbrugh's Provoked Wife; Leon in Fletcher's Rule a Wife and have a Wife.
These problems were also attacked by the Arabian mathematicians; Tobit ben Korra (836-901) is credited with a solution, while Abul Gud solved it by means of a parabola and an equilateral hyperbola.
The illuminations in London and the great provincial towns were magnificent, and all the hills from Ben Nevis to the South Downs were crowned with bonfires.
The principal points on the shores are Glengyle, formerly a fastness of the Macgregors, the Trossachs, the Goblins' Cave on Ben Venue, and Stronachlachar (Gaelic, "the mason's nose"), from which there is a ferry to Coilachra on the opposite side.
Randon (1795-1871), named governorgeneral of Algeria after the coup d'etat, had at first to repress in the south a rising of a new " master of the hour," Mahomet ben Abdallah, the sherif of Wargla.
Their work may be said to culminate in the vocalized text which resulted from the labours of Rabbi Aaron ben Asher in the 10th century.
These intentional alterations, however, only affect a very limited portion of the text, and, though it is possible that other changes were introduced at different times, it is very This represents the Western tradition as opposed to the Eastern text of ben Naphtali.
Tanhuma ben (" ` son of ") Abba, one of the most famous haggadists of Palestine (4th century), who systematized and fixed the haggadic literature.
Till Amos (with the solitary exception of Micaiah ben Imlah, in i Kings xxii.) prophecy was optimist - even Elijah, if he denounced the destruction of a dynasty and the annihilation of all who had bowed the knee to Baal, never doubted of the future of the nation when only the faithful remained; but the new prophecy is pessimist - it knows that Israel is rotten to the core, and that the whole fabric of society must be dissolved before reconstruction is possible.
The praises of the park and the house have been sung in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, and by Ben Jonson, Edmund Waller and Robert Southey.
Ben Jonson told Drummond of Hawthornden that he would willingly have destroyed many of his own poems to be able to claim as his own Southwell's "Burning Babe," an extreme but beautiful example of his fantastic treatment of sacred subjects.
Twiggs (1790-1862), a veteran of the Mexican War, surrendered the Department of Texas, without resistance, to the Confederate general, Ben McCulloch; for this General Twiggs was dismissed from the United States army, and in May he became a major-general in the Confederate service.
The Muilrea and Ben Gorm range, bounding the fine fjord of Killary Harbour, is formed of terraced Silurian rocks, from Bala to Ludlow age.
In this building General Lew Wallace (governor 1878-1881) wrote the concluding chapters to Ben Hur.
The Letters breathe the spirit of the New Comedy and the Alexandrine poets; portions of Letter 33 are almost literally translated in Ben Jonson's Song to Celia, " Drink to me only with thine eyes."
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Bef to Ben.
In 1895 the chief of Katr (Sheikh Jasim ben Thani), instigated by the Turks, attacked Sheikh Isa of Bahrein, but his fleet of dhows was destroyed by a British gunboat, and Bahrein (like Zanzibar) has since been detached from Oman and placed directly under British protection.
Randolph, the adopted "son" of Ben Jonson, addressed a poem of compliment to him, and became his friend, and that Feltham attacked Ben Jonson in an ode shortly before the aged poet's death, but contributed a flattering elegy to the J onsonus Virbius in 1638.
Indeed, this charge is expressly brought against him by Abraham ben David of Toledo (died in 1180).
In 1307, owing to non-payment of tribute, a fresh series of Mussulman incursions began, under Malik Kafur, issuing in the final ruin of the Yadava power; and in 1338 the reduction of the Deccan was completed by Mahommed ben Tughlak.
Even from Ben the quotations are few.
It is composed of gneiss, is generally rather flat, save in the west where Ben Hogh reaches a height of 339 ft., and has several lakes.
On the north-east the principal heights are Ben Slioch (3217 ft.), whose sugar-loaf form dominates the landscape, Ben Lair (2817) and Ben Airidh-a-Char (2593), and, on the south-west, the peaks of Ben Eay, four of which exceed 3000 ft.
Farther to the south-west, in the shires of Perth, Inverness and Argyll, they give place to the ordinary hummocky crested ridges of Highland scenery, which, however, in Ben Nevis and Aonach Beg reach a height of over 4000 ft.
The top of Ben Macdhui stands upon nearly a square mile of moor exceeding 4000 ft.
Where a thick group of coarse hard grits intercalated in the sedimentary rocks crops out it rises into a chain of lofty rugged hills, of which Ben Ledi and Ben Vorlich are examples.
These plateaus are composed of nearly horizontal sheets of basalt - columnar, amorphous or amygdaloidal - which, in Ben More, in Mull, attain a thickness of more than 3000 ft.
In these districts the annual rainfall averages 26 in., whereas over extensive breadths in the west it exceeds too in., in Glencroe being nearly 130 in., and on the top of Ben Nevis it may reach 150 in.
From Corrie they can be traced southwards and inland to near the head of Ben Lister Glen.
The small development of Upper Carboniferous strata, visible on the shore south of Corrie and in Ben Lister Glen, consists of sandstones, red and mottled clays and purple shales, which yield plantremains of Upper Carboniferous facies.
The second is represented by a thin lava, associated with the Upper Limestone group of the Carboniferous Limestone series, and the highest is found in Ben Lister Glen intercalated with the Upper Carboniferous strata, and may be the equivalent of the volcanic series which, in Ayrshire, occupies the position of the Millstone Grit.
At Corrie and the Cock of Arran they rest on Upper Carboniferous strata; in Ben Lister Glen, on the lower limestone group of the Carboniferous Limestone series; and on the west coast they repose on the Old Red Sandstone.
To this were added from time to time the various estates scattered throughout Ross-shire - the most considerable of which were the districts around Ullapool and Little Loch Broom on the Atlantic coast, the area in which Ben Wyvis is situated, and a tract to the north of Loch Fannich - which had been acquired by the ancestors of Sir George Mackenzie (1630-1714), afterwards Viscount Tarbat (1685) and 1st earl of Cromarty (1703).
The single case of Ben Jonson sufficiently proves this.
For the relations between Bacon and Ben Jonson see The Tale of the Shakespeare Epitaphs by Francis Bacon (New York, 1888); for Bacon's poetical gifts see an article in the Fortnightly Review (March 1905).
Christian visionaries fixed the year 1666 for the millennium, and in his appeal to Cromwell on behalf of the return of the Jews to England Menasseh ben Israel made strong appeal to this belief.
However, fresh disturbance was caused by Tibni ben Ginath (perhaps of Naphtali), and Israel was divided into rival factions.
There is no a priori reason why other legal enactments should not have been current when the compilation was first made; the Pentateuchal legislation is incomplete, and covers only a small part of the affairs of life in which legal decisions 1 For the sake of convenience Ben (" son ") and Rabbi are, as usual, abbreviated to b.
Spinoza received his first training under the senior rabbi, Saul Levi Morteira, and Manasseh ben Israel, a theological writer of some eminence whose works show considerable knowledge of philosophical authors.
Under these teachers he became familiar with the Talmud and, what was probably more important for his own development, with the philosophical writings of Ibn Ezra and Maimonides, Levi ben Gerson, Hasdai Crescas, and other representatives of Jewish medieval thought, who aim at combining the traditional theology with ideas got from Aristotle and his Neoplatonic commentators.
He was supported by Ben Jonson, who has some fine Horatian epistles in his Forests (1616) and his Underwoods.
In the 16th century the city was rebuilt by Joseph ben Ardut, subvented by Dona Gracia and Sultan Suleiman.
He is the subject of tragedies by Ben Jonson and P. Crebillon, and of the Rome sauvee of Voltaire.
The Rabbi HILLEL, who in the 4th century made the remarkable declaration that Israel need not expect a Messiah, because the promise of a Messiah had already been fulfilled in the days of King Hezekiah (Babli, Sanhedrin, 99a), is probably Hillel, the son of Samuel ben Nahman, a well-known expounder of the scriptures.
The name Geber has long been used to designate the author of a number of Latin treatises on alchemy, entitled Summa perfectionis magisterii, De investigatione perfectionis, De inventione veritatis, Liber fornacum, Testamentum Geberi Regis Indiae and Alchemia Geberi, and these writings were generally regarded as translations from the Arabic originals of Abu Abdallah Jaber ben Hayyam (Haiyan) ben Abdallah al-Kufi, who is supposed to have lived in the 8th or 9th century of the Christian era.
His patron or master is variously given as Ja'far ben Yahya, and as Ja'far es-Sadiq; in the Arabic Book of Royalty, professedly written by him, he addresses the last-named as his master.
In Albertus Magnus the name Geber occurs only once and then with the epithet "of Seville"; doubtless the reference is to the Arabian Jabir ben Aflah, who lived in that city in the r r th century, and wrote an astronomy in 9 books which is of importance in the history of trigonometry.
Jesus ben Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), who wrote about 200180 B.C., in his otherwise complete list of Israel's leading spirits (xlix.), makes no mention of Daniel.
The characteristics of this section point to its composition about ro090 B.C., when Simon ben Shetah was president of the Sanhedrin.
Ishmael ben Elisha who lived at the close of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century B.C. This book is very closely related to the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, or rather, to a large extent dependent upon it.
Did Ishmael ben Elisha use the Book of the Secrets of Enoch in its Greek form, or did he find portions of it in Hebrew?
Heraclius (1646), Andromede (1650), a spectacle-opera rather than a play, Don Sanche d'Aragon (1650) and Nicomede (1651) were the products of the next few years' work; but in 1652 Pertharite was received with decided disfavour, and the poet in disgust resolved, like Ben Jonson, to quit the loathed stage.
A son of Asher ben Yehiel, Jacob helped to re-introduce the older elaborate method of legal casuistry which had been overthrown by Maimonides.
Jacob ben Asher is known as the Baal ha-turim (literally "Master of the Rows") from his chief work, the four Turim or Rows (the title is derived from the four Turim or rows of jewels in the High Priest's breastplate).
In this work Jacob ben Asher codified Rabbinic law on ethics and ritual, and it remained a standard work of reference until it was edited with a commentary by Joseph Qaro, who afterwards simplified the code into the more popular Shulhan Aruch.
These marks of the royal favour seem to have led May to expect the posts of poetlaureate and city chronologer when they fell vacant on the death of Ben Jonson in 1637, but he was disappointed, and he forsook the court and attached himself to the party of the Parliament.
Near here is Meirun, a place much revered by the Jews as containing the tombs of Hillel, Shammai and Simon ben Yohai; a yearly festival in honour of these rabbis is here celebrated.
A small edifice on the east of the synagogue is called the "Rashi Chapel," and the "Rashi Chair," raised on three steps in the niche, is one of the objects of the pious admiration of pilgrims. At Worms Rashi worked under Jacob ben Yaqar, and at Mainz under Isaac ben Judah, perhaps combining at the same time the functions of teacher and student.
From the nut of the horse-radish tree ben oil is expressed.
His writings became the text-book of Levi ben Gerson at Perpignan, and of Moses of Narbonne.
The rule went to the sultana, and her trusted agent Ibn AbI Amir Mahommed ben Abdallahan Arab of noble descent, who in his early life was a scribe, and who rose by making himself useful first to the ministers and to the favorite wife.
Their peoples began to look to Africa, where Yusuf ben Techufin was ruling the newly founded empire of the Almorvides.
The Conics of Apollonius was translated into Arabic by Tobit ben Korra in the 9th century, and this edition was followed by Halley in 1710.
The ascent of Ben Wyvis (3429 ft.) is commonly made from Strathpeffer.
The view from the summit extends northward as far as the Grampians, with occasional glimpses of Ben Nevis; westward to Jura in the Atlantic; south-westward to Arran in the Firth of Clyde; southward to Tinto Hill, the Lowthers and Cairnsmore; and eastward to Edinburgh Castle and Arthur's Seat.
Through his disciples Asher ben Yelliel and Mordecai ben Hillel, Meir exercised much influence on subsequent developments of Judaism.
Menasseh ben Israel was the author of many works, but his English tracts remain the only ones of importance.
Don't make me sound like a whore for a bag of groceries, Ben!
They're not coming back Ben, I know it.
Ben, what am I going to do?
After good times and hard times and a number of renovations, it is once again a major New England travel hub, second only to Logan Airport where I'd just left my wife Even the iconic clock on the front of the building with its twelve foot face, styled after Big Ben, has been restored and running again.
After the break, Ben from the Honeyshot appeared singing protest songs backed by his 12-string, played with customary aplomb.
His sexuality and attitude toward Ben is the subject of much innuendo in the series.
It soon became an accomplishment akin to the modern day Snowdon or Ben Nevis experience.
The views were stunning (Ben Nevis clearly in view ), and the rest of the ridge looked very alluring.
However, after an inspirational recovery he became the first quadruple amputee to climb Ben Nevis and climbs rock routes graded Very Severe.
Why, aw ben away seem ' aw man ' bout ' aven ' some false wans, chul.
Ian Davey and Ben Fielding looked for early wickets but were both unsuccessful due to some solid batting.
The Ben is a magnificent hill - do n't belittle it.
Yes I have ben known to do 3 hour shows.
Breakfast was average but room lovely and we could see big ben!
The wooden protective cover folds out to provide two sturdy wooden ben... .
Schaefer as he the foreign minister sunar ben roberts a sports producer.
Short letter written is an important prnewswire ben affleck.
Between 1725 and 1750, a London optician designed the first temple spectacles, while Ben Franklin invented bifocals.
I think then someone put a little blob of weld on the end of them just to stop me turning them Cheers, Ben.
In another quick breakaway, Varney fed the overlapping Wilson, whose momentum made him a good bet to get past Ben Moore.
Ben is offered a bribe to drop Daphne's case.
He wrote with his elder brother Ben, a composer of music for, among other outlets, computer games.
Yeah the members of our band are a mixed bunch; I'd obviously be a chimp, Ben would be an obedient dog.
Her dream, she continued, was to see Big Ben, and the double decker busses.
Ben Moon looking butch on Hueco's classically steep terrain.
For today we have Big Brother; gentleman Ben and the other castaways are last-year's loves.
This was for six women and two men, set to bach cello suites, played onstage by Ben Chappell.
You may notice that Ben Rock and Jon Vamp have already done this (many thanks chaps ).
Ben hankers after his lost love, the fiery red headed Irish colleen Sinead.
Ben Olive finished an excellent fourth in the strongly contended 10-12 category.
I found where Ben Gunn had hidden his boat, the worst coracle ever made by man.
Do you think we'll need crampons for Ben Nevis?
Received the harness and Ben is very pleased to be looking so dapper and sends a woof of thanks to you!
Until next time, Ben ' The yellow dart ' Lancaster don't get the ' yellow dart ' gag?
Do look out for the lovely sandwich delis, Ben's cookies and the Cornish pasty shop.
Open access publishing - Ben Toth has had preliminary discussions about establishing an NHS-wide research document depository.
The Ben is not alone in its apparent desertion of summer climbers.
Good team solidarity was shown by Ben, Simon and Sam who immediately disowned Little Chris.
Ben Kittridge admits that spamming violates traditional hacker ethics.
The first hardly applies to the Ben because with 70,000 visitors a year it offers no social exclusivity.
Ben, Rachel Green and Simon Crompton all claimed podium finishes on that occasion.
Ben showed great forethought in calling an ambulance and for not forgetting his young sister who was in the bath at the time.
Graeme Hick, of England and Worcestershire, lead the cricketers with Steve Rhodes, Ben Smith and Steven Moore completing the foursome.
The title of my thesis was The modeling of solid oxide fuel cells for power generation, ' writes Ben Todd.
Ben uses the dirt from exhaust fumes to produce stunning wildlife pictures.
Until next time, Ben ' The Yellow dart ' Lancaster don't get the ' yellow dart ' gag?
Climbing Ben Nevis in a howling gale at night can never be taken for granted!
My new godson Ben had his baptism ceremony during High Mass on Sunday morning.
May 19th, 2005 Had a nice long weekend at Ben's great granny 's.
Ben also adds the harmonica, and a disclaimer in the sleeve notes about not being able to play it.
Passionate writing and courageous performance born out of anger, disillusionment, and an implacable hatred of Ben Elton.
Ben enjoys this sweet apple and he gives a loud hee haw.
Ben's sister, Alice, is the eponymous heroine of the first novel.
The compass stays out nonetheless, to avoid inadvertent straying onto the ridge connecting with Ben More Assynt.
Ultimately Ben Gurion expelled the inhabitants of 530 towns and villages and confiscated their land and property.
Ben refuses to wear a kilt to the ceremony.
Ben failed totally to get Neil's stunt kite airborne, mind you it was flat calm.
Eric Griffin and Ben Graves rounded out the band's lineup.
Ben Burgess is the attacking lynchpin through which City can develop most of their attacks.
What better way to warm up for the colder months than with some tasty meals for the family, courtesy of Uncle Ben's!
So far no case of " black adenoma " associated with a proliferative condition of the ipsilateral adrenal medulla has ben described.
Among those attending the inaugural meeting were previous Ben Nevis race winners, cross-country, track and road runners.
Ben Davis's sprawling play, with its vision of impending global meltdown, is certainly ambitious.
By playing direct football to the front two of Sam Gibbons and Ben Mackenzie we were able to bypass the midfield.
East and south Ben Vrackie has many plants concentrated round one fairly small crag - purple oxytropis, Alpine milk vetch and scottish asphodel.
The only slight misgiving I might've had was with Ben Goldberg's clarinet.
How can we make Ben Nevis a safer place for winter mountaineers?
I promised my twin 6-year old nephews, Ben & Dan, that I'd take them to the Safari Park.
Inchnadamph hotel is a long established family run fishing hotel nestling at the foot of Ben More.
Ben went to the pig sty and put a noose around the pig's neck and lead it down the path to the bench.
Ben is extremely obedient and seems to recognize any command given.
Ode to Ben I couldn't leave without singing an ode to Ben I couldn't leave without singing an ode to LG's new Editor, our resident Russian spy.
Ben could probably write a one-liner to do it.
The slopes of Carn a Mhaim, a southern outlier of Ben Macdui, come into view two miles west of Derry Lodge.
Ben gets home soon and ive got some paintbrushes to wash, then off to visit my mother.
Happy climbing, Phil Ashby April 19th Today on the Ben must be pretty peachy away from the big cornice routes!
The Caledonian pine woodlands, which spread along and up Ben Shieldaig are the most westerly remnant of native Caledonian pine in Britain.
Brought to breaking point by an almost psychotic woman he is in love with, John makes an unlikely ally for Ben.
To the west Cambrian quartzites lie directly above the Ben More Thrust.
Ben Calvert's Love;de-fenestrated (Bearos057) is also rereleased after it's initial run.
If Ben Elton is the stadium rocker of the new musical theater scene, Niall Ashdown is the soulful indie band.
Ben Nevis Highland Ben Nevis is representative of high altitude siliceous scree in the northwest Scottish Highlands.
Malkmus and Ben Folds both left their bands behind in 2001 and then proved they could do the whole shebang better alone anyway.
He and Kruger demonstrate some fine romantic chemistry, and Justin Bartha gets off some legitimately funny lines as Ben's long-suffering sidekick.
The latest book on Uri Geller was written by Australian skeptics magic consultant, Ben Harris.
Ben Nevis has piles of new unconsolidated snow from the foot of Tower Ridge upwards in all locations.
Ben Sidran is a vastly underrated singer songwriter with a style not dis-similar to Michael Franks with a slightly ' tougher ' delivery.
Dr. Ben Murdin (appointed 8/96) is an expert in experimental time-resolved spectroscopy using free electron lasers.
I am now pursuing a DPhil under the guidance of Dr. Ben Sheldon, studying parental investment in the European starling.
She was born in 1857 in Bootle, Lancashire, the daughter of Ben THORPE, a journeyman stonemason, and Sarah TURNER.
Chris trained with renowned storyteller Ben Haggarty and now works in schools, prisons, festivals and companies all over the country.
Ben Petty is the other half in the double swoop on Stoke City.
Ben began to construct a proposed taxonomy of the methods being used for energy conscious building design.
Four consecutive foul shots and two, all too rare, long distance three-pointers from Ben Livingston closed the game up to 82-84.
He and Ben Fielding kept things relatively tight to start with, but the real squeeze came when the 2 spinners came on.
Introducing, Big Ben, a radical new studio timepiece that will set the pace for all master clocks to come.
They include well known local performer Ben Blance with his blend of folk tinged with rock.
Ben sat through the whole 50 minutes completely transfixed.
Ben Maher, a Random dancer, whom McGregor also continues to commission, made the costumes for the entire trilogy.
Ben started slowly and immediately had chronic understeer carrying straight on at the first corner.
Pretty good performances all round, Ben Cross is wonderful as the evil vampire Vlad getting all the best lines.
Made by renowned Aussie winemaker Ben Riggs, this is a fruit-driven, quality Shiraz that goes a treat with barbecues and roasted meats.
Ben Armine, in contrast, was simply wonderful, both in memory and in actuality.
As you take your rest breaks you can look up to the Ben and see the path zig zagging above you.
Ben Alder (3757 ft.) on the west shore is the chief feature of the great Corrour deer forest.
The chief members of the Ibn Tibbon family were (I) JUDAH BEN SAUL (1120-1190), who was born in Spain but settled in Lunel.
The caliph's librarian, Abu Jafar Muhammad Ben Musa, wrote a geographical work, now unfortunately lost, entitled Rasm el Arsi (" A Description of the World "), which is often referred to by subsequent writers as having been composed on the model of that of Ptolemy.
Of books of this period which are known to have existed in Hebrew or Aramaic up to the time of Jerome (and even later) we now possess most of the original Hebrew text of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) in a somewhat corrupt form, and fragments of an Aramaic text of a recension of theTestaments of theTwelve Patriarchs,both discovered within recent years.
Just as there is a Palestinian Targum on the Law parallel to the Babylonian Onkelos, so there is a Palestinian Targum (called Yerushalmi) on the Prophets parallel to that of Ben Uzziel, but of later date and incomplete.
The most important writers are Yoseh ben Yoseh, probably in the 6th century, chiefly known for his compositions for the day of Atonement, Eleazar Qalir, the founder of the payyetanic style, perhaps in the 7th century, Seadiah, and the Spanish school consisting of Joseph ibn Abitur (died in 970), Ibn Gabirol, Isaac Gayyath, Moses ben Ezra, Abraham ben Ezra and Judah ha-levi, who will be mentioned below; later, Moses ben Nahman and Isaac Luria the Kabbalist.'
In a different department there is the first Talmud lexicon (`Arukh) now lost, by Zemah ben Paltoi, Gaon of Pumbeditha in the 9th century.
Hananeel's contemporary Nissim ben Jacob, of Kairawan, who corresponded with Hai Gaon of Pumbeditha as well as with Samuel the Nagid in Spain, likewise wrote on the Talmud, and is probably the author of a collection of Ma`asiyyoth or edifying stories, besides works now lost.
Of his relations with his brother-authors little is known; it was natural that he should exchange complimentary verses with James Shirley, and that he should join in the chorus of laments over the death of Ben Jonson.
The town is the point from which the ascent of Ben Nevis-42 m.
Renan, Les rabbins francais, pp. 647 foil.; Perles, Salomo ben Abraham ben Adereth, pp. 15-54; Jewish Encyclopaedia, s.v.
Its fame as a delicacy is perpetuated by many later writers, Ben Jonson among them, and Pennant says that in his time (1766) it sold for half-a-crown or five shillings.
The second Jerusalem Targum, or the so-called pseudo-Jonathan, admittedly owes its ascription to Jonathan ben Uzziel to the incorrect solution of the abbreviated form by which it was fre quently cited, viz.
The surrounding hills are of considerable altitude, the most remarkable being the head of Ben A'an (1750 ft.) and the grassy craigs and broken contour of Ben Venue (2393 ft.).
In spite, however, of the words just quoted it cannot be said that Ben Sira preaches a hopeful religion.
Moses ben Ezra says of him that he imitated Moslem models, and was the first to open to Jewish poets the door of versification,' meaning that he first popularized the use of Arabic metres in Hebrew.
Where it is hard and jointed, weathering into large quadrangular blocks, the hills are more especially distinguished for the gnarled bossy character of their declivities, as may be seen in Ben Ledi and the heights to the north-east of it.
His lyrical poetry was mainly the product of his exile, if we are to believe Ben Jonson, who told Drummond of Hawthornden that Donne "wrote all his best pieces ere he was 25 years old."
Carmoly edited and translated a fuller recension which he had found in a MS. from the library of Eliezer Ben Hasan, forwarded to him by David Zabach of Morocco (see Relation d'Eldad le Danite, Paris, 1838).
Ben Jonson introduces Comus, in his masque entitled Pleasure reconciled to Virtue (1619), as the portly jovial patron of good cheer, "First father of sauce and deviser of jelly."
In Rabbinic sources he is called Bar (Ben) Coziba, "son of deceit," which perhaps reflects the later verdict of condemnation recorded after his failure (root "to be false").
All but Ben were casting rather reproachful glances upon him.
Ben Calvert 's Love;de-fenestrated (Bearos057) is also rereleased after it 's initial run.
Coming Up Phil tries to do things right by Ben, but reverts to form when things do n't go his way.
With knee deep duvets and gilt bathrooms and its own Bar, run by the charismatic Ben, with fresh seafood prepared to order.
Ben BREWSTER played in a String quartet and used to serenade girls.
The latest book on Uri Geller was written by Australian Skeptics magic consultant, Ben Harris.
The first hint of disaster comes early when Ben and Sarah 's plane goes skidding off the runway.
Newly returned from France, she catches the eye of Ben Coulson and he is instantly smitten.
From Ben [Ben] Oh yeah - I 'm staggering off to bed.
Thursday 27th March at The Duck and Drake Ben Martin is a terrific straight-ahead jazz sax player who really goes for it.
Ben Thorne, Pig Killer Most houses in the district had pig sties.
In this respect, the Doctor has a great deal in common with that other archetypal British swashbuckling hero, Mr Ben.
Mustoe made a rather silly tackle on the edge of the box, leaving his trailing leg out for Ben Fitch to fly over.
Once again, Ben Reed has hit the nail on the head with Margaritas and other tequila cocktails.
Meanwhile, first year student, Joel Hinds was involved in a topsy-turvy match with Ben Ford.
Always a quality trip with Ben Nevis towering over the valley.
The descent off Ben Lawyers pass is fast and technical, traversing numerous times over crystal tumbling streams.
Ben May came off the bench after an hour and was unlucky not to equalize when his powerful header struck the crossbar.
In addition a number of vagrant species have ben recorded over the years.
According to what I have read more than 91 UN resolutions have ben violated by countries belonging to the UN.
The Water of Saughs also provides passage into the eastern margins of Ben Tirran 's voluminous skirt of rounded heather spurs.
Billy and Ben F took advantage of some wayward bowling to cruise to victory in the 9th over without ever looking in any danger.
Up the flank of Ben Nevis we climb the well-worn pony track, pitched with stones.
Ben Musgrave was writer in residence with Havering Library Service in 2003-2004.
However she felt about Ben’s arrogance, she couldn’t deny he was a talented artist.
Ben found it hard to fill the shoes of his father's legacy.
Ben feared there was a scintilla of doubt in his heart, so he prayed for faith.
Ben Stiller's daughter goes by Ella, while both Reese Witherspoon and Heather Locklear have baby girls named Ava.
Rienatt (combo of Rick, Ben and Matt) may not find the idea so appealing.
Restaurants such as Applebee's, Ben & Jerry's, Chili's, Sbarro, Starbucks, and Outback Steakhouse are common at Tanger malls, and many malls also feature popular regional restaurants as well as small food courts and vending machines.
Some places you can eat or get a snack are Arby's, Ben's Ice Cream, Burger King, China Express, Mrs. Field's/TCBY/Pretzelmaker (which is new for 2010), Subway, Sun Garden Grille and Villa Pizza.
LoveToKnow Furniture spoke with Maya Ben, Vice President of Operations for Hollandia International, to discover the best ways to make furniture for small spaces work.
Special thanks to Maya Ben for participating in the interview and for Ellyn Small of Steinreich Communications for arranging it.
Try lines like Make Up For Ever, Ben Nye, and MAC (regular and pro MAC lines have out of this world colors).
This includes big names in the industry such as Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Ben Harper.
Some of the single player games are licensed games like Transformers and Ben 10.
Ben, what you've gotta do is be like Martha Jones in Doctor Who.
Dr. Ben Carson is the head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Medical School.
Some of the homes you'll see belong to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, Robert Redford, Mick Jagger, and Jennifer Lopez.
In 2004, she starred opposite Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly, and quickly followed-up its success with Derailed, Rumor Has It, and Friends with Money.
So, there was a huge interest from young actors in LA and that developed a momentum to where we started to get people like Ben Savage and Autumn Reeser.
In addition to being romantically linked to celebrities like Ben Affleck and Sean Combs, Lopez has been married three times.
Black is considered a member of the "Frat Pack," a group of actors that includes Owen and Luke Wilson, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and Steve Carell.
With his deep melodic voice and youthful good looks, Groban has recorded with some of music's biggest names, including Charlotte Church, Nelly Furtado, and Ben Folds.
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck first met on the set of Pearl Harbor in 2001.
Rumor says they fell in love on the set of Daredevil in 2003 when Jennifer played Ben's love interest.
At the time, Affleck was involved with Jennifer Lopez.When Garner filmed Elektra, a Daredevil spin-off, Ben came to the set for a cameo and they finally hooked up.
Ben proposed to Jennifer on her 33rd birthday and they married on June 25, 2005.
She and her husband, actor Ben Affleck, have two daughters.
Actor Kelsey Grammer donated $2,300 to Republican candidate Rudy Guillani's run for office, and actor Ben Stein threw in $750.
Because of his recovery, it was announced August 29, 2007 that he has dropped out of filming Ben Stiller's new movie, Tropic Thunder.
At the age of ten Damon met his future best friend, Ben Affleck, who only lived a couple blocks away, and the two became almost inseparable.
Before Ben Affleck, before Sydney Bristow and before her soon to come starring film roles, Garner played the love interest of Scott Foley's Felicity character, Noel Crane.
All was not lost for Jen though, as she would soon meet her future husband, Ben Affleck.
Ben Affleck was so smitten with Jen, that on her 33rd birthday, he presented her with a 4.5 carat diamond engagement ring from famed jeweler to the stars Harry Winston.
Violet is the first child for both Jennifer and Ben -- and Garner is reportedly very happy in her new starring roles as wife and mother.
It was Rogen's role as loveable loser Ben Stone in Knocked Up that put him on the map as a leading man -- albeit a bit unconventional.
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck - Married in 2005, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck live a seemingly normal life (by Hollywood standards) with daughter Violet.
Ferrell is known as one of Hollywood's Frat Pack - a group of actors that includes Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Steve Carell and Luke Wilson.
Other celebs include Ben Affleck, Jack Black, Russell Simmons and Oprah Winfrey, among others, but there really is no telling whether or not encouragement from celebrities actually gets young adults out and voting.
With a famous comedy team for his parents, Ben Stiller was born with innate comedic timing and a talent for directing.
His parents took Ben and his sister on television sets and his first TV appearance was at age six on The Mike Douglas Show.
Ben Stiller's first short film was a spoof on The Color of Money, called The Hustler of Money and starred Stiller in the Tom Cruise role and Mahoney as the Paul Newman character.
In 1990, Stiller was offered a 13-episode show on MTV, called The Ben Stiller Show, which parodied a variety of TV shows and films.
Recent Ben Stiller films include 2006's Night at the Museum and 2007's The Heartbreak Kid.
Ben Stiller has been linked with many actresses, including Jeanne Tripplehorn, Janeane Garofalo, Calista Flockhart and Amanda Peet.
He appeared alongside Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in Dogma and also made appearances in the Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures films, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Jersey Girl.