Beach umbrella Sentence Examples
A tree, a beach shelter or beach umbrella is perfect for keeping out of direct sunlight.
Sometimes unexpected events, like the wind blowing away your beach umbrella or your child dumping sand on her head, are great fodder for creativity.
You'll never have to fool around with a beach umbrella again if you have a canopy chair.
Trust Hammacher Schlemmer to have a beach umbrella chair that comes as a set and offers plenty of comfort and adjustability.
Can anyone really afford to forgo the protection of a beach umbrella when spending a day in the sand and surf?
With incidences of skin cancer on the rise, a beach umbrella should be on everyone's list of what to bring for a day of fun in the sun.
Nylon, and cotton canvas are the two main materials of choice for beach umbrella construction.
The basic shade and pole style is perfectly serviceable, but if you want a bit more comfort, try adding a clamp-on beach umbrella to your favorite beach chair or lounger.
It also features select cut outs so that you can plant a beach umbrella wherever you like.
Some people find these blankets to be less comfortable, as they are thinner and can get hotter, but a well-placed beach umbrella should help with that, and you will likely have a chair for all-day beach-going as well.
AdvertisementMr Heidrich, 20 Jun 06 Whilst at check-in desk, realized I was missing beach umbrella.
Take along a beach umbrella to create some shade.