Beliefs Sentence Examples
The past few days had turned her beliefs on end.
Not beliefs, he said, but believers need rebirth.
See Cheyne, Traditions and Beliefs of Anc. Israel, on Gen.
The people are remarkably conservative in beliefs, superstitions and traditions.
His beliefs or absence of beliefs emancipated him from conventional scruples; and he is not a good subject for those who maintain that a nice morality may exist independently of religion.
His peculiar fashion of attacking the popular beliefs of his time has also failed to secure the approval of some who had very little sympathy with those beliefs.
But the Omayyads (with one exception) were not religious men and, while preserving the outward forms of Islam, allowed full liberty to the pre-Islamic customs of the Arabs and the beliefs and practices of Christians.
In this he points out that modern society is passing ing movements, - the first, a disorganizing movement owing to the break-up of old institutions and beliefs; the second, a movement towards a definite social state, in which all means of human prosperity will receive their most complete development and most direct application.
He felt the majesty of these truths to be the greater that they so represented to him not only the most fundamental of human beliefs, but also all that man could be reasonably expected to believe, though to believe with his whole reason.
Thus with respect to early religious beliefs he rejected Hume's notion that religion sprang out of the fears of primitive men, in favour of the theory that it represents the first attempts of our species to explain phenomena.
AdvertisementIn his sympathy with the life and beliefs of the country people he shows an affinity both to the idyllic spirit and to the piety of Virgil.
The common calendar and cycle of festivals, observed by all Dorians (of which the Carneia was chief), and the distribution in Greece of the worships of Apollo and Heracles, which attained pre-eminence mainly in or near districts historically " Dorian," suggest that these cults, or an important element in them, were introduced comparatively late, and represent the beliefs of a fresh ethnic superstratum.
For these beliefs and practices the Doukhobors long endured cruel persecution.
It was, save where animal sacrifices survived, the Christian sacrifice, par excellence, the counterpart for the converted of the sacrificial communions of paganism; and though charged with higher significance than these, it yet reposed on a like background of religious usage and beliefs.
I-Ie was to be given as the kane to Hell, which shows a distinction between the beliefs in hell and in the place of fairies.
AdvertisementBoth social traditiolis and the religious beliefs of the people encouraged fecundity.
These narratives are full of much valuable evidence regarding marriage customs, pastoral life and duties, popular beliefs and traditions, and are evidently typical of what was currently retailed.
That many different beliefs have influenced the tradition is apparent from what has been said above, and is especially noticeable from a study of the general features.
Beliefs regarding the gods and life after death were self-contradictory and variable, but none interfered with the custom of preserving the body.
His religious views and political beliefs will be discussed later.
AdvertisementBut, be this as it may," the doctrine of karma is certainly one of the firmest beliefs of all classes of Hindus, and the fear that a man shall reap as he has sown is an appreciable element in the average morality.
But as a rule, and especially in the great periods of church architecture, their builders were untrammelled by any utilitarian considerations; they built for the glory of God, for their own glory perhaps, in honour of the saints; and their work, where it survives, is (as it were) a petrification of their beliefs and ideals.
The result of undermining this sure foundation emerges in Balfour's attitude to the beliefs themselves.
He holds that space, time, matter, motion, force, are all full of the insoluble contradictions supposed by Spencer; and that all our beliefs, in Nature and in God, stand on the same footing of approximations.
This has been partly preserved in some of their literary remains, and has taken deep root in the beliefs and traditions of the Bulgarians and other nations with whom they had come into close contact.
AdvertisementHere we are concerned only with the beliefs and forms of worship which prevailed before the adoption of Christianity.
How far these beliefs were common to the Teutonic peoples as a whole cannot be determined with certainty.
Certain popular beliefs connected with All Souls' Day are of pagan origin and immemorial antiquity.
Similar beliefs are found among the Papuans, and among the Indians of both Americas.
The conception of the "Day of the Lord" is frequent and prominent in the prophets, and the sense given to the phrase by the people and by the prophets throws into bold relief the contrast between popular beliefs and the prophetic faith.
While Irenaeus held fast the traditional eschatological beliefs, yet his conception of the Christian salvation as a deification of man tended to weaken their hold on Christian thought.
Even if the common beliefs of the apostolic age have not modified the evangelist's reports of Jesus' teaching, it must be remembered that He used the common prophetic phraseology, the literal fulfilment of which is not to be looked for.
They had built their own churches and schools, adopted their own forms of worship and phrased their own beliefs.
The peninsula and archipelago known as Malaysia presents a remarkable mingling of races, languages and beliefs.
The belief in its immortality, he says, is the most universal of beliefs, but the most feebly supported by reason.
According to the religious census of 1900 there were in the German empire- 35,231,104 Evangelical Protestants, 20,327,913 Roman Catholics, 6472 Greek Orthodox, 203,678 Christians belonging to other confessions, 586,948 Jews, f 1,597 members of other sects and 5938 unclassified, The Christians belonging to other confessions include Moravian Brethren, Mennonites, Baptists, Methodists and Quakers, German Catholics, Old Catholics, &c. The table on following page shows the distribution of the population according to religious beliefs as furnished by the census of 1900.
The old pagan faith was not yet entirely destroyed, and traces of its influence may still be detected in popular beliefs and customs. But still Christianity was dominant, and soon became an important factor in the process of civilization, while the close alliance of the German church with the papacy was followed by results of the utmost consequence for Germany.
To say nothing of lawgivers like Charondas, the line of Siceliot poets began early, and the circumstances of the island, the adoption of many of its local traditions and beliefs - perhaps a certain intermingling of native blood - gave the intellectual life of Sicily a character in some things distinct from that of old Hellas.
The spread of Hellenic culture among the Sicels had in return made a Greek home for many Sicel beliefs, traditions and customs. Bucolic poetry is the native growth of Sicily; in the hands of Theocritus it grew out of the germs supplied by Epicharmus and Sophron into a distinct and finished form of the art.
No verbal formula can really enclose the life of a people or an age, but we can best understand the significant ^ of the old Greek cities and the life they developed, when, looking at the history of mankind as a whole, we see the part played by reason, active and critical, in breaking down the barriers by which custom hinders movement, in guiding movement to definite ends, in dissipating groundless beliefs and leading onwards to fresh scientific conquests - when we see this and then take note that among the ancient Greeks such an activity of reason began in an entirely novel degree and that its activity in Europe ever since is due to their impulsion.
But one may imagine what a world of trouble it has cost the Moslem theologians to explain the saying in accordance with their dogmatic beliefs.
The procedure in scientific excavation is directed to collecting and interpreting all the information that can he obtained from the excavation as to the history and nature of the site explored, be it town, temple, house, cemetery or individual grave, wasting no evidence that results from it touching the endless problems which scientific archaeology affordswhether in regard to arts and crafts, manners and customs, language, history or beliefs.
They deal for the most part with the hearing of diseases, the bites of snakes and scorpions, &c., but incidentally cast many sidelights on the mythology and superstitious beliefs.
Nor could even the violent religious revolution of Akhenaton (Amenophis iv.), of which we shall later have occasion to speak, sweep away for ever beliefs that had persisted for so many generations.
It is doubtless such explanations as these that the Greeks had in view when they praised the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians; and, in the classical period similar semi-philosophical interpretations altogether supplanted, among the learned at least, the naive literal beliefs of earlier times.
Even in the oldest texts these beliefs are blended inextricably with the Osirian doctrines.
Truths are always on one side matters of belief, and beliefs are ultimately rules for action.
If the whole of a man's personality goes to the making of the truth he accepts, it is clear that his beliefs are not matters of "pure reason," and that his passional and volitional nature must contribute to them and cannot validly be excluded.
The Revolution, according to him, meant the sweeping away of effete beliefs and institutions, but implied also the necessity of a reconstructive process.
To a later generation it will probably appear that, whatever the exaggerations and the misconceptions to which he was led, his vehement attacks at least called attention to rather grave limitations and defects in the current beliefs and social tendencies of the time.
In India from the soma frenzy in the Vedas, through the mystic reveries of the Upanishads, and the hypnotic trances of the ancient Yoga, allied beliefs and practices had never lost their importance and their charm.
There is no precise Babylonian or Egyptian equivalent, though attempts have been made to produce points of contact with Babylonian or Egyptian beliefs.
His object is to protest against the growing secularization of the Pharisaic party through its adoption of popular Messianic beliefs and political ideals.
The boy grew up amid the poor, coarse surroundings of the German peasant life, imbibing its simple beliefs.
The papal supremacy was one of his oldest inherited beliefs.
And this becomes more instructive when comparison is made between cuneiform or Egyptian sources extending over many centuries and particular groups of evidence (Amarna letters, Canaanite and Aramaean inscriptions, the Old Testament and later Jewish literature to the Talmud), and pursued to the customs and beliefs of the same area to-day.
They are addressed to a people whose mental processes and philosophy were primitive; and since teaching, in order to be communicable, must adapt itself to current beliefs of God, man and nature - and the inveterate conservatism of man must be born in mind - the trend of ideas must not be confused with the average standard of thought. ?
There are moreover many traces of conflicting ideas and ideals, of cruder beliefs and customs, and of attempts to remove or elevate them.
Man's primary religious feeling seeks to bring him into association with the events and persons of his race, and that which in the Old Testament appears most perishable, most defective, and which suffers most under critical inquiry, was necessary in order to adapt new teaching to the commonly accepted beliefs of a bygone and primitive people.'
In this place it is sufficient to say that, while Plato accounts no education satisfactory which has not knowledge for its basis, he emphatically prefers the scepticism of Socrates, which, despairing of knowledge, seeks right opinion, to the scepticism of the sophists, which, despairing of knowledge, abandons the attempt to better existing beliefs.
The bewildering diversity of religious beliefs collected under the name of Hinduism has no counterpart amongst the Mahommedans, who are limited as to their main tenets by the teaching of a single book, the Koran.
It has created a literature and a religion for more than a third of the human race, and has profoundly affected the beliefs of the rest.
The most extensive is the twelvevolume Futuhat ul-Makkiyat (" Meccan Revelations"), a general encyclopaedia of Sufic beliefs and doctrines.
So completely did this system in the course of time sway men's minds that the cult, from being an expression of animistic beliefs, took on the colour derived from the "astral" interpretation of occurrences and doctrines.
The astral theology of the Babylonian-Assyrian religion, while thus bearing the ear-marks of a system devised by the priests, succeeded in assimilating the beliefs which represented the earlier attempts to systematize the more popular aspects of the religion, and in this way a unification of diverse elements was secured that led to interpreting the contents and the form of the religion in terms of the astral-theological system.
Jackson was a man of low birth, uneducated, prejudiced, and marked by strong personal feeling in all his beliefs and disbeliefs.
This material also reflects the knowledge, beliefs, and prejudices of its time.
Sense, then, outer and inner, or sensation and consciousness, is the origin of sensory judgments which are true categorical beliefs in the existence of sensible things; and primary judgments are such true categorical sensory beliefs that things exist, and neither require conception nor are combinations of conceptions.
Finally, inference is an extension, not of ideas, but of beliefs, at first about existing things, afterwards about ideas, and even about words; about anything in short about which we think, in what is too fancifully called " the universe of discourse."
It is a matter of words whether or not we should call this sensory belief a judgment; but it is no matter of choice to the logician, who regards all the constituents of inference as judgments; for the fundamental constituents are sensory beliefs, which are therefore judgments in the logical sense.
Sense is the evidence of inference; directly of analogical and inductive, directly or indirectly of deductive, inference; and therefore, if logic refuses to include sensory beliefs among judgments, it will omit the fundamental constituents of inference, inference will no longer consist of judgments but of sensory beliefs plus judgments, and the second part of logic, the logic of judgment, the purpose of which is to investigate the constituents of inference, will be like Hamlet without the prince of Denmark.
At the same time, in judging the apparently inhuman way in which the Sudras were treated in the caste rules, one has always to bear in mind the fact that the belief in metempsychosis was already universal at the time, and seemed to afford the only rational explanation of the apparent injustice involved in the unequal distribution of the good things in this world; and that, if the Sudra was strictly excluded from the religious rites and beliefs of the superior classes, this exclusion in no way involved the question of his ultimate emancipation and his union with the Infinite Spirit, which were as certain in his case as in that of any other sentient being.
Consequently, acting on the advice of a Mahommedan jurist, the IIarranians declared themselves to be "Sabians," a name which shielded them from persecution in virtue of its Koranic authority and was so vague that it enabled them to maintain their ancient beliefs undisturbed.
There is no doubt as to the general nature of the religious beliefs and practices which they sought to mask.
Others of the practices enumerated, probably the greater part of them, spring from demonological beliefs.
It was rather of the nature of the savagetaboo, the outcome of totemistic beliefs or a mode of averting the contaminating presence of djinns and demons.
Mannhardt, and a lower stratum of beliefs and rites began to emerge into view beneath the poetic forms of the more developed mythologies.
One thing is certain, namely, that savages stand on virtually one footing with the civilized as regards the type of explanation appropriate to their beliefs and practices.
The Vedic deities of the nobler sort, the shining devas, the asuras (the " breathers " or living, perhaps to be identified with the Scandinavian cesir) rose above a vast multitude of demonic powers, many of them doubtless derived from the local customs and beliefs of the native races whom the immigrant Aryans subdued.
More and.more he learned from Cabanis and Helvetius to see in the will and the passions the determinants of intellectual life, and in the character and the temper the source of theories and beliefs.
He sought to judge them from the standpoint of the ancient world, and to account for them by the superstitious beliefs which were then generally in vogue.
Nor is the tribute to the national religion implied by the dedication of the altar to Ceres inconsistent with the beliefs and feelings expressed in the satires.
Lastly, the practice of divination and the consul tation of oracles afforded a means of communication between God and man - a concession to popular beliefs.
From all this we conclude that what is poetry to us - akin to the folk-lore of water-sprites, naiads, kelpies, river-gods and water-worship in general - was to Tertullian and to the generations of believers who fashioned the baptismal rites, ablutions and beliefs of the church, nothing less than grim reality and unquestionable fact.
Many curious superstitions survive in the country districts, including the beliefs in witches (feitigeiras, bruxas) and werewolves (lobishomens); in sirens (sereias) which haunt the dangerous coast and lure fishermen to destruction; in fairies (fadas) and in many kinds of enchantment.
Other beliefs can be traced to Jewish and African sources.
In England the new philosophy had broken with time-honoured beliefs more completely than it had done even in France; Hobbes was more startling than Bacon.
He yet insisted on religion as the crown of virtue; and, arguing that religion is inseparable from a high and holy enthusiasm for the divine plan of the universe, he sought the root of religion in feeling, not in accurate beliefs or meritorious good works.
Tindal's aim seems to have been a sober statement of the whole case in favour of natural religion, with copious but moderately worded criticism of such beliefs and usages in the Christian and other religions as he conceived to be either non-religious or directly immoral and unwholesome.
He inherited the beliefs of his father, but no share of his industry.
Certain aspects which are of profound significance are dwelt upon, and this without there being any great difference between this Gospel and the two other Synoptics in respect to the facts recorded or the beliefs implied.
Here is given an account of the reasons which induced him to accept beliefs which are, shared by so small a proportion of scientific men.
According to all the authorities, the essential qualification for the title is the denial of certain beliefs which the Pharisees held to be implicitly contained in Scripture, and therefore necessarily part of Judaism as soon as they were formulated.
A religious census, such as is customary in other countries, has not been taken since 1851; nor is it probable that such a census would be any true indication of the actual religious beliefs of the population.
Thirdly, we must take into account the absence of strong and definite religious beliefs, properly so called, which has always been a characteristic of the Chinese people.
Sociology and the science of culture are concerned with the origin and development of arts and sciences, opinions, beliefs, customs, laws and institutions generally among mankind within historic time; while beyond the historical limit the study is continued by inferences from relics of early ages and remote districts, to interpret which is the task of pre-historic archaeology and geology.
The accounts, imperfect as they are, which have been preserved of their arts, beliefs and habits, thus present a picture of the arts, beliefs and habits of tribes.
The hybridism of the Abyssinians is reflected in their political and social institutions, and especially in their religious beliefs and practices.
He modified the legends, not with a view to rationalizing them, but rather to adjust them to popular beliefs.
Many pagan beliefs linger on in the country, where vampires, witches and the evil eye are dreaded by all.
Dayanand's treatment of the Vedas was peculiar, and consisted of reading into them his own beliefs and modern scientific discoveries.
It likewise vindicated afresh the rights of the Christian laity in regard to their own beliefs and the work of the Church, against the assumptions and despotism of an arrogant clergy.
In fact, it is with him the function of philosophy to classify and explain universal convictions and beliefs; but common-sense is not with him philosophy, nor is it the instrument of philosophy; it is simply the material on which the philosophical method works, and in harmony with which its results must ultimately be found.
The truth is that Cousin's doctrine of the spontaneous apperception of impersonal truth amounts to little more than a presentment in philosophical language of the ordinary convictions and beliefs of mankind.
These rites are found all over the world, and in his monumental work, The Golden Bough, Dr Frazer has traced a host of extant beliefs and practices to this source.
It is one which, as long as beliefs are not very divergent, keeps up a sense of brotherhood overruling the diversity of opinion.
If the statements of ancient authorities are marshalled in order of their date it will be seen that certain beliefs cannot be traced back beyond the age of this or that author.
Though this does not prove that the beliefs themselves were not held earlier, it suggests caution in assuming that they were.
Many of the fundamental ideas of Druse theology belong to a common West Asiatic stock; but the peculiar history of the Mountain is no doubt responsible for beliefs, held elsewhere by different peoples, being combined there in a single creed.
As a writer, too, Gregory modifies Augustinian beliefs into forms which make them more available for Church teaching - a process very characteristic of Western Catholicism and carried still further in later centuries (notably by Peter Lombard).
He tells us (Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums, 1811) that the theologian, while himself loyal to his Church, must expound, as a historian, the beliefs actually held in the branch of the Church which he represents.
Do the unchecked individual enthusiasm of the Reden, and the loyalty to established beliefs required in the later writings, combine to form a living theology?
These speeches appeal more to admiration than to sympathy, even where the limitations of Disraeli's protectionist beliefs are understood and where his perception of the later consequences of free trade is most cordially acknowledged.
That the people, in the exercise of their sovereignty, have the right to govern themselves in the way they judge to be for the common good; and that civil government, whatever form it assumes, has no right to interfere with religious beliefs that are not inconsistent with civil society, is at the foundation of his political philosophy.
Hasty judgment, bias, absence of an a priori " indifference " to what the evidence may in the end require us to conclude, undue regard for authority, excessive love for custom and antiquity, indolence and sceptical despair are among the states of mind marked by him as most apt to interfere with the formation of beliefs in harmony with the Universal Reason that is active in the universe.
This aspect, however, must necessarily be prominent in discussing Christianity, which cannot be adequately treated merely as a system of theological beliefs divinely revealed, and special observances divinely sanctioned; for it claims to regulate the whole man, in all departments of his existence.
He holds, 2 In Kantism, as we have partly seen, the most important ontological beliefs - in God, freedom and immortality of the soul - are based on necessities of ethical thought.
The argument, for instance, that intuitive and a priori beliefs gain their absolute character from the fact that they are the result of continued transmission and accumulation of past nervous modifications in the history of the race would, if taken seriously, lead us to the belief that ultimate ethical sanctions are to be sought, not by an appeal to the moral consciousness, but by the investigation of brain tissue and the relation of man's bodily organism to its environment.
But the search of origins frequently leads them into theories of the nature of that moral conduct whose origin they are anxious to find quite at variance with current and accepted beliefs concerning its nature.
Our knowledge of the beliefs of the pagan Irish is very slight.
The Ahts, however, differ but little in their mythological beliefs from the races of the Banks Islands or of the New Hebrides.
The naiveness of the story of the creation of woman is in line with the interest which this more popular source takes in the origin or existence of phenomena, customs and contemporary beliefs (the garden, the naming of animals, &c.).
We have now a background upon which to view the book, and, on the one hand, it has become obvious that the records preserve - as is only to be expected - Oriental customs, beliefs and modes of thought.
The early movements of tribes, the routes by which they reached their present abodes, and the origin of such forms of culture as may be distinguished in the general mass of customs, beliefs, &c., are largely matters of conjecture.
The Hova, during the 19th century, embraced Christianity, but retain, nevertheless, many of their old animistic beliefs; their original social organization in three classes, andriana or nobles, Nova or freemen, and andevo or slaves, has been modified by the French, who have abolished kingship and slavery.
Voltaire, Montesquieu, the Encyclopaedists and the Physiocrats (recurring to the tradition of Bayle and Fontenelle), by dissolving in their analytical crucible all consecrated beliefs and all fixed institutions, brought back into the human society of the 18th century that humanity which had been so rudely eliminated.
On the other hand, he came to represent those aspects of Peripateticism most alien to the spirit of Christendom; and the deeply religious Moslem gave his name to the anti-sacerdotal party, to the materialists, sceptics and atheists, who defied or undermined the dominant beliefs of the church.
La Bruyere dares not pronounce against such beliefs, "for there are perplexing facts affirmed by grave men who were eye-witnesses."
The Romans had no historical explanation of these curious rites, and neither the theories of their scholars nor the beliefs of the common people, who fancied that the puppets were substitutes for old men who used at one time to be sacrificed to the river, are worth serious consideration.
The teaching of Jesus even in this matter may be accounted for as either an accommodation to the views of those with whom he was dealing, or more probably as a proof of the limitation of knowledge which was a necessary condition of the Incarnation, for it cannot be contended that as revealer of God and redeemer of men it was imperative that he should either correct or confirm men's beliefs in this respect.
From the earliest times the star-groups known as constellations, the smaller groups (parts of constellations) known as asterisms, and also individual stars, have received names connoting some meteorological phenomena, or symbolizing religious or mythological beliefs.
All his life Renan was divided between his father's and his mother's political beliefs.
The thing-in-itself to which the empirical order and relations of sense-experience are referred is the divine order, which is not matter of knowledge, but involved in our practical or moral beliefs.
In honoring her beliefs regarding chastity – even when he didn't agree, he had expressed his respect for her.
So you would say that America is becoming more secular and that its subscription to religious beliefs is becoming less fervent?
Much more important than logic was his unfailing ability to appeal to deeply ingrained prejudices and beliefs.
Nevertheless, for you to claim that all atheists must share similar beliefs regarding the afterlife is spurious.
The leagues have enabled us to move up and contrary to other's beliefs we have not done it on big money backers.
This region is famous for its large baobabs and its traditional family tombs, central to the Malagasy beliefs and culture.
Pawar advised him to teach beginners, it allows a re-examination of your beliefs.
Have to ensure deeply held beliefs of a lot of people don't influence too much.
Whatever students ' religious beliefs, the Chaplain is always happy to talk to them.
It conditions someone to cling to superstitious beliefs or to be excited about auspicious signs.
Excavation of the graves revealed an astonishing world of pagan beliefs.
As subconscious beliefs are brought into consciousness the feeling that motivates them is released from compulsive association with them.
I am always very careful about not imposing myself or my beliefs on someone.
Contact has proved the catalyst for me to question all my beliefs to ask what is the nature of personal reality?
However precise beliefs differ quite widely between different covens and even among individual witches.
There is no humanist creed, no set of beliefs to which every humanist has to subscribe.
Her beliefs are challenged, she re-evaluates her life, almost it seems, like a midlife crisis happening at the age of thirty.
They were hunted down and killed as animals, their sacred sites desecrated and their beliefs derided.
Other beliefs withered in the blast of official disapproval.
In order to reduce that dissonance, rather than renounce their beliefs, they did the exact opposite.
Crucially, he argues, Labor must find a way of using its beliefs to explain its policies to an increasingly skeptical electorate.
Sangharakshita is a well-known critic of what he regards as erroneous, or misplaced beliefs and practices.
Could there be satisfactory explanations of human behavior which made no appeal to beliefs or desires?
The clever forgers have played on the desire of biblicists and believers to have their beliefs confirmed.
The group consists of at least 25 like-minded Conservative MPs and it has recently grilled Tory leadership hopefuls about their core beliefs.
Andy I when I talk about my beliefs thay stem from my faith which is not groundless.
They tell us the beliefs of the Gnostic sects declared heretical by the early church.
In doing so, we should remember that AICs generally do not have a philosophical articulation of theological beliefs, including hermeneutics.
A humanist discussion of... IMMIGRATION, ASYLUM AND REFUGEES Humanist ethics Humanists seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.
Despite any cavils this is a good popular introduction for newcomers who want to know about the history and current beliefs of ley hunters.
For others, the beliefs about learning and teaching may remain implicit.
This would demonstrate an inability to consider what Sally's beliefs are.
And yet the majority of Britons hold firm and, as the poll showed, factually incorrect, beliefs about asylum seekers.
Thus, ordinary incredulity, say about some feature of the world, occurs against a background of sequestered beliefs about the world.
Such non-material values were usually allied to material beliefs in a highly interventionist state sector.
The book presents a fascinating kaleidoscope of all aspects of Buddhism, including Tantra, Zen and the Pure Land beliefs of Japan.
Vote only for candidates who put individual liberty high on their platform of beliefs.
He never minced his words nor compromised his beliefs.
The rest of us are mindless morons shackled by our " limiting beliefs " .
Behavior that is not acceptable includes bullying, name-calling, not respecting individual's differences or beliefs.
They wondered how I could be so narrow-minded, and why I insisted on clinging so stubbornly to my outdated beliefs.
Dilemmas explain changes of belief because when people accept something as true, they have to extend their existing beliefs to accommodate the newcomer.
Theists ' beliefs are based on superstitious nonsense with little or no basis in reality.
A theist has the right to believe anything she likes, even if her actual beliefs seem completely nonsensical to outsiders.
Not just beliefs change, but also the underlying ontology.
Much of my work contains overtones of magic and ancient beliefs.
Given the prominence of Irving's political and racial beliefs at his trial, this result may appear paradoxical.
For most people too much psychological stress is associated with giving up long held beliefs, values or prejudices.
Of course, the problem with pure rationalism is that finding a secure starting point from which to develop our beliefs is difficult.
The Inquiry Page project promotes the idea that even its own structures and beliefs need continual reexamination.
Mutual belief is defined in terms of an infinite regress of nested beliefs.
This doctrine allows believers to hide their true beliefs for the sake of their own self-protection in the face of persecution.
Pluto sextile Saturn Saturn sextile Pluto offers great strength of purpose and the ability to hold tightly to principles and beliefs.
Popular beliefs and legends Why were the Aztecs so superstitious?
With care Henley could have swayed his wife toward his own beliefs, no doubt, but he lacks tact.
However, to explain our ability to form tensed beliefs, we must do more than give their contents in tensed beliefs, we must do more than give their contents in tenseless terms.
This respect includes toleration of his personal viewpoint, his religious beliefs and his political opinions.
It seems ungracious to question the basis of the beliefs which inspire their heroic resistance.
President Harper more than once stated most categorically that contrary to prevalent beliefs no donor of funds to the university " has ever (1902) by a single word or act indicated his dissatisfaction with the instruction given to students in the university, or with the public expression of opinion made by any officer of the university "; and certainly so far as the public press reveals, no other university of the country has had so many professors who have in various lines, including economics, expressed radical views in public.
Reason was applied to beliefs, the historic consciousness to life.
The fact, however, appears to be that the prominence given to the heart in popular beliefs dates from the time when in the course of the development of anatomical knowledge the important function of the heart in animal life came to be recognized, whereas the supposition that the liver is the seat of vitality rests upon other factors than anatomical knowledge, and, being independent of such knowledge, also antedates it.
Hence, when one approached a deity with an inquiry as to the outcome of some undertaking, the reading of the signs on the liver afforded a direct means of determining the course of future events, which was, according to current beliefs, in the control of the gods.
In phrenology, however, as popularly carried on as an unofficial cult, we may recognize a modified form of divination, co-ordinate with the third stage in the development of beliefs regarding the seat of soul and based on the assumption that this organ is - as were its predecessors - a medium of revelation of otherwise hidden knowledge.
The new phrase indicates that we are to approach the thought of God through a study of religious beliefs phy of and practices; " theism " tended to make God a purely scientific inference from the facts of nature.
For, in spite ofthe important controversies to which it has given birth, no one has been at the pains to distinguish between (i.) the theories which have been from time to time put forth by eminent writers, and which, though they have in some cases ultimately won a general acceptance, have for a long period remained as merely individual opinions, and (ii.) the current beliefs of the great body of Christians which are expressed in recognized formularies.
In Europe the Slavonic area is the principal seat of vampire beliefs, and here too we find, as a natural development, that means of preventing the dead from injuring the living have been evolved by the popular mind.
Thus in social relationships we speak of "instinctive" liking or distrust; we are told that the Greeks had "instinctive" appreciation of art; we hear of an instinct of reverence or "instinctive" beliefs.
He addressed a comparatively small and select circle, a congregation of thoughtful and devout men, who cultivated reverence and loved religion all the more that their own beliefs were limited to the simplest and sublimest truths.
Although subsequently to the Reformation period the Protestant churches for the most part relapsed into the dogmatism of the Roman Catholic Church, and were ever ready with censure for every departure from orthodoxy - yet to-day a spirit of diffidence in regard to one's own beliefs, and of tolerance towards the beliefs of others, is abroad.
An independent national Church was formed in 1534, which continued, however, for a time to adhere to all the characteristic beliefs of the medieval Catholic Church, excepting alone the headship of the pope.
The name indicates the existence of the same conception regarding sacred edifices in Assyria as in Babylonia, where we find such names as E-Kur ("mountain house") for the temple of Bel at Nippur, and E-Saggila ("lofty house") for Marduk's temple at Babylon and that of Ea at Eridu, and in view of the general dependence of Assyrian religious beliefs as of Assyrian culture in general, there is little reason to doubt that the name of Assur's temple represents a direct adaptation of such a name as E-Kur, further embellished by epithets intended to emphasize the supreme control of the god to whom the edifice was dedicated.
Much that would otherwise be unintelligible becomes more clear when one realizes the readiness with which settlers adopt the traditional belief and custom of a land, and the psychological fact that teaching must be relevant and must satisfy the primary religious feelings and aspirations, that it must not be at entire variance with current beliefs, but must represent the older beliefs in a new form.
The bewildering diversity of religious beliefs collected under the name of Hinduism has no counterpart amongst the Mahommedans (see Mahommedan Religion), who are limited as to their main tenets by the teaching of a single book, the Koran.
Universal inference thus requires particular and universal conceptions as its condition; but, so far as it arises from sense, memory, experience, and involves generalization, it consists of judgments which do not consist of conceptions, but are beliefs in things existing beyond conception.
As conceptions are not always present in judgment, as they are only occasional conditions, and as they are unfitted to cause beliefs or judgments, and especially judgments of existence, and as judgments both precede conceptions in sense and continue after them in inference, it follows that conceptions are not the constituents of judgment, and judgment is not a combination of conceptions.
They are beliefs in things of a sort; for, after all, ideas and names are things; their objects, even though non-existent, are at all events things conceivable or nameable; and therefore we are able to make judgments that things, non-existent but conceivable or nameable, are (or are not) determined in a particular manner.
In the absence of other competing interests his religious beliefs and duties occupy a much larger share of his attention than the votaries of many higher faiths bestow on theirs; and though his ethical range may be very limited, yet the total influence of his religion in determining for him what he may do and what he may not, brings the greater part of conduct under its control.
And when he heaps suspicion, not on Christian dogmas, but on beliefs of which the resemblance to Christian tenets is sufficiently patent, the real aim is so transparent that his method seems to partake rather of the nature of literary eccentricity than of polemical artifice; yet by this disingenuous indirectness he gave his argument that savour of duplicity which ever after clung to the popular conception of deism.
A theology consisting of a few vague generalities was sufficient to sustain the piety of the best of the deists; but it had not the concreteness or intensity necessary to take a firm hold on those whom it emancipated from the old beliefs.
Some of the beliefs set forth in the second part of the book also practically preclude the possibility of the author having lived at the courts of Nebuchadrezzar and his successors.
Here Christian imageworship borders on the beliefs which underlie sympathetic magic (see Image Worship).
Rabbinical Judaism then emerged to produce a strict canon of Jewish thought, and the prophetic era of the old diverse Jewish beliefs ended.
It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.
The current beliefs about logic can be traced back to the beginnings of scholastic philosophy.
The reality is that in the modern world the main options for beliefs or values are Christian, Muslim or secular humanist.
Special Features Basic Beliefs offers a succinct introduction to the church, including founder Joseph Smith 's personal account of his visions.
You have superimposed layers of personal beliefs over what is in fact consciousness alone.
However, to explain our ability to form tensed beliefs, we must do more than give their contents in tenseless terms.
Mistaken beliefs The liberal-left establishment has a tiger by the tail.
Her off-screen relationships with the likes of Johnny Depp and her unconventional lifestyle and beliefs are also explored.
The whole parish paid for the upkeep of the church irrespective of the beliefs of the inhabitants.
The quest for the historical Jesus is therefore valueless to evangelical Christians whose beliefs do not depend on historical facts.
On the whole it reads more like an application for a verger 's position and St. Albion than an overview of his political beliefs.
It is unreasonable to feel prejudice toward a person simply because of the color of their skin or their personal beliefs.
It is part of the Mormon faith toproselytize to people that have different beliefs to their own religious beliefs.
When Kristin challenged the church's core beliefs, they began to see her as an apostate.
After studying epistemology, Stephanie was able to differentiate between her beliefs and opinions.
Afterr studyingepistemology,Stephanie was able to differentiate between her beliefs and opinions.
Tammy was either anagnosticor an atheist, but it was hard to tell because she wasn't the type to talk about her beliefs.
Tammy was either an agnostic or an atheist, but it was hard to tell because she wasn't the type to talk about her beliefs.
I do not like to spend time with my aunt, who is known to prate for hours about her ridiculous religious beliefs.
While agencies may still have prerequisites set regarding religious beliefs, age, and/or sexual orientation, Christian agencies typically have to follow the guidelines established by the countries from which parents are adopting.
However, for many parents, such beliefs are about as applicable as the flat-earth theory.
Gifts that epitomize the religious beliefs of the family are often given at baptisms.
Respect their views and beliefs, particularly with regards to issues such as environmental awareness, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, and other issues that can be sensitive with farmers.
Most people who plan to have a child together do so because they have common values, beliefs and interests.
Each family has different beliefs and important values, and deciding which values are most important in your family structure will help you decide which lessons to share with your children.
While sharing faith with those who have different beliefs is encouraged, condemnation of anyone's different values or forcing one's faith onto an unwilling person is unacceptable.
In fact, many sects of different faiths exist because of the value for personal choice in one's beliefs, and they seek to preserve that value by allowing members their own personal liberties and forgiveness for transgressions.
Discuss the geographic and ethnic origins of the family and how they have influenced present day practices, beliefs and celebrations.
Because of their beliefs, Amish people do not run websites.
However, given the explosion of Internet shopping over the last decade or so, many Amish furniture makers were looking for a way to expand their businesses without compromising their beliefs.
Their beliefs lead them to live life as simply as possible, eschewing much modern technology and convenience.
By surrounding yourself with biblical images and scripture, you can reinforce your Christian beliefs.
The teachings of this man, who walked the earth more than 2000 years ago, are the core beliefs of what was to become the most widespread religion in the world.
For many people, the interior decoration of the home reflects not only their personal tastes, but also their personality and beliefs.
In these cases, personal statements and quotes that have personal meanings to reflect beliefs can have a large impact when placed on the wall.
The site has a "match maker" function that connects you with Christian singles who share your spiritual beliefs on the basis of your answers to questions about the Christian faith.
If the request is out of context or against your moral or ethical beliefs, then you will not do it.
When you are hypnotized, your personality and beliefs stay intact.
There are far too many people that are unaware of just how much of modern tradition and culture was derived from ancient Roman writings, beliefs and philosophies.
However, many times the beliefs and behaviors of many Catholics did not accurately reflect the principles established and promoted by the Catholic Church.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy offers all kinds of information about philosophers and their beliefs and well as specific disciplines, like Confucianism and Rationalism.
While the cost is not trivial, it is a simple process to learn that takes up very little time each day and does not interfere with any religious beliefs.
This might relate to the amount of independence you feel at work, if your employer's mission statement lines up with your personal beliefs, and how valued you feel at your job.
These include a craving for more responsibility, a more realistic approach toward life and their future endeavors, taking interest in the opposite sex, and a larger formation of personal identity such as religious and social beliefs.
A strong faith and loving kindness can be a stronger message of a teen's Christian beliefs than any t shirt.
Students in attendance often must wear a standard uniform, speak in a certain manner, and are expected to abide by the Catholic beliefs, all while gaining their education.
You'll want to make sure that if you're considering doing a prayer you'll not doing something that is unconstitutional or offensive to those people who do not share your beliefs.
The media and many parents suggest that these type of lyrics can cause teens to have different beliefs of what is normal.
These are the prime years that teens develop beliefs and behaviors they carry into adulthood.
The beliefs of both partners are an important factor to take into consideration.
Will he respect your views and beliefs regarding religion?
Vows can also be written to acknowledge special circumstances in your relationship, such as differing spiritual beliefs or the creation of a blended family due to a second marriage.
If your friends or family members have strong spiritual beliefs, you can find plenty of items to help them express their values.
In 2005, California state school superintendent Jack O'Connell advised state schools to drop the Narconon program in their districts after finding that it subtly taught Scientology beliefs during drug prevention presentations.
If you're looking for poetry that reflects your spiritual beliefs, Christian Recovery Ministries has a section of its forum devoted to drug addiction poems written from a Christian perspective.
This approach can especially help a person with a drug addiction to become more aware or "cognitive" of her thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
It has even been rumored that his relationships with Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman ended because of his religious beliefs, and his marriage to Katie Holmes has been influenced by her decision to join Scientology.
When he discovered religion, Cameron often had troubles with the show's scripts as they were written, as he felt some of the material didn't fit into his beliefs.
He has made donations to many Republican candidates and organizations, and is outspoken in his beliefs.
So modesty is somewhat dictated by personal taste and beliefs.
Many private schools have codes of conduct, school regulations, and academic requirements reflecting their religious beliefs.
If you do as well, attending a Christian college is a surefire way to find a built-in network of peers that share many of your beliefs.
Different programs have different pedagogical beliefs and foundations.
Christian cruises to Hawaii allow you to experience the beauty and wonder of the "Aloha State" with people who share your religious beliefs.
Paws University Dog Training - This site outlines the history of tug of war beliefs and how to effectively play the game with your dog.
The popular Christian band is famous for both their beliefs and their radio hits, and many of their fans are interested in learning more about them.
The band is presently signed to Metal Blade Records (which represents many Christian artists), and they are united by their Christian beliefs.
Because the knots themselves are highly symbolic - often embodying particular beliefs or family patterns - using symbolic gems adds another layer of meaning to the jewelry.
Every type of gemstone has a different psychic and spiritual meaning based on the wearer's faith and beliefs.
Step back into the world of the ancient Celts, and learn how their beliefs and their jewels are intertwined.
These beliefs quite naturally led the Celts into jewelry making.
Celtic designs were often drawn from nature, others relate directly to their spiritual beliefs.
For a loved one, a saints bracelet can be an extremely meaningful gift as well; and, vintage styles will illustrate the rich history of the church as well as the person's beliefs.
This might include different saints, representations of Christian figures, charms that signify Christian holidays such as Easter and Christmas, Christian icons or anything else that is significant to a person with Christian beliefs.
Judaism, Hinduism, and other religious beliefs are well-represented when it comes to Italian gold jewelry.
You can make a statement about your beliefs by wearing a religious Hawaiian shirt.
Buying organic kosher beef is a great way to feed your family healthy animal protein without compromising your religious, ecological, or social beliefs.
Despite some beliefs that plus size ladies cannot be tall or petite because they are full-figured, designers are finally coming around and realizing that even women of size come in different heights.
This home opened its doors in 1907 to welcome ten residents of various religious beliefs.
Make sure that the event you will be attending is senior specific so you are guaranteed to meet others who are close to your age and may share similar interests, beliefs, and ideals with you.
Even though people sleep and dream every night, the reasons for dreaming remain a mystery, and it's up to each person to choose their own theories and beliefs.
The process depends heavily on beliefs and theories about why people dream and the causes of nightmares.
The events that you see in your mind may be interpreted as messages, and they may be prophetic, depending on your beliefs.
He has appeared on CNN and has been interviewed by many news magazines concerning his beliefs.
Many of these activities coincide with religious beliefs and customs.
Contrary to past beliefs, it has been found that not only do babies not need solid foods before then, introducing solids too early may lead to food allergies or overfeeding.
During this stage, three-fourths of schizophrenics experience delusions, illogical and bizarre beliefs that are held despite objections.
This moral pluralism forces individuals to examine their own moral reasoning and beliefs.
In cases in which a stepparent may provide a more stable environment for a child than the biological parents, judges may still favor biological parents due to personal and societal beliefs about what constitutes a "normal" family.
The family conveys religious and cultural beliefs and traditions to the next generation.
The new stepfamily members may have no shared family history or common lifestyle, and members may have different beliefs.
Culture-The system of communal beliefs, values behaviors, customs, and materials that members of a society use to understand their world and each other, and which are passed down among suceeding generation.
When it comes to long-term questions concerning educational or occupational plans, however, or values, religious beliefs, and ethical issues, teenagers are influenced in a major way by their parents.
Viewing time is also increased by parental beliefs that television viewing does not hurt children and improves their vocabulary and imagination.
They develop cognitively as they have a chance to test their beliefs about the world.
They often have strange, outlandish, or paranoid beliefs and thoughts.
Schemas-Fundamental core beliefs or assumptions that are part of the perceptual filter people use to view the world.
Some psychiatrists who take a cognitive approach to mental disorders believe that IED results from rigid beliefs and a tendency to misinterpret other people's behavior in accordance with these beliefs.
Traditional African dance often coincides with local religious beliefs and celebrations.
Next, the costuming is often elaborate, sometimes representing certain regional or religious beliefs of that specific tribe.
Some pagan beliefs use the seven veils as a ritual, incorporating the dance into a non-sexual format.
The entire book rest on biblical beliefs and the importance of prayer, but it is designed in such a way that one can use several of the passages so that they are relatable to a whole host of people, from a parent, to a friend, to a child.
Moms and dads may feel their faith and religious beliefs shaken by the devastation of losing a baby, and the clergy can help them identify, sort through, and learn to come to peace with these feelings.
A religious symbol can be a thoughtful way to mark the grave of someone who was deeply religious or held strong beliefs.
When choosing your poem, however, remember to select one that matches the beliefs of the deceased.
With any lifestyle based on cultural and historic principles, there is a variety of perspectives and beliefs.
The customer's culture, beliefs, and unique style preferences all are considered when designing spaces.
In this article Ms. Robertson states her beliefs that the best feng shui master should be well versed in all of the different schools of feng shui.
Together they form a fundamental aspect of the beliefs and principles of Taoism.
Feng Shui Beginners - Get the basic beliefs and concepts of feng shui.
Throughout history, the people of all cultures, faiths and beliefs have used various types of good luck charms and objects.
Many of the objects used to attract good luck were based in religious beliefs, others were the result of superstitions or ancient cultural legends and lore.
The work is the basis of the fundamental beliefs of the philosophy of Taoism.
For many centuries the Tao yin yang symbol has represented the beliefs of one of the main Asian philosophies and religions of the Eastern world.
Many lucky charms find their origins in religious traditions, beliefs and customs.
Founded in 1986 by His Holiness Grandmaster Professor Thomas Lin-Yun, The Black Hat Sect of feng shui follows the principles of Tantric Buddhism combined with many different practices and beliefs.
Because an emo style is a deeply personal expression, it cannot be copied from another person who many not have the same thoughts, beliefs, or emotions.
Punks are about being themselves and expressing their beliefs often through their style instead of words.
Many women choose to shave underarm hair for cosmetic reasons, although some cultural and religious beliefs may affect this traditional grooming practice.
You should, however, thoroughly read about the organization and their beliefs before joining to be sure you agree with their philosophies of education.
You're also able to teach the subjects the way that you want to teach them, which is important if your religious beliefs conflict with what is taught in schools.
Christian homeschooling is the best way to impart your own Christian beliefs to your children.