Believing-in Sentence Examples
On the 6th of December he protested with three other peers against the measure sent up from the Commons enforcing the disarming of all convicted recusants and taking bail from them to keep the peace; he was the only peer to dissent from the motion declaring the existence of an Irish plot; and though believing in the guilt and voting for the death of Lord Stafford, he interceded, according to his own account, 3 with the king for him as well as for Langhorne and Plunket.
The strongest reason for believing in a British London is to be found in the name, which is undoubtedly Celtic, adopted with little alteration by the Romans.
Charles Emmanuel (1796-1802), believing in Bonaparte's promises, was induced to enter into a confederation with France and give up the citadel of Turin to the French, which meant the end of his country's independence.
Socrates was charged with " not believing in the gods the city believes in."
The mullahs or priests enjoy very great influence, but the people are very superstitious, believing in witchcraft, omens, spirits and the evil eye.
Further, holding that, " like every other perception, the perception of a human body immediately involves the existence of that body," and, like Fichte, believing in a " common consciousness," he concludes that the evidence of sense is verined by " common consciousness " of the external world as objective in the Kantian sense of universally valid.
In reality, the sensation and the belief arc sufficient; when I feel a sensible pressure, I cannot help believing in its reality, and therefore judging that it is real, without any tertium quid - an idea of pressure, or of existence or of pressure existing - intervening between the sensation and the belief.
Loving him, believing in his powers, passionately desiring for him a successful career, but clinging with both hands to the old forms of faith from which he floated away, this solitary, intense woman did as much as any one to form, by action and reaction, the mind and character of the young Emerson.
Give me such evidence as would justify me in believing in anything else, and I will believe that.
They argue with considerable cogency that determinism is very far from affording any ground for believing in the impotence of will.
AdvertisementThough duty, in his view, excludes regard for private happiness, the summum bonum is not duty alone, but happiness combined with moral worth; the demand for happiness as the reward of duty is so essentially reasonable that we must postulate a universal connexion between the two as the order of the universe; indeed, the practical necessity of this postulate is the only adequate rational ground that we have for believing in the existence of God.
I believe that women are conditioned by a patriarchal society into believing in gender stereotypes and gender archetypes.
Furthermore, both are monotheistic, believing in only one righteous and transcendent creator God.
There is a difference between believing in a beginning of the universe or the eternity of the universe that probably cannot be reconciled.
He implicitly criticized the structural functionalism of anthropology believing in the importance of personal choice.
AdvertisementThe Puritan believed only in congregational baptism and would not necessarily baptize a dying child believing in the efficacy of prevenient grace.
So Brothers started well as a family melodrama, but took a violent turn far too suddenly to keep me believing in it.
He had the unfortunate capacity many men, especially Russians, have of seeing and believing in the possibility of goodness and truth, but of seeing the evil and falsehood of life too clearly to be able to take a serious part in it.
In this past election several million good and decent citizens went to the polls believing in the rapture index.
Being stubborn and believing in the value of his ideas makes a Taurus businessman formidable.
AdvertisementHe thanked Elena for wanting to save him and for believing in him.
The moment children discovered that simply "believing" in fairies could bring a dying Tinkerbell back to life, in that moment she represented the magic of simply believing in something and making it come true.
Christianity was essentially a proselytizing religion, not content to appeal simply to one class or race of people, and to be one among many faiths, but believing in the falsity or insufficiency of all others and eager to convert the whole world.