Beal Sentence Examples
The story of this remarkable election has been told by James Beal, one of the most active supporters of Mill's candidature.
Immediately to the south of the cave is the dell called Beal(ach)-nam-Bo, or "Cattle Pass," through which were driven to the refuge of the Trossachs the herds lifted by the Highland marauders in their excursions to the lands south of Loch Lomond.
Mike Beal read the bidding prayers in a week of horror in London and in many places around the world.
The team was created in 1992 by Kevin Beal and Dawn Waggoner.
The Christian apologists of the 2nd century, however, found plenty of testimony to their doctrine of the unity of God in the writings of Greek poets and philosophers; it was a commonplace in the revival under the Empire; and among the group of religions embraced under the name Buddhism more than one form must be ranked as monotheistic. The idealist philosophy of the Prajiia Paramita in the system of the " Great Vehicle " declared that " every phenomenon is the manifestation of mind " (Beal, Catena, p. 303).
Our congratulations to Deron Beal, of Tucson Arizona, who founded this amazing organization.