Beach-balls Sentence Examples
Come up with creative contests and give the winners small prizes such as water guns or beach balls.
Lanterns, colorful beach towels and beach balls can also be used as decorations at the party.
Inflatable rafts, although designed to lounge on in a pool, are also popular when turned into toys and used as barriers to fend off flying beach balls or other airborne pool toys.
The Relay for Life Store has a wide selection of Relay items such as purple and white magnets,notebooks, key chains, drink wear, apparel, mini fans, frames, luggage tags, mouse pads, charms and beach balls.
For example, if she loves the beach, have a cake decorated with that theme and decorate the area with sand, beach balls and cut-outs of the sun and water.
Where there is water, there is fun, and tossing a few beach balls into the water or stringing a volley ball net across the shallow end of the pool will give your guests some more options as well.
Decorations can be colorful beach towels and beach balls.