Beira Sentence Examples
Carrington, which had been sent up from Beira (by arrangement with the Portuguese) to southern Rhodesia.
It is the headquarters of the Companhai de Mocambique, which administers the Beira district under charter from the Portuguese crown.
Beira occupies the site of a forgotten Arab settlement.
The completion in 1902 of the line connecting Salisbury with Cape Town adversely affected the port of Beira, the long railway route from the Cape being increasingly employed by travellers to and from Mashonaland.
Moreover, the high freights on goods by the Beira route enabled Port Elizabeth to compete successfully for the trade of Rhodesia.
Efforts were also made to develop the agricultural and mineral resources of the Beira district itself.
See Portuguese East Africa; also the reports issued yearly by the British Foreign Office on the trade of Beira.
This line is to link up with the Benguella railway and put Katanga in direct communication with Lobito Bay, thus reducing the distance to Europe, compared with the Beira route, by over 3,000 miles.
A still more aberrant gazelle is a small North-East African species known as the beira (Dorcatragus melanotis), with very short horns, large hoofs and a general appearance recalling that of some of the members of the subfamily Neotraginae, although in other respects gazelle-like.
After studying law in Beira he settled down as an advocate in Constantinople, where he wrote his EKK7yflc o-71.0 Io Topia about the year 440.
AdvertisementFrom Beira to Port Herald the railway runs through Portuguese territory, but the Nyasaland Government guaranteed interest for 25 years on the capital (£I,20o,000) of the company which built the Beira-Chindio section.
The bulk of it consists of wine from the Minho and Beira districts.
Beira, the nearest port, is 398 m.
The inhabitants support themselves mainly on the produce of their luxuriant gardens; but the increasing trade of Beira has withdrawn the bulk of the commerce from Sidon.
From the seaports of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Lourenco Marques and Beira railway lines run to Kimberley, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg and Pretoria, while a trunk line extends north from Kimberley through Rhodesia (in which gold mining began on an extensive scale in 1898) and across the Zambezi below the Victoria Falls into the Congo basin, where it serves the Katanga mineral area.
AdvertisementA fine climate and equability of temperature are not universal in Portugal; they are to be enjoyed mainly in Beira and Estremadura, especially at Cintra and Coimbra, and in the northern provinces.
The province of Douro, another administrative division of less antiquity, comprised the present districts of Aveiro and Oporto, or part of Beira and EntreMinho-e-Douro.
Portugal observed neutrality on the outbreak of the AngloBoer War, but the permission it conceded to the British consul at Lourenco Marques to search for contraband of war among goods imported there, and the free passage accorded to an armed force under General Carrington from Beira through Portuguese territory to Rhodesia, were vehemently attacked in the Press and at public meetings.
The bombardment of Beira, the fall of Acre, and the total collapse of the boasted power of Mehemet Ali followed in rapid succession, and before the close of the year Lord Palmerston's policy, which had convulsed and terrified Europe, was triumphant, and the author of it was regarded as one of the most powerful statesmen of the age.
After Beira elected former the rebel Renamo Party in 2003, the BLB began working primarily with non-governmental organizations (NGOs ).
AdvertisementThe larger than expected turnout is as true of Renamo strongholds such as Beira as of Frelimo ones such as Maputo.