Beam Sentence Examples
I lifted the heavy wood beam that crossed their door, securing it.
He turned the beam around the yard and then shut the door.
He stepped through the doorway and turned the beam of light on her.
Suddenly the beam caught a figure crouched ahead.
His Histoire de Beam was published at Paris in 1640.
Turning the light back on, she pointed the beam on the area where the scream seemed to originate.
The beam of light extinguished and she felt around with trembling hands until she located the flashlight.
The beam was swallowed by the catacombs, and it was still too dark around her to see how large the underground world was.
What is required is some means for localizing and directing a beam of radiation.
This brings the beam to a horizontal position.
AdvertisementSigebert was anxious to avenge his sister-in-law, but on the intervention of Guntram, he accepted the compensation offered by Chilperic, namely the cities of Bordeaux, Cahors and Limoges, with Beam and Bigorre.
Caine was the scene of the synod of 978 when, during the discussion of the question of celibacy, the floor suddenly gave way beneath the councillors, leaving Archbishop Dunstan alone standing upon a beam.
To the last, judging by the specimens of Scandinavian boats which have come down to us, they must have been not very seaworthy; they were shallow, narrow in the beam, pointed at both ends, and so eminently suitable for manoeuvring (with oars) in creeks and bays.
I replaced the beam securing the door on my side and without a word, left the cellar.
In the latter case it will be necessary to provide means to mount the coelostat on a carriage by which it can be moved east and west without changing the altitude or azimuth of its polar axis, and also to shift the second mirror so that it may receive all the light from the reflected beam.
AdvertisementBy this arrangement the angular rotation of the reflected beam is less than that of the magnet, and hence the spot of light reflected from this mirror yields a trace on a much smaller scale than that given by the ordinary mirror and serves to give a complete record of even the most energetic disturbance.
This case has important practical applications; for instance we may use the method to find the pressures on the supports of a beam loaded in any given manner.
The pressures of the beam on the supports are of course represented by ED, AE.
For instance, in the case 01 a beam in equilibrium under any given loads and the reactionf at the supports, we get a graphical representation of the distributior of bending moment over the beam.
The murk remaining in the lagar is then pressed by means of a lever or beam press with which this vessel is fitted.
AdvertisementThis platen had a perpendicular motion, being guided in grooves and worked by a connecting rod fixed to a cross beam and crank, which acquired its motion from the main shaft.
In the third War of Religion he occupied Beam and Bigorre (1569).
Early one morning, we are told, in the fourth month, he got up, and with his hands behind his back, dragging his staff, he moved about his door, crooning over " The great mountain must crumble, The strong beam must break, The wise man must wither away like a plant."
A beam of sunlight admitted into a darkened room through a narrow aperture, and there dispersed into a vario-tinted band by the interposition of a prism, is not absolutely W continuous.
Holes for the main beam fixings should be drilled by an expert, using a suitable masonry drill and safety guards.
AdvertisementWe have a national facility within the condensed matter group for the production of thin magnetic films by molecular beam epitaxy.
Material etching can be carried out by Ion Beam Milling, reactive ion etching and wet chemical etching.
If the beam is obstructed, the door will not close.
Rankine gives the approximate rule Working deflection =5= l a /t o,000h, where l is the span and h the depth of the beam, the stresses being those usual in bridgework, due to the total dead and live load.
The main shaft is termed the beam; the first or lowest tine the brow-tine; the second the bez-tine; the third the trez-tine, or royal; and the branched portion forming the summit the crown, or surroyals.
Finally, we have the thamin, or Eld's deer, C. (R.) eldi, ranging from Burma to Siam, and characterized by the continuous curve formed by the beam and the brow-tine of the antlers.
A similar construction is followed for flat roofs, the grades being generally formed in the girder and beam construction, and a flat ceiling secured by hanging from them, with steel straps, a light tier of ceiling beams. The floor beams are tied laterally by rods in continuous lines placed at or above their neutral axis.
If the supporting member is a floor beam or girder the girder should be rigidly connected to the floor system to prevent any twisting due to the weight of the projection.
In case neither of the above methods can be applied, brackets should be used at each floor level or a continuous deep beam or girder carried all around the building.
In all cases it is customary to fill on top of the arches with a strong Portland cement concrete to a uniform level, generally the top of the deepest beam; the floor filling is constructed and carried to this level immediately upon the completion of each tier of beams, for the purpose not only of stiffening the frame laterally, and of adding to its stability by the imposition of a static load, but also to afford constantly safe and strong working platforms at regular and convenient intervals for use throughout the entire period of the construction.
As the supply of sodium was increased, the lines, besides becoming broader, did so unsymmetrically, and a shaded wing or band appeared on one side or the other according as the beam impinged on one side or the other of the flame.
Equal-armed balances may be divided into (t) scale-beams or balances in which the scale-pans are below the beam; (2) counter machines and balances on the same principle, in which the scale-pans are above the beam.
The beam must be provided with a small ball of metal which can be screwed up and down a stem on the top of the beam for the purpose of accurately adjusting the position of the centre of gravity, and there should be a small adjustable weight on a fine screw projecting horizontally from one end of the beam for the purpose of accurately balancing the arms.
The theory of the scale-beam is stated by Weisbach in his Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering, as follows - In fig I D is the fulcrum of the balance, S the centre of gravity of the beam alone without the scales, chains or weights; A and B the points of suspension of the chains.
Bearing in mind that with ordinary trade balances there is always a possi - bility of the scale-pans and chains getting interchanged, these conditions require; (a) That the beam without the scale-pans and chains must be equally balanced and horizontal; (b) that the two scale-pans with their chains must be of equal weight; (c) that the arms of the beam must be exactly equal in length; i.e.
By testing the beam with the scale-pans attached and equal weights in the pans, and noting carefully the position which it takes up; and then interchanging the scale-pans, &c., and again noting the position which the beam takes up, a correct inference can be drawn as to the causes of error; and if after slightly altering or adjusting the knife-edges and scale-pans in the direction indicated by the experiment, the operation is repeated, any required degree of accuracy may be ob - tained by successive approximations.
In order to ensure a high degree of sensitiveness, balances are sometimes constructed so that Z is slightly below the line joining X and Y, and is only slightly above H, the centre of gravity of the beam with the scale - pans and chains attached.
To keep the beam truly in its place, which is very necessary, as all the bearings are flat,the re From Airy, " On Weighing Machines," Institution of Civil Engineers, 1892.
The end knife-edges are adjusted and tightly jammed into exact position by means of wedge pieces and set screws, and the beam is furnished with delicate adjusting weights at its top. The position of the beam with respect to the horizontal is shown by a horizontal pointer (not shown) projecting from one end of it, which plays past a scale, each division of which corresponds to the i l oth or i hth of a grain according to the size and delicacy of the machine.
Therefore by graduating the top of the beam and shifting a rider grain weight till the beam is horizontal, it is easy to ascertain the small difference of weight in the scale-pans which caused the de - flection to the T foth or i.
In ordinary trade balances a triangular piece of hard steel, with a finely-ground edge, is driven through a triangular hole in the beam and jammed tight.
Similarly the two projecting ends of the central piece of steel which forms the fulcrum take bearing on two cheeks of the stand, between which the beam sways.
It is clear that errors will arise if the pieces of steel are not truly perpendicular to the plane of the beam, and the adjust - ment of great accuracy would be very tedious.
Therefore for balances of precision the end knife-edges are fixed on the top of the beam so as to present a continuous unbroken knife-edge, and the fulcrum knife-edge is also made continuous, the beam being cored out or cut away to admit of the introduction of the stand bearing.
Counter machines have an advantage over scale-beams in not being encumbered with suspension chains and the beam above.
Using the symbols of the diagram, it can be shown that the effect of placing the weight W at E instead of F is to cause the end of the beam to descend, as if under the action of an additional weight, w, at F such that w Wa(ml - l +tan 0)/h.
The lower beam carries on a saddle a scale which is raised nearly to the top of the glass case in which the machine is enclosed, and as the beams sway this scale plays past a scratch on the glass, which is so placed that when the zero point on the scale coincides with the scratch the beams are horizontal.
At the bottom of the vertical leg from the goods-pan there is also a projecting piece which is attached to the top of a vertical piston rod, the piston of which plays in a dash-pot of glycerin as the beam sways, and deadens the vibrations of the index arm.
The pair of beams are hung centrally by rods and hooks from knife-edges in the forked end of a strong beam, which is carried at its fulcrum by the top plate of the frame of the machine.
This beam is heavily counterbalanced at its further extremity.
The rods are held in this position by detents which take hold of the shoulders of the rods, and are acted upon from the front end of the upper beam and the weights-pan end of the lower beam respectively, in order to release the rods at the proper times and reduce orcut off the flow of sugar from the hopper.
When the bag is nearly charged to the weight of 4 lb, the weight of the bag of sugar overcomes the resistance of the counterbalance of the upper beam, and its front end drops a certain distance.
The beam then recovers its original position and the action of the machine is renewed.
The balance consists of a pair of equal-armed beams rigidly connected together and acting as a single beam.
The circular drum is divided into four equal compartments by radial diaphragms. And in a pan at the other end of the beam (which is counter - balanced for the weight of the drum) is a I-lb weight to weigh the tea.
As the uppermost compartment fills, the weights end of the beam rises, and by means of a vertical rod suc - cessively operates on detents connected with the rotation of the two brushes, and stops them in turn.
The clutch mechanism is freed at the proper time by the action of the vertical rod at the end of the beam, and the brushes then he 4-lb weight is being lifted.
And, if the rider weight has been correctly adjusted, the bag of sugar will be shown to weigh exactly 4 lb by the beam vibra - ting in equipoise.
In 1561 he entered the College de Navarre at Paris, returning in 1565 to Beam.
But beyond that of Anie (8215 ft.), on the meridian of Orthez, which marks the boundary of Beam, much loftier elevations appear, - Mourrous (9760 ft.), on the border of Hautes-Pyrenees, and the southern peak of Ossau (9465 ft.).
He had retained all the habits of a country gentleman of his native Beam, careless, familiar, boastful, thrifty, cunning, combined since his sojourn at the court of the Valois with a taint of corruption.
Beam was the pretext for a rising among the Protestants, who had remained loyal during these troublous years; and although the military organization of French Protestantism, arranged by the assembly of La Rochelle, had been checked in 1621, by the defection of most of the reformed nobles, like Bouillon and Lesdiguires, de Luynes had to raise the disastrous siege of Montauban.
The de Buades, however, were a family of distinction in the principality of Beam.
From the above instances we see that an instrumental appliance that polarizes a beam of light may be used as a means of detecting and examining polarization.
Since a beam of common light can be resolved into plane polarized streams and these on recomposition give a stream with properties indistinguishable from those of common light, whatever their relative retardation may be, it is natural to assume that an analytical representation of common light can be obtained in which no longitudinal vector occurs.
When light from an extended source is made to converge upon the crystal, the phenomenon of rings and brushes localized at infinity is obtained.The exact calculation of the intensity in this case is very complicated and the resulting expression is too unwieldy to be of any use, but as an approximation the formula for the case of a parallel beam may be employed, the quantities and p therein occurring being regarded as functions of the angle and plane of incidence and consequently as variables.
The best method of obtaining a strong beam of polarized light is to isolate one of the streams into which a beam of common light is resolved by double refraction.
All the rays through a given point in the first principal focal plane of the anterior system of lenses traverse the plate as a parallel beam and reunite at the corresponding point of the second focal plane of the posterior system, each in its passage being divided into two by the plate having a given relative retardation.
With the .orthogonal arrangement for illuminating and observing the beam of light traverses an extremely fine slit through a well-corrected system, whose optic axis is perpendicular to the axis of the microscope; the system reduces the dimensions of the beam to about 2 to 4 in the focal plane of the objective.
In the fading beam, the local mayor, Cathy Jamieson, responded with the usual platitudes.
The scientists plan to collide the beam with protons circulating through a high-energy accelerator.
However, if the lights go out, a beam of light from an acute angle makes these same particles visible.
Abstract Jones matrices describe the polarization, or spin angular momentum, of a light beam as it passes through an optical system.
The condenser aperture controls the fraction of the beam which is allowed to hit the specimen.
For historical reasons, radio astronomers call the point spread function the beam.
The front beam axle is drilled for lightness with the spring going through the beam leaving the original spring mounting pad free.
Examples; 50 ft wide beam shell £ 21,000, full fit £ 75,000, 58 ft Dutch style barge shell £ 31,000.
Passed a lot of boats this afternoon including a broad beam wooden Dutch barge with lee boards.
Filters must be situated in and not vignette the collimated beam [3.10, Sa] .
Most of the time we sit out hard with the front foot close to the wooden beam dividing the boat.
Students can easily share information during team projects by linking their PDAs through the infrared beam.
I immediately ascended the conning tower and by this time the object was on our starboard beam.
The process starts with a laser beam or electron beam writing a pattern on fused silica or silicon.
Electron transparent cross-sections through the deformed region were prepared using a focused ion beam.
The lower section once opened, to allow an updraft to the rood beam.
The end view shows the slightly simplified version of the buffer beam.
Bob stokes the boiler, providing steam for Fred to work the Beam Engine.
Look out for the remarkable ceilings particularly the ' Beam Room ' with its original painted ceiling dating from the early 1600s.
Laser beam for scanning bar codes (red cellophane mounted on card frame ).
Time of flight experiments can also be carried out by using a pulsed helium beam created using a beam chopper.
Consequently the detection beam is usually set with its maximum at an angle of about 3 o to reduce the likelihood of ground clutter.
A highly collimated beam of gamma-ray photons is made incident upon a detector crystal.
This lower beam is integrated into the XC90's structure and is neatly concealed behind the spoiler.
The concepts of " underfocus " and " overfocus " are introduced via ray diagrams and beam convergence is defined.
The researchers can cool a beam of hydrogen atoms using a helium cryostat to just 10 degrees above absolute zero.
Great 3D laser cubes are made by directing a single laser beam through a crystal block to an exact point.
Fig 2. An outline of the merged beam experiment; D 1 and D 2 are calibrated detectors for photons and ions.
A beam of X-rays is diffracted by the electrons in a crystalline material, just as visible light is diffracted by larger objects.
Convergent beam electron diffraction In many materials, the crystal structure of minority phases is not known.
She was 26 feet long, 30 feet beam, 17.3 draft and 2,000 tons displacement.
Prevent the use of any external optics that could decrease the beam divergence or its diameter.
The readout gaps are milled obliquely into silicon beams used focused ion beam etching.
In this test the voids created between the trapezoidal deck profile and the upper flange of the beam were filled.
The powerful dual beam led flashlight has an optional strobe feature to allow you to signal to others.
Beam trawl Beam trawls are used principally in waters shallower than 50m in depth to catch flatfish over relatively even sandy seabed.
This theory relates to beam flexure resulting from couples applied to the beam without consideration of the shearing forces.
Other focusing options include manual focusing, auto focusing lock, focus bracketing and an auto focus assist beam for lowlight photography.
The former beam line incorporates a 6 movement goniometer which can be accessed via an air locked sample loading facility.
They can't be lower than 250mm, or higher than the highest point of the dipped beam headlamp.
The average low beam range of a regular halogen headlamp is approximately 40 meters.
Cyclists are dazzled by full beam headlights, like everyone else.
The 612 Scaglietti's twin xenon projector headlights also offer a beam that is far superior to traditional halogen lights.
To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam.
We had a hurricane lamp to find them, hanging up on a beam.
An image is created on the CRT surface by varying the electron beam intensity for each pixel.
The use of proton beam irradiation fulfills this requirement.
One system will require 7000 klystrons (instruments to generate RF waves to accelerate the beam ).
The beam delivery system is an important part of the accelerator that lies between the main linac and the detector interaction region.
The Soviets claim to build a flat brick arch lintel of six meters without a steel beam.
Then, in the beam of his flashlight, a mere five meters away, he saw a lioness.
Chen's method describes how to make a " master " or mold of a chip, using electron beam lithography.
This combines MBE growth, focused ion beam lithography, and hydrogen radical cleaning within one complete ultra high vacuum system.
The twin bedroom has a very low beam to the doorway - beware!
However the beam thickness, which is of several microns, is difficult to measure with sufficient uncertainty.
The clean room has all the facilities for device fabrication including dry etching by ion beam milling.
Rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood.
As the glass cylinder, driven by a motor, revolves upon its axis while also advancing (by means of a screw thread on the axis), all portions of the picture are successively brought under the beam or pencil of light and cause a beam of varying intensity to fall on the selenium cell.
The resolving power and the width of the emergent beam fix the optical character of the instrument.
During his residence in Birmingham, Messrs Chance being makers of glass for use in lighthouse lamps, his attention was naturally turned to problems of lighthouse illumination, and he was able to devise improvements in both the catoptric and dioptric methods for concentrating and directing the beam.
The first recorded form of plough is found on the monuments of Egypt, where it consists simply of a wooden wedge tipped with iron and fastened to a handle projecting backwards and a beam, pulled by men or oxen, projecting forwards.
In another the mould-board and share are shaped so that they can be swung on a swivel under the beam when the latter is lifted.
The weighing beam in the Hefner-Alteneck dynamometer is placed transversely to the belt (see Electrotechnischen Zeitschrift, 1881, 7).
After about a second from the time of the final release of the beam, the forceps E again close and the hanger D is held firmly in its new position.
What are called "feathered" flowers are those which have an even close feathering, forming an unbroken edging of colour all round, "flamed" flowers being those which have a beam or bold mark down the centre, not reaching to the bottom of the cup.
The simplest way of showing dispersion is to refract a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism of glass or prismatic vessel =containing water or other clear liquid.
The manufacture of the wrought-iron " I " beam in 1855 made cheaper fire-proof construction possible, and, with the introduction of passenger lifts (see Elevators; Lifts or HoIsTs) about ten years later, led to the erection of buildings to be used as hotels, flats, offices, factories, and for other commercial purposes, containing many more storeys than had formerly been found profitable.
From the old French mantel came the English compounds "mantel-piece," "mantel-shelf," for the stone or wood beam which serves as a support for the structure above a fire-place, together with the whole framework, whether of wood, stone, &c., that acts as an ornament of the same (see Chimneypiece).
The wounded leg soon became so much worse that the horse was suspended from a beam.
Rood beam A beam, across the arch leading to the choir in the church, supporting the rood.
The beam above is probably the rood beam - or not, perhaps.
The world 's largest rotative beam engines, opened in 1865, are being restored to their former splendor by local volunteers.
The small figure by the machine saluted smartly and beamed, if a rat skull could beam.
A gill net does not destroy the sea bed unlike beam trawlers or even worse scallop dredgers.
Vessels, Beam Trawl 20 meters or over, can be rigged for either beam trawling or scallop dredging.
From operating altitudes of up to 1000 feet, the searchlight beam can be adjusted to provide illumination over a wide area.
Saturday 4th March I 've decided to implement the new security force beam generators next.
Some opposition groups beam radio broadcasts to Ethiopia using hired shortwave transmitters overseas.
Instead we let the Earth 's rotation sweep the telescope beam across the sky, once each sidereal day.
View of edge beam showing reinforcement corrosion which has caused concrete to spall away from the soffit.
Such data is presented Table 5. On Figure 15 below is illustrated the splicing of rebars between bond beam and tie-column.
You can choose designs to adorn the sides of the rings, maybe a gymnast on a balance beam to signify your participation in gymnastics or a musical note for the marching band.
Since infrared light is just outside the range of normal human vision, no one can see the beam.
By projecting a beam of infrared light from a third lens, the goggles could essentially "light up" a room with infrared, which is invisible to the human eye.
In order to pick up an object, simply aim the energy beam at that object with your Wii Remote.
You engage in such activities as collecting coins to buy a soda, finding the batteries for a teleporter, and chasing down a beam of light.
Use your UFO to beam people up, and try not to get caught!!
For example, there are boxes in multiplayer that contain either the light beam, the dark beam, the annihilator beam, or power bombs in plain sight, all of which you would have to spend ages looking for in one-player mode.
Their first video type game was actually the Beam Gun Game, which would be developed later as the NES Zapper.
Well, to kill your hits, you use a beam katana.
Peril Beam - Visit the dojo in Lake Hylia after getting the flippers.
Sword Beam - Get the Flame Lantern and visit Grimblade in Hyrule Castle.
With a super-highway of information technology at their disposal, Microsoft could beam us the details in seconds.
The adjustable focus beam allows you to change the intensity of the light according to the current need.
There is also a very narrow, high intensity beam which is pre-focused by the manufacturer.
Stick- The Light-Stick has a powerful beam that is much brighter than most two cell flashlights.
The pre-focused model gives a constant high intensity beam.
Diagnostic x rays are performed by positioning the part of the body to be examined between a focused beam of x rays and a plate containing film.
The x ray technologist positions the patient appropriately, so that the part of the body to be x rayed will be between the x-ray beam and the film plate.
The abnormal blood vessel connections are located and eliminated with a laser beam.
External beam radiation therapy involves focusing a beam of radiation on the eye.
If the tumor has not spread extensively, the radiation beam can be focused on the cancerous retinal cells.
Photocoagulation-A type of cancer treatment in which cancer cells are destroyed by an intense beam of laser light.
X rays are produced in the form of a beam that rotates around the patient.
You may even want to go with the laser thermometer option that somehow reads the temperature of your food (or pots, pans, oven, cooking partner, dog) by shooting a laser beam at it and determining the temperature.
Use a pair of Chinese bamboo flutes and suspend them from the beam with a red ribbon.
Another toy for night play, this one shoots out a beam of light so that kids can take aim at targets even when they can't see them clearly.
It includes an air-powered dart compartment, a light beam and a sight that flips up.
Flashlight Tag-The child who is "it" gets a flashlight, while the others try to stay out of the light's beam.
Once the beam hits a child, that child becomes it.
In the Christian tradition, the vertical part of the cross represents man's relationship with God from earth to heaven and the horizontal beam represents man's relationship with each other in this world.
Appropriate items include a sturdy door jamb, an attic beam, a tree branch or whatever else allows you to grip it while also supporting your body weight.
With a firm grip on Rowling's world, her illustrations carry a torch down the path the author has beaten out of the bush, illuminating the forest and casting a beam of light for readers to follow into each chapter.
The Star Trek blaster beam doesn't refer to a special weapon of Starfleet Academy or an alien race in any of the episodes.
The Blaster Beam is actually a real musical instrument.
The Blaster Beam is constructed of a 15 to 20 foot metal beam that has a number of taut wires with electric guitars pickups hanging from the end.
Most specifically, the Beam was used as V'ger's voice.
Craig Huxley designed the Star Trek Blaster Beam at age 11 and actually started out as a child actor.
The Star Trek Blaster Beam is not exclusive the Star Trek.
As they neared the first turn, something glinted in the beam of Dean's flashlight.
Conceive a beam of plane polarized light to move among a number of particles, all small compared with any of the wavelengths.
We may now investigate the mathematical expression for the disturbance propagated in any direction from a small particle upon which a beam of light strikes.
The rood was carried either on a transverse beam, the " rood beam," or by a gallery, the " rood loft."
The chestnut covers considerable areas in Prigord, Limousin and Beam; resinotis trees (firs, pines, larches, &c.) form fine forests in the Vosges and The indigenous fauna include the bear, now very rare but still found in the Alps and Pyrenees, the wolf, harbouring chiefly in the Cvennes and Vosges, but in continually decreasing areas; the fox, marten, badger, weasel, otter, the beaver in the extreme south of the Rhne valley, and in the Alps the marmot; the red deer and roe deer are preserved in many of the forests, and the wild boar is found in several districts; the chamois and wild goat survive in the Pyrenees and Alps.
An ebonite beam B is rocked up and down rapidly by a train of mechanism, and moves the cranks FIG.
Leaves respond in another way to the same influence, placing themselves across the path of the beam of light.
It is struck by a wooden beam swung on the outside, and only at the changes of the night-watches, when its deep tone may be heard in all parts of the city.
It is said that Eleazar, the priest who guarded the treasure, offered Crassus the golden beam as ransom for the whole, knowing, what no one else knew, that it was mainly composed of wood.
The headache-post is a vertical wooden beam placed on the main sill directly below the walking-beam, to receive the weight of the latter in case of breakage of connexions.
During the siege of La Rochelle he performed a mission which brought him in touch with Richelieu, who shortly afterwards nominated him intendant de justice in Beam (1631), and in 1639 summoned him to Paris with the title of counsellor of state.
His long reign (1229-1290) was a perpetual struggle with the kings of France and England, each anxious to assert his suzerainty over Beam.
Moreover, from the 12th century Beam enjoyed a kind of representative government, with tours plenieres composed of deputies from the three estates.
Although, when Beam was annexed to the domains of the crown, it was granted a conseil d'etat and a parlement, which sat at Pau, the province also retained its fors until the Revolution.
Y Y' is a so.- iron yoke, which rocks upon knife-edges K and constitutes the beam of the balance.
The play of the beam is limited by a stop S and a screw R, the latter being so adjusted that when the end Y of the beam is held down the two air-gaps are of equal width.
In either case (as also with a prism) the position of minimum deviation leaves the width of the beam unaltered, i.e.
The aperture of the unretarded beam may thus be taken to be limited by x = - h, x = o, y= - 1, y= +1; and that of the beam retarded by R to be given by x =o, x =h, y = - 1, y = +l.
In their coarsest forms such striae are readily visible to the unaided eye, but finer ones escape detection unless special means are taken for rendering them visible; such special means conveniently take the form of an apparatus for examining the glass in a beam of parallel light, when the striae scatter the light and appear as either dark or bright lines according to the position of the eye.
Small, of Berwickshire, brought out a plough in which beam and handle were of wrought iron, the mould-board of cast iron.
These are carried on the beam, to which are attached the handles or tilts at the back, and the hake or clevis and draught-chain at the front.
A frame is bolted to the beam and this carries the breast or mould-board to the fore-end of which the share is fitted.
A counterpoise was placed on the solenoid end of the balance beam to act against the attraction of the solenoid, the position of the counterpoise determining the length of the arc in the crucible.
His disciples' bodies already dangled from the arms of the cross before he was hung on the centre beam.
But opposed to this etymology is the fact that the word cagot is first found in the for of Beam not earlier than 1551.
The antlers are short, upright and deeply furrowed, the beam forking at about two-thirds of its length, and the upper prong again dividing, thus making three points.
It consists of a steelyard mounted on a fulcrum; one arm carries at its extremity a heavy bob and pointer, the latter moving along a scale affixed to the stand and serving to indicate when the beam is in its standard position.
The apparatus is so designed that when the plummet is suspended in air, the index of the beam is at the zero of the scale; if this be not so, then it is adjusted by a levelling screw.
To determine the density of any liquid it is only necessary to suspend the plummet in the liquid, and to bring the beam to its normal position by means of the riders; the relative density is read off directly from the riders.
He was now about two points before Cradock's beam, biding his time and waiting for the sun to set.
Since the accident at Hartley colliery in 1862, caused by the breaking of the pumping-engine beam, which fell into the shaft and blocked it up, whereby the whole of the men then at work in the mine were starved to death, it has been made compulsory upon mine-owners in the United Kingdom to have two pits for each working, in place of the single one divided by walls or brattices which was formerly thought sufficient.
H is a pulley to guide the approaching and receding parts of the belt to and from the beam in parallel directions.
The force Q, usually measured by a spring, required to maintain the beam in its central position is proportional to (P - p).
Monuments of the tragic story were shown by the Romans in the time of Livy (the altar of Janus Curiatius near the sororium tigillum, the "sister's beam," or yoke under which Horatius had to pass; and the altar of Juno Sororia).
The balance consists essentially of a beam with two scale pans, one for the coin and the other for the counterpoise.
The beam is released and in the course of a second or so takes up a certain position dependent on the relative weights of the coin and counterpoise.
Its position is then fixed by an automatic grip, and the coin falling down a shoot enters one of three compartments of a box, according to the position of the beam when it is arrested.
The beam A is of steel made in one piece, A about II in.
B is the pan on which the coin rests, at a point above the beam.
If the coin is heavier than the lowest legal weight (that is, the standard weight less the remedy) the righthand side of the beam begins to fall and the left-hand one is raised.
For instance, a ticking watch may be put at the focus of a large concave metallic mirror, which sends a parallel " beam " of sound to a second concave mirror facing the first.
The two forks are fixed so that one vibrates in a vertical, and the other in a horizontal, plane, and they are so placed that a converging beam of light received on one mirror is reflected to the other and then brought to a point on a screen.
If one prong of each fork be furnished with a small plain mirror, and a beam of light from a luminous point be reflected successively by the two mirrors, so as to form an image on a distinct screen, when one fork alone is put in vibration, the image will move on the screen and be seen as a line of a certain length.
Let the origin 0 betaken at the lowest point of the bent beam.
Then the deviation y= DE of the neutral axis of the bent beam at any point D from the axis OX is given by the relation d 2 y Ml dx 2 = EI' where M is the bending moment and I the amount of inertia of the beam at D, and E is the coefficient of elasticity.
It is usually accurate enough in deflection calculations to take for I the moment of inertia at the centre of the beam and to consider it constant for the length of the beam.
Thus for a beam supported at the ends and loaded with w per inch length M =w (a 2 - x 2), where a is the half span.
Then the deflection at the centre is the value of y for x = a, and is _ 5 wa4 S - 14 EI' The radius of curvature of the beam at D is given by the relation R=EI/M.
Let measurements along the beam be represented according to any convenient scale, so that calling L 1 and 1 1 the lengths to be drawn on paper, we have L = aL i; now let r1, r 2, r 3 be a series of radii such that r 1 = R i /ab, r 2 = R 2 /ab, &c., where b is any convenient constant chosen of such magnitude as will allow arcs with the radii, r 1, &c., to be drawn with the means at the draughtsman's disposal.
Thus if the horizontal scale be one-tenth of an inch to the foot, a =120, and a beam Ioo ft.
Owing to the yielding of joints when a beam is first loaded a smaller modulus of elasticity should be taken than for a solid bar.
Reminiscences of the Greek signs of Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricornus and Pisces are obvious severally in the Hindu Two Faces, Lion's Tail, Beam of a Balance, Arrow, Gazelle's Head (figured as a marine nondescript) and Fish.
Again, we may split a narrow beam of light by partial reflexion from a transparent plate, and recombine the constituent beams after they have traversed different circuits of nearly equivalent lengths, so as to obtain interference fringes.
The position of these fringes will depend on the total retardation in time of the one beam with respect to the other; and thus it might be expected to vary with the direction of the earth's motion,.
Moreover, this is precisely the condition for the absence of interference between the component of a split beam; because, the time of passage being to the first order fds/V f(udx+vdy+wdz)V2, the second term will then be independent of the path (43 being a single valued function) and therefore the same for the paths of both the interfering beams. If therefore the aether can be put into motion, we conclude (with Stokes) that such motion, in free space, must be of strictly irrotational type.
When a beam of light which is not homogeneous in character, i.e.
The simplest way of showing dispersion is to refract a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism of glass or prismatic vessel containing water or other clear liquid.
Some of this light also passed through the second hole, and thus he obtained a narrow beam of practically homogeneous light in a fixed direction (the line joining the apertures in the two screens).
Operating on this beam with a second prism, he found that the homogeneous light was not dispersed, and also that it was more refracted the nearer the point from which it was taken approached to the violet end of the spectrum RV.
In other types of electrostatic instruments the movable system rotates round a horizontal axis or rests upon knife edges like a scale beam; in others again the movable system is suspended by a wire.
In 1360 it passed by the treaty of Bretigny from French to English hands, and its governor was murdered by Gaston Phoebus viscount of Beam, for refusing to surrender it to the count of Anjou.
The slit of the collimator confines the light to a nearly linear source, the beam diverging from each point of the source being subsequently made parallel by means of a lens.
Imagine a horizontal section of a beam of light, and this section divided into a number of equal parts.
If a source of light be placed behind the auxiliary slit a parallel beam of light will pass within the collimator and fall on the slit the width of which is to be measured.
He called attention to curious phenomena occurring in the track of a luminous beam.
In other cases, while too small to be directly visible, they are large enough to scatter and polarize a beam of light.
The history of the Foraes of the Portuguese towns, and of the Fors du Beam, is precisely analogous to that of the fueros of Castile.
To meet tensile stresses the steel is nearly always inserted in the form of bars running along the beam.
Their width and height are sufficient to transmit (at the position of minimum deviation) the entire beam received from the collimator.
He was the inventor also of the photophone, an instrument for transmitting sound by variations in a beam of light, and of phonographic apparatus.
The movements of the apparatus, which when complete should consist of two similar pendulums in planes at right angles to each other, are recorded by means of a beam of light, which, after reflection from the mirror or mirrors, passes through a cylindrical lens and is focussed upon a moving surface of photographic paper.
By this rotation a beam of light reflected from the surface suffers displacement.
The one complete antler has a well-marked burr and a long undivided beam, which eventually forks.
Above the brow-tine is developed a second palmated tine, which appears to represent the bez-tine of the red-deer; there is no trez-tine, but some distance above the bez the beam is suddenly bent forward to form an "elbow," on the posterior side of which is usually a short back-tine; above the back-tine the beam is continued for some distance to terminate in a large expansion or palmation.
If then the objective tube is directed to any star, the convergent beam from the object-glass is received by the plane mirror from which it is reflected upwards along the polar axis and viewed through the hollow upper pivot.
The theorem that any coplanar system of forces can be reduced to a force acting through any assigned point, together with a couple, has an important illustration in the theory of the distribution of shearing stress and bending moment in a horizontal beam, or other structure, subject to vertical extraneous forces.
Again if PQ be any segment of the beam which is free from load, Q lying to the right of P, we find FPFQ, MPMQ=--F.PQ; (12)
The load on an element bx of the beam may be represented by wbx, where - w is in general a function of x.
The beam is of bronze in a single deep casting, cored out in the middle so as to allow the saddle at the top of the stand to pass through the beam and afford a continuous bearing for the fulcrum knife-edge.
The laser beam is being amplitude modulated by the signal generator.
A brother who has a beam in his own eye should not be judging the brother who may have a mote in his eye.
The neutron fluence rate depends upon factors such as target thickness, charged particle beam current, geometry and required neutron fluence rate depends upon factors such as target thickness, charged particle beam current, geometry and required neutron energy resolution.
The calibration unit produces a beam that matches the telescope pupil very nicely except that it contains no central obscuration.
As the particle passes through the beam, a secondary " pulse " signal is generated by a single optical fiber.
The direction of the beam boresight is at an angle phi from the broadside direction of the array.
By scanning a photodiode along a line across the beam reflected by the interferometer, a line array of ultrasound receivers is effectively synthesized.
The helve, or main beam of the hammer, rotates freely about the fixed pivot.
On side effects alone this would seem preferable to normal external beam treatment.
Dundee One surgeon performing open radical prostatectomy; radical radiotherapy - external beam 50 gray in 20 fractions; brachytherapy referred to Edinburgh.
Queen post - a pair of vertical timbers rising from a tie beam to support purlins.
Roof of rafters and chamfered purlins with one cambered tie beam.
The beam expanders had reduced the divergence to just less than 0.4 milli radians.
You may have the more common external beam radiotherapy.
Early results from trials using proton beam radiotherapy are promising.
Maybe we could do something along this line with a light dependent resistor to receive the light beam.
Upstairs, one frequently had to bend to avoid concussion on a beam or a sloping roofline.
For example leaping onto an aerial runway, riding a bike on parapet, balancing on a high beam.
For maximum flexibility, the beam can be reversed and used as a traditional beam screed.
An internal thread at their beam exits may be used for installing mechanical shutters or various types of optical components.
Alex Cunningham and colleagues took delivery of a Shimadzu UV 2501 dual beam spectrophotometer in November 2004.
Instrumentation includes analog speedometer, odometer, and indicator lights for fuel, coolant temperature and low/high beam.
The feed beam completely illuminates the reflector antenna without too much spillover.
Christ commands us to see not only the splinter in our adversary's eye, but also the beam in our own.
Frame is made of wood (only gunwales, keelson, 1 cross beam and two side stringers visible ).
A timing strut fitted to the car to activate a timing beam.
The beam trawl was the first type to be used.
She was the first beam trawler in the Boston fleet.
Some cells die when this high intensity ultrasound beam is focused directly onto them.
Una rig is fairly shallow and broad in the beam, often fitted with an extra rig.
The ropes were then simply unbolted from the supporting beam, leaving merely a small hole.
Of course the " burnt " gate was perfectly useable, for operational purposes, just lacking a balance beam.
Lamps sited at these distances will provide, at the center of the beam, higher UVB in the D-UV range.
One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beam was yanked from the forgotten woodpile.
Whenever the particles are sufficiently fine, the light emitted laterally is blue in colour and, in a direction perpendicular to the incident beam, is completely polarized.
In a darkened room a beam of sunlight (or electric light) is concentrated by a large lens of 2 or 3 ft.
Swine, bred all over France, are more numerous in Brittany, Anjou (whence comes the well-known breed of Craon), Poitou, Burgundy, the west and north of the central plateau and Beam.
Research Reactor Safety Research reactors continue to be widely used for radioisotope production, neutron beam utilization, material irradiation and other applications.
For example speed position in a beam could be used to vary say reverberation time.
If you look at the main cross beam just below the top window you can see that it sags slightly with age.
Christ commands us to see not only the splinter in our adversary 's eye, but also the beam in our own.
Once the holes were finished, the spreader beam was clamped into place above the holes.
Frame is made of wood (only gunwales, keelson, 1 cross beam and two side stringers visible).
Joints of meat are suspended from the ring beam in the smoke to keep the meat free from flies and to season it.
The vertical sync frequency is the number of times per second the monitor can traverse its beam vertically.
The synchrotron beam profile is 2 mm horizontal by 0.2 mm vertical, thus the focused image is 1 mm by 0.05 mm.
In a tantalum target, the electrons generate an intense highly directional gamma-ray beam that can be used to carry out photonuclear reactions.
The group is a leading international center for the application of ion beam techniques for semiconductor detector characterisation.
Unlike tie beam trusses they are integral to the walls of the building.
However, once you 've used your tractor beam to pick them up they are now your prisoners !
Thus, the beam appears to self-heal or repair itself after passing beyond a tweezed object, enabling it to manipulate other particles.
Linear focusing spot to flood beam with a twist of the wrist.
Any craft with una rig is fairly shallow and broad in the beam, often fitted with an extra rig.
The wakeful shepherd, tending his flocks, beholds from the mountain 's top the first faint morning beam ere cometh the risen day.
They will spread their loads via a waling beam running along the top of the piles.
Before weaving can commence the warp yarns must be assembled onto a beam.
Mustard Seed 1976 An experiment with a " Gull Wing " underwater shape for reduced waterline beam and low wetted area.
If equipped, you may be able to "beam" file over to your handset using either infrared (IrDA) or Bluetooth.
On a conventional TV, an electron beam scans the picture from top to bottom, resulting in horizontal lines going across.
A tin cup sounds like an odd gift to give someone, but if you have a Civil War buff friend, fill an original or replica tin cup with something else they like and watch them beam with excitement when they unwrap the package.
The Miracle Beam is a laser cat toy that will keep your cat in stitches for as long as you care to play.
Simply point the beam at a spot on the floor and wiggle it until your cat takes notice.
You can find the Miracle Beam at for about $9.00.
Maker's Mark is a favorite of many, Early Times is the bourbon used in the "official" Mint Julep recipe, and Jim Beam is a basic yet adequate brand.
This new tripod flashlight sets up anywhere, is sturdy, and the beam can be directed right on your project.
A telescoping cord allows you to pick up the beam and move it around.
For an event like a prom, you may also want to try out a skin-highlighting product such as Benefit's High Beam, or Revlon's Skinlights.
The Himalayan Beam Tree, P. vestita is extremely fine, but is not hardy everywhere.