Before Sentence Examples
Let's go do the chores one last time before we leave.
Night came on before he had finished it.
She rinsed the pot again before responding.
She now saw his face before her.
If I remember rightly, we were sixty-six years old the day before yesterday.
Besides, it was time to replace some of the things she'd been wearing since before they were married.
This was before I knew many words.
He would do many more before the war was over.
I worked with him for two years before I discovered who he really was.
The soil is blanched and accursed there, and before that becomes necessary the earth itself will be destroyed.
AdvertisementYou knew before I did.
Before his house was pulled down, when his comrades avoided it as "an unlucky castle," I visited it.
Before Mrs. Jacquot could open it, some one called out, "Is this the house of Jacquot, the charcoal man?"
Destiny woke and ate a few bites before going back to sleep.
He pulled the undershirt over his head before answering.
AdvertisementThey knew that they were helpless before so strong an enemy.
I've never thought about it before.
In fact, if she confronted him now and then, he might be more inclined to volunteer information before she found out about it.
She makes many mistakes, of course, twists words and phrases, puts the cart before the horse, and gets herself into hopeless tangles of nouns and verbs; but so does the hearing child.
The mother smoothed the folds of her dyed silk dress before a large Venetian mirror in the wall, and in her trodden-down shoes briskly ascended the carpeted stairs.
AdvertisementIt was some time before I could plan it to suit me.
Jim, who was in advance, saw the last stair before him and stuck his head above the rocky sides of the stairway.
Where was I before I came to mother?
Before the ices, champagne was served round.
Several of them ran into Ferapontov's yard before Alpatych's eyes.
AdvertisementIt was amusing to see her hold it before her eyes and spell the sentences out on her fingers, just as I had done.
I met them the day before yesterday at the Arkharovs'.
Carmen mentally counted to ten before responding.
But he locked it before he left.
Alex helped the man get the luggage into the trunk and then hurried to assist Carmen into the car before the man could touch her.
It does so in orders of magnitude better than what came before it—libraries—but only better, not differently.
Would she ever reach the point that she felt comfortable about spending the money he had earned before they met?
Long ago, before Gutenberg, if you wanted to know something, you had to memorize it.
Rostov and Ilyin gave rein to their horses for a last race along the incline before reaching Bogucharovo, and Rostov, outstripping Ilyin, was the first to gallop into the village street.
He hesitated before answering.
The sides of the tunnel showed before them like the inside of a long spy-glass, and the floor became more level.
Let's pick her while we have the chance, before the man with the star comes back.
After this experience it was a long time before I climbed another tree.
The cart before the horse is neither beautiful nor useful.
The choices we make to test options never before contemplated will tell us all kinds of new things about ourselves.
On moving to the drawing room he handed the letter to Princess Mary and, spreading out before him the plan of the new building and fixing his eyes upon it, told her to read the letter aloud.
The man who ten years before and a year later was considered an outlawed brigand is sent to an island two days' sail from France, which for some reason is presented to him as his dominion, and guards are given to him and millions of money are paid him.
Before everyone stopped laughing, he continued.
The great cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, which was begun before your birth, would not be finished by your death.
It rises again from the same point as before--Paris.
The man had taken a step or two across the glass roof before he noticed the presence of the strangers; but then he stopped abruptly.
They were so astonished that they fell upon their knees before the king and confessed their crime.
She had signs for SMALL and LARGE long before I came to her.
But scarcely had Pierre uttered these words before he was attacked from three sides.
Why hadn't they tried it before?
Get out of here before I kill you.
Brennan paused before responding.
On a sudden thought I ran upstairs before any one could stop me, to put on my idea of a company dress.
Before we began the story Miss Sullivan explained to me the things that she knew I should not understand, and as we read on she explained the unfamiliar words.
It was a long time back, before they were married.
We never count our fish before they are caught.
After all, he knew Katie too, but they only wanted the people he knew before he met his wife - excluding his sister.
It seemed like only a few seconds before the uncomfortable feeling became nausea.
She finished pealing the potato and threw it into the pan before continuing.
This appeared so unexpectedly that they were unprepared to take advantage of it at first, and allowed the rocky wall to swing around again before they had decided to pass over.
I do not remember when I first realized that I was different from other people; but I knew it before my teacher came to me.
Any guard might arrest him, but by strange chance no one does so and all rapturously greet the man they cursed the day before and will curse again a month later.
A full week passed before we had our answer.
From the looks on the glum faces before me, he had neither told them anything nor was there success in their search for the killer.
I've never flown before.
Hardly had they spoken these words when the door opened and Arion himself stood before them.
It is a safe bet that no one has ever asked that question before, and yet this system is designed to answer it.
But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
Tell her so if you see her before I do.
For the last three days Bogucharovo had lain between the two hostile armies, so that it was as easy for the Russian rearguard to get to it as for the French vanguard; Rostov, as a careful squadron commander, wished to take such provisions as remained at Bogucharovo before the French could get them.
He closed the door and they walked several yards down the hall before he spoke.
It was only a matter of time before someone began to connect our tips.
I'll stop the whole thing before I'll do that.
No details yet, Before I could answer, I was interrupted by a scream from my wife that sent chills down my spine.
That was before they got all organized and everything.
Before there was any mention of a Psychic Tipster.
She should lock her doors and windows, just like you people, before this guy carves her up and adds her to the list.
I queued my way past three minions before the stern voice growled, Reagan' in my ear.
He poured another wine before moving to the garage.
He thought a moment before answering.
We were having a drink before dinner.
Perhaps I shall make do with those that remain here before I follow the sun westward.
It ran into a narrow cleft which he had not seen before, and then through a long, dark passage which was barely large enough for a man's body.
It was another hour before I succeeded in getting her napkin folded.
As she listened to it she saw before her his smooth handsome forehead, his mustache, and his whole face, as she had so often seen it in the stillness of the night when he slept.
The day before they were scheduled to leave, Alex came home from work and asked to see the tickets.
His solemn gaze searched hers for a moment before he spoke.
The phone rang ten times before Lisa gave up.
That was before I took the job.
You've never been here before?
He studied her a moment before responding.
My fiancée gave me a cold eye as I hesitated before answering.
We were clearing dishes, before he spoke.
But I will I find another perfect one before I'm on my way!
The phone rang before Betsy could respond.
I waited ten minutes before leaving the room.
Martha would drive Howie to Boston's Logan Airport for his flight back to California while Quinn would remain to pack up his equipment before leaving later for a hundred mile drive to their home in nearby Peabody, Mass.
We were an hour into our drive south before I broached the subject, asking her about the tete-a-tete.
He came up to the cabin the week before he was leaving for the seminary, four or five years later.
Betsy paused before answering.
That was before my time, just barely.
Quinn shouted before Martha put a restraining hand on his arm.
Martha handed out paper and pens before we left the house.
The entire session lasted barely ten minutes before he awoke a smile on his face.
It wasn't long before she found the information.
It took fifty minutes before the door burst open and Howie dashed out and up the stairs with Martha close on his heels.
I grabbed my wife's hand and the tape recorder and left before anyone could object.
We drove another mile before spotting a corner variety store.
I prefer not to cross state lines with my prizes, but Delaware is such a small state I'd left its boundary before I realized.
I broke his arm before he could toss the match.
Before Betsy and I left for the airport, we received incredible news!
It was Delaware, in the middle of nowhere and I watched the house for hours before I took my prize.
I heard several clicks before I heard a surprised male voice.
He hung up before I had a chance to end the call.
We completed one before bedding down just before midnight.
I added a thank-you before hanging up.
I shot him six times before he reached my car.
I'll better his total before I die and they'll not know I ever existed... unless someone sees me in their crystal ball.
They backed off and waited a day before questioning him.
Can Howard have an hour off to show me around Keene before I leave?
At least one more thing before I release you.
Howie was at his desk before any of us on Monday morning.
My monolog was blurted out non-stop for fear she'd cut me off before I finished.
Impatience prompted me to telephone Ethel Reagan before the allotted hour was up.
Have you ever seen a murder first hand, someone being butchered before your eyes?
I'm well practiced in this art as I've done so many times before!
It was midafternoon before we got Howie on the road, first to Boston and then a flight west.
Betsy opened her purse and complied before reaching back and taking Molly's hand.
Just then the man with the star came and stood before the Wizard.
Before the half hour was ended he had written a very neat composition on his slate.
Andrew's gray eyes blazed as he stood up straight and proud before the haughty captain.
As the slaves stood before him he asked each one to tell what kind of work he could do.
Chilon was so busy that the messengers had to wait several days before they could see him.
Before technology and prosperity, virtually everyone spent long hard days scraping together enough calories for themselves and their family to survive.
It is an answer engine, but one that attempts to answer questions that have never before been asked.
Every morning before I went to school I had chores to do, which began with mixing up the formula and feeding the calves.
It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.
I had read many books before, but never from a critical point of view.
Before the end of the first year I read "Wilhelm Tell" with the greatest delight.
My mind stirred with the stirring times, and the characters round which the life of two contending nations centred seemed to move right before me.
She looked troubled, and hesitated a moment before answering.
Like the wasps, before I finally went into winter quarters in November, I used to resort to the northeast side of Walden, which the sun, reflected from the pitch pine woods and the stony shore, made the fireside of the pond; it is so much pleasanter and wholesomer to be warmed by the sun while you can be, than by an artificial fire.
Adraksin was in uniform, and whether as a result of the uniform or from some other cause Pierre saw before him quite a different man.
Wearing a waistcoat over his cotton shirt, Ferapontov was standing before his shop which opened onto the street.
These were troops of Beauharnais' corps which had started before any of the others.
Like this, we shan't get away before evening.
All who had known Natasha before her marriage wondered at the change in her as at something extraordinary.
What will become of us if she dies, as I always fear when her face is like that? thought he, and placing himself before the icon he began to say his evening prayers.
Little Nicholas, who had just waked up in a cold perspiration, sat up in bed and gazed before him with wide-open eyes.
She was uneasy because she had never been on a plane before.
Maybe he was thinking about Alexia, but that was still on their land, in the old house before it was renovated.
If Katie hadn't disclosed that incident to her before she met Alex, would he have revealed that facet of his past?
Destiny probably wouldn't wake before they returned, and even if she did, Señor Medena would keep her occupied.
It didn't need another rinse, but she needed the time to contemplate before saying something she might regret.
Lisa came home from the hospital the day before the funeral and Connie insisted on staying with her for a while.
Connie rinsed her mouth and put her toothbrush up before she responded.
He hadn't thought about a sitter before now, or hadn't thought about how much he would pay?
How many people knew anything about their boss before they were hired?
Five days a week Giddon left the house before anyone was up.
She dove into the pool and swam several laps before emerging.
What she expected to see when she turned was Sarah's white Plymouth, but the car that stopped before the house was Allen's red Eagle Talon.
She looked down at her plate before they discovered they had been observed.
She felt the attention before she actually saw it.
When Connie arrived, Lisa had barely buckled her seatbelt before she started asking questions.
She waited for him to get a little way down the path before she slipped from her hiding place and went to the door.
I've never seen him this way before.
Yancey didn't get out, but he did wait until she had her car started before he turned his car around and headed back to the house.
Anyway, I've never ridden a horse before.
Come on, don't shoot it down before you give it a try.
It seemed that she had barely dropped off to sleep, before someone was pounding on her door.
I feel awful that Dad had to die because I put my education before his health.
She crunched through the snow back to the house and removed her coat and boots before entering the living room.
Before he was a boss.
I heard him come down again later before I fell asleep.
I thought I'd be back before you guys woke up.
No. It was far too long ago; before I was born.
In any event, I won't wait so long before I take another.
The whole thing only lasted a minute before the damn phone rang.
A few moments passed before he told me to go ahead.
You can look away when it actually happens but we have to get this guy before he kills another child.
If I flushed hundred dollar bills down the toilet, the city of Cleveland would run out of water before I went broke.
I'd never killed an adult before tonight but he deserved to die.
Thankfully, the boy was located before any major harm was done.
Howie stayed with him through most of an uneventful meal before waking back to the present.
Perhaps they'll be something to my liking down the coast along the beach before I get seriously involved in necessary business.
In fact, he's gone missing, Quinn held a super market tabloid as we shared coffee before starting our day.
Just before Howie was ready to give up, he was startled by a figure he'd not heard enter the house!
He tracked dozens of tips and put them together before he announced he was the tipster.
But first, I must protect myself from the worthless snapping hounds of police before I search out this mystery clairvoyant.
She looked to Howie before answering, as if looking for direction.
I just wanted to see a bit of your city before I drive to your car.
Before secure phones and dropped numbers and scrambled voices.
God, I don't know if I ever even kissed a girl before Julie!
I was resigned it was my duty to explain the situation, with or without Howie's input, but Betsy interrupted before I could begin.
I prayed our Delabama killer didn't stalk Agnes Delanco before she or her detectives tracked him down, quickly I hoped.
She hung up before I could protest.
Julie met me at the door before I turned off my car.
I asked before I realized how accusatory the question sounded.
I considered waiting until morning before speaking to my wife but I knew I wouldn't sleep anyway.
I hung up before he could concoct some other scheme.
Before the operator could respond, I blurted out Howie's address.
It's only a matter of time before the hand of the law is laid upon us.
How did the man you were discussing before dinner get caught, do you know?
What about the three name fellow we were discussing before dinner?
You've got four or five days before you have to look over your shoulder again.
I drove over to Greenbriar Road 'cause I figured I'd take a peek before I informed the Washington crowd of suits I had access to the place.
More time passed before we heard from him again.
I just wanted to say hi before you left.
He kicked himself mentally for not thinking before he made any sort of pact with the Watcher, even one that seemed so straightforward, until he met his target and realized she was an innocent caught in the crossfire.
The needle was smaller than she remembered needles being, and she steadied her breathing before plunging it into his arm.
Just before dawn, she made herself soup and turned a box of cornmeal into bread.
I can turn anything into something else the same size, but I'd never tried with a person before.
Whatever had happened, the man before her was hurting still, like she did when her father hit her.
In the end, she typed a smiley face and locked her phone before changing into gym clothes and making her way to the gym.
He hadn't seen a Healer since before the Schism and offered his hand to Bianca.
The computer screen before him was blank, but he didn't notice.
The two spoke for a few moments before Xander bowed his head and walked away.
He almost refused before he realized he had no choice, if he wanted to help Yully survive and Damian defeat the Other.
Yully looked around curiously, not recognizing the sloping hill before them.
Tomorrow, we'll come here just before sunset.
The power pushed her off balance, and she caught herself before it sent her sprawling into the blood pooled around her.
It acclimated to her and accepted her until it obeyed her thoughts before she thought them.
He changed into all black and strapped a sword to his back before closing his eyes and envisioning the interior of NOVA Sector.
The next morning the caliph called ten of his officers before him.
She drops $300 on Google ads before realizing it might not be a great fit.
That is, before Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin came along.
Adam and Eve, according to the fable, wore the bower before other clothes.
When it stormed before my bread was baked, I fixed a few boards over the fire, and sat under them to watch my loaf, and passed some pleasant hours in that way.
Stout, about the average height, broad, with huge red hands; he did not know, as the saying is, how to enter a drawing room and still less how to leave one; that is, how to say something particularly agreeable before going away.
She paused as if she felt it indecorous to speak of her pregnancy before Pierre, though the gist of the matter lay in that.
The smell of the food the Preobrazhenskis were eating and a sense of hunger recalled him from these reflections; he had to get something to eat before going away.
The wattle wall the men had brought was set up in a semicircle by the Eighth Company as a shelter from the north, propped up by musket rests, and a campfire was built before it.
Thus in the morning--especially if she had eaten anything rich the day before--she felt a need of being angry and would choose as the handiest pretext Belova's deafness.
The sun got up before she did the next morning.
She was on the washboard ruts before she realized they were there.
She closed her eyes and said another prayer before she clamped a sweaty hand around the cold door handle.
The long drive detoured around several large oak trees before it ended in a circle.
Tammy half skipped and hopped down the hall, throwing a shy smile over her shoulder at Lisa before disappearing into a doorway.
You wouldn't get two miles into those woods before you were lost.
His hands gently pulled her head back and before she comprehended his intent, he kissed her lips.
She mounted the ATV behind him and hesitated before putting her arms around his waist.
Now, go take your shower before you catch your death of cold.
First I'd have to find a man before I could find a new one.
Allen watched him enter the house before he turned to Lisa.
She grabbed a pen and a notepad, hesitating a second before pulling the top sheet off the notepad.
Back at the house she showered and changed before starting lunch.
She hung the last garment and changed into jeans and tennis shoes before leaving the house.
They hadn't traveled far down the trail before she got a peripheral view of the building.
Anyway, I was lucky it was a low cliff and that Yancey found me before a bear did.
I tried to warn Yancey before they were married, but he wouldn't listen.
At his affirmative nod, she hurried to her room and changed into jeans and sneakers before he could change his mind.
This time he followed the main road for a while before dipping off onto a well used trail.
She heard the gurgling water before the creek came into view.
You think things over for a long time before you make decisions – even in small matters.
She headed for her room and a little rest before supper.
It was a few minutes before she became aware that Yancey was watching her.
No one had been to that box before her.
A soft breeze carried a faint familiar odor, but it was gone before she could identify it.
Lisa washed her hands and put the biscuits in the oven before picking her up.
In her words, "Go now so you can be back before dark."
Mom always used to want everyone home before dark – as though anything was out there at night that wasn't there during the day.
She started to shut the door, but he had the storm door open and his foot in the door before she could react.
It was several more minutes before she was able to take deep breaths – even longer before she was able to utter more than a strangled sound.
Before she could get a word out, Howard covered her mouth with his.
Allen had come to the house before she asked Howard to check on Yancey.
She turned around and walked three steps before it hit her.
They were several miles down the road before either of them spoke.
They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before he spoke.
Of course, a little make-up and the right clothes could do wonders - which was a good way to wind up straying off the path she had mapped before she left home.
All right, I'll throw a few things together and stow them in your car before I leave.
She couldn't have been more awake before she left the house.
I want to take you out to the north pasture before we leave today.
Why didn't you say something before you left?
He grabbed her waist before she could back away, and pulled her into his arms.
She tried her voice once before she managed to speak, and even then the voice didn't sound like her own.
Now both of you get in here before we make a scene that gets us all thrown out.
She had no intention of hopping into bed with Brandon before they were married - house rules or not.
If I go any slower he might die before I get there.
Something had to be done before he got them both killed.
She stared at Brandon a moment before she spoke.
I'm not going to put it before Mom.
She clamped her jaws together and silently counted to ten before she responded.
She let her stern gaze rest on each of the men before responding.
Cassie sent him a measured look over her coffee cup before she spoke.
There was something familiar about that face, yet she was certain she had never met him before.
She watched him climb stiffly into his wagon and knew a moment of sadness when she remembered that before long she would be leaving and she would never see him again.
A boot came down on the angry insect before it could reach her.
She screamed and jumped back before she realized the snakes were dead.
Bordeaux stepped forward, and before she had time to protest, he swept her up and deposited her on the back of the bay.
He swung up on his horse and tipped his hat to her before riding into the desert.
The confusion was partly due to the fact that everything was happening so fast and partly because she had never responded to a man that way before.
In the morning she rolled out of her bed before the sun could stain the sky.
He dropped to the sand and crawled the rest of the way to the top, peering over the edge before he motioned for her to continue.
It'll be over before you know it.
The sand stretched out before her, their tracks pointing to the escape route.
Bordeaux clamped a hand over her mouth before she could speak.
How long would the Indians wait before they realized they had been fooled?
Don't you want to eat before we leave?
So you want to get out of here before I get the chance?
We're going to eat before we leave, and you're going to act grateful.
After she dressed, she stood before the mirror with the flower in her hand.
I don't believe I have ever seen you in a dress before.
I mean... he rode ahead so he could make arrangements before you arrived.
Before she had time to protest, he scooped her into his arms and deposited her in the buggy.
Would you slow down before you kill us both?
Still, he had been with Darcey only minutes before.
I want to get an engagement ring on her finger before she has time to change her mind again.
She waited for him to open the conversation, idly wondering if it would be ten before he spoke.
His eyes flashed with humor, but it was gone before it could reach his lips.
It's fine to have high ideals about not going too far, but the reality of it is, it can happen before you realize what is happening.
Come on and I'll show you around a little before I turn in.
She glanced around the kitchen, knowing she should familiarize herself before breakfast, but feeling uncomfortable about exploring so soon after her arrival.
Opening her door quietly she carried her shoes to the kitchen before putting them on.
He stomped his boots and shook white flakes from his hat and coat before entering the house Cynthia poured them both a cup of coffee as he washed at the sink.
When Cade came into the kitchen she placed a cup of hot chocolate and a saucer of cinnamon toast before him.
She dropped the wood and screamed before she realized it was only a young cat.
So can I. I got along before I hired you and I think I can manage one meal now.
He made an excellent companion, a fact that hadn't occurred to her before that moment.
He took a sip of coffee before responding.
I'd better get a screwdriver and tighten that ladder before you fall and break your neck.
Someone knocked on her door and she wiped her eyes and blew her nose before responding.
She turned to go back to the house and realized she wouldn't be able to make it before the storm caught up with her.
She had set it in the oven to stay warm before she left the house.
He shrugged nonchalantly, but his gaze rested on her thoughtfully for a few moments before he finished his meal.
A dark form hunkered before the fire, feeding small twigs to the flames.
Was she blinded by love now, or had she merely been unobservant before?
He's done it before and I'm sure he'll do it again.
I'd better put it back before Scruffy comes looking for it.
I should have thought about it before, but it's never too late to stop doing something you know is wrong.
She had been reluctant to mention her idea before, but now she was desperate enough to risk his anger.
He managed without a housekeeper before she came, and he could get along fine now.
No, I searched a long time before I found each one and I paid dearly.
Every morning she crawled out of bed and retched for a while before getting ready for work.
It was hard enough to make ends meet before she took the job at the ranch.
I mean, you did visit her the night before, and I thought maybe you two were...
I always have before.
They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born.
Let's go eat before it gets cold.
I'll try to catch him before you get there.
I even had time to spare for a second cup of coffee before boarding the Acela Express for my five-hour trip to the City of Brotherly Love.
I had a couple of Sam Adams and a roast beef sandwich and arrived at the 30th Street station in Philadelphia just before four o'clock.
We're just out here enjoying the weather before they serve supper.
I assure you, I have managed to contact all but three and if I located them I would get down on my knees before them and beg forgiveness, just like I've done with the others .
That was the scientist in Quinn, frustrated that within grasp he held the partnered ability with Howie to go where no one before them had ventured.
The fact that she shows no terror as she sits before me is most vexing.
He'd been moving steadily downhill since before he traveled west to his mother's final days and had not improved since her passing.
The phone rang more than a dozen times before a man with groggy voice answered.
Another ten minutes passed before I was him again.
She wore a somber look as she glanced nervously at me before speaking to the detective.
Carefully holding my knife before me, I began to push open the door.
We knew we had but hours before we'd be permanently thrown into darkness.
She cried again, snuffling and wiping at her nose before she pushed herself off the chair.
She almost scolded him before stopping herself.
She heard the blaring trance music before she opened the car door and smelled the unmistakable scent of marijuana mixed with incense and body odor.
She took a step back, overwhelmed by the scene before her.
Talon looked her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl before he took her arm.
He sliced her forearm with a knife, watching in satisfaction as it healed before his eyes.
We'll meet soon, brother, his long-dead sister had told him right before he awoke.
We gotta clean up before the cops get here.
Blood trickled down both arms before her wounds healed themselves.
He drained her life until she was near blackness before he flung his head back with a contented sigh.
None had time to grab the weapons under their cots before gunfire exploded through the garage door and slammed into them.
Her beauty was cool and classic, like that of the man before her.
He indicated her with the gun before turning away without another look.
There was right and wrong, good and evil, and every human but the woman before him had fallen for some temptation of the dark side.
He knocked once before entering.
If Darian lost his focus and disappeared again, he suspected it'd be another week before he had a chance to sleep.
She breathed it in again before climbing from the bed.
Whoever lived here had nothing personal to show, no pieces of his personality for her to dissect before she faced him.
She waited until she was certain he was distracted before she crept across the apartment, keeping as close to the wall farthest from him as possible.
Her heart leapt, and she stood, halfway to him before his sharp look reminded her he wasn't someone she wanted to approach.
He sensed the presence of the vamp before they exited the elevator.
Until that moment, he hadn't really cared why Sofi saved the life of the woman before him.
He turned off the shower before lifting her and setting her on her feet in the middle of the bathroom.
Goose bumps rose all over her body, and he dried her as quickly as he could before draping a bathrobe around her.
She slept until the edge of her fatigue was gone before borrowing his neatly folded clothing and making herself a huge pancake and egg midday breakfast.
He disappeared right before her eyes.
I gotta go before Dusty finds out I'm here.
Someone knocked at the door before she could turn on more than the living room lights.
He was coming back for me before you all blew up the stash house.
Dusty closed his eyes, the soft sound of the TV greeting him before he opened them.
His gaze lingered before he strode towards his bedroom, determined to get a few hours of sleep.
His instincts reacted to the threat before he was fully awake.
He released one of her wrists and leaned over, slapping it, before returning to the warm body beneath him.
He was quiet for a moment, his thoughts going to the life he'd lived before the Schism.
They looked after him before she met Darian's gaze.
Sensing similar distress in the man before her, she sat down.
It had something to do with the beautiful woman before him who made him feel for the first time in years.
She hesitated before taking his hand.
Dusty hesitated and then snatched his dinner before he did something they'd both regret.
It bit another animal before they killed it.
Dusty considered her before gazing back at the mutilated creature on top of the stainless steel lab counter.
Sasha thought of everything before he left.
He'd planned on waiting until his anger cooled before dealing with Darian.
He understood what it was to lose a sister and hoped the stupid kid before him never went through that pain.
Her evolving power told her more than she wanted to know, even before she faced him.
She tugged off her shirt and wrapped it in towels to dry it before tossing it in the dryer.
Before she could shiver, she was somewhere else.
He took a long shower, exhausted, before retrieving his now lukewarm dinner from the house.
He gathered her warm body in his arms and smoothed away the curls that clung to his face, breathing her deep scent before he dropped into the first peaceful slumber in ages.
His wards rarely rose before mid-morning.
Jonny took it before she could and looked through her addresses.
He'd used the excuse of HQ moving to Miami a year before to upgrade everything in the room.
Toni snatched Sofi's arm before she could reach him, then grabbed her as she neared.
Before the blonde could run, the devil snatched her.
The man hesitated before obeying.
She touched her once before Talon wrenched her up.
Dusty waited until he heard the door close behind him before he moved.
You remember how your condo building came down this morning an hour before you planned?
Talon's gonna kill me before long.
Gotta call Dusty before he blows me up.
They glared at each other for a long moment before Talon gritted his teeth and lowered his gaze in reluctant deference.
Before long, she was drenched and chilled, her skin crawling from the bridled charged energy of the storm.
Darian sensed him and whirled, his eyes lighting up before he looked down.
She struggled to get her feet beneath her before she finally found her footing in the sand.
With a frown, she wondered why she'd never seen it before, why she wasted seven years trying to make things work with someone who couldn't hold a candle to the man she was meant to be with.
Dusty wanted nothing more than to order Darian back to Ohio to finish one mess before dragging them into another.
You've got twenty-seven minutes to get out of here before Jimmy levels this place.
Familiar coldness and silence washed over her before the quiet was replaced by the storm's furious bellow.
Long ago, before her death, when he'd had a family.
Dusty looked at Bianca, not wanting to send her away before talking to her.
You mind if I get out of the rain before we do this?
The Watcher clenched his teeth, green eyes flaring with light and spinning before he regained his temper.
Sean got you some clothes before he went to the pub for his shift.
She peeled off the thick coat and draped it over one bench before seating herself facing the door, as her father had taught her.
Some of the locals she knew from her frequent visits seated themselves before Sean at the bar.
Normally, she'd leave before it got too crowded; her father preferred she avoided people altogether.
She gazed up at the solemn façade of the manor before jogging up the walkway to the front door.
She shed it and her boots quickly, wanting to escape to her room before her father cornered her.
She fingered the coin around her neck as she lay before the fire.
Yully cracked the door open, suspecting the man named Jule was there even before she flipped on the lights.
She felt the truth in his words, perhaps because their souls had touched when they first met the day before.
The man before her looked pretty human himself, with beautiful brown eyes and a body unlike any she'd seen before.
She'd sensed more danger from her father than from the man before her.
She left before he could upset her more.
Things will get worse before they get better, but they should get better.
The gangly youth before him had dyed his hair from platinum back to its natural color of black.
Damian wondered what the hell Sofi had figured out that would send the man before him into the teenage-like fit.
Damian Transported himself before he ditched his mission for some quality time with his mate.
Both figures froze, before Jenn scrambled to obey.
He grunted as he shoved it in front of the door moments before the door bucked under the force of some otherworldly being.
You've got about two minutes before this creature tears through me and kills you.
Jule snapped off the end of the arrow in his shoulder, not about to bleed to death before he'd killed the immortal.
I'm going to do my best to kill him before he kills you.
A torn look crossed her features before she whirled and disappeared into the dark garage.
Jule vaulted to his feet and spun before a knife could catch him.
She caught him, and they careened into the side of the car before he caught his balance.
Stab me with it before you do.
I don't remember much of my time before coming to this world, except I was expelled.
He took the pen and paper and scrawled down a number before handing it to her.
She patted the pocket in her skirt containing the paper on which Jule had scribbled down the phone number of the towering man before her.
You probably never thought your father could kill a man before today.
She'd never before wondered how or why he knew so much about fighting.
Jenn sensed the next vamp charge her and spun, burying her knife in the neck of the nearest before she lashed out with a kick at the next.
Her knife found the shoulder of one vamp before a kick slammed her against the wall.
Xander gave a quick bow in response before meeting her gaze with a look that warned her she wouldn't like what Jonny had just told him to do.
Damian reconsidered the vamp before looking at Sofi, who ignored him.
Intrigued by his words, she obeyed and stood before him.
Now, into the house, before you fall ill.
His guards lay dead in the hallway before his door, and she leapt over their bodies, shoving the door to his apartments open.
Although, not before I find out what you are.
Jonny had been drawn to the view as she was and stood before the window.
Rourk snatched it before it flew away.
Yully wiped her eyes, touched by the scene before her.
She watched him go before facing Jule.
The man before her was unwavering, and she had the impression of everything she was not and everything she needed to be whole.
But there was another reason she dared not leave her father, one she feared voicing even to the man before her.
The Magician looked around, confused, before recognition crossed her features.
Jule hesitated only a moment longer before he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.
She felt the sense of being centered for the first time in her life and knew it was because of the man before her.
She turned and gasped, staring at the large man before her.
His gaze dropped to the necklaces at her neck before he stepped aside.
He'd sensed the arrival of his brother just before Yully left the cottage.
Dusty slammed the door behind him and entered the living room, his sharp gaze taking in every dark corner before he sat.
Spirits dampened, Jule watched Rourk leave for the pub before Transporting himself to the forest side of the Other's property.
He Transported himself into Yully's room and looked around briefly before stepping into the quiet hallway.
Jule was quiet, trying hard to remember something from before the Schism besides brief glimpses of Darian and Damian.
He set a glass of Coke on the counter before her.
Jenn waited until he was far enough ahead that he wouldn't hear her before she trailed.
She paused to listen, looked at the ground, and changed directions three times before she heard the sound of water flowing.
For once, he wished he remembered his time before the Schism.
Her father fell back, and she took a deep breath before approaching the men.
He stepped back, and Yully rolled away before climbing to her feet.
Sweetheart, you have to let it go before it kills you.
Damian never imagined her protector might be the towering vamp before him.
She waited until the vamps were gone before going to the gym, not wanting to tempt any of them to attack her while she was half-naked and distracted.
Sofi had said similar before Dusty almost blew up Florida.
You'll have some time here with us to adjust before Jule yanks you to Europe.
She navigated her way to her room before she started crying.
She could almost see him standing before his mirror practicing the line before going to the bars to pick up chicks.
Her vision cleared, and she looked into the face of the man from her vision, though he was much younger standing before her.
Coldness seeped through her as she watched the familiar scene before her.
He recognized the procedure but hadn't heard of it being used since before his brother, Darian, had died thousands of years ago.
He stood before the low-burning fire, golden eyes swirling as he thought quickly.
The quarterly conference held four times a century with the highest ranking station commanders was coming up soon, and he had more pressing issues to resolve before it launched.
Her body was beginning to ache more, from her battered hands to her bruised cheek from when she'd fallen after fainting the night before.
It wouldn't be long before they came for her.
They'd had a falling out a few hundred years before and hadn't spoken since.
Something was really wrong in Europe, and he needed to figure out what, before the European front was overrun by vamps.
Furious, Sofia pushed off the bed coverings and stood, teetering dangerously before deciding to sit again.