Beaten Sentence Examples
Someone had beaten them home.
His little army had been beaten and scattered.
Her unwillingness to be beaten has developed her courage.
Having been beaten in a trial of soothsaying, Calchas died of chagrin or committed suicide.
The king looked, and saw that his soldiers were beaten, and that the battle was everywhere going against him.
He'd have beaten her to ... a light came on.
Jonny's body was bloodied and beaten, though his pulse was strong.
He reached out to her, pained by her beaten appearance.
Vases of all kinds, carved in marble or other stones, cast or beaten in metals or fashioned in clay, the latter in enormous number and variety, richly ornamented with coloured schemes, and sometimes bearing moulded decoration.
After having been somewhat neglected for the greater attractions and wider field presented by organic chemistry, the study of the elements and their inorganic compounds is now' rapidly coming into favour; new investigators are continually entering the lists; the beaten paths are being retraversed and new ramifications pursued.
AdvertisementAll Rostov's cards were beaten and he had eight hundred rubles scored up against him.
You and me have beaten this bush a few times before, partner.
The beds are to be spawned when the heat moderates, and the surface is then covered with a sprinkling of warmed loam, which after a few days is made up to a thickness of 2 in., and well beaten down.
The strikers were beaten, but certain abuses were corrected.
There, it has beaten them all, the thousand-ruble as well as the one-ruble borzois.
AdvertisementShe found Lori in the barn, raped and beaten, but still alive.
She'd tricked, cornered and beaten him one last time.
The French, poorly handled by Schrer and Srurier, were everywhere beaten, especially at Magnano (April 5) and Cassano (April 27).
The serious fact was that they had been beaten.
But at last his army was beaten; his men were scattered; and Tamerlane fled alone from the field of battle.
AdvertisementIf they are beaten, flogged, or sent to Siberia, I don't suppose they are any the worse off.
Yes, he writes that the French were beaten at... at... what river is it?
In times of scarcity the Norse peasant-farmer uses the sweetish inner bark, beaten in a mortar and ground in his primitive mill with oats or barley, to eke out a scanty supply of meal, the mixture yielding a tolerably palatable though somewhat resinous substitute for his ordinary flad-brod.
Its whereabouts is thus, to a great extent, concealed both from enemies searching for spiders and from insects suitable for food; and its open meshwork of strong threads makes it much less liable to be beaten down by rain or torn to shreds by winds than if it were a flat sheet of closely woven silk.
By the majority of Republicans, at least, he was considered to have cleared himself completely, and in the Republican national convention he missed by only twenty-eight votes the nomination for president, being finally beaten by a combination of the supporters of all the other candidates.
AdvertisementThey attempted in 512 to take Bougie from the Spaniards, but were beaten off, and Arouj lost an arm, shattered by an arquebus shot.
More than once they had beaten him, and more than once they had made him drunk on champagne and Madeira, which he loved; and he knew more than one thing about each of them which would long ago have sent an ordinary man to Siberia.
It was a long time before the dragoons could extricate the bleeding youth, beaten almost to death.
Betsy read a notice on the Internet a day later that the culprit was beaten and in serious condition, after allegedly resisting arrest.
Dean turned away and like a beaten boxer long after the bell had sounded, slowly returned to his room.
If Arthur Atherton had been within a mile, Dean would have beaten him to death with his bare hands.
She was proud of what she'd done, how she'd beaten the White God.
Under their direction steady advance was made on the side which Bonaparte saw to be all important; a sortie of part of the British, Spanish and Neapolitan forces on the 30th of November was beaten back with loss, General O'Hara, their commander, being severely wounded and taken prisoner.
His general, a Christian named Kitboga, marched southwards to attack the Mamelukes of Egypt, but he was beaten by Bibars (who in the same year became sultan of Egypt), and Damascus fell into the hands of the Mamelukes.
Beaten in the war, the Genoese avenged themselves for their defeat by an alliance with the Palaeologi, which led to the loss of Constantinople by the Latins (1261), and to the collapse of the Latin empire after sixty years of infirm and precarious existence.
At length the Almoravides, whom he had several times beaten, marched against him in great force, inflicting a crushing defeat at Cuenca upon the Cid's army, under his favourite lieutenant, Alvar Fanez.
But with the Bohemian reinforcements he had still four corps in hand, and Napoleon, whose intelligence service in the difficult and intersected country had lamentably failed him, had weakened his army by detaching a portion of his force in pursuit of the beaten right wing, and against the archduke's communications.
No sooner had he wholly recovered than he hastened to, confront the emperor, reproaching him with his impiety; Diocletian ordered him to be instantly carried off and beaten to death with rods.
Moreover, the menace of attack on the Zulu side was a serious one, however able the Boers may have been to meet a foe who fought in the open, and who had been beaten by them in previous wars.
France was for a time beaten at the battles of St Quentin and Gravelines, and forced to make the Peace of Cateau Cambresis (April 2, 1 559).
When Napoleon had been beaten, France conceded to these allies by a secret article of the first Treaty of Paris of May 30, 1814, the disposition of all countries which Napoleon's fall had freed from French suzerainty.
When they came out onto the beaten highroad--polished by sleigh runners and cut up by rough-shod hoofs, the marks of which were visible in the moonlight--the horses began to tug at the reins of their own accord and increased their pace.
He gave orders to prepare for a fresh conflict to finish the enemy and did this not to deceive anyone, but because he knew that the enemy was beaten, as everyone who had taken part in the battle knew it.
Others have disgraced themselves to the extent of disobeying sentinels and officers, and have abused and beaten them.
Dorokhov's report about Broussier's division, the guerrillas' reports of distress in Napoleon's army, rumors of preparations for leaving Moscow, all confirmed the supposition that the French army was beaten and preparing for flight.
But after a four days' halt the mob, with no maneuvers or plans, again began running along the beaten track, neither to the right nor to the left but along the old--the worst--road, through Krasnoe and Orsha.
General Botha was defeated at Pretoria East by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, and at Georgetown - a Rand constituency - Mr Hull was beaten by Sir George Farrar.
For making tin-foil the metal is rolled into thin sheets, pieces of which are beaten out with a wooden mallet.
But meeting his old enemy Beauregard in one of the minister's rooms and making an offensive remark, he was waylaid by Beauregard some time after in a less privileged place and soundly beaten.
Reinforced by parts of the two Bulair divisions the Turks delivered vigorous counter-attacks on the 26th; but these were beaten off, and on that day and on the morrow the Australasian troops dug themselves in so thoroughly that by the night of the 27th-28th the position which they had taken Up, such as it was, was reasonably secure.
The thin line of the defenders was borne back and King Henry was almost beaten to the ground.
The Imperialists were beaten; but just as the Milanese were about to march on Florence, Visconti died.
All this decreased Savonarola's popularity to some extent, but the enemy having been beaten at Leghorn and the league being apparently on the point of breaking up, the Florentines took courage and the friar's party was once more in the ascendant.
Bahram Chobin was beaten and fled to the Turks, among whom he was murdered.
In the court before the dome rise two minarets, plated, like the dome, with finely beaten gold from the height of a man and upward.
In 1692 he lost Namur and was badly defeated at Steinkirk (August 4th), and in 1693 he was di astrously beaten at Neerwinden or Landen (July 19th).
But it was beaten off with the utmost ease by the investing troops, who were well fed and cared for; and as by this time even the gun-teams had followed the cavalry horses to the slaughter-house, the French army as an army - i.e.
Every item of the evidence was naturally subjected to the closest scrutiny, but at last the conservatives were forced reluctantly to confess themselves beaten.
Just as the Confederate troops reached the Union line Hancock was struck in the groin by a bullet, but continued in command until the repulse of the attack, and as he was at last borne off the field earnestly recommended Meade to make a general attack on the beaten Confederates.
In July following the Wangoni were beaten in a decisive engagement.
Radetzky, the Austrian general, having received reinforcements, drove the centre of the extended Italian line back across the Mincio (23rd of July), and in the two days' fighting at Custozza (24th and 25th of July) the Piedmontese were beaten, forced to retreat, and to ask for an armistice.
In 1876 he was again returned for Orthez, but was unseated, and then beaten.
During his father's life-time he had been beaten by Gervais, bishop of Le Mans (1038), but now (10 4 7 or 1048) succeeded in taking the latter prisoner, for which he was excommunicated by Pope Leo IX.
This struggle was accompanied by disturbances in Lorraine, Saxony and Thuringia, but order was soon restored after the resistance of the Hohenstaufen had been beaten down.
The charge was admirably executed; it overthrew one British regiment which it caught in line, but being unsupported it achieved nothing further of importance, and was beaten back.
Napoleon was master of Blucher's battlefield, and the beaten Prussians had retired to the north of the Namur-Nivelles road.
The execution had again fallen short of the conception; Blucher though beaten was not destroyed, nor was his line with Wellington cut.
But Lobau's heroic efforts had not been in vain; they had given his master time to make his last effort against Wellington; and when the Guard was beaten back the French troops holding Plancenoit kept free the Charleroi road, and prevented the Prussians from seizing Napoleon's line of retreat.
Manjuyama, thanks to the courage of the army commander and of a single brigadier, was at last carried after nightfall, and the dislodged Russians made two counter-attacks in the dark before they would acknowledge themselves beaten.
At Sung-Shu the stormers got into the fort, but suffered much from the artillery on the western side of the Lun-ho valley, and were beaten out of it again in minutes; men tried in vain to get up the Lun-ho valley to take Sung-Shu in rear.
On the 12th of February of the latter year the Russo-Prussian forces were beaten by Napoleon in the neighbourhood.
The death of Ali of Iannina had been followed by the suppression of the insurgent Suliotes and the advance of Omar Vrioni southwards to Missolonghi; but the town held out gallantly, a Turkish surprise attack, on the 6th of January 1823, was beaten off, and Omar Vrioni had to abandon the siege and retire northwards over the pass of Makrynoros.
He appears to have gone somewhat out of the beaten track in his choice of subjects, and it is evident that cooks held an important position in his list of characters.
Beaten back at Granville, they tried to re-enter the Vendee, but were repulsed at Angers.
Banks was eventually beaten, but he had come very near to success, and Jackson soon retired across the Rapidan, where (the Army of the Potomac having now begun to leave the James) Lee joined him (August 17) with the corps of Longstreet.
Still, Hood was again beaten.
Julius Caesar attacked it in 52 B.C., but was beaten off; some walls and earthworks seem still to survive from this period.
The Acolhuas bad at first the advantage, but Ixtlilxochitl did not follow up the beaten Aztecs but allowed them to make peace, whereupon, under professions of submission, they fell upon and sacked the city of Tezcuco.
The criminal laws were of extreme severity, even petty theft being punished by the thief being enslaved to the person he had robbed, while to steal a tobacco pouch or twenty ears of corn was death; he who pilfered in the market was then and there beaten to death, and he who insulted Xipe, the god of the goldand silversmiths, by stealing his precious metal, was skinned alive and sacrificed to the offended deity.
They were beaten off, but the Northmen narrowly escaped destruction, and two of their number (one a leading settler) were slain.
D'Estaing, who followed Hotham closely, was beaten off in two feeble attacks on Barrington at the Cul-de-Sac of Santa Lucia on the 15th of December.
He reconstructed the Ministry, but was beaten at once and had to resign, Jan.
But from the first he won great popularity even in the English-speaking provinces, and showed unusual capacity for leadership. His party was beaten in the first general election held after he became leader (1891), but even with its policy of unrestricted reciprocity with the United States, and with Sir John Macdonald still at the head of the Conservative party, it was beaten by only a small majority.
In 1445 the faction of the nobles allied with Alvaro's main enemies, the Infantes de Aragon, were beaten at Olmedo, and the favourite, who had been constable of Castile and count of Santesteban since 1423, became Grand Master of the military order of Santiago by election of the Knights.
He passed from the school at Kilkenny to Trinity College, Dublin (1700), where, owing to the peculiar subtlety of his mind and his determination to accept no doctrine on the evidence of authority or convention, he left the beaten track of study and was regarded by some as a dunce, by others as a genius.
Berkeley thus diverted philosophy from its beaten track of discussion as to the meaning of matter, substance, cause, and preferred to ask first whether these have any significance apart from the conscious spirit.
But after capturing Badajoz, Soult learnt that Massena was in retreat, and also that his own forces at Cadiz had been beaten.
When the waste contains any large percentage of worm or chrysalis, it is taken to a " cocoon beater," a machine which has a large revolving disk on which the silk is put, and while revolving slowly is beaten by a leather whip or flail, which loosens the silk and knocks out the wormy matter.
The silk was then boiled and afterwards beaten, scutched, carded, drawn, spun, folded, &c., in exactly the same way as fine cotton.
From the root of the kalo is made the national dish called poi; after having been baked and well beaten on a board with a stone pestle it is made into a paste with water and then allowed to ferment for a few days, when it is ready to be eaten.
H, Probable roof of the colonnade of wood, covered with beaten clay.
In 1623 he gathered an army and broke into lower Saxony, but was beaten by Tilly at Stadtlohn and driven back to the Netherlands.
The shore, which is low, is without a single good natural harbour, and is at all times beaten by a heavy sea.
In 1200 an attack made by Philip on Brunswic was beaten off, the city of Worms was taken, and subsequently the aid of Ottakar I., king of Bohemia, was won for Otto.
Dickinson, but the storming parties were too close to permit of the sheds being blown up, and an attempt to blow up the destroyers was beaten back.
Having crushed his son and rejected the proffered mediation of Pope Gregory IX., the emperor declared war on the Lombards in 1236; he inflicted a serious defeat upon their forces at Cortenuova in November 1237 and met with other successes, but in 1238 he was beaten back from before Brescia.
Almost at once he declared war upon the Swedes, but in October 1636 he was beaten.
The four days' fight (11th-14th of June 1666) ended in a hard-won victory by de Ruyter over Monk, but later in this year (August 3rd) de Ruyter was beaten by Ayscue and forced to take refuge in the Dutch harbours.
But William's military genius never shone so brightly as in the hour of defeat; he never knew what it was to be beaten, and in 1695 his recapture of Namur was a real triumph of skill and resolution.
After a fierce electoral fight the Takkians were victors at the first polls, but were beaten at the second ballots.
A large quantity of silver-plate and goldsmiths' work of great value and considerable artistic elaboration was found in 1874 in the king's palace at Kumasi, not the least remarkable objects being masks of beaten gold.
On the 30th of September the Kumasi were completely beaten at Obassa.
In 1263 and 1264 respectively, Michael, with the help of Urban IV., concluded peace with Villehardouin, prince of Achaia, and Michael, despot of Epirus, who had previously been incited by the pope to attack him, but had been decisively beaten at Pelagonia in Thessaly (1259); Villehardouin was obliged to cede Mistra, Monemvasia and Maina in the Morea.
At about 2.30 the fire from the Danish hulks had been much beaten down, but as their crews fell, fresh men were sent from the shore and the fire was resumed.
Then let the turf be laid down again and beaten firm, when the meadow will be complete at once, and ready for irrigation.
Pope's army, advancing against the same city by another line, was beaten back upon Washington in defeat.
Hence when Henry returned to Germany in 1078 Worms, Spires and many other places opened their gates to him and contributed freely to his cause; nevertheless his troops were beaten in three encounters and Pope Gregory thundered anew against him in March 1080.
Consequently, in 1499, Maximilian sent such troops as he could collect against them, but his forces were beaten, and by the peace of Basel he was forced to concede all the demands made by the Swiss, who became virtually independent of the Empire.
After Wallenstein had beaten Mansfeld at the bridge of Dessau in April 1626, and Tilly had defeated Christian of Denmark at Lutter in the succeeding August, the two generals united their forces.
Here the imperialists were beaten, but the victory was even more disastrous to the Protestant cause than a defeat, for the Swedish king was among the slain.
She was beaten, and the peace of Lunville added fresh humiliations to those imposed upon her by the previous war.
In June 1885 the Liberal administration broke up, but Lord Salisbury's ministry, which succeeded, was beaten early in February 1886, and when Mr Gladstone adopted Home Rule, Lord Rosebery threw in his lot with the old leader, and was made secretary of state for foreign affairs during the brief Liberal ministry which followed.
Local Veto and Disestablishment of the Welsh Church were put in the forefront of the party programme, but the government was already to all appearances riding for a fall, when on the 24th of June 1895 it was beaten upon an adverse vote in the Commons in regard to a question of the supply and reserve of small arms ammunition.
When his fame was at its height he allowed his colleague Jourdan to be beaten, betrayed all his plans to the enemy, and took part in organizing a conspiracy for the return of Louis XVIII., in which he was to play, for his own aggrandizement, the part that Monk played from higher motives in the English revolution.
When he entered the House of Commons, he found himself a member of a small and discouraged minority, who had been soundly beaten at the general election, mainly on the issues of tariff reform, Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and religious education.
In its hot plastic state iron can be formed and modelled under the hammer to almost any degree of refinement, while its great strength allows it to be beaten out into leaves and ornaments of almost paperlike thinness and delicacy.
The design was then beaten into relief from the back with hammers and punches, the pitch bed yielding to the protuberances which were thus formed, and serving to prevent the punch from breaking the metal into holes.
No work of art in metal has probably ever surpassed these little figures for beauty, vigour and expression, while the skill with which the artist has beaten these high reliefs out of a flat plate of metal appears almost miraculous.
The nude parts, such as face and hands, were of ivory, while the armour and drapery were of beaten gold.
Large flowing leaves of acanthus and other plants were beaten out with wonderful spirit and beauty of curve.
In the 13th and 14th centuries many life-size sepulchral effigies were made of beaten copper or bronze, and ornamented by various-coloured "champleve" enamels.
A pattern was incised with a graver in iron or steel, and then gold wire was beaten into the sunk lines, the whole surface being then smoothed and polished.
If an object has to be beaten into concave form from a flat thin sheet, the outer portions must be hammered until they occupy smaller dimensions than on the flat sheet.
Within the church are the iron crown of Lombardy, supposed to have been beaten out of one of the nails used at the Crucifixion, and the treasury containing the relics of Theodelinda, comprising her crown, fan and comb of gold, and the golden hen and seven chickens, representing Lombardy and her seven provinces, and crosses, reliquaries, &c., of the Lombard and Gothic periods.
Mahommed was beaten, taken in his flight, and, according to some reports, sewn in the skin of an ass and burned.
An army sent to the rescue by Ibn Zobair under the command of his brother Mus`ab was beaten in Palestine by `Amr Ashdaq.
Ibn Ash`ath fled to Basra, where he managed to collect fresh troops; but having been again beaten in a furious battle that took place at Maskin near the Dojail, he took refuge at Ahwaz, from which he was soon driven by the troops of Hajjaj under `Omara b.
Qasim invaded Makran, took Daibol, passed the Indus, and marched, after having beaten the Indian king Daher, through Sind upon Multan, which he conquered and whence he carried off an immense booty.
Abdallah, even crossed the Pyrenees and took possession of Narbonne; but he was beaten and killed at Toulouse in July 720.
Kolthum was beaten and killed; Balj b.
They were beaten by Suleiman b.
At that moment a Kharijite, named Mosawir, who in 867 had risen in Mesopotamia and beaten more than one general of the government, took Balad and menaced Mosul.
The caliph himself, wearing the mantle and the staff of the Prophet, then went out against him, and after a vigorous resistance he was beaten by Mowaffaq, who had the command of the troops, and fled to Jondisapur in Khuzistan, where he died three years later, leaving his empire to his brother `Amr. This prince maintained himself in power till the year 900, when he was beaten and taken prisoner by Isma`il b.
Having been strongly fortified by Charles V., the city was in 1525 able to bid defiance to Francis I., who was so disastrously beaten in the vicinity, but two years later the French under Lautrec subjected it to a sack of seven days.
They are then taken out and repeatedly turned over in the sun until perfectly dried, and afterwards beaten by mallets on stone slabs.
The breaking is done by passing the stalks between grooved or fluted rollers of different pitches; these rollers, of which there may be from 5 to 7 pairs, are sometimes arranged to work alternately forwards and backwards in order to thoroughly break the woody material or " boon " of the straw, while the broken " shoves " are beaten out by suspending the fibre in a machine fitted with a series of revolving blades, which, striking violently against the flax, shake out the bruised and broken woody cores.
About this time, also, he had interfered in the affairs of Maine, though without much result, for having sided against Gervais, bishop of Le Mans, who was trying to make himself guardian of the young count of Maine, Hugh, he had been beaten and forced to make terms with Gervais in 1038.
He had renounced the beaten track, but he continued to study hard whilst he sought to procure bread by painting portraits at Io or 15 francs apiece and producing small "pastiches" of Watteau and Boucher.
There is no sley used in this, nor is a shuttle necessary; in the room of the latter a stick covered with thread called singa is thrown into the warp as woof, which is beaten in by a piece of plank called beyno, and as the cloth is woven it is wound up to the roller.
After a heated canvass, in which he made a series of brilliant speeches, he was beaten by a narrow margin in New York.
The emperor Constantius conducted the war feebly and was consistently beaten in the field.
Eventually he succumbed to a conspiracy of his magnates, at whose head stood the general Bahram Cobin, who had defeated the Turks, but afterwards was beaten by the Romans.
Bayezid, a son of the Turkish emperor, rebelled, and his army was beaten in 1559 by the imperial troops at Konia in Asia Minor.
In 1137 he was beaten near Barin, and escaping into the fort was surrounded and forced to capitulate.
Strips are also woven into cages, chairs, beds and other articles of furniture, Oriental wicker-work in bamboo being unequalled for beauty and neatness of workmanship. In China the interior portions of the stem are beaten into a pulp and used for the manufacture of the finer varieties of paper.
Part of the beaten force retreated from Koziani on Monastir, the remainder on Verria, and the Crown Prince occupied Koziani on the 25th.
But on the 4th, before these flank guards had been sufficiently beaten, the 7th Div.
The opium is usually of much firmer and smoother consistence than that of Turkey, of a chocolate-brown colour and cheesy appearance, the pieces bearing evidence of having been beaten into a uniform mass previously to being made into lumps, probably with the addition of Sarcocoll, as it is always harder when dry than Turkey opium.
In 1292 the men of Zurich were beaten back in an attempt to take the town.
Equally praiseworthy is the generous pardon that the emperor, after much intercession, granted to the seditious people of Antioch, who, out of anger at the growing imposts, had beaten down the imperial statues of their city (387).
During the war in America he was employed against the privateers, and with a naval brigade at the occupation of Charleston, S.C. In January 1781, when in command of the "Warwick" (50), he captured a Dutch 50gun ship which had beaten off an English vessel of equal strength a few days before.
In 1176 he was decisively beaten by them in the pass of Myriokephalon, where he allowed himself to be surprised in line of march.
With the help of the rifles and guns presented to him by the British, he had beaten Ras Bareya of Tigre, Wagshum Gobassie of Amhara and Tekla Giorgis of Condar, and after proclaiming himself negus negusti under the name of Johannes or John, was now preparing to march on Shoa.
Meeting near the Mareb, the Egyptians were beaten in detail, and almost annihilated at Gundet (13th November 1875).
Although reinforced by Walad Michael, who had now quarrelled with John, the Egyptians were a second time (25th March 1876) heavily beaten by the Abyssinians, and retired, losing an enormous quantity of both men and rifles.
A great battle ensued at Gallabat, in which the dervishes, under Zeki Tumal, were beaten.
But the Dutch, having been surprised and beaten in the lines of Denain, where Prince Eugene had placed them at too great a distance to receive timely support in case of an attack, he was obliged to raise the siege of Landrecies, and to abandon the project which he had so long cherished.
In five months he had beaten the enemy in thirteen general actions and sieges, and had captured some of the strongest forts in India.
He had Floris IIL troubles with West Friesland and Groningen, and a war with the count of Flanders concerning their respective rights in West Zeeland, in which he was beaten.
He could not, he said, bear even to let the wind blow on her; and now she must suffer cold and hunger; she must beg; she must be beaten; "yet," he added, "I must, I must do it."
In 1859 he stood as Liberal candidate for Leeds, but was beaten.
Help arrived in time and the enemy were beaten back.
There can be no peace until the Germans are beaten and know that they are beaten."
All stones must be beaten down into their beds until the mortar squeezes up into the joints around them.
He was warmly supported by the residents, but being a Whig in politics he was opposed by the non-residents, and beaten by a large majority.
This teacher, as he tells us, "by the severity of his logic, the gravity and weight of his words, turned me by degrees, and not without resistance, from the beaten path of Condillac into the way which has since become so easy, but which was then painful and unfrequented, that of the Scottish philosophy."
In the decisive battle at Pelusium the Egyptians were beaten, and shortly afterwards Memphis was taken.
The victorious king had to be content with tribute and obedience, which would cease when he died, or was beaten by a competitor for the position of Bretwalda.
But in the earlier years of their struggles with Christendom the vikings seldom suffered a complete disaster; they were often beaten but seldom annihilated.
The enemy was checked, beaten off, followed up rapidly whenever he changed his base of operation, and hunted repeatedly all across England.
He was helped by Sweyn, king of Denmark, and the two together laid siege to London in 994, but were beaten off by the citizens.
The witan chose Edmund Ironside, the late kings eldest son, to succeed him, and as he was a hard-fighting prince of that normal type of his house to which his father had been such a disgraceful exception, it seemed probable that the Danes might be beaten off.
It seemed for a space as if the new king would succeed in retaining the whole of his brothers inheritance, for King Philip very meanly allowed himself to be bought off by the cession of the county of Evreux, and, when his troops were withdrawn, the Angevin rebels were beaten down, and the duchess of Brittany had to ask for peace for her son.
The Scots also made many prisoners; the disaster was complete, and the wrecks of the beaten army dispersed before reaching the border.
The rebels displayed great indecision, and Lancaster proved such a bad general that he was finally driven into the north and beaten at the battle of Boroughbridge (March 16, 1322), where his chief associate, the earl of Hereford, was slain.
The war did not entirely cease, but became local and spasmodic. In Brittany the factions which supported the two claimants to the ducal title were so embittered that they never laid down their arms. In 1351 the French noblesse of Picardy, apparently without their masters knowledge or consent, made an attempt to surprise Calais, which was beaten off with some difficulty by King Edward in person.
He was beaten rtsing.
But the council, still backed by the nation, refused to give up the game; Burgundy was beaten off from Calais, and the youngduke of York, the heir of the Mortimers, took the command at Rouen, and recovered much of what had been lost on the Norman side.
The truce with France had offended the natural pride of the nation, which still refused to own itself beaten.
On the fatal day of TewkesEdward, bury (May 3, 147 I) her army was beaten, her son was slain in the flight, and the greater part of her chief captains were taken prisoner.
In a few months Servia was hopelessly beaten.
In September 1898 the Sudanese forces were decisively beaten, with great slaughter, in the immediate neighborhood of Omdurman; and Khartum became thenceforward the Onj dot.
The conservative and timid Leibnitz was beaten on the battlefield of politics and public law, and the aggressive spirit of Pufendorf aggravated yet more the dispute, and so widened the division.
Aphraates accepts the Logos Christology, and, soon after his time, his church is found on the beaten track of orthodoxy.
To-day the harem is impenetrable, while " any one declining to stand as the grand-vizier passes is almost beaten to death."
Still gathering unpopularity, still offending, alarming, alienating, the government went on till 1874, suddenly dissolved parliament, and was signally beaten, the Liberal party breaking up. Like most of his political friends, Disraeli had no expectation of such a victory - little hope, indeed, of any distinct success.
In 1866 Wurttemberg took up arms on behalf of Austria, but three weeks after the battle of Koniggratz her troops were decisively beaten at Tauberbischofsheim, and the country was at the mercy of Prussia.
An arpa or divining-rod was laid on a definite spot, the drum beaten by a hammer, and conclusions drawn from the position taken up by the arpa.
Although beaten on the field of battle the Norsemen still retained possession of their fortified cities, and gradually they assumed the position of native tribes.
In other places the English were less successful, the Butlers being beaten by the O'Carrolls in 1318, and Richard de Clare falling about the same time in the decisive battle of Dysert O'Dea.
The Roman Catholic Celts aided by France were entirely beaten, the Protestant colonists aided by England were entirely victorious at the battle of the Boyne, on the 1st of July 1690; ill and at the battle of Aughrim on the 12th of July 1691.
In May it was intended to renew the Crimes Prevention Act, but before that was done the government was beaten on a financial question by 264 to 252, Parnell and 39 of his followers voting with the Conservatives.
His candidate in a by-election at Kilkenny was beaten by nearly two to one, and he himself was injured in the eyes by lime being thrown at him.
The rice is threshed by being beaten in bundles on stones set upright on the threshing-floor; and when beaten out the grain is stored by the Hova in rice-pits dug in the hard red soil, but by the coast tribes in small timber houses raised on posts.
In New Zealand and in North America the sun is a beast, whom adventurers have trapped and beaten.
On the heights, as at Bibracte, or on islands in the rivers, as at Lutetia, or protected by marshes, as at Avaricum, oppidaat once fortresses and places of refuge, like the Greek Acropoliskept watch and ward over the beaten tracks and the rivers of Gaul.
The latter, having vanquished the two former at Latofao in 596, was in turn beaten by them at Dormelles in 600, and a year later a fresh fratricidal struggle broke out between the two grandsons of the agedBrunhilda.
It was with this money that John the Good got himself beaten and taken prisoner at Poitiers.
France, meanwhile, was beaten at sea by England, Maria Theresas sole ally.
Dumouriez, the conqueror of Jemappes (November 6, 1792), who invaded Holland, was beaten by the Austrians (March 1793).
In the Angevin Vendee the incapable leaders let themselves be beaten at Aubiers, Beauprau and Thouars, at a time when Cathelineau was taking possession of Saumur and threatening Nantes, the capture of which would have permitted the insurgents in La Vende to join those of Brittany and receive provisions from England; Meanwhile, the remnants of the Girondin federalists were overcome by the disguised royalists, who had aroused the whole of the Rhne valley from Lyons to Marseilles, had called in the Sardinians, and handed over the fleet and the arsenal at Toulon to the English, whilst Paoli left Corsica at their disposal.
He was, however, beaten by Pippin of Heristal in the battle of Dorstadt (689), and was compelled to cede West Frisia (Frisia citerior) from the Scheldt to the Zuider Zee to the conqueror.
The Arabs were beaten down, and the renegades had gained most of what they fought for when the aristocracy was cowed.
He was compelled to acknowledge himself beaten in France before his death on the I3th of September 1598.
This action led to wars with Abyssinia, in which the Egyptians were generally beaten.
Time was not on his side at his age, and if he had to be beaten at one election he was anxious to get rid of the other issues which would encumber the popular vote, and to press on to a second when he would be on the attacking side.
Flying Childers-the wonder of his timewas never beaten, and died in the duke of Devonshire's stud in 1741, aged twenty-six years.
He ran or walked over for eighteen races, and was never beaten.
This emeute provoked severe reprisals, and the partisans of the images were mutilated and killed, or beaten and exiled.
On the 2nd of July 1652, the day of the battle of the Faubourg Saint Antoine, between the Frondeurs under Conde and the royal troops under Turenne, Mademoiselle saved Conde and his beaten troops by giving orders for the gates under her control to be opened and for the cannon of the Bastille to fire on the royalists.
In June of 1629 he brought the Dunkirkers to action, and they were severely beaten, but Piet Heyn did not live to enjoy his victory.
Merrill Cooms went on to tell of the capture of the guilty Michigan pedophile who had earlier beaten the wrap.
Past-Death was beaten only by acting out of something other than duty.
For serious fashion aficionados seeking the very best, Simonetta cannot be beaten.
Parker had recently beaten Barnett 9-1 at 9-ball, and Andy still looked like he was suffering the aftershocks of that encounter.
With rugged road access and a small airstrip, the area is very much off the beaten path.
A single specimen was beaten from young aspen in a clearing by the ponds at Monkwood Reserve on 22 August 1999.
The tree trunks are beaten and the peeling bark is removed.
And why does Robinson keep getting beaten from long range?
There are still positives here, Ecuador will be beaten, and a quarter final place beckons.
Still they paid for this monumental blunder in the biggest fashion, beaten by a VERY poor Portugal on penalties.
In order to defeat the bourgeoisie in reality it must first be beaten intellectually.
The sound of a beaten Australian captain comes close to the sound of angels playing harps.
He was beaten to death with a table leg in his cell by his racist cellmate.
We now look forward to the East championships, having beaten the champions.
Just twenty-four hours after becoming a claret he scored on his debut although we were beaten 3-1.
You are the final competitor; you have beaten contestants from a system-wide population of nearly 700 billion.
Having resisted deportation three times, she was badly beaten during a final attempt to deport her.
A nice off the beaten track walk overlooking the estuary above sleepy Salcombe.
In the same tournament our under 12s were beaten finalists.
Cairns went one better than last year, when he was the beaten finalist behind Nick Taylor.
Finally, there's an untitled short film which sees a gimp beaten up by a couple of women in lingerie.
He discovers in the British Museum a Welsh warrior's breastplate, a torc of beaten gold, dating from 3,000 years ago.
The beaten brass gong has retained its green patina, but can be polished to yellow brass if required.
Millers survival likely as new group takeover Rotherham United look to have beaten the fight to avoid liquidation.
Now, of course, it seems rank outsiders Bloc Party have beaten them to the winning post.
Brush pastry around filets with beaten egg; fold pastry over to cover the filets.
To make a rich short crust pastry, use a beaten whole egg, reserving a small amount to finish the dish.
It goes off the beaten path and is the road less traveled.
Tesco has beaten other UK supermarkets to the post with the launch of the first whole organic pineapples.
She reconciles herself with the lot of a woman who is beaten, without becoming pitiful.
We won out of Starters at Thames, beaten into second place by Suzie the apricot poodle in the first two classes.
His low cushioned attempt back across goal had Davis beaten but missed the far post by a foot or two also.
This is combined with high quality control and reliability to help produce a dry cleaning and laundering service that can't be beaten.
But here we see no recluse beaten down by defeat and rejection.
Both crews had beaten the British boat in Lucerne at the final pre-Olympic regatta.
One sees the pair reunited on the bench where they first " met ", tattered and beaten from the movie's events.
Career This option allows you to burn rubber on races you have previously beaten in Career Mode.
Inside the cell they find a panting Krycek, and Dmitri laying on the floor in a corner, beaten senseless.
Come to an Amnesty event Act now for Bitondo Nyumba who was beaten and raped by government soldiers from her own country.
He is regularly beaten by his father and is later sent to a boarding school where the older pupils rule supreme.
Spanish tapas is served all day in the bar, & the outdoor deck can't be beaten for summertime drinking.
With cleverly disguised serving, Tony followed up with fast attacking topspin from both flanks and Peter looked to be beaten.
More realistic for most travelers might be a visit to an island that is really off the beaten track.
Decorate the parcel with any pastry trimmings, brushing these with milk or beaten egg to fix in place.
He disturbed thieves breaking into a goods wagon and was beaten to death, probably by his own truncheon.
Supermarine had recently beaten Blackheath in the Cup competition and this opening tussle showed how much Club had learned from their previous encounter.
A severely disabled man was beaten unconscious on his way home from a pub by three youths.
They claimed they'd been beaten, threatened and left unpaid.
Mix a 200g tub of low fat soft cheese with 1 beaten egg, 2 tbsp powdered sweetener and 1 tsp vanilla extract.
They were starved of adequate food and were routinely beaten by sectarian, bigoted prison warders.
Falling for an angel in Venezuela The world's highest waterfall lies far off the beaten track.
England's group looks winnable, although they haven't beaten Sweden for 47 years.
The 10-man Respect Squad will consist of police, lawyers, council leaders and residents ' groups which have beaten yobs in their areas.
Add the caster sugar, cinnamon and 3 beaten egg yolks and mix well to form a stiff paste.
A wife will be beaten without mercy for unfaithfulness to her husband, but the same wife will have had to submit to the first-night promiscuity, a widespread revel which Roth shows is a regular custom in north-west-central Queensland.
At Edgehill he had observed the inferiority of the parliamentary to the royalist horse, could not rally afterwards, "whereas Cromwell's troops if they prevailed, or though they were beaten and routed, presently rallied again and stood in good order till they received new orders"; and the king's military successes dwindled in proportion to the gradual preponderance of Cromwell's troops in the parliamentary army.
The head of the animal or man may be cut off (and custom often requires that a single blow shall suffice), its spine broken or its heart torn out; it may be stoned, beaten to death or shot, torn in pieces, drowned or buried, burned to death or hung, thrown down a precipice, strangled or squeezed to death.
I, 9, 45.2) that Cyrus was three times beaten by Astyages and that the decisive battle took place in the mountains of Pasargadae, is certainly in the main historical although Herodotus (i.
The Rhine-daughters' exultant cry of " Rhine-gold " is there tortured in an extremely remote modulation at the end of a very sinister transformation of the theme; and the orchestration, with its lurid but smothered brass instruments, its penetrating low reed tones and its weird drum-roll beaten on a suspended cymbal, is more awe-inspiring than anything dreamed of by the cleverest of those composers who do not create intellectual causes for their effects.
These worlds which perished are compared to sparks which fly out from a red-hot iron beaten by a hammer, and which are extinguished according to the distance esoteric doctrine, God, who is boundless and above they are removed from the burning mass.
On three successive nights from the ist to the 3rd the Turks delivered resolute assaults upon the Allies' position at Helles, but they were repulsed on each occasion; they also on the night of the 2nd-3rd launched attacks upon the Australasians, the combat lasting into the next day, but here also they were beaten off.
Frequent votes of censure were proposed by the Opposition, and on the 8th of June 1885 the government were beaten on the budget.
In 1920 he was again the Democratic nominee for governor, but was beaten in the overwhelming Republican landslide of that year; he lost, however, by only 73,000 votes, whereas the Democratic candidate for president was at the same time defeated by a million votes in New York state - a remarkable testimony to his own personal popularity.
On his return from Elba it is true that Murat, the king of Naples, took his side; but recklessly opening an offensive campaign, Murat was beaten at Tolentino (May 2-3), and he found himself compelled to fly in disguise to France, where the emperor refused him an audience or employment.
The emperor having beaten Blucher, the latter must fall back to rally and re-form, and call in Billow, who had only reached the neighbourhood of Gembloux on June 16; whilst on the other flank Ney, reinforced by D'Erlon's fresh corps, lay in front of Wellington, and the marshal could fasten upon the Anglo-Dutch army and hold it fast during the early morning of June 17, sufficiently long to allow the emperor to close round his foe's open left flank and deal him a deathblow.
After a bombardment lasting from the 23rd of February to the 6th of March, the Mexicans assaulted on the 6th, were twice beaten back, and then overpowered and slaughtered the garrison, the five survivors being subsequently bayonetted in cold blood.
He secured its frontiers by inviting Slavonic settlers into the depopulated districts and by restoring the army to efficiency; when the Arabs renewed their invasions in 726 and 739 they were decisively beaten.
Churches were burned; bishops and priests were forced by cruel and revolting tortures to reveal the hiding-places of the sacred vessels; the rich provincials who were employed about the court, and who still adhered to the Catholic faith, were racked and beaten, and put to death.
In an inscription from Napata (in the Berlin museum) the Ethiopian king Nastesen relates that he had beaten the troops of Kembasuden, i.e.
Without his help they would soon be beaten.
When her fingers light upon words she knows, she fairly screams with pleasure and hugs and kisses me for joy, especially if she thinks she has me beaten.
Then they rode downhill and uphill, across a ryefield trodden and beaten down as if by hail, following a track freshly made by the artillery over the furrows of the plowed land, and reached some fleches * which were still being dug.
This is combined with high quality control and reliability to help produce a dry cleaning and laundering service that ca n't be beaten.
Bark as Cloth Cloth made from beaten bark is found only in the tropical regions of the globe.
One sees the pair reunited on the bench where they first " met ", tattered and beaten from the movie 's events.
Women beaten during pregnancy can suffer life-threatening ruptures of the uterus, liver and spleen.
A. You mean getting the shit beaten out of me?
Sieve the dry ingredients, make a well in the center & gradualy beat in the liquid from the saucepan & the beaten egg.
There are also many sleepy little villages off the beaten track.
Spanish tapas is served all day in the bar, & the outdoor deck ca n't be beaten for summertime drinking.
People were forced to run for their lives in order to escape being trampled upon by the police horses or beaten by staves.
His tackling was precise and he was seldom beaten in any tussle for the ball.
They claimed they 'd been beaten, threatened and left unpaid.
Falling for an angel in Venezuela The world 's highest waterfall lies far off the beaten track.
England 's group looks winnable, although they have n't beaten Sweden for 47 years.
He sympathizes with its people, ' wrapt in the dark mantle of idolatry,....the abject, beaten slaves of arbitrary rule '.
We considered our defeat to be an aberration, since we'd easily beaten this team last season.
Rough Guide books cover not only the usual sights, but sights off the beaten path.
Tasty Bible Stories is a little off the beaten path when it comes to books of illustrated children's Bible Stories.
In the end, Rowley's support of Temple wasn't enough to carry her through this week, and the amateur designer, who had beaten out so many others with so much more experience, saw her show be cancelled.
If your tastes tend toward the artistic or eclectic, then look for a grill that is beaten up and rusted.
Dip tomatoes in beaten egg mixture and then coat both sides with the flour mixture.
The product contains real egg whites and yellow food coloring to resemble beaten egg yolks.
Local residents and returning vacationers give their personal suggestions for the best place to stay, best restaurants to eat in, and off the beaten path ideas.
In other words, be prepared to search around for something slightly off the beaten path.
Both stars were up for Grammy's in the same category of Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals, though they were both beaten out by Rich Woman by Allison Krauss and Robert Plant.
Photos of Rihanna with visible injuries were leaked, and Brown admitted that he had beaten her.
There is a long list of celebrities with cancer who have beaten the disease.
This prom jewelry collection is off the beaten path of vintage jewelry and yet is very elegant.
When it opened on May 21, 2005, Kingda Ka was the tallest, fastest roller coaster in the world, records that would not be beaten for years.
You should only do this when you've beaten the game already.
If you have beaten the game, you also unlock 2 batmobile missions, a slew of interviews and movies and all of the contents of the Gallery of Fear.
The game is shorter than your average Peter Jackson movie, and all 16 levels can easily be beaten by a dedicated gamer in a single sitting.
So raise your glasses in a toast, you've beaten one of the best games in one of the best trilogies the video game industry has ever had.
The Halo 3 skull locations are typically off the beaten path, so you will need to explore areas that you may not otherwise encounter.
Even if you've beaten all of the challenges, finished the game with every character and played multiplayer until you're blue in the face, Super Smash Bros.
You earn 100, 000 G the first time you beat the game with each character and nothing for each time they're beaten after that.
After you've beaten the game, make sure you've completed the Goron wall-digging quest that gives you the last bottle.
What do you do with games you have beaten and have no use for?
It also makes the climate and terroir of the Sonoma Coast interesting for Pinot Noir that's off the beaten track of others in California.
There's also Temecula in Southern California that has a long history of winemaking but it's off the beaten track and doesn't have the magnetic appeal like Napa does or even Monterey.
However, if your camping style is a little more rugged and you habitually visit campsites off the beaten path, then you may want to invest in a sturdier RV rocking chair.
Pattern baldness may be beaten with the use of minoxidil (Rogaine) for men and women.
Treat your face with an egg mask made from one egg beaten in a small bowl.
That means that you will always get the inside scoop on cool, off the beaten path places to check out while you're in town.
Its heaviness makes it awkward to wash, but it only needs cleaning once a year or so, and is usually cleaned by being hung outside and beaten so the sand and dirt falls out.
For something completely off the beaten path, a pair of brightly colored loafers does the job nicely.
The series started with a mugged and beaten down Brad Eliot leaving Chicago for a quieter life in Wisconsin.
The Coronation Street actors have beaten the odds to make the British drama one of the longest running soap operas in history.
He has vowed vengeance on the DiMeras after they ordered his grandson to be beaten and son to be shot.
At the end of the third season, soul weary and beaten down by her experiences with Miss Jeannette, Maryann and Franklin, Tara put Bon Temps in her review mirror.
Keep your eyes open for deals, and whether you are looking for lodging or nourishment at any given moment, be sure to head at least two blocks off the beaten tourist trail.
Get ready for a taste of cultural immersion as you are taken off the beaten path and into the reality of Chinese culture.
Also, if you are traveling, consider getting off the beaten path of Interstate highways, Freeways and Thruways where prices are higher.
Then eggs are beaten in one at a time until incorporated.
Unless you prefer to sleep in the nude during the summer months, this style of underwear can't be beaten.
Rodney King became famous when he was brutally