Beards Sentence Examples
The men's hair is cut short but their beards are allowed to grow.
Baldness is unknown, and many of the men wear beards.
Maundy Thursday is sometimes known as Sheer or Chare Thursday, either in allusion, it is thought, to the "shearing" of heads and beards in preparation for Easter, or more probably in the word's Middle English sense of "pure," in allusion to the ablutions of the day.
The scene of the third act represented a palace in which many candles were burning and pictures of knights with short beards hung on the walls.
The hair is long, black or very dark auburn, wavy and sometimes curly, but never woolly, and the men have luxuriant beards and whiskers, often of an auburn tint, while the whole body inclines to hairiness.
Prince and followers alike soon earned hatred, the former showing the incurable vices of his character, and pulling the beards of the chieftains.
Many old men do wear no beards at all.
I guess that's why the old mountain men all wore beards.
The representations of nomads on objects of Greek art show people with full beards and shaggy hair, such as cannot be reconciled with Hippocrates; but the only reliefs which seem to be accurate belong to a late date when the ruling clan was Sarmatian rather than Scythic.
In a Sicilian story an innkeeper corks up Death in a bottle; so nobody dies for years, and the long white beards are a sight to see.
AdvertisementImitation had necessarily to begin with externals, and Peter at once fell foul of the long beards and Oriental costumes which symbolized the arch-conservatism of old Russia.
The ukaz of the 1st of September 1698 allowed as a compromise that beards should be worn, but a graduated tax was imposed .upon their wearers.
Their beards are sometimes thick; their limbs are muscular; the colour of their skins is cinnamon brown.
The popes, then, or at least the more politic of them, have been content to lay down as the condition of reunion no more than the acceptance of the distinctive dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the supremacy and infallibility of the pope; the ritus of the Uniat Oriental Churches - liturgies and liturgical languages, ecclesiastical law and discipline, marriage of priests, beards and costume, the monastic system of St Basil - they have been content for the most part to leave untouched.
Their hair is long, straight and black, and their beards, if they have any, are very scanty.
AdvertisementAnd why are long pointed beards such a common feature?
Men cut off their beards, people shave their heads; they make cuts on their hands and wear sackcloth.
These rulers were old men, with wise faces and long white beards.
Dron was one of those physically and mentally vigorous peasants who grow big beards as soon as they are of age and go on unchanged till they are sixty or seventy, without a gray hair or the loss of a tooth, as straight and strong at sixty as at thirty.
Two tall old peasants with wrinkled faces and scanty beards emerged from the tavern, smiling, staggering, and singing some incoherent song, and approached the officers.
AdvertisementThey have saggy faces, beards and a big cigar sticking out of their mouths .
There were few instances of people wearing beards, swinging from chandeliers (indeed any forms of illumination) or bringing turtles.
Such actions might include men wearing dresses, unkempt beards, or wrapping towels round their heads.
Most of them were dark, with angular features, and they had long, well-groomed beards.
Some versions of the cut involve short beards that hang above ear length, while other beards hang long.
AdvertisementIn early times, long hair and full beards were popular for men.
Facial hair - It is often very difficult for a mask to fit tightly over beards and moustaches.
The child may be particularly upset around people who look different to her, for example, people with glasses or men with beards.
Over the years and his marriage with Jen, his cropped cut changed ever-so slightly and was often paired with varying beards and goatees.
Most current models offer a flip up shaving head for the trimming of beards, mustaches and side burns.
In fact, many Santa impersonators spend a good portion of their year growing out their beards and maintaining a hefty weight just so that they can spread some of Santa's magic during the bustling holiday season.
Look for costumes and accessories (beards, mustaches, wigs, etc.) that are "flame resistant."
On the 26th of April 1698 the chief men of the tsardom were assembled round his wooden hut at Preobrazhenskoye, and Peter with his own hand deliberately clipped off the beards and moustaches of his chief boyars.
Frea directed the Winnili to bring their women with their hair let down round their faces like beards and turned Wodan's couch round so that he faced them.