Bells and whistles Sentence Examples
Some offer bells and whistles while others are simply a booster seat.
There are several things you should ask yourself honestly before you buy the latest gas grill with all of the bells and whistles.
Don't buy a mattress with all of the bells and whistles on it, when all you need is a basic mattress for a good night's sleep.
Just because the wedding is on a beach doesn't mean the wedding can't have all the bells and whistles of a formal ceremony.
Your ferret will have the safety of a cage with all of the bells and whistles to keep them entertained and comfortable.
If not, you may want to stick to a computer model that doesn't have all of the bells and whistles.
While there may be a number of bells and whistles available, you can find out below if those features can help you.
Yes, there are units that are basic and units with all the bells-and-whistles you can possible think of.
Contrarily, if you prefer the most user-friendly interface possible without all the bells and whistles some other models offer, give the Garmin Nuvi 255W Auto/Road GPS a shot.
They are meant to be easy and comfortable to use, but without all the bells and whistles of other models.
AdvertisementSmart Draw - Smart Draw is a free program, and as such, it has fewer bells and whistles than autokitchen.
Some models offer very basic functions while still producing great photos and some models come with all the coolest bells and whistles.
For serious photographers, the ability to switch lenses, use external flash units and manipulate manual settings makes it imperative to own a digital SLR with all the bells and whistles.
Prom dresses can come with a lot of bells and whistles.
Jacket is regular length with no bells and whistles.
AdvertisementThe company focuses on low cost holiday travel and does not offer all of the bells and whistles of a traditional cruise company.
Other Bells and Whistles - Electric guitars often have other tricks than acoustic guitars have like whammy bars.
Cabinets with turn tables, corner pieces, glass doors and other bells and whistles cost more money.
The bells and whistles can vary, but your basic needs and the limitations of your space and pocketbook will determine what type of system will work best for you.
Organic toys have an added advantage in that they don't have all the bells and whistles of conventionally produced toys.
AdvertisementIt doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of newer parks, but the seaside, boardwalk style attraction still offers fun for the whole family.
If you purchase Ozark Trail camping equipment, you can expect that it won't have the bells and whistles of the pricier high-end models, however you can also expect a much better value.
Trailers or campers that contain lots of bells and whistles will be much more expensive.
Their phones also come packed with tons of bells and whistles you probably didn't know you needed.
All range in price, but the most expensive models which come with all the bells and whistles usually retail for about $150.
AdvertisementAn ever-growing number of bells and whistles are available, but these features cost more.
Most of the fences are reasonably priced, but many of them come with additional safety features, so you'll wan to check to make sure that all those extra bells and whistles are included in the final price.
Quite obviously, this style does not come available with all the bells and whistles of the latest technology, but instead, is actually transparent.
If simplicity is the goal, opt for a sleek satin sheath without any bells and whistles.
However, if you want all of the bells and whistles with LED displays, or defrost and reheat functions, you should expect to pay more.
Hitachi makes several rice cookers from a basic model to a high end, luxury model with all the bells and whistles.
Besides the simple yes and no buttons, the game adds some more bells and whistles by providing lights and sounds.
However, with all the bells and whistles of our most loved technologies, many of these items have caused us to become very solitary.
In most cases they're neutral in color and don't have many bells and whistles.
The pay version has more bells and whistles -- normally you are able to see pictures, email addresses, and other "limited" information that may be hidden to the free users.
A Nautica leather wallet is an ideal choice for the man seeking something grounded and simple, minus any special bells and whistles that likely wouldn't stand the test of time.
You'll want to seek out a stylish, gleaming little number to match your holiday party dress, but you'll want something without all the bells and whistles for somber occasions.
These purses don't have a lot of bells and whistles.
The best looking ones can fall short if they lack the bells and whistles that make messenger bags such workhorses.
There are plenty of fancy bells and whistles that can be added to a child ATV to increase riding pleasure.
You can find less expensive computer monitors if you stray from models that contain a slew of bells and whistles.
The laptop is ideal for students and people who need a back-up computer without all the bells and whistles featured on more expensive models.
This then means that it comes will all the bells and whistles (which in this case means fringe!).
The sleek design is also perfect for those seeking a minimalistic style without the bells and whistles.
If what you are looking for is more form than function, consider a multi-faced watch that does not have all the bells and whistles that an authentic pilot or professional sports watch has.
This is a simple yet effective alarm, naked of confusing bells and whistles.
It may not have the bells and whistles of alarm clocks that have more complex features, however for people who are looking for a reliable and stylish alarm clock, the Jelly alarm clock could be just the thing.
Modern bedside clock radios cater to the masses by offering simplistic controls and stark designs packed with all the latest bells and whistles.
While cell phone technology may be limited, the technology will constantly improve as contracted cell phone carriers strive to meet increasing market demand for new bells and whistles.
The increased sytem requirements are mostly due to graphical bells and whistles rather than the browser functionality.
The VideoPhone has all the bells and whistles of a full featured business phone, including speed dial, 100-number phonebook.
Of course, you also get exact MPH readouts, the ability to track your exact route using GPS technology, get ascent/descent data to pinpoint the toughest uphills and many more bells and whistles you may or may not need.
Use your creativity in designing a home exercise regimen without all the bells and whistles.
Policies with more bells and whistles than average will come with above-average costs.
However, for home recording, you can do the same job with products that have fewer bells and whistles - products that are perfectly suited to home recording.
One thing that makes LinkedIn stand out from most other social networks is that it doesn't have all of the bells and whistles that tend to overwhelm sites like MySpace or Facebook.
There are other independent widgets available as well, which offer a variety of different bells and whistles.
Prices vary based on the services offered, of course, but in some cases fewer bells-and-whistles and more control of your site is what you need.
The more bells and whistles a door has, the more expensive it will be.
The Total Gym did not have the bells and whistles that helped the user isolate a specific muscle group.