Be-prepared Sentence Examples
Sitting through it, she didn't think it was ever possible to be prepared for the news.
It dissolves easily in water, forming the hydrated chloride, CoC12.6H20, which may also be prepared by dissolving the hydroxide or carbonate in hydrochloric acid.
The bromide, CoBr 2, resembles the chloride, and may be prepared by similar methods.
It may be prepared by the addition of potassium nitrite to an acetic acid solution of cobalt chloride.
It may also be prepared by heating ammonium oxalate; by passing induction sparks between carbon points in an atmosphere of nitrogen.
They may be prepared by the dry distillation of the ammonium salts.
It can also be prepared by heating borimide B2(NH)31 or by heating boron trioxide with a metallic cyanide.
Boron trioxide B203 is the only known oxide of boron; and may be prepared by heating amorphous boron in oxygen, or better, by strongly igniting boric acid.
Molybdenum disulphide, MoS 2, is found as the mineral molybdenite, and may be prepared by heating the trioxide with sulphur or sulphuretted hydrogen.
A solution of the free acid may be prepared by adding oxalic acid to the solution of the sodium salt.
AdvertisementThis salt may be prepared by digesting flowers of sulphur with sodium sulphite solution or by boiling sulphur with milk of lime.
This acid may also be prepared by the electrolysis of concentrated sulphuric acid, and it is distinguishable from persulphuric acid by the fact that it immediately liberates iodine from potassium iodide.
For the first installation a single line is prescribed, but the concessionaire must provide space and be prepared to double when required.
No general rules, applicable to all times, can be laid down as to what not only be prepared to take account of the physical features of the world, the general structure and organization of the industry and commerce of different states, the character of their administration and other important causes of economic change.
The crop having been picked, it has to be prepared for purpose of manufacture.
AdvertisementThe acid may also be prepared from the juice of unripe gooseberries.
For such an initiative there must be adequate reason; it must be prepared for in the previous process, and it must be necessary to further progress.
It is evident that accurate knowledge of the character and structure of the rock-formations in petroliferous territories is of the greatest importance in enabling the expert to select favourable sites for drilling operations; hence on well-conducted petroleumproperties it is now customary to note the character and thickness of the strata perforated by the drill, so that a complete section may be prepared from the recorded data.
Hitherto we have generally restricted ourselves to syntheses which result in the production of a true benzene ring; but there are many reactions by which reduced benzene rings are synthesized, and from the compounds so obtained true benzenoid compounds may be prepared.
From this acid the 0 dihydro and the tetrahydro acids may be obtained, from both of which the hexahydro acid may be prepared.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, the term normal is sometimes given to solutions which are strictly decinormal; for example, iodine, sodium thiosulphate, &c. In technical analysis, where a solution is used for one process only, it may be prepared so that I cc. is equal to.
A standard sodium hydrate solution can be prepared by dissolving 42 grammes of sodium hydrate, making up to a litre, and diluting until one cubic centimetre is exactly equivalent to one cubic centimetre of the sulphuric acid.
Similarly, normal solutions of hydrochloric and nitric acids can be prepared.
It may also be prepared by heating tetra-bromor tetra-chlorpyrrol with potas= sium iodide in alcoholic solution (German patent, 38423, 1886).
It may be prepared by the general methods, and occurs in fusel oil, especially in potato spirit.
AdvertisementThus, Varro (De rustici) mentions a map of Italy engraved on marble, in the temple of Tellus, Pliny, a map of the seat of war in Armenia, of the time of the emperor Nero, and the more famous map of the Roman Empire which was ordered to be prepared for Julius Caesar (44 B.C.), but only completed in the reign of Augustus, who placed a copy of it, engraved in marble, in the Porticus of his sister Octavia (7 B.C.).
The lamb thus drained of blood was to be roasted and entirely consumed by the Israelites, who should be ready with loins girded, shoes on feet and staff in hand so as to be prepared for the exodus.
The cyanhydrin is hydrolysable to an acid, the lactone of which may be reduced by sodium amalgam to a glucoheptose, a non-fermentable sugar containing seven carbon atoms. By repeating the process a non-fermentable gluco-octose and a fermentable glucononose may be prepared.
Klaproth in the mineral honeystone, which is the aluminium salt of the acid, The acid may be prepared by warming honeystone with ammonium carbonate, boiling off the excess of the ammonium salt and adding ammonia to the solution.
Lead sulphate, PbSO 4, occurs in nature as the mineral anglesite (q.v.), and may be prepared by the addition of sulphuric acid to solutions of lead salts, as a white precipitate almost insoluble in water (1 in 21,739), less soluble still in dilute sulphuric acid (1 in 36,504) and insoluble in alcohol.
In 1855, ignorant of what Wailer had done ten years previously, he succeeded in obtaining metallic aluminium, and ultimately he devised a method by which the metal could be prepared on a large scale by the aid of sodium, the manufacture of which he also developed.
That the Ottoman commander-in-chief had to be prepared for his opponent adopting one of these two plans offered a strong argument against adopting either of them.
Numerous derivatives of acridine are known and may be prepared by methods analogous to those used for the formation of the parent base.
The acid carbonates of the alkali metals can be prepared by saturating an aqueous solution of the alkaline hydroxide with carbon dioxide, M OH+ C02= Mhco 3, and from these acid salts the normal salts may be obtained by gentle heating, carbon dioxide and water being produced at the same time, 2Mhco 3 = M2C03+H02+C02.
The normal esters may be prepared by the action of silver carbonate on the alkyl iodides, or by the action of alcohols on the chlorcarbonic esters.
To settle this point it is necessary to consider the configuration of the isomeric pentoses - arabinose and xylosefrom which they may be prepared.
Bergne reported on the 27th of July 1907 to Sir Edward Grey that " The permanent session had met in special session on the 25th of July, to consider the suggestion of His Britannic Majesty's government to the effect that, if Great Britain could be relieved from the obligation to enforce the penal provisions of the convention, they would be prepared not to give notice on the 1st of September next of their intention to withdraw on the 1st of September 1908 a notice which they would otherwise feel bound to give at the appointed time "; and he added that " At this meeting, a very general desire was expressed that, in these circumstances, arrangements should, if possible, be made which would permit Great Britain to remain a party to the Sugar Convention."
A loose layer of earth spread over the surface of the soil acts in the same way, and a similarly effective mulch may be prepared by hoeing the soil, or stirring it to a depth of one or two inches with harrows or other implements.
It may be prepared by fusion of ortho-toluene sulphonic acid with potash; by the action of phosphorus pentoxide on carvacrol; or by the action of zinc chloride on camphor.
It may be prepared by the fusion of para-toluene sulphonic acid with potash; by the action of nitrous acid on para-toluidine; or by heating para-oxyphenyl acetic acid with lime.
Paraphenylene diamine may be prepared as above, and also by the reduction of amidoazobenzene.
This compound occurs in nature as bismuth ochre, and may be prepared artificially by oxidizing the metal at a red heat, or by heating the carbonate, nitrate or hydrate.
Bismuth trisulphide, B12S3, constitutes the mineral bismuthite, and may be prepared by direct union of its constituents, or as a brown precipitate by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into a solution of a bismuth salt.
These are hollow glass beads of variable density; they may be prepared by melting off pieces of very thin capillary tubing, and determining the density in each case by the method just previously described.
Many double chlorides are known, and may be prepared by mixing solutions of the two components in the requisite proportions.
Caesium sulphate, Cs 2 SO 4, may be prepared by dissolving the hydroxide or carbonate in sulphuric acid.
It may be prepared from osmiridium by fusing the alloy with zinc, the zinc being afterwards removed by distillation.
The census of 1871 obtained for the first time a return of persons of unsound mind not confined in asylums. During the next ten years, the separate areas for which population returns had to be prepared were seriously multiplied by the creation of sanitary districts, to the number of 966.
This procedure has often been blamed as unconstitutional; but the excuse must be taken into account that a constitution which provides such an emergency exit must be prepared for use to be made of it.
Calcium metasilicate, CaSiO 3, occurs in nature as monoclinic crystals known as tabular spar or wollastonite; it may be prepared artificially from solutions of calcium chloride and sodium silicate.
Ammonium iodide, NH 4 I, can be prepared by the action of hydriodic acid on ammonia.
It can also be prepared in the anhydrous condition by passing a current of hydrogen over dry silver fluoride.
It was during this struggle that about 1287 (these privileges were finally sanctioned by the bishop in 1309) the citizens organized themselves into a commune or corporation, elected 4 syndics, and showed their independent position by causing a seal for the city to be prepared.
The anhydrous salt may be prepared by heating a saturated solution of the hydrated salt.
It may be prepared by passing carbon dioxide over red-hot carbon, or red-hot iron; by heating carbonates (magnesite, chalk, &c.) with zinc dust or iron; or by heating many metallic oxides with carbon.
It may also be prepared by heating formic and oxalic acids (or their salts) with concentrated sulphuric acid (in the case of oxalic acid, an equal volume of carbon dioxide is produced); and by heating potassium ferrocyanide with a large excess of concentrated sulphuric acid, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 -i-6H2S04+6H20=2K2S04+FeS04+3(NH4)2S04+6C0.
It is a constituent of the minerals cerussite, malachite, azurite, spathic iron ore, calamine, strontianite, witherite, calcite aragonite, limestone, &c. It may be prepared by burning carbon in excess of air or oxygen, by the direct decomposition of many carbonates by heat, and by the decomposition of carbonates with mineral acids, M2C03+2HC1=2MCl-FH 2 O+CO 2.
It can be prepared by the reduction of phenyl propiolic acid with zinc and acetic acid, by heating benzal malonic acid, by the condensation of ethyl acetate with benzaldehyde in the presence of sodium ethylate or by the so-called "Perkin reaction"; the latter being the method commonly employed.
Iodine may also be prepared by the decomposition of an iodide with chlorine, or by heating a mixture of an iodide and manganese dioxide with concentrated sulphuric acid.
The acid cannot be prepared by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on an iodide on account of secondary reactions taking place, which result in the formation of free iodine and sulphur dioxide.
The iodides can be prepared either by direct union of iodine with a metal, from hydriodic acid and a metal, oxide, hydroxide or carbonate, or by action of iodine on some metallic hydroxides or carbonates (such as those of potassium, sodium, barium, &c.; other products, however, are formed at the same time).
Iodic Acid, H10 3, can be prepared by dissolving iodine pentoxide in water; by boiling iodine with fuming nitric acid, 61+10HN03= 6H10 3 +10N0+2H 2 O; by decomposing barium iodate with the calculated quantity of sulphuric acid, previously diluted with water, or by suspending iodine in water and passing in chlorine, 12+5C12+ 6H 2 0=2H10 3 +10HC1.
The salts, known as the iodates, can be prepared by the action of the acid on a base, or sometimes by the oxidation of iodine in the presence of a base.
They may be prepared by converting nitriles into amidoximes by the action of hydroxylamine, the amidoximes so formed being then acylated by acid chlorides or anhydrides.
On the small scale it may be prepared by adding an acid solution of a ferrous salt to a solution of potassium ferrocyanide.
Chromous oxide, CrO, is unknown in the free state, but in the hydrated condition as Cr04H 2 0 or Cr(OH) 2 it may be prepared by precipitating chromous chloride by a solution of potassium hydroxide in air-free water.
Cyanogen compounds of chromium, analogous to those of iron, have been prepared; thus potassium chromocyanide, K 4 Cr(CN) 6.2H 2 0, is formed from potassium cyanide and chromous acetate; on exposure to air it is converted into the chromicyanide, K 3 Cr(CN) 6, which can also be prepared by adding chromic acetate solution to boiling potassium cyanide solution.
Early in 1881, on the advice of Count Loris-Melikov, he determined to try the effect of some moderate liberal reforms on the revolutionary agitation, and for this purpose he caused a ukaz to be prepared creating special commissions, composed of high officials and private personages who should prepare reforms in various branches of the administration.
They may be prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds in alkaline solution (using zinc dust and alkali, or a solution of an alkaline stannite as a reducing agent); by oxidation of hydrazo compounds; or by the coupling of a diazotized amine and any compound of a phenolic or aminic type, provided that there is a free para position in the amine or phenol.
Mitscherlich in 1834, may be prepared by reducing nitrobenzene in alcoholic solution with zinc dust and caustic soda; by the condensation of nitrosobenzene with aniline in hot glacial acetic acid solution; or by the oxidation of aniline with sodium hypobromite.
Amino-azo Compounds may be prepared as shown above.
Those not containing a nitro group may be prepared by the oxidation of the corresponding mixed hydrazo compounds with mercuric oxide.
A high state of military preparedness of any one state obliges all the others to endeavour to be prepared on the same level.
It may also be prepared by heating a mixture of carbon, oxide of iron and magnesite to bright redness; and by heating a mixture of magnesium ferrocyanide and sodium carbonate, the double cyanide formed being then decomposed by heating it with metallic zinc. Electrolytic methods have entirely superseded the older methods.
Magnesium Oxide, magnesia, MgO, occurs native as the mineral periclase, and is formed when magnesium burns in air; it may also be prepared by the gentle ignition of the hydroxide or carbonate.
It may be prepared by dissolving the metal, its oxide, hydroxide, or carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid, or by mixing concentrated solutions of magnesium sulphate and common salt, and cooling the mixture rapidly, when the less soluble sodium sulphate separates first.
It may be prepared by adding normal sodium phosphate to a magnesium salt and boiling the precipitate with a solution of magnesium sulphate.
In small quantities, it may be prepared by the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid to a cold saturated solution of borax.
In practice it is found that a magnet can be prepared which, when suitably protected from shock, &c., retains its magnetic moment sufficiently constant to enable observations of H to be made comparable in accuracy with that of the other elements obtained by the instruments ordinarily employed at sea.
If ecclesiastical authority fostered what was commonly regarded as intolerant obscurantism, to be enlightened meant to be prepared in spirit for that reform which soon developed into the Revolution.
The process exhibited several disadvantages, the electrolyte had to be kept constant in composition lest either fluorine vapours should be evolved or sodium thrown down, and the raw materials had accordingly to be prepared in a pure state.
Aluminium phosphates may be prepared by precipitating a soluble aluminium salt with sodium phosphate.
In laying out the garden, the plan should be prepared in minute detail before commencing operations.
The frame ground, including melon and pine pits, should occupy some well-sheltered spot in the slips, or on one side of the garden, and adjoining to this may be found a suitable site for the compost ground, in which the various kinds of soils are kept in store, and in which also composts may be prepared.
The branch is to be prepared by ringing or notching or wiring as in layering, and a temporary stand made to support the vessel which is to contain the soil.
The plants should be prepared for this by keeping them rather dry at the root, and after cutting they must stand with little or no water till the stems heal over, and produce young shoots, or " break," as it is technically termed.
But the oxygenated metal might be prepared easily in a Bessemer converter.
It may be prepared by the electrolysis of acidulated water, by the decomposition of water by various metals or metallic hydrides, and by the action of many metals on acids or on bases.
Esters of the mineral acids are also known and may be prepared by the ordinary methods as given above.
Beryllium chloride BeC1 2, like aluminium chloride, may be prepared by heating a mixture of the oxide and sugar charcoal in a current of dry chlorine.
Of one thing he was certainthat whoever aspired to rule over Germany must be prepared to seize it (letter to von Natzmer, May 20, 1849).
In the event of the actual constitution of the Bund being shattered by war, the German states were asked whether they would be prepared to join this new organization.
In fact, excellent Portland cement can be prepared from materials free from iron.
If a cement of the Keene's cement class is to be prepared the temperature used is higher, e.g.
With regard to the expenses of hunting, it is calculated that a master of hounds should be prepared to spend at the rate of £500 a year for every day in the week that his hounds are supposed to hunt.
Oxygen may be prepared by heating mercuric oxide; by strongly heating manganese dioxide and many other peroxides; by heating the oxides of precious metals; and by heating many oxy-acids and oxy-salts to high temperatures, for example, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, nitre, lead nitrate, zinc sulphate, potassium chlorate, &c. Potassium chlorate is generally used and the reaction is accelerated and carried out at a lower temperature by previously mixing the salt with about one-third of its weight of manganese dioxide, which acts as a catalytic agent.
The potassium salt, KMnO 4, may be prepared by passing chlorine or carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of potassium manganate, or by the electrolytic oxidation of the manganate at the anode [German patent 101710 (1898)].
Sodium Permanganate, NaMn0 4.3H 2 O (?), may be prepared in a similar manner, or by precipitating the silver salt with sodium chloride.
The first attack made by Pavlov's advanced guard, aided by parts of Soimonov's corps, was relatively slight, but General Dannenberg now arrived on the field, and arranged for an assault on the British centre and right, to be delivered by ro,000 men (half his intact forces) chiefly by way of the Quarry Ravine, the attack to be prepared by the guns on Shell Hill.
Jesus retires northwards to Caesarea Philippi, and appears henceforth to devote Himself entirely to the instruction of his disciples, who needed to be prepared for the fatal issue which could not long be delayed.
It is clear that free chlorine must be prepared from hydrochloric acid by oxidizing the hydrogen.
They may be prepared by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on the alcohols, alkyl sulphuric acids being first formed, which yield ethers on heating with alcohols.
They may also be prepared by heating the alkyl halides with silver oxide.
And, though the modern critic will not be prepared with Plato to deny the name of education to all teaching which is not based upon an ontology, it may nevertheless be thought that normal sophistry - as opposed to the sophistry of Socrates - was in various degrees unsatisfactory, in so far as it tacitly or confessedly ignored the " material " element of exposition by reasoning.
In another research dealing with the nature of alum he showed that one of the constituents of that substance, alumina, is contained in common clay, and further that the salt cannot be prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on alumina alone, the addition of an alkali being necessary.
The state controlled the actual preparation and sale of text-books for the common schools from 1885 to 1903, when the Perry amendment to the constitution (ratified by popular vote in 1884) was declared to mean that such text-books must be manufactured within the state, but that the texts need not be prepared in California.
Tungsten may be prepared from wolfram by heating the powdered ore with sodium carbonate, extracting the sodium carbonate with water, filtering and adding an acid to precipitate tungstic acid, H 2 W0 4.
The salts of hydrochloric acid, known as chlorides, can, in most cases, be prepared by dissolving either the metal, its hydroxide, oxide, or carbonate in the acid; or by heating the metal in a current of chlorine, or by precipitation.
Hypochlorous acid is formed when chlorine monoxide dissolves in water, and can be prepared (in dilute solution) by passing chlorine through water containing precipitated mercuric oxide in suspension.
A solution of sodium hypochlorite (Eau de Javel), which can be prepared by passing chlorine into a cold aqueous solution of caustic soda, has been extensively used for bleaching purposes.
Sodium hypochlorite can be prepared by the electrolysis of brine solution in the presence of carbon electrodes, having no diaphragm in the electrolytic cell, and mixing the anode and cathode products by agitating the liquid.
It may be prepared by the oxidation of fats and of fatty acids by nitric acid, and is also a product of the fermentation of malic and tartaric acids.
They may be prepared by dissolving or suspending a metallic oxide or hydroxide in water and saturating the solution with chlorine; by double decomposition; or by neutralizing a solution of chloric acid by a metallic oxide, hydroxide or carbonate.
One of the most important of his investigations had to do with the manufacture of guncotton, and he developed a process, consisting essentially of reducing the nitrated cotton to fine pulp, which enabled it to be prepared with practically no danger and at the same time yielded the product in a form that increased its usefulness.
It may be prepared artificially by heating copper wire to a white heat, and afterwards at a red heat, by the atmospheric oxidation of copper reduced in hydrogen, or by the slow oxidation of the metal under water.
It may be prepared by heating cuprous sulphide with sulphur, or triturating cuprous sulphide with cold strong nitric acid, or as a dark brown precipitate by treating a copper solution with sulphuretted hydrogen.
The fibre can also be prepared to imitate human hair with remarkable closeness, and advantage of this is largely taken in making stage wigs.
Before bills are discussed they may be prepared by committees, which play an important part in the work of the house.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
Barium bromate, Ba(Br03)2, can be prepared by the action of excess of bromine on barytawater, or by decomposing a boiling aqueous solution of loo parts of potassium bromate with a similar solution of 74 parts of crystallized barium chloride.
Barium carbonate, BaCO 31 occurs rather widely distributed as witherite, and may be prepared by the addition of barium chloride to a hot solution of ammonium carbonate, when it is precipitated as a dense white powder of specific gravity 4.3; almost insoluble in water.
The same hydrate can be prepared by dissolving borax in water until the solution has a specific gravity of 1.246 and then allowing the solution to cool.
Cochineal owes its tinctorial power to the presence of a substance termed cochinealin or carminic acid, C17H18010, which may be prepared from the aqueous decoction of cochineal.
The compound formed, antimoniuretted hydrogen or stibine, SbH 3, may also be prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid on an alloy of antimony and zinc, or by the action of nascent hydrogen on antimony compounds.
Antimony tribromide, SbBr 3, and tri-iodide, SbI 31 may be prepared by the action of antimony on solutions of bromine or iodine in carbon bisulphide.
It has been proved, however, that the question is one of contamination, and that a water surface may be prepared so as to behave in the same manner as alcohol.
In cultivating bacteria outside the body various media to serve as food material must be prepared and sterilized by heat.
Army from Chatalja-90,000 Bulgarian and 30,000 Serbian infantry were actually available for the attack, which would be prepared and covered by the 125 Bulgarian siege guns and howitzers of 12 and 15 cm.
In his thirteenth year he was sent to the evangelical seminary at Blaubeuren, near Ulm, to be prepared for the study of theology.
It may be prepared by distilling calcium benzoate; by condensing benzene with benzoyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride; by the action of mercury diphenyl on benzoyl chloride, or by oxidizing diphenylmethane with chromic acid.
On the 26th of October Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Francis Tresham, who had formerly been closely connected with some of the other conspirators and had engaged in Romanist plots against the government, but who had given his support to the new king, unexpectedly ordered supper to be prepared at his house at Haxton, from which he had been absent for more than a year.
The oxypyridines may be prepared by distilling the corresponding oxypyridine carboxylic acids with lime, or by fusing the pyridine carboxylic acids with caustic potash.
It can be prepared from dibrom-menthone (obtained by brominating menthone in chloroform solution) by eliminating two molecules of hydrobromic acid.
In view of the failing health of the duke of Portland he told his colleague, Spencer Perceval, chancellor of the exchequer, that a new prime minister must be found, that he must be in the House of Commons, that the choice lay between them, adding that he might not be prepared to serve as subordinate.
It results in the alkaline fusion of many resins, and may be prepared by fusing ortho-phenolsulphonic acid, o-chlorphenol, o-bromphenol, and o-phenoldisulphonic acid with potash, or, better, by heating its methyl ether, guaiacol, C 6 H 4 (OH) (OCH 3), a constituent of beechwood tar, with hydriodic acid.
It may be prepared by passing hydrogen gas and bromine vapour through a tube containing a heated platinum spiral.
It cannot be prepared with any degree of purity by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on bromides, since secondary reactions take place, leading to the liberation of free bromine and formation of sulphur dioxide.
It may be prepared by the lactic fermentation of starches, sugars, gums, &c., the sugar being dissolved in water and acidified by a small quantity of tartaric acid and then fermented by the addition of sour milk, with a little putrid cheese.
The acid may be prepared by evaporating in a vacuum the solution obtained by decomposing the barium salt with the equivalent amount of sulphuric acid.
Metaor iso-xylene, the most important isomer, may be prepared by nucleus-synthetic reactions, or by distilling mesitylenic acid, C 6 H 3 (CH 3) 2 CO 2 H, an oxidation product of mesitylene, C 6 H 3 (CH 3) 3, which is produced on the condensation of acetone, with lime; this reaction is very important, for it orientates meta-compounds.
The reaction is a perfectly general one, for the aniline may be replaced by other aromatic amines and the aldehyde by other aldehydes, and so a large number of quinoline homologues may be prepared in this way.
It may be prepared by passing Isoquinoline.
Ordinary sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4, may be prepared by dissolving sulphur trioxide in water, a reaction accompanied by a great evolution of heat; by the gradual oxidation of an aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide, a fact which probably explains the frequent occurrence of sulphuric acid in the natural waters rising in volcanic districts; or by deflagrating a mixture of sulphur and nitre in large glass bells or jars, absorbing the vapours in water and concentrating the solution.
The pure acid (too% H2S04) cannot be prepared by boiling down a weaker acid under any pressure (at least between 3 and 300 centimetres of mercury), an acid of the composition H 2 SO 411 1 2 H 2 O or 12S03,13H20 being invariably obtained.
It cannot be prepared by a direct reduction of terephthalic acid.
The perfectly pure metal may be prepared by heating the oxide or oxalate in a current of hydrogen; when obtained at a low temperature it is a black powder which oxidizes in air with incandescence; produced at higher temperatures the metal is not pyrophoric. Peligot obtained it as minute tetragonal octahedra and cubes by reducing ferrous chloride in hydrogen.
It may also be prepared as a black velvety powder which readily takes up oxygen from the air by adding ferrous oxalate to boiling caustic potash.
Pyrite may be prepared artificially by gently heating ferrous sulphide with sulphur, or as brassy octahedra and cubes by slowly heating an intimate mixture of ferric oxide, sulphur and salammoniac. It is insoluble in dilute acids, but dissolves in nitric acid with separation of sulphur.
The defender at all events of the supremacy of moral intuitions must be prepared to follow whither the argument leads, into whatever strange quarters it may direct him.
It may be prepared from ally!
Arsenic pentasulphide,As2S5, can be prepared by fusing the trisulphide with the requisite amount of sulphur; it is a yellow easily-fusible solid, which in absence of air can be sublimed unchanged; it is soluble in solutions of the caustic alkalis, forming thioarsenates, which can also be obtained by the action of alkali polysulphides on orpiment.
Then, if available, freshly precipitated ferric hydrate must be given, which can be prepared by adding a solution of ammonia to one of iron perchloride.
Hence the student must be prepared to find that, for the most part, there are no sharp divisions to mark the extent of the various races composing the population, but than the number of what may be termed " transitional " peoples is unusually large.
The nuncio, indeed, announced that the papacy would be prepared to discuss the question of authorization, but only on condition that all demands for such authorization should be granted.
He therefore came to the conclusion that if Prussia was to regain the position she had lost she must be prepared for the opposition of Austria, and must strengthen herself by alliances with other powers.
The thiophen ketones may be prepared by the interaction of thiophen and its homologues with acid chlorides in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride.
The mercaptans may be prepared by the action of the alkyl halides on an alcoholic solution of potassium hydrosulphide; by the reduction of the sulpho-chlorides, e.g.
They may also be prepared by oxidizing chromium salts (in alkaline solution) with hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, bleaching powder, potassium permanganate and manganese dioxide.
Potassium chromate, K2Cr04, may be prepared by neutralizing a solution of potassium bichromate with potassium carbonate or with caustic potash.
On the whole, it cannot be said that the Palaeozoic remains have as yet thrown much light on the evolution of the Algae, though we may not be prepared to maintain, with Zeiller, that plants of this class appear never to have assumed a form very different from that which they present at the present day.
The first class includes such substances as iodine, mercury, iron, carbon, and their various compounds, and such bodies as alcohol, chloroform and chloral, all of which are found in nature or can be prepared by ordinary chemical processes of manufacture.
Antitoxins can be prepared by immunizing a large animal, such as a horse, by injecting gradually increasing doses of specific toxins into its subcutaneous tissue.
Microscopic sections of some of the more coherent clays and shales may be prepared by saturating them with Canada balsam by long boiling, and slicing the resultant mass in the same manner as one of the harder rocks.
Somewhat later, they found that it could be prepared from diazobenzene imide, provided a nitro group were present in the ortho or para position to the diazo group. The para-nitro compound is dropped slowly into a cold solution of one part of caustic potash in ten parts of absolute alcohol; the solution becomes dark red in colour and is then warmed for two days on the water bath.
The parties are told that if conciliation fails they must be prepared to commence arbitration immediately.
We must be prepared to exhaust all avenues to achieve that.
Always carry a stout bag to be prepared for travel sickness.
The faint of heart should be prepared for the brutal, barbaric beatings that Christ endures.
An equally wondrous tho less intoxicating beverage can be prepared from the beans of the Cocoa Plant.
The ROE will be prepared and issued by a higher headquarters before any of the aviation brigade elements deploy to the AO.
And some agents may not be prepared to give the cheapest tickets to overseas buyers.
At the same time, we need to be prepared to take all comers.
If politicians want to address political disengagement they must be prepared to take the steps that reach out to the politically disengaged.
A template for the acetate grids can be prepared by drawing round the base of a petri dish on a piece of graph paper.
Perhaps more experienced fundraisers would be prepared to offer their services should the ask go out?
If sufficient churches respond positively a revised text will be prepared to be launched at a major European ecumenical gathering at Easter 2001.
To kick the habit for good you need to be prepared for the hard times.
Jerry parsons the medical bills claim be prepared.
Book your seats and be prepared for belly laughs!
They want to be prepared for work and they want to be ICT literate.
Its vital not to panic but equally important to be prepared for the probable short term lockdown in the autumn.
Troubleshooting Placement Tutors should be prepared to act as troubleshooters should problems occur; however, they should not mollycoddle students. xiii.
The garlic naan 's are great - just be prepared for people to avoid talking to you for a few hours afterward!
Spokesperson Jerry parsons the medical bills claim be prepared.
The poached pears, which can also be prepared in advance, are also easy to cook.
You must also be prepared to further develop the business and have a proven track record of successful sales.
A tzinfo subclass 's methods should therefore be prepared to accept a dt argument of None, or of class datetime.
Well you need to be prepared Maybe it needs some tinsel?
This allows the labeled tracer to be prepared in advance and injected into a patient at any time over the subsequent six hours.
Nevertheless, the surgeon should be prepared to divide the ureter and even remove the right kidney if required.
The advent of the fiberglass extended fishing rod demands particular vigilance on the part of the cyclist; who should be prepared to dismount.
In Scotland only 57% of households said they would be prepared if the main wage earner were to be made redundant.
Benzocaine is poorly water-soluble and needs to be prepared in either ethanol or acetone.
Cadmium oxide, CdO, is a brown powder of specific gravity 6.5, which can be prepared by heating the metal in air or in oxygen; or by ignition of the nitrate or carbonate; by heating the metal to a white heat in a current of oxygen it is obtained as a dark red crystalline sublimate.
It may be prepared by distilling fuming sulphuric acid, or concentrated sulphuric acid over phosphorus pentoxide, or by the direct union of sulphur dioxide with oxygen in the presence of a catalyst, such as platinized asbestos (see Sulphuric Acid).
As far as pure science goes, the inference from science in favour of materialism has visibly lost much of its plausibility, and Protestant apologists would probably be prepared to accept in advance all verified discoveries as belonging to a different region from that of faith.
It was not till the 5th that Napoleon received tidings of his advance, and for the moment these were so vague that he contented himself by warning the remainder of his forces to be prepared to move on the 6th.
Many organic compounds can be prepared by taking advantage of secondary actions at the electrodes, such as reduction by the cathodic hydrogen, or oxidation at the anode (see Electrochemistry).
Steel magnets of great strength and of any convenient form may be prepared either in this manner or by treatment with an electromagnet; hence the natural magnet, or lodestone as it is commonly called, is no longer of any interest except as a scientific curiosity.
The name is derived from alcohol dehydrogenatum in allusion to the fact that they may be prepared by the oxidation of alcohols.
The veneration for republican tradition is curiously attested by the reproduction of many republican types of coin struck 1 It has been conjectured, not improbably, that the Germania of Tacitus, written at this period, had for one of its aims the enlightenment of the Romans concerning the formidable character of the Germans, so that they might at once bear more readily with the emperor's prolonged absence and be prepared for the necessity of decisive action on the frontier.
Modern orometry has introduced the calculation of the mean angle of the slope of a given uneven surface provided that maps can be prepared showing equidistant contour lines.
The bromide may be prepared by the addition of bromine to an ethereal solution of diazo-amino-benzene (tribromaniline remaining in solution).
It may be prepared by the direct union of its constituents (see Burgess and Chapman, J.C.S., 1906, 8 9, p. 1 399), but on the large scale and also for the preparation of small quantities it is made by the decomposition of salt by means of concentrated sulphuric acid, NaC1-j-H 2 SO 4 =NaHSO 4 +HC1.
For these flashes of intuition, he holds, the soul should be prepared by tranquil repose and the subjugation of sensuality through abstinence.
In the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the Princess and Dorothy in an hour's time.
So it was decided that the boy should go to some school where he might be prepared for college.
In October, 1896, I entered the Cambridge School for Young Ladies, to be prepared for Radcliffe.
But since this mystery is of such a nature that nobody can know or use it unless he be prepared by long and diligent self-purification, not everyone can hope to attain it quickly.
You must be prepared for everything, said the Marshal, meeting her at the house door.
With a deep and long- drawn sigh she seemed to be prepared for a lengthy talk.
This helps people to be more patient, and be prepared to repeat or rephrase things rather than get irritated or start shouting.
Would your business be prepared to segregate waste for recycling?
Whether companies will be prepared to accept higher pension costs will depend on how far the economy slips into recession.
Three softbound copies of the thesis should be prepared.
A variety of supramolecular architectures such as double and triple helices, triangles and grids can be prepared.
As winter approaches, you should be prepared to unfreeze door locks and defrost the windows.
The new country decided it would be wise to assemble an army early on so that they would always be prepared to defend themselves.
The children did not understand the magnitude of the fires, so an adult had to explain how important it was to be prepared to leave home quickly.
What may help you manage the paradox is thinking about your startup idea as a hypothesis. You'll develop, test and implement the hypothesis, but be prepared to find a flaw in it.
Startups and technology tend to follow a boom/bust cycle, and it's best to be prepared for both.
If you have an enclosed garage, be prepared to move the party into it or into another area, such as a basement.
Still, it is always better to be prepared.
You should begin the adoption process much like anyone else would, but be prepared to argue your case as a potential single adoptive parent.
However, be prepared to pay extra for overtime and weekends.
You must be prepared for unexpected delays and unanticipated problems with your children.
Make sure you bring things for you child to play with, and be prepared to amuse them while you are in line.
When searching for this style of high chair, be prepared to find it in the popular Bancroft pattern, which is the most commonly carried chair.
This is a great baby gift for a first time mom, so when baby is ready, mom will be prepared.
Practical and flexible choice - easier for baby to be taken to day care or be looked after by dad if mom has to go out as bottles can be prepared in advance.
It's important to find out as much as you can about a child's living arrangements prior to adopting from China and to be prepared with mental health resources to help your child make an emotional connection.
Some of the foods you give may be in baby food jars, others may be packaged in boxes, and still others may need to be prepared by someone else.
This is an exciting time for youngsters, so be prepared to walk your child back to bed now that he can get out of bed on his own.
It is important to be prepared when you go shopping for a carpet.
If you answered yes, be prepared to shell out some major money.
If you're going to be out on 10-mile hikes every weekend in all sorts of weather conditions, be prepared to lay down some good money for a superior pair of hiking boots.
Make copies of the report and be prepared to hand it out to realtors you meet.
Calculate how much you can afford in mortgage payments and be prepared to hand over a hefty down payment on the house you like.
You should wear heavy socks like you would be wearing while roller blading, and be prepared to try on both skates and go for a little spin around the store.
Larger companies usually have a toll-free number that you can call for price quotes, but be prepared by at least having an idea of what you're looking for.
It is always better to be prepared before deciding to navigate your way through oceanic or fresh waters.
You can get just about any flower you want any time of year, but be prepared to pay a hefty price if you require a special order.
Simply type in "iPod Mini" into the search engine and be prepared to scroll through thousands of listings with most having bids.
Once you get the hang of it, be prepared to make them for all of the kids you know.
You might find a wooden swingset given to the salvage yard by a school or public center, though be prepared to load it and repair it on your own.
Traffic increases greatly during peak discount times on this huge online shopping day, so you'll need to be prepared to move that mouse quickly over extra windows.
The best advice is that if you do decide to sell your gold or buy gold, make sure you keep all documentation and communication so that if a problem does arise, you'll be prepared and won't be a victim of buying gold scams.
Whether you want a new computer, a new digital camera, a laptop, or other electronic device, you have to be prepared to make a substantial investment.
Network adapters are fairly standard, but if you want a higher end one be prepared to pay a premium.
If you want to bid on an item, be prepared to wave your arms and card around to get the auctioneer's attention (once the bidding opens, of course).
Although pet insurance for cats can be a real life saver in certain situations, it's only as good as the policy you purchase, so be prepared to do plenty of research and ask a lot of questions before you commit to a plan.
When you visit the vet, be prepared to give details about your pet's behavior.
Most of the following recipes can be prepared with common kitchen equipment such as a saucepan, spatula or heat safe spoon and a mixing bowl.
When you're searching for ridiculous cat videos, be prepared for considerable repetition.
This should not be an excuse for pet owners to change the litter less frequently, but they should be prepared for the hefty feat of changing a larger-sized litter box.
An applicant needs to be prepared to fill out a lot of personal and financial information as well.
Understanding this aspect of your financial resources can help you be prepared for lifestyle changes.
If you decide to apply for gas card be prepared to have plenty of choices with regards to which gas station to apply with and what type of card to apply for.
You should be prepared to do some research before you sign up with a service so you can ensure you're getting the features you need as well as getting the most for your money.
The company is internet-based, so be prepared to communicate with them, and manage much of your account, largely online.
Both of you will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire; be prepared for this step to take between one and three hours.
If you go this route, you should be prepared to pay a high price for your sofa cushion.
Most often the jelly cabinet was kept in the kitchen where the jams and jellies would be prepared and then used throughout the winter months.
Before you advertise that you have previously owned furniture for sale, think through delivery options and be prepared to explain them to buyers.
Deciding what types of delivery procedures to offer is completely up to you, but you do need to be prepared to let buyers know what options are available to them.
While chickens are easy to care for, you must be prepared to gather eggs and clean the coop as part of your daily routine.
Once you have chosen your school be prepared to work hard.
If you want to give lemon juice a try for lightening your skin, be prepared to stick to the regiment for several days to begin to see results.
Wear heavy gloves when blackberry picking or be prepared for a lot of scratches.
Reishi mushrooms can be prepared in various forms.
Hyland's has created two kits for those who want to be prepared for the most common issues that can be treated homeopathically.
Like most herbal remedies, St. John's wort may be brewed into tea, but it can also be prepared into a topical poultice.
If you believe in ghosts, be prepared to jump at every strange sound-historic homes make plenty of them!
If you decide to cover a wall or countertop with contact paper, be prepared for some heavy duty work to get it off!
Sometimes credentials cost a bit more cash - be prepared to spend for quality.
The registration steps for the My EBay sign in are quick and easy, but be prepared to provide some basic personal information if you plan to participate in online buying and selling.
When photographing newborns you will need to work quickly and plan your shoot well in advance, and always be prepared for changes.
You can only try your hardest to be prepared when the opportunity for taking a perfect picture presents itself, and then rely on a little luck to see that it happens.
This simple egg nog has a bit of a kick, but can be prepared in less than five minutes.
The spinach can be prepared just before dinner is served.
It can easily be prepared by children over eight.
Both can be prepared ahead of time in under 20 minutes each, leaving you free to enjoy your guests until it's time to do the actual cooking.
With a little foresight, you can attend the shows you want and be prepared for a great time.
When calling any homework hotline, you should be prepared.
However, you also have to be prepared that she may either not be ready for anything more than friendship or that her feelings are more like sister-brother, than romantic toward you.
However, since this is always a risk, be prepared for the consequences if you encourage communication and it happens to unfortunately backfire.
After class you can look up the information, write it down, and be prepared for the next quiz or test.
You'll also need to be prepared to make the decision to change locations in plenty of time to contact all of the participants in the ceremony.
Practice your modeling skills so that you can be prepared to land jobs.
The guy is responsible for providing the corsage for his date, while the girl should be prepared with a boutonniere.
If that avenue doesn't work for you, start to look around and be prepared to hear 'no.'
You just never know when you might get your big break, so be prepared with your modeling knowledge and a memorable portfolio.
With a little imagination and creative thought, a variety of interesting and exciting vegan meals can be prepared.
Generally, they take less time to cook than meat, and since any vegetable can be prepared at the grill, they're also quite versatile.
The sandwich may be the gold standard of light vegetarian entrees because it ranges from extremely simple to incredibly complex and can be prepared to suit just about anyone's preferences.
No matter what type of event you choose for your special day, be prepared.
If you want outstanding pictures taken at both the ceremony and reception, and you want them displayed in higher-end albums, then be prepared to spend more money.
Since most wedding deposits are non-refundable, especially at the very last minute, it's best to be prepared.
Once you've set your budget, be prepared to be flexible with the allocation of funds.
If you believe in the wedding gift being equivalent to the "per head" cost of the reception, then be prepared to spend between $300 - $600 on your gift.
Couples should be prepared to give their officiant a copy of their vows several days before the ceremony to allow time for changes if necessary.
For a summer wedding, be prepared for unexpected showers and high temperatures as well.
If you have chosen carefully, however, you'll be prepared to meet those challenges without compromising your unforgettable day.
Just be prepared to make alterations as the dresses may not be available in each bridesmaid's size.
Once you locate a treatment center, you'll want to be prepared to answer questions and be honest about your addiction.
Get facts on the options and be prepared to present them to the individual.
Prospective residents should be prepared to fill out a short application form, be interviewed, and give a deposit for rent at Oxford House.
Also, be prepared to be totally honest in your application and interview.
In other words, be prepared to search around for something slightly off the beaten path.
Unique holiday cakes that look impressive may require specialty equipment, so be prepared to invest in a few supplies up front.
Woolworths, the retail chain, already commissioned Will and Kate's engagement memorabilia, just to be prepared when it happens.
If designer clothes for a toddler boy are on your wish list, be prepared to fork out some dough.
You had to know someone connected and you had to be prepared for disappointment - something could often end up in the wrong size or color.
Although the reputation of this business program is almost unbeatable, anyone who is interested in attending Harvard must be prepared to dedicate themselves to their education.
You'll need to be prepared to spend 10 to 20 hours per week on your online coursework for up to two years.
Project managers must be prepared to attend to the slightest detail associated with their project.
These fees are not included in the cruise fare and passengers should be prepared to pay for them upon arrival.
The key to boarding a cruise ship efficiently is to be prepared to follow instructions, read posted guidelines, and be patient at the cruise port.
Furthermore, the entertainment reviews can be quite mixed, and passengers should be prepared to entertain themselves with conversation, books, or simply enjoying the relaxation of the voyage.
While Costa Rica's wet season is only from May through November, it can rain at any time in this tropical climate and guests need to be prepared for different situations.
A limited number of cabins may be available at the advertised price, and passengers interested in taking advantage of these superb offers should be prepared to snap up the best deal right away.
First, be prepared to comparison shop between different cruise travel agents and online cruise brokers to find the best deal.
While these incidents are extremely rare, knowing what may happen in unusual situations can help passengers be prepared for the unexpected.
Cabins fill fast, so if you want to view the Aloha State's rugged emerald-colored cliffs, cascading waterfalls and magnificent sandy beaches from a balconied cabin, then be prepared to book early.
Then you can be prepared for anything, including sudden changes in the forecast.
However, regardless of how early you book, be prepared to deal with large crowds.
Will you be prepared to handle the extra bills?
Puppies require special care and training, so be prepared for those costs by phoning a vet ahead of time and getting a list of which services your new dog will need in the first year and what the price will be.
In either case, be prepared to go through a strict approval process with the possibility of rejection.
It is acceptable to put the crate in your bedroom If you want to soothe her with your presence, but be prepared for what could be a long night of crying and whining.
Those who increase this Lily from seed must be prepared to exercise a little patience, as the seed is long germinating, and the seedlings are several years before flowering.
For outdoor culture, a partially-shaded spot should be prepared with about equal parts of leaf-mould or peat and sand, and well mulched with leaves, grass, or other material, to keep it moist.
About a month previous to planting the bed should be prepared to a depth of 15 inches, and planting should take place about the last half of February; in some seasons it may take place in October, though such an early date is not the best.
Since these dandelion roots can run ten or more inches underground, be prepared to dig.
The neck of the bass is a lot thicker than the neck of the guitar, and the strings are much thicker as well, so be prepared for things to be a little rougher on your fingers.
So finding free tabs for the bass guitar is easy, but to get decent sheet music, you're going to have to be prepared to spend some money.
These countertop options have to be properly maintained in order to have a long useful life too, so be prepared to baby them.
Alternatively, you can also use aluminum framed windows, but be prepared to add additional structural support to the room.