Beat Sentence Examples
Her father beat them both.
You beat me to it.
The best way to beat the cold was to work up some heat.
Some medical attention has to beat none.
He beat the dirt off his clothes with his hat and then unsaddled the horse.
You think I'll beat you eventually?
I'll beat Old Prickly, all right.
She sighed and snuggled against him, feeling the beat of his heart... or was that her own?
If you throw one more dead animal at my feet, I'm going to beat you over the head with it.
We got him beat hands down.
AdvertisementHe can beat them!
Princess Mary's heart beat so violently at this news that she grew pale and leaned against the wall to keep from falling.
Listen … listen … listen … He slapped his forehead with his palm in a rhythmic beat, waiting for some sort of divine inspiration.
I don't know if I can wait until you beat Fitzgerald in the election.
She beat him with her fists until finally her vision began to fail.
AdvertisementDoes he beat women?
And only idlers have failed to beat the Germans.
Her heart skipped a beat.
My thoughts would often rise and beat up like birds against the wind, and I persisted in using my lips and voice.
But, fortunately for her, she felt her eyes growing misty, she saw nothing clearly, her pulse beat a hundred to the minute, and the blood throbbed at her heart.
AdvertisementHe was coated with sweat and exhausted, but he wouldn't stop until he beat the fury out of him.
He found one, but it beat faint and thready.
Her heart beat so hard, she could barely make out his response.
She won't beat you.
You saw what he did—he beat the shit out of me and dragged me into the bedroom!
AdvertisementHow did they beat Death?
She sighed deeply as it beat against her sore muscles.
The guy I spoke to said he beat the ever-living shit out of them all at once, until they agreed to come back and do what Kris says.
Gabriel began to beat up the dummy again.
She ate her dinner, beat.
But we're going to beat them at their own game.
I let the bastard beat the shit out of me.
It's a fast action roving beat ' em up adventure.
Jonny shouted and beat on the door to the interrogation room.
After you beat me and win the election, there's no way you can fire me.
The door didn't even flinch as she beat her fists against it as hard as she could.
The French doors were locked, and she beat on them, looking around wildly for deck furniture to break the glass.
She breathed deeply of his scent and listened to his heart beat from her position sprawled atop him.
Rhyn.s voice made her heart skip a beat, and she craned her neck to see past Jared, who whirled.
The feel of several sets of eyes assessing her made her heart beat harder and her mouth dry.
Fred, who had tagged along, beat a hasty retreat downstairs, making the excuse of a trip to the library.
A waitress neared them but beat a quick retreat when she heard their strained tones.
Her heart skipped a beat as she hurried to the door.
Smaller vessels they were able to beat off and so, in spite of the activity of the British cruisers and of many sharp encounters, the concentration was effected at Boulogne, where an army of 130,000 was encamped and was incessantly practised in embarking and disembarking.
When two sources emit only pure tones we might expect that we should have no dissonance when, as in the major seventh, the beat frequency is greater than the range of harshness.
Treaty g 7 After a campaign of varying fortunes the Turks beat 1739.
Listen … listen … listen … He slapped his forehead with his palm in a rhythmic beat, waiting for some sort of divine inspiration.
You've got the beat boxing mastered, how about breaking?
The men of that party, remembering Suvorov, said that what one had to do was not to reason, or stick pins into maps, but to fight, beat the enemy, keep him out of Russia, and not let the army get discouraged.
For a moment her heart beat overtime and it looked as though she might fall, but Alex smoothly caught her and stepped around, covering her fumbling so well that no one appeared to notice.
The father beat him near to death, people said.
The demons beat us here again, Gabriel shifted.
They'd been struggling to beat the demons to the souls, and Gabe stood over the dead demons, furious.
You can lie there still like you did for your master while we do our thing, or we can tie you and beat you into submission and then do our thing.
He beat the air mercilessly with his wings, rising high above the city and coasting on cold wind currents until he reached the ocean.
Her heart beat like a hummingbird.s wings as she took in the one-room cabin.
They too beat a hasty departure for the downstairs.
Her heart began to beat even faster, and she pulled free the laser gun.
I'd have beat the dickens out of 'em if they hadn't jumped me!
Her heart skipped a beat as another thought surfaced.
Thus, suppose a fundamental 256 has present with it overtone harmonics 512, 768, 1024, 1280, &c., and that we sound with it the major seventh with fundamental 480, and having harmonics 960, 1440, &c. The two sets may be arranged thus c 256 512 768 1024 1280 h 480 960 1440, and we see that the fundamental of the second will beat 32 times per second with the first overtone of the first, giving dissonance.
The propertied classes in London took arms to suppress anarchy, and beat the insurgents out of the city.
But the obstinate and hard-handed Warwick beat them down again and again, and the old Lancastrian party was Battle of almost exterminated when the last of its chiefs went Hexham.
The Yorkshire rebels beat the royalist army at Battie of the battle of Edgecott (July 6, 1469).
He lent an army to Ferdinand for the invasion of Gascony, and landed himself at Calais with 25,000 men, to beat up the northern border of France.
England put forth all its strength to beat down resistance; but the task, which seemed easy at a distance, proved impossible.
In 1629 he was able to beat off a formidable attack of the sultan of Mataram, sometimes styled emperor of Java, upon Batavia.
The orbits thus present themselves to us in the words of a distinguished writer as " Great clocks of eternity which beat ages as ours beat seconds."
The Hebrew probably signifies literally "expanse," and is thus used of the expanse or vault of the sky, the verb from which it is derived meaning "to beat out."
Beat down for me the crests of the tide-rip; let the tide-rip settle down away from me, beat it down level that it may sink and roll away, and I may come to a quiet landing-place."
On the 14th of July 1456 Hunyadi with his flotilla destroyed the Turkish fleet; on the 21st Szilagyi beat off a fierce assault, and the same day Hunyadi, taking advantage of the confusion of the Turks, pursued them into their camp, which he captured after a desperate encounter.
Again left in charge of the country, John beat back a fresh attack made by John of Sagan in 1482; and he became elector on his father's death in March 1486.
The priest of the parish with the churchwardens and the parochial officials headed a crowd of boys who, armed with green boughs, beat with them the parish border-stones.
After nearly five years of marriage, her heart shouldn't beat overtime when he simply walked into the room.
Her heart beat double time as the ground got so far away that the objects took on the artificial look of parts on a model train setup.
Her heart beat double time as a wave of passion surged over her.
Dusty didn't know why Talon would choose Miami to make a stand, unless he wanted to take out as much of the Guardians' infrastructure as possible should he find some way to beat Czerno.
A man willing to beat his daughter won't give a shit about killing a stranger.
The Watchers would be enjoying this, and so would his brothers, whom he normally beat the shit out of when they sparred.
His heart skipped a beat as he realized that the last great Oracle, his mother, appeared just before the Schism, when the Watchers went to war and the universe was almost destroyed.
Then a rainbow had come out, and he'd stared at it until his master beat him.
If she stayed in his head, his master wouldn't beat her like he did him.
However, if I have you, I'll beat them at every turn.
If the bastard chased him down the mountain and then beat it out of there when Billy went over the side, that's a whole different matter—he ought to be nailed if he did that.
Using the hammer only, some of them can beat out an intricate shape as truly and delicately as a sculptor could carve it with his chisels.
She beat the rush onto the metro and took up a comfortable position on the aisle side of the commuter train, book in one hand and purse in the other.
Despite Rhyn's fury and occasional diversion from the Immortal Codes, he still believed in them, a weakness Sasha was trying to beat out of him since their eldest brother --the peacemaker and enforcer of the Council That Was Seven --sentenced them both to Hell.
She felt beat already but forced herself to once again leave the confines of the Sanctuary.
Once the bond between the half-breed and its human re-emerged a mere seven days after it was severed, Rhyn could channel his power again. Death was waiting for that day, and Darkyn had to beat her at her game.
Every day. I swear it. We won't be apart anymore. We'll stay here until I can get the castle cleaned out and beat the shit out of my brothers. They'll be moving in, even if they don't know it yet. And that's where Hazel will hatch and live.
No one can follow the car and beat the pick up to the spot— it happens too quickly.
The beat cop pointed to the rear room where they found Ralph hanging from a ceiling water pipe by a thin nylon cord, slowly turning until the twist of the line tightened and reversed his direction.
Their scores in the latter stages meant they were unable to beat the previous season's finish.
You cannot beat a good argumentum ad hominem now, can you?
Home to music from The Specials, Madness, The Beat and Bad Manners, they ruled the airwaves.
Writing his weekly " Whalley Beat " column for the Clitheroe Advertiser and Times had encouraged him to fulfill his long-held ambition.
The drummer, Earl Palmer whilst holding down a solid backbeat is also still playing a 'typical swing ' pattern to sustain the beat.
Mad distorted organ overloads atop a tinny drum beat whilst someone hollers about sailors.
Without missing a beat she said, " Sir, I asked to see your ticket, not your stub.
This change in our ambitions is not because it is inherently more fun to beat bogy than to ride a century.
Hmmmm It was certainly very atmospheric with spoken lyrics and occasional bongo beat for emphasis.
Ollie was sitting on his car bonnet swaying to the beat - a true party cat.
I believe that every punter should have the chance to ' beat the bookie ' .
The simple solution to beat the spam bots is to encrypt any email addresses on your site.
The vocal fun continued in the form of beat boxer Faith SFX.
Here are 27 things that will help you beat the burglar!
Combine softened butter with the egg and water and half the Glutafin Pastry Mix, and beat with an electric whisk for 1 minute.
The time they are aiming to beat as camella, the pantomime camel, is 4 hours 36 mins.
Research is revealing that when used in conjunction with a low-carbohydrate diet it can help stem the overgrowth of yeast and successfully beat candidiasis.
In order to achieve a heart beat award hospital and workplace canteens and schools have to comply with a wide range of criteria.
To make the butter, beat some chopped anchovies and chopped capers into butter and blend in a little lime juice and zest.
The world's most regular fanzine, still chugging along without missing a beat.
Therefore hearing just one clave beat in any given bar of music will tell you which side you're in.
I begin to know I ought to feel sheepish and beat, but somehow I feel cocky instead.
The Fruit of the Dead Each time you beat a colossus, your strength meter will increase.
The Art Objects were a beat combo fronted by a poet.
She beat all comers for a coveted Oscar in the Best Short Film, Live Action Category.
Beat the burn Two winners of the Beat the Burn poster competition this week received their prizes.
Everyone who wants to become a police officer has to complete a two-year probationary period working on the beat as a patrol constable.
According to The BBC, Mandy beat off competition from four male contestants.
You can be a beat cop on the East LA, or you can work for Scotland Yard or the FBI.
In a mixing bowl, beat together the dissolved corn flour, egg, egg yolk and salt.
The results could spell bad news for small businesses hoping to beat big corporates with a winning web presence.
She never came near him unless she intended to beat the crap out of him.
In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and butter until smooth.
Perhaps it's another ruddy great cudgel to beat Neo Labor with.
Also it what way does a cyborg beat an ego in performance.
For a truly deluxe option, you can't beat the Copley Plaza Hotel.
According to eyewitnesses, police beat and kicked demonstrators.
Beat routsis said a princess Diana but in the consensus of truthwas.
And only die-hards saw Edinburgh beat Toulouse and Wasps.
With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.
One of the worldâs leading fluid power companies focuses its R&D to increase market share and beat recessionary doldrums.
Wharfedale have always been a difficult side to beat and Saturday was no exception as the Yorkshire side sought to attain dominance up front.
The two drivers staged a thrilling duel for second place Aug. 27 in Turkey where Alonso beat Schumacher by just a few feet.
Beat the eggs with a little water and stir them in as for scrambled eggs.
This was a case of " If you can't beat em, join em.
The overall result was a responsive, powerful engine practically immune to slipping with a very quiet beat.
The movement has a dead beat escapement with a duration of 8 days, made about 1900 - 1910 as a factory clock originally.
Digoxin is used to treat atrial fibrillation, an irregularity of the heart beat.
So I was pretty beat by the time we crossed the firth again and made it back to our hotel in Wick.
So the pudding is still a great favorite in Britain and a freshly made rhubarb flan or Brown Betty is certainly hard to beat.
On the 10th April the 11th Suffolks, having formed a defensive flank, beat off attack after attack.
It's incessant Lions pressure but the backs have yet to attain the fluency required to beat the All Blacks.
Air fresheners French perfume air fresheners from Prodifa beat ordinary air fresheners for choice of quality fragrances and effectiveness.
When caused by prolonged friction or pressure, Bursitis is also known as a ' beat ' condition, for example, Beat Elbow.
But the home supporters ' cheers were soon silenced as Hasty beat fullback Rudge and brushed the paintwork with a 30-yard drive.
The Beat Surrender sat down with Doug Burnham to discuss the genesis of their sound, rebellion, and parenting.
The Estate provides two ghillies who are in charge of the beat.
There is no resident ghillie, although the owner is available to show guests the beat at the beginning of each week.
Each beat can accommodate up to three rods and a fishing ghillie is available by separate arrangement.
Keegan's corner was met at the far post by a Cusack header which beat goalkeeper Alan O'Shea.
Terri, furious with Lem because she thinks he attacked Bird, has a goon beat him up.
I fail to believe that a badger called lizard (the greatest) could beat my rabbit flash Gordon!
You can't beat a bit of Bully Sunday, October 30th, 2005 Oh dearest iTunes, how fickle thou hadst made me.
Trainers must beat the handicapper in order to have a chance of making ends meet.
The handsome star beat off competition from screen heartthrobs Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp to win the award from America's People magazine.
Knock it off now or so help me God I'll come down and beat the hell out of the both of you!
There has been nearly a two-year hiatus for the Beat Up?
The keeper was left hopelessly stranded as Chris Moore beat him with a deft 10-yard lob into the empty net.
Two clever lobs beat the ' keeper but went over the crossbar and Hayward made two great saves from other efforts.
Residents, and Community Beat Officer Kath Jukes were very keen to make this a regular event in a bid to deter litter louts.
It's that West Coast beat maestro Daedelus again teamed up with MF Doom on ' Impeding Doom ' .
Beat chicken breasts with a meat mallet or rolling pin to flatten them slightly.
Melt 40g (1½oz) reduced fat margarine with 75g (2¾oz) dark chocolate, cool slightly then beat in an egg yolk.
The left side of the beat paid heavily due to the tidal situation and a left hand shift coming into the windward mark.
He gored the matador and he beat 15 men.
I even remember when we had a chance of playing them in the League Cup in the eighties if we beat mighty Oxford.
As set forth below, the Serb forces killed, raped, sexually assaulted, beat and otherwise mistreated the prisoners at Omarska.
Again, for him not a problem but for you doom mongers just wishful thinking, and hence the down beat comments.
Claiming to have a " better mousetrap " can cause the world to beat a path to one's door.
My own personal aim was to beat the other international mushers if at all possible.
But even if Nick can't beat these poor odds this time around, he'll be back next time with better name recognition.
However we began the second half as we had ended the first - attempting to beat opponents on our own.
Several drivers were interested in this excellent deal, including outgoing FF1600 co-ordinator Steve Burns, but Darcy beat them all to it.
I'll try anything really but whenever you can find good paella, it will be hard to beat that taste.
Spanish cuisine From the humble paella to tempting tapas, Spain offers a range of traditional specialties that are hard to beat.
Now just wait for the public to beat the path to your door, for you have fixed the mousetrap.
Beat together butter and sugar, gradually beat in eggs, and then fold in the flour and ground pecans.
For Wales or Ireland or Scotland to beat the English they have to drag them down off their lofty perch.
The argentine peso has been linked at one-to-one to the US dollar since the early 1990s as part of an effort to beat hyperinflation.
London beat Oxford 23-14 and Devon had a second playoff against Hampshire to book their places in the semi's.
Durham won the event, beating Cambridge B in the final, while Trinity beat Cambridge A in the 3rd/4th playoff.
Well done to Blackpool too, who beat Leyton Orient in the third division playoff final.
The book will be introduced by long-time Ginsberg collaborator Steven Taylor and prefaced by respected beat poet David Meltzer.
We will support rural police stations and increase police numbers by 40,000 overall, putting thousands more police on the beat in rural areas.
After a while, he and others started writing their own polkas, but they still had that German polka beat.
Well Andorra did beat the North Korean women's ping pong team in a five aside last April.
Too much potassium can cause an irregular heart beat.
I'm not, I say, with a sad little pout, they beat you to it.
Beat in the mascarpone briefly and then gently fold in half the crushed praline and nearly all the raspberries saving a few for decoration.
She beat stiff opposition to become the only female presenter on Channel Four's, long running television series, ' Driven ' .
Will Brent and Finchy be able to beat the young pretenders Tim & Ricky?
In Sunday's racing, Britain's women's quad beat Russia to become the first British finals qualifiers.
Leander and Tiffin beat Burway and Walton in the Fawley for junior quads.
Parrott first of all will need to beat a qualifier, on current form most likely to be Barry Hawkins.
A pair of identical quartz crystals with axes arranged mutually perpendicular would be required with output signals added to produce a beat frequency.
B dominant chord (m. 2 two semi quavers on 1 st leading to 2 nd crotchet beat ).
Each song features a different tabla beat and melodies based on a different Indian raga.
His greatest triumph was helping Britain beat the Americans to win gold in the world championships 4x400m relay in Tokyo in 1991.
The Association has just renegotiated the lease on the Upper Castle Grant beat and we have it back all week!
We watched the owl briefly, then beat a hasty retreat, to minimize the disturbance caused to it.
The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it's spell and you succumb.
He recalls the moment after United beat local rivals Dundee to lift the same trophy for the second year in a row.
He scored 14pts to beat runner up Eric Broadbelt (12) and third was Vic Harding (12 ).
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Chants included We beat the scum, Munich song, Marching on together, we are Leeds.
Its calm depths are stirred, and foaming breakers beat its shore; but it is still the salt, salt sea.
The truly terrifying Tommy wants Rachel, wealth and the odd opportunity to beat people senseless.
Falmouth Gallery beat a shortlist of four other British Art Galleries.
It tells how Monroe helped her music heroine, jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, beat the racist color bar to conquer Hollywood in 1955.
But the competition to beat the traffic snarl won the day.
The little German so-and-so who beat me at my last competition now has my squat record so I want it back!
The former Backstreet Boy doesn't really have a right to do anything, let alone beat a spoiled socialite.
Four minutes later, Ward again found the target from a superb, defense splitting Simon Davies pass which beat the off side trap.
Even the slightest sounds now made her heart beat faster - grit scratching under her shoes, someone whispering, her own quiet breathing.
We played cards with Patrick - rummy American style - and we beat him !
He scored 14pts to beat runner up Eric Broadbelt (12) and third was Vic Harding (12).
Charlton pipped to post The Charlton women 's team finished as league runners-up after Arsenal beat Fulham to lift the championship on Saturday night.
Beat the Xmas rush buy your 2007 calenders here !
Yet savvy travelers beat a path to the Hotel de L'Orient here.
The cane with which they beat him became a mock scepter.
James beat six other regional finalists to scoop the accolade of London 's Most Enterprising Student, together with £ 400 in prize money.
The temptation is to scoot off the curb at speed in a bid to beat the traffic.
The sun will not beat upon them, Nor any scorching heat.
Children race across the meadows to try to beat the clouds which scud across the sky.
When Lincoln beat the Clarets on 3 rd January they went seventh in the league with 34 points from 23 games.
The NE wind was blowing along the length of the lake allowing a good long beat into the shifty conditions for all races.
Beat the eggs, gradually adding a little of the sieved flour toward the end to prevent the cake batter curdling.
Sieve the dry ingredients, make a well in the center & gradualy beat in the liquid from the saucepan & the beaten egg.
Challenge your teenager to beat you up the mountainside to catch the sunset over the harbor.
Fred O'Connor beat a hasty retreat out the back door, looking like the Pied Piper with Donnie and Martha tagging behind, the Annie Quincy notebook under his arm.
As Dean reached for it, Cynthia beat him to it.
Then why does he beat her like a dusty rug?
What would you do if I beat up on you?
The others beat a hasty retreat as soon as they learned there were no fatalities, finally leaving Dean and his wife alone, with only Janet obliviously scrubbing away somewhere above.
I just wanted to beat the shit out of him.
I suppose you've got a good reason why you tried to beat the brains out of a guy holding an ice ax, in the middle of the street with a bunch of people watching.
You tried to beat the shit out of Shipton only hours before and instead he damned near beat the shit out of you.
She came down long enough to eat a dozen biscuits before she beat it back upstairs.
My read is he just wanted to cause you some grief after you tried to beat his brains out.
Even though she had a bruise, we only have her word that Shipton beat her.
I don't believe Jerome beat her when she showed up Sunday morning all bruised and cut.
You women have to beat that horse until it either dies or gets up and runs.
The whole gang would end up jumping him and he would beat up each and every one, always careful to hold back enough so as not to kill anyone.
When I get back, I'll let you beat me at chess, and we'll have a nice quiet evening, okay?
If I can't beat him, I'll get you out of there.
She was panting heavily and her heart beat erratically.
She grabbed her jeans as Katie beat on the door again.
Her heart skipped a beat as a lean figure in a business suit entered the room.
His hands slid up her back in a slow caress that made her heart beat wildly.
He heard the beat of a helo approaching.
Lana's heart skipped a beat, and she pulled out the tracker Elise gave her, starting through the forest towards the stream.
If he were smart, he would have turned around and walked out until Benny beat the fire out of his body.
Stepping onto the ledge outside, Lana heard the sounds of gun and laser fire too close for her comfort, along with the beat of helicopters in the dark skies.
He held onto the railing lining the ceiling with one hand and beat at whatever was in the hole in the ceiling with his other hand.
Maybe she'll beat us to Colorado.
No. Because then we can't beat Death to her.
Katie rolled onto her stomach, almost too tired to get up. The sky and jungle were growing dark. Through the bramble, she saw the marble palace. Death's palace. Katie's heart beat harder as she looked at her destination, not at all certain this was where she should've gone but not knowing where else to go.
Dean had hoped to make it as soon as possible so he could beat the worst of the late afternoon traffic when he returned from his chores in Philadelphia.
Before Dean could answer, Mayer returned and Rudman beat a hasty retreat to his cubby hole.
Atherton had managed to beat the rap, avoiding embarrassing notoriety, but he had despised David Dean from that day forward.
No one can follow the car and beat the pick up to the spot— it happens too quickly.
He pledged to himself to refuse any further urge to "beat this dog," as his Norfolk detective friend had so aptly put it.
You don't beat around the bush, do you, Ethel?
I had a couple of hoods break into my house and if I find out Arthur helped them find me, I'll personally beat him into the ground.
Maybe he was just worried you'd turn him in for trying to beat the sales taxes...
It was the second time in two days a woman had beat the hell out of him.
Do you suppose he's really meeting someone, or is that just an excuse to beat it?
He felt a wave of apprehension and accelerated heart beat as the door opened.
You'd only be guessing he's alive and a lawyer would beat you to death.
Her heart skipped a beat and then went into overtime.
Not that it mattered; he still had her beat by a good six inches.
Her heart skipped a beat and she dodged out of his way.
How could he think he had the right to beat on Lori?
Part of the reason he'd mated with her so quickly was to get her away from the man she claimed beat her.
One day, she would beat him at his own game.
If it wasn't, they'd beat him and send him back.
Her heart beat faster as she followed a familiar path through the obelisks.
I don't know how else to explain it, except it's how I beat the Others, too.
She'd beat his game.
Unless you beat them to it.
Jenn looked up at him then grabbed her weapons, stepping into the ring with an opponent she wasn't sure she was meant to beat.
Taran roared again and beat on the walls.
He heard the bar slide into place and strode toward it to beat on the door.
He saved his people but beat his daughter.
The iron gate closed and then buckled as the furious demon beat against it.
His heart beat slowly twice and then stopped.
Bright sunshine beat down through the bedroom window, heating her bedroll until she was drenched with sweat.
The rain beat on the roof with a steady roar, and thunder cracked like a giant whip.
I saw some expensive new ones today that were all beat up.
Her heart skipped a beat, but she tossed the dishrag in the sink and responded nonchalantly.
Megan froze and her heart skipped a beat.
Could he hear her heart beat?
They rushed out of the apartment building to her beat up car.
She beat him out the door and was waiting for him at the car.
Boiling inside, he'd never felt the urge to beat someone the way he did Jonny.
Slowly, faintly, Jessi's heart began to beat again.
On land their general Myronides beat off two Corinthian attacks on Megara, which had been further secured by long walls drawn between the capital and its port Nisaea, nearly a mile distant.
The environs of Creil (Oise) and Chteau-Landon (Seine-et-Marne) are noted for their freestone (pierre de taille), which is also abundant at Euville and Lrouville in Meuse; the production of plaster is particularly important in the environs of Paris, of kaolin of fine quality at Yrieix (1-Jaute-Vienne), of hydraulic lime in Ardche (Le Teil), of lime phosphates in the department of Somme, of marble in the departments of HauteGaronne (St Beat), Hautes-Pyrnes (Campan, Sarrancolin), Isre and Pas-de-Calais, and of cement in Pas-de-Calais (vicinity of Boulogne) and Isre (Grenoble).
Alva then advanced to meet the invaders with a large army, and at Jemmingen (July 21), with very slight loss, annihilated the levies of Louis, who himself escaped by swimming from the field across an estuary of the Ems. He now joined the army of his brother William, which had in October to beat a hasty retreat before Alva's superior skill.
Berruyer, who was in sole command, ordered the drums to beat and thus drowned the last words of the king's speech.
Stuart, which beat off with heavy loss an attack imprudently delivered by General Rynier on.
It reminds us of a similar property of animal protoplasm which finds its expression in the rhythmic beat of the heart and other phenomena.
Drums beat the charge, Murat led the way through the corridors of the palace to the Orangerie, and levelled bayonets ended the existence of the Council.
All the world over it is held that such people can assume the form of animals; sometimes the power of the shaman is held to depend on his being able to summon his familiar; among the Ostiaks the shaman's coat was covered with representations of birds and beasts; two bear's claws were on his hands; his wand was covered with mouse-skin; when he wished to divine he beat his drum till a black bird appeared and perched on his hut; then the shaman swooned, the bird vanished, and the divination could begin.
On the 26th of September, its deployment beyond the mountains was complete, and as Napoleon did not know of Mack's intention to stay at Ulm and had learned that the Russian advance had been delayed, he directed his columns by the following roads on the Danube, between Donauworth and Ingolstadt, so as to be in a position to intervene between the Austrians and the Russians and beat both in detail.
On the 6th of July he beat off a British attack, capturing the " Hannibal," 74.
Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than normally, though with extreme irregularity, and in the lower animals the auricles may be observed occasionally to miss a beat, as in poisoning by veratrine and colchicum.
The Portuguese managed, however, to beat off their enemies; and, having entered into an alliance with the Tobayanes, followed up their success.
The attempt Hood made in January 1782 to save them from capture, with 22 ships to 29, was not successful, but the series of bold movements by which he first turned the French out of their anchorage at the Basse Terre of St Kitts, and then beat off the attacks of the enemy, were the most brilliant things done by any British admiral during the war.
They beat down all opposition, wrested even Bosporus in the Crimea from the empire, and by the annihilation of the Ephthalites completed the ruin of the White Race of the plains from the Oxus to the Don.
Bleeding from an artery is of a bright red colour, and escapes from the end of the vessel nearest the heart in jets synchronous with the heart's beat.
Nominally he was in Opposition; but his party formed the majority of the House of Commons, and could beat the government whenever they chose to mass their forces.
In his second campaign (624-26) he penetrated into Armenia and Albania, and beat the enemy in the open field.
Here the form of the ground so skilfully chosen sheltered the defence in some degree from the tempest of iron that now beat against the position.
Then, on that night, the enumerator, reinforced if necessary by aid drafted from outside, revisits his beat, and brings the record up to date by striking out the absent and entering the new arrivals.
The average extent of each beat is arranged to include about 300 persons.
Let us suppose that he notes the positions of two of these next to each other in the beat of the pendulum one way.
If the fork makes exactly 32 vibrations and the wheel 8 revolutions in one pendulum beat, then the positions will be fixed, and every two seconds, the time of a complete pendulum vibration, he will see the two positions looked at flash out in succession at an interval of a second.
In the last instance, if the forks are fixed on one solid piece of wood which can be grasped with the hand, the beat will be actually felt by the hand.
This beat theory of dissonance was first put forward by Joseph Sauveur (1653-1716) in 1700.
And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter."
The difficulty in Helmholtz's theory is to account for the audibility of such beat tones when they are of a higher order than the first.
Adolph II., count of Holstein, was compelled to cede Lubeck to him in 1158; campaigns in 1163 and 1164 beat down further resistance of the Abotrites; and Saxon garrisons were established in the conquered lands.
The Americans beat him, and once more (1848) he went into exile.
On the 19th of June they beat the enemy at Staoueli.
He beat the French at Sidi Brahim, raided the tribes of the Tell Oranais which had abandoned him, penetrated as far as the borders of the Metija, and reached the Jurjura, where he endeavoured to rouse the Kabyles.
It is also necessary, he inferred, for all muscular movements, and he thought there was reason to believe that the sudden contraction of muscle is produced by its combination with other combustible (salino-sulphureous) particles in the body; hence the heart, being a muscle, ceases to beat when respiration is stopped.
The terminals of the vagus nerve are also stimulated, causing the heart to beat more slowly.
She took care never to have to deal with a disciplined opponent, except the Swedes, who beat her, but who were very few.
Appointed to the chief command two years later, he introduced heavy armour and close formation for the infantry, and with a well-trained army beat Machanidas of Sparta, near Mantinea.
Execration of Haman, as the typical persecutor of the Jews, took various forms. In Germany wooden mallets were used in the synagogue to beat the benches when Haman's name was read out from the scroll of Esther, and during the festivities these mallets were sometimes used on the heads of the bystanders.
How soon after man's discovery, that he could beat iron and steel out while cold into useful shapes, he learned to forge it while hot is hard to conjecture.
Blackstone (1723-1780), to be sure, a hundred years later, says that, "if a woman is quick with child, and by poison or otherwise killeth it in her womb, or if any one beat her, whereby the child dieth in her body, and she is delivered of a dead child, this, though not murder, was, by the ancient law, homicide or manslaughter."
When the duke of Bedford besieged Orleans the inhabitants offered to surrender, but to the duke of Burgundy; whereupon Bedford retorted that "he did not beat the bushes for others to take the birds."
He beat back a Rhegine expedition; but his advance was checked by a failure to take the new Sicel settlement of Tauromenium.
But the divisions among the Moslems helped the Christians; they won back several towns, and beat off all attacks on Syracuse and Tauromenium.
And although it took several generations of poets to beat their music out to the perfection of the Virgilian cadences, yet in the rude adaptation of Ennius the secret of what ultimately became one of the grandest organs of literary expression was first discovered and revealed.
The amusements of the people are generally not of a violent kind, being in keeping with their sedentary habits and the beat of the climate.
The troops under Colonel Parsons, Royal Artillery, who beat the Dervishes at Gedaref, were so short of British officers that all orders were necessarily given in Arabic and carried to commanders of units by Arabs.
Having strongly entrenched himself, Parsons beat off, with heavy loss to the dervishes, two impetuous attacks made on the 28th by Ahmed Fedil.
Even small strips of the muscle of the heart, if taken immediately after the death of the animal, continue, when kept moist and warm and supplied with oxygen, to "beat" rhythmically for hours.
In the heart muscle during a brief period after each beat, that is, after each single contraction of the rhythmic series, the muscle becomes inexcitable.
In the case of the heart muscle this threshold stimulus evokes a beat as extensive as does the strongest stimulus; that is, the intensity of the stimulus, so long as it is above threshold value, is not a function of the amount of the muscular response.