Belligerents Sentence Examples
By additional secret articles it was agreed that, in the event of the Porte not accepting the offered mediation, consuls should be established in Greece, and an armistice proposed to both belligerents and enforced by all the means that should " suggest themselves to the prudence " of the high contracting powers.
Venice not only paid the costs of the war to the two chief belligerents, but her naval resources also helped to launch the young general on his career of eastern adventure.
When the World War broke out his attitude was favourable to the absolute neutrality of Italy, believing that his country's interests lay in not siding with either group of belligerents, and on the eve of Italian intervention he made an attempt, by using his personal hold over the Parliamentary majority, to upset the Salandra Cabinet, but it was frustrated by an uprising of public opinion in favour of war.
Thus the first months of the war served to differentiate the two belligerents.
In the instructions drawn up, shortly before his death, for his guidance at Verona, Castlereagh had stated the possibility of the necessity for recognizing the Greeks as belligerents if the war continued.
In this office in 1863 he won before the Supreme Court of the United States the famous prize case of the "Amy Warwick," on the decision in which depended the right of the government to blockade the Confederate ports, without giving the Confederate states an international status as belligerents.
The town suffered greatly during the Thirty Years' War, being held in turn by the various belligerents.
The peace negotiations were opened at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the 9th of August, and by the end of the month the belligerents had agreed as to the main points at issue, that Russia should cede the half of Saghalien, annexed in 1875, surrender her lease of the Kwangtung peninsula and Port Arthur, evacuate Manchuria and recognize Japan's sphere of influence in Korea.
The Civil War in America, and the questions which arose from the relations of Great Britain with both belligerents, rendered the duties of the law officers of the crown more than usually onerous, and Palmer was called upon to take part, as adviser of the ministry, in the courts, and in the House, in the questions which arose in respect of the "Trent" and the "Peterhoff," the cruisers "Alabama" and "Florida" and the "Alexandra," a ship which was seized by the government, and other matters.
In the case of the ship of a neutral power, the passport is a requisition by the government of the neutral state to suffer the vessel tc pass freely with the crew, cargo, passengers, &c., without molestation by the belligerents.
AdvertisementDuring the various wars that devastated Germany in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the town was frequently besieged and occupied by the several belligerents, but continued to belong to the electors till 1794, when the French took possession of it.
The De jure exerted little influence on the practice of belligerents, yet its publication was an epoch in the science.
It seemed exceptional, for in addition to the usual reasons which justified the other belligerents in instituting official press bureaus and censors to control seditious utterances, the United States faced conditions unknown to them.
In September of that year, the Russian government suggested that the tsar was willing to act as mediator between the two belligerents.
After some further negotiations and fights by land and sea between Japan and China war was declared formally by Japan, and Korea was for some time the battle-ground of the belligerents.
AdvertisementIt was no doubt as a protection against such dangers that the earliest league of twelve Achaean cities arose, though we are nowhere explicitly informed of its functions other than the common worship of Zeus Amarius at Aegium and an occasional arbitration between Greek belligerents.
On the 14th of May the British government issued a proclamation of neutrality, by which the Confederates were recognized as belligerents.
The first was the recognition of the Southern States as belligerents and a general manifestation of unfriendliness in other ways.
The same year he notified President Carranza, of Mexico, that the United States would not adopt his proposed Pan-American plan of stopping the shipment of food and munitions to all the European belligerents.
He held that England's according the rights of belligerents to the Confederate states had doubled the duration of the war, entailing inestimable loss.
AdvertisementAt the beginning of the war, Lord John Russell (who was made a peer as Earl Russell in 1861) acknowledged the Southern States as belligerents.
It figures occasionally in history as a base for belligerents in.
The principle therein involved applies to guerrillas who are not lawful belligerents.
Extreme restraint in both appearance and application of force is crucial to maintain a posture of impartiality and neutrality toward the former belligerents.
By 1914, barbed wire was a standard item in the military defense schemes of all the major belligerents of the Great War.
AdvertisementPeacekeeping forces are interposed between two or more belligerents.
In the absence of efficient communication, potential belligerents are left to impute the worst possible motives to the unexplained actions of others.
Mahadji, who undertook to open negotiations with the other belligerents, was recognized as an independent ruler, and a British resident was established at his court.
During the eight years that he held the portfolio of state, he had con s tinually to defend the neutral rights of the United States against the encroachments of European belligerents; in 1806 he published An Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not open in Time of Peace, a careful argument - with a minute examination of authorities on international law - against the rule of war of 1756 extended by Great Britain in 1 793 and 1803.