Be-in Sentence Examples
Every step must be in the right direction.
I'll be in the kitchen... when you get decent.
Felipa looked to be in her early twenties and had a sunshine smile that made Carmen feel welcome.
Maybe Alex wanted to be in control because he had been dominated all his life.
Otherwise, he'll have to live with the idea that it will no longer be in the family after he passes.
These babies might not be in her womb, but they did belong to Alex.
Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home.
If they were truly soul mates, she should be in his corner all the way.
They must be in Tulsa.
Alex was secretive and he did like to be in control.
AdvertisementConsidering the information Katie had just disclosed, it wasn't surprising that he wanted to be in control - or that he had chosen a wife who asked few questions.
The doctor will be in to talk to you in a few minutes.
I don't want to be in the middle of your feud.
On the other hand, Alex needed to be in a position where he was forced to actually talk to his father.
If I would be in danger, then so would you.
AdvertisementHow could a man with four million in the bank be in financial danger?
Probably because he didn't know how to handle the situation - and Alex always wanted to be in control.
A person couldn't be in control all the time - right all the time.
Hopefully her family would be in the restaurant now ā safe from any flooding on the highway.
I be in fust gwade tomowow.
AdvertisementSure. We'll be in after a little bit.
It's a nice one, low mileage and looks to be in excellent condition.
With the exception of the trail, of course, but he never appeared to be in any hurry ā coming or going there.
You won't be in the apartment.
Brandon is out at the north pasture, he'll be in any time for lunch.
AdvertisementToday it was her turn to be in front.
You used to be in the army?
Four more days and they would be in Ashley.
Judging from the sharp rocks, they must be in the lava field.
Even Bordeaux seemed to be in good spirits.
Fine. I'll be in next Friday.
I'll be in at twelve.
We assumed Howie would beg for the five of us to be in attendance.
We just want to be in the know.
Well, he'd be in for a shock if we posted it.
I'll be in touch but please don't trace my calls.
It was supposed to be in a parking lot nearby.
You could drop Molly and me off at Logan airport for the ten o'clock flight to California, be in Philadelphia by early evening, and fly out to join us the next morning.
And if you tell anyone I can do that, you'll be in big trouble.
While he looked to be in his early thirties, he spoke like Jonny and Kyle.
He's planning something big for the weekend, and it sounds like his pop will be in town for it.
He has to do that, or he'd be in violation of rule number one.
I want you to start learning what it means to be in charge of something.
Didn't stop to think we might be in the middle of helping when you sucked us dry?
Yes, ikir called earlier and said you'd be in today.
I will be in your territory for some time.
I'll let Han know you all may be in.
I'll be in town in a day or two.
He didn't look to be in a mood for questions, so she hurried past him to her room, Pierre trailing.
If it does, wouldn't you rather take a chance to owe me than be in debt to Darkyn?
He appeared to be in the middle of recording things again.
She had no idea if Darkyn sought her out when she was upset because he thought she might be in danger or because he was concerned about her being with her ex.
And if they told about the thing that was there, then they'd get in trouble, for being there, in the place they weren't supposed to be in.
Right. Someplace where if you got caught there, you'd be in super deep trouble.
A kiss and an eyes-closed hug was all they were allowed, followed by a smiling promise from the state-appointed villain, "We'll be in touch."
Dean thought him to be in his late forties but he looked physically in shape and much younger.
You're going to be in the dark all day.
How many prop skeletons could there be in the small town of Ouray?
He should be in the know about what's going on with Ouray's young people.
If Edith was pregnant in 1960, her son would be in his forties now!
I wouldn't wanted to be in this Josh fellow's shorts when Ed Plotke caught up with him!
It has to be in his vehicle.
She may be using you, but I have no doubt I'd rather be in your position right now than Mr. Fitzgerald'sāthe wrath of an angry woman is something to behold!
You should be in a hospital.
He likes to be in control.
Standing only inches from him, she had the sudden desire to be in his arms.
I just don't want to be in the game.
Shouldn't you be in the Alps with Rhyn?
But she didn't want to be in a loveless, emotionless relationship with anyone, especially one where she had no partner.
He doesn't deserve to be in Hell, he replied.
You think I want to be in Hell at the side of the Dark One?
He had a point, but she knew she'd be in as much danger from the monsters as from Sasha's men.
You'd be in a thousand pieces if not for me.
You all deserve to be in Hell!
You know what hemisphere you'll be in when you leave?
Her sister would be in heaven. not supposed to be in my head.
You.ll be in bed.
I will speak to Sasha to determine what it is he stole, and if it is rightfully owned by the Dark One, which it must be in order for you to reclaim it.
You have to be in the castle to make it work.
If he was, it would be in the trunk under his bed.
Seems to be in some sort of coma.
You'll be in no danger.
Then he added, "But you should be in a regular school."
Fred suggested that one of the letters might be in error so the group continued to look at the puzzle on the basis Cynthia had first suggested.
I can scarcely wait until Thursday next when we will again be in one another's company!
If it fails, you could be in big trouble.
All seemed to be in perilously dangerous situations, clinging to the sheer walls with outstretched arms and spread legs, somehow adhered to the clear surface before them.
Donald thinks the boy should be in school.
And yet, if Cynthia should be in need of an ultimate expression of his love, how would he respond?
He cleaned the kitchen, dusted the entire downstairs and, as the weather remained mild, even washed the first floor windows, hoping when and if Cynthia saw them it would not be in the sun.
I will be in charge of your initiation.
There stood a tall bleached blonde who, Jackson guessed to be in her mid-forties, but she appeared younger thanks to cosmetic surgery and Pilates.
No one would believe two people as attractive as Sarah and Jackson could be in a platonic relationship, so it kept the neighbors from gossiping.
She appeared to be in her early thirties, had chestnut brown hair that fell in soft waves around her shoulders with thin streaks of what looked like fire running through it.
She must be in a car.
She acted graciously with all the guests, yet he could pick up subtle nuances that affirmed whether she was speaking to someone who genuinely understood art, or a snob who merely bought it to be in vogue.
Please don't cry again, we'll be in here all night.
He'll be in and out of consciousness during the worst of it.
She must be in agony.
Now was not the time to be in the barn alone with him this late at night.
When I get married, I want it to be in the best way.
Too good to be in the hospital.
She couldn't be in love with Alex.
Are you sure it won't be in the way?
Whenever she seemed to be getting herself under control, a fresh bout of sobs would begin.
By the time she could saddle him, she could be in the hills.
They'd be in a million pieces right now if so.
Be safe, and don't be in the facility when the alarm rearms.
Christ, she'll be in tears, Dan said with a shake of his head.
We thought she would be in one of them or at least, would've left some sign she was.
When we find her, we'll be in touch again.
She makes whatever she wants out of them.Ā Most of them go in the bottom of the Lake of Souls, where they can find their loved ones and be in peace.
Dean waited until she stopped for a breath and then rapidly explained they were doing all they could, would be in touch, thanked her and hung up.
Besides, he'd be in total agreement with the arrangeĀment.
If the tide had been going out, he'd be in the Atlantic by now.
Gently laying Cynthia on his bed, he tried to revive her but it was obvious she would be in the land of dreams for quite some time.
Without them, lowly federal agents would still be in the dark in identifying the combatants in this dreadful war.
I'm sure it will be mobbed for the holiday weekend but if we have to wait, I'll be in the bar.
While you're freezing your can off, I'll be in a nice warm bed.
There was no reason for her to be in Colorado except thinking her hubby was still alive and here.
Well, for a veterinarian, that's bound to be in the top ten.
At the moment she wanted nothing more than to be in his arms.
Most women would be in a dither trying to get everything just right for their wedding.
For all she knew, he could be in debt up to his eyeballs.
It was going to be a hot day and she would be in and out of the car.
Maybe it was a practiced art, but it seemed to be in his nature.
I'm going to be in trouble if I say I'm sorry for getting into your refrigerator, right?
You'd be in the nursery while I was in church?
It wasn't the fact that she would be in the nursery that bothered him.
I'd just be in the way.
You wouldn't be in the way, and I'd be proud to introduce you to any of my friends.
By the time I got back to check it, I knew you'd be in bed.
He would be in another country ā maybe hungry or hurting.
Alex liked to be in control ā not of her, but of life in general.
He should be in bed if he was hurt.
The doctor will be in to talk to you in a little while.
If he had Damian's temper, he'd be in trouble.
I can't be in two places at once.
After her two weeks in the Black God's chaotic camp, she'd almost forgotten what it was like to be in an organization that took care of its own.
She'd be in danger no matter what, but he wasn't about to give them the rope they sought to hang her.
She was lucky to be in one piece after all he'd learned.
He will be in one of the three places I told you.
He was a lucky man ā but not because he had a wife who wanted him to be in control, as Katie believed.
Alex did like to be in control, there was no denying that, but he certainly didn't dominate her.
Alex liked to be in full control.
I know Alex likes to be in control, but there's a difference between being in control and constantly being responsible.
And yet, Alex still wanted to be in control.
A little voice deep inside cried that if he couldn't be in control, he would leave her.
In spite of everything that had happened, she longed to be in his arms ā to leave this fighting behind.
She'd hate to be in his shoes.
That man wants to be in control of everything, doesn't he?
He hadn't realized how important a mother could be in a grown man's life until she died last year.
Thanks. She said she'd be in to pay you tonight.
It was unwise to be in the forest knowing so little about it.
I'm going to be in tears when I get my bill this month if I don't get off this phone.
If it was up to them, the kids would be in a foster home, a fate Jessi found unconscionable.
The law of multiple proportions asserts that if two elements form more than' one compound, then the weights of the one element Law of which are found combined with unit weight of the other multiple in the different compounds, must be in the ratio of two propor or more whole numbers.
In water and in ethylene experiment shows that 8 parts by weight of oxygen and 6 parts of carbon, respectively, are in union with one part of hydrogen; also, if the diagrams are correct, these numbers must be in the ratio of the atomic weights of oxygen and carbon.
The pope abolished the order, however, as it seemed to be in bad repute and had outlived its usefulness.
It is evident that it was originally a goddess who was supposed to be in control of Irkalla, corresponding to Ishtar in control of fertility and vegetation on earth.
This process is, however, less fully developed than in elephants, and as many as three teeth may be in place in each jaw at one time.
The evidence appears to be in favour of Troughton.
Whatever the obligations of the state towards the ecclesiastical society may be in pure theory, in practice they become more precise and stable when they assume the nature of a bilateral convention by which the state engages itself with regard to a third party.
Descartes was not disposed to be a martyr; he had a sincere respect for the church, and had no wish to begin an open conflict with established doctrines.
The very moment when we begin to think, says Descartes, when we cease to be merely receptive, when we draw back and fix our attention on any point whatever of our belief, - that moment doubt begins.
The only difference to be reckoned with may be in recent tendencies of solo vocalists to sing for effect, and so to extend the compass of the voice upwards.
She became the great protectress of the Jansenists; it was in her house that Arnauld, Nicole and De Lane were protected; and to her influence must be in great part attributed the release of Lemaistre De Sacy from the Bastille, the introduction of Pomponne into the ministry and of Arnauld to the king.
Without his presence or the presence of his duly-appointed deputy the meeting would not be in order nor its proceedings valid.
Had the expenses of all the small towns and rural communities been included, the total would be in excess of $20 gold, or Ā£4, per capita.
The financial year in France begins on the 1st of January, and the budget of each financial year must be laid on the table Budget of the Chamber of Deputies in the course of the ordinary session of the preceding year in time for the discussion upon it to begin in October and be concluded before the 31st of December.
But there seems to be in I Sam.
Power to impose customs and excise duties to be in the Federal government and parliament.
Even the prologues, which later researches have shown to be in the main by the hand of Plautus himself, though certain passages were clearly added at a later date, e.g.
These consist of enormous cells with nuclei so large as to be in some cases just visible to the naked eye.
This type of crane used to be in great favour, in consequence of the great clearance it gives under the jib, but it is expensive and requires very heavy foundations.
There is no trace of professional advocates, but the plea had to be in writing and the notary doubtless assisted in the drafting of it.
After the cable has been again subjected to the proper electrical tests and found to be in perfect condition, the ship is taken to the place where the shore end is to be landed.
Suppose the arm c of the switch S to be in contact with 2; thin when the key is manipulated it sends alternately positive and negative currents into the line.
To each group is connected a set of apparatus; hence during a complete revolution of the arms a pair of instruments (at station A and station B) will be in communication four times, and the intervals during which any particular set of instruments at the two stations are not in connexion with each other become much smaller than in the case of fig.
After a very short interval of time, the length of which depends on the inductive retardation of the cable, the condensers corresponding to C 1 and C3 at the other end begin to be charged from the cable, and since the charge of C3 passes through the receiving instrument I or G the signal is recorded.
The committee was of opinion that the cable should be owned and worked by the governments interested, and that the general direction should be in the hands of a manager in London under the control of a small board at which the associated governments should be represented.
At the receiving station a telephone receiver was placed in series with another insulated battery, the negative terminal of which was to be in connexion with the earth.
If these two were broadside on to the direction of the sending station oscillations in the same phase would be produced in them both, but if they were in line with it then the oscillations would be in opposite phases.
It is obvious that this apparatus might be used either as a transmitter or as a receiver, but that the effects must under ordinary circumstances be in either case extremely feeble.
Like Gioberti he advocated a federation of Italian states, but he declared that before this could be achieved Austria must be expelled from Italy and compensation found for her in the Near East by making her a Danubian powera curious forecast that Italys liberation would begin with an eastern war.
The protocol concluded with Great Britain on the 15th of April 1891, already referred to, contained a clause to the effect that, were Kassala occupied by the Italians, the place should be transferred to the Egyptian government as soon as the latter should be In a position.
At Nuremberg he became acquainted with Osiander, whose somewhat isolated theological position he probably found to be in many points analogous to his own.
It showed weakness, but it added nothing to whatever immorality there might be in successively taking two incompatible oaths.
The actual crisis may be said to begin with the quarrel between John and Pope Innocent III.
It must be pointed out that, however probable Haeckel's theory may be in other respects, there is not the slightest evidence for any such cleft in the umbrella having been present at any time, and that the embryological evidence, as already pointed out, is all against any homology between the stem and a manubrium, since the primary siphon does not become the stem, which arises from the ex-umbral side of the protocodon and is strictly comparable to a stolon.
The full implications of the group of ideas require, and are likely to receive, much attention in the immediate future of biological investigation, but it is enough at present to point out that until the more obvious lines of inquiry have been opened out much more fully, we cannot be in a position to guess at the existence of a residuum, for which such a metaphysical conception as bathmism would serve even as a convenient disguise for ignorance.
It will be noticed that Justinian supposes that the prosecutor may begin the proceedings before the civil judge.
Abroad unsuccessful attempts were made by local councils to enact that officials and vicars-general should be in holy orders (Hefele on Councils of Tortosa in 1429 and Sixth of Milan in 1582).
The normal green plant is seen thus to be in possession of a complete machinery for the manufacture of its own food.
The reaction of the cells may be in two directions, moreover.
It may be in the form of an albumen crystal sometimes associated with a more or less spherical bodygloboid-composed of a combination of an organic substance with a double phosphate of magnesium and calcium.
The affinity to Atlantic North America is strongly marked as it has long been known to be in Japan.
It was not independent of the written Law, still less could it be in opposition to it.
These families and branches of families, however noble they might be in descent, were thus shut out from all the n political privileges of nobility.
Having convoked his boyars he reproached them collectively with robbing the treasury and committing acts of injustice, and he caused one of them, a Prince Shuiski who happened to be in power at the moment, to be seized by his huntsmen and torn in pieces by a pack of hounds, as a warning to others.
The organs of government seemed paralysed by the repudiation of the principle on which their authority was based, and the empire to be in danger of falling into complete anarchy.
The standard specification adopted by the Pennsylvania railway in 1908 provided that in rails weighing Ioo lb to the yard 41% of the metal should be in the head, 18-6% in the web, and 40-4% in the base, while for 85 lb rails 42.2% was to be in the head, 17-8% in the web and 40.0% in the base.
According to the specification for 85 lb rails adopted by the Canadian Pacific railway about the same time, 36-77% of the metal was to be in the head, 22'21% in the web and 41 02% in the base.
In less developed creeds the difference tends to remain in the background; but where sacrifices are found, solemn annual rites, communal, purificatory or expiatory, are celebrated, and these are held to be in like manner obligatory.
Prophetic personality now moved in a larger sphere than that of divination, important though that function be in the social life of the ancient state as instrumental in declaring the will of the deity when any enterprise was on foot.
In the above instance the sulphur is supposed to be in the solid rhombic modification, the oxygen and sulphur dioxide being in the gaseous state, and the initial and final systems being at the ordinary temperature.
If Judah was compelled to take part in the Assyrian campaigns against Egypt, Arabia (the Syrian desert) and Tyre, this would only be in accordance with a vassal's duty.
The dry season lasts from October to May, the hottest months appear to be in March and April, when the heat is increased by the burning of the corn and henequen fields.
The reign of the Spirit was to begin with the year 1260, when the abuses of the world and the Church were to be effectually cured by the general adoption of the monastic life of contemplation.
This seems to be in part due to a difference in numeration, but the state suffered heavily from famine in 1896-1897 and 1899-1900.
As applied to the Roman Catholic Church the word embraces the whole hierarchy, whether its clerici be in holy orders or merely in minor orders.
The cedar or deodar is hardly indigenous east of the sources of the Ganges, and at about the same point the forms of the west begin to be more abundant, increasing in number as we advance towards Afghanistan.
Simon's wife now fell ill, and on the 19th of January 1794 the Simons left the Temple, after securing a receipt for the safe transfer of their prisoner, who was declared to be in good health.
At the same time he thoroughly comprehended that for a government to be strong it must be in harmony with the wishes of the majority of the people.
The rebellion of the colonies was making rapid progress, and Howe was known to be in sympathy with the colonists.
There he would be in close connexion with his friend and patron Spencer Compton, 2nd earl of Northampton.
The Arithmetica, the greatest treatise on which the fame of Diophantus rests, purports to be in thirteen Books, but none of the Greek MSS.
Under this management the produce seems to have been three times the seed; and yet, says the writer, " if in East Lothian they did not leave a higher stubble than in other places of the kingdom, their grounds would be in a much worse condition than at present they are, though bad enough."
He must be in touch with the actual life of the community he is studying, and cultivate " that openness and alertness of the mind, that sensitiveness of the judgment, which can rapidly grasp the significance of at first sight unrelated discoveries or events."
It would certainly be impossible if we had to begin de novo to construct the whole fabric of economic science.
But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time.
After occupying the Prussian capital he launched against England the famous Berlin Decree (21st of November 1806), declaring her coasts to be in a state of blockade, and prohibiting all commerce with them.
The terminus ad quem is less certain - iron does not begin to be used for weapons in the Aegean till after Period III.
If any one nation, he said, were able to back the strongest fleet with an overwhelming army, the whole world would be in jeopardy.
Only two of the volumes are known to be in existence; one is a copy of John of Salisbury's works in the British Museum, and the other some theological treatises by Anselm and others in the Bodleian.
The earliest known use of the word Ornithology seems to be in the third edition of Blount's Glossographia (1670), where it is noted as being " the title of a late Book."
It will perhaps be most convenient to begin by mentioning some of these last, and in particular a number of them which appeared at Vail- Paris very early in the 19th century.
To begin with, 1 Though not relating exactly to our present theme, it would be improper to dismiss Nitzsch's name without reference to his extraordinary labours in investigating the insect and other external parasites of birds, a subject which as regards British species was subsequently elaborated by Denny in his Monographia Anoplurorum Britanniae (1842) and in his list of the specimens of British Anoplura in the collection of the British Museum.
That the eggs laid by birds should offer to some extent characters of utility to systematists is only to be expected, when it is considered that those from the same nest generally bear an extraordinary family likeness to one another, and also that in certain groups the essential peculiarities of the egg-shell are constantly and distinctively characteristic. Thus no one who has ever examined the egg of a duck or of a tinamou would ever be in danger of not referring another tinamou's egg or another duck's, that he might see, to its proper family, and so on with many others.
This enactment applies to leases of agricultural subjects, houses, mills, fisheries and whatever is fundo annexum; provided that (a) the lease, when for more than one year, must be in writing, (b) it must be definite as to subject, rent (which may consist of money, grain or services, if the reddendum is not illusory) and term of duration, (c) possession must follow on the lease.
It has, however, certain characteristics which cause it to be in demand even in the United States, where during recent years Egyptian cotton has comprised about 80% of all the " foreign " cottons imported.
Spiritually, therefore, the Third Crusade is inferior to the First, however imposing it may be in its material aspects.
Louis had been led to think that the bey of Tunis might be converted, and in that hope he resolved to begin this eighth and last of the Crusades by an expedition to Tunis.
In both cases it can be shown to be in immediate continuity with the coating of nerve-cells forming part of the longitudinal cords.
With the Mahommedan conquest the Perso-Arabic alphabet was introduced among the Malays; it has continued ever since to be in use for literary, religious and business purposes.
An act of 1535 declared Hartlepool to be in Yorkshire, but in 1554 it was reinstated in the county of Durham.
North of the Satpuras is,the rich valley of the Nerbudda, which may be said to begin towards the north of the Jubbulpore district and to extend westward through the district of Narsinghpur as far as the western limit of Hoshangabad, a distance of nearly 300 m.
At any rate we begin to see that some of the Ratitae, namely the Rheidae, may possibly be an early and then much modified offshoot of such of the Carinatae as are now represented by the Crypturi, whilst in another part of the world, and at a much later time, kiwis and moas have sprung from a somewhat more Gallilorm stock, which points to a descent from a still undivided GalliformTinamiform mass.
Thomsen deduces the actual values of X, Y, Z to be 14.71, 13.27 and zero; the last value he considers to be in agreement with the labile equilibrium of acetylenic compounds.
Moreover, the work was intended to be in one act, and is now so performed at Bayreuth; and, although it is very long for a one-act opera, this is certainly the only form which does justice to Wagner's conception.1 Spohr's appreciation of Der fliegende Hollander is a remarkable point in musical history; and his criticism that Wagner's style (in Tannhauser) " lacked rounded periods " shows the best effect of that style on a well-disposed contemporary mind.
The Hellenistic monarchies rested, as all government in the last resort must, upon the loyalty of those who wielded the brute force of the state, and however unlimited the powers of the king might be in theory, he could not alienate the goodwill of the army with impunity.
The signing of the peace of Teschen, which averted a great war with Prussia, on the 13th of May 1779, was the last great act of her reign, and so Maria Theresa judged it to be in a letter to Prince Kaunitz; she said that she had now finished her life's journey and could sing a for she had secured the repose of her people at whatever cost to herself.
Only about onethird of the whole work, which extended from 1419 to 1474, is known to be in existence, but MSS.
The last things and the end of the world are relegated to the close of a long period of time (3000 years after Zoroaster), when a new Saoshyant is to be born of the seed of the prophet, the dead are to come to life, and a new incorruptible world to begin.
In 1353 the king took the borough of York into his own hands, "to avoid any risk of disturbance and possible great bloodshed such as has arisen before these times," and finally in the same year an agreement was brought about by Archbishop Thoresby that the whole of Bootham should be considered a suburb of York except the street called St Marygate, which should be in the jurisdiction of the abbey.
A bibliography of such references would be in effect a bibliography of metaphysics, or rather of epistemology.
On the 26th of September, its deployment beyond the mountains was complete, and as Napoleon did not know of Mack's intention to stay at Ulm and had learned that the Russian advance had been delayed, he directed his columns by the following roads on the Danube, between Donauworth and Ingolstadt, so as to be in a position to intervene between the Austrians and the Russians and beat both in detail.
At this moment Davout was entering Regensburg with his leading troops, the remainder still some marches in rear, and it was evident that the whole concentration could no longer be carried out before the Austrians would be in a position to intervene.
Her books are seen to be in large part merely clever reflections of other people's views or views current at the time.
But to state this alone would be in the highest degree unfair.
Thus in the Elohist and in Deuteronomy the date of the festival is only vaguely stated to be in the month of Abib, while in the Holiness Code and in the Priestly History the exact date is given.
The last distinctive epithet was derived from the little hamlet in the vicinity which furnished shelter, not only to the workmen, but to the monks of St Jerome who were afterwards to be in possession of the monastery; and the hamlet itself is generally but perhaps erroneously supposed to be indebted for its name to the scoriae or dross of certain old iron mines.
The royal chronicles of Cambodia, the historical veracity of which has often to be questioned, begin about the middle of the 14th century, at which period the Thais assumed the offensive and were able repeatedly to capture and pillage Angkor-Thom.
The proportions between the four salts AB, CD, AD and CB, which exist finally in solution, are found to be the same whether we begin with the pair AB and CD or with the pair AD and CB.
It is evident that the undissociated part of each acid must eventually be in equilibrium with the free hydrogen ions, and, if the concentrations are not such as to secure this condition, readjustment must occur.
At present the caoutchouc present in crude rubber is usually estimated indirectly, and it is possible that what generally passes as caoutchouc may be in some instances a mixture of similar chemical substances, which if separated would be found to differ in those physical properties on which the technical value of rubber depends.
The two methods have been conducted so as to be in constant touch, though the nature of the results obtained by the one differs much from those which flow naturally from the other.
Symbolic Identities.- For the purpose of manipulating symbolic expressions it is necessary to be in possession of certain simple identities which connect certain symbolic products.
Hence they were resolutely opposed to any idea of reform; for to begin making changes in the Church's system would be a tacit admission that Luther had some show of reason on his side.
For small bodies other than spheres the coefficient will be different, but its sign will always be negative for diamagnetic substances and positive for others; hence the forces acting on any small body will be in the same directions as in the case of a sphere' Directing Couple acting on an Elongated Body.
It has been suggested 2 that an iron rod under magnetization may be in the same condition as if under a mechanically applied longitudinal stress tending to shorten the iron.
Frisbie, 5 who found that for the magnetizing forces used by Nagaoka and Honda pressure produced a small increase of magnetization, a result which appears to be in accord with theory.
It is understood, unless otherwise expressed, that the judgment shall be in accordance with the law by which civilized nations have agreed to be bound, whenever such law is applicable.
The discontent arising among Brazilians from this cause was heightened by a decree assigning a heavy tax on the chief Brazilian custom houses, to be in operation for forty years, for the benefit of the Portuguese noblemen who had suffered during the war with France.
The institutions adopted were to be as far as possible in accordance with the wishes of the people, but it was a fundamental condition " that there should not be in the eye of the law any distinction or disqualification whatever, founded on mere difference of colour, origin, language or creed."
To begin with, there can be no doubt that from 1558, when the German imperial crown was transferred from the Spanish to the Austrian branch of the Habsburg family, royal Hungary 1 was regarded by the emperors as an insignificant barrier province yielding far more trouble than profit.
In their efforts to establish Hungarian independence on the firm basis of national efficiency they had succeeded in changing their country from one of very backward economic conditions into one which promised to be in a position to hold its own on equal terms with any in the world.
We can begin with any one of the 5 letters, so that the first change can be made in 5 ways.
The word Episcopacy has, in fact, since the Reformation, been more especially associated with those churches which, while ceasing to be in communion with Rome, have preserved the episcopal model.
In another respect the observations of Fraunhofer appear at first sight to be in disaccord with theory; for his measures of the diameters of the red rings, visible when white light was employed, correspond with the law applicable to dark rings, and not to the different law applicable to the luminous maxima.
In order that a large part of the field of view may be in focus at once, it is desirable that the locus of the focused spectrum should be nearly perpendicular to the line of vision.
Such a conclusion would be in the face of the principle of energy, which teaches plainly that the retardation in question leaves the aggregate brightness unaltered.
If, however, the half-covered aperture be in front of the object-glass, the phenomenon is magnified as a whole, and the desirable relation between the (unmagnified) dispersion and the aperture is the same as without the telescope.
He was now too old to be in any one's way, and that, no doubt, was the reason why Catherine II.
No burgomaster can be in office for longer than two years consecutively, and no member of the Senate may hold any other public office.
The men are said to be in appearance very like eunuchs, and both sexes have a tendency to sexual indifference amounting in the men to impotence.
No one of these works is now known to be in existence; the only example we possess of Zarlino's compositions on a grand scale is a MS. mass for four voices, in the library of the Philharmonic Lyceum at Bologna.
If we want justice, we must be in a position to ask it with unsullied hands..
If a point be in motion in any orbit and with any velocity, and if, at each instant, a line be drawn from a fixed point parallel and equal to the velocity of the moving point at that instant, the extremities of these lines will lie on a curve called the hodograph.
Boerhaave may be in some respects compared tO Galen, but again differed from him in that he always abstained from attempting to reduce his knowledge to a uniform and coherent system.
It has been and still is a keenly controverted question whether incense did or did not continue to be in ceremonial use under the first Prayer Book or during the rest of Edward VI.'s reign.
His influence appeared to be in the main exercised on the side of order.
As the sewing wires soon begin to break, a flat rope must usually be ripped Apart and resewed every six or eight months.
The defending side, in fact, came to be in a much more favourable position than was the attacking side in respect to diminishing the strain that is always experienced by fighting personnel when in close contact with an enemy even during periods of virtual inactivity.
Hamilton's army was ready to land, the defenders should be in a position to bring it to a standstill.
South of Thayetmyo, where arms of the Arakan Yomas approach the river and almost meet that spur of the Pegu Yomas which formed till 1886 the northern boundary of British Burma, the valley of the Irrawaddy opens out again, and at Yegin Mingyi near Myanaung the influence of the tide is first felt, and the delta may be said to begin.
In this process, however, the entire operations of splitting and flattening are retained, and although the mechanical process is said to be in successful commercial operation, it has not as yet made itself felt as a formidable rival to hand-made sheet-glass.
Hence, supposing the crystals immediately after their formation to be in absolute contact with one another all round, then, in the case of Class II., such contact will be maintained on cooling, while in the case of Class I.
The upward thrust is the same, however thin the metal may be in the interspace between the outer mould and the core inside; and this was formerly considered paradoxical.
In the design of a structure such as a tall reservoir dam it is important that the line of thrust in the material should pass inside the core of a section, so that the material should not be in a state of tension anywhere and so liable to open and admit the water.
It will be convenient to begin with the later historical periods, and then to push our inquiry back into the earlier periods of Babylonian and Sumerian history.
In many cases, therefore, we may be in doubt how the sign IM is to be read, more particularly since this same god appears to have had other designations besides Ramman and Adad.
The longer inscriptions are disposed in horizontal zones or panels, divided by lines, and, it seems, they were to be read boustrophedon, not only as regards the lines (which begin right to left) but also the words, which are written in columnar fashion, syllable below syllable, and read downwards and upwards alternately.
Each fresh apocalypse would in the eyes of its writer be in some degree but a fresh edition of the traditions naturally attaching themselves to great names in Israel's past, and thus the books named respectively Enoch, Noah, Ezra would to some slight extent be not pseudonymous.
At first the consules, of whom there seem to have been twelve, two for each sestiere or ward, were chosen by the men of the towers, and assisted by a council of loo boni homines, in which the arti were predominant; the government thus came to be in the hands of a few powerful families.
Again a new constitution was decreed by which the gonfaloniere and half the priori were to be chosen from the anti maggiori and the other half from the minori; on several other boards the former were to be in the majority, and the three new gilds were abolished.
With ordinary care on the part of the men in charge Hatton defecators will work continuously for several days and nights, and the number required to deal with a given volume of juice is half the number of ordinary defecators of equal capacity which would do the same work; for it must be borne in mind that an ordinary double-bottomed defecator takes two hours to deliver its charge and be in readiness to receive a fresh charge, i.e.
The loss in this manner was found to be in one instance over a pound.
If the nitrogen atom in the quaternary ammonium salts be in combination with four different groups, then the molecule is asymmetrical, and the salt can be resolved into optically active enantiamorphous isomerides.
A dissolved in B and B dissolved in A, since both of these solutions emit vapours of the same composition (this follows since the same vapour must be in equilibrium with both solutions, for if it were not so a cyclic system contradicting the second law of thermodynamics would be realizable).
In 1491 he was invited to preach in the cathedral, Sta Maria del Fiore, and his rule over Florence may be said to begin from that date.
As he recedes from us, however, we begin to see that he has a much closer relation to the great Georgian writers than we used to be willing to admit.
And though he did not believe in the Incarnation, yet he held deity to be in a sense manifest in humanity; its saints and heroes became, in spite of innumerable frailties, after a sort divine; man underwent an apotheosis, and all life was touched with the dignity and the grace which it owed to its source.
The history of the illustrated book in Japan may be said to begin with the Ise mono gatari, a romance first published in the 10th century, of which an edition adorned with woodcuts appeared in 1608.
If parts of the design are to be in relief, they are built up with a putty of black lacquer, white lead, camphor and lamp-black.
The struggle between the two parties gave fresh life to the literature of the country but German criticism of the higher sort can only be said really to begin with Lessing.
Escoiquiz continued to be in constant communication with the prince.
The interior, which the Greeks never subdued, continued to be in the hands of the Bruttii, the native mountaineers, from whom the district was named in Roman times (Bperrfa also in Greek writers).
Therefore it will not be out of place to add here a chapter on snake poison and on the best means (ineffectual though they be in numerous cases) of counteracting its deleterious effects.
Latin literature ceased to be in close sympathy with the popular spirit, either politically or as a form of amusement, but became the expression of the ideas, sentiment and culture of the aristocratic governing class.
As the imperial ukase which followed the dissolution of the second Duma in 1907 conferred more power upon the great landowners, it was modified as regards Lithuania by a nationality clause which provided that the total of electors of each class should be in proportion to the amount of land possessed by the respective nationalities in the district.
Let a charge +Q be f t the ellipsoid a similar and slightly larger one, that distribution will be in equilibrium and will produce a constant potential throughout the interior.
If the condensers are so joined that the inner coating of one is connected to the outer coating of the next, they are said to be in series.
The resultant force due to these two pointcharges must then be in the direction CP, and its value E is the vector sum of the two forces along AP and BP due to the two point-charges.
On one occasion a curious set of incidents were described, which happened to be vividly present to the mind of a sceptical stranger who chanced to be in the room during the experiment; events unknown to the inquirer in this instance.
It is here that the story of modern preaching may be said to begin.
The Modern Period may be said to begin in 1738, the year in which John Wesley began his memorable work.
In India itself opinion was more divided, both among the English and among the Indians; but there was a large moderate section among both which welcomed the proposed reforms. In Dec. 1919 he had the satisfaction of passing the Government of India bill, embodying the recommendations of the report, through Parliament, and on its third reading he described it as a step in the discharge of our trusteeship for India; the ultimate justification of our rule would be in the capacity of the Indian peoples to govern themselves.
It was now that the famous expedition against Quebec was decided upon, Wolfe to be in command, with the local rank of major-general.
Since it does not form an addition product with bromine, reduction must have taken place in one of the nuclei only, and on account of the aromatic character of the compound it must be in that nucleus which does not contain the amino group. This tetrahydro compound yields adipic acid, (CH 2) 4 (CO 2 H) 2, when oxidized by potassium permanganate.
Christ is the universal and perpetual Head of the Church, but he exercises his rule by means of " the holy Fathers," that is, the bishops whom the Holy Ghost has appointed to be in charge of local churches.
The series appears to be in line with Geology similar formations at Tripoli in Africa, Cagliari in and Water Sardinia, and to the east of Marseilles.
Pilgrims visiting Paphos, the original home and temple of Astarte, could of course be in no doubt about which of the heavenly powers inhabited the cone of stone in which she was there held to be immanent; nor was any Semite ever ignorant as to which Baal he stood before.
In the first case the annalist supposeĀ§ the year to begin with Christmas, and accordingly reckons the 25th of December and all the following days of that month to belong to 801, whereas in the common reckoning they would be referred to the year Soo.
In the second case the year has been supposed to begin with the 25th of March, or perhaps with Easter; consequently the first three months of the year 814, reckoning from the ist of January, would be referred to the end of the year 813.
Still more ominously, the elector of Brandenburg, perceiving Sweden to be in difficulties, joined the league against her and compelled Charles to accept the proffered mediation of Cromwell and Mazarin.
It was generally declared by the critics of the volume to be in itself harmless, but was blamed as being found in bad company.
It was perhaps impossible for him to renounce his rights, and his education, co-operating with his natural disposition, made it morally impossible for him to believe that he could be in the wrong.
For Domitian in that case would be the sixth, and the preceding five would have to begin with Galba - a most improbable supposition.
The West Atlantic Trough lying on the western side of the Central Rise widens in the north into the North American Basin, and its, greatest depths appears to be in the Porto Rico Trench, where in 1882 Capt.
The amount of carbonic acid in solution may also be increased by submarine exhalations in regions of volcanic disturbance, but it must be remembered that the critical pressure for this gas is 73 atmospheres, which is reached at a depth of 400 fathoms, so that carbonic acid produced at the bottom of the ocean must be in liquid form.
Its home seems to be in Central Asia, but it moves southward in winter, being common at that season in Cashmere, and is not unfrequently brought for sale to Calcutta.
He had spoken disrespectfully of the church, it was said, had even hinted that Antichrist might be found to be in Rome, had fomented in his preaching the quarrel between Bohemians and Germans, and had, notwithstanding all that had passed, continued to speak of Wycliffe as both a pious man and an orthodox teacher.
When two bodies are said in ordinary language to be in contact, all that is meant is that they are so near together that the repulsion between the nearest pairs of atoms belonging to the two bodies is very great.
An essential feature of the modern view of the structure of matter is that the molecules are supposed to be in rapid motion relatively to one another.
Speaking loosely, we may say that there is a probability P/(P+p), amounting to certainty in the limit, that one of these systems, selected at random, will be in the normal state after a sufficient time has elapsed.
So far it has not been necessary to suppose the matter to be in the gaseous state.
He found quarters at Passy, 1 then a suburb of Paris, in a house belonging to Le Ray de Chaumont, an active friend of the American cause, who had influential relations with the court, and through whom he was enabled to be in the fullest communication with the French government without compromising it in the eyes of Great Britain.
And that the censures of admonition and excommunication be in due manner executed, for sinne, convicted, and obstinately stood in.
This power also to be in the body of the Church whereof the partyes so offending and persi