Beheaded Sentence Examples
He was beheaded on the morning of the 7th of December 1683.
Execution On the 6th of June they were beheaded before the diioort.
A circle of stones in the Iron Market of Linkoping marks the spot where Sigismund's adherents were beheaded in 1600.
Rhyn was the first to engage any demon in his way while Tamer and Erik beheaded every creature that crossed their paths.
Gian Paolo Baglioni was lured to Rome in 1520 and beheaded by Leo X.; and in 1534 Rodolfo, who had slain a papal legate, was defeated by Pier Luigi Farnese, and the city, captured and plundered by his soldiery, was deprived of its privileges.
Then Robespierre was beheaded for being a despot.
Filippo married and then beheaded Beatrice after a mock trial for adultery, having used her money and her influence in reuniting several subject cities to the crown of Milan.
On these conditions Mary obtained the hearty support of the states Against France, but her humiliations were not yet at an end; two of her privy councillors, accused of traitorous intercourse with the enemy, were, despite her entreaties, seized, tried and beheaded (April 3).
After a life of exceptional and continuous lawlessness he escaped from Scotland and in his absence was sentenced to death; having returned to his native country he was seized and was beheaded in Edinburgh.
In 1534 Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, better known as Silken Thomas (so called because of a fantastic fringe worn in the helmet of his followers), a young man of rash courage and good abilities, son of the Lord Deputy Kildare, believing his father, who was imprisoned in the Tower of London, to have been beheaded, organized a rebellion against the English Government, and marched with his followers from the mansion of the earls of Kildare in Thomas Court, through Dame's Gate to St Mary's Abbey, where, in the council chamber, he proclaimed himself a rebel.
AdvertisementRegained for the Hohenstaufen by Henry's son, Frederick II., in 1214, the German kingdom passed to his son, Conrad IV., and when Conrad's son Conradin was beheaded in Italy in 1268, the male line of the Hohenstaufen became extinct.
He too was lodged in the castle in 1569, and after three years' imprisonment was handed over to the English, by whom he was beheaded at York in 1572.
With this pretended sanction he legalized polygamy, and himself took four wives, one of whom he beheaded with his own hand in the market-place in a fit of frenzy.
The caution of Gelasius was not long preserved; Gregory of Tours, for example, asserts that the saint's relics actually existed in the French village of Le Maine, where many miracles were wrought by means of them; and Bede, while still explaining that the Gesta Georgii are reckoned apocryphal, commits himself to the statement that the martyr was beheaded under Dacian, king of Persia, whose wife Alexandra, however, adhered to the Christian faith.
As he could not or would not tell, he together with all his brothers and some other relatives were seized and transported to Irak, where Abdallah and his brother Ali were beheaded and the others imprisoned.
AdvertisementIn spite of frequent persecutions, there were 16,500 converts in 1857 and 20,000 in 1866, in which year the French bishops and priests were martyred by order of the emperor's father, and several thousand native Christians were beheaded, banished or imprisoned.
The empress Theodora (842-857) hung, crucified, beheaded or drowned some Ioo,000 of them, and drove yet more over the frontier, where from Argaeum, Amara, Tephrike and other strongholds their generals Karbeas and Chrysocheir harried the empire, until 873, when the emperor Basil slew Chrysocheir and took Tephrike.
Nasr al-Khoza`i was seized and brought to ISamarra, where Wathiq beheaded him in person.
Last night, after he'd beheaded the four, she'd innately known he wouldn't hurt her.
Galilee was pacified, Jerusalem taken and Antigonus beheaded by the Romans.
AdvertisementOn St Thomas's Hill, where Thomas, earl of Lancaster, was beheaded in 1322, a chantry was erected in 1373, the site of which is now occupied by a windmill built of its stones.
At Naples he was tried as a traitor, and on the 29th of October was beheaded with his friend and companion Frederick of Baden, titular duke of Austria.
His only son, Armand Louis de Bethune, marquis de Charost, was beheaded on the 28th of April 1794.
He died in Rome while the imperial commissioners were investigating the circumstances under which two important Roman personages had been seized at the Lateran, blinded and afterwards beheaded; Paschal had shielded the murderers but denied all personal complicity in their crime.
Of its illegitimate descendants the house of Cornwall was founded by Richard, a natural son of Richard, king of the Romans and earl of Cornwall, who was ancestor of Lord Cornewall of Fanhope, temp. Henry VI., of the Cornewalls, " barons of Burford," and other families; but the principal house is that which was founded, at a later date, by Sir Charles Somerset, natural son of Henry (Beaufort) duke of Somerset (beheaded 1464), who was created earl of Worcester in 1513, and whose descendant Henry, marquess and earl of Worcester, obtained the dukedom of Beaufort in 1682.
AdvertisementHere the want of provisions forced them to evacuate the place; a few who surrendered were beheaded, and the rest went farther south and built the town of New D,ongola (correctly Dunkulah), where the venerable Ibrahim Bey died in 1816, at the age of eighty.
He was intercepted in the Channel by the ship "Nicholas of the Tower," and next morning was beheaded in a little boat alongside.
It is replete with memories of the last earl of Derwentwater, who was beheaded in 1716 for his part in the Stuart rising of the previous year, and was buried in the chapel.
Darkyn was like a housecat that dragged in beheaded birds and left them in the middle of the floor for its owner.
Kara Mustafa paid for his defeat with his life; he was beheaded at Belgrade in 1683 and his head was brought to the sultan on a silver dish.
On the 18th of October he was beheaded and his body burnt in an auto-dale; that same day one of his popular operettas was given at a Lisbon theatre.
On the, 6th of September 1542 he defeated the army of Almagro the Lad in the battle of Chupas near Guamanga, and the boy was beheaded at Cuzco.
The bad faith of the condottiere Paolo Vitelli (beheaded at Florence in 1499) had deeply impressed him.
On the morning of the 7th of November Katte was beheaded before Frederick's window, after the crown prince had asked his pardon and received the answer that there was nothing to forgive.
His son Thomas, who inherited the title, took the lead among the nobles of Edward II.'s time in opposition to Piers Gaveston and the Despensers, and was beheaded for treason at Pontefract.
On the 30th of July 1540 three Lutheran clergymen were burned and three Roman Catholics beheaded, the latter for denying the king's spiritual supremacy.
Charles collected a large army, and by his orders 4500 men who had surrendered were beheaded at Verden.
The conditions were, however, not observed and Harun, learning that 'Abbasa had borne a son, caused Ja`far suddenly to be arrested and beheaded, and the rest of the family except Mahommed, Yahya's brother, to be imprisoned and deprived of their property.
His flesh is said to have been torn with woolcombers' irons before he was beheaded, and this seems to be the only reason why he has always been regarded as the patron saint of woolcombers.
Even this dubious advantage only lasted three years until her mother was beheaded, and by a much more serious freak on Henry's part "divorced."
Antigonus, whom the Parthians had set upon his throne, was beheaded by his Roman allies (37 B.C.).
Vasco Nunez was beheaded in 1517 by Pedrarias de Avila, who was sent out to supersede him.
For disobedience to his orders he imprisoned a boyar who was his own brother-in-law, and he caused another to be beheaded for complaining that the boyar-council was not consulted in important affairs of state.
Mowbray and Scrope were taken and beheaded; Northumberland escaped into Scotland.
He was beheaded on the 14th of September 258, the first African bishop to obtain the martyr's crown.
At the same time his son Alexander was beheaded at Antioch by Pompey's order as an enemy of Rome.
Conveyed to Warwick castle he was beheaded on Blacklow Hill near Warwick on the 9th of June 1312.
By way of reprisals for the Hussite outrages in Prague, the miners of Kuttenberg seized on any Hussites they could find, and burned, beheaded or threw them alive into the shafts of disused mines.
He was beheaded on Tower Hill on the 22 nd of June 1535, after saying the Te Deum and the psalm In to Domine speravi.
In the interior there are a number of interesting monuments, among which the most noticeable are those of Thomas Howard, 3rd duke of Norfolk, and of Henry Howard, the famous earl of Surrey, who was beheaded by Henry VIII.
But the plot came to light; its chief ringleaders were beheaded, and many others sent into exile (1456); and the death of Alphonso at last ended all danger from that source.
Another cadet was Sir John Beauchamp of Holt, minister of Richard II., who was created Lord Beauchamp of Kidderminster (the first baron created by patent) 1387, but beheaded 1388; the barony became extinct with his son in 1400.
On the Loth Tyler seized Canterbury, sacked the palace of Archbishop Sudbury, the chancellor, and beheaded three citizens as "traitors."
Fearing that the little court of the Inca Tupac Amaru -(who had succeeded his brother Sayri Tupac) might become a focus of rebellion, he seized the young prince, and unjustly beheaded the last of the Incas in the square of Cuzco in the year 1571.
Calvin would have had him beheaded.
He was sentenced to death by the parlement, and beheaded in Paris on the 26th of June 1574.
He handed them over to the king, who beheaded them both outside the gate of York, without any proper trial before their peers.
The former of these, who died in 1439, was father to the Parisina beheaded in Ferrara, whose tragic love story has been sung by Byron.
Ostojic died in 1461, and his successor Tomasevic (Stephen VII., 1461-1463) surrendered to the Turks and was beheaded.
He refused to appear, held his own for a time in his castle at Theres against the king's forces, but surrendered in 906, and in spite of a promise of safe-conduct was beheaded.
The Wahhabi leader was soon after sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Mehemet Ali's intercession, he and the companions who had followed him in his captivity were condemned to death, and after being paraded through the city with ignominy for three days were finally beheaded.
She was sent to the Tower in March 1554, but few Englishmen were fanatic enough to want a Tudor beheaded.
Sudbury was dragged to Tower Hill and, on the 14th of June 1381, was beheaded.
Biren thereupon forced Anne to order an inquiry into Voluinsky's past career, with the result that he was tried before a tribunal of Biren's creatures and condemned to be broken on the wheel and then beheaded.
Mujir, brought a force to Cairo, before which Ruzzik fled, to be shortly afterwards captured and beheaded.
By the statute of Six Articles (1539) he took his stand on Catholic doctrine; and when the Lutherans had rejected his alliance, and Cromwell's nominee, Anne of Cleves, had proved both distasteful on personal grounds and unnecessary because Charles and Francis were not really projecting a Catholic crusade against England, Anne was divorced and Cromwell beheaded.
The duke came with some soldiers and ships, but failed to effect anything; and after the recall of d'Arcos the new viceroy, Count d'Ognate, having come to an arrangement with Annese and got Guise out of the city, proceeded to punish all who had taken part in the disturbances, and had Annese and a number of others beheaded.
Thereupon Hajjaj ordered that every man capable of bearing arms should immediately join Mohallab in Khuzistan (Susiana), and swore that all who should be found in the town after the third day should be beheaded.
Yahya, who had just taken leave of him after a day's hunting, was arrested, taken to the castle of Harun, and beheaded.
Donauwdrth grew up in the course of the I ith and 12th centuries under the protection of the castle of Mangoldstein, became in the 13th a seat of the duke of Upper Bavaria, who, however, soon withdrew to Munich to escape from the manes of his wife Maria of Brabant, whom he had there beheaded on an unfounded suspicion of infidelity.
The Yorkist faction seems to have been strongest in the eastern portion of the Principality, where the Mortimers were all-powerful, but later the close connexion of the house of Lancaster with Owen Tudor, a gentleman of Anglesea (beheaded in 1461) who had married Catherine of France, widow of Henry V., did much to invite Welsh sympathy on behalf of the claims of Henry Tudor his grandson, who claimed the English throne by right of his grandmother.
He was condemned first to be broken on the wheel and then beheaded; but, reprieved on the scaffold, his sentence was commuted to lifelong banishment, with his whole family, to Berezov in Siberia, where he died six years later.
His last act was to cause his saviour to be beheaded, suspecting him of the intention to kill and not to rescue.
The last Boyd who bore the title of Lord Kilmarnock was beheaded on Tower Hill, London, in 1746, for his share in the Jacobite rising.
The nobles resisted this infringement of their rights; but their leader, Ferdinand, duke of Braganza, was beheaded for high treason in 1483; in 1484 the king stabbed to death his own brother-in-law, Ferdinand, duke of Vizeu; and 80 other members of the aristocracy were afterwards executed.
She was condemned to death by guillotine on the 8th of December 1793, and beheaded the same evening.
The power of Zavis at last became invidious to the king, by whose order he was beheaded in 1290.
Sir Thomas Dymoke (1428?-1471) joined a Lancastrian rising in 1469, and, with his brother-in-law Richard, Lord Willoughby and Welles, was beheaded in 1471 by order of Edward IV.
At 12 o'clock that night the patriotic bishops of Skara and Strangnas were led out into the great square and beheaded.
One of his feats at Rome is to have himself beheaded and to rise again on the third day.
It was really a ram that was beheaded, but he contrived by his magic to make people think that it was himself.
His father and brother were beheaded after the battle of Edgecot, and he succeeded in August of that year to the earldom.
After the death of Edward IV., he became the object of Richard III.'s peculiar enmity, and was beheaded by his orders at Pontefract on the 25th of June 1483.
He was soon afterwards apprehended, and brought to Edinburgh, where he was beheaded on the 27th of July 1681.
The plot was detected, being revealed, it is said, by the earl of March himself, who does not appear to have given it any encouragement; the earl of Cambridge was beheaded.
He was conducted to Constantinople and beheaded, together with his four sons.
On the 21st of June 1621 the principal leaders of the rising against the house of Habsburg were beheaded in the market of the old town near the town hall.
But when the French monarchy was abolished and the royal pair beheaded, Ferdinand and Carolina were seized with a feeling of fear and horror and joined the first coalition against France in 1793.
Edward beheaded him at Shrewsbury as a traitor, having the Conquest of Wales.
He was being conducted to London to be tried in parliament, when his two greatest enemies, Thomas of Lancaster and Guy, earl of Warwick, took him out of the hands of his escort, and beheaded him by the wayside without any legal authority or justification.
Hotspur was slain, Worcester taken and beheaded, Douglas desperately wounded (July 23, 1403).
They had planned to raise a rebellion in the name of the earl of March, in whose cause Wales and the North were to have been called to arms. But March himself refused to stir, and betrayed them to the king, who promptly beheaded them, and set sail five days later.
He seized and beheaded Lord Saye, the treasurer, and several other unpopular persons, and thight have continued his dictatorship for some time if the Kentish mob that follawed him bad not fallen to general pillage and arson.
Lord Bonville and the other captives of rank were beheaded next morning.
Suspicions only became rife after Richard had seized and beheaded without any trial, Lord Hastings, the late kings most familiar friend, and had arrested at the same moment the archbishop of York, Morton, bishop of Ely, and Lord Stanley, all persons of unimpeachable loyalty to the house of Edward Pt.
Stanley and several others were beheaded, the rest hanged or imprisoned.
He was beheaded on a scaffold outside the windows of Whitehall (1649).i The government set up was a government by the committees of a council of state nominally supporting themselves on the House of Commons, though the members who still The retained their places were so few that the council of state was sufficiently numerous to form a majority in the House.
Below it is Gowan Hill, and beyond this the Mote or Heading Hill, on which Murdoch Stuart, 2nd duke of Albany, his two sons, and his fatherin-law the earl of Lennox, were beheaded in 1425.
On the 21st of January 1793 Louis was beheaded in the Place de la Revolution, now the Place de la Concorde.
Twenty-one Girondin deputies were next brought to the bar and, with the exception of Valaze who stabbed himself, were beheaded on the last day of October, Madame Roland and other Girondins of note suffered later.
On the next morning he was beheaded along with his brother, Couthon, St Just, Hanriot and seventeen more of his adherents.
He remained a prisoner until 1513, when he was beheaded at the time his brother Richard took up arms with the French king.
Desmond was beheaded, ostensibly for using Irish exactions, really, as the partisans of his family hold, to please Elizabeth.
A trading station called Georgetown is situated on McCarthy's Island, so named after Sir Charles McCarthy, the governor of Sierra Leone, who in 1824 was captured and beheaded by the Ashanti at the battle of Essamako.
Taken to his own castle at Pontefract, where the king was, he was condemned to death as a rebel and a traitor, and was beheaded near the town on the 22nd of March 1322.
Her legend is that she was immured in a tower by her father who was opposed to her marriage; that she was converted to Christianity by a follower of Origen, and that when her father learnt this, he beheaded her.
Chalais was beheaded at Nantes in 1626 for having upheld Gaston of Orleans in his refusal to wed Mademoiselle de Montpensier, and Marshal dOrnano died at Vincennes for having given him bad advice in this matter; while the duelist de Boutteville was put to the torture for having braved the edict against duels.
But Alphonso did not use his freedom to act legibus solutus except against such hoary and incorrigible intriguers as Don Juan ci Tuerto or the Caballero Diego Gil, whom he beheaded with seventeen of his men after promising them security for their lives.
He was captured and beheaded with his accomplices in November 742, and in February 754 Constantine held in the palace of Hieria a council of 388 bishops, mostly of the East; the patriarchs of Rome, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem refused to attend.
On the following day the old statesman, at the age of seventy-one, was beheaded in the Binnenhof at the Hague.
The city was taken on the 29th of November, and after its capture Gordon had a serious dispute with Li Hung Chang, as the latter had beheaded certain of the rebel leaders whose lives the former had promised to spare if they surrendered.
Rhyn.s fists clenched as he took in the beheaded, dismembered body hung for spite on the wall.
After Ann and her brother had been beheaded for alleged adultery the castle was appropriated by the Crown.
Thirty four women have been publicly beheaded up to the end of 2004.
He was confined in the Tower, and eventually beheaded on a charge of treason in 1535.
Calling on the name of the Savior to the end, Edmund was finally beheaded.
They were put into a fire, which would not consume them; they were then beheaded.
No, the monarch was n't beheaded, but the mid-19th century saw many old institutions reformed including the Civil Service.
Sun Tzu had the two concubines who were in charge of the groups beheaded.
As Tresham died impenitent, his corpse was beheaded, and the head is to be set up at Northampton.
The Silent Woman refers to a beheaded saint although other stories tell of a previous landlady who talked too much.
These were destroyed by a miraculous thunderbolt before Catherine was harmed, but she was eventually beheaded with a sword.
In the course of Filippos wars with Florence and Venice, the greatest generals of this age were formedFrancesco Carmagnola, who was beheaded between the columns at Venice in 1432; Niccol Piccinino, who died at Milan in 1444; and Francesco Sforza, who survived to seize his masters heritage in 1450.
Her uncle, the duke of Norfolk, presided as lord steward, and gave sentence, weeping, that his niece was to be burned or beheaded as pleased the king.
Great efforts were made to obtain mercy for the accused, but the crime was considered too heinous, and the pope (Clement VIII.) refused to grant a pardon; on the i ith of September 1599, Beatrice and Lucrezia were beheaded, and Giacomo, after having been tortured with redhot pincers, was killed with a mace, drawn and quartered.
Declared guilty, after torture, he was sentenced to have his tongue cut out, to be beheaded and the body to be burned, a sentence which was confirmed by the parlement of Paris and the bigoted king Louis XV.
A battle took place at Tagliacozzo (August 23rd, 1268), in which the Imperialists were defeated, and Conradin himself was subsequently caught and handed over to Charles, who had him tried for high treason and beheaded (see Conradin).
On the 21st of September 1567 sentence of degradation and death was passed on him and sixteen others, ambassadors from Florence vainly kneeling to the pope for some mitigation, and on the 1st of October he was publicly beheaded and then burned.
There was, however, no open breach till 1469, when Warwick, taking advantage of the unpopularity of the Woodvilles, and supported by the king's next brother George, duke of Clarence, appeared in arms. Edward was surprised and made prisoner at Middleham, and Rivers was beheaded.
Unfortunately, she was re-captured and still refusing to honor pagan gods, she was stabbed in the throat and beheaded.
All five men were executed on May 17, and Anne was beheaded two days later.
The only way to kill an Immmortal is to behead him, and the beheader absorbs the beheaded's power.
These started out with the bird simply sitting there on the screen, but as the bit went on, the birds were smashed, crushed, shattered, beheaded, or exploded in a flurry of feathers or a splatter of pinkish goo.
He succeeded in escaping from the Tower, but was again captured, was condemned to death by the new "high court of justice" on the 8th of March 1649, and was beheaded together with the duke of Hamilton and Lord Holland the next day.
The manor remained in the Lacy family until it passed by marriage to Thomas, duke of Lancaster, who was beheaded on a hill outside the town after the battle of Boroughbridge.
In that year it was surrendered to the Etruscans and recovered by the Romans, who beheaded the authors of its surrender.
If a man accused of this denies it, other diviners are called, and if these concur, he is beheaded and his sons slain and his goods given to the diviners.