Behind Sentence Examples
He peered behind her.
The boy got up at once, and sat behind the king.
It stood behind the door.
I took the shortest way through the little park behind the palace.
But the brightest summer has winter behind it.
They heard the sound of voices behind them.
She wanted to show it to the little boy in the seat behind us.
We followed behind him.
They had to move forward, and leave the past behind them.
Closing it behind her, she moved into the cool moist air.
AdvertisementWith that behind her, she turned to another subject - one equally disturbing.
Suddenly he heard a rustling noise behind him.
But that was behind them.
At that point, the iffy parts of human history are behind us and it is blue skies and clean sailing ahead.
Just behind the royal standard-bearers came the Princess Ozma in her royal chariot, which was of gold encrusted with emeralds and diamonds set in exquisite designs.
AdvertisementThe four lawyers rode along, one behind another; for the pathway was narrow, and the mud on each side of it was deep.
Carmen was looking at someone behind the camera and Alex was looking at a girl who stood about five feet from him.
Only an occasional sound of brush being pushed aside indicated he was still behind her.
The headlights behind provided a sense of false security.
He was afraid of falling behind the hussars, so much afraid that his heart stood still.
AdvertisementThe door closed behind him.
The cogs were working behind those blue eyes.
She squatted behind a screen of brush and watched.
She squeezed behind the barrel as the office door opened.
I dropped the salt shaker behind the stove.
AdvertisementShe waved her hand behind her.
She closed the door behind her.
She kept coming up behind me and putting her hand on the paper and into the ink-bottle.
Brandon leaned down and spoke to the woman behind the wheel.
There was a soft step behind her, and then his hands were on her waist, his thumbs nimbly working the tense muscles.
I need this behind us.
Just behind it they came upon some dozens of soldiers, continually replaced by others, who ran from the entrenchment.
Pual followed a few steps behind.
Sean asked from behind her.
Cassandra sidled up behind him whining, "Victor, you promised I could stake him."
Bianca closed the door behind her then tried to open it again.
Dusty waited until he heard the door close behind him before he moved.
The garage door behind him opened, and he whirled.
As we consider the lot of those left behind, it becomes clearer how the end of scarcity will have a profound impact on the world.
The quilt of a high, white feather bed was just visible behind a screen.
The adjutants and battalion and regimental commanders mounted, crossed themselves, gave final instructions, orders, and commissions to the baggage men who remained behind, and the monotonous tramp of thousands of feet resounded.
Cautiously, I stepped outside the motel room door, closing it behind me.
I heard her snarl from behind the wooden door.
The woman moved behind him, her confused green eyes on Jule.
Yully closed the door behind her, shaking out of fear and cold.
Jule sensed a great deal of turmoil behind his calm features and pitied the man.
Jule eased out of the garage and closed the door behind him.
Too weak to push it off, he let his head drop back onto the cushion behind him.
He closed the doorway behind him.
She hobbled up behind where he knelt.
When she finished, still attired in bathrobe and floppy slippers, and leaving a cloud of flour behind her, she crept upstairs to talk to Fred; a conversation that lasted thirty minutes.
It was a shock for David Dean to see Fred O'Connor sitting on a wooden stool behind bars at the Ouray County jail.
Dean felt the wall behind him for a light switch.
He was yards behind and took copious notes.
After fumbling in her pocket, she found a book of matches and lit the cigarette she had stuck behind her ear.
Wynn didn't want to imagine what Darkyn did to the sweet girl he left behind in Hell.
Wynn pitied her but wasn't about to ask any favors of the demon lord that didn't involve Wynn leaving Hell – and Deidre – behind.
Darkyn waited beside an open door, hands clasped behind his back in a deceptive display of ease.
They continued, and Deidre's attention went to a small shop behind the tents, from which incense drifted.
Light flared suddenly behind her, and she turned curiously.
She hadn't heard the demon drop from the top of the building to land a few feet behind her.
Soft voices drew her attention to the doorway, where she was able to hear but not see Cora behind the massive frame of Gabriel.
Tymkyn, the best tracker in the underworld, stood behind him, hands clasped and chest heaving.
Deidre opened her door to him and closed it behind him.
With the power of Hell behind him, Darkyn could raise an Army of Souls to wipe out the mortal realm.
He shifted behind her and was quiet for a long moment.
Darkyn stood behind her.
A second demon appeared behind Darkyn.
Only when he sensed the approach of someone behind him did he realized it was real.
The woman in the bed behind him wouldn't hurt anyone else.
Deidre stirred from behind him.
Sensing her alarm, Darkyn's mate turned and took the arm of the girl behind her, pushing her towards the black door to Hell.
Reaching down, he placed one arm behind her knees and the other around her back, gently lifting her into his arms.
She snatched her pillow off the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Did he know Lori was behind the attack?
Coming out of the trees was the mother bear, and behind her, the two cubs.
Behind her she heard him chuckle.
He stepped behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest.
Deidre turned to see if there was someone behind her the stranger spoke to.
She commiserated with the brown-tinged blossoms left behind by other customers who didn't want to be so close to death.
Wynn debated the meaning behind the words.
The guy behind the counter was staring at her, his mouth lax and his eyes wide.
The gateway closed behind him.
The man shut the door behind them.
His quick pace forced her to trot to keep up, and the two warriors behind her let her go to pursue their leader.
He slid up right behind her before she could duck into a shop.
Hmm, maybe since Victor was behind it, it didn't work.
At such times Dorothy, Zeb and the Wizard all pushed behind, and lifted the wheels over the roughest places; so they managed, by dint of hard work, to keep going.
Behind them followed a long procession of the women of Rome.
The dead and for the most part unmerchantable wood behind my house, and the driftwood from the pond, have supplied the remainder of my fuel.
When having limbered up the only two cannon that remained uninjured out of the four, they began moving down the hill (one shattered gun and one unicorn were left behind), Prince Andrew rode up to Tushin.
My place was on the street behind theirs, one house over so the corners of our lots touched.
Now my two treasures are secure behind me as I'm off to my wooded sanctuary.
With extreme trepidation, I complied, closing the door behind me.
He stepped out from behind me, holding his large knife.
Purple-eyes looked at her, and she shrank behind Green-eyes.
She showed no sign of life until he locked the door behind them.
He looked at his watch again, then settled in bed on his side behind her.
The agitated voice came from behind her, jarring her.
It makes no sense, but I couldn't ever leave that night behind.
He wrenched the door open and slammed it behind him.
Toni pushed both women behind him, and Darian took a teetering step towards him.
Talon hauled her along until he, too, was worn out and she dropped behind both.
He looked over his shoulder again at the dark landscape behind him.
He lowered the woman to her feet and pushed her behind him.
Deidre closed the door behind her and walked down the hallway.
He tossed his shirt on the chair behind her.
Deidre heard him approach from behind.
She was stuck with the creature behind the evil in the world.
She wasn't so sure she wanted to know what was behind that door.
His attention was on a point behind her, and she turned to see a portal waiting.
She glanced back over her shoulder to see Darkyn standing where she left him, hands clasped behind his back, watching her with the cold smile that told her there was more going on than she suspected.
She heard the sound of a weapon scraping a scabbard behind her and turned.
He motioned for the Immortal behind her to leave.
He approached and circled her, pausing behind her.
He stood a few meters away, hands clasped behind his back.
She started to shake, unable to bear the idea of more children dying or living with the creature behind it.
He tugged her out from behind the chair then turned her gently.
A portal appeared behind him, and he left without another word.
He caught her wrists and pinned them behind her, more interested in feeding.
She heard what was behind his message, the cunning edge Darkyn didn't try to hide behind pretty words like Wynn did.
Deidre looked behind her, expecting to see Darkyn behind her and relieved that he wasn't.
Darkyn's arm slid around her when the portal closed behind Gabriel.
She blinked, not registering the deity was behind her until he spoke.
Selyn hurried across the room to a pad of paper and pen that Wynn had clearly left behind, if his tight writing on the back cover was any indication.
They inched forward, one behind the other, hands at their sides lest they rub the slime of the rock walls that wept on either side.
They slopped forward, feet sloshing the muddy floor, no longer trying to avoid the water that oozed in rivulets down the narrow passageway, back toward the entrance, now out of sight behind them.
The girl was close enough behind him to smell the dankness of his tangled locks.
Mr. Westlake, dressed in his usual dusty and patched attire, pressed Cynthia for the reason behind her unusual reticence.
It was a beautiful smile that caused Dean to wonder what life the young girl had left behind.
When Dean saw the flashing lights behind him he was startled until he recognized the white Chevy Blazer, the sheriff's car, and his reaction turned from concern to a smile.
The sheriff's office was located only a few blocks east of Bird Song, behind the County Court House, where Fred O'Connor would report for jury duty the following Tuesday.
Just trying to get you mellow enough to tell me why you've got a bug up your behind.
I didn't leave SB the Owl behind because I didn't love him.
At least Randy and Jen had years of history together, most of their education behind them, and what would ultimately prove to be supportive parents.
If I find out it was one of those Dawkins boys, I'll respond in like fashion, and out in the open, not hiding behind boulders.
She thinks she set it down when we hid behind the boulder—after the shot.
Dean could see nothing behind him, only the slope directly beneath his feet.
He'd seen him jogging the highway, his long hair, now covered by a helmet, spilling behind him.
Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald moved out from behind the lights and strutted over to her.
Paul was number three in the computer line, behind Brandon Westlake, and brother Joseph.
Something about the woman looked familiar, but it was hard to identify her from behind.
Alex came up behind her and put his arms around her waist.
When his warm lips pressed against the soft area behind her ear, she abandoned the knife and turned around, expecting to see a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
So absorbed was she in thought that she didn't notice when he entered the room behind her.
The Appaloosa stallion loved to run, and Princess couldn't be left behind.
His gaze searched the woods behind them in a way that made her nervous.
It was hard to believe Lori would be behind this latest attack.
And yet, the man who stabbed him was behind bars, and the person who hired him had confessed.
Nothing felt right, so she decided to tuck her hands behind her back and simply lean against the wall.
White high-heeled sandals clicked smartly as she walked across the porch behind Alex.
Lacing fingers behind her neck, she arched back, feeling the muscles in her back stretch.
The door opened behind her and Alex walked in.
As she watched him in the mirror, he stopped behind her and surveyed her soberly.
With Destiny buckled in safely and Jonathan sitting beside her, he climbed behind the wheel and started the car.
Leaning back in the chair and lacing fingers behind his neck, that bland gaze roved over her face again.
He grabbed her around the waist and swept her into his arms, holding the basket behind her.
His gaze shifted to a point behind her and the smile left his face.
Deidre paced on the beach behind her bungalow, unable to do anything but lecture herself over and over about how stupid she was to sleep with some random stranger.
He gripped her wrists and held them behind her back.
The Dark One's mysterious search for something past-Deidre left behind began to make sense.
While he didn't want his death-dealers to fear him, he also recognized the look in her eyes and those of the assassins behind her.
Gabriel settled behind her, his long legs stretching out on either side of her.
He clasped his arms behind his back, waiting politely.
She didn't open her eyes or release her breath until she heard the door close behind him.
The scraping of leather against leather, the hollow clatter of stone and shale, the rustle of whatever creature settled behind her.
She registered nothing but darkness and cold for a while before the cold began to fade, and the night behind her eyelids lightened.
Deidre opened the door into the familiar chamber and closed it behind her, leaning against it.
He jabbed his thumb toward the wall behind him, where she made out the slender nickel doorknob in the space between two shelves of ancient books.
Her move toward the fire was reflected in a small mirror behind the desk in front of which he stood.
She walked through the masses, comfortably hidden behind her mask.
Most of his face was hidden behind the mask, but his silver-white hair was too familiar to be anyone else's.
You talk big behind those bars, little girl.
Sasha had told him many things before to try to break him, but this time, he sensed the truth behind the words.
There was a long pause before she sensed him change forms behind her.
She turned around, but saw no doorway behind her.
Kiki gave him a shove, and the older woman closed the door behind them.
A throat cleared behind him.
He wore his customary all black, his dark eyes hidden behind dark shades.
Katie heard the sounds of laugher and talk from behind the closed door.
Determined to enjoy her first relaxing experience in a few weeks, she watched to make sure the door closed behind him and went to the locker room.
She didn't fully register his words until the door closed behind him.
She dozed in the car during the forty-five-minute drive into northern Virginia, where her sister's fiancé owned a mansion secreted behind towering shrubbery and a gate that swung open to welcome her.
She closed the door behind them in the massive bedchamber that was hers and whirled.
She ran hard and left the sounds of the battle behind her, her thoughts on Rhyn and nothing else.
The sound of fighting erupted behind her, and she stopped before the trail curved out of sight to see Rhyn standing over his first victim, a demon in a jaguar form.
He changed shape before descending behind Kris.
You must understand there is a reason behind what I ask of you that will not become clear for some time.
The woman.s face was hidden behind a mass of blonde hair, but he recognized the hot pink fingernails instantly.
He sensed the demon.s pain behind its attempt at a chipper tone.
The stark red of blood against white snow caught his attention, and he circled the park behind the castle.
He heard whispers traded behind doors and cottages and waited.
Rhyn waited until the healer passed him and then stepped into the shadow world behind him.
The door swung closed behind her, and fear trickled through her.
She tried to keep her breathing steady even as she wanted to run screaming and hide behind Rhyn.
Kris disappeared into the portal behind him.
Katie closed the door to the bedroom behind her.
Megan closed the door behind her, and Katie sank down onto the bed.
He allowed her to pull him into her small room and close the door behind him.
Kiki obeyed and left, closing the door behind him.
She left the sounds of the battle behind her, her thoughts on Rhyn and nothing else.
A'Ran left the command center for the practice fields, the area behind the dwelling where his men fought.
It was safer for her to imagine someone sitting just behind her wall weaving clothing and sending it to her or anyone else as they requested.
Behind the tent and its low, shallow steps was a small group of blond warriors surrounding a fifth man with darker skin and hair.
He'd been fighting, but tucked the sword behind his body, as if to protect Talal from it.
The door closed behind them as he strode through the lighted, vacant halls, following a familiar path on the way to the chamber.
She wasn't expecting his kiss or the passion behind it.
Neither spoke to her, only stood quietly while their warriors remained in the hallway behind them.
No telling what tales their ghosts could spin and what unfinished business they left behind.
Donnie Ryland followed close behind him.
She bent down, kissed him, and gave him a pat on his behind.
Edith hesitated, as if embarrassed but then sat next to Cynthia Dean, adjusting the dress behind her.
Dean put his arms behind his head.
Fred O'Connor beat a hasty retreat out the back door, looking like the Pied Piper with Donnie and Martha tagging behind, the Annie Quincy notebook under his arm.
He kissed Cynthia good-bye and strolled the sun-lit streets the short distance to Sheriff Jake Weller's office behind the courthouse.
He plopped down on one of the wooden chairs, oblivious to Cynthia who sighed and began wiping up behind him.
He continued to trudge forward, leaving the river and crowds behind.
Cop two remained a dozen steps behind them as if to let the pair know they'd better do as they were told.
Mick, trailing behind with Penny, called over his shoulder, "Why don't you just round up all of Shipton's enemies, rent a stadium and interview them?"
A breeze pushed the last of the storm up the valley, moving it south, toward the mountains behind him.
Clouds from the retreating storm looked like a triumphant army, hauling away its ordinance for another engagement—with only white-gray stragglers tagging behind.
We can leave Ouray, leave your wife behind.
Dean made a move toward her, but she scurried out the door with a loud laugh, still naked, dragging her white dress behind her.
Franny had been first on the scene behind Dean, dressed only in panties, her arms covering her tiny breasts, shivering as much at the sight as the chill of the early winter morning.
Nope. I was there right off the bat, right behind screaming Gladys.
Mrs. Lincoln formed a pillow behind the old man's head.
I'm glad all of it is behind us.
I just wanted to put the whole business out of my mind, behind me.
His eyes, behind the Chopard Aviators, were a deep yellow gold.
All the comforts of home, except behind the rich brocade fabric walls stood twenty-four inches of rebar reinforced concrete and the door consisted of eight-inch diameter solid steel bars.
With that, Jackson left the room, locking the door behind him while Connor stared after him, mouth agape.
The pantry stood hidden behind a closet near the bar.
He brushed her hair behind her ear.
After a few minutes, he heard Sarah behind him, though something sounded strange.
Jackson leaned back a little and clasped his hands behind his head.
He sidled up behind her as she ordered a drink.
It sat on a table, and behind it were two easels and a stool.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, he murmured, "It's going to be a long week."
Approaching from behind, she noticed a bottle of scotch on the table, along with the two glasses.
Jackson lay back with his hands behind his head, replaying the night, still hardly believing it was real.
Embracing her from behind, he untied her robe and slid his hands around her waist.
Confessing there in her kitchen was not an option, but he needed to have this behind them, so decided he would tell her as soon as possible.
Behind her, she heard Katie enter the barn.
They left Katie behind in the dairy and entered the other side of the barn.
Behind her, she heard Alex let out a long breath.
He rubbed Tessa behind the ears and his expression became distant.
He laced fingers behind his head and stretched his back, glancing around at the herd as he spoke.
She lagged behind so he could open the restaurant door for them, but once inside he surrendered their care to Josh and Bill.
Josh had left childhood behind long ago and this little frolic in the snow probably looked anything but innocent to him.
Turning his back to the stove, he held his hands behind him.
From behind her his voice instructed gently.
The woman craned her neck to look at something on a table behind the drawn curtain.
She stretched as far as she could and laced her fingers behind his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers again.
What was going on behind those dark eyes?
A car crossed the bridge behind them, leaving a wake of squeaking and groaning metal and wood.
I've put the past behind me.
Boots crunched on gravel behind her.
Behind the truck was a one-horse trailer - old, but in good condition.
She raced over to Brutus and positioned the sack behind him.
Josh was behind Alex, and he grinned at Carmen.
Behind her, Josh roared his engine as he turn the truck around, and slung gravel on the road as he took off.
But the proximity of the snarls behind told her she wasn't going to make it to the barn, either.
Josh pulled his truck through the gate and leaped out, grabbing his shotgun from the rack behind the seat.
Few pleasant memories lay behind him in that office.
He put the box behind the seat in the truck and climbed in, laying the picture beside him.
She touched the subcutaneous communications implant behind her right ear, which activated the communications net, and rolled onto her back.
Her personal net buzzed, and she touched the area behind her ear again.
The shuttle disappeared behind buildings as it headed towards one of the seven helipads on the compound.
The door behind Lana slid open.
Her only regret in leaving everything behind was not bringing Jack with her.
Her eyes strayed to the wall kept behind translucent, titanium-reinforced glass.
Arnie knew the importance of the buttons and keypads behind that glass, but the wall looked secured.
He strode towards the entrance behind several others exiting the building.
He turned to address Dan, when the sagging building behind them exploded into flames and light.
She sipped from a container of water and turned again to the wall behind the titanium glass, unable to pinpoint how one of the sensitive keypads had made it outside the compound or when.
Brady watched Angel carefully place the keypad into a wall with several others, then secure them behind a thick shield of titanium glass.
Two more black-clad protective service members with weapons drawn stood nearby, one a safe distance behind the lunatic and the other near the cliff.
The door closed behind her.
He left, closing the ill-fitting door behind him.
Her gaze went again to the keypads protected behind the titanium glass.
There were two men behind him, and they crowded around to see her.
Dan ran ahead of them, Elise behind, and they flew down a deer path to a creek, then darted across rocks to the other bank.
Instead of retreating into the forest—the way they'd come—he walked behind a boulder and started up a set of long, shallow steps leading up the mountain.
She even caught herself touching her ear to keep from sliding her finger behind it to the subcutaneous net implant.
Lana closed the door behind her and looked around, dismayed.
Dan stayed behind where your helo went down to search.
He didn't want to know what Tim did behind the scenes.
She'll have left some sort of clues behind.
Jake trotted behind her, his nails clicking on the concrete floor.
Lana squeezed herself and Jack into the small space behind him.
The door closed behind her, leaving her in near-complete darkness.
Behind the walls she'd seen from the opposite side, there were hundreds of the fed's special security forces in semi-permanent camps.
The door to the underground tunnel network was hidden behind a boulder and draped with moss.
He motioned the PMF members behind him towards the city.
He pointed to the wall far enough behind him to prevent her from butting in.
Jim closed the door behind him, and Brady stayed where he was for a long moment, watching the laser strikes.
Brady threw himself down, rolled, and ran, taking cover behind a boulder as the laser missile exploded the ground in front of him.
Lana twisted to watch it lower itself to the ground a hundred meters behind her position.
She darted behind the nearby rocks.
He touched the device behind his ear.
Another snap of branches from a different direction. Katie whirled in time to see the shadow of someone – or something – disappearing behind a thick tree.
The forest was soon filled with the sound of pursuers. Katie needed no further encouragement. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. A shadow caught her attention. She glanced over and froze, tripping.
And I won't be left behind.
You couldn't take us all, and I'm certain I'd be the one who's left behind. Humans take priority to you angels. No, sweetmeats, I won't help you escape.
Katie dumped a few of the cubes into her hand with another look at Andre. She drew a deep breath and tossed the cubes after Gabriel. She stopped walking as the cubes hit the ground behind him.
As Darkyn had said, the underworld tempered his Immortal magic, but Rhyn felt the demon power broiling behind the constraints, seeking a way out of him. He was sticking to his plan, though he no longer had time to find Death.
She pulled, and he ran. Katie felt the ground shake beneath them as the demons pursued. Several flew overhead and dropped directly in their path. She stopped and shoved Toby behind her, drawing the knife Gabe had given her. Before long, they were surrounded.
Rhyn opened the door, surprised to find the jailer's room empty. He'd expected Jared at least. He closed the door quietly behind him. He snatched the talisman hanging near the door, the one that freed inmates from their cells. He ignored the quickening of his pulse as he entered the familiar cell block.
The man stopped, thinking he'd heard some movement behind him, but after listening a few minutes could discern no human sound and was satisfied he was alone.
And he felt guilty as hell for his own foul mood and the insignificant reasons behind it.
Dean felt a movement behind him and looked up to see a young man in his early twenties looking down at him.
Someone behind them laughed out loud and Dean turned to see a young man cover his mouth and apologize.
With that odious chore behind him, Dean began to formalize his notes on yesterday's interviews.
When their lovemaking finished, Dean remained in bed, his arms folded behind his head, awaiting Ethel's return from her obligatory post coital trip to the bathroom.
Dean slowly unwound himself from behind the steering wheel and crossed to answer it.
Dean walked up to the open driver's side window, startling the man behind the wheel, mid-bite in his hamburger.
There's always a scene when relatives view what the victim left behind.
On an impulse, Dean drove back in behind it and strolled over to meet the young man who stepped from the vehicle.
A little bell jingled in the empty office as Dean entered and an unshaven man in his sixties took his time sauntering out from behind a curtain, hoisting up his suspenders as he moved behind the desk.
Dean was within ten miles of Parkside before he noticed a blue Ford that had stayed behind him for an unusual length of time.
She pivoted and entered the room, taking baby steps and leaving him to close the door behind her.
He groped his way down the path, the wind whipping his raincoat behind him, until he felt the mush of soft sand beneath his aching feet.
She caught up to him at the door, surprising him with the quiet of her bare feet on the carpet and gave him a hug from behind, burying her head against his back and holding on for a long while.
Then he heard a muffled sound from behind the partially closed bathroom door.
I'm sure Mr. Dean doesn't want to wait up for an out-of-shape old lady lagging behind him.
How can I drag out a pile of maybes and cause her to spend the rest of her days wondering if hubby will jump out from behind some bush?
We're only six days behind him, maybe less.
He crossed the room in quick strides and pinned her arms behind her back.
She reached down behind the desk and brought out a bottle of gin and poured two healthy slugs into water glasses.
As Dean turned the corner to 422 Collingswood Avenue, another car followed and pulled into the drive behind him.
He felt a momentary tightness until he recognized Randy Byrne behind the wheel.
Dean moved behind a post, trying to get what little privacy the squad room and the length of his phone cord allowed.
The path led step by step from the renter of Bascomb Place, with Fred and Dean always a step behind him.
Was someone else a step behind them, looking over their shoulder?
A few minutes later in Uncle Sally's Galley on Butler Street, Fred was hiding behind his menu, embarrassed to be out in public before shaving.
Halfway through his beer the sports argument became spirited enough that Dean took the opportunity to rise and cross to the payphone behind him.
He firmly pushed Dean toward the door as his partner stumbled behind him, still in a daze.
Fred asked as he peeked behind a picture.
He reluctantly pawed through the clutter on her bureau and the personal items in her bureau drawers, urged by Randy, who hoped the letter might have been left behind.
Whatever beauty the day held was lost once he was behind the wheel, listening to a chorus of horns amid a blue haze of exhaust.
Ms. Nightingale murmured a room number and motioned down a hall crowded with bodies like the day after Gettysburg while white-coated figures strolled among the moaning, clip boards in hand With wide-eyed Fred following behind, Dean ran the gauntlet until he found the room, a small office packed with five men and a lot of smoke, three of them in Philadelphia Police uniforms.
You'll be working yourself ragged trying to get up them mountains, tailing behind 2,000 people.
He slid in behind another biker and followed the crouched figure evenly, absentmindedly matching the rider stride for stride for several miles as he pondered his course of action.
The first day was behind him, his muscles weren't overly sore, he seemed to be adjusting to the altitude and he had conquered more hills in one day than a year of Pennsylvania biking would offer.
They both crawled into the tent and pulled in the gear behind them just as the last of the day was fading.
It seemed every other rider had passed him on the climb until he looked down the mountain and saw hundreds of dots of color still struggling up the incline behind him.
When the road straightened once more, he heard a noise behind him and a dozen daredevils in the tuck position sped on by him with a wave and a rush of air.