Belladonna lily Sentence Examples
Thus, the Lent lily is Narcissus Pseudonarcissus; the African lily is Agapanthus umbellatus; the Belladonna lily is Amaryllis Belladonna (q.v.); the Jacobaea lily is Sprekelia formosissima; the Mariposa lily is Calochortus; the lily of the Incas is Alstroemeria pelegrina; St Bernard's lily is Anthericum Liliago; St Bruno's lily is Anthericum (or Paradisia) Liliastrum; the water lily is Nymphaea alba; the Arum lily is Richardia africana; and there are many others.
They are members of the amaryllis family and look very much like the Cape belladonna lily of South Africa, amaryllis family and look very much like the Cape belladonna lily of South Africa, Amaryllis belladonna.
They are members of the amaryllis family and look very much like the Cape belladonna lily of South Africa, Amaryllis belladonna lily of South Africa, Amaryllis belladonna.