Bell Sentence Examples
She rang the bell again.
A single bell sat on the counter.
Nick Volpe had his bell rung and they sent me in for one play, 'Yellow 42.'
The door was open, so he entered without ringing the bell.
They looked towards her as the bell over the door rang.
When the port of Boston was closed by Great Britain in 1774 the bell of the old First Parish Church (Unitarian) of Portland (built 1740; the present building dates from 1825) was muffled and rung from morning till night, and in other ways the town showed its sympathy for the patriot cause.
Hughes, while engaged in experiments upon a Bell telephone in an electric circuit, discovered that a peculiar noise was produced whenever two hard electrodes, such as two wires, were - drawn across each other, or were made to touch each other with a variable degree of firmness.
The Bell telephone patents expired.
In 1885 there were only 3800 telephone subscribers in London and less than io,000 in the rest of the United Kingdom, and telephonic services were available in only about 75 towns, while in the same year the American Bell Telephone Company had over 134,000 subscribers.
The planula develops, on the whole, in a similar manner, but the ectodermal invagination arises, not at the pole of the planula, but on the side of its broader portion, and gives rise, not to a pneumatophore, but to a nectocalyx, the primary swimming bell or protocodon (" Fallschirm ") which is later thrown off and replaced by secondary swimming bells, metacodons, budded from the coenosarc.
AdvertisementJoao d'Albuquerque, bishop of Goa, he asked his permission to officiate in the diocese, and at once began walking through the streets ringing a small bell, and telling all to come, and send their children and servants, to the "Christian doctrine" or catechetical instruction in the principal church.
Robertson Smith, on the other hand, a new era was reached, in which the recently recognized existence of Totemism was made the basis of an attempt to give a 1 Scipione de Ricci, bishop of Pistoia from 1780 to 1791, on the ex-Jesuits requesting him to consecrate a bell dedicated to this object, issued a pastoral letter (3rd June 1784) in which he pointed out that the spirit of true religion was "far removed from fetichism," and warned his flock against "cardiolatry."
I want to write to Mr. Bell and send him my picture.
Dean turned away and like a beaten boxer long after the bell had sounded, slowly returned to his room.
From the centre of the subumbral surface hangs down the manubrium, like the handle of an umbrella or the clapper of a bell, bearing the mouth at its extremity.
AdvertisementFrom the balcony of the town house, which overlooks the square, proclamations were read to the burghers, summoned to the spot by the ringing of the bell in the smalldomed tower.
It has three entrances on the Plaza, and over its main gateway hangs the " liberty bell " of Mexico, first rung by the humble parish priest Hidalgo, on the night of the 16th of September 1810, to call the people of Dolores to arms, and now rung at midnight on each recurring anniversary by the president himself.
This can be shown by suspending an electric bell in the receiver of an air-pump, the wires conveying the current passing through an air-tight cork closing the hole at the top of the receiver.
These wires form a material channel from the bell to the outside air, but if they are fine the sound which they carry is hardly appreciable.
As sound arises in general from vibrating bodies, as it takes time to travel, and as the medium which carries it does not on the whole travel forward, but subsides into its original position when the sound has passed, we are forced to conclude that the disturbance is of the wave kind, We can at once gather some idea of the nature of sound waves in air by considering how they are produced by a bell.
AdvertisementA bell under water was struck, and at the same instant some gunpowder was flashed in air above the bell.
Ordinarily when a bell is struck the impulse primarily excites the radial motion, and the tangential motion follows as a matter of course.
When a finger-glass (an inverted bell), is excited by passing the finger round the circumference, the tangential motion is primarily excited and the radial follows it.
He was present at evening in the church, and when the midnight bell sounded for the nocturnal office early on Sunday morning he again went thither unsupported, but sank down before the altar and passed away as in a gentle sleep.
He was simply Faust's "other self," appearing in various guises - as a bear, as a little bald man, as a monk, as an invisible presence ringing a bell - but always recognizable as the same "familiar."
AdvertisementThe Chinese galls of commerce (Woo-pei-tsze) are stated to be produced by Aphis Chinensis, Bell, on Rhus semialata, Murr.
The church of St Francis de Sales (in Walnut Hills), built in 1888, has a bell, cast in Cincinnati, weighing fifteen tons, and said to be the largest swinging bell in the world.
The body may show modifications of form which can be compared to a shallow saucer, a cup, a bell or a thimble.
It is a full vestment of the type of the Western bell chasuble; but, instead of being cut away at the sides, it is for convenience' sake either gathered up or cut short in front.
In the breeding-season the male Dunlin utters a most peculiar and farsounding whistle, somewhat resembling the continued ringing of a high-toned musical bell.
Celtic altar-bell of hammered iron, known as the "Ronnell bell."' Such is the odour of sanctity of this venerable church that there is an old local saying that "to be thrice prayed for in the kirk of Birnie will either mend or end ye."
It consists of various trading stations and native towns close to one another on the south bank of the river and known, before the German occupation, as Cameroon, Bell town, Akwa town, &c. Hickory, on the north side of the stream and the starting point of the railway to the interior, is also part of Duala, which has a total population of 2 2,000, including about 170 Europeans.
Before this happened the "kings" of the chief trading stations - Akwa and Bell - were wealthy merchant princes.
The struggles between the Bell (Mbeli) and Akwa families were also largely composed.
A treaty with King Bell was negotiated by Dr Gustav Nachtigal, the signature of the king and the other chiefs being obtained at midnight on the 15th of July 1884.
Though too late to secure King Bell's territory, Mr Hewett concluded treaties with all the neighbouring chiefs, but the British government decided to recognize the German claim not only to Bell town, but to the whole Cameroon region.
Mechanism is provided whereby the speed of the paper is doubled on receipt of a shock, an electric bell ringing at the same time to summon an attendant.
Ebers, Egypt, Descriptive, Historical and Picturesque, translated from the erman edition of 1879 by Clara Bell, new edition, 2 vols.
To take one's watch from the pocket and look at it when from a familiar clock-tower a familiar bell strikes a familiar hour, is an instance of a habitual action initiated by a sense perception outside attentive consciousness.
The same afternoon the guards in the streets and on the ramparts were doubled; on the following morning the gates of the city were closed, powder and bullets were distributed among the city train-bands, who were bidden to be in readiness when the alarm bell called them, and cavalry was massed on the environs of the city.
The Middlesbrough deposit was discovered by Bolckow and Vaughan in boring for water in 1862 at a depth of 400 yds., but was not utilized, and was again found by Messrs Bell Brothers at Port Clarence at a depth of 376 yds.
On the esplanade stands an obelisk to Henry Bell, the pioneer of steam navigation, who died at Helensburgh in 1830.
St Patrick's bell, long preserved at Armagh, the oldest Irish relic of its kind, is now, with its shrine of the year 1091, preserved in the museum of the Royal Irish Academy at Dublin.
A turret containing a huge bell was added in the 18th century, and restored after being injured by lightning in 1881.
The Bell Tower, from which alarms were given when border raiders were observed, is in fair preservation.
The church of St Olai, first erected in 1240, and often rebuilt, was completed in 1840 in Gothic style; it has a bell tower 456 ft.
The Estates refused to give them an amnesty for seven years; and the arch rebel, Angus Bell the Cat, with Argyll, the young prince, Lennox and other malcontents, declared that he was deposed, and proclaimed his son as his successor and Argyll as chancellor.
In one of its towers is the famous bell, called Maria Gloriosa, which bears the date 1497, and weighs 270 cwt.
In 1762 he also leased the Brick - House, alias " Bell " works, at Burslem.
Designed by Aston Webb and Ingres Bell, and executed by Dent And Hellier.
Here the anode is fixed in a bell, mounted in a larger iron tank where the cathodes are placed.
The intermediate layer of the salt solution, floating over the caustic soda solution, plays the part of a diaphragm, by preventing the chlorine evolved in the bell from acting on the sodium hydrate formed outside, and this solution offers much less resistance to the electric current than the ordinary diaphragms. This process therefore consumes less power than most others.
Boltzmann Suggested That A Diatomic Molecule Regarded As A Rigid Dumb Bell Or Figure Of Rotation, Might Have Only Five Effective Degrees Of Freedom, Since The Energy Of Rotation About The Axis Of Symmetry Could Not Be Altered By Collisions Between The Molecules.
See Plutarch, Cicero, Brutus; Appian, Bell.
The antiquities are the Bell Tower, with a huge bronze bell dated 1468, a marble pagoda elaborately carved, but not of Korean workmanship, seven centuries old, and a "Turtle-Stone" of about the same date.
Nevertheless he laboured unceasingly in the cause of compromise, gave his strong support to the Bell and Everett ticket in 1860, and in1860-1861proposed and vainly contended for the adoption by congress of the compromise measures which bear his name.
In national elections the state has supported the Democratic party, except in 1860, when its vote was cast for John Bell, the candidate of the Constitutional Union party.
At these hours a bell known as the Angelus bell is rung.
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 invented the speaking telephone, and Edison and Elisha Gray in the United States followed almost immediately with other telephonic inventions for electrically transmitting speech.
As he himself said, he " rang the bell which called the wits together."
Although the honour of priority is admitted to belong to the American engineer Robert Fulton, there appears to be no doubt that Fulton had received very material assistance in the construction of his vessel from Bell and others in Great Britain.
A handsome sum was raised for Bell by subscription among the citizens of Glasgow; and he also received from the trustees of the river Clyde a pension of X100 a year.
It has also extensive dyeworks, bell foundries, and manufactures of steam engines, boilers and bicycles.
There are a shipbuilding yard, flour-mills, tobacco factories, iron works, machinery works, distilleries, soap works, timber mills, bell foundries, paper mills and rope works.
Bell Pettigrew first satisfactorily analysed those movements, and reproduced them by the aid of artificial wings.
Bell, an engineer, but the latter lost his life in preserving that of Theodore.
He was not afraid to bell the cat."
The town was settled in 1774, and the old church and bell tower are still standing.
Still unsatisfied, he next retired to the jungle of Uruvela, on the most northerly spur of the Vindhya range of mountains, and there for six years, attended by five faithful disciples, he gave himself up to the severest penance and self-torture, till his fame as an ascetic spread in all the country round about "like the sound," says the Burmese chronicle, "of a great bell hung in the canopy of the skies."
The latter process, which was known to Basil Valentine, was commercially applied by the quack doctor, Joshua Ward (1685-1761), of Twickenham, England, to the manufacture of the acid, which was known as "oil of vitriol made by the bell" or per campanum.
The principal buildings are the fine Gothic church of St Peter and St Paul, dating from the r5th century, with two stately towers, a famous organ and a very heavy bell; the Frauen Kirche, erected about the end of the 15th century, and possessing a fine portal and choir in pierced work; the Kloster Kirche, restored in 1868, with handsome choir stalls and a carved altar dating from 1383; and the Roman Catholic church, founded in 1853, in the Roman style of architecture, with beautiful glass windows and oil-paintings.
See Plutarch, Pompey, 1; Appian, Bell.
See Dio Cassius, xlvi-xlix.; Appian, Bell.
In 1860 all three of the candidates opposed to Lincoln - Douglas, Breckinridge and Bell - were nominated here, and here in 1864 President Lincoln was nominated for a second term.
These drawings, which are remarkable for artistic skill and finish, were taken from dissections made by Bell for the lectures or demonstrations he gave on the nervous system as part of the course of anatomical instruction of his brother.
In 1804 he wrote the third volume, containing the anatomy of the nervous system and of the organs of special sense, of The Anatomy of the Human Body, by John and Charles Bell.
In November of the same year he migrated to London, and from that date, for nearly forty years, he kept up a regular correspondence with his brother George, much of which was published in the Letters of Sir Charles Bell, &c., 1870.
In 1811 Bell published his New Idea of the Anatomy of the Brain, in which he announced the discovery of the different functions of the nerves corresponding with their relations to different parts of the brain; his latest researches were described in The Nervous System of the Human Body (1830), a collection of papers read by him before the Royal Society.
It is not surprising that Bell should have viewed his results with exultation.
Roux, a celebrated French physiologist, dismissed his class without a lecture, saying "C'est asset, messieurs, vous avez vu Charles Bell."
The founder of the dynasty is therefore called Osroes by Procop. Bell Pers.
For that class Bell's name Stelliformia is selected since it avoids both confusion and barbarism.
In 1899 a school of medicine was established, in connexion with which the Eleanor Taylor Bell memorial hospital was erected in 1905.
The governor consists usually of a bell floating in a cast iron tank partially filled with water, and is in fact a small gasholder, from the centre of which is suspended a conical valve controlling the gas inlet and closing it as the bell fills.
Any deviation in pressure will cause the floating bell to be lifted or lowered, and the size of the inlet will be decreased or increased, thus regulating the flow.
See History of the Chapel Royal, Stirling (Grampian Club, 1882); Charters of Stirling (1884); John Jamieson, Bell the Cat (Stirling, 1902); The Battle of Stirling Bridge - the Kildean Myth (Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society, 1905).
The school, formerly called the Madras Academy, was originally endowed by Dr Bell, founder of the Madras system of education, but, having been enriched at a later date by a bequest of Sir David Baxter, it was afterwards called the Bell-Baxter school, and is one of the recognized higherclass schools of the county.
The principal industry is hosiery making; there are also engineering, iron and dye works and bell foundries.
The great bell for St Paul's cathedral, London, was cast here in 1881.
There is still to be seen on the wall of his prison in the Tower the symbol of a bell with an A upon it and the name Thomas above, which he carved during his confinement.
See Appian, Bell.
The vote of the state was given for Bell and Everett in 1860, and the people as a whole were opposed to secession.
The front door bell chimed away the Dean's reverie, an unusual occurrence when no new lodgers were expected.
We were listening to the lament played by piper Rob Bell.
Entries in bold type are for societies affiliated to the The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.
Angel Artichoke High Street An 18th century alehouse which formerly stood on or about the site of No. 89, Bell Street, Reigate.
White fluffy masses are often colonies of bell animalcules.
A bell to summon assistance is also located to the left of the reader entrance to the New Library.
Mrs Ann Bell arrived as a new clerical assistant.
On walks ashore you find amazingly lush vegetation, including mountain avens, saxifrages, poppies, cotton grass and white bell heather.
Above is a broad low broach spire over squared bell stage with open balustrade; all of tower covered in wooden shingles.
In the US, the data is sent after the first ring tone and uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone modulation.
Outside gallery opening hours, please ring the bell marked ' Office ' at the front entrance of the House.
The hum and the tierce in the chimed bell do not affect the initial sensation of pitch, despite the loudness of these partials.
William Evans of Chepstow recast this bell, formerly in the north tower, to make the treble for a ring of ten.
In a true-harmonic bell, with the main partials in octaves, the pitch is about an octave below the nominal.
The tenor bell was generously donated by Ron Dove himself.
The crossing is very high, much higher than the nave, and outside on its gable sits a fine Sanctus bell turret.
For ringing the curfew bell for one year 1 10 0 Price of Provisions, and Laborer's Wages.
In dry atmospheres it's advisable to cover the whole thing with a glass bell jar.
It is usually made from lean pork, garlic, paprika, red bell peppers, and red chile pepper flakes.
A small north-western bell tower is connected to the aisle, and the raised porch is supported on six columns.
Next to the church stands a tall bell tower in the Italian style.
A third tall narrow brick bell tower (with bell still in place) rises behind the school entrance.
For some time before 1833 Dr. Bell had it in mind to make a large educational benefaction to St Andrews.
The dry heath areas are dominated by ling, bell heather and bristle bent grass.
In the gaming before leaving Biloxi converge on bell beautiful and anyone.
This net uses the highest quality terylene bobbinet netting and the classical ' bell ' design renowned for its simplicity and ease of use.
A large brig from Gothenburg on its way to Liverpool narrowly missed the Bell Rock.
An old fashioned bell announces your entrance into one of Cornwall's oldest family butchery businesses, Vivian Olds.
When the tower was first built it contained a 21 bell carillon by Taylors of 1877.
The picture shows Ed Nasser at the clavier of the 52 bell carillon in Washington National Cathedral, USA.
Pensioners must be guaranteed certainty in their old age, said Mr Bell.
The original is a repeated ground bass built on a simple bell chime, with running variations in the solo part.
Bell animalcules are tiny unicellular organisms that belong to a group called the ciliates.
The next problem is that the bell's clapper must strike the correct side of the bell.
The Barron Bell Trust have also donated £ 2000 so that the all of the bells can now have wrought iron clappers.
This concerns both the bell itself as well as the bell clapper.
Asked how nerve conduction studies work at which point bell went thank goodness.
True-believing conservative congressman did a great bell in the in our possession.
The Bassoon tubes spring up a little conical, and suddenly spread out wide at the top like a bell.
The sepals fly back to expose a white single corolla which forms a perfect bell.
Some reports state the high box pews and the north gallery were removed, a small vestry and bell cote were added.
It is a neat edifice with a bell turret, surmounted by four ancient crosses.
If you need to overtake another cyclist, give a gentle ring on your bell or say ' Excuse me ' .
He was inspired by Edison's invention of sound recording and Alexander Graham Bell's development of wax cylinders.
The lack of this basic human decency in their comments sent alarm bell ringing in my head.
The area's old theocrats Would welcome freedom's bell, They'd all become good democrats, Saddam would run like hell.
However, the Bell tower of the old church escaped destruction.
Bell's George W Bush is the unholy innocent, a literal dumb ape, a chimpanzee spreading gleeful mass destruction.
At one point in the action the remote detonator of the bomb rolled under the bell.
Emma project, please contact Prof. Margaret C. Bell.
The bell key guard was a single unit, and there was no provision made for adjusting the height of the bumper felts.
The mirror frame is hung between two scratch stock, tapered supports with adjustable, brass thumb side screws and brass bell finials.
Another bell founder, John Briant, of Hertford, renewed two of the bells in 1791 and another in 1802.
Close to the railroad is the famous Taylor's bell foundry which has a museum open to the public.
The timbered gable of the Bell Inn with its hanging baskets can be seen on the left of the road.
Bell Green gasworks site The Public Inquiry into the future of the derelict gasworks site at Bell Green starts on Tuesday next week.
Local plants include common heather, bell heather, cross-leaved heath, bog asphodel, sundews and marsh gentian.
A ring of slots is punched out beneath each of the bell gongs.
It was a truly gutsy, fast-paced match, with both boxers unleashing quick punches from the bell.
He thought the bell was speaking to him, pealing out the words come hame, come hame.
Today, this dry raised fan of material supports a rich heath vegetation dominated by bell heath vegetation dominated by bell heather which is home to the Red Grouse.
Today, this dry raised fan of material supports a rich heath vegetation dominated by bell heather which is home to the Red Grouse.
A brass tube led from a rubber bulb to a warning klaxon hooter, with even sharper warning provided by a large brass bell.
Tim Foster and Bethan Bell Until they raced, I found the day absolutely horrendous.
The heaviest bell, the ' tenor ', weighs 27 hundredweight, 2 quarters and 5 pounds and sounds a C sharp note.
A bell rung in vacuo, with proper precautions to prevent the communication of motion, remains inaudible.
Quality bell metal ingots consisting of specific quantities of copper and tin are used to cast handbells.
The workhouse inmates ' day was governed by the workhouse bell.
Resonance chamber in bell aids projection and improves intonation in the lower register.
Toll on, thou passing bell; Ring out my doleful knell; Let thy sound my death tell.
In the days before bell pushes, no one would hear a door knocker in a house as large as Aston Hall.
Bell extended their lead further following a minor defensive lapse.
At Bell & Scott, our approach to commercial leasing is second to none.
The freely draining impoverished ands and gravels support a very simple flora which is dominated by ling and bell heather.
And so this new album by Lisa Bell follows this new template for jazz lite, and very fine it is too.
Louvretwin bell louvers are typically small with minimal decoration in the form cusped heads.
When any bell is out of tune it sounds mournful instead of joyous.
Gary Bell and I took the gamble and crawled into a twin-engine Aero Commander and lifted off into gray murk.
For all partials except the nominal, the interval is given from the nominal of the bell.
It is often garnished with fried green peppers (bell peppers) and shredded onions.
Yanagisawa have sensibly opted for a detachable bell and lower top bow.
I just ended up having an outcome that is an extreme outlier on the bell curve.
Sparing of the forehead would suggest a central facial paralysis rather than Bell's palsy.
In the milking parlor the cows had their stalls with name, like Blue Bell, above each.
The year was marred by the sad passing of Brian Bell who was sixty eight.
The tenor of the ringing peal is also the bass bell of the carillon.
There were 30 more tower bell peals in 2005 compared with 2004.
The bell is dye penetrant tested on arrival to find the extent of the cracking.
It had a milky white bell with a salmon-pink petticoat and frilly white tentacles.
I would be grateful if parents would continue to leave the infant playground once the first bell is rung at 8.45am.
Michael and Stephanie Bell are pictured above before their school prom.
First to tout their wares tonight are Dublin based quintet Bell X1, a band who have had little or no favorable press.
Chelsea Bell with the 8lb rainbow trout she caught on her first fishing trip.
Mike Calvert performed a remarkable recovery to win the race followed by John Bell.
There was reference earlier to a bell restoration fund allocating grants.
Tower Captain John Foster hopes that plenty of experienced twelve bell ringers will also be able to take part.
Once competent, ringers are encouraged to become members of the Wirral Branch of the Chester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers.
My wife Christine and I are also active bell ringers.
Pascal was a keen bell ringer, having rung in most of the churches in Devon.
On the eastern face, a sanctus bell window can be seen, below the original roofline.
The parting salutation given, the grieve would still have stood his ground, and Bell would have waited with him.
Sanctus bell window can be seen, below the original roofline.
The aperture for the single bell has a two-centred arch with chamfered dressings in buff-yellow sandstone.
On the left is a shot down the bell of a soprano sax.
Harry Nash (Tom Bell) is the proprietor of a waxworks in a rundown seaside resort.
McCallister looked through the window to where the Bell rope had been neatly severed thirty feet above the playground.
The parameter sigma determines the width of the bell.
Kay Bell disliked what she saw as inverse snobbery in the attitudes of the book.
Now, push the cylinder back down the bell until it feels snug.
I also had to adjust the positioning of the bell key spatulas which were felt to be a little on the low side.
So it's more important to concentrate on such things as key placement - the bell key spatulas being a good example.
The leader, a magnificent orange stallion, wore the bell around his neck and wherever he led, the rest followed.
Julia Bell Personalized wedding invitations and co-ordinated stationery using photographic images, crystals and semi-precious stones.
The seeds are short to extended bell shaped with a blackish, rough humpy testa.
The instrument consists of a bell glass, from the inside of which is suspended a copper needle by a fine silken thread.
In bell founding these partials have acquired their own names of hum tone, prime, tierce, quint, and nominal.
At the site of each house there is a stone outline, and a short bell tower, whose bell tolls every two minutes.
The churchyard contains a tombstone to Thomas Bell of Spittal, who died on the 26th of November, 1791, aged 105.
In short, I know I made the right decision in accepting a traineeship here with Bell & Scott.
The bell is equivalent to the bell of the modern bass trombone.
The exposed roof trusses use beams from the old bell frame replaced in 1999.
A pull is a long tug of the rope, whereas a bell is a short, sharp tug of the rope.
The entrance is by a porch at the west end, which is surmounted by a bell turret, with two bells.
Note the bell, which may have come from the Sanctus bell turret visible in the adjacent photo.
To replace the old bell turret an new bell tower was erected.
The tubular based flowers are bell, star or cup shaped which are borne in spherical umbels 1 - 10cm across.
Also in March he gave the first London performance of his violin sonata at the Wigmore Hall with the violin sonata at the Wigmore Hall with the violinist Daniel Bell.
Philip Hoessen is sipping from a large glass of Bell's scotch whiskey.
Powder coated red - chromed windshield, hubcaps, steering wheel and bell bonnet ornament - wooden ladders & real flashing red light.
The workhouse inmates ' day was governed by the workhouse inmates ' day was governed by the workhouse bell.
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell was an eminent 19th century zoologist whose collections reflected his wide interests in natural history.
This includes zucchini, bell or Italian peppers, onions, spices that include basil, garlic, crushed red pepper, and pesto.
He also devised a " call " or arrangement for actuating an ordinary electric bell by the accumulated effect of the properly tuned inductive impulses falling on the secondary circuit.
It was very early recognized - and, indeed, is mentioned in the first patents of Bell, and in a caveat filed by Elisha Gray in the United States patent office only some two hours after Bell's application for a patent - that sounds and spoken words might be transmitted to a distance by causing the vibrations of a diaphragm to vary the resistance in the circuit.
The Telephone Company, Limited, was formed to acquire Bell's patent.
Directly northwards from Prospect Hill stands the residence of the T`itu, or "governor of the city," and the Bell and the Drum Towers, both of which have attained celebrity from the nature of their contents - the first from the huge bell which hangs in it, and the second from the appliances it contains for marking the time.
Jeffrey Bell, with an appendix by Garrod containing a summary of the latter's own continuation of the same line of research.'
The fraternal and democratic spirit of the first communities, and their humble origin; the identification of the object of adoration with light and the Sun; the legends of the shepherds with their gifts and adoration, the flood, and the ark; the representation in art of the fiery chariot, the drawing of water from the rock; the use of bell and candle, holy water and the communion; the sanctification of Sunday and of the 25th of December; the insistence on moral conduct, the emphasis placed upon abstinence and self-control; the doctrine of heaven and hell, of primitive revelation, of the mediation of the Logos emanating from the divine, the atoning sacrifice, the constant warfare between good and evil and the final triumph of the former, the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the resurrection of the flesh and the fiery destruction of the universe - are some of the resemblances which, whether real or only apparent, enabled Mithraism to prolong its resistance to Christianity.
In the 16th century we find another Piccolomini (Alexander), bishop of Patras, author of a curious dialogue, Della bell y creanza delle donne; another bishop, Claudio Tolomei, diplomatist, poet and philologist, who revived the use of ancient Latin metres; and Luca Contile, a writer of narratives, plays and poems. Prose fiction had two representatives in this century - Scipione Bargagli, a writer of some merit, and Pietro Fortini, whose productions were trivial and indecent.
In casting a thin hollow object like a bell, it will be seen that the resultant upward thrust on the mould may be many times greater than the weight of metal; many a curious experiment has been devised to illustrate this property and classed as a hydrostatic paradox (Boyle, Hydrostatical Paradoxes, 1666).
After the bishop or his commissary has instituted the presentee, he issues a mandate under seal, addressed to the archdeacon or some other neighbouring clergyman, authorizing him to induct the clerk into his benefice, - in other words, to put him into legal possession of the temporalities, which is done by some outward form, and for the most part by delivery of the bell-rope to the clerk, who thereupon tolls the bell.
It contains a few sepulchral monuments, removed from the cloisters (pulled down in 1721), and a fine modern organ, but the historical old bell La Clemence has been replaced by a newer and larger one which bears the same name.
In 1902 the amount was about equally divided between the eastern coalfield, which is for the most part in Greenup, Boyd, Carter, Lawrence, Johnson, Lee, Breathitt, Rockcastle, Pulaski, Laurel, Knox, Bell and Whitley counties, and has an area of about 11,180 sq.
Samuel Bell Levi Woodbury David Lawrence Morril Benjamin Pierce John Bell Benjamin Pierce Matthew Harvey Joseph Morrill Harper (acting) Samuel Dinsmoor William Badger.
By the movement of the wire or the movement of the plate, especially if the latter projects from the top of a second and similar piece of apparatus, an electrical contact can be established by means of which an electromagnet may ring a bell, stop a clock, or set free machinery connected with a cylinder or other surface upon which an earthquake machine may record the movement of the ground.
On the 26th Nelson changed his attitude and authorized Sir William Hamilton, the British minister, to inform the cardinal that he (Nelson) would do nothing to break the armistice; while Captains Bell and Troubridge wrote that they had Nelson's authority to state that the latter would not oppose the embarcation of the Republicans.
St Nicholas church is a fine cruciform building founded in 1320, and containing monuments, and a bell, one of a peal, which appears to have been brought from Cavron in France, but how this happened is not known.
The term usually excludes the ringing of the bells according to the diatonic scale in which they are hung (see Bell).
He rang the little bell which was used to call the page, but no page answered.
Here in Dr. Bell's laboratory, or in the fields on the shore of the great Bras d'Or, I have spent many delightful hours listening to what he had to tell me about his experiments, and helping him fly kites by means of which he expects to discover the laws that shall govern the future air-ship.
Mr. Bell and I planned it together, and Mr. Bell made all the arrangements before we told teacher anything about it.
We had a long talk with Dr. Bell.
At the same time Dr. Bell added that I could rest content and fight my way through Radcliffe in competition with seeing and hearing girls, while the great desire of my heart was being fulfilled.
Do tell me what you think about Dr. Bell's suggestion.
After we left Halifax, we visited Dr. Bell at Cape Breton.
Dr. Bell told me many interesting things about his work.
It began to pull and tug, and lo, the wires broke, and off went the great red dragon, and poor Dr. Bell stood looking forlornly after it.
Dr. Bell writes that Helen's progress is without a parallel in the education of the deaf, or something like that and he says many nice things about her teacher.
When Dr. Bell said this he was arguing his own case.
For it was Dr. Bell who first saw the principles that underlie Miss Sullivan's method, and explained the process by which Helen Keller absorbed language from books.
When the old bell-wether at the head rattles his bell, the mountains do indeed skip like rams and the little hills like lambs.
Sometimes, on Sundays, I heard the bells, the Lincoln, Acton, Bedford, or Concord bell, when the wind was favorable, a faint, sweet, and, as it were, natural melody, worth importing into the wilderness.
I observed that the vitals of the village were the grocery, the bar-room, the post-office, and the bank; and, as a necessary part of the machinery, they kept a bell, a big gun, and a fire-engine, at convenient places; and the houses were so arranged as to make the most of mankind, in lanes and fronting one another, so that every traveller had to run the gauntlet, and every man, woman, and child might get a lick at him.
First he rings his bell fearlessly, but when he gets into a tight place he runs away as quietly as he can, and often thinking to escape runs straight into his opponent's arms.
At first while they were still moving along the Kaluga road, Napoleon's armies made their presence known, but later when they reached the Smolensk road they ran holding the clapper of their bell tight--and often thinking they were escaping ran right into the Russians.
Renewal more than requested only a. Thing for bell 's avoid setting unrealistic we need ' quot boost rapport.
The present bell is a recast version of the original destroyed during World War II.
In 1733 the second heaviest bell was badly damaged resulting in it having to be recast once again.
I sounded an alarm bell against resurgent Japanese nationalism some years ago.
Spike 's ringing tones were only covered by the toll of the front door bell, reverberating through the house.
The bell turret rises directly from the gable end; two-tiered with a saddleback roof; small apertures with sandstone dressings.
Note the bell, which may have come from the sanctus bell turret visible in the adjacent photo.
Engineering seismology, in Ground Engineer 's Reference Book, ed. by F.C. Bell, Butterworths, London.
I also found that I was shouting into the microphone like one of Alexander Graham Bell 's first customers.
The first sod of earth will be dug by Ward Member Cllr Neil Bell.
The bell key spatula arrangement is basic, tho well placed and set out.
So it 's more important to concentrate on such things as key placement - the bell key spatulas being a good example.
The upper stamen group arise from the bell shaped part.
The highest mark was 20cm up the bell, the total straight-line distance from rim to shoulder being 48cm.
Sehwag stutters out of the crease as he chases the single, but Bell 's throw agonizingly misses his target.
The profiles of Ill Bell and Yoke are well seen and from here the significant switchback nature of the ridge is obvious.
Even Tony has a tenuous link to Enron I think we would be left with Martin Bell.
The matter was referred to Bishop Bell, who awarded to the vicar the tithes of wool and lamb, and other small dues.
As long as man still tolls the bell May life be well and fruitful.
An hour 's tolling of a bell would only bring a hundred people to a sermon.
We enjoy a guided walk where we'll see numerous governmental buildings, gold-domed cathedrals and the tsar bell.
His name rang a small bell in my brain and after a little Googling I uncovered why.
Heather Bell is a fictional character, an actress, whose aim was to create emotion and unsettle the audience.
The present church bell is not the original, but the bell in the vestibule of the church has an interesting history.
Also in March he gave the first London performance of his violin sonata at the Wigmore Hall with the violinist Daniel Bell.
A female diving spider repeatedly carries air to a diving bell made of water-repellent webbing attached to underwater plants.
Philip Hoessen is sipping from a large glass of Bell 's Scotch whiskey.
The wide bell shaped seeds are covered with the brown, mostly wrinkled, aril skin.
He rang the front bell imperiously, and loudly demanded immediate attention.
Tinker Bell is so sassy for such a small person.
Most accredit the invention of the telephone to Alexander Graham Bell.
The traditional bell material is yellow brass.
You can add a small jingle bell from the craft store to the inside of your cat toy.
Bell Canada contacted the firm to inquire about the calls, but only after the bills had been racked up.
Bell'O Home Theater Furniture was founded in 1988 to supply the market with well-made contemporary Italian pieces designed specifically for home entertainment equipment.
In 1954, Bell Laboratories produced the first photovoltaic device.
A bear bell, or a big bell attached to a stick or backpack, makes enough random noise to alert animals that you're nearby.
Add a few frosted snowflake and silver bell ornaments.
Some of these purple bottles may ring a bell, while others may be completely new to you.
From glitter to bell bottoms, the fashion and makeup reflects the musical heroes of Donna Summers and the Bee Gees.
The modern core of digital imaging was first invented at Bell Labs in 1969.
Similarities lie in the use of a roux for thickening, and the inclusion of the trinity of bell peppers, onions, and celery in most dishes.
For example, classical cooking sauces and soups will use a mirepoix of onions, carrots, and celery while most sauces and soups in Creole cooking will use a mirepoix of onions, celery, and bell peppers.
Saute garlic, onion, and bell pepper until lightly browned, about 5 minutes.
In various regions, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, and other vegetables are also common.
Many people who haven't really experienced true Mexican cuisine (NOT Taco Bell!) think all Mexican food is spicy hot and greasy.
Whether it's knowing to go to your next class when the bell rings, navigating a larger school building, or speaking in a foreign language in front your peers for the first time, it can be a terrain of firsts.
Until the last ding of the bell frees you.
The parent resources area provides information on exam schedules, bell schedule, and information for new students.
Musical instruments can be as simple as creating your own beat using objects around the house, like silverware, a bucket, or ringing a bell.
Have guests wear bell bottoms, hip huggers, and sandals.
The ingredients you need are 10 medium tomatoes, half a cucumber, half a green bell pepper, three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, cayenne pepper and minced garlic to taste.
If you'd rather skip the onions in a marinated salad and substitute bell peppers instead, the point value will not change, and you'll be happier with the result.
Soft, quick-cooking veggies such as tomatoes and mushrooms should go together, and harder vegetables such as squash and bell peppers should be in a separate group.
Zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant may take three to four minutes per side, and hard vegetables such as potatoes and some varieties of squash can take as long as 10 to 15 minutes per side.
Pour in the oil, and when it's hot, add the mushrooms, zucchini, carrots, bell pepper, eggplant, and garlic.
Perhaps the muff was made by a favorite aunt, or the bell was handed down from your husband's great-grandmother.
We often mark special occasions like the beginning of a new year-or a new marriage-with the prominent sound of the bell.
The couple should receive at least one bell as a gift during an Irish wedding ceremony.
The couple's marriage bell is placed in a prominent place in their home, and the newlyweds use the bell to end an argument without admission of fault.
There is a stunning collection of wedding bell favors and decorative elements to consider for your special occasion.
Among the most important elements are wedding bell favors.
White tissue honeycomb bell decorations are among the most popular but there are an array of colors and designs to consider.
No CD compilations contain bell music for weddings exclusively but there are many collections of hand bell recordings that can work very well.
Live hand bell ringers may also be of service for the wedding ceremony.
Ideally, the bell music plays during key times during the ceremony and reception.
For example, the bell music chimes as guests anticipate the entry of the wedding party at the beginning of the reception.
The bell is present from the first declaration of love to anniversary celebrations.
For brides who want to bare a little skin, three-quarter sleeves are suitable or bell sleeves can be a romantic choice.
Carlos Mencia vs. Dave Chappelle - Mencia had his neck ripped open by the Taco Bell Chihuahua.
Most people know Dustin Diamond as Screech, the character he played in the 1990s sitcom Saved By the Bell.
Clooney suffered from Bell's Palsy while in high school.
It appears the midnight caller accidentally rang a neighbor's bell.
Dustin Diamond - most likely known as Screech on Saved by the Bell, but recently made headlines for his sex tape.
A makeup artist for the show, Kylie Bell, alleged that Snoop and several others drugged and sexually assaulted her.
He was the first hip-hop artist to ring the opening bell on Wall Street.
Dustin Diamond, who played Screech on Saved by the Bell, released a sex video in 2006 in an effort to get more attention and make some money.
Vincent Pastore - His real name may not ring a bell, but this Soprano's star had an unfortunate and unforgettable nickname on the HBO mob drama.
Sally went on to remarry and have a daughter, Ashleigh, with second husband Roger Bell.
If his name doesn't quite ring a bell, he was the youngest contestant on the Emmy Award winning show hosted by Heidi Klum, now in its sixth season.
For those of you old enough to remember the show Saved by the Bell, you know who A.C.
In 2007, Lovato was cast in the Disney television series As the Bell Rings.
As the Bell Rings is still airing on the Disney Channel, but Lovato's participation was limited to only the first season.
She was soon hired to play, the daughter of Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone in Cold Creek Manor (2003), and to play Lila in Undertow (2004) opposite Dermot Mulroney, Josh Lucas and Jamie Bell.
In 2005 she and her Drake and Josh co-star Drake Bell played siblings yet again in the Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo film comedy Yours, Mine and Ours.
It began with the iCarly theme song titled "Leave it All to Me" which also features her former Drake & Josh castmate Drake Bell.
The same year, she starred in the TV film She Cried No with Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Saved by the Bell), where she portrayed a college freshman who was drugged and date raped at a fraternity party.
This elegant Christmas dress will make your daughter the bell of the holiday ball.
Skinny jeans are to the 2000s what bell bottoms were for the 1970s.
Whether they're watching a Saved By The Bell marathon to mock the early 90's fashions and cheesy acting or the latest episode of The Simpsons, viewings can become events if not outright parties.
Placing a small bell and a brightly colored collar on your dog may help.
This year, Helen Woodward Animal Center will team with Iams, Academy Award-winner Diane Keaton and Kristen Bell, star of the hit TV show Veronica Mars, to encourage prospective pet parents to take a shelter pet home for the holidays.
Bell is an adoptive pet parent herself to three dogs, including a black Labrador who survived Hurricane Katrina.
This little dog was featured in many memorable Taco Bell commercials.
Finally, controversy from Latin Americans brought the Taco Bell Chihuahua's reign to an end.
Not wishing to offend anyone, Taco Bell quit airing the commercials.
While Thor and Tinker Bell are common dog names, you can find many that are more unusual.
Golden Bell (Forsythia) - Beautiful spring-flowering shrubs, especially F. suspensa, whose long, slender, wand-like shoots are studded for a considerable distance with bright golden blossoms.
The Canterbury Bell is one of the finest of biennials, the tall chimney Campanula a very handsome and precious plant for garden or greenhouse.
Napoleons Bell (Lapageria) - A beautiful climber usually grown in the greenhouse, but hardy and flowering well in the open air in Cornwall and the south of Ireland; with care it would be found to do over a larger area round the coast.
Phyllodoce - A dwarf evergreen mountain shrub with pretty bell flowers, thriving only in cool parts of a good rock garden.
It has been used for hybridisation, and amongst others R. praecox and Rosy Bell have been raised from it.
Symphyandra - Campanula-like plants of not high rank, S. pendula from the rocky parts of the Caucasus, having branched pendulous stems and large cream-colored bell flowers, almost hidden in the leaves.
Large plants such as bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower are only planted one to a square and positioned in the very center of the square so at maturity they do not overlap the square next to them.
We found many tabs for Clapton classics such as After Midnight and Bell Bottom Blues amongst the treasures.
The song contains popular markers of the Christmas season such as a church bell.
The singer is also the band's lead guitarist along with drummer Brian Bell and bass player Scott Shriner.
Hello Kitty naval rings sold at are available in a bar bell design.
This bar bell jewelry is approximately half an inch long, and holds Kitty's image on the visible top ball, while a second ball holds the bar in place from beneath.
Later, turtlenecks, double breasted sports jackets, wide ties with patterns, bell bottom and flare-leg pants, wide lapels, polyester pant suits, and Nehru jackets made it onto the scene.
The FDA testing was conducted on all types of bell peppers.
Four tail ski hat with bells - This blue fleece hat features, as its name suggests, four tails, each with a bell on the end.
Bell sleeves and allover details make this Avenue printed blouse a great choice for women who want to draw attention away from their hips.
Both come in 1X and 2X and are sexy and flirty. 3Wishes also sells the North Pole Hottie halter camisole with matching thong and the Sexy Elf babydoll nightie with jingle bell trim and matching thong panty.
Goth Maxi Corset Dress looks much like a costume with bell sleeves mimicked in the bell-shaped hemline.
Bell bottom jeans boast the quintessential wide leg opening and a decorative argyle print with beading embellishments on the back pockets.
At the Hall of Fame, you can line up to meet the fairies of Pixie Hollow including Tinker Bell, Rosetta, Silvermist, Iridessa, Fawn and as of August 27, 2010, Vidia, the fastest of the flying fairies.
As you buy items from Tom Nook's shop, each bell you spend is added to the tally.
Some shells are worth a pretty bell, while others aren't as pricey.
Otherwise, grab and sell everything you find on the beach, you'll need every bell you can get.
She's a fickle lady, she is, and some of her services cost a pretty bell.
The voices of the characters are the actual actors from the movie- Carl Denham (Jack Black ), Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts ), Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody ), and Jimmy (Jaime Bell ).The graphics in King Kong are amazing.
As for audio dialog, the voices are played by the actors in the movie, which add to the richness of the game - Carl Denham (Jack Black ), Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts ), Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody ), and Jimmy (Jaime Bell ).
Aromas of green bell peppers, roasted almonds and toast evolved one-dimensionally herbaceous.
Throughout the rest of the world, Sauvignon Blanc grapes produce a dry white wine with flavors of grapefruit, grass, and bell pepper.
When visiting, don't feel shy about wearing your old bell bottoms, a Grateful Dead shirt, beads, headband, saying, "Groovy" to everything… you'll fit right in.
I personally think asparagus, red bell pepper, zucchini, and green onions are absolute heaven on the grill too!
Less ripe grapes tend to have vegetal flavors such as green bell pepper, while very ripe grapes may display flavors of jam, black currants, plum and dark cherries. gives you a whole listing of camping food and Dutch oven recipes to choose from, like GOOP and Stuffed Bell Peppers.
Sauté onion, garlic, and bell peppers in the butter or oil until vegetables are tender.
Like MMS, this can be a costly endeavor if overused, because mobile providers like Cingular and Bell Mobility can charge hefty rates for wireless data.
Virgin Mobile Canada started out in March 2005 as a joint venture between Virgin Mobile and Bell Canada wherein the latter retained 49% ownership.
This phone, like the Samsung Blade, is available through Sprint in the US and Bell Mobility in Canada.
You can pick one up from several popular service providers, including Bell Mobility, Verizon, and Telus Mobility.
The Canadian situation changed in late 2009 when Bell and Telus started to sell the iPhone, but as of April 2010, AT&T is still the only American carrier of the iPhone.
It's a shame that Pantech (Sky) doesn't convert some of these for use with Verizon, Bell Mobility and other North American providers.
For example, a phone from Verizon Wireless could be operating on the Bell Mobility or Telus Mobility network when it is in Canada.
It was then that AT&T partnered up with Bell Labs to develop what was then known as hexagonal cells for mobile phone base stations.
Instead, they operate as MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators), using the larger networks like those from Bell Mobility.
Getting fewer dropped calls and a stronger signal can involve many strategies and it would be unfair to say that getting a phone from Bell Mobility is necessarily "better" than getting one from Fido.
For the time being, there has only been a Palm Pre release date in Canada through Bell Mobility.
According to the Bell website at the time this article was written (June 2009), the 3G Palm Pre is "coming soon" to Bell.
This is because those regions rely much more heavily on GSM-based networks rather than the CDMA ones used by Sprint, Bell, and Telus.
It was officially announced in early May 2009 that the Palm Pre would be launched exclusively through Bell Mobility in the second half of 2009.
There is an official webpage from Bell, as well as a Palm Pre Canada web page on saying that the phone is "coming soon."
Further still, you know that Bell will have the exclusive launch, but you don't know how long this exclusivity will last.
In all likelihood, you could expect a Pre launch with Bell Mobility toward the beginning of fall 2009, possibly coinciding with some sort of "back to school" promotion.
Based on the pricing with Sprint and the pricing scheme that Bell has taken with previous Palm smartphones, it's unlikely that the Palm Pre will list at more than $250 with a qualifying three-year contract.
Since Telus Mobility operates on a similar CDMA network as Sprint and Bell, it would make a lot of sense that the "Future is Friendly" wireless carrier would also get the Palm Pre.
In the meantime, the only Palm Pre in Canada will be a CDMA model through Bell.
For the Palm Pre in Canada, the phone works on a similar network offered by Bell Mobility.
The same is true in Canada as well, since it is hard to find a BlackBerry device being sold on a prepaid basis through Telus, Bell, or Rogers.
This is the same as the high-speed network from Telus and Bell, but it is not the same as the 1700MHz AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) network operated by Wind Mobile.
Beyond Rogers, Telus, and Bell, consumers in major markets may also look toward Wind Mobile, Mobilicity, and Public Mobile.
It is also sold, in a slightly altered form, as the HTC Desire Z through carriers like Bell Mobility in Canada.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a part of the National Institute of Health (NIH), defines Bell's palsy as "a form of facial paralysis resulting from damage to the seventh (facial) cranial nerve."
It is named for Sir Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon who, over two hundred years ago, did much of the earliest research regarding the anatomy and pathology of the cranial nerves.
In Bell's palsy, this nerve becomes compressed due to swelling and inflammation that is a part of the body's reaction to an infectious disease process.
Bell's palsy, in itself, is not contagious.
In the past, Bell's palsy was thought to be a highly uncommon occurrence.
Because diseases that compromise the immune system such as HIV infection or sarcoidosis can also result in Bell's palsy, there are geographical variations in the incidence of the disease.
Bell's palsy is seen more commonly in areas where AIDS or sarcoidosis are more prevalent, but its incidence overall throughout the world remains constant.
The majority of Bell's palsy sufferers are adults.
Diabetics are four times more apt to contract Bell's palsy than non-diabetics.
Though children are considered far less likely than adults to contract Bell's palsy, they are not immune from it.
There is no difference in the incidence of Bell's palsy between males and females, nor does race seem to be a factor.
The number of children that contract left-sided Bell's palsy is no different from the number that get the right-sided form.
As noted previously, Bell's palsy occurs as a manifestation of the body's reaction to microbial infection of the structures surrounding the seventh cranial nerve.
As early as 1970, a study by researcher Shingo Murakami identified HSV-1 as the primary cause of Bell's palsy.
The bacterial infection involved in Lyme disease has also been demonstrated as causing some cases of Bell's palsy.
Impairment of the immune system has been unquestionably determined to be the reason why Herpes Viruses are reactivated from a dormant state and re-infect children causing Bell's palsy.
In 2003, another internasal flu vaccine was licensed in the United States, and this vaccine has so far shown no increased occurrence of Bell's palsy.
Clearly the overwhelming majority of children that contract mononucleosis, cold sores, Lyme disease, cold or flu do not develop Bell's palsy.
In Bell's palsy, this process typically occurs after the seventh cranial nerve's passage through the stylomastoid foramen into a tiny bony tube called the fallopian canal.
Because there is a wide variance in the severity of symptoms, signs of Bell's palsy may not be immediately noticed by parents.
Though not always present, the child may complain of headache or pain behind or in front of the ear a few days prior to the onset of Bell's palsy.
Signs and symptoms of Bell's palsy typically manifest themselves within 14 days after a child has had a viral or bacterial infection.
There is usually a very rapid onset once facial paralysis or weakness makes an appearance, and Bell's palsy normally reaches its peak symptoms within 48 hours of onset.
It is of tremendous importance to clarify the diagnosis, and assure that it is truly Bell's palsy that a child is suffering from as soon as possible.
These conditions are considerably more dangerous to a child or teen than Bell's palsy and will require immediate, possibly emergency treatment as quickly as feasible.
It is important to remember that paralysis in any other part of the body than the face is definitely not Bell's palsy and should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
As the facial paralysis of Bell's palsy is usually perceived correctly by parents to be a neurological condition, neurologists are often consulted.
However, pediatricians and otolaryngologists (ENT-ear, nose and throat specialists) also treat Bell's palsy.
Reaching a diagnosis of Bell's palsy is a process of ruling out other possible causes for the child's complaints and the observed symptoms.
Paralysis located in any other part of the body than the face definitely rules out Bell's palsy, and should be considered a more serious potential problem.
Another differential cause of facial paralysis similar to Bell's palsy is Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome.
Ramsey-Hunt's chief differences from Bell's palsy are both its causative agent and the severity of some symptoms.
Though most nerve compression in Bell's palsy is mild and temporary for children, the primary goal is to assure that no further damage to the seventh cranial nerve occurs.
When the eye is unable to produce tears or close completely or to blink, as often occurs in Bell's palsy, there is danger of doing permanent damage to the cornea of the eye.
Children with Bell's palsy who are old enough to follow instructions and are showing eye symptoms should be taught to manually "blink" the eye by holding the lid shut every few minutes with one finger, especially when the eye feels dry.
Though most cases of Bell's palsy resolve uneventfully in children, some do not.
In the early stage of Bell's palsy, when facial muscles are the most flaccid, it is desirable to allow the muscles to simply rest and recover on their own.
Usually facial exercises will not be necessary for children with Bell's palsy unless the paralysis does not resolve itself and there is long-term damage to nerves.
But its effectiveness in Bell's palsy remains at issue among child health-care providers.
Because compromise of the immune system is so often a facet of children contracting Bell's palsy, good nutrition is necessary to rebuild and strengthen that immune system.
The potential outcome from Bell's palsy is quite hopeful.
The Bell's Palsy Information Site notes that half of all people contracting this condition recover completely within "a short time," and another 35 percent have "good recoveries within a year."
Ten percent of the children who contract Bell's palsy will have mild weakness remaining afterward, and 5 percent will have severe residual facial weakness.
Statistically, 7 percent of all children that develop Bell's palsy will have a recurrent episode in the future.
Because of the prevalence of HSV-1, the primary cause of Bell's palsy, it is extremely difficult to prevent children from coming in contact with it.
Clearly the notion of a child having permanent facial paralysis can be quite frightening for parents as well as the child suffering from Bell's palsy.
Once the diagnosis of Bell's palsy is made, parents can feel reasonably optimistic that this is a condition that normally resolves itself within a set period of time, usually a matter of days or weeks.
When Bell's palsy is understood, parents can generally feel some personal reassurance and transmit a sense of comfort and hope to the child.
When the diagnosis has been verified by a health-care professional, accurate information about Bell's palsy can greatly alleviate further fears.
Bell's palsy-Facial paralysis or weakness with a sudden onset, caused by swelling or inflammation of the seventh cranial nerve, which controls the facial muscles.
Disseminated Lyme disease sometimes causes Bell's palsy.
Mostaccioli- The "small mustache" shape works well with pasta salads that have longer ingredients like julienne sun dried tomatoes and julienne bell peppers.
Quirky hair patterns, difficult curls and lifeless locks can hamper your status quo before the first bell rings.
Since achievement tests are designed to measure the 'norm', any result is skewed if the child taking the test doesn't normally fall into the 'norm' as defined by a bell curve.
Origami Club has a large collection of Christmas origami projects, including a bell, a candy cane, a Christmas tree, and a wreath.
Truly, this is a style that the Fresh Prince of Bell Air would have been proud of.
Stars like Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Kelly Clarkson and Kristen Bell have all been captured by paparazzi sporting zebra bikinis and they look just as sexy as you can in these two-piece stunners!
For instance, you could limit your collection to Disney Classics which would include Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Dumbo and Pinocchio and then add to the themed collection as new classic characters are released.
There are 160 milligrams of vitamin C in a 100 milligram portion of red bell pepper.
Seventies fashion may bring to mind flashbacks of bell bottoms and bandanas along with flower power rings, but recreating this look today need not require a trip to the vintage thrift store.
Platform shoes, glitter, excessively painted faces, colored and spiked hair, blouses that harkened back to the Victorian era, leather, feathers, bell bottoms, metallic fabrics and intense colors.
Glue five popsicle sticks together with the two ends lower, the next two sticks slightly higher, and the stick in the very middle the highest-it makes a bell curve.
Tie a candy cane, bell, or ornament onto the package with ribbon.
The player who shakes the bell first gets to guess.
Adding songs such as Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty the Snowman, and I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus to the music lineup will keep the festive mood alive without going overboard on truly crazy songs.
Flowing fabrics such as billowing skirts, capes, bell sleeves, puff shoulders, and loose tunics that do not cling to curves.
An optional overlay piece is the pirate coat that is long with bell sleeves and a split back.
Their Buccaneer coat is made of wool, with huge bell cuffs and antiquated buttons.
Liberty Bell Museum gift shop has a large selection of colonial costumes, although the costumes are designed to make the children look like small versions of historical characters, rather than being truly accurate.
Reindeer antlers, Santa hats and jingle bell elf hats and shoes make fabulous choices for caroling.
There is a bell necklace, Santa hat and gauntlets.
The organizer will ring a bell or indicate when it is time to rotate so that everyone gets a chance to talk to each other.
Diners will find few good choices at Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Jack-in-the-Box.
For added color and nutritional content, add some boiled green beans, sliced bell peppers, and red onion.
Restaurants such as Taco Bell and Long John Silver's provide gluten information, but so few items are gluten-free that you may want to consider other options.
Since students always want to change out of their uniform as soon as the last bell rings, kids have to have almost as much 'leisure' clothing as they would have if they didn't wear a uniform to school.
Finally, when that last bell rings, let out a big cheer and wish your students a fun summer.
Still, when the loss means Bruce Willis may have to buy a Bentley instead of a Rolls Royce next year, it's hard for the kid who works at Taco Bell to really sympathize.
As an example of a really scary ghost story, the tale of the Bell Witch stands out among true ghost stories as one of the most horrifying tales of all time.
Those fascinated by the paranormal will agree that an intelligent, interactive spirit like the Bell Witch is extremely rare.
John Bell, a prosperous farmer, moved his family to what is now Adams County, Tennessee in the early 1800's.
Soon afterwards, the Bell Witch haunting began.Pounding and banging on the shutters awoke the family.
She focused most of her attacks on John Bell's daughter, Betsy, and on John Bell himself.
She haunted not only the Bell house, but the surrounding countryside too.
When family friend and future president Andrew Jackson came to visit, the witch stopped his wagon on the road to the Bell's farm, and wouldn't let it move forward until she'd demonstrated her powers to him!
The witch hated Betsy Bell's fiancé, Joshua Gardener, and tormented the young couple so much that Betsy eventually broke her engagement to him and married a man the witch approved of, Robert Powell.
After John Bell died, the witch claimed she had poisoned him.
In 1828, the witch returned as promised, and visited with John Bell Jr. She prophesied the coming of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the Great Depression.