Beatification Sentence Examples
His beatification took place in 1733.
Beatification consists in permitting a cultus, the manifestations of which are restricted, and is merely a step towards canonization.
Popular acclamation made him an object of devotion; the municipality erected a noble shrine for his body, and his fame as saint and traveller had spread far and wide before the middle of the century, but it was not till four centuries later (1755) that the papal authority formally sanctioned his beatification.
The process of canonization, which follows that of beatification, is usually less lengthy.
The curious discussion before the papal court respecting the beatification of Odoric forms a kind of blue-book issued ex typographic rev. camerae apostolicae (Rome, 1755).
He probably made the acquaintance of Lope de Vega at the festivals (1620-1622) held to commemorate the beatification and canonization of St Isidore, the patron saint of Madrid.
At this period there was no marked difference between canonization and beatification.
In the ceremony of beatification the essential part consists in the reading of the pontifical brief, placing the Venerable in the rank of the Blessed, which is done during a solemn mass, celebrated with special rites in the great hall above the vestibule of the basilica of St Peter.
It consists principally in the discussion of the miracles (usually two in number) obtained by the intercession of the Blessed since the decree of beatification.
On the 13th of December 1908 the decree of beatification was published in the Consistory Hall of the Vatican.
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According to all the accounts which have reached us, few men on whom the distinction of beatification has been conferred could have deserved it more nobly than Fra Giovanni.
The last years of Bellarmine's life were mainly devoted to the composition of devotional works and to securing the papal approbation of the new order of the Visitation, founded by his friend St Francis de Sales, and the beatification of St Philip Neri.
The Beatification of Blessed M.M.