Believers Sentence Examples
To the conservatives, known subsequently as Old Ritualists or Old Believers, this marked the beginning of the reign of Antichrist (was not 666 the number of the Beast?); but they continued the struggle, conservative opposition to the Westernizing policy of the tsars, which was held responsible for the introduction of Polish luxury and Latin heresy, giving it a political as well as a religious character.
The last false prophet was M'hammad or Ahmat bar Bisbat (Mahomet), but Anosh, who remained close beside him and his immediate successors, prevented hostilities against the true believers, who claim to have had in Babylonia, under the Abbasids, four hundred places of worship. Subsequent persecutions compelled their withdrawal to `Ammara in the neighbourhood of Wasit, and ultimately to Khuzistan.
The Moguls, though baptized, are in fact believers in fetishism as much as the unconverted Samoyedes.
Closely akin to these, though not derived from the Old Believers, are certain mystic sects which deny the efficacy of the sacraments altogether.
It is the duty of all believers to strive to become one or other of these by subduing the flesh, which is the product of Evil, and all motions of the will.
On the 14th of June 1909 a bill was passed removing the disabilities hitherto attaching to some 15,000,000 of Old Believers.
Revelations concerning the last things and the future lot, whether bliss or woe, of human souls, promises for true believers, threatenings for misbelievers, his firm confidence as to the future triumph of the good - such are the themes continually dwelt on with endless variations.
Yet the Aeracides and the Indo-Scythian kings as well as the Achaemenides were believers in Mazda.
We have, however, sufficient Theories of evidence that they were used as places of refuge from the use of the fury of the heathen, in which the believers - the cata- especially the bishops and clergy, who would naturally combs.
The supposed "atheism" of Lucretius proceeds from a more deeply reverential spirit than that of the majority of professed believers in all times.
AdvertisementCarducci made preparations for a siege, but a large part of the people were against him, either from Medicean sympathies or fear, although the Frateschi, as the believers in Savonarola's views were called, supported him strongly.
The relation here indicated between the Shepherd's instruction and the initial message of one definitive repentance, open to those believers who have already "broken" their "seal" of baptism by deadly sins, as announced in Visions i.-iv.
Further illustrations of these views were given in two works published about the same time as the lectures, one a treatise On the Sonship and Brotherhood of Believers, and the other an exposition of the first epistle of St John.
They are an intelligent and industrious people, growing their own crops, manufacturing their own cloth and mats, and building their own boats, while many read Arabic more or less fluently, although still believers in magic and witchcraft.
But naturally not all were believers in the same philosophy.
AdvertisementFor example, the Jewish believers, including the Apostles themselves, at the outset required the Gentile believers to be circumcised.
But believers of the old school protested in the name of the Gospel against this secular Church.
There were simply certain communities of believers bound together by a common hope, and by a free organization, which might be modified to any required extent.
Why does he not, since he is rich as Croesus, build St Peter's with his own money instead of taking that of poor believers ?
It regards church authority as inhering, according to the very genius of the Gospel, in each local body of believers, as a miniature realization of the whole Church, which can itself have only an ideal corporate being on earth.
AdvertisementIt springs from the religious principle that each body of believers in actual church-fellowship must be free of all external human control, in order the more fully to obey the will of God as conveyed to conscience by His Spirit.
In certain Anabaptist circles the primitive idea of a " covenant " between believers and God as conditioning all their life, especially one with another, was revived (Champlin Burrage, The Church-Covenant Idea, Philadelphia, 1904).
The book has an outer protective shell of acutely polemical and exclusive moods and insistences, whilst certain splendid Synoptic breadths and reconciliations are nowhere reached; but this is primarily because it is fighting, more consciously than they, for that inalienable ideal of all deepest religion, unity, even external and corporate, amongst all believers.
With its principle of Christian brotherhood, its emphasis upon the equality of all believers in the sight of God, and its preaching of a new social order to be set up at the return of Christ, it appealed strongly to multitudes, particularly of the poorer classes.
They were present when the believers in Mahomet held sway in the Asiatic and African provinces which Alexander had once brought under the intellectual influence of Hellenism; while the Lombards, the West Goths, the Franks and the AngloSaxons had established kingdoms in Italy, Spain, Gaul and Britain.
AdvertisementA certain number, too, of Arabic Christians, believers living on the west coast of India, the so-called Christians of St Thomas, and finally those belonging to places nearer the middle of Asia (Merv, Herat, Samarkand), remained in communion with the Nestorian church.
But law may mean ethical rule, and the Antinomians so understood it, and interpreted Luther's declaration to mean that believers are not under the dominion of the moral law.
In 1797 appeared his Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers which were exhibited in Norfolk Street, followed by other tracts on the same subject.
In this original scheme it is clearly marked out "that this entire Society and all its members fight for God under the faithful obedience of the most sacred lord, the pope, and the other Roman pontiffs his successors"; and Ignatius makes particular mention th4t each member should "be bound by a special vow," beyond that formal obligation under which all Christians are of obeying the pope, "so that whatsoever the present and other Roman pontiffs for the time being shall ordain, pertaining to the advancement of souls and the propagation of the faith, to whatever provinces he shall resolve to send us, we are straightway bound to obey, as far as in us lies, without any tergiversation or excuse, whether he send us among the Turks or to any other unbelievers in being, even to those parts called India, or to any heretics or schismatics or likewise to any believers."
Christ as to the inner character of a supper which he already found a ritual observance among believers.
In the first place, there were in early days far more bishops in proportion to the number of believers than is the custom now; and, secondly, it was the rule (except in cases of emergency) to baptize only in the season from Easter to Pentecost, and the bishop was always present and laid his hands on the newly baptized.
One day, approaching Coventry, "the Lord opened to him" that none were true believers but such as were born of God and had passed from death unto life; and this was soon followed by other "openings" to the effect that "being bred at Oxford or Cambridge was not enough to fit and qualify men to be ministers of Christ," and that "God who made the world did not dwell in temples made with hands."
Here he wrote a variety of prophetic pamphlets, which gained him many believers, amongst them William Sharp, the engraver, who afterwards deserted him for Joanna Southcott.
Some believers, he taught, may pass through purgatorial fires; and this middle class may be helped by the sacraments and the alms of the living.
The doctrine of conditional immortality taught by Socinianism was accepted by Archbishop Whately, and has been most persistently advocated by Edward White, who "maintains that immortality is a truth, not of reason, but of revelation, a gift of God" bestowed only on believers in Christ; but he admits a continued probation after death for such as have not hardened their hearts by a rejection of Christ.
The Nosairis are believers in metempsychosis.
Up to the end of the 2nd century the universal priesthood of all believers was the accepted doctrine of the Church.
By believers the table was made to serve as a means of communicating with the spirits; the alphabet would be slowly called over and the table would tilt at the appropriate letter, thus spelling out words and sentences.
The Perfect formed the ordained priesthood, were women no less than men, and controlled the church; they received from the Believers unquestioning obedience, and as vessels of election in whom the Holy Spirit already dwelt, they were adored by the faithful, who were taught to prostrate themselves before them whenever they asked for their prayers.
The life of a Perfect was so hard, and, thanks to the inquisitors, so fraught with danger, that most Believers deferred the rite until the death-bed, as in the early centuries many believers deferred baptism.
Thus, for example, the Koran contains very different directions, suited to varying circumstances, as to the treatment which idolaters are to receive at the hands of believers.
Believers could be in no uncertainty as to which of two contradictory passages remained in force; and they might still find edification in that which had become obsolete.
Believers receive general moral instruction, as well as directions for special circumstances.
In not a few definite questions are answered which had actually been propounded to the Prophet by believers or infidels.
The rest has been accomplished by dogmatic prejudice, which is quite capable of working other miracles besides turning a defective literary production into an unrivalled masterpiece in the eyes of believers.
If these two narratives served the first needs of Christian believers, it is easy to see that they would presently stimulate further activity in the same direction.
While the needs of Jewish believers were amply met by St Matthew's Gospel, a like service was rendered to Gentile converts by a very different writer.
Zacchaeus the publican and the grateful Samaritan leper further illustrate this characteristic. Writing as he does for Gentile believers he omits many details which from their strongly Jewish cast might be unintelligible or uninteresting.
He saw that he stood for the spiritual priesthood of all believers and that medievalism in religion meant that man cannot approach God without a priestly mediator.
Two conceptions lay at the basis - the thought of the spiritual priesthood of all believers and the belief that the state was a divine ordinance, that the magistracy might represent the whole body of believers and that discipline and administration might be exercised through courts constituted somewhat like the consistorial courts of the medieval bishops, their members being appointed by the magistracy.
It is only by the detailed enumeration of these opposing forces that we can form an idea of the heavy task that lay before the Prince of the Believers, and of the amount of tact and ability which his position demanded.
Yazid at the head of the powerful tribe of Shaiban, who, himself a Kharijite, had assumed the title of Prince of the Believers, and had even succeeded in occupying Kufa.
He regarded himself as the champion of Islam and of the communion of the believers, and had among his intimates men of acknowledged devoutness such as Raja b.
When Merwan entered Damascus this man testified that the sons of Walid II., who had just become adult, had named Merwan successor to the Caliphate, and was the first to greet him as Prince of the Believers.
Abdallah, after the Prophet, should fulfil the promises of peace and happiness that had been tendered to the believers, and therefore to have called him al-Mandi.
Such lines of thought provoke discussion as to the relationship of Jesus to God the Father, and, at a later period, of the nature of the Holy Spirit who enters into and transforms believers.
With this principle is associated a second, the liberty of the individual; he reads the sacred Scriptures and interprets them for himself without the intervention of priests or church; and he enters by faith in Christ into communion with God, so that all believers are priests.
This inner life constitutes the oneness of believers and forms the true Church which is invisible.
Christianity is dependent upon the understanding of the universe; hence it is the duty of believers to put it into the new setting, so that it adopts and adapts astronomy, geology, biology and psychology.
Hence, according to believers in contagion, the disease passed to families in the " old town," the poorest and unhealthiest quarter.
Opinions were divided, and the evidence appears even now nearly balanced, though the believers in contagion and importation gained the victory in public opinion.
Protestants, with the exception of a small minority in the Anglican communion, unanimously reject the doctrine of purgatory, and affirm that "the souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness and do immediately pass into glory."
And even the more moderate believers in the pope's infallibility maintained that it was merely negative, a heaven-sent immunity against falling into error.
Though couched in the negative, these rules must be interpreted in the amplest and widest sense by all believers.
The adhesion of Halebi produced many imitators, and with a retinue of believers, a charming wife and considerable funds, Sabbatai returned in triumph to the Holy Land.
This distinctive view, common and peculiar to all Baptists, is that baptism should be administered to believers only.
Only a few great doctrines are seen to have been generally held by Anabaptists - such as the baptism of believers only, the rejection of the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith as onesided and the simple practice of the breaking of bread.
About March 1639, with eleven others, he decided to restore believers' baptism and to form a church of baptized believers.
Henry Dunster (1612-1659), the first president of the college at Cambridge (Harvard), had by 1653 become convinced that "visible believers only should be baptized."
It admitted all believers without distinction of age, sex, rank or culture.
From all this we conclude that what is poetry to us - akin to the folk-lore of water-sprites, naiads, kelpies, river-gods and water-worship in general - was to Tertullian and to the generations of believers who fashioned the baptismal rites, ablutions and beliefs of the church, nothing less than grim reality and unquestionable fact.
He tried to show, both from Scripture and extra-canonical literature, that the primitive church, so far from being an incorporate body of believers with the same creed and customs, really consisted of two schools, each possessing its "own gospel" - a school of Ebionites or Judaizing Christians, and the more liberal school of Paul.
This event by no means disconcerted the believers, who saw in it only another manifestation of Pigott's divinity, and proclaimed it as "an earnest of the total redemption of man."
And God, foreseeing who will and who will not, resist the grace offered, predestinates to life all who are foreseen as believers."
It has been asserted by believers in telegony that evidence of infection may appear in the second though not present in the first generation.
The Buddha then remained at the Deer-forest near Benares until the number of his personal followers was about threescore, and that of the outside believers somewhat greater.
Gotama settled among them, and after a time they became believers in his system, - the elder brother, Kassapa, taking henceforth a principal place among his followers.
They are firm believers in the inferiority of the black races and regard servitude as their natural lot.
Instead of advocating the priesthood of all believers, the Lutheran pastors had made themselves a despotic hierarchy, while they neglected their practical pastoral work.
In Jerusalem, therefore, whither believers flocked from all over Christendom to be buried, the official point of view as late as A.D.
It would also appear that in the primitive age confirmation and ordination were one and the same rite; and so they continued to be among the dissident believers of the middle ages, who, however, often dropped the water rite altogether.
They for the most part originated among the believers, and not improbably the outside cults borrowed as much from the church as it from them.
Loofs describe them as belonging to the Homoiousian party - believers in the Son's " likeness of essence " to the Father's, not " identity of essence."
Even up to the present day men of intellectual eminence like Dr Richard Garnett have convinced themselves that astromancy has a foundation of truth, just as there are still believers in chiromancy or other forms of divination.
To Dr Schaff's 122 theses of The Principle of Protestantism Nevin added his own theory of the mystical union between Christ and believers, and both Schaff and Nevin were accused of a "Romanizing tendency."
He also wrote a pamphlet summoning true believers to purify their religion from the defilements of the "Turks" i.e.
While Christ's First Advent delivered believers from Satan's bondage, his overthrow would be completed only by the Second Advent.
The latter are thus no mere representations, but as it were emanations from the archetype, vehicles of the supernatural personality represented, and possessed of an inherent sacramental value and power, such as the name of Jesus had for the earliest believers.
The Albigensian theologians and ascetics, the Cathari or perfecti, known in the south of France as bons hommes or bons chretiens, were few in number; the mass of believers (credentes) were perhaps not initiated into the Catharist doctrine; at all events, they were free from all moral prohibition and all religious obligation, on condition that they promised by an act called convenenza to become " hereticized " by receiving the consolamentum, the baptism of the Spirit, before their death or even in extremis.
Over the years the believers suffered at the hands of the bigots.
Fervent believers are used to humor being directed at religion.
We in the west, even fervent believers, are used to humor being directed at religion.
For those who are not yet believers, this part of the Bible may seem alarming.
Graham, I have understood apostolic succession to be through Christ and the Holy Spirit and " passed down " to all believers.
Baptists do not practice ' adult ' baptism; they practice ' believers ' baptism.
I want bible believers to become Bible believers to become bible scholars, and think for themselves rather than let the church think for them.
That's not to say some atheists don't have a very condescending attitude toward religious believers - indeed some d.. .
We become contemptuous of other believers who we decide are not " walking the talk " as well as we think we are.
And such deliverance, listen, is the common experience for all believers in Christ.
On the other hand David didn't complain against other believers, as some do when stresses occur and so cause further discouragement.
The rigorism of baptist ecclesiology leads to the exclusion of many genuine believers.
The clever forgers have played on the desire of biblicists and believers to have their beliefs confirmed.
Land taxation should also be regarded as the least evil kind by believers in competitive free enterprise.
He will personally indwell all the believers, a claim of omnipresence.
Supernatural joy comes from the Spirit of God who only indwells true believers.
Believers, take not for friends unbelieving infidels rather than believers.
The aim was to provoke true Godly jealousy - not to start a war among believers.
He wants the believers to be able to face the onslaught of false teachers triumphantly.
For believers in the patriarchal religions, liberty is simply the freedom to practice the accepted religion.
This doctrine allows believers to hide their true beliefs for the sake of their own self-protection in the face of persecution.
Clearly, John did not believe that Jesus was a sinner or that believers were also sinless like him.
This just titillates the UFO believers and for the rest of us it hangs around like a rancid red herring.
The True Believers are mentally unbalanced or insecure people, or those without hope or friends.
The unity of believers should not be merely a unity of believers should not be merely a unity of theory or of thought.
He came to suspect after a time that many of the so-called "inspired" persons were "dupes of their own zeal and credulity," and decided that it was necessary to organize at once the small communities of believers into properly constituted churches.
Redemption, justification, regeneration, adoption, forgiveness, reconciliation all mean the same thing - the restoration of the broken family relationship. All depends on the Mediation of Christ, who maintained the filial relationship even to His death, and communicates it to the brotherhood of believers.
In 1862 the synod of the Popovshchina passed a circular letter making advances to the government with a view to a compromise, which was arranged on the basis of the Old Believers consenting to accept the ministrations of Orthodox priests on condition that they should use the unrevised books.
His father was a factory owner of some means, whose family came from a stock of Old Believers, who had acknowledged the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church while keeping the ancient ritual for which their forefathers had endured persecution since the days of Patriarch Nikon.
In doctrine the church has been from the first contentious for believers' baptism, holding that nowhere in the New Testament can be found any authority even by inference, precept or example for the baptism of infants.
He believes, with the Jews, in a restoration and extension of the city of Jerusalem; he assumes that this city will be the seat of the Messianic kingdom, and he takes it as a matter of course that there all believers (here he is at one with Barnabas) along with patriarchs and prophets will enjoy perfect felicity for one thousand years.
But what Barnabas did see with full reasoned conviction, he was staunch in upholding; thus he upheld the general cause of Gentile freedom from the obligation of circumcision (as distinct from perfect religious equality with Jewish believers) at the Jerusalem conference (Acts xv.).
The pursuit of salvation does not dominate by any means the whole life and ambition of even ardent believers; statesmen, philosophers, men of letters, scientific investigators and inventors have commonly gone their way regardless of the particular form of Christianity which prevailed in the land in which they lived.
This was due partly to a sense that only here and there was there a body of believers ripe for the congregational form of church-fellowship, which Luther himself regarded as the New Testament ideal (Dale, pp. 40-43), partly to fear of Anabaptism, the radical wing of the Reformation movement, which first strove to recover primitive Christianity apart altogether from traditional forms.
He declared that Christ was not under the dominion of the law in this sense of the word, and that believers enter the Christian life only when they transcend a rule of life which counts on selfish motives for obedience.
It may be said in general that while Luther insisted that public worship ought to be conducted in a language understood by the people, and that all ideas and actions which were superstitious and obscured the primary truth of the priesthood of all believers should be expurged, he wished to retain as much as possible of the public service of the medieval church.
His views on the Eucharist upheld the metaphorical against the literal interpretation of the word "body," but he asserted that believers partook of the sacrament more for the sake of others than for their own, though later he emphasized it as a means of grace for the Christian life.
The Prince of the Believers has spread before him the arrows of his quiver, and has tried every one of them by biting its wood.
For us believers, the Jubilee Year will highlight the Redemption accomplished by Christ in his Death and Resurrection.
With their Greek mindset they were struggling to come to terms with the bodily resurrection of believers.
True believers, true Christians, totally transformed people, those who have been made new in Christ, will have a sanctified tongue.
The Church is sanctified by the prayers of the believers.
He said something similar about those who kill the believers.
Believers go into heavenly bliss, whilst unbelievers are thrown into the torments of hell.
There the Orthodox believers and popular folklore had an unassailable advantage.
The unity of believers should not be merely a unity of theory or of thought.
The Latin liturgy and the German service were for the unlearned people, many of whom were not even believers.
Sadly, believers in the past have often been known to resort to forgery to uphold what they have little evidence for in fact.
Astrological dates are another option for those who are fervent believers in this practice.
Itineraries include a plethora of spiritual offerings from workshops with leading religious speakers to concerts with celebrated Christian singers and Bible classes with fellow believers.
There are plenty of old school believers out there whose opinion is that a dog is a dog - at best a working piece of stock; at worst, a tolerable nuisance.
Most believers like it for its perceived detoxification properties, which they note can result in everything from resistance to allergies to a decrease in cellulite.
Rubicon Marketing Group was part of the beta test group and quickly became Fortune Compass believers, after implementing the compass readings which resulted in a record for contracting new business.
Members are encouraged to prepare family histories, both to record the information for future generations and as a source of information on which ancestors can be called to become believers in the Mormon faith.
Users who click on those recommendations will automatically be taken to the most popular search results that other astrological believers are interested in.
Skeptics also point to the fact that there are disagreements even among the believers on what will happen that day.
Modern believers in the prophesy point to the current debate about climate change and global warming as proof positive that the world is indeed heading for the kinds of changes that the Mayans predicted.
Hence, it is always an interesting project for devout astrology believers to compare their personality readings throughout the gamut of astrological schemes.
Therefore, believers must seek His help directly, not indirectly.
Probably not, but that doesn't appear to make a difference to the true believers who swear they have seen one.
Overall, most believers of reincarnation follow the Hindu religion principles that involve the idea of karma.
Believers cite examples of other creatures thought to be a myth that have actually been found in recent years, such as the giant squid, as an example that a prehistoric creature may still survive in today's world.
Believers in the monster frequently visit the loch with cameras, video recorders and other equipment hoping to catch a glimpse of Nessie.
Believers, paranormal investigators and most board users believe that spirits are using the sitters' energy and their own energy to move the planchette.
Believers say that if you listen closely, you can hear him humming the tune to the game show, Jeopardy.
Stories about the creature can send chills up the spines of believers and skeptics alike.
Shinto believers may prefer symbols of that religion.
Christian cross tattoos have become highly popular with believers who want to make a public statement about their faith.
Yes, there is a reference in the Christian Bible that is interpreted as forbidding believers from getting tattoos.
New Day's Christian yoga teachers' training program should equip individuals to lead believers in Jesus Christ to deepen their practice of yoga without compromising their faith.
Large families are encouraged as a way of creating a larger pool of believers who can then have an impact on social and political issues.
His work in founding the kingdom was a personal vocation, the spirit of which He communicates to believers, "thus, as exalted king," sustaining the life of His Kingdom.
It faded away in the great Church, and probably Celsus was describing Montanist circles (though Origen assumed that they were ordinary believers) when he wrote 3 of the many Christians of no repute who at the least provocation, whether within or without their temples, threw themselves about like inspired persons; while others did the same in cities or among armies in order to collect alms, roaming about cities or camps.
Throughout the United States, whatever may have been the position in some of them before their independence, the Church has now no position recognized by the State, but is just a body of believers whose relations are governed by contract and with whom ecclesiastical jurisdiction is consensual.
Not beliefs, he said, but believers need rebirth.
Meanwhile believers in Enfantin and his new religion were multiplying in all parts of Europe.
That all believers will have a share in the first resurrection and in the Messianic kingdom is an idea of which the author of Revelation knows nothing.
Indeed it could not be that I should; for I neither laid the foundation of repentance nor of preaching the Gospel, taking it for granted that all to whom I preached were believers, and that many of them needed no repentance.
The conquered peoples fell into an inferior caste, made to work for, and to pay for the subsistence of, their conquerors, as under the Arab domination; the principal taxes exacted from them were the kharaj, a tax of indeterminate amount upon realty, based on the value of lands owned by unbelievers - (in contradistinction to the tithe [ashar] which was a tax of fixed amount upon lands owned by believers) - and levied in payment of the privilege of gaining means of existence in a Mussulman country, and the jiziye, a compulsory payment, or poll-tax, to which believers were not subjected, in lieu of military service.
Believers in law have put their trust in authority or logic; while believers in disposition chiefly look to our instinctive faculties - conscience, common-sense or sentiment.
His object is (as most scholars, probably, believe) to warn, stimulate or console the captive Jews, some full believers, some semi-believers, some unbelievers or idolaters.